#got an email from one of the ppl who work at this place i volunteer at after my mother told them i might not be in for a few weeks bcz cfs
autistic-katara · 10 months
fym i’ve had a positive impact on other people
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serosluv2 · 2 years
after college maki was lost. he graduated, got a degree in pre law and had a job at some law firm that payed him to read legal papers and make sure they were ok or wtv. it paid ok, his apartment was ok, his life was ok. except the fact that he hated it.
his job, the people he worked with, his neighbors, he hated it all. makki is NOT a boring person by far yet his life was so… boring.
his saving grace was saturday nights where him, matsukawa and either matsu’s new gf of the week or iwa/oikawa (depending on if either were in town) would join them at a bar for drinks. maki loved it. the owner was this guy who had been here since the dawn of time, there was usually either stand up, karaoke or some band playing at the stage. it was an environment he felt he belonged in. despite every surface being a little sticky and the overall stench of the place consisting of beer and cheap perfume.
however, one saturday maki was alone. matsun was out of town and neither oikawa nor iwazumi were in japan at the time but he still went to the bar that night. a little drunk and a little pissed off at his co-workers, makki wrote his name on a price of paper and dropping it in the hat to be picked out of. tonight was stand up and if he was being honest, maki knew he was naturally a funny guy. he could make any situation hilarious, just the way he told stories and roasted ppl made them funny as hell.
“NEXT UP ISSsss- hanamaki!”
oh shit, now i actually have to go up there. he thought. he wasn’t nervous though, more just annoyed even though he volunteered for this. the crowd was already a bit dead and he was too mad at his life and drunk to care if he bombed or not. he started going on about his boss, stuff like how could a man in such a high position be so stupid. he went on about his co workers and his neighbors and his childhood. how growing up in single mother household with two older sisters was the definition of heaven and hell. (mostly hell) he glanced at the timer by his feet. 10 seconds. “wow only 10 seconds left? well thank you guys for laughing with me about my life. i’m Maki. y’all have a great night.” he closed off with a small roar of applause and stepped down ready to head out.
as he was collecting his things from his place at the bar, a man comes up to him slugging his arm around Maki suddenly. “you were pretty good up there y’know. you do stand up anywhere eles ‘round town?” he asked with an itialinan or brooklyn accent which makki found particularly unusual as they were in japan. “oh. nah man. that was my first time.” he replied casually whilst brushing the man’s arm off him to pull on his coat. “mm well i thought you were definitely something up there.” the man reaches into his front pocket of his trousers to pull out a card with matalic writting SI Alley on it. “i run a comedy club a little ways down, you shoukd really come by.” and the man slipped away.
little did he know that that one interaction changed Maki’s poor boring life into something much more exciting.
( a/n: uh basically he never showed up for his office job ever again. didn’t formally quit. no email. just didn’t show up monday. and now makes his living off doing stand up gigs and bartends at the SI Alley. BUTTT he becomes famous in tiktok and gets to become the host of a comedy show (Haikyuu ver of SNL but funnier) )
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darkicedragon · 4 years
darkicedragon on the one hand, muzaka running a wildlife rehabilitation centre on the other, too much organisation and meetings ;-; so maybe he just volunteers at a place instead aZure he goes 🥺 at Franken so he takes care of the meetings and organisation XD and he just goes to have fun with the animals owo darkicedragon naaaao, frankenstein has enough on his plate with the organisation stuff XDDDDD aZure and prolly Franken does it bc his best husband is so happy to take care of animals which is why he can have an assistant to help him uwu darkicedragon frankenstein appointed someone to run the wildlife org. its an offshoot of his company. to help the environment aZure Franken does get calls from the centre "Sir, your husband is hugging the tigers again." 
