#got carried away and wanted to make full designs for the little sheps from my last draw :)
demi-pixellated · 2 years
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Young Shepard
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 years
A Place To Call Home: Vacation
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Summary: The Ackles and Padaleckis are heading to the beach for a two week long family vacation. The reader invites TJ along and is surprised to learn someone else may have beat her to the punch…
Pairing: Jensen x foster daughter!reader (with TJ)
Word Count: 10,300ish (whoops)
Warnings: language, little implied smut
A/N: Takes place approximately 2 years after the end of A Place To Call Home and after the reader has finished college...
“Hey guys,” asked your dad quietly, skirting back from first class squatting down in the aisle, looking at both you and TJ. “How’s it going back here?”
“Arrow stole my window seat and Zeppelin insisted TJ watch Transformers with him so...lovely,” you said, shaking your head at TJ who was sandwiched between Zepp and Shep across the aisle.
“Mom and I and the other guys really appreciate you two watching the little guys on the flights for us,” said Jensen, giving you a smile. “So much so we figure before you two go insane back here, we’d let you know that the villa we’re staying in has a separate cottage. We thought maybe you and TJ would want to maybe take that for-”
“Yup,” you said nodding your head. “This is the best flight ever. We’ll even watch ‘em on the way home, won’t we TJ?”
“Yes. A million times yes,” he said with a fast nod, your dad chuckling.
“Didn’t think you two would mind a little privacy,” he said, giving you a smile and raising an eyebrow at TJ. “Appropriate privacy.”
“Of course,” he said. You shook your head, scratching the back of it when your dad looked back to you. He rolled his eyes and smiled as he stood up.
“Alright, we’ll see you guys in a few hours,” he said. “Have fun sibling sitting.”
“Do we have all of ‘em?” asked Jared, yawning as your parents grabbed the rental cars at the airport. “How many kids are there? I forget.”
“Six small, two large,” said Gen. “So, eight total.”
“We’re graduated from college and we still fall in the kids category?” you asked, waving you to you and TJ.
“I think one of the large children is acting up again,” teased Jared.
“I put Jared and Jensen in the large children category, hun,” said Gen, giving Jared a smirk. “Still debating on TJ at the moment although he’s more mature than those two put together.”
“Come to the dark side, TJ. It’s fun here,” said Jared with a nod, watching you scowl at him.
“Yeah but Jensen…you know...” said TJ.
“Fair point,” said Jared, corralling Odette when she started to wander off. “Everyone under 6’ 5” must stay in a ten foot vicinity at all times at the airport, Ms. Odette.”
“Dad, it’s pretty outside,” she grumbled, waving her arms around. “I wanna play. Please?”
“As soon as Uncle Jensen and Aunt De get the cars, we are going to the resort and we can play,” he said. “Promise.”
“So, right now,” said your dad, handing a set of keys to Jared and one to TJ. “Small kids with your parents, luggage goes with the big kids.”
You saw Tom and JJ look at one another, Jensen rolling his eyes.
“Over twenty is a big kid today, kiddos,” he said.
“But I’m ten and Tom’s eleven,” said JJ. “Double digits.”
“It’s cool if they ride with us,” said TJ. “Really.”
“Alright, alright. Let’s just get there so we can relax for minute,” he said.
“Awesome,” you said, TJ smirking the whole time as you put your luggage into the back of the open top jeep, JJ and Tom practically bouncing out of their seats.
“Alright, buckle up and we will be there in about half an hour,” said TJ.
“You two good back there?” you asked. You got hums and a pair of thumbs up, TJ laughing as he pulled your sunglasses down over your face. “Well let’s get going. I am so driving this next time we go out by the way.”
“Might have to fight me for it,” teased TJ. It didn’t take long to get away from the airport and start to smell the ocean in the air and feel the sun on your skin. It hadn’t been hard for your dad to convince you to take this year’s big vacation to the caribbean after last year’s fiasco. It had been his choice to try camping and after one night of roughing it with three bouts of stomach bugs later, you packed up and checked into a hotel not too far down the road and spent the rest of the two weeks relaxing with a nice room to come back to at the end of the day.
Unfortunately TJ hadn’t been able to get the time off with his internship to come with you but now he was working at the firm under the guy that had ironically designed your parents house, and they were very flexible with time off.
“I’m so glad my parents said yes that you could come this year,” you said, glancing over at him as he drove, his left arm hanging on the edge of doorsill, a warm breeze in the air carrying a pretty scent through it.
“I’m glad they invited me,” he said with a smile.
“They invited you?” you asked. “I invited you.”
“Oh. I remember your dad asking me if I wanted to come like a week before you did. I was away for spring break at my parents and he called me up,” he said. “I figured you were excited and wanted to talk about it in person was all.”
“I talked to them about it after...they invited you...now I’m suspicious,” you said, peering over your shoulder at the SUV behind you your dad was driving.
“I’m sure they just wanted to know for planning rooms and stuff,” he said.
“Or he could like...be planning to murder you in foreign country,” you said.
“Seriously?” said TJ. “Your little sister and like cousin are in the car.”
“We watch lifetime movies when Y/N babysits,” said Tom.
“She’s got a point, TJ. The perfect crime,” said JJ.
“These children are going to be vandals when they grow up thanks to you,” said TJ, shaking his head with a smile. “What else does Y/N have you guys watch?”
“I let ‘em watch Supernatural sometimes,” you said, TJ’s jaw dropping. “So what if the rule was like thirteen? They can watch some stuff. Like bloody mary. Ain’t that right JJ? You loved that one.”
You spun around with a smirk, JJ shaking her head, Tom rolling his eyes.
“Or like hookman,” you said, his head dropping back. You laughed and TJ started to giggle.
“Vandals and traumatizing them. Best big sister ever there,” he teased.
“Dude, that stuff’s in the handbook,” you said, reaching back and ruffling both their heads. “They know I love ‘em. It’s our little secret.”
