#got to be more consistent with that tagl
20dollarlolita · 9 months
What do you think of people always recommending the Singer Heavy Duty to beginners to machine sewing?
I have a lot of opinions about this. Since before I started this blog, so pre-2014, I've been saying that buying a modern Singer machine will almost always prove to be some of the worst value for your money. In the intermediate time, I actually took a job working directly for SVP, who make and distribute the machines with the Singer name. I've also modified that opinion a little bit.
Buying a modern Singer machine will almost definitely be the worst value for your money.
I want to say something about availability, and just address that before I go into my harsh critique of the brand. Not everyone has access to dealerships or a wide variety of machines. If you're looking at not a wide selection, the Singer Heavy Duty line may very well be the best option out of what is available. There's also a lot of Heavy Duty machines at various price points, so it's an easy thing to recommend people look for. If you bought a Heavy Duty, you're not wrong in using it and loving it. But I don't recommend them for a good first machine.
So the company that makes these machines also makes two different premium lines, which we'll call German Machine and Swedish Machine, since that's where they used to be made. This company's name is the first letters of the brand, so you can figure it out. The notable thing about this is that they intend for Singer to be their budget line. They sort of want Singer to be available to every household. To shorten it up in the worst way, if a Singer was good enough, it'd be sold under a different name.
The thing that the Heavy Duty really has going for it is the metal internal frame. Generally, you want your machine to have a metal frame, because it holds the main components that make the machine go. Some inexpensive machines have no frame, and they can flex and break when they run over something pretty hard. Sometimes, machines flex and they never go back to where they originally were, making the machine dead in the water. However, there's a lot of options that have a metal frame and are longer lasting than a Heavy Duty.
I'm a big fan of the Baby Lock BeGenuine collection. It's got three entry level machines that are fully mechanical. Most of these machines have been on the market for a long time, just under different names. The Baby Lock Molly has become the Zeal, and before it was a Molly it was a different name. A lot of these machines are still working today. These machines don't have all the fancy features at the same price point, meaning a $300 Singer Heavy Duty will have more bells and whistles than a $300 BeGenuine, but they have a much longer life. Most people who buy these machines replace them because their skills grow and they want more, and not because the machine breaks on them.
However, if you already know that you'll want to upgrade in three or fewer years, I guess you could say there's something to be said for buying a machine that doesn't need to last that long. It'll force you to replace it. I know people who've had a Heavy Duty last a long time, but I've seen a ton replaced because they've died on people. My general rule on these machines is to check how long the "electronics and motors" warranty lasts, and assume that if the full warranty is only three months to a year, well, there's a reason why it's not a "5 years on electronics and motors" warranty.
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Recap Pt. 3
WARNINGS:SPOILERS; not a D@€n€r¥$ fan; Jonsa shipper ( I still believe)
6.- Back on Eastwatch, we have this morons trying to not freeze, too late for Thoros tho, I mean dude was a walking corpse since the Hound had his fire vision, he was completely obtuse for the plot so they got rid of him. I feel nothing. Guess his conversation with Jorah (that I totally skipped cuz boring) was heartwarmming but still I knew he was dead as soon as the bear got him. They burn his body with his own alcohol.
7.- An invitation arrives for Sansa to go to KL, amd she is like LMAO I think no you trick ass bitch, my girl is not an idiot and there is no way in hell she’ll go, if Cersei wants to make her prisioner again she can damn well bring her ass to the North and try, and she sends Brienne in her stead, Brienne doesn’t want to leave her on her own with LF, Sansa has to snap and her and basically throw her on the street to get her to go (god Jon is gonna have a hissy fit when he sees Brienne at KL and knows Sansa is alone at WF with LF) very wise decision knowing LF wanted to get Brienne tagled up on his schemes.
8.- In Dragonstone Tyrion is trying to stop D from going to the rescue cuz he doesn’t want her to die even tho he is fine with the man that volunteered for this stupid ass mission that was his idea dying (consistent characterization where art thou?) but she goes anyway cuz #YOLO
Also this unsubtle shift to white clothes now that she is gonna do an heroic thing, she honestly looks kinda like Elsa from Frozen, where does she get this clothes anyway, did she brought a new wardrobe from Essos? Are the Dothraki sewing and knitting clothes??
Where are the Unsullied and the Greyjoys????