darkicedragon 'he knows how to look after himself and be safe. and the tigers know him' aZure "I think he is playing with their paw pads. We are too afraid to go and save him." Franken is used to coming home and finding like a lion just chilling in the sun he does say no at the giraffe "Had ta keep an eye on her but also had to make dinner." darkicedragon 'dear, stop bringing work home with you' 'like you dont answer your emails or write up reports at home? ô-o' '...' aZure XDDD touche darkicedragon 'he needs feeding every two hrs! i had to bring him in' aZure I feel like Muzaka would have a smol animal in his pockets every time like a squirel or a birb or something else darkicedragon yusssss aZure "Dear, what do you have there?" "Noooooothing? >w>''' he says as he slips a nut in his pocket darkicedragon something else that also needs constant care and feeding aZure the rehab center just expanding more and more bc Muzaka goes 🥺 at Franken, and he sighs and buys more land for him darkicedragon XDDD aZure "What is it this time?" "I saw sum cwocodiles that nweeded hwelp" darkicedragon 'look, if we got more messaging out that these animals are WILD ANIMALS and shouldnt be kept as pets, then we wouldnt need so many rehab centres :(' 'ill start talking abt making a new ad campaign then' 🥰 oh god aZure OH MY GOD, YES FOR SUPPORTIVE, LOVING BEST HUSBANDS darkicedragon muzaka starting a youtube channel abt all these things, and it gets big enough ppl are like ??? arent you that wildlife guy? when muzakas being a bodyguard 'nah, just someone who looks like me' 'with the same scar??' aZure "nooooooo?" "look, he looks just like you!" "uncanny resemblance :O" darkicedragon or muzaka has the clark kent effect, with the sunglasses and maybe his hair tied back and a suit whereas the youtube series, theres a looot of comments abt muzakas plunging neckline and long flowing hair and hes just in joggers or something aZure XDDD "I've glasses u don't know who I is" the cleavage thing tho XDDD OMGGG darkicedragon HE WAS FORCED TO BUTTON UP HIS SHIRT, OKAY. FORCED and he still popped the top two of them by flexing aZure but then the button popped : the sequel ahahahahha XDDD darkicedragon ahahaha yep XDD aZure yesssss oh my god, so many ppl will be thirsting for him XD darkicedragon hey, lots and lots of volunteers once the videos start going up! 8') muzakas happy with that, and he barely interacts with ppl bc hes always between picking up some other animal, or being a bodyguard, ahahahah aZure 'Dear, are my boobs big? The comments keep talking about that." "Yes." "... ah, neat" darkicedragon also, ppl assume the scar comes from some wild animal, so he suddenly doesnt look like a gangster with it XDDD aZure "they're also talking about my butt" "it's a nice butt" Franken saying this casually, as he drinks his tea and reads his paperwork yeeep XD all of his scars darkicedragon although i guess the series might backfire, bc ppl eventually start wondering how come muzaka doesnt age hmmmm aZure he prolly does retire at some point either that or Tao/Franken makes sure to edit the vids so the ppl don't connect the dots darkicedragon XDDDD 'AND THIS IS MY SON, WHO IS TAKING OVER FOR NOW' 'WITH THE EXACT SAME NAME. AND SCAR' aZure XDDD 'DEFINITELY PLAUSIBLE. SAME VOICE TOO" darkicedragon 'ALL INHERITED' either that or it turns into a keanu reeves meme aZure oh my god XD and Muzaka never denies it darkicedragon 'i saw someone who looks EXACTLY like muzaka and his husband frankenstein in a painting thats 200 yrs old! and they were married too! so OBVSLY muzaka is an immortal!!' aZure and ppl are losing their minds over it! darkicedragon YEP aZure "ah, yeah, it's true" darkicedragon or muzaka totally agrees. ahahah yes frankenstein just smiles if hes asked that question aZure "Oh my... Mr. Lee, what do you think of what your husband is saying?" "I think he is a hopeless romantic uwu" darkicedragon XDDDD darkicedragon ppl wondering how a wildlife guy got together with the ceo of the biggest organisations in the world 'muzakas hawt tho' unless muzaka makes offhand comments abt his husband but no-one can figure out who it is aZure Muzaka talks about his husband but never gives any info that can pinpoint him also gives contradictory information based on how Franken changes his appearance to blend in darkicedragon Talks abt 'i was just abt to have dinner with hubby but then the call came in ;-;' aZure "It's okay though, we did have a lovely dinner in Hawaii after his meeting with the shareholders" darkicedragon Pfffft aZure bc Muzaka would have no notion of ppl not travelling as much as him and he casually mentions places he went like 2 days ago "Geez, the Himalayas are so cold this time of the year" darkicedragon Ppl assume hes being sarcastic bc OFC hes busy with the wildlife centre and could never travel around the world for just a day!! aZure but then he says something v specific again and the ppl from that place are like >:O!!! "So this festival was amazing" [WAIT THERE WAS ACTUALLY A FESTIVAL LIKE THAT 3 DAYS AGO WTFFFF] darkicedragon 'google earth, right?? or he went last yr?? but he was here last yr!'