“What about like...the stuff that’s a little more...grown up?” asked TJ.
“No. No. That’s why you watch the show ahead of me now. I can not have another Jared and Gen season 4 couch incident,” you said, shaking yourself out. “Seeing dad was bad enough but that was full on…”
“What?” asked Tom.
“It’s an episode you’ll never see and for good reason,” you said. “You’ll thank me someday.”
“Hey, you know what? You guys are pretty lucky to have Y/N. I’m an only kid. I would have loved having a big brother or sister around. It can get pretty lonely,” said TJ.
“But now you got us!” said JJ. TJ laughed and agreed with her but you only bit your bottom lip. You didn’t realize you were still smiling when you got to the resort, your dad grinning at you when he saw your face.
“Somebody looks like they’re in love,” he said, Arrow taking off with your mom ahead of him.
“Yeah,” you said, grabbing you bag from the back, helping JJ with hers before you gave her a hug. “Pretty awesome little sis right here.”
He was quick to take a picture of you two, nudging you to hold back once everyone started heading inside.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah. We were just talking in the car and TJ was talking about siblings and how the kids are lucky to have them and she made a comment like TJ’s part of our family so he’s got ‘em too. I don’t know. I’m…” you said. “Why’d you invite him on vacation?”
“It was a family vacation,” he said. “He’s part of the family.”
“Really?” you asked, your dad nodding with a smile.
“You’ve been best friends with the guy for four years, you’ve been dating for two and he comes over for dinner like six days a week. I think it’s okay if we call him part of the family at this point,” he said. You smiled, getting one in return. “I assumed you wanted him to come.”
“Oh, I did,” you said. “S’nice that you invited him is all.”
“I know. I’m also not going to murder him because yes, I watched that lifetime movie too,” he said.
“Well good cause then it’d be a whole thing to deal with..” you said, getting a chuckle from him.
“It’s why we act and make beer in this family. Whole lot easier,” he teased, tilting his head at you. “Speaking of making beer, mom says she’s creating a new position at the brewery. Full time, Monday to Friday. Someone to help with the business and design side of things, run social media. It comes with benefits, pretty kick ass salary, very flexible time off…”
“I told mom I’m taking it,” you said. “A big part of my duties will also be designing the farmhouse for the new restaurant and getting that up to code. I get to use that degree for something after all looks like.”
“You’re going to be a boss, not just a beer server anymore. You want that?” he asked. “You’ll be making decisions with all the owners.”
“It’s sort of called The Family Business so it makes sense that family runs it,” you said. “I want this.”
“Oh my...it only took you like five years to get that the plan was for the kids to run it someday,” he said with a laugh. “Whew. We were getting nervous for a minute there.”
“You guys were waiting for me to ask about a job?” you said. He shrugged, giving you a smirk.
“There’s always been a job there for you. Duh. Of course we were waiting for you to ask,” he said.
“You two are partially evil you know,” you said.
“But we’re nice evil, kiddo,” he said, giving you a hug, getting a strange look from a guy walking by. “Come on, let’s go be weird inside.”
“I don’t know if it’s possible for you to not be weird that long. You might actually combust from restraining yourself,” you said, smiling at him.
“I learned it from watching you, tall munchkin,” he said. You rolled your eyes and headed inside, handing over your bags to someone before everyone was being led off to your own private corner of the resort.
You parents and the Padaleckis thanked the people that brought your bags, you and TJ watching the kids take off to explore the villa.
“Guys, guys,” said your mom, Gen whistling before they got too far. “You three boys are sharing a room on the right. You three girls are right next door to them. Tom, JJ, us adults will be upstairs, Pads on the left, Ackles on the right. Any problems, come get any one of us, okay?”
“Where are TJ and Y/N going to sleep?” asked Arrow.
“Backyard,” said your dad. The kids scrunched up their faces, Jared nodding. “I know, sucks for them. But they’ll just be sleeping out there so during the day, those guys are still in charge too. Okay now take off you scoundrels. And no going near the pool or the beach without an adult out there.”
All six pairs of heads nodded before they were gone to their rooms and you were tugging TJ outside. You hummed as you both spotted the short path to the cottage off to the side.
“It looks beautiful,” you said, both of you wide eyed as you entered. There was a small kitchen and sitting room in the front of the house, and a huge bathroom and  bedroom with a perfect oceanfront view in the back, your bags already inside. “Wow.”
You stepped outside onto the small deck out there, looking around and seeing nothing but beach.
“This is so private. Isn’t it gorgeous?” you asked, looking back over your shoulder.
“It is,” he said, a hint of pink on his cheeks.
“Are you blushing TJ?” you teased.
“You should see how beautiful you are,” he said, smirking as he stepped out beside you. “That’s a very pretty sundress for a girl that doesn’t like dresses.”
“It’s the caribbean,” you shrugged, TJ humming as he wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder as you both stared out. “Want to go swimming?”
“Mmm, for sure,” he said, kissing your cheek before he pulled back. You went inside, digging through your bags for your swim gear, TJ with swim trunks in hand when there was a knock at the door. “Come in.”
“Hey,” said your dad, raising an eyebrow when he walked inside to the bedroom. “Wow, this place is nice. Just wanted to let you guys know we were thinking be ready to go for dinner at six? Little formal, not too formal. You probably need a dress shirt or polo TJ, a dress or nice shirt for you, honey.”
“Sounds good. We were going to go for a quick swim,” you said.
“Alright. Be safe. I think that’s the plan for us too. Oh and try not to spend all your time tucked away in here,” he teased, glancing at you and then your open suitcase. You kicked it shut, turning and looking at a picture on the wall when you saw him realize what he’d seen.
“Isn’t that a great picture?” you said. “That’s a great-”
“It’s a box of condoms. Guess what? You’re not the only one to pack some,” he said. You closed your eyes and shook your head, a loud laughing echoing from him. “Well I know where to come if I run out.”
