#also i have no idea how to write an id for that emoji i found on google images im so sorry-
autistic-katara · 10 months
fym i’ve had a positive impact on other people
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little-tainted-angel · 9 months
๑ Realizing love is there...
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Xiao x male!reader, Venti x male!reader and Kaeya x male!reader (separated)
Category: [Fluff/sfw]
Warnings: Mention of Zhongli (Xiao's part). Zhongli calls Xiao "child". Mention of Kaeya (Venti's part), mention of Diluc (Venti's part), Venti is drunk for half his part. Mention of alcohol. Mention of Rosalia, Klee, Jean, Diluc and Lisa in Kaeya's part. Reader is mentioned but doesn't actively participates in it.
Request: Yes / No | From: 🕸️ anon.
«Hello, you can call me 🕸 anon! Can you write Xiao, Venti and Kaeya realizing they have a crush on the reader? Ty !»
Waaa! My first emoji anon! 🥰 I'm so happy- welcome!
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「 ✦ XIAO ✦ 」
Xiao had been an adeptus for longer than he could properly remember, and the feeling of «love», in romantic contexts, wasn't something he was familiar with.
He's seen countless couples in his years of existence, but he never quite grasped the concept of what it meant to love someone outside of family.
That human desire to kiss someone? That need of multiple actions he could not wrap his head on? He was clueless.
Perhaps that was why he didn't know what that heat on his chest meant. That feeling of something tugging at his heart and filling him with that sort of anxiety that left him on guard.
What confused him the most was that you were the cause of it. Had you cursed him some way without him realizing?
He even managed to believe you were a threat.
Of course, confused as to why the ever so calm adeptus was acting on edge with you, Zhongli decided to ask Xiao what was happening.
The god found himself amused when Xiao explained the situation to him.
"Ah, my dear child. I believe I know what id that you're feeling." Zhongli hummed, muffling a small chuckle that dared escape his lips. "Fear not, as it is not dangerous."
"Huh? If it's not dangerous, what is it?" Xiao asked, frowning slightly at the consistent incognita of what was that feeling you caused.
"Mm, I believe the simplest term of it would be «love», Xiao."
Safe to say, if his entire life didn't already gave him existencial crisis on a daily basis, trying to come to terms with the idea of falling in love was surely passing with five stars its debut.
From that day, he started to study you. Trying to figure out if what Morax explained to him was accurate, and if so, how.
And soon enough, he found himself admiring little things you did. How you acted around others, how your personality was like.
So this was what love felt? To wish to admire you, close or from afar, as long as you kept being true to yourself?
If that was it... Love might not be that bad after all.
He wouldn't confess though, not until he manages to understand better how to process his feelings. Just because he understood what love felt like, didn't meant he understood how to act with it.
It would probably take a while, but he was patient. He just hoped you could wait for him too.
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「 ✦ VENTI ✦ 」
The God of Freedom had been a free soul his entire life. And while he had experienced the cons and pros of it, the lost and happiness of friends and people he could even consider family, he never had fallen in love with someone.
And oh dear archons if he had fallen hard for you.
The wind was free, yet somehow he had never felt as free as when he was with you.
As a Mondstadt citizen, he would usually see you as one of his children. But he couldn't help but see you, not as his child, but as a companion to his free life.
"Isn't he divine?" The god murmured softly as he watched you from afar.
Kaeya hummed with humor as she watched the Anemo Archon look so helplessly in love while he was drunk in the Angel's share.
"I suppose he is," Kaeya replied, amused.
The god knew what love meant. What it implied.
He also knew what it implied for him to fall in love with a mortal that wouldn't be able to live more than a few decades.
But as he watched you from afar; the man that managed to get his full attention like the best wine, he decided that the consequences were worth it.
"If you like them so much, why don't you go ahead and confess?" Diluc replied as he cleaned one of the glasses.
"Eh? But what if he rejects me Master Diluc?" Venti pouted as he rested his head on top of the counter.
"Then it wasn't meant to be." Diluc's replied calmly, a small frown on his face as he watched the drunk bard. "Now stop drinking before you embarrass yourself more than average."
"Master Diluc is cruel."
"So I've been told."
Needless to say, to confess to you he had to be:
He had to count with someone's (Diluc's) help.
It's a miracle he managed to get you to date him.
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「 ✦ KAEYA ✦ 」
He was quick to realize he liked you. The Calvary Captain of the Knights of Favonius could be slightly flirty if he wanted, and therefore knew how exactly certain feelings felt like.
But realizing he was in love for you, that had been a rollercoaster for him.
You were an incredible man. And the times he caught a glimpse of your smile he couldn't help but feel like he was just falling harder for your presence.
He smiled at the slight mention of your name. And would try to take care of you when you needed it the most.
Of course, this also meant he got free teasing from Lisa, Jean and Rosalia.
Also Klee's questions about if you were his boyfriend, or husband, or if you were already dating.
He might have heard Lisa laugh more times in his crushing-for-you time than in the whole time he had met Lisa.
"If you know you like them, why don't you confess already then?" Rosalia asked him while they were getting drinks at Angel's share
"I want it to be a more perfect moment."
"When it includes you? I doubt that's possible," Diluc commented as he served another client.
"That's a bit cruel even for you, Master Diluc."
So he does try to plan for it to be perfect. He slowly manages to get stuff you like, wanting to be a good time between both of you.
He almost messes all of it up (Diluc has premonition powers now???), but was able to not mess it up at last minute.
Perhaps Barbaros was on his side that day.
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lovingseventeen · 2 years
hello,, if i can, may i request jeonghan with reader who likes celebrating others' birthday but not theirs. just because they feel like theirs is not even worth it to be celebrated ; perhaps bcs of low self esteem? like, reader even hope that their birthday doesnt exist
( im sorry if i failed to understand your "do i take requests" on your navigation post, please feel free to decline this ask if anything. but if you do decline it, could you please perhaps randomly send 🩷 emoji so i could know whether my ask is accepted or not?? im sorry 😭 )
jeonghan when you don’t enjoy your own birthday
a/n: hi hi, so sorry this took a bit to come out. i'm not writing requests in chronological order just because some of them are easier to write for some reason ?? but ANYWAYs i hope you enjoy this even if it's a bit late <3
*reader and jeonghan are not explicitly in a relationship, i just thought this could be taken platonically or romantically
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✧ was lowkey offended that you didn’t even tell him. he had no idea on the day of because you didn't do anything out of the ordinary, not even a little celebration on your story!
✧ he didn't know because you haven't know each other too long, but still! how could you not tell him!
✧ he also felt awful because you surprised him on his and he was waiting for his chance to do something nice for you
✧ you had casually asked him if it was okay to stop by the hybe building since you were *coincidentally* in the area
✧ when he met up with you on the first floor to go up together, you had greeted him with the brightest smile, a small cake in a box, and a small bouquet
✧ "i thought i'd meet you upstairs! you're ruining the surprise!" you exclaimed as his eyes glanced over everything that you were holding
✧ "y/n.. you didn't have to do all of this.." he said, but he couldn't stop smiling. all of this, for him? he thought
✧ "let me help you carry some of this" he offered, not knowing what else he could do to express his gratitude (this day becomes one of his favorite birthdays)
✧ he had only found out that he missed your birthday when you had to show your ID at a restaurant. he jokingly took it from the waiter to see if you were younger in your photo and if you looked different before
✧ it was all fun and games until he saw your birthday, surprise and disappointment filling him when he realized it was last week
✧ he looked at you sitting across from him as you sipped your drink, unaware of every emotion coursing through him
✧ "your birthday just passed?" he asked, turning to look at you, before looking back down at your ID
✧ "yeah" you replied, a blank look on your face further surprising him. you just reached over to get your card, even if he was still staring at it
✧ "y/n, why didn't you tell me?"
✧ "because it isn't a big deal?" you shrugged, placing your ID back in your wallet
✧ you wondered why he seemed so passionate, meanwhile he wondered how you were being so casual
✧ "of course it's a big deal, i'd want to celebrate you on your day" he looked at you sincerely, you could hear the slight whine in his voice but you could see how serious he was
✧ it was hard to hold eye contact with him. "i um, don't really like celebrating it?" you said softly
✧ "can i ask why?" he continued, his voice gentle as he didn't want to push your boundaries
✧ "i mean, i like celebrating other people, people i love, you know? but it feels weird when it's about me, i don't know.. i don't need to be treated any differently on that specific day"
✧ he nodded, accepting your words even though he felt like he was bubbling with more questions. he still wants to make it up to you in some way
✧ you could tell he was a little off for the rest of your meal, he was sort of stuck in his thoughts. you really didn't want him to do anything but he still felt bad
✧ by the time your bill comes, you plan on splitting it with him when he closes the checkbook with just his card and hands it to the waiter before you could object
✧ "h-hey! you don't have to do that, you know" you called out, "it passed already anyway so you have no excuse"
✧ "who said it was because of that?" he asks coyly, "the last album did well so i want to celebrate that, don't worry"
✧ you rolled your eyes but you couldn't fight him on this one because the waiter already took his card. "just don't do anything else, jeonghan. it's really okay i swear"
✧ "then i won't"
✧ "good" you replied, eyeing his intentions anyway
✧ "good" he copies
✧ the next week, a package comes to your house, a very nice oversized denim jacket, with a card saying: NOT a birthday present, i ordered it for myself but it's too small so you can have it - jeonghannie :)
✧ you shoot him a text telling him not to get you any presents in the future and he only replies with it's not a present because it isn't even wrapped
✧ the jacket is totally your style and not his, so you know he's lying but you also can't be too mad
✧ he never really brings up why you don't like your birthday again. he never tries to organize a gathering or even a planned celebration dinner with you. he doesn't want to ever put you on the spot
✧ he figures if you ever feel more comfortable you'll tell him
✧ in upcoming years, he has his little jeonghan way of being a little kinder to you when it's coming around
✧ on the day, he'll do something for you without admitting it's for your birthday. it's something relaxed and besides, all he wants to do is spend time with you
✧ maybe he "randomly" tells you that he's craving your favorite food and he ordered way too much so you have to help him finish it
✧ or maybe he just so happened to be invited to an idol's concert and he can take you because he has an extra ticket ("you've literally never interacted with them" "yes i did on mnet in 2015" he literally sends a prepared clip)
✧ he always has his little explanation as to exactly why something is not a birthday celebration/present
✧ maybe he won something on going seventeen by cheating and wants to give you the prize because he won't use it
✧ the "non-presents" always come spontaneously so you technically can't say that they have a correlation to the actual day
✧ "i accidentally ordered the wrong shoe size" - it's literally a shoe you mentioned 5 months ago
✧ "they let us keep the accessories we wore on stage" - no they don't
✧ "i'm an ambassador for that brand anyway so i always have free stuff from them" - he would have had to post a thank you to that brand on his story
✧ but in the end, he just wants you to know he cares for you and wants to thank you, regardless of what day of the year it is
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astronomical-bagel · 2 years
*pulls out a chair and takes a load off, resting my dusty cowboy boots* so tell me about them magical girls
Thanks for the reminder anon!! Okay so the basis of this is an au i made almost exactly a year ago (Jan 17), in which I just threw spaghetti at a wall bc i was bored and came up with a Mumbo magical girl au bc it sounded ridiculous and fun. I made a post about this but uh i have spent the last hour (and then some) looking for it and i simply Cannot Find It :[ Anyways I took the original ramblings for back then and have added more ramblings onto it!
