#got round to colouring it tho so yay for me
bubzterr · 10 months
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giving him urgent medical attention (a kiss)
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sysig · 5 months
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Having fun, more and more! (Patreon)
#Doodles#Unicorn Tails#Dangersoft#Villainsona#Just Desserts#True Villainy AU#Okay fine I'll talk about the really silly fixation I accidentally fell into lol#It's all Jello's ISaT stream's fault they mentioned Wall Day and I got curious!#Actually it was Jello reciting Will's line as the mad cultist in a kids' unicorn game that got me interested lol he just went all out#And it really is a kids' game! Like yeah some of the lore is dark and ominous and weird but it's genuinely just a nice unicorn game#And the character customization is cute and you can buy a spider hat! I want a spider hat#I'm fully onboard at this point lol I intend to buy it for realsies and play as an alicorn and go hunting for the Estranged Rabbit#Dangersoft is great of course <3 Neon green horse love that for her#Some happies <3 I've been quite happy lately :D Big Loves yay <3#If there is an article of clothing I can hide in I will take the opportunity every time lol#Regularly hiding in hoods and collars - it just feels nice!#More Charm more cutes <3 I've had the idea of her cutting her hair for S3 since she was created but I still don't Actually have anything lol#She's just cute and I love her! She's adorable no matter what she looks like#I think I was thinking something along the lines of her long hair being used against her in her True Villain form#Like how it's normally up and ice cream shaped but Kaiein wanted it down and it gave her a different look#But short it can't look like that :) She's always light and fluffy if it's short! I like it <3#Speaking of - her candle wings popping out from her Kaiein wings!#It's weird to see her with her hair down and glasses on in that context haha#I do like the symbolism of dark inky wings being cut through with fire and light :) Still drippy tho lol#And rounding off with a Just Desserts bee <3 I posted that one JD Pet Bee a while ago but I think bees are also wild animals#They're important for sweets production and pollination! Fruit-based sweets need them!#I personally really love bees I think they're the cutest but I also get really stressed about buzzing :'D#Does Not help that my hair is a colour they're attracted to so they come up right next to my head to investigate agh#So Charm is the same! Loves bees! They're wonderful and important and cute! But the buzzing...#She's being very brave tho <3
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havenoffandoms · 5 years
god i loved that so much!!!’n and yay, i love reader inserts! You are making me want more Marshall!!! (tho still don’t have a prompt... i will get there eventually)
So glad you liked the last one!! I hope you like this one just as much! I haven’t written much for Marshall, so I’m still testing the waters with his characterisation. Sorry if this feels OOC. Enjoy anyway :D
Warnings: fluff, pregnancy
You gently rubbed your round belly as you leafed through the maternity catalogue in search for a stroller for your future baby. You could not decide between two models that had caught your eye and it was driving you insane. You slammed the catalogue on the kitchen table before Faye, causing the young girl jerk in surprise and drop her phone on the table. 
“Which one? The blue one or the black one?” you asked her without any introduction into the subject. Faye looked slightly confused for several seconds before her brain caught up on what you were asking her. 
“Uh... I like both, so whichever you pick is fine,” she told you. 
“But if you had to pick one...,” you pressed her urgently. 
“I don’t know.... the blue one?”
You brought the catalogue closer to your face again and examined the blue model more attentively. The blue stroller looked nicer, but the black one seemed the more practical choice. Your inner debate was interrupted by Marshall stepping into the kitchen and dropping his keys and wallet on the kitchen island with a tired sigh. 
“Hey girls,” he greeted you two, but you hardly heard him. You went to place the catalogue before him and pointed at the two strollers you could not decide between. 
“Which one do you like best?” you asked him. Marshall grabbed a mug from the mug tree and poured himself some coffee from the thermos sitting on the kitchen counter. 
“Just pick whatever one you want. It’s what you’re going to do anyway,” he added teasingly, only to earn himself a half-hearted eyeroll. 
“Seriously Marshal, I have hardly seen you with your new case keeping you busy most of them time. It would be nice to see you a little more involved when you are here. At least help me pick out a stroller.”
“Fine, the blue one then,” Marshall said before taking a sip of his still far too hot coffee. 
“That settles it then, we’ll get the black one.”