7.- Yeah so they just kinda waiting around for their Uber, but the Hound is taking none of this boring but safe bull, let’s throw rocks at the wights for funnsies. So he does and the wights get angry? Annoyed? Who knows really? And they begin to close in our heroes.
Jon thinks they’re doomed without D’s help but Beric points put that not really (Beric and his sexy ass voice are winning me over)“as long as they kill the Night King everyone else is gonna be detroyed (this sounds waaaaaay to convinient, almost as if d&d want to get rid of the WW as fast as possible so they can focus on the political/human problems) but Jon is not so optimist. So yeah we get some fighting in, and things are beginning to look real bad for the Wight Hunters when boom Khaliisi comes in rising and burning wights (and ice) as she goes! They are saved OMG what a relief! (excuse my sarcastic ass) everyone is getting on the Dragon choo choo, except Jon (guess we’re saving the dragon riding for laters) who keeps on fighting.
Now I guess this is relevant, he thought they were doomed until D arrives, she is burning her way through th wights like you couldn’t believe and Jon is visibly relieved, he is getting the hope that maybe they can win this war, he is clearly trying to fight his way to the NK, I thought he wanted to end it right there, go for the NK and be done with it that is why he refuses to go.
Now his hopes get dashed away when NK throws at spear at Viserion and kills him, now I’m really worried, did I broke something inside me? Why is it that I don’t care? Oh right we never got a scene with Viserion alone, if he had bonded with Jon last episode instead of Drogon (Jon still thought this giant lizards ugly af tho) then Hey maybe I could have cared, but this feels like super dramatic and emotionally manipulative from the writers tbh. I feel the whole purpose of killing him off was to have "Cool Ice Dragon” and for some rushed J/D moment (I have a lot to say about it) D is stunned by grief I guess? Jon gets angry but I don’t think it’s cuz he cared about the dragon or for D, i mean of course he must have felt sympathy for her she stated that she loved them just last episode, but i think his rage comes from the frustration of knowing he can’t end this right now, he can’t prevent more people from dying and now with a dragon in the army of the dead…
So yeah Jon tells them to go away cuz the crazy ass bitch wants to die I guess, and he doesn’t want anymore Dragons joining the wights.
The lake gives away, but Jon comes out of the water freezing to death, the Wights surround him but he is too weak to fight, when BAM! Magical convinient Uncle Ben saves him, Jon is clearly surprised and emotional at seeing the uncle he loved so much and thought to be dead (dammit those Starks are hard to kill) but Benjen is having none of that cuz he has to be a martyr saving your ass Jon! So he gives his stupid ass nephew his horse, Jon gallops away while seeing his uncle dying (OK my emotions are back, I love uncle Ben even if D&D made him this protagonist characters convinient saviour).
8.- Back at Eastwatch, you know the actual castle, D is waiting for Jon looking hopefully at the horizon, while Jorah is trying to save her the heartache (I mean if this had any realism anymore Jon would be totes dead) but here he comes riding and all that jazz.
Before we dive into that scene (you know which) I’d like to stablish some thoughts:
-I believe D’s feelings for Jon are real, but they are not based in real things. First let’s ask ourselves why is she even in love (if we can call it that at this point) with him? She is clearly attracted yes, but Love is different than lust, so yeah he is a great guy I guess? But she hasn’t really seen him at that, everything she knows about him is based on the stuff Tyrion knows about him: his brothers are dead, as well as his father,he was at the Wall, he has a wolf?? I dunno if Tyrion mentioned that cuz the only one who remembers Ghost exists is Sansa, and the mystery about the dagger to the heart. And that’s where I think this fixiation comes from, this man could be her equal he is not afraid of her and stands his ground (on her POV) and maybe he is as magical as she is, Drogon let the man pet him!!!
But what she sees vs what actually is, shows she doesn’t know this man at all, what’s more Jon doesn’t want her to know him.
-She talks to him about her brothers when she is telling him the names of her Dragons, perfect oportunity for Jon to talk about Robb,Rickon and Bran(Jon thought he was dead as well) but doesn’t.
-She is talking about Ned on her big speech on their meeting, yet Jon his biggest admirer didn’t jump to defend his beloved father??
-When she is talking about her Dragons he could have very well mentioned Ghost yet he didn’t
-Davos jumped to defend him, and was telling D all Jon went through but Jon stopped him, she asked directly about the dagger to the heart and he said nothing.
