#gosh rosalie needs to age up really
wandanatsbaby · 3 years
Hi I love your work so much it is so amazing 🥰 I was wondering if u could possibly do an age regression fluff/slight angst with Rosalie Hale where they go to a waterfall and they go swimming in the lake and they both go underwater and reader doesn’t come up so Rosalie thinks something happened to her and panics but she is just hiding from Rosalie. I understand if u don’t want to do it but thanks for making really good stories to read 🥰❤️
Drowning Frights
pairing: Rosalie Hale x reader Warnings: Age regression, slight angst, fluff, cursing, slight mention of verbal abuse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When Rosalie had dragged you out of bed earlier this morning, you didn’t expect to find yourself looking at a beautiful waterfall in the middle of the woods. Rose told you she had found it when hunting and that she wanted to bring you here for a while.
She had set up a little picnic by the water with food that Esme had graciously cooked.
You made your way over to the picnic carefully so as to not fall and hurt yourself. You were wearing a simple yellow sundress and sandals. Rosalie was behind you with her arms slightly out to make sure you didn’t fall. She hated seeing you hurt.
Once both of you were seated on the blanket she pulled out sandwiches and strawberries. You laughed as she pulled out 3 sandwiches.
“Rosie, you know I’ll only end up eating one of those.” She smiled at you and looked back at the food.
After you had finished eating and sat for a little while Rosalie had decided it was time to swim.
She gently dragged you into the water before splashing you. You both spent an hour just playing in the water before you got an idea.
“Rosie, I bet I can stay underwater longer than you.” Raising her eyebrows she just stared at you.
“Y/n, I don’t need to breathe. I’m pretty sure ill win.” You acted upset by the statement knowing she would give in. With a shake of her head, she agreed and you smiled widely.
Counting down from 3 you both went underwater. Quickly you swam behind the waterfall. You knew she would still be able to hear your heartbeat.
Not long after you made it behind the waterfall you heard Rose start calling out your name.
“Y/n? Where are you?” You could hear her voice becoming more desperate as she called out your name. Eventually, you couldn’t stop yourself and you ended up laughing. Not even a second later Rose was beside you checking you over.
“Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” Shaking her head no and laughing Rosalie quickly realized that you were fine then he once caring expression turned stone cold.
“How could you do that? You scared me! Gosh, you are so fucking careless.” once you saw that she wasn’t laughing your face fell and you looked at the ground. By now you were both out of the water and you had a towel wrapped around your body. Rosalie went on ranting about how you should have thought that through. You didn’t think it was a big deal. You weren’t even underwater and you didn’t go far. You didn’t have a good history of being yelled at. Your parents weren’t the sweetest so they yelled at you over everything.
Tears began falling down your face but it wasn’t until you started quietly sniffling that she realized she had been yelling at you.
Rosalie took an unnecessary breath before walking over to you.
“I’m sorry. It’s just, you really scared me. I thought something happened to you.” You nodded and she brought you into her arms. The coldness of her skin caused you to shiver but you didn’t pay much attention to it. You were just happy to be in her arms.
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt2
Temptation Masterlist
I follow the vampires into a clearing away from the school
"We know your a vampire, but what confuses us is that you don't have a sent" Edward says
"Then how do you know? and why are you talking so openly about this to me? what if I'm not what you think?"
"You would have ran by now" a blonde girl says
"I have a power, I read minds. When you arrived into class this morning I heard you're thoughts about me. You knew what we were, then I heard you say that you could stay here if we didn't figure out what you are and you can stay here for a while until people realise that you haven't aged" I nod my head
"I'm sorry, I didn't know this land was claimed. I'll pack up and find somewhere..."
"No!" I'm cut off by the large guy "sorry it's just, your different"
"Told you, you would meet her today"
"Pardon?" I frown
"Alice can see the future, she had a vision a couple days ago that Emmett would find his mate" a tall guy now speaks
"Mate? no, I'm not, I can't" I stutter and try to leave
"Wait, don't go" Emmett takes my hand in his and I feel electricity shoot up my arm. He frowns looking at me "your warm"
"What" the blonde takes my hand then drops it
"I'm sorry, I have to go" I start to run away from the vampires when I hear Emmett say
"Please come back tomorrow" making me stop, I turn around and look into his pleading eyes, something tells me to listen to him and stay
"Ok" I nod and run back to my apartment that I just started to rent.