(Conversation with @madameazzure)
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ok SO I got an anon I wasn’t gunna respond to but I'm enjoying a vegan chocolate banana cookie dough thc/cbd infused smoothie I invented so fuck it, let’s do this
this isn’t gunna be eloquent at all and I hope what im intending to say comes off correctly. may not, my brain is mush- but here we go!
so last night/technically this morning I reblogged a lot from this brilliant intersexism blog. (highly recommend giving a follow!) which led to...a bizarre ass anon this morning (I'll make another post linking to her blog so ya’ll can follow. she doesn’t need to deal w/ this post after everything else she deals w/ on here- unless u want to ofc!! hi ur cool! ANYWAY...)
I don’t remember the exact wording but it was something like “so ud rather have sex w intersex ppl over trans ppl??”
ummm. I literally never said shit about sex w/ intersex ppl?? like, ever.
was that supposed to be some huge “gotcha!!” ??
‘cause it didn’t work, at all.
1. my body is not a democracy
2. why r ya’ll obsessed w sex as validation
3. ur rly gunna ask me, essentially, if I'd rather be intimate w a deranged narcissistic reality denying manic OR a person with an intersex disorder...and u rly think I'm gunna be like OH NO I’D RATHER HAVE SEX W A MANIAC???
like...it’s rly not ab sex at all but did u RLY think that was gunna work in ur favor somehow?? and if u did, why did u think so? could it be bc u use intersex ppl as pawns for ur arguments but then don’t actually consider them ppl that can be in loving and intimate relationships? do u rly think this is activism? do you feel no shame?? you should be fucking embarrassed. this is so embarrassing for you. 
something ya’ll don’t realize: I worked at a center that offered therapeutic services, std testing, & peer activity groups for lgbtiapqbdsmnlmnop folxxxx
I know how ya’ll speak to your therapists, to your peers when you think no one is listening, I watch ya’ll take credit for things u did NOTHING for, I've watched your violence against anyone who disagrees with you (INCLUDING about tv show characters...like, come on..) Adult trans women using fake IDs to try to get into youth events...and then get MAD AT ME when I have to kick A WHOLE ASS HALF DRESSED MAN GRINDING ON THE FLOOR out of an event for CHILDREN... this is beyond just Tumblr. you’re also like this irl. and often, somehow, even fucking worse.
I had far less intersex clients BUT ya know who wasn’t throwing tantrums, being violent, trying to take credit for things they didn’t do, starting fights, sneaking into events to get near minors?? my intersex clients! NOT ONCE. AND  let’s be real...my intersex clients had good fucking reason to be furious and there were absolutely times that I would not have blamed them in the slightest for slapping tf out of someone...but they didn’t. not once. (ngl tho if they did I would have “not seen” what happened tbh bc I am a very responsible adult lmao- I can say this now bc I left the field so it matters not at all for my career)
ya know who would stay after hours, silently crying in rage bc of the shit trans clients said to them? my intersex clients (the big one was trans ppl telling them they’re lucky they get to ~~choose~~ their sex)
ya know who took the time to use open activist hour to build presentations to teach the LARGELY ENTIRELY INEPT staff (myself included, more below) about intersex issues so the people who come after them can get better help than they were able to receive?? I'll give you one guess. 