“Sorry, I think...nope I definitely hear mom calling me right now,” you said, grabbing your phone. “I should totally take this and get away from here asap.”
“Oh so you don’t want to hear that you guys can order whatever you want for room service from here? Like we're paying for everything?” he teased.
“...Continue,” you said.
“Don’t blow our retirement fund but you guys want some wine, late night dinner, go for it. You’re both responsible,” he said. “Okay? Have fun on your swim guys.”
“Alright,” you said, your dad pausing on his way out, turning to TJ before he shook his head, biting back his comment.
“I need a beer,” he sighed. “Six sharp for dinner you two.”
“Gotcha,” you said, groaning when he left. “Oh my god. Never answer the door again.”
“I’m okay with that,” he said, peeling off of his short sleeve henley and shorts, shimmying out of his boxer briefs as he started to pull on his swim trunks.
“Remember the first time we were naked in front of each other?” you asked, leaning against the wall as he pulled up the shorts.
“Yes. I remember a whole lot of avoided eye contact and awkwardness and then I actually looked at you and thought, fuck she is smokin’ hot and beautiful? How’d I land this girl?” he said, walking over, peeling the straps off your dress until it slid off your body.
“You were always hot...then you got all muscly,” you said, patting his arm with a smirk as you grabbed your bikini and started to change.
“Well you do have a thing for big arms apparently,” he teased.
“True. I got a thing for sweet boys too,” you said, spinning around and showing your back to him. “Tie me up?”
“Y/N, you scoundrel,” he fake scoffed as you smacked his chest. He tied the strings together across your back and behind your neck, brushing your hair behind your ear when you spun around. “I love you, dork.”
“I love you, dork,” you said, giving him a peck on the nose.
“No nightmares last night?” he asked. You shook your head, TJ smiling wide. “S’been awhile since you had one. Must be a new record.”
“It is,” you said, resting your head on his chest. “Been feeling pretty good since that meltdown at finals week. I feel...safe.”
“I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you,” he said. You giggled and looked up at him. “S’why I got big and strong you know.”
You raised an eyebrow, TJ shrugging.
“Seriously? I thought you were trying to impress my dad or something which you totally don’t have to. He loves you,” you said.
“I like knowing I make you feel safe,” he said. “I like knowing I can keep you safe if I have to and are you blushing Y/N Ackles?”
“Shut up,” you laughed, grabbing his hand. “Come on, let’s go check out that pool.”
“Honey?” asked your mom from her chair by the pool, TJ showing Zepp how to flip into the water along with your dad at the other end. “Did TJ start working out more recently?”
“Your boyfriend’s like hot, Y/N,” said Gen, your mom whacking her arm. “What? He is! I remember him being smaller.”
“He joined crossfit about six months ago,” you said. “I tease him about being a jock now.”
“I guess we’ll have to see if JJ follows in tradition of choosing a man that goes smaller to strong,” joked Gen. “Always sweet though.”
“She probably will,” said your mom. “I think we got a few more years before boys come into the picture. Let ‘em enjoy being kids.”
Gen hummed and stood up with a stretch.
“True. So glad I got a while before Odette’s dealing with that. It’s getting late. We better get ready,” she said.
“Why don’t you wear that white dress with the little bowtie front?” asked your mom as she stood up. “That’s plenty pretty for the restaurant. I think TJ will like it.”
“He likes everything I wear,” you said. “Like everything.”
“They normally do,” she said. “We’ll meet you out front, okay?”
“Okay. We’ll be there.”
You gave TJ a smile at the table, looking him up and down in his white dress shirt and khaki shorts. You were vaguely listening to the conversation your parents were having, the kids seemingly passed out for the most part after the day of travel.
“I don’t think they’re listening to us,” you heard, your head whipping around, TJ’s doing the same. You saw four pairs of smiles as they were standing up. “We’re going to head back to the house guys.”
“Alright,” you said, some of the kids getting treated to rides back on the walk, Arrow walking over to TJ with a smile.
“You want a ride, pipsqueak?” he asked, bending down and scooping her up. “Did you like dinner?”
“Yeah,” she yawned. “You smell good.”
“It’s cologne,” he said.
“Daddy wears that sometimes,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder as you took his other hand and started the walk back. “TJ?”
“Can we build a sandcastle tomorrow?” she asked.
“Sure,” he said. She nodded and started to snore after a minute, TJ chuckling quietly.
“It seems you have a way with the Ackles women,” you said.
“Oh yes. You all fall asleep on me,” he said. “It was a long day for a seven year old.”
“Thanks for carrying her,” you said.
“S’no problem.”
“Thanks guys,” said your dad after you dropped off Arrow in her room. “We were going to have a drink by the pool if you want to join us.”
“Sure,” you said when TJ nodded. “I want to put on something warmer first.”
“No rush,” he said.
The second you sat down on the bed to take off your sandals though, you groaned, TJ doing the same.
“Sleep?” you asked.
“Sleep,” he said.
You grabbed your phone and texted your dad, tucking yourself into TJ’s side before he could even respond.
“Morning,” hummed TJ when you stirred awake. You stretched out, sighing into the sheets. “This bed is amazing.”
“I know,” you said, rolling over to catch the clock. “It’s already ten. We should probably get up.”
“Tomorrow we should get breakfast in bed,” he said.
“I like that plan,” you said. “Let’s go grab something from the resort and then we can head down to the beach.”
“Alright, alright,” said your dad, bending over and putting his hands on his knees. “Dad needs a break.”
“What are you, old, Ackles?” teased Jared, kicking around the soccer ball more with you and JJ.
“Yes and I’m not twisting my ankle two days into this thing,” he said with a huff. “Beer break.”
“I’ll take one of those,” you said.
“Beer, beer, lemonade,” said Jared, pointing at JJ, getting a nod. “Hey, Gen, De! What do you guys want for drinks?”
“We’re a delivery service now?” said your dad.
“Can I get a mojito?” asked your mom.