You vaguely heard Faye snort at your words, while Marshall merely sighed in resignation as you pulled the catalogue away from him and had a look at their range of baby clothes. 
“Well that was fun,” you heard him say as you got comfortable on the couch again, “how about I help you pick out the wrong crib?” 
“Oh, that reminds me! The crib was delivered this morning, I put it in the nursery. Now all that’s left to do is paint the walls blue and build the crib, and we’ll be ready to welcome the baby,” you said without looking up from the catalogue, only realising your mistake when it was too late. You tensed when you realised that you had indirectly blurted out the baby’s sex although you told Marshall you wanted to keep it a secret from him until the birth to surprise him. You sincerely hoped he had not picked up on the clue.
“Blue? You mean, as in the traditional colour used in baby boys’ rooms?” he asked, his tone hopeful and excited at the same time. How could a talented detective like him miss out on such an obvious hint? 
“Girls like blue, too. Isn’t that right, Faye?”
“Don’t count on my help on this one,” she said, her voice betrayed how amused she was by your current predicament, “I’m just as curious as dad to find out if I’m gonna have a little brother or a little sister... guess you just confirmed that it’s gonna be a boy.”
“I did not, I just stated what colour I would paint the nursery. I like blue,” you defended yourself, surprised at how steady your voice remained. 
“If you were going to paint the nursery following your own tastes, you would use your favourite colour which, as I happen to know, is not blue...,” Marshall countered, the grin on his face widening as you found yourself at a loss for words. “So... it’s a boy?”
“Well...,” you sighed heavily as you admitted defeated, “yes, it’s a boy.”
Both Faye and Marshall looked thrilled by the news, which made your heart swell with fondness. You brought your hand to your belly once again and soothingly rubbed it, confident that your son would grow up in a loving home. 
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witchofmorena · 4 years
Right... so I got the idea from this post, and this is set after the quest in witcher 3 where roach can talk (I watched it, played it too long ago and don’t remember) and it’s all Roach’s POV (also it wont be same Roach in each piece). Hope y’all enjoy this <3
I was grazing in a meadow when I was attacked by some ugly monster. Naturally I started making noise and trying to leave, but couldn’t - my dumb human-not-human left me tethered to a tree. “Go away ugly! NO! DoN’t tOucH mY bEaUtiFul ManE! Bad monster! Kill it, human-not-human! Yes, that is right... go left...go left not RIGHT...uhg when will you do what I advice you?” My dummy of companion decided to get hurt, but luckily he let me walk freely, so I brought the bag with weird water that’s not really water and pushed it into his arms. I got hug, yey! I LOVE hugs! My  human-not-human’s human came and cleaned blood and wound, and than gave me an apple. Mhm nice crunchy apple, I like human. He sings to me, braids my hair... Well he probably thinks I’m a goddess of horses...
My human-not-human is sad. I thought it is cause his human and my worshiper isn’t around... we are supposed to meet him in the next place with many humans (town? city? village? farm? I hope it’s a farm with other horses - I could brag tell them about my worshiper - I should start calling him my human...). Still I hope I get a good brushing, a lady like me shouldn’t look like this - muddy, my beautiful mane tangl....”Watch out!” ugh something ugly’s attacking us again. Something was coming from behind, it gives me a bad feeling so I kick it - I must’ve gotten ‘em good, they are in dirt and in pain. I see my human - oh NO, some idiots are holding him. Ugh “you know what? I’ll just trample all over you, especially if you hurt my human!” They start running away, HA I knew I’m scary. I go up to my human and greet him. “Do you have apples? Or or or maybe....carrots? I wanna carrot” I kept asking for carrot and he gave me one. Good human giving me such nice carrots. I look around for my human-not-human and see him right behind me. I push human to my human-not-human so he can catch him...”Go on, you have him in your arms now do that thing with your mouth that you enjoy!” “Human, no don’t....ugh I know you love him so hug him at least” dumb humans don’t even mate in any way after a mating dance -.-” at least I’ll get bathed later...