The vibe I was/am going for is a very like. self-aware kind of humor? like mumbo is not a magical girl and the ribbons on everything keep getting tangled and he feels very self-conscious in his dress and honestly did he have to steal grian's soul?? of all people???
The gist was:
Grian is a magical girl -> mumbo eats his soul -> grian's human self went with it and he is now just a bird Creature (aka animal companion) -> mumbo is now a magical girl -> moon is big -> mumbo has to stop the moon with the power of friendship and this wand he found.
Since then, ive vaguely added on a new wing of plot, wherein they have to get x magical object so that grian can be a human again, x magical object makes the entirety of boatem magical girls, and then they all take down the moon together heart emoji.
Theres some even more vague ideas i have about the enemy itself, like making it a lunar society(/deity?) so i can make it more in the format of an anime (how would they fight the moon itself anyway? hit it like a baseball??), and stuff like that, but honestly im not exactly looking to write this as much as i am thinking up character designs. I havent made any dress designs yet but i have got their wands!!!
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ive also been trying to make them on blockbench but im currently battling with texturing and z-fighting so ill show them later
lastly, a random snippet from the fic im maybe-not-really gonna write that i thought was funny
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anyways, thanks for the reminder to talk about this!! i think this whole thing is really fun to work on and honestly, thank god for any little bit of inspiration XD. id rlly appreciate someone asking questions about this so i can flesh out the plot a little more! <3
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Vera I'm so sorry you are still shadowbanned! I wish tumblr would get their stuff together.
For the fanfic writer's asks: 1,5,12,25,55,69,71
Hope you have fun answering them <3
Hi, yeah the shadowban is….ugh, annoying. Definitely annoying.
Thank you for the questions!
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Oh wow…I think I daydream more than I write. I daydream all the time and I’m pretty sure half the stuff that’s in my head I’ve never even started writing. But if I finally start writing then I’m not stopping till it’s done lol
I’ll sit the next few days on a one shot or chapter or whatever and I need to finish it. 😂😂
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Fuck I- I don’t know
Let’s see
The au’s with @jamneuromain “broken bones and broken hearts” ( Steve Rogers x reader) & “together or not at all” (Steve Rogers x reader, Nick Gant x reader, Johnny storm x reader, Jake Jensen x reader) in the second one is a lot ready and there’s also a loooot of smut lol just so y’all know
Then there’s “drownin siren” Steve Rogers x mermaid reader
I’ve planned a sub!mafia!Bucky Barnes x reader one shot
A meet-cute for Stucky!! Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
I have a Lloyd Hansen x reader smut Drabble ( ready to post actually)
Oh Noise pt 3, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader smut, which is nearly finished [ pt 1 is here pt 2 here ]
I’m planning a grumpy!roommate!Curtis x reader au :) but haven’t started one this one yet
Oh god there’s also pretty boy pt 2, sub!Steve Rogers x reader smut [ pt 1 is here ]
Omg i still have more; mean!dom!steve Rogers x villain!(sub)reader
Is it weird that I’m already planning my kinktober list? But yeah I’m doing that too
I have also a pt two to the Lance tucker shot “stretch you (out)” that I think I haven’t posted yet?
I’m working on so many things rn fuck I hadn’t noticed until now
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Sometimes yes, I definitely some background stories and I like planning how every character met or if they had any relationships before with them etc
Definitely also about their family history or school
But I don’t think more than that
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
I love making moodboards hahhahaha
I like writing because of all the possibilities i have!
And also interacting with people. I know many people don’t leave feedback and that’s okay BUT when i finally see Someone comment or reblog something even with just a emoji or gif I’m in heaven. It makes me so so happy to talk about my work or answer questions. Idk, I just love interacting with others. I’d say im really shy in rl and it’s just so much better on tumblr. Here I feel like I found my people and I can be myself:)
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
“He felt blood rush to his cheeks, making him blush”
I use this often or always the -ing verb form
I feel like there’s also always some kind of misunderstanding? There are definitely a few oneshots and fics with this trope
There was something else I wanted to addd but I forgot what
69. What are your favorite fic at the moment?
Ohhhh I love “in the snow” By @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
71. Do you spend more time reading or writing?
Id say it depends on the day. Sometimes I’m writing all day long and the next day I’m reading all the time:)
Thank you for all these questions!!!!! Love you!!!!!!
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narryffdreaming · 5 months
so good to hear that you are doing well, i’ve been thinking about your stories from time to time. the first time i read the first part of a toast to the future i was on a train to paris and i always associate that train ride with this story - silly i know but it also shows how good your writing is! i can’t wait to read the maisy and harry story. i remember reading a 1. part of it a few years ago!! hows life for you been? do you still work at that volleyball place? how is it going with your degree? life has been good for me, lot less travel because i have a baby :)) but yeah probably going to mallorca again early summer as always - thats it. oh and you should definitely come to switzerland at some point! i don’t now if you like winter but its the most magical in the mountains when it has lots of snow so.. anyways so glad i found your blog again and so excited to read maisy and harrys story and come back and tell you all my thoughts about it if thats ok! ill use this emoji 🌄 so you’ll know its me :))
omg yess, i totally remember you telling me you were in paris 🥹 didn't you walk past a guerlain store and tried to send me a picture but couldn't? because that got 100% stuck in my mind <3 and it's not silly, please! as someone who still remembers fanfics I've read yearsssss ago, you have absolutely no idea how much this means to me! it makes me incredibly happy (and I'll even sit down and write a little later today because it's also motivating and inspiring, lol).
and noo, i don't work there anymore! my internship ended last december, then i graduated in january, and in february i started teaching english/spanish to make some money until i figure out where i want to work. i also got my license to practice psychology a few weeks ago and im specializing in sports psychology, so hopefully eventually I'll find a way to connect art + psychology for a living :)) so yeah, not a lot going on but also there's a lot going on!! lol
also congrats?? a baby?? that's amazing! i know maternity can be a touchy subject so idk how to properly react but i hope you're doing well and getting enough sleep and that baby's good as well <333 im jealous you're going to mallorca i miss it soooooo much sometimes! definitely think about moving back there more often than i should. and id LOVE to go to switzerland and see the snow, omg what a dream. been only to the airport there like 10 years ago but i remember about it like it was yesterday lol
please please please come back and share your thoughts with me!! I'll be waiting :))))))
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mosviqu · 1 year
IT IS A 10/10 THEY WENT OFF SOO HARD WITH THIS ALBUM MY GOD!!!! MY TOP THREE WAS BASICALLY THE SAME PORTRAIT OF A BLANK SLATE CONSEQUENCES AND SCUM and dude i'm never replying this late anymore cuz finding ur reply and the review was😭 FOR PORTRAIT OF A BLANK SLATE SO TRUE ITS AN 11/10 SONG I WAS SO SHOCKED THAT THIS IS ONLY THE FIRST SONG AND ITS ALREADY THIS GOOD?!??!?!!??! u saying consequences is the step sister of perfume makes so much sense oh lord!!! that is such a wilbur thing to say and how lovejoy is i actually wouldn't be surprised if they would pull through with that idea and really hoping for u that they actually will!!!! i love warsaw so muuuuchhhh and i hope he continues to write more about european cities🤭 and the line u quoted made my jaw drop ngl when i heard it🫡 yesss they did play it before to my knowledge and he even posted a snippet once on twitter!! and scum i just love it so much the chorus soo much AND YES THE WAY WILBUR SINGS IT IS SO ADDICTING IMO!!! and golden hour dude the song my jaw was dropped the whole time like for every reason possible ITS SUCH A GOOD SONG BUT THE LYRICS DEFF LEFT ME SPEECHLESS LIKE MY GOD and tbh this might also be my fav so might should add that to the other three ngl (and also u mentioning me in the tags got me🤭🤭🤭hihi)
and very glad to see ur reaction to jihoons cute hair so love the profile pic I HOPE HE WILL DO HIS HAIR LIKE THIS MORE OFTEN (liebestraum anon💕💕)
I FOUND OUT RECENTLY THAT HIS EMOJI IS A STRAWBERRY ????? I AM CRYING MY EYES OUT ?????? i AM stanning thats a given ill literally gaslight myself if the songs are bad /j i havent listened to the previews yet i only heard the title track on tiktok and its so good already i ???? i bet its gonna be amazing bc enha is always 0 skip to me. also its not ze_rose in my eyes thats so ugly zerose is so much better.
10/10 ALBUM INDEED I LOVE THAT I HAVE A LOVEJOY STAN FRIEND TO SCREAM ABT THIS WITH !!!!! glad our top 3 matches istg all of the songs are so good but these 3 hit the hardest. like i listened to the album in order and the first song started and i legit went 😟 oh lord. OH LORD this is gonna slap. AND AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT the lyrics have similar vibe i love this kinds of songs SO. MUCH. like i would absolutely fucking lOOOVE a lovejoy concert id drag my brother w me (he doesnt listen to lovejoy but he used to watch his streams and mc vids). next lovejoy song is about to be abt prague i bet bc wilbur loves it sm. i wouldnt be mad about bratislava either tho just saying.... OH i knew i heard it before !! THE LYRICS TO GOLDEN HOUR..... MOUTH AGAPE SHOCKED. ((Im always gonna mention u in lovejoy stuff bc i always get reminded of u 😭😭😭)
jihoon is my babygirl his hair is so adorable i almost cried. space buns jihoon my beloved 💗 every time new pics of him come out i have the urge to change my theme DJSJSK
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fushiomi · 3 years
Here’s a video on how to reach Liber/Eng staff about the termination of the English server:
[Video ID: Player is in the A3! app, the songs “Insert the Sunshine” and “Slowly Flowing”, both OST from the game, are playing. The player click on the profile icon, (the content isn’t important). They click on their bio and write “Hi” with a kaomoji on the side, then they write a letter “i” and hesitate before deleting it and click off. They exist their bio and leave the profile page. They instead click on the “Support” button which leads them to a page titled “A3! for Appstore inquires”, there’s a hyperlink that reads “For feedback regarding the ceasing of operations”, and below that in smaller writing it reads “Frequently asked questions (FAQs)”. There are four options viable to the viewer, “I want to play on another device”, “I have received my purchased Gems”, “I can’t login. / I got error 904/905/906.” The player clicks on the hyperlink that leads them to a page to give feedback, it has a green banner and says “For feedback edgar ceasing of operations. Below it reads: “Players that have any opinions or feedback on regarding ceasing of operations can do so here. A disclaimer is below that reads “*Although feedback from users will be reviewed, we cannot respond to individual users”. Green text above a box is present after scrolling, it reads “Please input your feedback here.” The user types in “don’t please ahaha you’re (stylized as ur) so sexy” with a winky emoji, they then access their emoji keyboard and place a broken heart. They can clarify “Actually write something serious though (written tho) with a kaomoji of a smiling person, then press done (two exclamation points) don’t spam and remember to be kind (two exclamation points)”. They then click off the page and settings, the video ends with them on the main page of the game. End ID]
Bellow the readmore is what I ended up (actually) submitting, if you want to copy and paste it, please make a few changes! But ultimately what I felt like was needed to highlight:
- Marketing issues and comparisons between other games that handled international marketing.