“I’ll have one too!” said Gen, Odette asking for grape juice.
“Let’s go find a waiter,” asked your dad. You headed more towards the resort area and eventually found one, getting everyone’s orders in as they said they’d send them over for you. You and your dad took a break at the resort bar in the air conditioning, glad to be out of the sun for a minute.
“JJ’s getting good at her dribbling, better than me now,” you said.
“I know. I could handle when you were better but the ten year old kicking my ass makes me question the old man comments,” he said.
“You’re barely 46, dad,” you said.
“Hot 46,” said a pair of women that walked past, giving him a wave.
“I think I threw up in my mouth a little,” you said.
“Hey, I’m hot 46,” he said with a smirk, puffing his chest out.
“You’re something alright,” you said, laughing when the fruitiest and brightest pink drink you’d ever seen was sat down in front of your dad.
“Courtesy Mr. Hanover,” said a waiter appearing from nowhere, a double of whiskey set down in front of you. The waiter questioned himself but you took the whiskey, smiling at your dad as the waiter left.
“Careful. I think TJ might like you,” you teased.
“Hey, mine came with a little umbrella,” he said, plucking it out and sticking it in your hair. “You guys crashed before us last night.”
“We were tired. Mom mentioned bonfire tonight?” you asked.
“Mhm,” he hummed, sucking on the straw until you saw half of it gone in ten seconds. You grabbed it away and asked for some water for him. “Hey, I’m thirsty.”
“What are you? Freshman on her first spring break? That thing has so much alcohol in it,” you said.
“Tastes like kool aid to me,” he said, taking a sip of the water, reaching for his drink again when you pulled it away.
“Do I have to have the talk with you?” you asked. “Pace yourself?”
“To use your words from that conversation, I won’t let the boys take advantage of me,” he deadpanned, cocking his head as wiped the sweat off your face. “So how’s Mr. TJ enjoying himself?”
“He’s good. I think he’s a little awestruck. He forgets we…” you shrugged.
“Have money? Well that’s because we don’t give you guys everything you want,” he said. “And you hate shopping thank god.”
“You gave me what I wanted,” you said, taking a sip of the pink drink, catching the soft smile on his face.
“We could live in a cardboard box and you’d be happy kiddo. You got different wants than most well off twenty somethings,” he said.
“I know,” you said, swinging your feet off the end of the bar stool, one of your flip flops falling off.
“Proud of you,” he said with a smile.
“What’d I do?”
“Just proud of you is all,” he said with a shrug. “You’re getting all grown up.”
“Yeah. Still feel like JJ’s older than me sometimes,” you said, his head cocking. “She doesn’t hesitate. She goes for stuff and I still overthink things so much.”
“Well...first off she’s ten so her problems consist of who sat next to who at lunch and the fact she can’t braid her hair,” he said. “You had slightly different priorities at ten. You missed that phase.”
“I can’t even braid my own hair good,” you mumbled.
“Y/N,” he grumbled.
“I know,” you said.
“Honey. Why do you think we go on big family vacations? We want you to get to have those chances to be a kid. We’re all just big kids. Case and point, you know what we get up to when the little kids aren’t around and someday they’ll get in on the secret too,” he said.
“Just feels funny sometimes,” you said. “I feel like a fake grown up, you know?”
“Yup. One hundred percent yup,” he said, taking his pink drink back. “Fake it til you make it.”
“Okay, I think we get you back to the beach before I have to divulge this new beverage of choice information to Uncle Jared,” you said.
“I will disown you,” he said
“No you won’t,” you said with a smirk, grabbing the drink and chugging the rest of it down.
“Got me there,” he said. “This time, you’re on my team.”
“Hey, Y/N?” asked JJ while you walked up to the house from the fire you were having on the beach that night.
“Mhm,” you hummed, holding open the door for her before she took off to the bathroom. You headed to the kitchen and started to grab some snacks and drinks to bring back down. You were nearly packed up when she came back.
“Can I ask a question about being brave?” she asked. You spun around, giving her a smile.
“Being brave? Isn’t that more dad’s department?” you teased. “Yeah, shoot. Everything okay?”
“Um...well...I didn’t want to come up to the house by myself,” she said. You tilted your head as you headed out the backdoor, JJ a little close as you walked across the deck area. “I don’t like the dark.”
“I don’t like the dark either,” you said. “But I do like nighttime.”
“Isn’t that kind of funny?” she asked.
“A little,” you said, slowing your walk back, stopping when you were halfway between the house and the beach, taking a seat on the step. She sat next to you, lifting her head up when you looked up. “S’quiet at night. Peaceful.”
“Stars are pretty,” she said.
“Yeah, they are,” you said, buming her shoulder. “You know, it’s okay to be scared of the dark, especially places you don’t know. This place is safe though. You don’t have to be scared here.”
“I know. I keep waiting to get older so I’m not scared of stuff, like how mom and dad let you do stuff by yourself and you don’t have to ask permission to sleepover TJ’s,” she said.
“I’m a lot older, JJ,” you said. “It’s part of growing up...and part of that is learning you don’t ever stop being completely scared of stuff. You learn more though so it doesn’t seem so bad.”
“Yeah but how are you brave?” she asked.
“Only time you can be brave is when you’re afraid,” you said. “It’s like how dad used to be afraid of public speaking.”
“No he didn’t,” she scoffed.
“Yeah, he did. But he did it, even though he was scared, and now he has so much fun at conventions. Sometimes it’s just something that takes time, like not being afraid of the dark,” you said, looking around. “Like how it’s pretty dark right now but you don’t seem scared.”
“I guess...I’m not,” she said, looking around, giving you a smile when she turned back.
“See? Nighttime ain’t so bad,” you said.
“Yeah, it’s pretty,” she said with a nod, staring at you, that same look she’d been giving you more and more lately.
“JJ, if you want to ask a question, go ahead,” you said softly.
“If something ever happened to mom and dad...would me and Ro and Zepp go to a foster home like you did?” she asked. You smiled and shook your head, glancing down at the beach.