“Roach...How do I tell Geralt I love him?“ the Boss’ human asks me... “How do i tell him that his hair looks so beautiful in moonlight? That it looks like liquid silver mixed with prettiest diamonds? How do I tell him that his eyes remind me of the pretty yellow opal?“ human rambles about Boss while braiding my mane with some pretty coloured flowers. “Why don’t you tell him all that?“ I had to ask even tho I know the human doesn’t understand me, neither does Boss for that matter. “The last time I tried to flirt with him...do you know what i said? I said *you don’t want to keep man with bread in his pants waiting* Who in their right mind says that?“ I’ve to admit that is pretty funny, enough to make me snicker, such a silly human. However this got me wondering...are all humans and human-like beings this dumb and unable to see someone wants to be their mate? Or do they do the mating dance longer? If so - how do they have foals at all? I mean they are dancing for at least 18 summers now (Boss said that), which is longer then I’ve been with boss...
Oh look Boss is back from hunt. I didn’t go with him this time, apparently he was hunting a griffin. I don’t like those - one tried to eat me but Boss saved me. That was the day Boss...adopted me? That’s what his human calls it, I don’t know what he’s talking about - it’s obvious that Boss belongs to me. Anyways, Boss’ human is waiting for us in village, so I have to make Boss wash before going back - his smell makes my nose itch. I saw a pond nearby so I drag Boss to it and push him in. He looks so angry...”I’m not moving until you wash, Boss”... Boss makes that noise often when I don’t want to move...”You wont let me go back smelling like this?” I shake my head - there is no way I’m letting him embarrass himself even more in front of his mate,”Fine, I’ll bath” see is already learning to understand what I want. “So, Boss....Does this mean you’ll finally... court?.... your human?” he remains silent as he’s....bathing...and here I thought we’re making progress in communication.  Finally we are in village, and Boss’ human is coming closer... Now I should help Boss tell human how he feels. “C’mon, Boss, tell him” I encourage Boss while nudging him closer to his human,”He wont say no, go on...He loves you” “Good hunt and not very dirty I see“ human tries...It’s a pathetic attempt tho... “Roach didn’t move until I bathed...“ ugh NO that is not.....*heavy sigh* idiot Boss...  “Good girl, Roach!“human praises me...what use are praises if there is no treats?”I think..ugh where did I put it?....AHA found it“ he offers me some sugar yay - good human “There you go girl, you deserve them.“ he turned back to Boss,”There is a bath in the room, prepared it for you...It’s still warm...Go, I’ll take care of Roach“ I’m not sure if I should be happy or not...they should bath together - Boss likes that...maybe if I behave human will go to Boss and let human who is with other horses brush me...”Thanks,Jaskier...“ Boss frowns...”Where is Pegasus?” I knew someone was missing “Some bandits stole her... Oh I hope they treat her right, Geralt, she was such sweet horse...” I give him a hug...he sounds so sad... Later that day, in village Of course human didn’t what I was hoping for, staying with me, brushing me and braiding my hair...*heavy sigh* that’s it I give up, you two figure this shit out...
Boss never lets me drink weird water...I wanna see what it tastes like....*rummages through Geralt’s bag*hmmm...Aha..This one makes Boss do strange stuff...at least it’s more ‘toxic’ variation that ’witchers use’....Now how do I open this? ”Hey, Squirrel” bet he’ll help me “What, horse?” “Could you help me? I need to open this and Boss isn’t around to help” squirrel’s confused “Sure?.....Here you go!” “Thanks, friend! I saw some nuts that way” I point squirrel towards nuts i mentioned - he IS looking for them after all...now to drink this...Whoa...this is strange....world has so many colours now...I gotta find Boss...Oh he’s already here....”Roach...Why did you drink modified White Gull? And how in Melitele’s name did you open the vial?” oh shit...fuck...how do I explain this....”Well you see Boss....I...was...curious....” his eyes are really wide and round...they were never like that before...Interesting...”Roach....you can talk?” ahhh that’s.....new...he can actually understand me....”Okay, first things first. Boss, you gotta tell your mate how yo..” “My WHAT? What are you talking about Roach?” great, he finally can understand me and he interrupts me immediately uhg stupid human-that’s-not-human “The who travels with us? Makes my mane pretty with those yellow tasty flowers? That human?” “Hmmm...You must be speaking of Jaskier, he’s the only one who does all of those” so he does know who is his mate “yeah him, anyways I don’t know how long I’ll talk so listen carefully...” Boss