- The sudden nature of the announcement and how it impacted the player base.
- The fact the game does have a fanbase and has a market (leads back to the point of bad marketing), and that the success in Japan is an example that the game does have ability to be a hit.
- Other options that don’t include terminating the server (such as a temporary hiatus).
Other ideas: Events to connect with the fanbase (example: art contests where winners get “X” amount of gems), twitter events (“Y” amount of retweets in “Z” days will give “X” reward”), subtitles of the stage play so international fans have more content to interact with, etc.
DISCLAIMER: I wrote this while still drowsy from crying and sleep medication, so if you’re able to, please help us write something better than… this.
“Hello, I hope this review/feedback finds you well.
As you can imagine, this is about the ceasing operations of the A3! English/International servers, and the opinions and ideas I (as well as other players) have.
I’ve been observing the way the player base has reacted to the news and, not so surprisingly, the reaction has been pretty negative. A lot of players feel overwhelmed with the sudden news, many disappointed at – what feels like – the sidedness of the decision. While we are all thankful for the amazing localization of the game, we can’t help but feel deeply saddened and, in more extreme cases, betrayed at the decision. The game has garnered quite a community, notably in social media sites such as Twitter and Tumblr, as it became quite a vital and comfort game for many.
Alongside seeing the way the player base has reacted, I looked at the graphics and economical side of things and noticed how players in the server have been lowering. Which, alongside the pandemic and loss of profit Cybrid and Liber have been experiencing as of the last two years, is what I imagine is impulsing the decision to halt activities.
With all of that in mind, I personally still think that terminating content to the English server is a bad idea — in the long run, that is.
The last two years have been quite a financial struggle for many, and to decide to end the game due to loss of profit seems hasty. While I understand it’s not possible to continue operations, I think halting operations until further notice would be a better idea.
Instead of completely pulling the plug, halting operations while focusing on marketing would honestly work better.
The marketing of the game has been, for lack of a better word, quite messy. I think there were lot of missed opportunities, marketing the game as found family and card game — where you accompany a group of people to achieve their dreams — would have been a better strategy than saying it was an otome game - which is what led to a lot of player joining and then leaving due to the lack of romance wh the characters. A good example of marketing, in my opinion, would be the Obey Me! franchise or games such as Cookie Run.
I’m saying all of this, but what I mean is, if the team behind it focused more on the advertisement on social media’s such as twitter and ads on youtube where the nature of found family and the true nature of Mankai (a company where family and brotherly love blooms) the game would find and flourish in the demographic, since it’s not unheard of players wanting a game like that — especially in the west.
Basically, what I’m saying is that I think the idea of terminating operations on the English server is a bad idea especially when there is an obvious marker for it, and A3! really does fit it. Personally, I think halting the events and focusing on marketing the game further — truly pushing the game with ad’s (which could include in game CG’s where we see how the boys grow and connect as a family) where the nature of A3! is shown clearly, A3! English server could absolutely bloom into something amazing.
A3! is about not giving up, even when things get tough, and to try and reach an audience – which is why, I guess, seeing you guys give up on it seems… sad and like a truly missed opportunity.
As someone who’s been with the game since launch, the game has so much potential, so please, please give it another try. Focus on the marketing, push it with ads on youtube and instagram, put the boys’ face out there and make the focus of the story known.
Look into the way games such as Obey Me!, the idol games (mostly female based), and other successful asian/japanese games have marketed themselves and try to adapt it into A3!. An example, instagram ads where you can see parts of a CG (let’s say the Muku and Yuki from Act 1) where Muku comforts Yuki, the voice lines there as you hear the game music and subtitles playing. Be honest about the gameplay, it’s not the most exciting, but market it as fun, add more rewards for when you train the actor — more gems or maybe trophies if you train “X” amount of times in a day instead of just a training card. You can even make more Eng server exclusive cards to insensitive Japanese players to also engage with the English server.
I feel like there are so many ways to go about it that don’t include shutting down the game, because shutting down the game truly feels like the easiest way out… but it doesn’t mean it’s the best way.
Anyway, I hope nothing in this feels malicious, I'm simply passionate about it as someone who’s invested hours and hours, almost 700 days of their life, onto this, A3! and the Mankai company feels like a part of my life, and as many others feel as well, I don’t want to let go. Not when I know there’s so many events and games, gachas and character, left for us as international players to experience.”
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princesssarcastia · 3 years
2021 Harry Potter Fanfic Primer
im here to point fingers at the incredible authors that have enabled my new interest in HP content.  im still conflicted and upset about it, tbh, but for now we’re leaning into the curve.  we’re getting out our shovel and finding out just how deep we can make the hole we’re in.  hand in unlovable hand my beloved <3.  anyway, these fics are wonderful, their authors are wonderful, and you should go read their stuff. if there’s a star next to it that means im losing my mind over it and always will be.
Creatively Maladjusted, by elumish on AO3, 101k  (they also have a wonderful writing advice blog on tumblr, @elumish, which I recommend following if you are a writer) 
A very excellent re-telling of harry’s first year at hogwarts if he were sorted into Slytherin, plus some more not!fic or piecemeal re-tellings of his second and part of his third year.  Harry, in this, has a slightly different trauma response to growing up with the Dursley’s.  He’s a bit quieter, and the signs are a bit more obvious to the people around him, and I enjoyed that immensely. 
Honestly, if you’re going to get sucked into something you have absolutely no business getting sucked into, elumish is the way to go, their fic is incredible. their teen wolf fic is also immaculate, if you’re so inclined. 
Dissonance, by ImpishTubist on AO3, 2.5k (@impishtubist on tumblr)
Set during fifth year.  Oblivious!Harry has always been a delightful trope when well executed, and this is well executed.  Plus, some angst between Remus and Harry over what Umbridge has been doing to him.
I would certainly recommend a lot of ImpishTubist’s other hp work on AO3, like Lacuna.
blow us all away, by rexcorvidae on AO3, 23k (@rexcorvidae on tumblr)
In progress (like, updated last week in progress).  Currently in the beginning of Harry’s first year.  Fem!Harry, Indian!Harry.  Hagrid puts Harry in touch with Remus when she has questions about her parents, and they become reluctant, traumatized, angst-ridden pen pals who keep missing each other’s true intentions like ships in the night.  hot DAMN do I love this fic.  there’s hints of the way the dursley’s treat Harry peaking through in her letters, and I appreciated the attention to “hmm, her experience as a girl of indian descent in britain under the thumb of a bunch of white people who like being Normal may not have been gucci”
Definitely comb through the rest of their HP fic, too, I may or may not have gone feral over it.
Where the Heart is, by silver_fish on AO3, 15k (@kohakhearts on tumblr)
Woof.  This one said, “hey, harry was probably SUPER depressed in the summer after fifth year.  like, clinically.  maybe someone should do something about that.”  Fuck yeah.  Then this one said, “that someone was Snape.”  You all know my opinions on Snape; generally, Bad.  But damn if this fic didn’t wholly convince me by the end of it.  I thought it was a very realistic way for Snape to start seeing Harry as a person all on his own, and not a proxy for Snape’s angst over James and Lily, respectively.  The angst is wonderful, the ending is even more so.
*bernie sanders voice* I am once again asking you to read through the rest of the author’s HP fic.  a lot of them have similar themes; there’s actually a great one with Molly that i’m not reccing here, Wonder.
☆Bindings, Bindings, by Quietlemonhush on AO3, 60k (@quietlemonhush on tumblr)
WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS TO YOU HOW MUCH I ENJOYED/AM ENJOYING THIS.  If I had to pick a single fic and say “you, it’s your fault I’m stuck here,” it would be this one.  Anyway Lily in the afterlife is So Very Angry about how Petunia is treating Harry, and how Sirius is rotting in Azkaban, and how Remus is alone, that she literally brings herself back to life and drags James and Regulus with her.  All three of them are there to chew bubblegum and fix everything that went wrong after they died—and would you look at that, they’re all out of bubblegum!  There’s only Fury left.  That inciting premise is very crack, but every moment after that is very much not crack.  Lily and James love harry more than anything, the way a child should be loved; James and Sirius have the epic friendship of a lifetime; Sirius and Remus have staggering amounts of resolved sexual tension and take turns keeping each other in check; Regulus, though he realized that Voldemort and his family were shit before he died, is still unlearning all his racist bullshit and, also, years of trauma.  Actually, they’re all traumatized, but hey: now they have one another again and not a damn one of them seems inclined to let go anytime soon.  Quietlemonhush went, “hey, HP has a lot of Awful people in it, and a lot of Righteous people in it, and many of them are Very, Very Powerful; also, love is the most powerful force in the universe” and i said “hell yes tell me more right now.”  And then they did!
Quietlemonhush writes Sirius/Remus in a way that makes it sooo much fun to devour, so the rest of their HP fic is most certainly worth a look, if that’s your thing.
Rebuilding, by Colubrina on AO3, 113k (@colubrina on tumblr)
Hermione/Draco (*shrug emojis into the abyss* yeah, yeah, like none of us have ever been there before).  Takes place during Hogwarts 8th year, and while the beginning is, IMO, a little unfair to Ron, it gets much better.  Tells the story of Hermione and Draco clearing the air, learning to like each other, having some hormones over each other, and then falling in love.  Also tells the story of Hermione and Theo Nott becoming friends; the story of how every single 7th and 8th year student is fucked to hell by the war and the Carrows; the story of how they start an emotional support group about it and all become friends; and the story of, what the hell do you do with yourself after that kind of trauma?
I’ve been dipping in and out of Colubrina’s HP since before I was even on tumblr; I actually found them in those dark yesteryears when the only fandom interactions I had were on fanfiction.net.  Of such fame as Green Girl, which is an HP fic staple, and has also written a lot of wackier, crackier, and darker things than that.  If you don’t take yourself too seriously, I highly recommend many of their big HP works, though I imagine it’ll press some people’s buttons.  Colubrina’s work really does take up a corner of my mind whenever I’m in an HP mood, and will take up yours if you let it.
☆ all waiting is long, by shuofthewind on AO3, 149k ( @shu-of-the-wind on tumblr)
This is so well written that I can’t stop thinking about it.  It is occupying my mind when I lie awake at night, you know?  It’s one of those.  Hermione messes with something she probably shouldn’t have in Grimmauld Place, so when Sirius is sent through the Veil in the Department of Mysteries, she gets thrust into an alternate universe...in 1975.  Instead of handwaving it away, shuofthewind actually gets into the mechanics of it in a way that makes sense, to emphasize that hermione is never going home.  ever. The world she finds herself is shifted slightly to the left, quite a bit darker, but in a “the author is treating the idea of a society-wide conflict over blood purity much more seriously than JKR ever did” way, not a sensationalist way.  Now, Hermione has to grapple with all her grief at losing everyone she’s ever loved or known, the moral/ethical/magical implications of sharing what she knows about her future in an alternate world, and, you know, a goddamn war with people who want to murder her for being who she is.  This Hermione is smart, and she’s kind, and she’s powerful, and she’s making real friends.  If you hate JKR’s guts I’d go read this right now, because it delivers in all the ways she failed us.  It’s plotty, its got great world-building, and it pulls back the white curtain on the wizarding world to show you that, like real life, it’s multicultural and full of queer people...and the discrimination that comes with both.
shuofthewind write epics, mainly for the MCU, and I’ve read some of them a looooong time ago, so this fic kinda seemed out of left field for me but im SOOOO GLAD it exists.  If you want MCU fic you can sink your teeth into, go for it, but alas, they do not have any more HP fic (.......yet?)