I kept my promise and returned to school the next day, this time I end up in a class with the short haired girl and a blonde haired guy who looks to be in pain. I end up sitting behind them. As class starts the girl turns around to face me
"I didn't really get to introduce myself yesterday. I'm Alice, which you know and this is Jasper, my.. boyfriend" she then shows me a ring on her finger meaning that they are either married or engaged "the blonde girl was Rosalie and the tall guy she was with is her boyfriend Thomas" I nod my head
"Kathrine, but call me Kat"
"Sit with us at lunch?"
"Are you sure? you don't know me"
"Exactly, I need to get to know my future sister in law"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I've seen it happen"
"Miss Cullen, please focus" our teacher scolds. Alice turns around and we get on with our work until class finishes and I head off to my next one. Soon it is time for lunch and I sit down once again with a tray of food. The Cullen's join me as I take a bit of my food
"You're a mystery" Edward says
"Why's that?"
"You're warm to touch, your eyes are bright blue, you eat yet you're a vampire. How?" I shrug my shoulders in response. Please don't find out, oh wait shit Edward, crap, I mean get out of my head. Edward chuckles shaking his head "what is it you don't want us to find out about?" I sigh and shake my head
"You can tell us" Emmett puts his hand on mine and once again those sparks shoot up my hand and arm
"Promise to have an open mind?"
"Of course" here it goes, about to tell them that I'm also part wolf
"You're what?" Edward hisses between his teeth
"Edward what his it?" Alice asks
"She's a goddamn wolf" I look down in shame when I look at 5 disappointed faces. I then feel a squeeze on my hand, only now realising that Emmett hasn't let go of my hand
"How is this possible?" I hear Alice ask me
"The Volturi will come for us" Rosalie comments
"How long have you been a... well this?" Thomas asks me. I finally look look up
"My past is something hard to talk about. I have been alone for the last 30 years because of my secret. I was getting a little lonely"
"But how? do you drink blood?" Alice asks me
"No, I just eat human food, well that and raw meat, but I don't really like it. I was born a wolf, but the day I... a vampire found me and bit me. Another vampire got in the way and saved me, asked if I wanted to join his family, but I said no. Oh gosh what was his name?" I frown trying to think "Cameron? no thats not it, Charlie? Charles?" I think for a little while longer until it his me "Carlisle, thats his name"
"Carlisle?" Thomas frowns "you don't think?"
"It sounds like something he would do. Damn it, that was you that night" Edward scoffs
"What night?" Jasper asks
"I remember Carlisle telling us a story once. 3 years before he found me he found a girl with bright blue eyes, he said she was different and asked her to join him, but she refused. He never knew why" Emmett says " didn't Carlisle say that her name was Katherine? come with us to meet our Carlisle, maybe it's the same vampire that saved you all those years ago" Emmett excitedly says
"She's still a mutt" Alice turns her nose up at me
"I haven't shifted since I turned"
"You can't ?" Jasper now talks
"I haven't tried" I shake my head
"Come with us, please" again Emmett gives me pleading eyes, I'm having a really tough time saying no to this guys
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ichigoromi · 3 years
𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐎𝐟𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮 | 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
Let's relax with Suna~.
I hope you guys enjoy this headcanon! Thank you for reading!
Pairing: Suna Rintarou (Timeskip) x fem reader
Warning (s): may contain slight cussing, some suggestive language and major fluff content! Characters are all aged up!
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Suna Rintarō
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A day off with Suna starts with sleeping in, always.
You two would cuddle in bed until noon where you need to use the bathroom to relieve yourself, and you are starving.
Suna would join you in the bathroom, and you two would take a bath together.
After the bath, you two would laze on the couch and decided what to order for lunch.
While waiting for the food to come, you decided to clean the house a bit, even though you guys hired a helper to come and clean your apartment once a week.
He watches you clean and decided to hug you from behind and cling onto you.
Wherever you go, he continues to hug you, and until you are done, he is back to cuddling with you on the sofa.
You two decided to order some pizza, and his arm never left your waist as you two enjoyed the food while catching up on your favourite show.
After your late lunch, he got the trash out, and you laid out the mats, preparing for your yoga time.
You two agreed that you guys should do yoga together to relax and meditate.
Naturally, Suna is better at yoga than you. Since he plays volleyball, he is more flexible than you.
He would make fun of you when you couldn't reach a certain pose because you are just stiff.
After the yoga session, you two have to prepare for a dinner date that he has reserved for months in advance.
You were shocked at first when he told you that you two were going out on a date at this fancy-ass restaurant.
He lets you use the master bedroom's bathroom while he uses the guestroom's bathroom to get ready.