leans closer, good he’s listening “next time you see him, do the thing with mouth, and tell him you love him - he loves you DON”T INTERRUPT ME and I know cause he talks to me, much like you...so tell him and mate with him already” there was also something else...hmmm...oh yes i remember “and bath you stink....also don’t flirt with him - you both make me cry when you do that” “Roach, I don-” “Don’t interrupt me! By hte way monster’s coming, and dear me it’s so ugly and smelly” I watch as Boss fights and kills it...apparently it was some easy monster....but Boss is once again covered in monster guts ”Bath. Now.” “Fine...you’re worse then Jask...” “Who is worse then me? Oh I missed your fight, how dreadful” we turned to see Boss mate “Sup, Boss’ mate?” Boss glare is scary, but I’ve seen worse...like that griffin’s beak... oh no I missed part of conversation *pouts* “What is going on?” “Roach...we can’t understand you anymore....but you were right...thanks” I was right? Of course I was *huffs* I’m always right “Lets go, Roach! I saw some nice juicy grass for you nearby, girl! Don’t tell Geralt, but...I got you some apples and...here’s a sugar cube...as a thanks” I munch on the cube...this is one of reasons why I like Boss’ mate ”Without you...I wouldn’t know what to do...I love Geralt...have for years...” he hugs me...how nice...he lets go and I do my victory dance...why? well...Roach:1, Boss and mate:0
I might add some more later, but no promises... And I’m tagging @she-who-ate-pizza-with-cap since she mentioned she’d like to see this (hope you like it lovely, did my best here) <3
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orangeeu · 4 years
Heya! Here’s my essay about why you should stAN TOO’S CHAN!
SO! I recently stanned TOO because of their legendary Rising Sun cover in Road to Kingdom and because of the man, the myth, the legend… CHO CHANHYUK! Yeah, if you watched the performance already you may know who I’m talking about, but in case you don’t or you just didn’t bother to instigate in some intense kpop boy stalking (but why wouldn’t you?), I’ve made a guide for y’all!!
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(Oh, and btw, no, I didn’t just copy and paste this from kprofiles.com - I added some extra facts and actual, CONCRETE reasons as to why you should stan him!!!) 
[BASIC INFO aka boring (but important) stuff lol]
Stage name: Chan 
Birth Name: Cho Chan Hyuk
Position: Main Dancer, Rapper, Producer
Birthday: December 8th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 180 cm (5’11”)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Element: Fire
YAY! BORING STUFF OVER!! Now here’s some insight on some Chan only tingz~~ 
He ranked 2nd place on the survival show that TOO was formed from called, To Be World Klass (DESERVED)
He has an older sister
Introduces himself as being “all-rounded” WHICH IS TOTALLY TRUE! He can rap, dance AND produce!!! 
Motto: “Let’s move smartly”
He is a former SM Entertainment trainee
He dropped out of high school
HE HAS A TATTOO ON HIS LEFT FOREARM AND BACK!! It’s hard to see them but alas! I’ve found a Twitter thread exposing his rad tats!: https://twitter.com/CHANHYUCKlE/status/1264654817261125632 From what I can observe, the one on his forearm is of a whale and flowers, and the one on his back is of flowers?? (He even once said that he hopes to get another tattoo on his waist!! YES PLEASE SIR)
He is left-handed 
He and Chihoon are producers/rappers for the dance group CUROHAKO. They actually have a Youtube channel and Chan is in two of their videos!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uhq2pJA6oQ  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgTT4bBGI78 
His favorite colour is black 
His favorite emoji is the fox emoji 
His favorite food is sushi
His favorite movie is called ‘About Time’
He can freaking guess pizza by its scent!! This was so cute tho, please watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZHi8aNDTuc 
He ripped his pants during a stage but said he was fine with it as long as it’ll get his group views LMAO 
His dancer name is K!ZAROO (but I don’t know if he still goes by it)
His Myers-Briggs personality type is ENTJ (extoverted, intuitive, thinking, judging); natural leaders brimming with confidence and charisma. They’re determined when faced with challenges and thinks strategically in order to achieve their goals. You can read more about his MBTI here!: https://www.16personalities.com/entj-personality 
Part of the self-proclaimed, “sexies” sub-unit consisting of him and Chihoon
He was chosen as the most fashionable member in the group 
He used to have a lip piercing (I don’t know if it’s closed up by now or not)
He hates fluorescent lighting
AYE-- I wish I had more, but that’s all the facts I’ve found about him so far! I’ll update this in the future once TOO ages like fine wine..!