Speak Now [+] Listen Now, by mrsfrizzle on AO3, 33k altogether
Harry reaches out to Remus for support because Umbridge is getting to him with her literal torture.  Remus, being a former professor, former mandatory reporter, person who loves Harry and has since he was born, and all around good man, tells Harry he has to tell someone, or Remus will.  It’s everything any adult looking back on that time in HP canon ever wanted, which is for an actual adult to say “what the fuck, those are literal chidlren” and then do something about it.  Then, a far more dangerous task: Harry trusts Remus enough to go to him about the Dursleys.  Harry and Remus’ relationship develops SO WELL, and there’s a bit of exploration about how Sirius may not exactly be guardian material, because he did in fact spend 12 years of his life getting tortured instead of growing up.  I think I’m actually going to go reread this right now, because it speaks to my id.
they do have some other HP fic which did not appeal to my hyperspecific wants, but may appeal to some of yours.  I think they’re also a published author, there should be a link on their profile page.
chase the stars, by Duskglass on AO3, 101k (@felix-duskglass on tumblr)
When Harry is five years old, a picture of him ends up in the Daily Prophet, and Sirius Black, Terror of Ministry Officials Touring Azkaban everywhere, gets a hold of that issue.  He then, in order: breaks out of Azkaban; crosses the countryside to Surrey; Finds Harry: Kidnaps Harry; Breaks Into Remus’ Apartment; starts processing (or maybe just acknowledging) his trauma from Azkaban, the war, and his childhood; and pines after Remus.  It’s a little plotty, and deals a lot (sometimes through flashbacks) with the specific awful things that happened to Sirius—largely because, after years in the constant presence of Dementors, those are nearly literally the only memories he has left.  It’s a wonder he’s got the strength to love Harry and Remus at all.  But then, maybe it isn’t.
This is a Very Serious Fic, but the rest of Duskglass’s HP work is actually just cracky enough to tickle your funny-bone, while still making you think “okay but why couldn’t we have done that in the first place.”
So!  That’s it for recs, for now.  These are all things I’ve found and read in the last month; if any of y’all are interested in my old HP recs, let me know and I can make a post for that, too.  While I’m still very conflicted about my choice of current fandom, I am not in ANY way conflicted about my taste in fic and authors.  Send these guys some love, read their fic if you’re so inclined, and leave some nice comments at the end of it.
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atiny-ahgase · 4 years
A message to my Moots
Hey all, I originally wasn’t gonna do this cause I honestly didn't even know where to begin (I still don't tbh) but I said that I’ll still give it a try cause I wanted to tell you all my feelings before the new year rolls around (for me at least lol). So let’s get too it.
Firstly thank you to every single person that follows me, or has read any of my fics or liked any of my edits or even just interacted with me in any form. Thank you for the immense love and support that I’ve received on this site, honestly I didn't expect to make any friends here and the fact that I was able to meet and befriend so many amazing people. So I just wanna say thank you so much for being a part of my life. I’ve always put up walls and I’m really bad at getting close to others but Tumblr was the first site that I’ve really felt comfortable enough to be the real me. So thank you for that.
Now on to the Mentions
I had no idea how to start this so I decided to start at the beginning.
@mingishoe -Luna, you were the reason that I joined Tumblr in the first place, your fics brought me here and your interactions with other blogs opened up so many doors for me and helped me to interact and befriend so many amazing people. You were the first person that I ever sent an ask to, you made me feel so comfortable and welcome so thank you for that. Thank you for being you, a literal moon; bright and beautiful always lighting up the way. I honestly don't think that I would ever be able to explain how much I love, admire and look up to you, I honestly can’t find the words. Honestly, just thank you for being there for your little anon (Idk if you know which anon I am though lol)
@vocalyunho -Ames!!!!! The 2nd person that I followed! an absolute angel. You are such a calm soul and I just love your vibe and energy so much. I think that I’ve said this a million times but you just make me feel so safe and secure, you have such a calm and capable aura that is just so soothing to me. Thank you for coming into my life and being the amazing person that you are.
@jonghoshoe -ZAD!!! Baby Brother! My Teddy Bear! My Sunflower!! Where do I even begin?!? You were basically my first friend on Tumblr (and I am even more grateful to Luna cause I found you through her). IDK what it was about you but you had such an amazing out look on life while still being chaotic in the best way possible. I would wake up every morning and look out for your posts cause you would always make me smile. Without even knowing it you became a big part of my life and I am so grateful for that. You were my motivation when I was feeling down, you encouraged me to see the good things in the word, you hyped me up to write fics; honestly you are part of why I am the Gabby that I am today and I cant thank you enough for that, I love and admire you so much.
Next on my list is my little bunny @lustjoong -PK PK PK, my knee loving queen!!!! IDEK what to say cause I feel as though I confess my love to you at least twice a week on discord lol. I love talking with you, you're incredibly level headed and give amazing advice (which I always need cause I’m a mess lol). I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again that I admire you so much and would of never imagined that I would of ever gotten the chance to talk to you (much less be able to call you my friend) cause in my mind I always saw you as this amazing and untouchable writer (but then I realized that I’m taller than you so... lol I’m kidding). I’m happy that you found out that I was messaging you on anon and thank you for reaching out to me. I look forward to more chaotic conversations and knee pics in the new year.
@atiny-piratequeen -FIE I FREAKING LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT I MIGHT EXPLODE!! You fill me with so much life that I cant even begin to explain. I’ve said this a million times before but I love how you aren't afraid to speak you mind and say how you feel. You're such a strong figure to me here on the platform and I've always admired how natural and bold you are with your opinions. I find your personality to be extremely refreshing and welcoming, I was never afraid to interact with you (I combusted when you sent me an ask but that’s only natural..) so thank you for providing me (and a lot of other Atiny) with a safe and welcoming place that we can come to.
@twancingyunhoe -Allyssa!!! My mom!!!! My cookie baking, Yunho loving, cat mom!! where do I even begin?? Thank you for being an absolute angel! You shine so brightly here and you're always so supportive to literally everyone. I am and always will be there for you no matter what so I want you to remember that in the coming year. and remember that I love you in your highs and your lows and I am available to provide cuddles anytime they are needed or wanted cause you are precious to me ok luv.
@felixs-moonlight -my little duckling AJ!!! I’m wishing you the best in the new year cause that's what best bois deserve! You are so incredibly sweet and caring so don't you ever forget. Even if you do forget don't worry cause I will always be there to remind you.
@seoultraveller -Cat. Your presence makes me so happy!! IDEK what it is I just love seeing you on my dashboard, when I don't see you I wonder how you are. I hope that this new years is treating you well. Also, you are NOT boring and lets talk a lot more in the coming year okay luv
@yunhozone -Jey!! I miss you, I hope that you're well, its been raining lately so I hope that you're staying dry and safe. I love your boldness and sense of humor so please don't ever change. i started following you on a whim and I have never regretted following you ever since. You make me smile and laugh so much and I hope that I can do the same for you in the coming years. Stay safe okay luv
@pirate-hongjoong -Kayla, lets both talk more in the coming year ok luv. I pretty much told you everything that I wanted to on your post so I’ll try to keep this short. I think that you're really sweet and we should get to know each other more, I’ll try to reach out some more and be a little less shy. so lets continue to grow our friendship okay.
@taelepathysroom -You were the first friend that I made on Tumblr all on my own (meaning that I didn't see you interacting with a moot or anything, I found you all by myself) to this day I don't remember how I mustered up the bravery to message you. I remember wanting to message you on anon and realizing that you had anon off and I STILL went for it lol, apparently I was wilding. But that was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I love talking with you and receiving all of your extremely important messages and I look forward to many more (my heart is not ready but it is fine).
@moongaera -Gaera you are such a great motivation to me and I’m so happy to be a part of your life. You are so sweet and incredibly talented. I love seeing you on my dashboard and talking with you cause you honestly make my heart want to explode.
@yungidreamer - Big sister!!!! Kelsi!!! My aesthetic queen who I am convince is tryna kill me on our discord chat you are so kind and helpful and give such great tips. You are such a calm soul and I love interacting with you (especially when things feel crazy) its like you just magically know the answer to everything.
@yunhoiseyecandy -Violet, we don't really talk much but I think that you're really cool and fun so lets talk lots in 2021 ok. Also IDK why I felt like this was the perfect place to post this but you're the only moot whos emoji pops up when I start to type their name in the hashtags and I always thought that its really cute. (You're also really cute). I think that we would be really good friends so I cant wait to talk with you more.
@hwaberrykiwi -CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM!!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! You are so fun to talk to and so sweet and so calming and you make my heart feel like its bursting (in the best way possible). I hope that you're well and I look forward to sharing more moments here with you on Tumblr (and I am still keeping my promise of not eating Lemon Bars if they aren't from you so...)
@atinywrites -Angel!!! My precious, little angel who always attacks my poor little heart. I love your messages and how you just pop up randomly and shower me with love (then I read your posts and you're just straight up roasting people JBJDJFILJFISREHF) I love absolutely everything about you and I’m really happy that we met each other, I cant wait to see what 2021 has in store for us.
@choisans-dimples -Cass my dearest little Sugar Plum, apart from you being absolutely precious you are also extremely previous to me. I remember our first interactions and they still bring a smile to my face (we were like Tom and Jerry and honestly in a way we still are lol). But you mean so much to me and you never fail to make me laugh or smile no matter what is going on in my life. I wish for you to never lose that smile in 2021 and if it ever begins to falter just know that I’m here ok luv
@latte-fairytaekwoon -Latte, I’m not gonna lie; when Mei started adopting family members I felt like my brain was gonna explode but I gotta hand it to her cause she has great taste in family cause she chose you. If it wasn't for her then I probably would of never found you. if that happened then who would spoil me rotten?!? I am so happy to have met you I honestly thrive every time I see you on my dashboard, you are absolutely hilarious and I love to see your interactions. I cant wait to see what you do in 2021 and all of the other years to come. Thanks for being a great Tumblr Mom
@little-precious-baby -Mei, where do I begin?? You came out of no where for me, you just sort of appeared and then in the blink of an eye you became so dear to me. Id just find myself looking out for your posts and wondering how you are. IDK how to explain it but you've somehow managed to bring so many amazing individuals together in such a short time, you're absolutely amazing and I hope that one day you'll be able to see yourself the way that we already see you. Ik that things can be hard (and they will be because that’s life) but just know that this family that you helped to bring together is always here for you when you need someone to confide in and when it feels like its too much and you need a break we’ll be right here waiting for you until you come back. Just remember that your big sis loves you ok my little bean.
@ateez-little-star -JAS!!!!!! My babie sister IDK how to write this without crying cause you make me so happy that idek what to do. You are so bold and brave while still being shy and cute, I cant explain it. You are so wholesome to talk to and so fun and interesting and sweet and loveable! Like how could someone not love you!! Thank you for always checking up on me and showering me with love and just making me smile.