I left academia and working in the field w/ ppl bc of my experiences at this place & the direction this tender gender trender shit is taking academia. Intersex people deserve so much fucking better than even having to HEAR this bullshit. I would only go back into the field to work with women & intersex individuals. Probably as a volunteer though, but I digress
I worked there when all these new words were coming out too like demisexual android identified diaper baby or whatever the fuck lmao and the trans clients would be FURIOUS when anyone didn’t know wtf it meant
and in contrast our intersex clients were constantly explaining shit to staff/interns/volunteers about their conditions that they should never have had to explain TO THE PROFESSIONALS WHO WERE THERE TO HELP THEM. and I can’t even lie and pretend I fucking knew much, I didn’t. I was hired without even knowing i’d be working w intersex clients- I just needed to show I knew some trans buzzwords. but I put in the time to learn, I read every book any client recommended, any article they emailed me- but honestly that STILL ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH!!!! I should NOT have been hired!!! MY BOSS should not have been hired!!! Actually, the only staff members that actually deserved their job was an gay intersex man. OT but he was so cool and smart and hilarious and like FUN ANGRY like idk how to explain that better lol he was good at getting u pumped up ab shit & good at getting ppl worked up enough to DO something. The only other staff member who actually cared and knew anything was a lesbian woman (of course) but she had recently had a baby and became so afraid for the welfare of her wife and daughter that she went along w trans shit that she KNEW was delusional and unhealthy bc we SAW these trans clients being violent on the Regular. we were legally obligated to call the cops several times. she wasn’t wrong to be afraid but I do think she should have tried to work elsewhere if she could no longer do her job with integrity but that’s a conversation for another day.
agh im just gunna end this post now bc I can rly go on and on but I'll leave the post with this question that I'd very much like an answer to:
how can we as activists be of better service to our intersex sisters? this issue is becoming more and more pressing and I can’t sit back and do nothing for them anymore. does anyone know of intersex only orgs that need volunteers or have suggestions?? PLS LET ME KNOW. I won’t go back to where I was but there’s GOTTA be SOMETHING I can do for the intersex community. let’s figure it out <3 this issue very seriously needs the attention of radical feminists tbh so...let’s do something.
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some1s-sista · 6 years
I took a stand today
Being a small non-profit, we rely on help from volunteers. Most come by way of the court system.
Procedure has always been that they contact me to see if I can use them and I coordinate when they can come out and supervise the work. I keep track of their hours and give them a letter to bring back to court so they can show the judge their completed hours.
Lately, some woman from the county has interjected herself into the mess. Calling to check on them and having me email her their contact hours so she can key them into the system.
So last week I sent her an email with the hours of two women who did some work for us and my favorite that I told you about a week or so ago ... Mr. “I’m gonna be upfront with you. I like to smoke the marijuana and I got pinched.” He came in the next day and worked his ass off for us.
The next day, county woman calls me to say she can’t give this guy his hours because she hadn’t formally placed him with us and he contacted us on his own. But they all contact me on their own. I’ve never had the court contact me to set up someone’s hours. “Well, it’s a liability thing...”
Whatever lady. I’ve worked with dozens of ppl seeking community service hours and nothing about this was out of the ordinary. So I told her she needed to officially place him with us because he was coming back this Monday to get another 8 hrs. Which she did.