Here are scientific reasons as to why you should stan him!!
IDOL TRAITS (why you should stan him as an IDOL):
His dancing! He’s not the main dancer for nothing! His movements are smooth and natural yet aggressive and passionate..! His strongest point is free styling!  Whenever he free styles, you can tell that he’s simply vibing and embracing his element. It’s obvious that he really loves dancing and that he practices a lot.
People say that he’s similar to NCT’s Taeyong or that he’s “the next Taeyong” but I couldn’t disagree more.. Chan is his own individual with a distinct and unique dancing style. He’s NOT “the next Taeyong”, he’s Cho Chanhyuk! 
Sorry, I just get a bit annoyed when people say things like that.. Anywho, here are some videos of Chan being a dancing legend.
2. RAP
Tough tone that’s got its own colour! Also really good at free styling his rap! 
Chan’s free verse and him bopping with Lil Pump and the bois.
HE.PRODUCES.HIS.OWN.DAMN.SONGS!! It’s actually very difficult to produce music as it takes a lot of patience, knowledge and creativity! Pretty sick beats with more rad raps! Here’s his soundcloud!
Hope he releases the rest of his works!
A born performer! He never fails to give me goosebumps!! Chan is just mesmerizing when performing, he’s like a magnet.. It’s hard to lose sight of him on stage because he stands out so much! He’s an expert with facial expressions and consistently makes sure to fully immerse himself into the performance; it’s his expression of self which makes him shine so brightly on stage. 
PERSONAL TRAITS (why you should stan him as a PERSON:
A visionary and true tireless idealist. For most people, being a perfectionist isn’t an ideal trait, yet I still find myself respecting Chan for being one. He’s critical when it comes to creating the perfect performance and works really hard to achieve results which reaches his (high) standards. I think that’s pretty admirable - the fact that he puts his blood, sweat and tears to put on not only a good show, but one that exceeds standards for our sake, his own sake and the rest of TOO’s sake. 
I think that the thing that I adore about him the most is his passion. As I mentioned before, he absolutely loves dancing. It’s refreshing to visibly see an idol enjoy themselves on stage. Chan doesn’t just perform, he lives. When he’s performing, he loses himself in the thing that he loves doing the most and relishes the moment like there’s no tomorrow.
Even if Chan isn’t the official leader of TOO, his leadership qualities are quite prominent. He’s determined to reach his goals and get through challenges no matter what. Taking initiative, he leads the group in dance and assists others when they are struggling. This can be seen by observing World Klass clips of the boys practicing All You Need Is Love - when Chan noticed that Chihoon was having difficulty with the choreography he called him over and helped him with it. Another example is when they ranked last place in Road to Kingdom and Chan, motivated to do better and prove TOO’s capability of rising up the ranks, thoughtfully assisted in planning their performance and concept and rigorously practiced while leading the others. 
Idea bank! As an artist myself, I marvel at Chan’s creativity. The concepts and choreographies that he comes up with are astounding and prove to have super effective results! He actually came up with the Rising Sun concept in TOO’s Road to King performance. Because they watched the sun set from the rooftop, Chan was inspired to make their concept about them being rookies and rising in the music industry like the sun!! Say it with me: Chan swollen brain, Chan inflamed brain, chAN GINORMOUS BRAIN!!! 
Overall, Chan, despite his appearance of being intimidating, is actually a real sweet guy that smiles and laughs easily. He’s a soft boi (especially for Chihoon) and likes to initiate skin ship. Members actually stated that Chan likes to act cute and even refers to himself as ‘Chanhyukie’!! So please don’t be fooled by his cool guy demeanor, he’s a squish if you take a closer look..! 
Wow, that was a LOT of writing! That aside, here are some random Chan stuff!