@yunhofingers -My sweet little bean who definitely never behaves badly!! I am sending you all of the positive vibes for the new year. Ik that things wont always be easy but just know that I’m always here and I believe in you. You are so sweet and kind and bold and I love that about you, don't ever change and thank you so much for making me smile; I hope that I can do the same for you in 2021 and beyond cause I hope that we can be friends for a really long time.
I also wanted to include the moots that I do interact with but I also want to talk to even more in the coming year. Thank you for being here for both me and other people in the kpop community. I love your blogs and you all are so incredibly kind (and ridiculously entertaining; I’m looking at you Caly and Vivi lol), I hope that we can become even better friends.
@hanatiny @sansbun @hongism @multidreams-and-desires @smallfrye @aixy-hpsa @galaxteez @jongpleasure @simphwa @inkigayeo @heeseungluvs
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franeridart · 5 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: *sees your Kiri///Jirou art* I actually have an urge to write that Kiri////bowl fic now.
That’s good on you anon!! I hope you’ll find the motivation to write everything you wish to!! (òuò)9
Anon said: God literally just ur pencil sketches are amazing, like some days I just scroll thru ur whole blog hhhhhh it's all so GOOD (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
That’s so nice to hear oh my god!! Thank you so much!!! TT^TT <3
Anon said: Damn, Kirishima looks SO GOOD in that last piece! God- the outfit, the MUSCLES AND THE BANDANA THINGY (idk what to call it ahaha) AROUND HIS ARM 😩🤚 your talent omg
Thank you!!! I wanted to make him extra buff to contrast nicely with how tiny Jirou is, and I wanted to make him sorta punkish to fit with Jirou without making him look un-kiri-like, I think it came out okay??? I’m glad you like him!!!!
Anon said: Hiii! Have you had any ideas to release your own artbook? Your drawings are one of the best in the fandom, I would loooove to get it, and not only me, I'm sure
Ahhhh you’re so kind, thank you so much!!!! And for now I’ve only considered them in pdf form? maybe?? But who knows! It’s so nice to know there’s someone interested in the possibility of it!! <3
Anon said: hi i used to be really into your steven universe bnha crossover art anf always wanted you to make more content for that but lowkey after this stuff with spinel i think the implied association between bakuboi and pink diamond would be too much for me. Id get sad. Can you just IMAGINE kirishima singing found???? I mean, kiri is clearly like supposed to be pearl but STILL my BONES HURT just thinking about it. Anyway love you and your art, keep doing what you do please and thank you :))
Ah, but Bakugou was never meant to be Pink haha he was his own gem doing his own thing and being in love with his own Pearl 💕 thank you for liking the concept, anyway, and thank you for the compliments as well!! <3
Anon said: wait wait where did bakugo's big scar come from??
You mean the one in the scars comic, right? I had nothing specific in mind, probably from a fight against a villain gone a bit too wrong? Dunno, it was just something to have Kiri for a second be reminded of unpleasant times, you know, for the sake of a tiny bit of angst haha
Anon said: i scrolled back all the way to ur bakuroo day and by god i cired rereading all of them like omg i loved that pair so much and ur posts were!!!!!! aa thanks dude thank u for making them
AHHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!!! It’d be nice to see them back in the manga now, wouldn’t it? I sure hope they’ll have some more interactions TT^TT
Anon said: What do you think of the remedial courses squad (Bakugou, Todoroki, Inasa, Camie)
Love them!!!! Though I’m generally a fan of any group including Bakugou, and even more when Todoroki is included as well xD
Anon said: yo, idk if anyones told you this before but one of your OC's looks like Togaru Kamakiri from Class 1B. Theyre cool, i like it.
No one really needed to tell me, I do have eyes xD but yeah it’s one of the reasons I like Kamakiri so much even if he’s never done much worth notice - though it’s really just the green mohawk, isn’t it? Dave definitely doesn’t look like a mantis haha
You didn’t see anything about it cause I didn’t say anything about it!! I prefer to keep my brithday to myself as much as I can, so don’t worry about not knowing!
Anon said: Will you be drawing more vampire!kiri and wolf!baku? Sorry if this is a bother >~
I do think so, yeah! I want to draw kiri helping baku through a full moon, and I want to draw their first kiss and the first time baku lets kiri drink from him, so the ideas are there! The only thing missing is the motivation for it..........as usual lol
Anon said: oh my god I love your kitty katsu comic it's so cute I love the concept of him being a cat
Thank you!!! He really is a cat-like person, isn’t he? I love that about him, between the millions of things I love about him haha
Anon said: i love ur art ok absolutely greatszzz can i grovel for some more fusions or ojiro or something???? have you got any plans for fusion au?
I probably won’t be drawing any more fusions, sorry! But I do want to draw more Ojiro in the future, so that’s yes for sure! And thank you so so much for liking my art!!!!!! <3<3
Anon said: How much would it cost for you to draw a picture for my kiribaku fanfiction?
*thinking emoji* depends on whether it’d be full colors or b/w, full body or half or bust, one person or more than one, with a background or not, how detailed it is?? There’s a lot of variables here, really!
Anon said: I don’t know how to phrase this but I just wanted to say honestly u might be one of the only things keeping me in the BNHA fandom still. Also I’m addicted to your art to the point I’m not sure if it’s healthy. Anyway hope you have a great holiday season!
Oh man I hope you’re having and will keep on having a wonderful holiday season too!! That’s such high praise for me, I’m so so glad I can keep you enjoying bnha even just a bit TT^TT thank you!!
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blackhyena · 4 years
gothank you @slutteryingreen for tagging me to uhhh. do this deep dive i guess.
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? black ideally but like, whatever’s there in practice? i seem to have got hold of an aqua blue bastard right now and i feel somewhat foolish
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? i love the country but i need to be in a city where everything is convenient and it feels like im part of.... something at least. the idea of being far from amenities is quite frightening to me given how paranoid i can be lmao
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? i know i already play guitar but i would like to be actually genuinely good at it rather than mediocre. i also would like to be better at doing makeup, and i’d really love to be able to make my own clothes alas i can’t even work a sewing machine
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? i do not
5. What was your favourite book as a child? omg megan horrible histories is such a shout. i did love those dragonology/egyptology/pirateology books though i still have them somewhere cause im not throwing away QUALITY like that
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers 
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? Oh To Be A Gender Non Conforming Vampire
8. Paper or electronic books? paper
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? my assorted flashy blazer collection
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? i mean.... it’s unusual, and i suppose that makes it feel very personal to me. but then also i love my nicknames/alternative names so much, i have genuinely considered changing it, but then i also like the idea of going by several variously
11. Who is a mentor to you? ummm. literally? my supervisor
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for?  i still daydream about being a musician, that hasnt changed since i was really small haha. though sometimes in my daydreams i am also a screenwriter/director maybe. i don’t know. id hate to be super famous though megan is on the money, gotta be niche
13. Are you a restless sleeper? hmm, i take ages to get to sleep but when im out i am OUT. as in people have to make sure im not dead out. 
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? in every sense of the word!
15. Which element best represents you?  this is probably just from astrology shit but i think air is also quite representative of me!
16. Who do you want to be closer to? oh to be close to someone! in this economy...
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?  SEE ABOVE. everyone!!!!!
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory: my two cousins arguing over who got to give me a horse-ride in my nana’s living room, meanwhile i’m crying in the corner begging them not to fight
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? oh take your pick! chicken hearts, ostrich, springbok.... all very delicious would recommend
20. What are you most thankful for? im very loved by my family and friends 🥺 even though i can get insecure and not realise it, it’s something i need to commit to heart more often. 
21. Do you like spicy food? yes but my body does not. doesn’t stop me though!
22. Have you ever met someone famous? ive met miles kane! and jason manford. and some randos from coronation street. oh and kate mulgrew. and lee mack, who was getting my train along with catherine tate. there’s probably more ive forgotten. 
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? lol NO but i do have a planner because if i didnt my life would have fallen apart completely by now. 
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil?  pen.
25. What is your star sign? libra
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? crunchy... but i also don’t eat cereal. ive fully gone off milk (no pun intended)
27. What would you want your legacy to be? that i created something beautiful or though-provoking, or at least funny
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? ahah if i didnt like reading doing what i do then id be FUCKED. i just finished reading the ebb-tide by robert louis stevenson!
29. How do you show someone you love them? i get them something nice... i suck at expressing it because i’m so nervous it won’t go down well. a gift does nicely to get around that.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? i guess?
31. What are you afraid of? failing.... being forgotten.....rejection.... oh and wasps, hugely. bug sounds freak me the fuck out!!!!
32. What is your favourite scent? woody, earthy rain smells. and jasmine/honeysuckle too i suppose
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? i... whatever they go by????
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? my house would be so beautifully hideous and full of beautifully hideous clothes. 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? pools, just cause i can’t be dealing with salt water in my nose where it has no business being
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? i .... GUESS i would turn it in to see if anyone had lost it, but you can bet i’d be fuming
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? no!!! i think i’m too short-sighted to pick most of them out. really mad about that actually why did you ask
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? im not planning to have kids but i did come to a conclusion that, while formerly i would have simply told them to be kind, i would also tell them to be smart. because natural intelligence aside critical thinking is a GIFT and they should rightly question everything rather than taking it as gospel. 
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? urgh i know exactly what i would get and if covid/money/parental expectations truly were no object i’d be getting little fragments of cathedral architecture from all the cities i’ve lived in tattooed on my wrists.
40. What can you hear now? the garage door creaking open under our flat
41. Where do you feel the safest? at home, with a cat curled up on my bed.
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? insecurities yes.... anxieties.... fears.... all that. i should get therapy probably
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? it would not be permanent because i do NOT want to live without modern niceties but i WOULD go back to the eighteenth century/regency.... and just meet some people i’ve been reading about in the flesh, and see if they live up to the hype.
44. What is your most used emoji?  red love heart emoji....
45. Describe yourself using one word. odd...
46. What do you regret the most?  not sticking up for people being bullied at school. i know it was a self preservation thing at the time and i was a kid and didnt necessarily know better but like.... i wish i hadnt tried to distance myself from it, i could have been a lot more empathetic and made the world a bit kinder for people going through it, you know?
47. Last movie you saw?  belle! 
48. Last tv show you watched? succession
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. you know when you give your cat a gentle shove and it rolls over dramatically onto its back? that’s tipcat. 
i tag @ceolfriths @wutheringdyke  @mycravatundone @colubride @renfield @goblinmarquess​
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chellestrash · 4 years
Hi, again! I love your TENET fics and headcanons so, so much! How do you get the courage to post? I'm always so self conscious of my writing and worry no one will like it. (Insert eek emoji.) I've got ideas for fics in different fandoms, but I just never find the courage to actually do something about it. And also, make sure you get some sleep! You gotta take care of yourself, dear. <3
hi love!
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sorry pfff i dont know what this is!
first of all thank you very much im genuinely really grateful for the the fact that you enjoy them!
ahhhhh that’s a very tough question actually, see i’ve been on here for quite a while now i always used to have this desire (that sounds kinda weird ew pffff) to write. I started with very small things back in the day when this was exclusively a peaky blinders blog. I found that writing little headcanons and things that weren’t as big of a commitment as series or one shots helped me build a bit of courage.