“No. No. Mom and dad...they have it all squared away so grandma and grandpa would take care of you guys and I would be a guardian along with them,” you said.
“A guardian?” she asked.
“Yeah. It means I’m an adult, not your parent, but I’ll take care of you like a parent would. Before I was adopted, mom and dad were like guardians for me,” you said. “You’d stay at home, same school, all that.”
“You’d take care of us?” she asked.
“I’m your big sister. I’d do anything for you guys,” you said, giving her a hug.
“Why’d your mom and dad not do that for you so you didn’t have to go to foster care?” she asked.
“I didn’t have much for blood relatives. My parents were only kids and my other grandparents were all gone before I was born. But they had a plan, some of their friends said sure if something ever happened to them they would take care of me,” you said.
“They lied?”
“No, I don’t think they lied,” you said, leaning back against the step behind you, propping your elbows up. “They just...weren’t prepared to take care of a kid.”
“So you went to a foster home?” she asked.
“After I got out of the hospital, yeah,” you said with a nod.
“Was it scary?” she asked quietly. “The car crash?”
“I don’t really remember a lot from that night. I hit my head in the accident so stuff is fuzzy. But I remember glimpses from inside the car and yeah, it was scary. It was really scary,” you said.
“Who took care of you?” she asked.
“There was this police officer. Dougie. He was probably Uncle Jared’s age. Big strong guy but super friendly. I crawled out of the car around the time he got there. It was pitch black and raining and I was crying and everything hurt...and he just picked me up, sat me down in the backseat of his car with him and he was just quiet. He put a blanket around me and sat there and held my hand and he never left my side until we got to the hospital and the doctor’s had to look at me. He even came to visit me the next day,” you said. “Other people were there and stitched me up but Dougie took care of me that night. I can remember Dougie.”
“What happened when you got better?” she asked.
“Well I met with some people when I was in the hospital, including Cole,” you said. “They went over some stuff with me. Cole went out of his way to help with all my parents stuff and arrangements and all that. A week after the accident, he took me to my first foster home. There were about eight other kids there,” you said. “I had to share a room with three other girls. All I wanted to do was cry so that’s what I did.”
“But then you got happier?”
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “I didn’t get happier until I came to our house. I didn’t want to admit it but that first day, I knew mom and dad were different and they were good, all you guys were.”
“I remember when I got in trouble that time, when I told you to go away around Christmas?” she said. “Dad said you had mean mom and dads before.”
“You know he wasn’t talking about no hugs and kisses, now, huh,” you said. She nodded, looking over at you. “Someday I’ll tell you more but you’re too young right now for that.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” she said. “Promise.”
“No, kiddo. I get that. I want you to-”
“Mom and dad are good so I’m not afraid,” she said, blinking at you a few times. “Just a little. Please?”
“...I used to be very afraid of touch, from guys, like dad. My first birthday party, when I’d been here a week, he held my hand to try and walk with me to the kitchen and I ripped right out of it because I was afraid...because that’s what I learned in foster care. Not all of them were like that and I do not want you to have the wrong impression. It helps a lot of kids. It helped me with finding mom and dad. But some places are bad and someday you can learn why I ended up in those ones but-”
“If you were in bad ones, why’d you come to us?” she asked.
“Because Cole helped me and when they tried to make me leave, stuff happened and I got to stay home,” you said.
“You were afraid of dad?”
“That was a long, long time ago,” you said, smiling as you heard a whistle from the beach. “But he was slow and gentle when I’d forgotten that’s how you’re supposed to be treated. We have really amazing parents, JJ. Even you helped me way back then.”
“Me? What’d I do?”
“Honestly, I have no idea. Just know I love you, squirt,” you said, giving the top of her head a kiss. “You want a piggyback ride?”
She hopped on your back and you nearly stumbled forward, picking up the basket and carrying it down to the beach with a grunt.
“I forgot how heavy she is now,” you breathed out when she climbed off and took a seat. You handed out the drinks, your mom grabbing you when you walked past.
“Everything okay?” she whispered.
“Mhm. Just a little bonding time,” you said. “We’re all good.”
“Never have I ever?” asked Jared, your mom shaking her head. “Oh, they know you guys get up to stuff. We all heard about the couch make out session. Oh, I got it...first time you snuck out and got caught.”
You’d heard both your parents stories before as they told them, Gen patting herself on the shoulder for technically only getting caught by the family dog.
“What about the youngin’s? TJ?” asked Jared.
“Oh come on. It’s TJ. He probably never even snuck out,” said your dad.
“Junior year of high school. Went to the end of year party. Asked out Hallie Knicks. I got completely rejected but I did manage to get drunk and walk home straight through the front door. My parents thought I was playing a prank on ‘em,” said TJ.
“Wait you snuck out, came home drunk, admitted it yourself and got off scot free?” asked Jared.
“Yup,” said TJ.
“Shit. I want your parents,” said Jared. TJ chuckled, everyone turning to you, your parents wearing big smirks. “Out with it, kiddo. When’d you ditch these dorks?”
“No, the game is first time you snuck out and got caught,” said your dad, raising an eyebrow. “Which we never did…”
“I never snuck out at their house,” you said with a shrug. “First time I was ten.”
“Ten? Whoa, don’t be telling JJ that,” said your dad.
“What’d you do? Go to a friends house?” asked Jared.
“Tried to runaway. Didn’t get far. Cop brought me back twenty minutes later,” you said, digging your feet into the sand, letting it fall through your toes. “Not a good night.”
You glanced up, the conversation dying out, your dad squeezing his beer bottle as he narrowed his eyes at the fire.
“Hey mom? How’d you fall in love with dad?” you asked.
“Jensen stole her from the mental ward,” teased Jared.
“At least mine’s not a demon,” he said.
“Demons have more fun,” said Gen.