He came in Monday and worked his ass off again. “Did they tell you they aren’t going to give me my hours for last week?” I told him they did and I was sorry, that I thought it was bullshit and if he’d like me to do up a letter telling the judge that he did work 16 hrs for us even if miss big britches doesn’t want to key them in, that I would. I think they should know that he tried to comply and actually did and someone else is calling a technicality.
Something was not right. She had no problem with the two women whose hours were in the same email, who also contacted me directly. I bet you can guess what the racial make up of these women vs this gentleman was without me having to tell you.
Anyways, he came in this morning before his court date and I gave him the letter saying he completed his 16 hours even if someone’s saying there’s a problem with one of the days.
He thanked me and told me if they didn’t accept the hours he’d be back to help us out because he’d already taken the day off from work.
I’m happy to report that I did not see him again today, so I’m hoping that means the judge agreed to accept his hours. I should have told him to call me and let me know how it went.
And forget this woman. I’m going back to giving all my volunteers confirmation of hours completed so they can have hard copy in case this woman tries it again.
You don’t play games with people’s lives
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nurulalviaistiqomah · 6 years
2018 Water Summer Camp - Taiwan
July, 16-18 2018
One day, on a hot summer day, I got an email that I got accepted to join a summer camp in Taipei. Im so excited of course bcs I’ll have an additional activity during my boring summer holiday while waiting for my summer course begin.
This activity is 2018 Water Summer Camp, held by Taiwan International Institute for Water Education and National Taiwan University. This activity is sponsored by Water Resources Planning Institute of Taiwan.
The participants are foreigner students from all over taiwan with related major such as hydrology, civil engineering, environmental engineering etc. In this camp, we do discussion about water environment condition, challenges, and opportunity between taiwan and participants's country. We do also visit some water related infrasructures, here those are
Shihmen dam (https://goo.gl/maps/irfTgwnPFC32)
This is a multipurpose dam that act as reservoir, power supply, flood prevention and as well as recretional area. I can't give detail technical story but Wikipedia does you can  learn more detail from there hehe. This place is very beautiful, you can note this place as one of your option of tourism destination if you’re around Taoyuan. There is an office building near the monument where you can get information about the dam and they also provide film about the hostory of the dam. The participants got a chnace to have a ferry trip around the reservoir with solar based power ship. 
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taking a photo group. a must have done activity in front of the landmark of the place we visit :D
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enjoying an ice cream before having a ferry trip
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Yuansantzi flood diversion (https://goo.gl/maps/5KYARUhZZgx)
This place is very interesting for me, yea bcs this is my first time knowing this kind of infrastucture, a new intetersting knowledge. Long short story, this infrastructure help prevent Nothern Taiwan area from flooding caused by typhoon by throwing the excess water through a tunnel.
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the miniature layout of the flood diversion infrastructure
Xinhai Constructed Wetland and Wetland Story House in New Taipei City (https://goo.gl/maps/Po7dCJ7xwSU2)
So, this place is where the domestic wastewater from wanna one's lai guan lin house goes and being treated here before it discharge to the water body haha (ok don’t believe this bcs i don’t know where’s excactly guanlin’s house hehe). 
The history is in the past time banks of Dahan creek turned into garbage dump bcs of the growing population. In 1992, the new Taipei city goverment relocate this area and in 2003 the wetland was constructed. It was finished in 2009. This is interesting, because instead of using wastewater treatment plant, they use constructed wetland that also can become a recreational&educational area in the river bank. Also I marked unique thing here is they put a barcode on the tree in this area, so ppl can just scan it, and snap here u get the info about the tree. Wow ok we're living in high tech era now.
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Lotus can remove organic pollutants from water
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There is also wetland house near this area where u can study about the wetland and also have fun at the same time bcs they provide many interesting activity, and the good news is it's free to come there. If you want to know more about the wetland  story house i think you can visit this website http://www.hrcm.ntpc.gov.tw
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I think this place is suitable for kids to learn about river ecology
10th River Basin Management Bureau office 
This office is the command center on operation of all flood control devices, include Shihmen and Fetsui reservoirs, gate of levee and pumping stations. They offer public service about river regulation and flood plain management. Their mission is of course to make sure people in Taipei area will live without fear of flood. What's cool here is people in this office do not working alone, there are citizen volunteers whos actively repot the water condition around the area.