It still took me a looooot of time to actually post something tho, i used to just keep things in the notes on my phone.
I’m very very lucky to have super supportive friends who will actually yell at me when i struggle with things like this. Their support means the world to me but i found that the most important thing is that it makes you happy.
I write mostly for myself, like the latest thing i posted is for a character no one here follows me for, it’s not peaky blinders or tenet, it’s not robert pattinson but i love Will and i knew i wanted to write for him for so long. So i finally said fuck it, and did it. Because it made me happy. I can honestly said i was genuinely excited when i edited the text and added the gif when i was about to post it!
and yeah i know it’s not going to get a lot of attention and of course it still bothers a little part of me but i try not to focus on that. I’m alredy planing another thing with that character because...it makes me happy you know?
god this is so long i’m really sorry. really to summarize id say: start small so you won’t get overwhelmed, and if you love it someone out there will definitely love it too :)))
i hope that...like helps a bit?! i don’t know i’m sorry if it doesn’t!
also...it’s past 2am now PFFF! but i’ll try to sleep soon!
stay strong!
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monsterlovinghours · 5 years
So... I found an interesting tweet and was wondering if you'd write something sexy for it.... "In Vietnam it's a popular belief that if you are single in your 20s there is a ghost following you and hindering your romantic life because it wants to be with you and I just want to tell my personal ghost to quit being a coward and fuck me already." Also I claim the ✨ Emoji, if that's okay?
That’s fine with me, Starburst! holy fucking moly this took me forever to finish and this turned out way longer than i had originally planned but fuck this is such a neat idea and it just kinda snowballed but it’s finally done hurrah!!!!
fem!reader, just bear with me i am soft and full of feelings and i need to self insert
Bitter tears stung her eyes as she unlocked the front door to her empty apartment. Her empty, cold, lonely apartment. Another unsuccessful first date, ruined before any real potential could be reached. Everything seemed to go wrong; first her car wouldn't start, then her Uber was late, the table next to theirs at the restaurant was noisy and obnoxious, and the movie they had wanted to see had been sold out. Her date hadn't offered any suggestions to further the date, just sighed and took her home. He didn't even try to touch her, barely looked at her, and that stung more than she cared to admit, to feel invisible and undesirable. If he was the first, second, or even the fifth, it might not have hurt quite so badly. But the numerous dates she had gone on since entering her twenties had all gone the same way, ending too soon without a single spark of chemistry. Was there something wrong with her? Was she that repulsive?
Sighing, she swallowed her tears for the moment and walked dejectedly to her bedroom, dropping her purse and keys as she went. Down came her hair from the careful twist she had pinned it into, Mediterranean blue waves spilling down her back, her dress shed and her shoes kicked off. Makeup removed and dressed in panties and an oversized shirt, she slipped into bed, curling up with a pillow hugged to her chest. Finally, she let the tears come, sobbing out her hurt, her frustration, her loneliness. She had thought that perhaps this would be the one that went somewhere, that she'd finally break the cycle and maybe, just once, she'd have the chance to feel wanted, to feel seen. To love and be loved, like everyone else. But no; either she was entirely unloveable, or some force out there was deliberately fucking things up for her. In desperation, she angrily muttered through her tears, "Whatever cosmic entity has decided that I'm going to be lonely and hurting forever, could you either fuck off or come fuck me yourself?"
Something fell from her desk, something relatively heavy, and she sat up with a start and a gasp, her heart hammering. Her journal had fallen to the floor, lying open on a date that was still several months in the future, and the pen that she kept tucked in the pages…was standing upright on the page, scribbling something onto the paper. Her heart rose up into her mouth, fluttering sickeningly. That...was...not normal. Slowly, she slid out of bed, approaching the journal as if it were a live thing, dangerous and fanged and unpredictable. The pen finished whatever it was writing and fell over, and she knelt to read the message it left behind.
i thought you'd never ask babe
She sat back, her eyes darting around the space as if she could catch a glimpse of the mysterious specter that seemed to be listening, watching. Her voice soft, hesitant and tremulous, she asked, "Is someone there?"
Instantly, the pen flew upright again, scratching something out just below its previous message.
been here the whole time sorry about your date. 
"Oh my fucking god," she breathed, her pulse pounding in her ears. "Who...who are you? How long have you been here? Are you the one fucking with my love life?"
whoa one question at a time babes
To calm herself, she took a deep breath. "How long have you been following me?"
5 years 
"Jesus." She let out a breath, unsurprised to feel her hands shake as she ran them back through her hair. "Why?"
its complicated id rather tell you face 2 face
Her brow furrowed, getting to her feet to switch on her light. "Okay. So come out and talk to me. Why are you hiding?” The pen scratched across the paper insistently.
invisible not hiding
“So...make yourself visible?” She crouched by the journal, noticing that the pen was digging into the paper so hard it was nearly tearing it. 
Can’t until you say my name
“So what’s your name?”
Can’t tell you
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” she groaned, throwing up her hands in exasperation. The pen suddenly flew across the room, where a poster that had been hanging on her wall swung loose, then fluttered to the ground. Her poster of the constellations. The pen was circling something, a name...the name of a star. 
Almost excitedly, the pen wrote next to the star, the words jagged and sloppy.
Two more times!!!
She paused, wondering if this was truly a good idea. “Beetlejuice.”
One more one more one more please baby gimme one more
One beat, then two, then she threw caution to the wind and spoke the word one final time. “Beetlejuice.”
Her light flickered, as if to announce the sudden appearance of a very real, very solid looking figure standing with their feet planted on her poster, wearing a suit of dirty black and white stripes and a grin that could light up a small town. “You said it! You finally said it! I’ve been trying to get you to talk to me for five fucking years and you finally said my name!” Before she could speak or even breathe, he had all but lunged for her, wrapping her up in his arms, the smell of damp earth filling her lungs even as he tried to squeeze the breath out of them. Ineffectually, she squirmed in his over-enthusiastic embrace, trying to wriggle away, to take a minute to process what the fuck was happening and who the fuck was standing in her bedroom right now. 
“Wait wait, hold on, so...your name is Beetlej-”
“Shhhhh!” He clapped a hand over her mouth, shaking his head vehemently. “Don’t say it. I’m sorry babes, but I’ve waited too long for this to go tits-up now.” He lowered his hand slowly, that grin resurfacing. “Okay, so I know you’ve got a lot of questions and you must be pretty excited to meet your own personal ghost but before we get to the boring stuff I gotta do one thing first.” Without giving her a chance to ask, his hands slid to her waist, pulling her to him even as he dipped her back and kissed her, his lips like ice, though surprisingly soft. What surprised her most was not the kiss itself, but rather her lack of aversion to it; she tried to tell herself it was because she hadn’t been kissed in so long that she was desperate for any kind of affection, even the strange, otherworldly, and rather abrupt kind. Oddly enough, she even found herself kissing him back, her fists gripping the lapels of his coat as he set her upright again. That Cheshire grin still hitched the corners of his mouth high, and his gaze raked over her like a physical caress, cool, white hands still curved in her waist. 
"Alright. Fire away, babes, ask me anything."
"Um…" Her head spun, thoughts racing, heart still pounding a chaotic timpani in her ears. "Did...did you say 'my own personal ghost'?"
"I sure did. You're one of the lucky gals that gets a ghost attached to ya when you reach adulthood. And you've got the luck of the draw, sweet stuff, because you managed to snag the Ghost with the Most!" His thumbs hooked into his suspenders, though oddly enough, two hands still stayed clasping her waist.
"And you...you've been fucking with my dates...screwing around with my love life for five years?"
Her voice raised a bit in pitch, and he had the presence of mind to look sheepish. "Sorry about that, but none of those schmucks were good enough for you. I had to scare 'em off, you're mine."
"Excuse me??" She broke his grasp, stepping away from him as her brows knitted together in hurt and anger. "I've spent five years convinced there was something wrong with me, that I was repulsive or unattractive or unlovable, because no one ever made it past the first date, and you waited this long to tell me that it was you the whole time? Do you have any idea how worthless I felt after each failed date? How broken a-and defective I felt? How-”
“Hey hey, take it easy for a second, dollface!” He grasped at her wrists; until he grabbed them, she hadn’t realized how wildly she was gesturing. “Look, I tried. I’ve been trying since the moment I saw you to get you to talk to me. It ain’t exactly easy for the dead to communicate with the living. But you knew I was there, didn’t you? Hasn’t every house you’ve lived in felt just a little bit haunted?” She paused, thinking back to all the doors she had closed but hadn’t opened, the objects on the floor that had been sitting secure on a shelf when she’d left, the quiet moments when she couldn’t sleep when she swore she could feel eyes on her. Encouraged by her pause, he continued. “You breathers are stubborn, you just don’t wanna see what’s right under your noses. Until tonight, I barely had enough influence on the living world to push a piece of paper off the desk. But you...you called for me. You finally gave in and called for me.” He grinned again, and though the fangs should have made him seem frightening and demonic, he just seemed...relieved. “I was finally able to tell you my name, and let me tell ya, there hasn’t been a single sound in my very, very long existence sweeter than you calling my name.”
She took a deep breath in, processing everything he had told her, everything that had happened in...god, had it only been three minutes? “What did you mean when you said that...I was yours? What does that mean?”
He shrugged, pulling her closer, his hand pressing against the small of her back. “Means you’re mine, babe. It means that you’re my girl.” Something dulled the gleam in his eyes, and to her surprise, the green in his hair began to fade to a deep, shamed violet. “I was there for every night you fell asleep cryin’ over some guy who would have only hurt you in the end. It gutted me that I couldn’t do anything to help. You’re my baby, and I don’t like to see you hurt, and I really don’t like being the one to hurt you. But it had to be done. You didn't belong with any of them." He opened his mouth as if to say something else, but shook his head, his eyes squeezing shut as his hair faded back to green, as if he were forcing the color to appear. "We're wasting too much time talking when I should be kissing you."
"W-We just met!" The outrage on her voice felt like a show, a dutiful proper response to finding a green-haired, handsy ghost in her bedroom. But she hadn't once tried to wriggle out of his arms, unconsciously leaning closer when his hand slid up her spine.
Beetlejuice shook his head, stepping into her, strands of pink peeking through the green of his hair as he felt her body against his, solid and oh, so warm. "We've known each other for years, honey. You may not have had a face or a name, but deep down you've always known I was there. If I was just some stranger, you'd have run for the hills by now." She wanted to argue, but as much as she didn't want to admit it, he was right. His presence felt familiar, like a memory from her past she had all but forgotten about, but the emotions attached still lingered. It was why she hadn’t struggled when he reached for her, hadn’t tried to shake off his grasp, had kissed him back. His grin widened when she didn’t argue or protest, and he pulled her close, her body flush to his; he all but purred at the way her lashes fluttered, her hands naturally settling on his shoulders, as if they had done this a hundred times.