Predebut Chan pics: https://twitter.com/c12c8h__177o/status/1265420652011417601
PREDEBUT CHAN IN BOY STORY ASDFGK (if you squint you can find him in the crowd starting from around 2:48. He’s the one with the yellow hair and sunglasses): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klg8niUUjRQ
Cute clip from World Klass of Chan being all cuddly and cute with Kyungho!: https://twitter.com/i/status/1265176511146934273
Absolutely no context: https://twitter.com/CHANPlCS/status/1264522391008481280
E-BOY CHAN: https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6824848435217304837 https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6819342086857313542  https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6817551314097016069  https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6788981280240454918  https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6784186996119145733          https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6769724996559310086              https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6767461954127744262              
Saranghae saranghae saranghae Chan dance tutorial uwu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F4kQoaMljI
Chan humoring some fans: https://twitter.com/i/status/1249025324689453056 (scroll down below the first Tweet)
Chan English king: https://twitter.com/i/status/1251600155578494976
A cutie: https://twitter.com/i/status/1248594397056217088
Chan recommended this song! It’s pretty good so give it a listen!: https://open.spotify.com/track/7iooxPmnLY6wZynSplHUah?si=fBa5ppR0Qd-klOLa9tvnbA 
O-kay! I think that’s all the Chan content I have for now! Once again, I’ll update  this occasionally while on my journey with TOO! Don’t forget to stan Chan and TOO! Hope this has convinced you!! If it did, then please reblog this to spread exposure for Chan and TOO!
Before you go, please go watch their debut song Magnolia, thank you! Have a great day! 
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survivekohsai · 7 years
Episode 1 - Should We Just Call It A Day And Vote Out A Heterosexual Or What ~ Isaac
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Okay so right away I like trixie! Shes funny and I think we'll work well together. RTP is cool too since he likes HAIM and all HAIM lovers are great. Its fun having raf back on my tribe since we played before but I want to make new relationships so I dont want to just default to him. I also played with Eric before but voted him out so awk i hope he doesn't hold a grudge!! Im liking the tribe tho but hating this twist so much. Im using my idol at the first tribal FDSKJFSDH but then what if I get voted next since i dont have one.
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I'm really nervous because I don't know anyone that well on my tribe except for Logan, and they all seem to know each other. I'm gonna slap on a smile and pretend that I have confidence.
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WOW I JUST GOT IN AND IM EXCITED!!!!! well ummm I like to say ummm that everyone having idols is like ummm a bad thing because... if everyone plays it but one person.... they be idol'd out umm... yea. and plus... I have to like keep myself safe somehow...
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This tribe? Loving the concept. I want to work with Bryce because I know he's a sweet baby boy. He'll be loyal if I scoop him up first. Also, Trixie is as cracked as ever. I love that we all have idols. Guaranteed safety is a concept I love, but Trixie also told me she has an extra idol. Now, she might be lying since she said that Willow told her that one "houseguest" got an extra idol. This ain't Big Brother, and I would have preferred if she did not have an extra idol. She is straight up lying to me, but we'll see how it goes from here. Tonight is for forging bonds.
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Okay, this season is cute as heck! I am gonna give a full tribal first impression. Akito: My boy, we work well together and hopefully that can continue here. Isaac: Tends to get medevaced but I still adore this sweet boy and I look forward to playing with him again Jackson: Very social initially! I see myself in him, he also just started college and yadayada. Kelsey: We've exchanged like 4 messages but nice enough Linus:  A GOOD BEAN WHERE DID HE GO IN HOENN WE JUST DONT KNOW Mo: Pun Boy tm, but this is my turf so we're gonna have to share that title QuilLynn: Listen. She likes adore Delano. that's all I need Tyler: HE DOESNT LIKE MY PUNS that's all, see ya later 
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Love my tribe not doing much for the challenge! I got 9 of our 16 points so hope it shows that I'm trying. Although I only got 9 of a possible 18 possible points I could have gotten so yikes 50%! 
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im shocked we won immunity i didnt do anything sooooooOoo I was busy checking to see if i was pregnant jk
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People I've socialized with: 0 
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We meet again Raffy... We. Meet. Again.
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I love my tribe its so cute! Jackson is my friend from TS Ebola and I love him so much so yay! Mo is great I'm really glad Him me and Jackson could form a good group so early! Logan is great he guested a week in a BB i'm in and he was nice and said he's glad to be playing a game with me so woo! Tyler is nice so far but you can tell he is cocky af and I know even though he's new he's good at these games! I'm hoping we lose immunity, because I think I'd like to take tyler out asap, but if we win at least I know i'm not first boot. 