You were dressed in a mini black bodycon dress and doing your makeup in front of the vanity table.
Suna strolled into the room, with the towel hanging dangerously by his hips.
He wanted to kiss you and mess with you, but he knows you would whack his ass because honey, that foundation cost a fortune.
While you carefully apply makeup, he got dressed in a black suit that fits him perfectly.
After you had finished your makeup, you went to the bathroom to style your hair, and Suna followed after you since he wanted you to do his hair.
While you curled your hair in light waves and spray some hair spray to hold the curls in place.
Once you are done with your hair, he carries you onto the bathroom counter and stands in between your legs.
You took some hair gel and style his hair while he just stood there with his arms around you and trying to kiss you, but you warn him about the price of your makeup.
You two made it on time, and the restaurant was way out of your expectations.
Suna really spoils you and brings you on this date; he is trying to pull up your standards for men, and nobody could fulfil that standard except for him, so you would not break up with him since there are no men like him.
You two had a fun date outside, and the favourite part is to go home after getting the bill.
You slipped out of the heels and lets out a sigh of relief. He wraps his arm around your waist, and you two head back to the master bedroom to freshen up before sleep.
Suna strips out of his suit and gets into the shower first while you remove your makeup and jewellery. After all those hassles, you slip out of your clothes and join him in the shower.
"Ah, you need to shave your face; I could feel your stubbles when I kiss you." You mentioned to him while he was in the middle of washing your hair.
"Hmm, is that why you were dodging my kisses today?" He asked, and you nodded your head.
"Plus, my makeup is expensive; appreciate it. Don't ruin the masterpiece." You chided and moaned when he massage a sore spot on your shoulders.
(a/n - where the hell can I get a Suna Rintarou? fuck my single life😭)
After you two were done, he bundled you up in a warm towel and dry himself off. You waited in the bathroom while he goes get a change of clothes for you both.
He gets you into one of his comfy shirts, and he wore a pair of sweats. You sat on the counter and dry his hair while he does the same for you. Suna stands in between your legs and prepares to help him shave.
You carefully shave his stubble and wash off the remaining cream.
"Wow! Now, it's time to take care of our skin. It is all thanks to me that you have this baby skin." You kiss his cheeks, and he laughed.
Moments like these are what makes your relationship work out, even with opposite personalities.
After your night routine, you two finally get into bed and he pulls you on top of him so that he can get his fill of kisses and cuddles. He needs infinite kisses and cuddles, so you better stay with him forever to supply him with that.
"I love you so much. Gosh, I wish we had more days like these." He said in between the kisses.
"Hmm, me too. I love you too."
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And! Done!
It's been three days(?) since I have upload because I'm tired from lectures and revision or just being plain lazy...
I love writing about Suna and soft Suna, ugh! I love it!
Thank you for reading!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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shhh-go-to-sleep · 3 years
Bella Swan: [voice over] Childhood is not from birth to a certain age. And at a certain age the child is grown and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.
[as Renee gets Bella’s wedding invitation]
Renee: Phil! It’s happening!
[Bella is trying on her wedding shoes]
Alice Cullen: Um…you just have to break them in.
Bella Swan: I’ve been breaking them in, for three days. Can I just go bare foot?
Alice Cullen: No! Absolutely not!
Bella Swan: I’m just thinking it’s a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes and all of this.
[she looks at the Cullens setting up the wedding decorations in the backyard]
Alice Cullen: No, it’s exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect.
[as they are setting up the wedding decorations in the backyard]
Emmett Cullen: Where do you want ’em boss?
Alice Cullen: On either side of the isle.
Rosalie Hale: What isle?
Alice Cullen: Does no one have Vision?!
[Bella is in her bedroom looking at her dreamcatcher when she suddenly feels Edward behind her, she turns to face him]
Edward Cullen: I’m just checking for cold feet.
Bella Swan: Mine are toasty warm.
Edward Cullen: It’s not too late to change your mind.
Bella Swan: What, now you’re having second thoughts?
[Edwards looks down]
Bella Swan: You are.
Edward Cullen: I’ve been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan.
Bella Swan: But?
[Edward looks down again]
Bella Swan: But?
Edward Cullen: I haven’t told you everything about myself.
Bella Swan: What? You’re not a virgin?
[Edward laughs]
Bella Swan: Look, you can’t scare me away now.
Edward Cullen: A few years after Carlisle created me, I rebelled against him. I resented him for curbing my appetite. So for a while I went off on my own. I wanted to know how it felt to hunt, to taste human blood.