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Hoaa this was the last place to visit means the camp was going to end
What I like is this is my first time joining an event here where the organizer considering so much about what the participants eat. They provide halal food for moslem participant, im so happy for this they even provide "rengginang" and "peyek" like omg where they found this haha.
We also got a very cozy accomodation. We were nomaden actually but my fav one is when we stayed at Chientan Youth Activity Center bcs I got a room with beautiful view of Shilin District hehe.
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Morning view of Taipei.
It was nice I can meet many insprirational friends, experts and professors in this event. Thank u for the organizers for helding this activity so i can have "berfaedah" thingy during my summer holiday ^^
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sobdasha · 7 years
Do This: List some of the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they are working on. This can be anything! 
tagged by @adirotynd (you forgot me at first but then you remembered I’m so happy!)
tagging @kixboxer
I’m always currently working on everything.......somewhat.........
1) that Yuki and Machi and Who Does Mutsuki Take After prompt for anon
Mutsuki has been baby-snatched. He's been switched in the delivery room. What the nurse hands Machi to feed is not her baby boy, but someone else's several-month-old television model infant. Machi's seen newborns. Her little brother, for example. Other people's bundles of joy, shared around the office email by her various proud coworkers. Her niece Michi, whom she actually got to hold in the hospital. So Machi knows what babies look like. Newborn babies are ugly. Newborn babies are red, wrinkly little hellspawns. They are faces only a mother (or proud papa or other doting relative) could love, all red, toothless mouths in red, scrunched up faces. And the screaming, although you don't get that so much from pictures. And the stickiness, that mixture of drool and snot and tears that pools in every crease. That's what Mutsuki should be. This thing in her arms is some kind of weird alien monstrosity, in comparison. Perfect smooth skin and a creamy-pale complexion. Soft, wispy fluffs of fair hair in just the right amount. It cries, Machi will give it that, and loudly. And its face does get a bit splotchy at those times. But the way its nose crinkles up is like a cute bunny rabbit's, and instead of snot and spit there's just tears, which sparkle. "I don't know," Yuki says, tilting the baby a bit under the hospital lights, "I don't really see any sparkles."
2) Tumblr kiss meme for supes, I have only... 12 - chest kiss and 19 - forceful kiss and 20 - any of the above (I think it’s some kind of cheek or forehead or something kiss?? I...didn’t...write that bit down...) left!!! (no wait, upon further investigation I did note down basically that) since supes wanted to hear more about that last prompt, I’m posing the rough notes of it, since it’s once again in need of a rewrite to find its proper shape
anyway Link is enjoying a dip in one of those hot springs right now, eyes closed, and there's a splash and he figures it's Link the Goron getting back in until a hand that is definitely not made of rock takes his chin and Impa says “Goddesses, Link, what did you do to your face?” and Link kind of startles because suddenly Impa, and he kind of forgets about it you know until people remind him, and he's still pretty self-conscious about it and Impa is, “And I didn't mean that as badly as it sounded. It's good to see you again, Link,” she says, and she smiles warmly and adds, “You look well.”
