#gossip girl blogz x
i love women and i love defending them with my heart especially when they're hated by fanbase... i don't care if she's 'offputting' or 'uptight' or 'annoying'!!!! stop talking to my wife!!!!!!!!!!
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not closing this saul goodman cookie clicker till i can afford kim
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this thing has been hanging at my local boba place for two fucking months
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saul goodman jeff winger omegaverse coffeeshop roleplay
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my heart is mean but my hands are nimble; i pluck out the evil (sometimes)
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the letter k is a lesbian and in a polycule with the letters y and s
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my parents vs. chicken motif (they start clucking loudly when annoyed)
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my life is a vicious cycle of being infatuated with some fictional man for two thirds of a year then taking about 1-2 months to find the next and repeat the cycle
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a series of events (alternate title : average mcwexler interaction)
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my favourite chunkloada dialogue is from in bruges. this is how i want to write dialogue, hell this is how i WISH i wrote dialogue. i like when it sounds natural and kind of awkward sometimes spoilers for in bruges but i dont think anyone gives a shit about this movie
It's like a fairytale, isn't it, that place?
With the churches and that. They're Gothic.
Is it Gothic? - Yeah. So he's having a really nice time?
Well, I'm having a really nice time. I'm not sure if it's really his cup of tea.
You know, I'm not sure if it's really his thing.
What do you mean, 'It's not really his thing'? What's that supposed to mean, 'It's not really his thing'? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Nothing, Harry.
It's a fairytale fucking town, isn't it? How can a fairytale town not be somebody's fucking thing? How can all those canals and bridges and cobbled streets and those churches, all that beautiful fucking fairytale stuff, how can that not be somebody's fucking thing, eh?
What I think I meant to say was:
Is the swan still there? - Yeah, the swan's… How can fucking swans not fucking be somebody's fucking thing, eh? How can that be?
What I think I meant to say was, when he first arrived, he wasn't quite sure about it. You know, there's that big, dual carriageway when you get off the train? It mightn't have been here when you were here last, Harry. Well, as soon as he got into, like, the old town proper, and he saw the canals and the bridges and, you know, the swans and that, well, he just fucking loved it then. Couldn't get enough of it, the medieval part of town. It was just that initial, dual carriageway thing sort of put him off for a second.
Don't know if I remember a dual carriageway.
Must be recent.
Hasn't spoilt it, has it?
No, no, no, it's just that initial thing. And you know what? As we were walking through the streets, there was this sort of freezing fog hanging over everything, and it made it look almost like a fairytale or something. And he turned to me, do you know what he said?
What'd he say?
He said, 'Ken, I know I'm awake, but I feel like I'm in a dream.'
Yeah? He said that?
Meaning, like, in a good dream?
Yeah. Of course, like in a good dream.
Oh, good. I'm glad he likes it there. I'm glad we were able to give him something. Something good and happy. Because he wasn't a bad kid, was he?
He wasn't a bad kid, was he? Listen, take down this address. Raamstraat 17. That's 'Raam,' like 'Ram,' but with an extra 'a:'
Raamstraat 17.
You got that?
Yes, Raamstraat 17.
Good. There'll be a man there tomorrow morning at 9::00, his name's Yuri.
Yuri. - He'll give you the gun. Ring me on the public phone at Jimmy Driscoll's about 3:00 or 4:00 tomorrow, after it's done.
After what's done?
Are you being thick?
No. - Listen, I like Ray. He was a good bloke, but when it all comes down to it, you know, he blew the head off a little fucking kid. And you brought him in, Ken. So if the buck don't stop with him, where does it stop? Ken? If the buck don't stop with him, where does it stop?
It stops with me, Harry. That's an easy one.
Look, don't get shirty, Ken. Listen, I'm just glad that I was able… to do something for the boy before he went.
Do what for the boy?
You know, have him get to see Bruges. I'd like to go to see Bruges again before I die. What was it he said again about: Yeah, 'It's like a dream:'
'I know I'm awake, but I feel like I'm in a dream.'
Give me a call when he's dead.
the scene where ken goes to shoot ray is also great, and the scene directly after on the playground. i love how the characters in this movie speak if you ignore the abhorrent terrible things ray says because unfortunately hes not a good person 👍 its another one of those movies that make u reconsider the concepts of good and evil, id rewatch it again if i didnt have to sit through half the horseshit that spills outta his mouth thank god i had a colin farrell phase or i never would have watched this movie... same with the lobster and the killing of a sacred deer, which ALSO led me to discovering yorgos lanthimos. but thats another thing to get into entirely
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i love when men get embarrassed and grab their moustaches like what's wrong wifey are you shy
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i am so y2k ayesha erotica esoteric bimbocore (lying on the living room floor)
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is this what fame feels like
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