#gordon x john
green-ajah-aes-sedai 10 months
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Gordon Cozier x John Rahway
For @blackheart-beauty
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lovelygirlnicole15 1 year
Sick Froggy (THSC Yaoi - Jordon One-shot).
This was based on the day 19 of my Stickmintines Prompt.
The Criminal was running towards near the river at night, he was caring an bag with tons of money, he thought that he was going to escape that easy... But he was wrong, because in that moment when he let his guard down, John Frog Pilksin jumped right in front on him, along with his partners and best friends Amelia Turtle Esteban and Gordon Eel Banks, and a government helicopter appeared.
John Frog: Your not going anywhere mate.
The Criminal: (馃挱Fuck!)
Gordon Eel: Alright! Hand over the bag and put your hands in the hair, and don't try to trick us! You have nowhere to escape!
Amelia Turtle: *Grabs her communicator device* General! This is Amelia Turtle Estaban! We stopped the criminal! Bring up the force immediately.
General Galeforce: *From the communicator device* Roger that turtle, bringing back up right now, they should arrive in a few minutes.
Amelia Turtle: Alright general. *Turns off the communicator*
The criminal: *Grumbles angry*
John Frog: *Gets close to the criminal to put the polices wives on him* alright fella, your going straight to jail for what you've done.
The Criminal: ... *Sees the river* (馃挱Heh heh, i don't think so you sky-blue hair guy!)
In a quick movement the criminal grabbed John's arm and he immediately pushed him to the river, causing him to fall straight into the water, Gordon and Amelia were completely shock about what happened, and they grabbed the criminal's arms and put the polices wives on him.
Amelia: *grabs her communicator device again* Quintin! We got an emergency! The criminal pushed John into the river! We got to find him!
Quintin: *from the communicator device* Got it Turtle, I'll let you know when we find him!
After a few hours, the criminal was arrested, now everyone was back at the government camp, Gordon and Amelia were so worried about John, but they became more relief when they saw their best friend safe and sound, although he was wet and he was covered by a blue towel.
Gordon: Froggy! We're so glad your ok! We thought you were killed!
Amelia: Yeah! Thankfully the criminal was arrested, he won't be a problem anymore.
John: That's good to hear, I'm sorry for the big scare, everything happened so fast.
Gordon: *hugs John* that doesn't matter Froggy! What matters is that your ok!
John: Yeah... And i think a warm shower will help be get more relaxed, that river's water was so cold for me...
Amelia: it looks like it.
John: Alright, I'll go and take an shower, and the we'll see in the tend.
Gordon: Heh, alright Froggy.
John began to go the bathroom but during his way he began to cough and bit and sneeze, but he didn't give much to it and continue his way.
Back with Gordon and Amelia, the two guys were in their tend, it was a big tend with two beds, Amelia sleeps in one, while John and Gordon sleep together in another one, Amelia notice that Gordon was having and concerned face.
Amelia: Hey Eel, are you okay?
Gordon: Not really... I feel guilty of what happened to Froggy... I'm also worry that it might get worse...
Amelia: Hey relax mate, John is strong, he'll be fine, today was a really exhausting day, let's just get ready and go to sleep, maybe you'll feel better in the morning.
Gordon: ... Yeah... Your right Turtle...
It was like 3:48 a.m. and the trio of Bounty hunters were sleeping, Amelia was sleeping in her bed while John and Gordon were both sleeping together, they were sleeping peacefully until a weird movement awoke Gordon, he notice that his best friend was shivering badly, and his face was a bit red, this concerned Gordon more than usual, so the white hair guy got up form the bed and quickly went to find some blankets to warm up his best friend.
John: *shivering* B-brr... (馃挱I-I feel cold... Very cold...)
Gordon: *returns with a blanket* Hey froggy.
John: *slowly opening his eyes* h-hmm?
Gordon: I brought you another blanket.. *warps the blanket around John, making him more comfortable and warm.*
John: *Feels a bit more warm* T-thanks E-eely... *Coughs and sneeze* Achoo!!
Gordon: You don't sound too good Froggy, are you feeling alright?
John: A-a few hours ago i was feeling great... B-but now... I-I don't feel so good... A-and i-i don't know why...
Gordon: hmn... *Gently puts his hand in John's forehead, it was very warm* I think I have the answer Froggy..
John: R-really?
Gordon: ... You've came down with a fever...
John: E-eh??
In the next day at 8:30 a.m, John was looking way more awful than last night, he was seriously sick, he was feeling very weak and sleepy, he was feeling cold and hot at the same time, his body temperature was quite high, his face was more red than before, he was having constant headaches, and of course, he was tired despite not getting up from bed. Dr V was checking on John, putting and wet towel on hid burning forehead to cool it off while she was also checking on his temperature.
