#got7 ideal type
lagoonalake · 4 months
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Personality: queen of wands, 5 of cups, 6 of swords
Someone proud, fun, assertive, a bit feisty, more of an extrovert, not shy, he would enjoy back and forth and teasing, someone who can appear very independent and invicible, but he would like to see them vulnerable with him, to know their secrets, their wounds, their regrets, he doesn’t want to be with a perfect person. Someone who has gone through stuff despite their apparent confidence and fun energy. A healing transformative relationship that can start in a more rocky way but has the potential to be very happy and long lasting in the future. Possibly a foreigner. Someone who is ready to learn from their mistakes and wants to improve. An open-minded person. Someone honest with themselves, willing to face their shadow side and dark side. An authentic, real person. He likes someone who gives him freedom too, he doesn’t want to be stuck with his person 24/7. He would enjoy traveling with that person.  leo, aries, pluto, aquarius, sagittarius
Appearance: 3 of cups, the world, 2 of pentacles
As long as he gets along well and is comfortable with that person, looks aren’t too important. He would prefer someone with a balanced harmonious appearance, with a friendly aura, a nice smile, but he doesn’t have any specific features that he is attracted to. Actually he can be attracted to many types of people from all over the world. As long as the physical chemistry between the two is there. Could like nice shapely legs and darker skin, thick black hair. Someone who looks open and sociable. sagittarius, aquarius, libra, taurus
Turn-offs: the lovers, death, 6 of wands
Codependency, clinginess, someone too intense emotionally, too dark, someone indecisive who always expect him to lead the relationship, someone who uses him as a trophy or to show off, someone who is too image conscious, someone too sappy and romantic libra, scorpio, pisces, cancer, negative leo
Personality: the high priestess, 2 of wands, ace of pentacles
He is attracted to someone with a lot of knowledge who can help him evolve in life, someone intuitive and sensitive, wise whom he can have a deep intimate connection with. Someone with a quiet, mysterious aura. He would prefer to make the first step and be the more masculine, active partner in the relationship. He likes someone passionate and wants a soulmate sort of connection, someone with whom he can have a lot of fun with and start a new beginning. Maybe it can be that he is ready to settle down with someone or that he wants a different lifestyle once he’ll commit to a serious relationship. virgo, scorpio, cancer
Appearance: judgement, the high priestess, queen of cups
Someone quiet but with an intense energy that would make a big impression on him. Someone with a mysterious magnetism. Beautiful shining almond shaped big dark eyes that would draw him in. Seductive, sensual. He could prefer dark colors, maybe high contrasts, like very black hair and eyes and white skin, the image of the moon or a night sky. The color blue. Soft and feminine despite any intensity. Low, soft voice, whispering. Graceful movements, flowy energy, maybe flowy drapy clothes as well. Long hair. Otherworldly dreamy presence.  scorpio, pisces, cancer, pluto, neptune
Turn-offs: 5 of wands, the hermit, the high priestess
The high priestess is both in what he finds attractive and his turn-offs. Those cards are similar to what he finds attractive, so it’s the traits of his type but pushed to the extreme. So someone too passionate to the point of being competitive, jealous, controlling, looking for a fight just to keep the passion alive. Someone too quiet and reserved to the point of being reclusive and disconnected from reality, too far away from his comfort and known environment. Someone too mysterious and intuitive to the point it feels like being with his therapist rather than his partner, someone nosy, or too passive, who is always vague and never says what’s truly going on in their head by fear of opening up to him. scorpio, aries, cancer, pisces
Personality: 5 of coins, 6 of swords, 3 of swords
Someone who is well travelled, enjoys travelling or is a foreigner. Someone intelligent and observant, patient, who like Mark, wouldn’t want to be stuck with him 24/7. He may not be too interested in long term relationships actually at the moment, because the energy I’m getting from this spread is of someone who would let him see other people, but would still be affected by this. He could be attracted to a rather sharp, serious, intellectual individual, intuitive and shrewd, an ice queen that he’d try to get a reaction from and melt their heart, but the way he could do this could be by trying to break their heart. capricorn, saturn, libra, virgo, aquarius