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So like yay for reward. Like winning a competition? A concept. Now, I feel like sending RTP to exile was the best decision since he was not going to participate in the challenge, but sending Tyler there was also an added bonus. I've played with Tyler before and I do not really trust him. I do not want him to make merge or be on the same tribe as him. So like, he can go sooner rather than later. Finally, me vs. Mo? We love a hero/villain dynamic. :) 
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We lost the reward challenge, it would of been nice to go to exile and date someone on the other tribe. We would of some funnnnnnn like bring out the margarita bring out the nachos and quesadilla with guacamole. Because it's about to get HOT in here!
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ok so my tribe is cool except trixie...they are annoying...im over it...and i got to go to exile because im gonna be at a wedding....lol take that! 
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so... we lost. yep. hoping to kill an inactive, hoping to not die. that's all
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We won! Loving the concept! Being safe is such an icon and Willow is such an icon. Anyways, I plan on working with Bryce, Trixie, and Richie because they seem like nice people. Literally nothing else to say because no gameplay yet.
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Oh god.... oh god no..... this is bad this is really bad
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im trying to get richie to showmance me and then we can later on down the road suddenly find out we're cousins and i think that'd be pretty funny. also i love willow she is so sweet and I hope she has a fun time hosting
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I'm literally so fucking gay and I just want a showmance like ???? I get here and the only people who I can legally attempt to seduce are Tyler and Mo? So obviously I pick Tyler because Australians are hot and Tyler looks hot and that's fun. So I was like "lol let's vote out a str8 yeah" and then Willow descended from the heavens on her hoverboard and was like "he str8 scum" and I can't believe I'm about to get voted out because I slandered heterosexuals.
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Guess who might be using their Jordan Pines idol! THIS GUY!!!!!!!!!!
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Yay my tribe won immunity. Queens! I just hope that we can keep winning because I haven't talked to anyone. God I need a better social game.
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" it will have juice and im living for juice" - Tyler 2k17 Heyo im alive! I was sent off to exile this round... And i came back with an Australian Super Idol! I was given the option to mutiny my tribe, but its a no from me, i tried convincing Ryan to come over but he has some sense in him so he didn't :(. The idol hunt was really intense, there was about 4 different clues leading other clues. It was an adventure and a half. So at 6am i found it! (With no sleep cause sleep is for the weak). Im not telling anyone about the advantage cause.... everyone's a ho. This whole tribal situation is very complicated with all the idols going around. I expect me to be a target this round so im 100% playing an idol considering i have two! I feel like if we just get 3 or 4 people to vote one person who won’t expect it we’ll be good it's hard because you want the vote to be unanimous so everyone feels included but this twist means we have to blindside someone every time Which means we might have to tell the person we vote for a name Yeah its going to be difficult But I bet the person getting the most votes will play an idol so if we just do our own little thing we should be good - My thoughts atm, also sent that to Jackson But now i think I'm going to vote for someone who would never guess that anyone else would vote for them, get rid of a juicy target while i can. Not sure if my vote will have any impact but it will have juice and im living for juice ;). No ones really chatting to me and im assuming most people will play their idols... so #YoloSwag
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Yay we won reward!!! Happy to start off on a good note. Sad tho that regan striked. Hope she starts trying more. But I guess it would be nice to have an inactive to vote if we lost a challenge. Trying to socialize with 8 other people is hard but I think I'm doing alright so I hope I've made no enemies.
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Tower 7 was a controlled demolition.