(Impa and Zelda bathing in Sheikah body suits, and Link is either just in his leggings or else he's in fully Zora tunic because he's just so used to wearing it in any and all water pffft)
and then somehow Zelda joins them, this time around her father's still alive and still on the throne so she gets to do things like ~diplomacy~ which suck sometimes but sometimes they involve getting out of the castle and traveling and saying hi to ppl like the Gorons and that part's pretty great, so she's definitely taking advantage of Darunia's invitation to the hot springs and Zelda notices too and she's kind of “does it look gross?” and Link's sort of yeah, that's why he's wearing the eyepatch still, and Zelda is “can I see?” and Link forgets sometimes that gross scary things don't really bother her that much, so he lifts up the eyepatch so she can see and she kind of makes agreeing noises and eyelid/forehead/nose smooches, MAYBE ALL OF THEM
3) tp zelink4lyfe 95 - advertisement 97 - safety first
these are also both in a state of perpetually needing rewrites hahaha Safety First is supposed to be about swordsmanship competitions during the Festival of Farore, okay, but then a couple days ago I thought WHAT ABOUT WILLIAM TELL so now it’s either going to have a plot overhaul, or else there’s going to be sword version and outtake archery version
4) park ranger zelda AU (her park is her kingdom and link ACTUALLY RAISED BY WOLVES maybe???)
is going to be Breath of the Wild verse so NO SPOILERS FOR SUPES YET I meant to do Twilight Princess always, but never got inspiration....until I suddenly thought of changing the verse
5) link raised by rito
is also going to be Breath of the Wild! so I’m sparing supes the deets! I would have done Wind Waker but I somehow forgot about this prompt constantly?? I don’t know why else I wouldn’t have had any ideas about it?? But BotW will be fun and evil I think so.....yes
6) Link raised as a witch like Maple but more doof less sass (something like that it was too much work to quote the original prompt verbatim)
Link hasn’t been to one of Nayru’s performances in ages. And she used to give Link harp lessons, back before he got too busy being a Junior Apprentice. He wonders if these people have come a long way to hear Nayru sing. Their clothes all look weird and foreign. Another young woman, tall and dark-skinned, laughs aloud. “Well, it’s something like that!” she says. She twirls, the ribbons on her outfit and her long hair whipping with the movement. “We’re a troupe of traveling performers, you see. And when we heard about Nayru--Marin here’s a singer too.” She jerks her thumb at the first girl, who nods and inhales and opens her mouth. Link doesn’t know the language the song is in. But he knows Marin’s voice is pretty, and her notes are clear and pure and steady, and he likes the tune of the ballad. He claps, when she finishes, and she curtsies. “I'm sorry you're busy. But thank you for the directions,” Marin says, before she and the rest of the troupe get their caravan turned around and leave Yoll Graveyard. Link sighs and waits behind the counter for Maple to return from her Important Witch Business, even though it’s going to be too late for him to attend the duet that Marin is going to sing with Nayru, even though Maple comes back whistling something that sounds a lot like Marin’s Ballad of the Goddess.
(I’ve got SS OST going on in the background and just as I copy-pasted this, Zelda singing Ballad of the Goddess came on lol) (”Marin” is Zelda, because I decided that can be just as good an alias as Sheik and also for extra feels)
7) Neko Zamurai AU for Fruits Basket (quoting from the notes, which are kind of sparse SHAME ON ME but the important part is Hana-chan gets hired to kill a cat and steals it instead)
arisa questions her about the color "u kno it's not black right??" and Saki sighs and is "I would have preferred black, yes, but this was all they had…" 5 ryo and one free cat, not bad for an hour's work
she meets Tohru when she comes back to get cat food ("Man, this cat's even pickier than you, Saki!" won't eat fish, veggies, meat…), as she is raiding the house, and Tohru tearfully gives it to her because they used to have a cat until it was killed a few days ago, it's so terrible, who could do that to a cat! And Saki hugs her and pats her "Yes you're right, whoever would kill a cat is truly a terrible person" and then "is this for your cat?" and Saki says yes, she did in fact just get a cat recently, but she doesn't know how to take care of it at all and maybe Tohru would like to escape this ridiculous place and come help her? And Kyou gets dragged along too
8) halfway house for hellspawn it’s actually a collection of emails which I greatly enjoy, but I wanted to write them up more....formally and and chronologically and with less shameful caplocks etc, but that’s going veeeeeeery slowly have some of the original emails!