-She was happy for him when he finds out his siblings aren’t dead, but Jon doesn’t show any emotion about it.
-As a matter of fact he never símiles or seems at ease in her presence. Fuck it even jondry has more build up in their two episodes together. Jon smiled at Gendry and talks with him about Ned. (not to mention Sansa, she makes him smile like no other.
It all feels almost like he has no goddamned interest in getting to know her (she is always the one to share this information without him asking) as a person, he doesn’t want her to know him. Why???
Reminds me about this quote:
“When you are attracted to people, it’s because of the details. Their kindness. Their eyes. The fact that they can get you to laugh when you need it the most.”

- Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home
Jon has never laughed or smiled near D, and that's the most telling stuff about this whole romance debacle in my humble opinion.
9.- Boat time! so Jon is just waking up (I knew my son didn't decided for himself to ditch WF and go to KL instead) and D is there (no I was just joking about the Twil1ght and 50s0g last week stop staring at people while they are asleep and shirtless is creepy) Honestly her eyes when she saw the scars on his chest made me uncomfortable (I could practically see her delusions about how magical Jon is and barfed, cuz yeah Jon is pretty magical, but the amazing thing about him is that he wants none of that he doesn't want t be a hero or a god, hells he didn't even wanted to be King!!) Anyway Jon's eyes focus on her and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is that he is sorry about Viserion?For real? Uncle Ben died to save you and you care about this? Of course not! Have some faith in Jon ffs! Goddamn it he got killed by the NW when he rushed from his office cuz Uncle Ben had returned!!! He loved uncle Ben, why would he care about Viserion?? He does not! This is another 'they are gorgeous beasts" he is bullshiting her so hard it's obvious.
She thinks he is her equal and defy her and all that jazz, but in all their interactions (except that time he said I am King to get away from DS) he caters to her, he is never sincere with her, for he has learned she doesn't listen.
She says she'll fight the WW and about how the dragon are the only children she'll ever have, doesn't mention a thing about kneeling everything seems almost too perfect, so why would Jon bullshit her?? Maybe I am just a salty shipper, but point is I don't think Jon trusts D a lot, oh yes he talked about trust when he wanted to get away from DS, and he did show trust going to meet her without weapons or a proper guard, but I stand by what I said last week she betrayed that trust the moment she called him a rebell and took his boat making him prisioner in all but name, not to mentionhe saw in frist row how she blamed Tyrion(her hand) for things going wrong and he doesn't have the luxury of having her turn on him, she is alright now but if another Dragon or one of her friends died what then? She could just go back to Essos, he can't afford that.
So he calls her Dany, and she laughs (bitch me too the fuck) but he doesn't smile at all, and he takes her hand, this gave me serious flashbacks of the Jonsa scene Back on S6 when Sansa takes his hand, or the scene from 7x01 when she takes his arm and he looks down, just his time positions are reverted, Jon is the one touching D (this gesture he has come to learn is very effective to have someone listen to you) and D looks down on their joined hands but Jon doesn't, he looks almost pained and guilty (he is an awful liar) Jon goes as far as to call her my Queen and saying he would bend. Seriously y'all think he was being sincere, why would he go from calling her stranger just last episode to being all Dany my Queen with no development in between the very next? No this doesn't make sense at all.
Why do you all think all this random ass conversations about Honor=Dead and "bending the knee is OK if you do it for your people's life" if not to foreshadow this? Jon himself said he went on the mission for the North, why would he seriously ditch his family and people for someone he just met? You can scream he is attracted to her all you want, I personaly don't see it, but it's a disservice to Jon to think he could mean any of this, he is not above using sex and romantic feelings (Ygritte) to do his duty, even if he developed feelings in the last situation he choose his duty and he will again because he loves Winterfell and he loves the Stark shipping aside. It would be ridiculous to have Lord Glover talking about foreing whores, Sansa warning about to be smarter than Robb and Ned, Tormund going on and on about Mance's pride, Jorah and Jon's conversations about Jeor and Ned and Beric talk about how thrones and Queens don't matter if Jon is suddenly gonna forsake it all in the name of a love we have no proof but Tyrion's and D&D's words (that we shouldn't trust cuz it's not likely they would give away such a twist) that it exists at all.
