#goretober 2023 day 4 Mutation
lunana26 · 11 months
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Day 4 : {Mutation}
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but the day before yesterday I should have posted a drawing, so I'm doing it today. I've continued with the drawings although I haven't posted them but they'll be coming soon. Thank you for your patience and your support over the last few weeks, I really appreciate it ^^.
So here's mutation, I didnt have inspiration in the begining then decided to take over an OC I'd created especially for gore called Vicky. I hope you enjoy it.
She never wanted this, but I gave her no choice. . .
Have a good day, be careful of what might happen to you, you never know...
Je suis désolée de ne pas avoir posté depuis un moment, mais avant-hier j'aurais dû poster un dessin, alors je le fais aujourd'hui. J'ai continué avec les dessins bien que je ne les ai pas postés mais ils arriveront bientôt. Merci pour votre patience et votre soutien ces dernières semaines, j'apprécie vraiment ^^.
Alors voici mutation, je n'avais pas d'inspiration au début puis j'ai décidé de reprendre un OC que j'avais créé spécialement pour le gore et qui s'appelle Vicky. J'espère qu'elle vous plaira.
Elle n'a jamais voulu ça, mais je ne lui ai pas laissé le choix. . .
Bonne journée, faites attention à ce qui peut vous arriver, on ne sait jamais...
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zirconisblue · 1 year
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(bloodless version under cut)
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cptsadist · 1 year
Rowan and Sicko have always been joined at the hip as best friends. They never would've guessed that the harsh environment of Nonplace would fuse them together... Now they'll never be apart.
Day 4: Mutation
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diist0rt3d · 1 year
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goretober day 4 : mutation
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racoonwhore · 11 months
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I'm back, here's day 1-5 of Goretober :D
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pawzofchaos · 1 year
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Goretober 2023 Day 4: Mutation
Didn’t really know what 2 day for today at first, but then remembered I had this science experiment oc and decided to use her :3 here’s Apple I created her some years back. She’s a mutation between a coyote and a crab
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mooniace · 9 months
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Goretober 2023 Day 4: Mutation
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Goretober 2023 Day 4 - Mutation
Hey! My first halfassed Goretober drawing! Sorry, I was tired from sewing class. And I got frustrated after trying to draw a more complicated pose (as you can see erased here). So yeah, not my best work.
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bloodmoon-gutz · 1 year
Goretober 2023 day 4: Mutation
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yumeniz · 1 year
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I am a monster…
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