[flash back to 1920’s when Edward bites and kills a man following a woman leaving a movie theater]
Edward Cullen: All the men I’ve killed were monsters. And so was I.
[referring to the men Edward had killed in the past]
Bella Swan: Edward they were all murderers. You probably saved more lives than you took.
Edward Cullen: Bella, that’s what I told myself. But they’re all human beings. I looked into their eyes as they died and I saw who I was and what I was capable of.
Bella Swan: And what I’ll be capable of. Why are you telling me this tonight? Did you really think this was going to change my mind about you?
Edward Cullen: I just wondered if it would change your mind about yourself and who you wanna see when you look in the mirror a year from now.
Bella Swan: I know I can do this. Let me tell you why, because you did. You should give yourself some credit for that. And hopefully a year from now I’m gonna look in the mirror and see someone like you. Someone capable of courage, sacrifice and love.
[Edwards leans in and kisses Bella]
[hearing Emmett shouting from outside her window]
Bella Swan: What is that?
Edward Cullen: I’m late for my bachelor party.
[suddenly Emmett jumps leaps up to Bella’s window]
Emmett Cullen: Send him out, Bella, or we’re coming in after him.
Bella Swan: So this party, will there be strippers?
Edward Cullen: No, just a couple of mountain lions, maybe a few bears.
[suddenly Jasper leaps up to Bella’s window]
Jasper Hale: Don’t worry, Bella, we’ll get him back in plenty of time
Bella Swan: Okay, go. Before they break my house.
Edward Cullen: I’ll meet you at the alter.
Bella Swan: I’ll be the one in white.
Edward Cullen: That’s very convincing.
[he leaps out of her window and joins Emmett and Jasper]
[as she’s putting on Bella’s make-up]
Alice Cullen: What did I say about beauty sleep?
Bella Swan: Sorry. Bad dream. Maybe it’s wedding jitters.
[to Alice as she’s helping Bella get prepared for the wedding]
Rosalie Hale: Do you need some help? I could do her hair.
Bella Swan: Really?
Rosalie Hale: Please. I’m not offended by your choice of groom.
Bella Swan: Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality.
Rosalie Hale: Essentially.
Alice Cullen: Weddings! They bring everyone together.
[as Charlie is looking at the Cullen’s wall of graduation caps with curiosity]
Renee: Hey, so did you find your daughter?
Charlie Swan: Are those graduation caps?
[Renee turns and looks at the caps]
Renee: Hah! How creative!
Charlie Swan: Or weird.
[as she sees Bella all made up]
Renee: Oh, my gosh! You’re so beautiful. Oh, honey.
[she starts crying]
Renee: Crap! My mascara.
[Alice gives her a handkerchief]
Renee: Thanks. Charlie, get in here!
Charlie Swan: You sure? I don’t wanna…
[Charlie walks into the room wearing his wedding tux]
Charlie Swan: I know, I look awful.
[Bella and the others laugh]
Renee: We thought you needed something blue.
[Charlie opens the gift box containing a jeweled hair comb]
Charlie Swan: And something old, besides your mother.
Renee: Nice!
Charlie Swan: It was grandma Swan’s.
[Bells picks up the comb]
Renee: But we added the sapphires.
Bella Swan: It’s beautiful you guys. Wow! Thank you so much.
[Bella gives it to Alice to put in her hair]
Renee: It’s your first family heirloom. Pass it on to your daughter, and her daughter.
[Renee starts to cry again]
Bella Swan: Um…I love it.
[as she goes to kiss her parents Alice stops her]
Alice Cullen: No! No smudging my masterpiece.
Renee: Oh, she’s right.
Alice Cullen: Okay, time for the dress!
[as they are waiting for the wedding to begin]
Jessica: So um…do you think Bella’s going to be showing?
Angela: Jess, she’s not pregnant!
Jessica: Okay. Who else gets married at eighteen?
[Bella is very nervous as they are about to walk down the isle]
Charlie Swan: You ready?
Bella Swan: Just don’t let me fall down.
Charlie Swan: Never.
Minister Webber: Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.
[turning to Edward]
Minister Webber: Please, repeat after me. I, Edward Cullen.
Edward Cullen: I, Edward Cullen.
Minister Webber: Take you, Bella Swan.
Edward Cullen: Take you, Bella Swan.
Minister Webber: To have and to hold.
[the voice of the minister fades out and we only hear Edward and Bella say their vows]
Edward Cullen: To have and to hold.
Bella Swan: For better, for worse.
Edward Cullen: For richer, for poorer.
