#gortash / interactions.
nekrosmos · 22 days
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Back to posting Gortash pictures ✌️​
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wild-magic-oops · 5 months
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shaykai · 17 days
Thinking about Durge always keeping the people their around in their peripheral- and Gortash noticing the first time they ever turn their back to him without any sort of reflective surface to let them keep an eye on him
(And him wanting to say something taunting and playful and keeping it to himself lest he taunt them into never letting it happen again)
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dodorimo · 11 months
the architects behind this world-domineering scheme, everyone
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animentality · 8 months
Orin: do your knees hurt
Dark Urge: ...?
Orin: from sucking the chosen of bane's DICK every night
Dark Urge:
Dark Urge:
Dark Urge: no.
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I've never Rotoscoped before, but I couldn't get the dumb thought out of my head. TT_TT
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I've been thinking about Corentin pre-tadpole...dude meets one (1) guy who wouldn't jump at the chance to stab them and immediately falls hard
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therookandthecrow · 6 months
Here's to those of us who ship Gortash with humanoid/human-looking Dark urges. Here's to use who headcanon Enver as being into a human, an elf, a Tiefling, a half-Orc, or any other kind of non-Dragonborn character. Enver loves your elf, your human, your Tiefling, your half-Orc, etc.
Don't let a small portion of very vocal people whom are insistant on him being a monster-lover take away from your enjoyment. Your ships are valid, and honestly I vastly prefer him with human-looking characters myself. Guess what? There is no canon about his preferences other than that he is bisexual.
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en-liminaires · 2 months
No thoughts, head full of the minutia of death cult office politics.
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plantteaful · 9 months
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i’m entering my durgetash era with my art so 🤧 not sorry if that’s all you’re gonna be seeing from me
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sanasanakun · 11 months
The weed is making me courageous so I think my biggest unpopular opinion for Bg3 is I don’t think Astarion is sexy or cute or anything at all really. He’s just there. Like he’s just a dude with an attitude problem lol like I keep seeing people compare the man to a renaissance painting like he’s fucking Lestat. Dude wishes he was Lestat lmao he’s just some white man with high cheekbones 😂😂
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sinbinfamiliar · 11 months
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So… hear me out.
I’m horrible at timelines so bear with me on this, I know as much as I know, and I couldn’t find anything that was super solidly concrete for timeline placement of events per say, so I’m making a bit of wiggle room for myself here.
But when Enver dies by the hands of Tav and you use speak to dead on him, you see that basically his soul has been yoinked by Bane, and is going to internally be tortured for failing.
And while I know that Enver is considered a chosen, much like Orin and Ketheric were, both of them had transformations. Both of them had another form to take on thanks to their deities/gods they were chosen by. Enver never truly does, he stays as himself.
And while I know that it’s outdated information, but since Bane was known in the past to grab someone as a vessel, a avatar, and puppet then around while the original resident of the body couldn’t only watch, what if this is either fully or partially the case?
What amazing context that could add to the events of the story for Enver, and added angst and sadness as well. What if not all the actions of his were his own by choice? Perhaps selling Karlach off wasn’t 100% his choice at the time if he was chosen by then, and being push to do what Bane wanted, maybe even controlled in a sense. How painful would that be to know he was there, watching when he did things that even he wouldn’t do?
Imagine the utter anguish it would cause, and the tragedy it makes. The moments he does have control of himself he is still trying to maintain a semblance of control over his life as always, in the same situation he was in the past. Wanting power sure, but at these costs? Even he may not have stooped so low. What if Karlach was right? That she didn’t know what happened and he just up and sold her, and it was actually out of character for him. Because it wasn’t him. What if most of what we see in the game isn’t fully him? Or him at all? How utterly intriguing would it be then to bring him back somehow, to see how much of a different person he could be when not controlled, and able to try again to make better choices.
To have the option your companions did.
How utterly fascinating would it be to relearn a character again that you thought you knew, but didn’t perhaps know as well as you thought? To know not all of those horrible i choices weren’t all his.
I dunno, maybe I’m woobifying a villain again, but the idea that maybe not every action and choice was all Enver’s seems so much more in depth to delve into then someone as easy as “evil cause evil” in a basic sense. Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course. But I’m a sad sap who likes tragedy in heaping layers of pain lol
The redemption arc that could come from somehow saving Enver’s soul, using true resurrection, and giving the actual true second chance he needed, just hits different ya know? Living with all the memories of the things he didn’t have control over perhaps as he was second passenger in his body, and now needing to live with them and face those consequences and perhaps get better(much like your companions, who aren’t perfect either even during happy ending style routes)
Bah! Just food for thought though!
Perhaps my own personal theory/headcanon I may work with though. Cause I just truly love the tragedy of it all. BUT I’m just rambling at this point!
Also here ya go! @houseofhopeofficial ^w^ tagged ya like you wanted!
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shaykai · 6 months
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Don’t think I’ll ever clean this up/expand upon it, but here’s a little scribble of Vat and (technically) Bane
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sequesteredbhaalspawn · 7 months
Just thinking about a Dark Urge feeling the need to be gentle with Gortash (pre-tadpole), and guilty and disgusted the feel about it leads them to committing a spree of murders to try cleans themselves of it- but it doesn't ago away. Durge just covered in gore and viscera, blooding caking over their skin- arms sore, and shoulders almost dislocated from how viciously they had stabbed their last victim- so many time, crying, because they where made to kill, only kill- committing divine murder! Why are they cursed with this unnatural feeling?
Of course it's only for Gortash, and they are kill a monster to everyone else. Still evil, and cunning. Still a cannibal, still a n*cr*phile, still horrid and depraved... but for this one person there is this need for gentleness.
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feniksido · 10 months
If i think about Zenith and the whole dark urge thing in general for too long i start going crazy
To me Zenith is not redeemable, he learns about everything he’s done and he thinks “i was brilliant. That man was brilliant” he is never ashamed of who he is or what he did but i like to think about those moments where he’s too human for his own liking. He gave someone some coin while on a walk! He cares for his cultists in the temple in his own way, recovering family artifacts and feeding his following
He’s evil. He’s horrific. A manipulator, a serial killer, a cannibal, and a just all around horrendous person. He’s not redeemable. But he’s a person and something about irredeemable people acting human makes it better for me.
I love it when an evil person can stand there, committing horrible crimes against humanity and society as a whole and yet still be genuine in his admiration and respect for another person. Doesn’t change the fact that they’re evil. Doesn’t mean they can be redeemed. It just means they’re alive. And contradictory. And that they have always had the capability to be “good” but have actively chosen not to be. Makes them worse people honestly. Cus if you had no choice then one can hardly blame you for just being the only thing you can be. But you’re worse cus you chose this
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chronurgy · 11 months
thought too hard about fallen london au durgetash and gave myself brain damage
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