D eats it all up (I kinda feel bad for her, almost, only if she weren't such an entitled brat) and she tells him to rest. Jon clases his eyes and as soon as she is out he stares at the ceiling and sighs, again not subtle at all.
Anyway that is just what I think.
10.- The wights are getting Viserion out of the lake with some big ass chains, where do they even get this stuff? Hardhome? The had this big ass chains? A convinient again. Anyway so Viserion's out and his eyes open, and they are blue. Real talk the NK has had more bonding with him in this 2 min than D in all the seasons.
That's all I hope the finale is a bit better cuz this episode was hella boring.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Amazon Drone Surveillance May Ship Eyes Into the Sky
http://tinyurl.com/y3vpmy9u Amazon might quickly ship drones into the sky to collect knowledge with the assistance of drone surveillance expertise. Earlier this month, the retailer acquired a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Workplace for a brand new data-gathering system. With this newest patent, Amazon expands its information-collecting attain. Whereas the corporate rose to prominence promoting data (also called e book gross sales), the Seattle-based mega retailer has gone deep into knowledge assortment with its always-listening virtual assistant, home-monitoring company, and a facial recognition tool it offers to law enforcement. Within the first line of Amazon’s patent, the submitting would enable an “unmanned aerial automobile” to collect knowledge in regards to the locations it flies over. The patent notes that Amazon’s drone would receive knowledge about objects inside and round a specified “geo-fence,” or a digital boundary. An choice to surveil solely licensed areas would provide the power to maintain different areas personal. Amazon filed the patent in 2015, two years after the corporate first unveiled its plans for Prime Air, which included placing drones to work to ship packages. A drone program has, clearly, remained a precedence for Amazon as the corporate unveiled an update to its drone design earlier this month. Regardless of the use, delivering packages or observing the surroundings, Amazon will want additional approval from the FAA to get its drones off the bottom. In accordance with Amazon although, the drones objective will probably be supply first and surveillance, second—if in any respect. In a press release to Fortune, an Amazon spokesperson clarified the corporate’s curiosity in drones, noting that patents take a number of years to obtain and don’t essentially replicate the corporate’s present product roadmap. “Some experiences have recommended that this expertise would spy or collect knowledge on properties with out authorization—to be clear, that’s not what the patent says,” stated Amazon’s John Tagle. “The patent clearly states that it will be an opt-in service out there to clients who authorize monitoring of their house.” Amazon’s patent could be learn in its entirety here. Amazon’s info-gathering historical past Although gathering data by drone might elevate an eyebrow or two on the privateness entrance (it wasn’t way back that we realized Amazon staff were listening to our conversations with Alexa), information-gathering is now a outstanding a part of the corporate’s DNA. When Amazon introduced the Amazon Echo sensible speaker in 2014, the system promised a digital assistant for the house that could possibly be summoned just by calling out its identify. The trade-off got here in consumer privateness: for Amazon’s assistant Alexa to listen to you, the system has to all the time be listening. Prospects make an analogous trade-off after they use certainly one of Amazon’s Ring merchandise. The Ring line consists of house safety cameras, video doorbells, and safety techniques that ship data by way of Amazon’s servers. Broaden the scope from client tech and there’s much more proof of Amazon’s knowledge assortment leanings. In Might 2018, the ACLU realized that Amazon markets their facial recognition device, Rekognition, to legislation enforcement. The ACLU famous that officers in Washington County, Ore. and Orlando, Fla. had been utilizing Amazon’s facial recognition tech since 2017. The Washington County Sheriff’s workplace has used the expertise to assist in their investigations. “We have been in a position to index greater than 300,000 photograph information inside 1-2 days, and the identification time of suspects went from 2-Three days right down to minutes,” the Oregon police power famous on Amazon’s Rekognition customers page. It’s too early to inform how Amazon might make use of a community of drones for potential surveillance functions. The corporate might very nicely sit on the patent and do nothing, or the exact opposite and watch from the skies. Now that Amazon has formally been granted its four-year-old patent, we might not have to attend lengthy to search out out. Source link
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byalung · 6 years
PH archer, pal gain semifinals
PH archer, pal gain semifinals
BUENOS AIRES – Filipino archer Nicole Tagle got a consistent partner in Hendrik Oun of Estonia to advance to the quarterfinals of the mixed international team event in the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. (more…)
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