“Yeah, yeah,” said your dad, your mom rolling he eyes with a smile. “So dad and I got a job on the same movie…”
“Wha?” you mumbled, lifting your head off TJ’s shoulder.
“Come here,” he said quietly, lifting you out of the beach chair, your arms going around the back of his neck. The fire was still going, your dad and Jared sitting there, laughing about something. “Let’s put you to bed.”
“Night, Jared,” you mumbled.
“Night, Y/N.”
“Night, dad,” you breathed into TJ’s neck, half asleep already. “Breakfast.”
“I remember. Breakfast in bed tomorrow,” said TJ. “Let’s get you put away, sweetie.”
He carried you all the way back to the cottage, helping you wash off the sand from your feet before he plucked off your clothes, threw one of his tees on you and threw the covers over you.
“You’re not coming to bed?” you said when he headed back for the door.
“In a little while. I was going to stay up a little more if that’s okay,” he said.
“Mhm. Love you.”
“Love you too, Y/N.”
The next two weeks flew by and you were seriously considering begging that you come back the next year.
“Sucks that we have to fly home tomorrow,” you said, moving slowly to some sweet music after dinner, TJ a far better dancer than he gave himself credit for.
“Yeah,” he said. “This has been nice. More than nice.”
“Want to cross something off the bucket list tonight?” you asked.
“Last time you said that, I was swimming in the ocean butt naked in the middle of the night when a piece of seaweed about gave me a heart attack,” he teased.
“Ah but we have the memory of you squealing like a little girl forever now,” you said, biting your bottom lip to hide your smile.
“What do you got in mind troublemaker?”
“Firewalking? Are you insane?” asked TJ.
“You’ve met my family so it’s quite possible,” you said, pulling him over with you. “It’ll be fun.”
“You are insane, woman,” he said, waving you to go first. You stepped up and put down your foot, feeling the heat but you walked across normally and hopped off into the sand, TJ blinking slowly at you.
“Your turn babe,” you said with a wink.
“Okay, okay, okay,” said TJ, walking a little faster, a bit more of a wince on his face but he made it through, a big huff of air escaping him. “The things you do for love.”
“Loser,” he said, throwing his arm over your shoulders. “I had a dance to finish with you if I recall correctly.”
“Mind if I cut in?” you heard from behind you an hour later, TJ smiling as he stepped away and headed for your mom across the way. “Having fun tonight?”
“Yes, dad,” you said, moving a bit slower with him. “Guess what?”
“I haven’t had a nightmare in over two months,” you said, a big smile on his face. “Well...one of those ones. I keep having this weird cat one though...”
“We’ll take it,” he said, spinning you around. “I’m glad to hear it. You seem happy lately.”
“After that epic meltdown I had finals week a few months ago, I tried to think about what you said and...I’m happy. Maybe not everyday and I know I’m just in this nice sweet spot right now but I’m not so scared of the rest of my life I guess. I got a pretty good one, you know?” you said.
“Yeah. Nice to hear you say it though,” he said as he moved around. “Mom’s already making plans to come back.”
“Oh we are so coming back,” you said.
“Figured you wouldn’t have a problem with that,” he said, looking across the way. “Think TJ will want to come with?”
“Yeah,” you said. “He seems less nervous around you. You guys talk or something?”
“Just guy stuff,” he said. He looked up at the dark sky above you, humming to himself. “I told mom I’m taking the rest of the year off.”
“Really? You’ve been busy since the show ended,” you said.
“I did 15 seasons of the show and then been busy with movies...I think I deserve a little time off,” he said with a smile. “Maybe mom and I’ll take a little time just for us if you wouldn’t mind watching the kids for a little while?”
“Never,” you said.
“Thanks, kiddo,” he said, kissing the top of your head before he broke off. “Go dance with your boyfriend. This is one of those moments you remember when you’re my age.”
“You’re not old dad,” you said.
“Yes! She finally said it!” he said with a fist pump.
“TJ? There’s a senile old man over here I need to get away from,” you said.
“I’ll take him,” said your mom, skirting over to your dad.
“Of course you will,” you said, grabbing TJ’s hand. “Want to head back to the cottage?’
“Yes please.”
“Alright,” said your dad, plopping down on the couch back in Austin the next night. “Kids are finally down.”
“TJ, where’s your sweatshirt?” you asked, rubbing your arms in the ice cold house. “Someone left the AC on.”
“I left it on the couch,” he said, munching on some pizza from the kitchen. The flight home had been long and it was late, everyone in bed and you were secretly just waiting for TJ to get his butt in bed so you could go to sleep too.
You grabbed the sweatshirt and tossed it on, shoving your hands in the pockets to get warm. You felt something odd though and pulled it out, holding up the square object for a few seconds before it clicked what it was.
You spun wide eyed towards the kitchen but TJ was already in front of you, snatching it out of your hands.
“Is that…” you said, swallowing as you looked up at him. He smiled and nodded, starting to bend down when you jumped up and threw your arms around him.
“Not even gonna let me ask, huh?” he teased.
“Sorry,” you said, peeling away for a moment as he got down.
“So...I was totally going to do this down there…” he said, glancing at your sweatshirt. “But I forgot my sweatshirt here.”
“You dork,” you said, smiling hard.
“Your dork for as long as you’ll have me. Would you marry me?” he asked.
“Yes,” you said, TJ standing up and opening the box, slipping on the ring. “Did that really just happen?”
“I think so,” he said. You gave him a big kiss, his hands cupping your cheeks before you were laughing too hard and had to pull back. “Hey now, no take backs.”
“No. Never,” you said, grabbing his hands. “Never.”
“Good,” he said, kissing you again. “Love you.”
“Love you,” you said, biting your bottom lip, getting another hug before you realized your dad was poking his head around the stairs to the TV room, whipping it back around when he saw you. “You can stop hiding dad.”
“Just giving you two your moment,” he said, giving you a smile when he came back in. He smiled and nodded at you both, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ll uh...well I’ll see you two in the morning, hm?”