Bella Swan: In sickness and in health.
Edward Cullen: To love.
Bella Swan: To cherish as long as we both shall live.
Edward Cullen: I do.
Bella Swan: I do.
Edward Cullen: I love you.
Bella Swan: I love you too.
[they kiss and everyone stands and claps]
[after the reception, Jessica and the others are staring at the gigantic wedding cake]
Jessica: I just thought it’d be bigger.
Eric: Yeah.
[Alice walks over to them]
Jessica: Hi!
Alice Cullen: Hi guys.
Jessica: We were just saying how pretty everything is. We were all just saying.
Alice Cullen: Thanks so much. You don’t think it’s too much?
Eric: No!
Jessica: No.
Kate Denali: We’ve heard so much about you.
Eleazar Denalir: Welcome to the family.
Bella Swan: Thank you.
Carmen Denali: Irina, come meet Bella.
[Irina is staring at Billy and Seth, she turns walks over to Carmen]
Irina Denali: I can’t do this.
Tanya Denali: You promised.
[referring to Seth being a werewolf]
Irina Denali: They invited one.
Edward Cullen: Irina, he’s our friend.
Irina Denali: They killed Laurent.
Edward Cullen: He tried to kill Bella.
Irina Denali: I don’t believe that! He wanted to be like us. To live in peace with humans, with me.
Edward Cullen: I’m sorry.
[Irina walks away]
Carmen Denali: Irina!
Eleazar Denalir: Um…let’s not monopolize the bride. Congratulations.
Bella Swan: Thank you.
Tanya Denali: Sorry.
[they walk away]
Edward Cullen: Well, what’s a wedding without some family drama?
Bella Swan: Yeah.
[giving his wedding toast]
Emmett Cullen: I’d like to propose a toast, to my new sister. Bella I hope you’ve got enough sleep these last eighteen years, cause you won’t be getting anymore for a while.
[he laughs and everyone looks at him awkwardly]
[giving her wedding toast]
Jessica: Well Bella was just like everybody else, totally mesmerized my Edward, or the hair, as I call him. Um…and then suddenly, Edward is all about Bella. Even though she’s not the captain of the volleyball team.
[she laughs]
Jessica: I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding. Or the president of the Student Council.
[giving his father of the bride speech to the guests]
Charlie Swan: Edward will be a good husband. I know this because…because I’m a cop, I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth.
[giving her wedding toast]
Alice Cullen: Now that you’re my sister, you’ll have to get over your aversion to fashion.
[continuation of Charlie’s wedding speech]
Charlie Swan: And I know how to use a gun.
[giving her wedding toast]
Esme Cullen: I’d like to thank, Renee and Charlie for bringing such a wonderful person into the world and into our lives. We will cherish and protect her forever.
[giving his wedding toast]
Edward Cullen: It’s an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are. I’ve been waiting, for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella I feel like I can finally begin. So I’d like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let’s start with forever.
[after Edward has told Bella another wedding gift has arrived, he walks her away from the crowd]
Bella Swan: What’s a wedding present doing out here?
Edward Cullen: Just a little more private.
[suddenly Jacob appears ahead of them]
Jacob Black: The best man didn’t have time to get a tux.
Bella Swan: Jacob! Jacob!
[she runs towards him and jumps into his arms to hug him]
Bella Swan: Hey.
Edward Cullen: This is kind of you.
Jacob Black: Kind is my middle name. I’m sorry I’m late.
Bella Swan: It doesn’t matter. Everything’s perfect now.
Jacob Black: Dance with me?
[she steps closer to him and he picks her up to twirl her and then they start dancing]
Bella Swan: Where have you been? We were gonna put your face on a milk carton.
Jacob Black: I was in Northern Canada. I think. It’s so weird to be back on two legs again and clothes. I fell out of practice with the whole human thing.
Bella Swan: Well are you okay? Being here?
Jacob Black: Why? Afraid I’ll trash the party? You’re not the only one.