John: *lying on his bed with the wet towel on his head and a thermometer in his mouth with his eyes closed* Uuuuuuuugh..... *Coughing violently*
Dr. V: *pulls the thermometer out of his mouth* hmnnn... 42.7 ... Just as i thought, 蟺谩... *Turns back to the General, Amelia and Gordon* General... I'm afraid to tell you that John Frog has come seriously sick, he has contracted a really bad cold, so the best thing is that he gets in completely quarantine so he can't get his cold to the others and stay in bed for at least 3-5 days.
General Galeforce: Understood Dr. V, and thanks.
Dr. V: no problem general, and also takes this cold medicine, it will help him beat the symptoms so he can sleep well. *Puts a cold medicine bottle on the table* now, i should get going, I've got more patients to check for. *Leaves the tend*
General H. Galeforce: *Looks at John* Frog?
John: *weakly opening his eyes* G-general...?
General H. Galeforce: you heard the doctor, you won't be able to go on missions until you recover, plus you've contracted a really bad cold, so you'll be in quarantine until you recover because i won't let that you get the other soldiers sick, understood?
John: *Coughs violently* Ugh... I feel horrible to go anywhere... I won't move from here general...
General H. Galeforce: Good, now, stay in bed, and get some sleep, it will help you get your strength back.
John: *nods and sneezes*
General H. Galeforce: *notices that Gordon was extremely concerned* everything alright Eel?
Gordon: N-no... Froggy is sick! And it's my fault he's in this situation! I'm the one who should be lying in that bed! Suffering that cold! Not him!
General H. Galeforce: hey easy Eel, don't carry an weight that you don't have to carry, this is not your fault, nobody knew that this would happened.
Amelia: The general Galeforce is right Gordon, besides, John is really strong, he will be able to recover.
Gordon: I-I know... It's just that i hate seeing him like that... General, if you give me the permission to watch over him until he recovers..
General H. Galeforce: Are you sure Eel? Because i won't be responsible is you get sick too.
Gordon: i don't care! I prefer more getting sick myself than seeing John being sick!
Amelia: Wow man, you sound like you love John, Gordon.
Gordon: *immediately blushes* W-what!?? N-no! Of course not! Besides, John is my best friend!
Amelia: Sure bud, sure~
General Galeforce: Well if that's the case Eel, I'll allow you to take care of Frog until he gets on his feet again, just watch your distance and don't get too close to him, and wear a mask for the occasion, understood?
Gordon: Yes general, i understand.
General Galeforce: Good, now, turtle, go and tell along Price and Spencer to meet in my office for an mission they'll have today.
Amelia: Right up general! Good luck Gordon, and get well soon John. *Leaves the tend*
General Galeforce: I know that Frog will be in good hands with ya Gordon. *Leaves the tend*
Gordon: *Nods and then sees John, who was trying to sleep but a headache he was having didn't let him* (馃挱I have to be strong, for Froggy... After all... He's my soulmate...)
John was having a nasty headache that it was not letting him sleep well, he tried the best but it was useless, he was feeling so tired and weak to fight back the headache, but then he felt something touching his head softly, besides feeling weak John slowly opened his eyes and notices that Gordon was next to him.
Gordon: Hey Froggy...
John: E-e-eely... *Coughs* W-w-where's the... G-general and... T-turtle...? *Sneeze*
Gordon: They are outside doing missions, in meantime, I'll be watching over you until you recover.
John: B-b-but... I don't- *coughs uncontrollably* I-i don't want you get sick from me... *Sneezes*
Gordon: Don't worry about me Froggy, i don't care if I get sick, i just don't want to see you like this.
John: E-eely...
Gordon: Don't worry, whatever you need to get better, I'm on it.
John: T-thanks...
Gordon started to take care of his ill best friend, every hour he would remove the towel from his head and then submerge it on cold water and put it again on his burning forehead, John was actually enjoying how his best friend was taking care of him, it was really cute.
While Gordon was watching over John he thought something, it was like 1:30 p.m and John haven't ate anything, so he might be hungry.
Gordon: Hey Froggy?
John: H-hmn... Y-Yeah?
Gordon: I just thought on something... It's like 1:30 p.m and you haven't eaten yet, you want something to eat?
John: T-thanks for asking E-eely... B-but I'm not hungry...
Gordon: Are you sure?
John: Y-yeah...
Gordon: If you say so...
Suddenly, a hunger growl that came from John's stomach was heard.
John: ... O-ok... Yeah... I'm kinda hungry...
Gordon: *Chuckles* I knew it, what do you want to eat then?
John: ... M-maybe some soup...
Gordon: Alright, I'll tell Ma'am Camila to make you some soup, I'll be right back. *Leaves the tend*
John: ... A-alright... *His stomach once again growls of hunger* (馃挱M-man I'm really hungry... M-maybe not having breakfast was not a good idea...)
After 10 minutes, Gordon came back with some soup and grilled cheese.
Gordon: Hey Froggy, I'm back, Ma'am Camila made you some Potato soup along with grilled cheese. *Sits in the chair next to the bed* Also she told me to tell you get well soon.
John: A-ah thanks E-eely...