DOES KURAMA EVER COME OUT TO HIS FAMILY POST MANGA THO I mean on one hand I'm pretty sure he intends to take that TO THEIR GRAVES but on the other hand /how the fucking hell can he possibly keep this secret with the barrier between worlds down/
to rub the salt in, Shiori probably get, like, proactive about demons. Like at first everyone's like "um nope no thanks humans discriminate it's what we do" and "haha okay 'demons' yeah this is Japan home of weird youth trends and other shit" but then it's probably kind of unavoidable that you'd have to deal with them and. like. Shuuichi has a weirdly large amount of delinquent friends. And they're very nice! Urameshi and Kuwabara and Hiei and all, they're quite good people under their rough exteriors. Demons are kind of like delinquents, right? You just have to treat them as people!
While Kurama is on the side, KIND OF LIKE MERLIN FANFICS, going "mom pls mom no mom don't get unnecessarily involved with demons mom just don't" while Shiori is "young man I do not know what your problem is but this is most unlike you, you do not need to worry"
SO DEMONS ARE TRYING TO INTEGRATE INTO THE HUMAN WORLD. And they can chill at Genkai's old place, but like, that's way the fuck up in the mountains there aren't really any humans. To really integrate you need to like INTERACT WITH HUMANS. OKAY. AND LIKE. WHO IS THE ONLY HUMAN MOST DEMONS HAVE HEARD OF. ASIDE FROM CELEBRITIES (NOT. NOT THAT DEMON WORLD PIRATES A LOT OF HUMAN WORLD MEDIA. NOPE.) THAT WOULD BE. "KURAMA'S HUMAN MOM."
and inevitably it's always like "uh I'm a friend of your son Shuuichi he's really good at reforming ppl???" and everyone assumes it's just that Shuuichi must volunteer helping ppl become productive members of society and Shiori approves, isn't that nice, what a good boy, it's the same as all his other delinquent friends
and every demon who comes to the house probably fucks up regularly and /how is Kurama supposed to keep his secret under these conditions when he is a super-famous demon fuck u all/ either the Hatenaka family is universally really bad at reading the atmosphere, the rule of funny has come into play, or they're just patiently waiting for Kurama to come out to them, SOMETHING, YOU DECIDE
still it'd be REALLY FUNNY if they were TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS and as Kurama scrambles to cover his secret they are all just "really Shuuichi it's not like you to be this judgmental of ppl what have you got against demons they are perfectly nice"
9) well there’s SUPPOSED TO BE a Neko Zamurai AU for YYH too but I guess that’s on paper somewhere??? I certainly don’t see it on my computer. Okay then....
the important thing to note is that Kuwabara steals the cat, obviously.
10) Pearl and Garnet and writer's preference ("You did all of this for me?") or, the one where Steven introduces Pearl to Things Organized Neatly and it all predictably goes downhill from there what I have written is gonna need some tweaking so have this bit of the notes lol
(something about blog numbers, here or later? And pearl's like "if that's what a blog is, I could make a blog" and Steven with star-eyes is "o. omg. Pearl. WILL YOU MAKE A BLOG AND BECOME INTERNET FAMOUS. AND THEN CAN I TELL EVERYONE WE'RE FRIENDS.")
11) 3 suitors Lieutenant Awn had (knowingly or not) and what One Esk had to say about them.
TECHNICALLY HAVEN’T STARTED WORKING ON IT YET and this kind of prompt is not really my strong point ON THE OTHER HAND I DO LOVE ME THOUSANDS OF BABY LIEUTENANT TEARS SOAKING JUSTICE OF TOREN’S JACKETS so you can probably expect to see some baby lieutenants weeping into One Esk’s soothing arms after they crushed on but then were crushed by part-time oblivious heartbreaker Lieutenant Awn
anyway I’ve got tons of other WIPs everywhere but those were the easiest to dredge up and pretty recent
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