[as they continue to dance]
I'm convinced that you're high 😟
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jasperapologist · 4 years
oh gosh but just imagine someone actually bothering to explain to bella exactly what being a vampire is like. because they explain a tiny bit and she logically knows some of it (like when someone slips up they have to move) but nobody ever talks to her about what it feels like when your brother comes home from school and you have an hour to pack up your entire house and move and also go hide the body of someone you likely knew knowing their family is going to be devastated but you can’t show how upset you are because it’ll make them feel worse. nobody ever talks to her about how frustrating it is to be incredibly smart with a picture perfect memory and never be able to stand out in any way that would get your name written somewhere.
nobody ever tells her how it feels to long for friends when you see a group of teenagers being kids having fun but knowing you can never be part of that and anyway it wouldn’t mean the same to you anyway. those kids are precious now because their lives will change and grow and this moment will have meant more for its brevity while you are frozen at the same age forever but also aged by the responsibility to always be separated that you bear, unable to enjoy your forever youth but similarly unable to grow into an adult who doesn’t feel such a pressing need for love and acceptance the same way adolescents do.
nobody ever tells her how it feels looking at a dead human body after the bloodlust has gone because in that moment you aren’t thirsty anymore and you remember the sweet old woman from up the lane and how she always hung the laundry out with extra care when her grandchildren came to visit because she wanted their clothes to smell like the flowers so they’d have something to remember her by and how she brought cookies when you moved in even though she was intimidated because she thought she ought to do the right thing.
nobody ever tells her how it is knowing that there’s not a person in the world outside of your immediate family and the denalis who understands you because you’re too human to connect with other vampires and too vampire to connect with other humans. nobody ever tells her how meaningless eternity is without creature comforts or the passing of time meaning anything to you. bella knows some of these things, yes, but knowing them in the abstract and really thinking about how it feels for this to be your reality over and over forever with no end in sight is vastly different and I just wish Edward or Rosalie or someone would have sat with her and opened their heart to help her understand why exactly they didn’t think she knew what she was getting herself into
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poison--pals · 3 years
cold hearts | rosalie hale
"I can't thank you enough, Charlie,"I say, fervent in gratitude.
I give the awkward, introverted, man a hug. He reacts like I usually do-frozen and tense.
However, I'm simply too filled with temporary happiness and gratitude to care.
My parents died last week, and well, I'm not about to let my aunt house me. So when Charlie heard the news, he offered to take me in.
So I've been shipped across the country to stay with my childhood best friend, Bella Swan. I know this girl more than she does herself, which just goes to show that our relationship is extraordinary.
We met in Phoenix, where I had just moved at age 7. Since then, we had hung out and texted forever, even when I moved back to Atlanta at age 16. Safe to say I haven't seen Bella in a good two years, but I missed her so much that I've just been pining to hug her again.
Bella and Charlie are the only people that know about my family's ... predicament. A town this small though, I won't be surprised if someone reads it out of our minds.
The two of us slide into the police cruiser, and I relax on the familiar seat. Sure, I've been seated on the backseat more then the front, but Charlie doesn't need to know that.
I peer out of the window at the dark small town, taking in its imperfections.
We chat like old friends, and silence takes over comfortably. "How is she?" I ask, referring to Bella. Charlie grimaces.
"She's great. Her boyfriend isn't, though." And I perk up in interest.
"Old Bella's got a boyfriend, does she?" I smile. "Hey, what happened to her converting to lesbian and marrying me?"
Charlie smirks. "Guess you can surprise her, Ti. She still doesn't know that you're here."
It's been a running joke for a long time. After I told Bella that I was a lesbian, she embraced it accordingly. Just goes to show that when a straight girl can be friends with a boy, a gay girl can be friends with a girl too.
Charlie frowns. "You know, I'm worried. Bella's pretty clumsy, but she was almost killed on the second week of school."
My head almost hits the roof. "She what?"
I swing out of the cruiser as we pull up to the quaint yellow home. Bounding up the stairs, still high on fear and worry, I slam the unlocked door against the wall and scream up the stairs, "BELLA SWAN! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!"
A couple of seconds later, a groggy Bella rolls down the stairs, wearing earbuds and a drool spot on her chin.
Bella wipes at her face with sweater paws, and squints her eyes, trying to wake up. "Ti-Tiana...?" She whispers in disbelief.
"Duh, how many friends do you have named Tiana> Do you even have friends?" I tease as she squeals and jumps up from halfway down the stairs.
Now, because this is Bella Swan we are talking about, she naturally has to fall down the rest, tripping and breaking her arm with a sighing Charlie Swan behind me.
Disappointed, but not surprised, I massage my head in exasperation. "I'll take her, Charlie, just get me the keys,"
He throws them to me, and I pick Bella up "Let's go, bestie. You owe me an explanation and a hug."
And that, my dears, is why we are sitting in a hospital.
The doctor tending to Bella, a Dr.Cullen, smiles at us, "Only a sprained wrist, though it looks much worse then it is. I can get get you a cast; green, blue, black or white?"