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Hi there~! I'm Kelsey Valentana Mikaelson, coming to you live and IN full HD colour~! And, what else, it's time for a tribal! Going into the tribal, I was kind of groaning since I was fully expecting to be targeted but alas; I don't think it's going to be me! Now, don't get me wrong, I get that "as soon as you think you're safe, you're GONE!" and all that, but the drama doesn't seem to be circulating around me on tonight, and it's a welcome change! I think, for the most part, people are more set on letting Isaac get the boot tonight, which...eh. I tried throwing Linus' name out there but it seemed to get a bad reaction. Oh well. I still don't want to see Isaac Thunderf*ck go tonight however and this idol twist is very well placed to prevent that. I told Isaac he might receive votes tonight but, for the main part, it's between Linus and Tyler. I think Isaac really genuinely trusts me but I can't tell him he's the majority because...well, I'm actually being SPOKEN to! It's such a weird thing to happen to me, usually I have to do all the bone bashing for myself, but people are actually coming to ME and telling me options, it's uncanny! I don't want there to be any chance AT all of me losing those resources. Speaking of resources, if I had to guess who's puppermaster-ing at this point, I'd look over at lil' Jackson over there. I thought it was sweet and romantic that he wanted to talk to me about the vote and, don't get me wrong, it makes me feel swell but NOT swell enough to realize that the people he suggested to me were the very names everyone else seemed to have "heard" and not came up with themselves. For the most part,  I think my best option is just not...being Krazy Kels and blasting it, but sweaty, I'm only going to be calling Ms. Jackson if she nasty, you feel me? All in all, I'm feeling rather confident about tonight. Either Isaac goes and everyone feels comfortable with telling me plans; Tyler goes who's just...slimey. Or Linus goes! Who's basically just here for the food, I feel. Anyways, say goodbye to Derrick or Kim Chi. And THAT'S all there is to it~! Christmas was ROBBED! -Kelsey V Mikaelson
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Hi I'm Jackson and this is my first Confessional. Okay so yeah about this tribe. Not sure how I feel. It's been helpful not having a One World twist (meaning I don't have an obligation to get to know the other tribe) but I haven't made a lot of connections here so it's kind of a wash. Quillynn is my babe and I hope people don't figure out how close we are (because I'm not turning on her anytime soon, that's for sure). Mo quickly pulled us in for an alliance, and while I like him, he's gotten a little attached to Tyler which is kinda messy. Akito is kind of strange but she's nice, and I think not many people talk to her so she's looking to work with me. I get paranoid vibes from Logan but otherwise I like him. Linus, Isaac and Kelsey have been barely active at all, which is problematic but it kind of makes me want them to stay over someone like Tyler (who I think is kind of a big threat). Either way we lost both challenges so that kinda sucks, although at least it means my friend Trixie is safe. Not that I don't want the other tribe to go to tribal at least once though. Any opportunity to finally vote Ryan M. out should be taken, as the students of Kvaloya learned the hard way. Oh by the way I hate this idol twist. I mean I'm probably gonna like it later on in the game when I want to vote out someone who's already used theirs, but for now, it sucks. The people I'm working with want to split the votes between Tyler and Isaac in case one of them idols, but I'm worried something could go wrong. Also it'd be awkward if Isaac went home and Tyler basically knew that he was the backup in case Isaac idoled (which is the truth of the situation, since Mo doesn't want Tyler out even though me and Q do). Okay I'm trying to get this done cause my friend wants to go to dinner so let's  end this here and hope I don't get voted out with like one vote lol
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okay yoooooo I’m here I’m still recovering from the trauma of my last game so my heart is still healing and I’m not running on full steam at the moment so i haven’t really talked to anyone theres no one on this tribe that i really have clicked with which kinda sucks but its mostly my fault for not speaking to anyone but also no one reached out to me either so they all suck too!!!! we won the first reward and immunity so things are looking good hopefully we can maintain this momentum so that i have time to build some relationships before things set off!
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Tyler Kelsey voting you because both Tyler and Isaac are gonna play their idols. Maybe but this is a gamble and this vote is a throwaway. Might be me not gonna be surprised if it is everyone having idols is bad.
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(Voting for Tyler)  Tower 7 was a controlled demolition
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My vote tonight is for Isaac. I’m sorry love, I hope things work out for you <3
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Tyler is a manipulative backstabbing little snake in the grass and while hes not masterminding now sweaty, tyler, it's your time to PACK
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Logan - I don't know what the fuck is going on but I might as well throw my vote on somebody. Sorry dude. 
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I will also be voting for Logan cause YOLO swag money get bitches 
Logan voted out (4) Tyler - (2) Isaac - 2 Logan - 1 Kelsey
Tyler, Isaac, and Linus idoled
Jackson, Quillynn, Linus, and Kelsey voted Tyler
Logan and Mo voted Isaac
Tyler and Isaac voted Logan
Akito voted Kelsey
0 notes