“Let me kiss you,” he rasped, holding her chin in his hand. “I’ve been waiting for you for so long, babe, please...let me give you a real kiss.” There wasn’t much more than a fraction of a second of hesitation before she nodded, gaze flicking to his mouth just before the distance closed and her brought her lips to his. With that first urgent kiss out of the way, this one was softer, more patient, sweet, and when she felt his tongue trace the seam of her lips, she parted them without question. Oh, it was wonderful, more so than she had ever dreamed, to be kissed like she was the most beautiful woman in the world, to have hands pressed so close to her skin, as if she would slip from his fingers and shatter if he let go. She wasn’t quite sure how they had ended up on her bed, but the softness of the duvet embraced her as he laid her back, kneeling over her. She moaned as the tip of his tongue flicked against hers, the sound echoed as he tasted the first flickers of her pleasure, soft and tremulous, like the first stretch of the wings of a newly emerged butterfly. 
“I wanna touch you,” he growled, his kisses trailing down her neck. “Fuck, you taste so good already, baby.” One of his hands rested at her collarbone, waiting for the invitation to slip lower. “Please, honey, let me pull your shirt up? Wanna feel just how warm you are under there…”
“Wait,” she said breathlessly, leaning up on one elbow. He seemed confused, perhaps just a touch annoyed, but he stopped. “All those years you spent following me around...did you ever…” She gestured to herself. He smirked.
“Of course not. Not that I didn’t want to, sweetness, but when I saw you for the first time, I wanted you to be able to see me back, y’know?”
“And when I...had...alone time?” She arched a brow, and his grin widened. 
“Didn’t see a thing. Scout’s honor. Though, I definitely heard quite a lot. You know, you’re not nearly as quiet as you think you are.” Her cheeks flushed red, and she turned her head to the side in an attempt to mute the color rising in her cheeks. “Nope, huh-uh. Keep those eyes on me, babe.” His fingers gripped her chin again, bringing her gaze back to his. “I want you to keep looking at me, no matter what.” She nodded, and he grinned, kissing the tip of her nose. “Good girl. Now, lemme get a look at you.” Perhaps not quite as slowly as he should have, he grasped the hem of her shirt and lifted it, groaning as her breasts came into view, soft and tipped with dusky pink. “Oh fuck,” he nearly whimpered, and she moaned as his hips pressed into hers, seeking warmth and friction. “Such a gorgeous little thing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen you come in from the cold, saw these little beauties all stiff and hard through your shirt, and wanted to tease them with my tongue until I had you moaning and squirming.”
She shivered, letting loose a soft sound of want as he settled his weight more firmly over her, purring like a cat as he leaned down to kiss her nipples, first one, then the other. A moan left her as she felt his tongue softly lick at one stiff peak, her hand tangling in his hair, which to her surprise pulled an answering moan from him. Seems she had found a weak spot.
Oh, she had never dreamed that this would feel so nice, his mouth at her breasts, sucking, kissing, licking, teasing. His hands, still cool but warmer than before, squeezed the full flesh, kneading restlessly, and she arched her back, pulling her shirt off all the way and moaning. His scruff tickled her skin, made her shiver and break out in goosebumps, and she let her fingers drift through his hair, causing him to spill little growls and purrs against her skin.
"Ohhhh, baby," he groaned, lifting his head, his hair a deep rose pink, his pupils wide, drinking in the sight of her. "Baby girl, I've dreamt of this moment for five years, I wanted to make it so good for you. But I don't think I can wait." His hand slipped down her body, palm flat to her skin to touch as much of her as he could at once, then slid between her legs, inside her panties to cup her sex, the heel of his hand pressing into her clit. She keened, her toes curling, and he groaned in response. "Please, babe," he murmured, pushing the tip of his middle finger into her. "Please?"
"Yes," she said, with no hesitation, nodding enthusiastically. "Yes, god, please."
There it was again, that mega-watt grin, his mouth split wide with joy. "Thank you, doll, fuck...oh, I've been wanting this for far too long." He sat up, and in the time it took for him to be upright again, his clothing-suit, tie, and all-had vanished, leaving him naked and visibly throbbing. His hands shook as he pulled down her panties, his cock twitching as he saw her bare for the first time. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, my god…” Nearly the same temperature as her now, he touched her, thumb rubbing her clit as he pressed two fingers inside. “Has any guy ever done this to you before," he asked lowly, his free hand sliding up her thigh as he watched his fingers slide in and out of her. 
"No." Her answer came immediately with a shake of her head, hips rolling against his hand. "No one."
"I knew it." He grinned, withdrawing his fingers and popping them in his mouth with a deep groan. "Knew you'd wanna save this for me." Licking his lips to savor her, he crawled over her, grasping himself to guide his cock to her entrance. The tip pressed inside, and he groaned, shivering as he saw her teeth come down on her lower lip. "Feel okay?"
"Feels great," she murmured, reaching up to hesitantly cup his cheek in her hand. "You can move, honey, you won't hurt me." Her heart gave a funny little stutter as he nuzzled into her palm, as if craving her touch. He began to rock his hips, so shallow and gentle, widening her for him, though she could see the strain it put on him to go slow, the tension in his shoulders and the clench of his jaw. Any last doubts she had about him melted away as she fully understood the care he was treating her with. To wait so long for somebody, to be with them every second and watch them laugh and cry and hurt without you, to ache with the need to touch them and be near them, and for the object of your affections to not be able to see you, let alone touch you...she could only imagine how frantic for her he must feel, but he was taking the time to consider her comfort, setting a slow pace despite the fact that it must be torture for him. “Beej?” She spoke the nickname softly, and his gaze focused on her with laser intensity, teeth exposed in a grin. “You don’t have to take it so slow, I won’t break.” Her thumbs stroked over his cheeks, slipping down to cup the sides of his neck and trace his jaw. “I want you to...to feel me. I made you wait so long, honey, but you can make up for lost time now. Don’t hold back.”
A thousand expressions crossed his face at once, his hand sliding around the back of her neck to lift her head, pressing his forehead to hers. “Baby,” he rasped, sounding on the brink of some tremulous emotion, “are you sure? I want this to be good for you-”
“This is as much for you as it is for me. If...if we’re really meant for each other, then isn’t it my job to take care of you, too?”
Beetlejuice let out a soft noise that sounded suspiciously like a sob, his lips pressing desperately to hers. “How did I get so fucking lucky to land a babe like you?” And with a snap of his hips, he was fully hilted, his eyes rolling back to the whites as she jolted in his arms, her wet warmth squeezing him, gripping him so tight. A string of curses left his lips, some in a strange language she suspected wasn’t from anywhere aboveground, and she lifted her legs to wrap around his waist, anchoring herself to him. “Fuck, that’s it, babycakes,” he crooned, his hips rolling, groaning with each delicious slide within her velvet. “Ohhh shit, you take me so well...yeah, fuck, you feel so damn good, sweet stuff. You doin’ okay?”
Oh God, was she ever. It was a little uncomfortable at first; while he was average in length, he more than made up for it in width, and there had been a strange burning as she stretched to accommodate him. But that sensation of fullness, of movement, of joining...was indescribable. It felt like breathing for the first time. Like the final piece of a puzzle slotting into place. Like the ceasing of a lifelong pain she had grown too used to to notice until it was no longer there. “Yeah,” she answered, tears gathering in her eyes. “I’m great. P-Please, you can go faster.”
He looked stricken at the glisten of her eyes and the tremble in her voice. “You sure? We can stop if it hurts, babes, I don’t-”
“No.” Her hands shot up to thread through his hair, yanking on it to pull him down into a kiss, the first time she had kissed him. “God, no. It doesn’t hurt, honey, it feels...oh, you feel so fucking good…” To emphasize her point, she squeezed her walls around him, bucking her hips up, and he groaned, shuddering against her. “More, please, I need more of you.”
His mouth left hers, but his lips wouldn’t or couldn’t seem to leave her skin, kissing across her cheek, the delicate shell of her ear, down her throat. “Fuck, say it again,” he murmured into the hollow of her throat as his pace increased, pushing harder, faster, the sense of something on the verge of collapse filling the room around them.
She knew what he meant, and she smiled, combing her fingers through his hair, neck arching as her hair spread across the pillow. “I need you,” she repeated, her body meeting his, rising up as he pushed down, rolling and cresting and crashing like waves against the shores of her bedsheets. “I need you, please.”
Whatever splintering dam had been holding him back finally broke, and he latched his teeth into her throat with a cry, slamming into her with unrestrained passion, marking her at her pulse, her collarbones, even just under her jaw. She was his, his, and no one else could ever have her now. She had called him, accepted him, opened herself to him in so many ways, in ways he never dreamed a beauty like her ever would. Praise dripped from his lips like rain, showering her in attention and bite marks. Her back curved, her body alight with sensation, each nerve electrified as she held him tighter and tighter, curling herself around him and letting herself get lost in him. This was everything she had wanted, everything she had been missing, in the world’s most unconventional lover. Affection, pleasure, desire, playfulness, care and attention. Her heart melted, her entire self surrendering to him; she felt it now, felt the rightness of his claim. She was his, body and soul. She always had been. 
His moans changed in pitch, his thrusts frantic, mindlessly chasing his pleasure as he took her hand, pressing it into the bed beside her head as his fingers wove between hers. “Babe, fuck, I’m gonna come...can I come inside you, baby? Huh? Can I fill you up, sweetness, fill you up and make you come with me? Please, baby girl, I’m so close…” He growled, nipping at her earlobe. “Let me make you mine.”
She nodded, almost too breathless to reply. “Yes,” she whispered. “Please, I’m already yours.”
He groaned, sucking her bottom lip between his teeth, pulling it back before releasing it. “Say it again. Tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m y-oohh fuck!” She cried out, cursing as his free hand began rubbing her clit, hard and fast, tripling her pleasure all at once. “I’m yours!”
“Again, babes…”
“Yours, Beej, I’m yours!”
“Louder, baby, scream for me!”
With a shout, he broke, his entire body shivering as he came, cool and so deep within her she could practically taste it. The fingers at her clit didn’t let up, and moments later she was following him, her pleasure crackling through her, spreading like lightning across a stormy sky through her body. Her vision faded, dimmed, but the light of his smile and the sound of his voice remained clear as day, grounding her as the muscles in her body unfurled one by one, her body collapsing against the bed as the pleasure faded slowly. There was the sensation of something dripping down her thighs, something wet and just slightly cooler than her own skin, and a delicious little shiver went through her at the sensation, heightening the little aftershock tremors. 
“Fuck,” he breathed, lowering himself to rest his head on the pillow of her breasts, “that was worth the wait.” His hands cupped them, pressed them together as he buried his face between them. For a few moments, everything was silent and still, his lips skimming her skin in little butterfly kisses as she stroked her fingers through his hair, catching her breath. Then, she heard something, heard his voice, heard a muffled voice murmur something that sounded suspiciously like, “I love you.”
“What was that?”
Lifting his face ever so slightly, but not looking up at her, he said loudly, “I said you have nice tits!” The words tumbled out of him a little too quickly, and the sudden flush of pink in his hair was a sign that he hadn’t meant for her to hear him, or perhaps he hadn’t meant to speak out loud at all. Either way, she didn’t press the matter, smiling secretly to herself. His kisses, however, became firmer, his tongue even darting out to flick against her skin, and she moaned, wriggling against him as his lips began to migrate south. 
“Where’re you headed, honey?”
“God, I like hearing you call me that.” He grinned up at her, licking over her navel. “What, you didn’t think I was done with you, didja? No way, dollface, I’ve got five years of lovin’ to make up for.” 