He hummed as he walked past, his smile turning to a smirk as he glanced around the corner back at you.
“He knew, didn’t he,” you said, looking to TJ.
“I asked,” said TJ. “He’s known about two weeks.”
“I’m going to guess it was a yes?” you asked.
“Well-” started TJ, your dad shaking his head. “Just guy stuff really.”
“Yup. Night, kids. We’ll go out to breakfast or something,” said your dad, looking you up and down and then at TJ. “I think you’re in good hands now.”
“Yeah. I am,” you said, grinning back at TJ. “Night dad.”
“Night kiddo.”
Jensen’s POV
“The kids finally going to bed?” asked De when I walked in our room. I hummed and sat on the edge of the mattress, crawling under the covers and hitting off the light. She rolled over and pulled my arm around her shoulders, nuzzling into my right side. She was warm and soft and there was still that little flutter there. “Jensen?”
“Yeah. Everyone’s heading to bed,” I said, giving her a light squeeze. “I love you.”
“I love you, hun,” she said, nestling her head on the pillow, taking a few deep breaths. “He finally did it, didn’t he. You got that look.”
“Yup. We got a son-in-law on the way,” I said, smiling at her.
“What was her reaction? You see it?” she asked.
“I think some of that weight she carries just went away for good. Not all of it but...she was happy. She’s happy,” I said, closing my eyes. “She’s happy.”
“You can cry, Jens,” she said gently.
“I’m happy too,” I said.
“Not every day your oldest girl gets engaged,” she said. “To one of the arguably sweetest men on Earth.”
“He’ll take care of her,” I said. “He already takes care of her.”
“We did good. You did good,” she said. “Set an example of what she deserves.”
“I guess we did, huh? Not too bad for two people who had no idea what they were doing,” I said.
“Eh, we figured it out eventually,” she said. “Let’s sleep. I have to wake up early and make some celebration cupcakes or something now before breakfast burritos.”
“You excited? You got a wedding to plan,” I said.
“Yeah,” she said. “Just wish we got her sooner.”
“You always say that,” I said.
“Still true,” she yawned. “Night. Wake me up if any other life changing developments happen.”
“Eh...maybe,” I teased, earning a playful whack on the chest. “You know I do that on purpose right?”
“Tease me? No. I haven’t figure it out yet,” she deadpanned, leaning up for a moment.
“Night, De,�� I said, pecking her lips. She smiled and slid back into bed. Her breath evened out quickly and I started to drift, running over the conversation that’d been playing over and over for weeks now.
“Hey,” I said when TJ came back down to the beach after carrying Y/N to the cottage. “Someone forget a phone?”
“No, wanted to stay and hang out a while longer if that’s cool,” he said. I hummed, Jared looking back and forth between us.
“I’ll uh, give you guys some privacy,” said Jared, patting my shoulder. I almost stopped him but he smirked. “I got some of my own fun to be had.”
“Don’t whine too much for Gen,” I shot back, Jared giving a light punch to my arm as he stood up. TJ stood up and took a seat closer, grabbing another beer and cracking it open, drinking down about half of it before he peeled his eyes away from the fire. “Something wrong?”
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “No. I’ve been having this conversation in my head for...a year and I still don’t know how to start.”
“You want to marry her, don’t you?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said, nodding and giving me a smile. “Yeah, I do. I really fucking do.”
“Well...get to the asking permission part. Worst that could happen is I say no,” I said. He looked like he forgot how to blink.
“If you say no?” he asked.
“Why don’t you ask and find out?” I said. I knew I sounded like an ass but this was important. I knew he didn’t want to screw it up but-
“I’m not asking permission to marry, Y/N, Jensen,” he said. I raised an eyebrow, leaning forward in my seat.
“Well what are you asking?” I said, tilting my head at him.
“Am I good enough for her?” he asked. I scrunched up my face, closing my eyes before I held up a hand. “Am I? I know she can do better but do you think I’m good enough? She would say yes to me?”
“TJ,” I said, sitting back in my seat, running my hand over my mouth. “You know her. I mean really know her. You have her trust and unconditional love. She doesn’t give those out to just anybody. She doesn’t tell just anyone about everything she’s been through. You’re in a very elite club.”
“I don’t...I am asking you, her dad, on this but am I a good enough man for her?” he asked. “Please. Yes or no. That’s all I want.”
“I don’t think you’re good enough,” I said, his gaze dropping to the sand. “I think you’re better. You’re pretty close to perfect for her, probably the most perfect for her if it exists.”
He lifted his eyes up, a little wide, a little hesitant but he quickly gave a short nod.
“TJ...I know I mess with you sometimes. It’s one of the joys of being a father to girls. But...if you wanted to marry Y/N, I’d be pretty happy with that,” I said.
“Okay,” he said quietly, leaning back in his chair. “Okay.”
“Okay,” I said, taking a sip of my beer. “I guess that just happened.”
He let out a quiet laugh, glancing over almost shy like now.
“What?” I asked.
“You know you set a pretty high standard,” he said. “When it comes to Y/N.”
“Ready to keep it up the rest of her life?” I asked.
“If she let’s me,” he said, sitting back in his chair.
“You’re gonna get the hang of this real easy,” I said with a chuckle.
“Jensen,” he said.
“Yeah, kid?”
“Is it normal to fall in love fast?” he asked.
“How fast?”
“Second week of freshman year,” he said. “She wore this yellow tank top and faded shorts and her hair was in this pretty side braid and she was going on about making a study group for Biology and I just thought, fuck me. I love this girl. What the hell are you doing, TJ?”
“Still feel that way?” I asked.
“Oh yeah,” he said.
“It don’t go away either,” I said. He smiled and nodded, looking up at the stars for a few minutes. “Ask all your burning questions. Secrets safe with me.”
“Why’d you adopt her?” he asked.
“Cause we loved her,” I said.
“Yeah but...I don’t know,” he said.
“A piece of paper doesn’t make someone family,” I said. “I think you know that.”