Gordon: Your welcome Froggy, now eat up, I'm pretty sure you're starving.
Jordon: I-i am...
Gordon carefully handed the spoon full of soup to John so he can eat, and when he tasted the soup, his eyes shine.
John: W-wow! T-this is actually so delicious!
Gordon: *chuckles* She knew you'll say that, because she knows how much you like potato soup.
John: I truly love it Eely... Thanks...
Gordon: Your welcome Froggy.
Gordon continue giving John the soup, and after a while he finished his meal.
Gordon: Well that's all of it, did you enjoy it Froggy?
John: Y-yes, i did... *Smiles*
Gordon: I'm glad you did. *Grabs the cold medicine bottle* Now have this, it will help you sleep with that awful cold.
John: A-alright... *Coughs*
Gordon poured the medicine in the bottle's cap and then give it to John, when he swallowed the medicine, he let out an "bleh" in disgust.
John: Bleh! T-that tastes horrible!
Gordon: Yeah, i know, but it will help you beat the colt symptoms so you can sleep well..
John: I know...
Gordon: *Notices a sad expression on John's face* Is everything alright Froggy?
John: I-it's just that... I hate being sick... It makes me feel... Useless...
Gordon: Useless?
John: Y-yeah! I can't go out fighting criminals when I'm sick, sometimes i feel like an outcast! Seeing the others fighting without me it's kinda annoying... *Coughs*
Gordon: Froggy...
John: I-i don't like when I'm like this... M-my body hurts so much... I-i can barely move... And I'm having terrible headaches! I can't keep going like this!
Gordon: Hey, hey, take it easy Froggy, i know how you feel, everyone hates being sick, but sometimes when you get sick you get some rest from all that work.
John: Y-yeah... I guess...
Gordon: And don't worry, i know that once you recover we'll be able to go on missions again... I know we will..
John: Y-your right... You are the best Eely...
Gordon: Thanks Froggy, know, you need anything else?
John: A-actually yeah... Can you be next to me in the bed please?
Gordon: O-oh... *Blushes* S-sure! Heh heh.
Gordon takes his glasses off, gets up from the chair and then he sat next to John in the bed, Gordon warped his arms around John, making him more comfortable.
Gordon: Are you comfortable like that Froggy?
John: Y-yeah... T-thanks E-eely... *Lets out a yawn*
Gordon: *chuckles* Looks like someone is getting sleepy, are you feeling better Froggy?
John: Y-yeah... T-thanks to you... F-for watching over me... Eely...
The cold medicine began to kick in when John started to fall asleep in Gordon's arms, Gordon by seeing his ill best friend sleeping peacefully it made him feel more relief now knowing that John was safe, ho se wrapped the blanket around John making him more comfortable and warm.
Gordon: *chuckles* Get well soon Froggy... And sleep well too... I love you...
That's all, i hope you enjoyed this one-shot :)
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xgoddessoffandomsx 11 months
Me at Gordon and John in 0.2 seconds
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marushkan 6 months
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bloodboard 7 months
Sometimes I forget that to alot of people the saw franchise is HORRIFYING and actually scary
like wdym it's not a soap-opera-sitcom comedy of an old man and his adoptive kids being homosexual and committing silly crimes ?? Did we watch the same thing...
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motherdanger 9 months
"why do you even like saw?! it's just torture pooorn!" WRONG. it's gay porn
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ghostvibess 7 months
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thesunpapaya 2 months
hello there
i am here again genderbending the living shit out of saw
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rorschachisgay 8 months
all of saw x could have been avoided if john had called lawrence and asked him what he thought about the treatment because i know lawrence would have subjected him to a seventeen hour lecture on every reason why it's a stupid fucking idea. i know he was so fucking mad when they all got back from mexico and had to explain where they were.
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saw behind the scenes photos my beloved
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leapinglaelaps 7 months
Lawrence Gordon MD, screaming deliriously from a makeshift hospital bed while watching Jigsaw pack for his trip to Mexico:
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Lynnmanda nation we鈥檙e winning.
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apprenticehoffman 9 months
what normies hear when i start infodumping saw to them
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space-nightmare 5 months
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I would have came back for ur gay ass Adam 馃槳馃馃
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shiverandqueeef 10 months
i don't know if there is a single fandom for whom i have more admiration than the inception girlies. like damn. the main ship has literally 2:23 seconds of screen time together (and that's including times they aren't actually interacting, one is simply mentioning the other) and i know the fandom is not solely this one ship -- the film itself is basically custom build for fandom in terms of the potential world building and development of characters who are mostly composed of clever inferences and powered by charismatic performance -- but still. 2 minutes 23 seconds from a film that came out 13 years ago and the fandom (while obviously smaller/less active than it's peak era) is still going strong. you guys are indestructible gremlins of creativity, god-tier meta, and (fittingly for a fandom that arguably originated in a livejournal kink meme) deeply deeply horny. i respect and fear you all.
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octo-babe 9 months
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