I snort quietly. Bella's going for the least inconspicuous one, I guarantee it.
"Green," She says. I choke on my snort, coughing a little. "Seriously?" I ask her.
"No, " Bella replies, laughing. "White please." Dr. Cullen nods and leaves.
That's the thing with our friendship, Bella and I; we'll never worry about being black and white.
We love each other more for it.
We head home, Tiana driving my truck.
As she parks at our house, lifts me out of the truck, and we enter the living room.
Charlie takes one look and sighs into his hand condescendingly. Tiana rubs his back teasingly. "I don't know how you deal with her, Charlie. I could never."
"Oh save it," I retort, while hugging my dad close. I know he's been worried ever since the car accident with Tyler, and I love him and relate so much to him that no one except Tiana can replicate.
He hugs me back awkwardly, and me and Tiana begin the spaghetti.
I may be straight, and my best friend may be lesbian, but we've made a cuddle rule at the young age of 7, and have yet to break it.
We eat dinner happily, revelling in each other's aura, and fall asleep together, cuddling like always.
Playing with Jasper's hair in the few moments he lets me, I stare sourly at the scene in front of me; Carlisle and Esme staring into eachother's eyes.
Like I need more romance right now, Edward and Bella disgust me enough. Ella and Emmett were shopping, and Alice was... well I had no idea.
Edward was busy playing the piano, trying to impress Bella even more. Like that could happen; the girl was already smitten.
Edward let out a snort, then shot me a pitiful look, reading my bitter mind.
How ironic, the two unmated vampires in the house, until a human of all things comes and claims one of them. Even more painful when the other vampire is, well, bisexual.
I didn't even really hate the girl, it was just...
I just wish I could've died when I was supposed to. It's not like there'll be anyone for me.
Alice burst through the door breezily. "She's coming!" My sister sang.
"Who?" Bella and I asked at the same time.
"Tiana. Tiana Melrone" Alice answered back.
Bella shot up from the desk, hitting her knee one the piano's bench. "Owww," She groaned. "When?"
Alice smiled. "That's for me to know and you to find out, dear future sister."
"Edward?" Bella turned around, still clutching her knee.
He held his hands up innocently. "Hey, I don't know everything!" He protested.
"And why do we care again?" I asked dryly. "Oh yeah! We don't," Before turning back to Jazz.
Bella scrunched her nose at me, "Well, she's my best friend... I'd better go home and yell at Charlie not telling me sooner. Say hi to Ella and Emmett for me,"
Bella hugged Alice, Esme and Carlisle before leaving, shooting me and Jasper a smile.
Alice smirked at me. "Moody already, it hasn't even started, " She sighed in anticipation.
"Mary Alice Brandon Cullen, reveal your secret at once," I demanded.
Ella (Emmett's mate) and Emmett decided to show up at that crucial moment, lugging bags of clothing in.
"Hey, just passed Edward and Bella-" Ella was cut off by Alice.
"La. Tua. Cantanteeee" She trilled, and the whole family snapped her heads up to look at her.
"What? Again?" Carlisle whispered.
"Oh yeah," Alice grinned. "Here's the plan."
I roll over, yawning lazily, sunlight streaming through Bella's old white blinds.
"Bells, babe, you gotta get up," I unstick my taller form from the tiny brunette, eyebrows creased in worry.
I check my watch; 7:15 AM. Eh, I'll let her have her sleep.
"Just a couple of minutes, mkay?" I lean over and kiss Bella softly on the forehead. I know I'm acting like we're married, but although Bella is beautiful, I'm simply not attracted to her.
I grab a blanket, and walk down the stairs, sighing softly.
Staring at the small kitchen, gleaming in the sunrise's effect, I slide over to the cupboards, pulling a waffle maker from the first shelf.
I whistle softly while I make the waffles, Charlie having already left. Just how happy is Bella?
I get the chance to ask her when she tramps down the staircase, brown hair neatly behind a red headband, and sporting jeans and a black sweatshirt.
"Oh hell no," I remark, and slide the waffles onto the plates, allowing them to cool off. "You've got a man, right? That is not how you dress, sweetheart."
"It's the only thing I have," Bella wheedles, but I'm not having it.
I run upstairs, view her embarrassment of a closet, grab a couple things from my suitcase, and push Bella into the bathroom with the articles of clothing.
"Tian- TIANA! YOU EXPECT ME TO WEAR THIS?!" Bella screams from inside. I only giggle.
"The red looks really good with your type of brown hair, Bells. Just like how I look good in green." I yell back.