“Then why?” he asked.
“A couple reasons. It makes things easier legal wise. It helps for medical reasons, if De and I were ever in an accident, if Y/N was, stuff like that. But we knew what it meant to her and to us,” I said.
“What’s it mean to you? I know her side,” he said.
“She told me for her it meant she couldn’t be thrown away. For me, it meant she couldn’t be taken away,” I said.
“I don’t follow,” said TJ.
“Say you had a kid, a daughter. Best day ever, right? She comes home and you spend the next seven months or so watching her grow, loving her, being a dad to her. That’s your baby girl. You’d do anything for her. I know you know what I mean because of Y/N but kids...kids are even more special. So you got this girl you’d give the world for and she loves you even if she can’t quite say it yet. But she does and you know she does. How do you think you would you feel if someone came to your front door and said they were taking away your baby girl and there was nothing you could do to stop it?”
“I’d say that’s my kid and I’m calling the cops,” he said.
“What if a cop was one of the people there to take her?” I said.
“But it’s my kid and I didn’t do anything wrong. Isn’t that kidnapping?” he asked.
“Felt like it. I never felt more helpless in my life than the day we almost lost her. I was pissed. More than pissed. But technically, they could take her and I had no right to make her stay,” I said.
“That was the stuff with the chick at the office,” he said.
“I hope you never have to know what that feels like, TJ. For a split second, it was even worse because for one little second-“
“She thought you asked them to take her back. I know. She feels guilty about thinking that sometimes,” he said. I gave him a long look, shaking my head when he shrugged. “You know how she is.”
“Yeah,” I said.
“So you adopted her so no one could take her away again?” he asked.
“It shouldn’t have been on her to be the smart one and figure out what had been going on. I got lucky she’s smart and the fact she was ready to get some closure on the accident. If she hadn’t saved her own ass, we wouldn’t be talking right now,” I said.
“Maybe it wasn’t. But she’s not a damsel in distress either,” said TJ.
“No. She’s certainly not one of those,” I said with a smirk. “Still though. I’m her dad. It doesn’t matter how old you get. Your parents still want to protect you.”
“I get that. I get the whole adopting so she’s yours thing too. But I just feel like, say Y/N didn’t know that stuff and she did get taken away...I have a feeling you still would have wound up as her dad,” he said.
“I guess I’m not following now,” I said.
“You’re joking, right?” he asked.
“Nope,” I said.
“Alright. Say your kid gets taken away and you can’t do anything about it. Say you wait until that kid turns eighteen and becomes an adult, you know, has more rights about who they want to speak to and hang out with. You’re telling me that you, super dad over here, wouldn’t try to get in touch with her again?”
“I think I would have fought for her to stay. But even if I lost, doesn’t mean I’m not her dad,” I said. “All that matters is what she thinks and she wanted me so she’s got me. Again, I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me that. All it did was make things a little easier for me. For her, it eased some worries so she can have it.”
“I know there’s this big packet in her closet in this duffel bag she keeps in there. Only thing in it. You gave that to her on her adoption day. Adopting her means more to you than you’re saying,” he said.
“TJ. I love her to death. She’s my daughter and you’re gonna be my son in law so I know you love her to death too. What are you trying to get at?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Just...I guess I wanted to hear that you adopted her not just for her but for you too,” he said.
“Why is that important to you?” I asked.
“Isn’t the point of having kids because you want them? Isn’t that like the selfish part of it?”
“TJ. If we had wanted another kid, there was a far easier and cheaper way to go about it. Being a foster parent and adopting her? Yeah, that’s one of the most selfish things I’ve ever done. I did it for her but I did it for me and our family too,” I said.
“Good,” he said, taking a drink.
“Oh, well glad I got your permission on it,” I laughed. “I got a question for you, Mr. TJ. You gonna take a year to ask her?”
“Shut up,” he said, biting down a smile. “No. I wanted to ask her while we were here. Packed the ring up in my sweatshirt and had it all ready to go cause I was going to put that in my carry on, not risk losing that. Guess who remembered he left his sweatshirt on the back of the couch at your place when we were on the runway?” he said.
“Wow. I bet you had it all planned out, super romantic down here,” I said.
“Yup,” he said, shaking his head. “So there goes that plan.”
“Word of advice. If she loves you, I mean really loves you, it doesn’t really matter how you do it. Try to put in a little effort you know but this is Y/N we’re talking about,” I said.
“I want it to be special. She deserves that,” he said.
“It will be, no matter how it happens. TJ. Since we’re having a moment and all that, can I ask why you went after a girl like Y/N?” I asked.
“She’s my best friend,” he said.
“I mean once you knew about stuff, why didn’t you ever treat her differently?” I asked.
“Because it didn’t matter, it doesn’t,” he said.
“You’re gonna do just fine,” I said, giving him a smile.
“She asks stuff like that sometimes. Normally at three in the morning but just to be aware,” I said.
“I know. When she stays over-“
“Don’t need to know,” I said.
“Sometimes we talk or just sit in bed and don’t say anything,” he said.
“Good. PG rated cuddling is awesome,” I said with a nod. “Anything else?”
“No. Just can’t wait to ask her,” said TJ. “You tip her off though and you’re dead to me.”
“Hurt her and they’ll never find your body,” I said with a smile.
“That goes for you too,” you said.
“I can agree to that,” I said as I stood up, giving him a smile. “Grab that cooler for me when you head up.”
“I ought to head to bed actually. I got a date in the morning,” he said.
“Well enjoy it,” I said, patting him on the back when he got up. “Night, kiddo.”
“Jensen?” he asked. I hummed, TJ looking down for a moment. “Thanks. For you know...I’ll be good to her, if she lets me.”
“You already are,” I said, giving you a smile. “Goodnight, TJ.”
“We did good,” I said, closing my eyes, rolling over to face Danneel. “We did real good.”
A/N: Check out The Video & The House timestamp here!
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