She could have made the argument that they had tons of time to make up for those five years, but as his fingers spread her open to allow his tongue to lap at her clit, the sentence was erased from her mind, her hips jolting up into his mouth. It had been worth it, she decided as his clever, hungry mouth sent her spiraling into one frenzied orgasm after another. All the heartache and tears and lonely nights had been worth it, since it had all lead up to him. For the first time, she felt wanted. Felt loved. Felt truly, finally seen.
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gone-series-orchid · 4 years
i was re-reading your fics and i'm honestly amazed at how in character they all are! maybe strange question, but what one emotion do you think drives the gone characters the most (any you want to talk about of course!)? and what is their defining trait to you? thanks so much, i really enjoy your content!! -anon who's sent more than i'd like to admit 😂 maybe "🎀" anon if you do that kind of thing? :)))
omg, anon, thank you so much!!!! (and yes, i love the idea of the emoji; i christen thee “🎀” anon!) i love getting feedback on my fics; they’re so fun to write! i’m glad you think all the characters are true to how they are in the books—i’d beg to differ, as i think i’m admittedly still trying to get a handle on them, even after all these years! i have a sneaking tendency i tweak the characters a bit in favor of making the admittedly non-canonical events work, but i guess that’s typical of fanfic writers as a whole. i make it difficult for myself, though, as it’s been too long since i read the books. i i should really pick them up again.... still, thank you so much, anon, your words mean a lot to me!!
as for what drives the characters in “gone” the most? that’s a good question! i think all the characters throughout the series are all driven by the need to survive, obviously—but i think there’s also the prevailing need, at least in the “good” characters like sam and co., to believe that they’re doing the right thing. but in a world where all the authority figures and guiding influences have poofed, how can they be sure? 
that’s why, for over half of the series, astrid clings to her faith and intelligence, and why sam tries to live up to his nickname of “schoolbus sam.” as young teenagers, the kids in the fayz haven’t properly developed their sense of self yet, so they latch onto things like the bible, or the belief that they’re meant to be king, or the belief that they’re a “bad girl”; they try to make themselves live up to symbolic representations. that steadily breaks down over the course of the series as the kids mature—diana seeks redemption through motherhood, realizing she can change and become good, astrid loses her faith but finds her own sense of agency, sam realizes he isn’t fit for leadership and steps down to make way for edilio, who alone is level-headed and mature enough to set his ego aside and perform his role as needed.
i think it’s interesting how all the “gone” characters (except for caine, drake, and maybe minor characters like brianna), morality is very important. even diana, an antagonist who’d be well within her right to say she’s doing good by staying with caine, knows that by some standard of morality she’s internalized that she’s “bad.” sam is terrified of being found out by an invisible jury of adults that he’s “bad,” that he’s been witness to countless deaths and trauma, and suffers survivor’s guilt because of that. astrid is sure that she is “good,” only to, in plague, recognize her folly and spiral into the same pit of self-loathing and doubt that sam and diana are trapped in (and eventually climb out of).
i think what drives a character like orc, mostly, is insecurity. that’s what makes him a sort of live wire. he’s insecure about his lack of intelligence, his father, his mother, his self-worth, everything. that’s why astrid’s kindness towards him affects him so much—she treats him like a person while he sees himself as a monster. she’s the one who inadvertently makes him realize that he deserves better. he has a powerful attraction to her because she’s the only one who makes him feel like a person worthy of respect. that’s what makes his attitude toward her during the coates scene in plague so frightening, because he’s essentially deciding to forgo any pretense of humanity and give into his worst self-destructive urges—putting him alongside the likes of the id-driven, pseudo-sexually sadistic drake—in the process of trying to kill himself. not only is he trying to kill himself physically, but he’s also trying to kill astrid’s image of him, the image that he’s previously tried and failed to live up to, by attacking her.
sorry, 🎀 anon, i think i went off track a little bit! nonetheless, i hope this sort of answers your questions. 
speaking of fics! i’m currently writing one that attempts to disentangle astrid and sam’s relationship in fear. it also puts sam and diana together, though to what extent I don’t know. it might be unrequited…. also astrid is there, trying to sort out her spirituality and her feelings toward sam and diana, and also trying to help orc find god and also sorting out her feelings about THAT…astrid has a lot of inner conflict in this one, lol. hopefully i’ll get it done sometime soon!
feel free to send more asks, 🎀 anon!! you know I love them!!
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homosociallyyours · 4 years
@velvet-impala tagged me to answer this long set of questions, and bc I love this sort of thing I’m DOING IT! I’ll tag folks here just in case you don’t want to read thru this whole dang thing. But I wanna say: if you want to do this, PLEASE DO IT and tag me so I can see-- I *love* reading responses to stuff like this. But @la-paritalienne @disgruntledkittenface @and-id-marry-larry @calmrry @crinkle-eyed-boo @lightwoodsmagic -- y’all are tagged :) 
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? black, but what matters most is how smoothly it writes.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? walkable neighborhood in a city. 3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? would love to learn how to hack into billionaire bank accounts without getting caught so i could redistribute their wealth to a variety of mutual aid funds. :)  4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? no, just milk! unless it’s really shitty/bitter coffee, and then i will take it with a couple sugars or sweetened creamer. 
5. What was your favourite book as a child? probably the Anne of Green Gables books  6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers! i wanna love a bath, but i get bored too fast and i never feel comfortable (where do i put my head? my feet? what do i do when my belly isn’t covered by the water and it gets cold?) so they’re meh. 
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? dryad! i wanna be a tree spirit!
8. Paper or electronic books? paper, i guess. but i do love reading fic electronically, so..
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? used to be my work hoodie. but now i would say this blue striped button down i have OR this one black dress i have with 3/4 sleeves that’s really soft and comfy. 
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? i always meant to start going by Dottie when I got older, but it hasn’t happened yet so it probably won’t by now? but i would never change my name generally speaking. 
more after the cut! 
  11. Who is a mentor to you? i had a co-worker who was really a mentor for me since i got into being a cheesemonger in 2008. he’s been in the industry for a long time and basically recruited me to the job i have/had here. but when i got sick he basically dropped me/hasn’t spoken to me in a long time. let me tell you: it fucking sucks. bc a mentor is a cross between a friend and a colleague and a relative; we jokingly called him my lesbian uncle. and so losing him from my life so completely over something like this is deeply shitty. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for?  not now, but before i was sick i would’ve said yes. BUT only bc i think i would be a great Saturday Night Live host (not a cast member! just a one time host with a monologue/skits). So whatever level of fame i needed to get that..
13. Are you a restless sleeper? I have really bad insomnia that means i take at least an hour to fall asleep most nights. Once I’m out, I usually sleep ok, but i do have intense dreams/nightmares that wake me up sometimes. 
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? yeah :/
15. Which element best represents you? earth: the wet dirt and leaves in a forest after rain in particular
16. Who do you want to be closer to? emotionally i’m pretty good i think. physically i wish i could be closer to friends and family in NYC, Seattle area, TN/Atlanta, and Germany
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? the people referenced above. also missing my Grandmomma a lot lately and my mom. 
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. art lessons with my grandmomma. her set of pastels that were all worn down and the heavy paper (black) that she pulled out to work on. she drew a quick portrait of a man, showing me how to create depth in skin tones with blue and green against the softer flesh tones. she didn’t blend it out, the marks all painterly and strong-- her style. i was 10, maybe? 12? so not *early* but it feels like forever ago. 
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? i have no idea? i’ve eaten a lot of weirdish cheeses. i’ve had geoduck? 
20. What are you most thankful for? the amazing friends i’ve gathered into my life along the way, my dad, and my baby dog. 
21. Do you like spicy food? yes, within reason (i don’t get stuff that’s spicy just for the heck of it, like ghost pepper chips or whatever? but when spice is integrated in with other flavors i love it)
22. Have you ever met someone famous? i used to make up stories about meeting famous people that were based on partial truths. i’ve hung out with or met a lot of gay famous people. but the biggest person who comes to mind is Sandra Bernhard. I sold her cheese.  23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? i have over the years. now i sometimes write things down in a paper journal, but mostly go to a really old blogging site where i basically put all my big feelings down in a public but sorta private spot.  
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? depends on my mood.
25. What is your star sign? taurus sun and moon, gemini rising
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? in between...not HARD crunchy, but not soft soggy. 
27. What would you want your legacy to be? would like people to remember that i loved them well and made them feel good/happy when i was around them. and hopefully that it made them feel like being good to others too. 
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? i do, but i’m mostly reading fic these days. i think the thing i read last was Pink Like the Paradise Found, which was FANTASTIC!
29. How do you show someone you love them? i tell them, shower them with physical affection, and do little things for them. also try to remember small details about what they enjoy and then do stuff to make them feel good when they’re down
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? yes, but not too much
31. What are you afraid of? sometimes being along but only when it’s very dark out and i’m in the sads. honestly-- this is some deep internalized ableism but here it is --i’m very afraid of never getting better and not being able to take care of myself or anyone else. 
32. What is your favourite scent? jasmine flowers, pu-er tea, the specific scents of people i love
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? however they’re introduced i guess. maybe because i’m an older person lol
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? i would live in the apartment i had alone (with a guest room). i would hire someone from my community to come help me out sometimes. i would get a weekly grocery delivery from the good quality place. i would have a dog walker. and i would fly home to see my family more than once a year and fly my family out for a visit sometimes. so like. probably the way a lot of ppl live? idk. 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? ocean
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? get dinner at the thai restaurant down the street a couple times. 
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? yes, lots! 
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? i’m not having kids BUT for the kids in my life, i try to teach them/model the importance of consent and respect for their own bodies as well as other people’s. and i know it said one thing, but alongside that is that i respect and love them for who they are, and that’s something they get to decide. 
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i want a lot of tattoos, but if i could get one tomorrow it would be a cheese themed tattoo with a variety of cheese knives (parm tools, dutch style knife) and a small cheese assortment. or a portrait of my dog
40. What can you hear now? this kinda dumb netflix show that i decided to binge today even tho it’s only kinda meh and my dog snoring just a little. 
41. Where do you feel the safest? when i’m surrounded by friends. 
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? my stupid money issues prolly
43. Of you could travel back to any era, what would it be? wanna go back to 1977 and live in the girl direction AU i wrote last year, lol.
44. What is your most used emoji? laugh crying emoji or sobbing maybe
45. Describe yourself using one word. colorful
46. What do you regret the most? not sure if this is a thing but i regret not realizing when i got bitten by a tick/got lyme disease the first time, bc maybe i could’ve just taken antibiotics and killed it, and then maybe i wouldn’t be sick? 
47. Last movie you saw? watched the new charlie’s angels the other night
48. Last tv show you watched? this dumb show is called sweet magnolias, and it’s. honestly not terrible! it’s just not my style of show. OH WAIT i take it back, they left it on a really shitty cliffhanger without warning, and that is the one way to make me drop your show/fic HARD unless i like. genuinely love you. so byeeee dumb show, hope you get cancelled
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. saungry: sadness brought on by being hungry, like hangry except oops you’re crying now! example: “fuck i knew i should’ve eaten before calling my best friend, now i miss them and i’m too saungry to figure out what to eat! Guess I’ll have tears for dinner” (almost called it sungry, but the internet thinks that might just mean ‘so hungry’)
did you make it to the end? WOW! devotion. thank you. 
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