I hear a sigh of defeat. "Fine. But one day, Ti, and if Jessica of all people doesn't compliment it, I'm never wearing this again."
I chuckle softly, then stop. "Wait, who's Jessica?"
I can her laugh softly. "This girl from Trig. She thinks I'm going to steal Mike from under her-"
I rest my head against the door softly. "Lemme know all of the dirt in that high school on the way there, Bella. Don't you try to change the subject on me, come on out."
I can practically feel her biting her nails, and swings the door open.
I check her out, then do a double take and check my best friend out again. I sigh, "Dammit, Bells, you're going to make me catch feelings, and then where will we be?"
She chuckles, looking like a goddess.
Bella's dark red headband sits perfectly on her flowing, glossy hair from the oil I gave her. At her throat, a red, glass, circle pendant sits.
Her dark red sweater wraps just the right way around her, accentuating her curves and slimness. Black skinny jeans hug her thighs, and make her legs look longer then they are.
And finally, laced boots that I bought a couple of weeks ago, black with red laces.
Bella offers me a shy smile, and I nod. "Yes. This is it. Oh my gosh!" I squeal.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Ti." Bella looks me over. "Looking like a meal."
I keel over laughing. "It's lookin' like a snacc, Bells. Oh, you'd think that you just turned 39 instead of 17."
She slaps me on the arm teasingly. "Be grateful you're hot, Ti."
I mean, I do look pretty good. A green crop top with black sleeves and a black undershirt, green jeans and green laces on my black lace -ups.
Then, three green bracelets and a green clip in my hair. Overboard? Yes.
I'm a black girl in a white world. Like my wardrobe could do anything to change that.
I get out of the red Chevy, feeling eyes burning into my skull, scouring every part of my body where my skin is visible.
The chatter is silenced, and I see people sneering at me.
I knew this would happen, and I still thought that people would accept me in this white-washed town.
I hold my head up, and sashay towards the office building, Bella walking beside me.
Once we are safely inside, I turn to her and whisper, "You can go, Bells. You know me, I'll be fine"
Bella hesitates, then hugs me. I wrap my arms around her. "I'll talk to you at lunch. Text me if you need anything." She says into my shoulder.
"Okay, love you," I let go of her hand.
She mouths 'Love you too' and then she's gone, walking back towards the entrance.
I set my arms on the office desk causally, and the secretary, an old white woman with permed blonde hair in a purple tee hung her phone up and glared at me.
"Hi, I'll be attending here for the next couple of months," I smiled kindly, "I'm Tiana Melrone,"
"Is that so?" She asked, drawing out every word.
"Yes. I actually need to go to my next class in 5 minutes, can I have my schedule and map?" My smile grew wider.
"Of course! Just give me a couple of minutes to draw one up for you," Mrs. Pine bared her teeth at me and bent down, completely ignoring the stack of maps beside her.
She perused the files for several minutes, muttering quietly, "Melrone, Melrone, Melrone," As I watched her passed the "M" section several times.
I tapped my foot angrily, clenching my jaw. The unabashed disrespect was voluminous, and when Mrs. Pine finally set my schedule down, I left, pulling Bella's old map out.
I checked it briefly, and then headed to the gymnasium, or whatever the little room was called here.
I breathed out thankfully; I still had 30 seconds until class started. The last thing I needed was detention.
I rushed to the gym as quickly as possible, and burst through the gym door right before the bell rang, huffing in annoyance and irritation.
- F O R K S H I G H S C H O O L - G Y M N A S I U M -
It was awkward.
Those were the words I'd use to describe trying to get changed in the small change room.
I was currently hushed in the crook of the locker room, trying to slip off my sweater and replace it with a t-shirt as soon as possible. I decided to take my high-rise jeans on, it would hurt my performance too much.
I practically sprinted out of the room, relief spreading as I ignored the baleful stares.
"Who does she think she is?" I heard, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blonde with a lip ring place her hand on her exposed hip in utter annoyance.
Great. It appeared that the little crook was actually "Her Spot". Perfect.
I smoothed out my leggings, and made my way to the gym floor, where everyone was setting up the nets.
There was apparently one good thing about Forks after all; it played volleyball.
- G Y M N A S I U M-
I was holding back, as per usual.
Years of playing volleyball at a high level made me really competitive at the sport, and the absolute incompetency of my peers disgusted me.
I was leaning to spike over the net to my opponent before the coach blew his whistle and announced that we were going to start playing couples against couples.
Just perfect.
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obliviberrysims · 6 years
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