Appearance: the devil, the hanged man, the fool
Physical attraction is important for him. He likes seductive sirens, sensual, sexy, hypnotic, snake-like with very bewitching body language and voices, a nice butt, can be attracted to many types though, even the unconventional, sometimes he likes the more innocent and naive type with big eyes, open faces. Sometimes the more revealing, sexy or risky fashion, eccentric style, piercings, tattoos, elaborate makeup… pisces, neptune, mars, uranus, aquarius
Turn-offs: the hierophant, 3 of cups, 6 of cups
Someone too traditional, devoid of sex appeal or giving him only platonic vibes, someone too giving and helpful (he seems to prefer someone who plays hard to get), someone who is too easy to read, who doesn’t challenge him intellectually or mentally, someone boring, predictable, too stubborn and narrow minded, someone a bit clingy who could be interested in long term relationship XD cancer, aries, saturn
Personality: 5 of swords, 9 of wands, 7 of pentacles
He could like rather difficult people. Someone who challenges his views, is his opposite in many ways, someone who doesn’t open up that easily, can be a bit rough around the edges, makes him work for it, someone who will test his patience. Someone shrewd, observant, not easily impressed. Someone quite witty, with a dry sense of humor, quite bold in their opinions, who can even be a bit provocative or always contradict him just because. A rebel. aquarius, gemini, scorpio, aries, sagittarius
Appearance: 2 of cups, ace of wands, page of swords
Big thick curly hair, could like someone quite curvy or round, even a bit chubby, fiery countenance, honest, open face, sharp eyes, thick eyebrow, striking features. Rich and warm colored hair and skin. Colorful outfits. cancer, leo, scorpio, aries, sagittarius
Turnoffs: knight of wands, 9 of cups, 7 of wands
Some traits he dislikes are traits that can be found in his usual “type” but pushed to the extreme, so overly competitive or defensive, he likes a feisty partner but not too loud, too bold, too cocky or reckless. He also doesn’t like someone who is too indulgent, even though he enjoys that passionate and a bit rough quality, the person should still has some level of control and moderation. sagittarius, jupiter, negative aries/mars
Personality: temperance, knight of pentacles, the hierophant
Someone very calm, patient, mature, balanced, traditional, family oriented, and who is interested in long term relationship. Very stable. Someone who never gives up, is stubborn, is able to focus on a task for a very long time, resistant, strong. Slow and steady. Hard working and who does high quality work, is talented, skilled. Someone good in crisis, like a pillar of strength. Someone who always finish what they start, could even be stubborn but reliable. Someone sensual, the physical connection is important for him. No long distance relationships here. all earth signs, libra, saturn
Appearance: temperance, the fool, the emperor
Harmonious balanced, calm, mature, could be into someone older than him, who still has a look of innocence and “purity”, strong athletic or healthy, fit body, flexible, could like jewelry, but other that that prefers a rather simple fashion style. Could like a big butt. Very even, quiet sort of energy, stillness, soothing voice, slow moving, sturdy, stable, fixed, unmoving sort of energy. Quietly commanding presence. saturn, capricorn, taurus, leo, libra
Turnoffs: king of pentacles, the hanged man, the magician
Eccentricity, people who are trying too hard to appear weird or special, tricksters, people who are two faced. I feel like he could prefer a traditional relationship where as a man he is the provider, so he doesn’t like his partner to be too independent or masculine or to show off their achievements and money, because he wants them to lean on him. That being said he doesn’t like laziness, overly passive people either.  aquarius, uranus, gemini, pisces, sagittarius
Personality: 6 of swords, the tower, 6 of cups
He wants someone who would deconstruct his world, make him see something else. Someone who would make a big impression on him, all or nothing type of love, unconditional love, someone giving, sensitive, generous, possibly quite different from him. A big personality yet still someone who is positive, optimistic, with big ideals. A healing, transformative relationship. An activist, a brave fighter, the type that would go to protests and is determined to make the world a better place. Someone who likes to travel and is independent, but still very committed and loyal.  pisces, scorpio, pluto, jupiter, aquarius, sagittarius
Appearance: 4 of wands, the magician, the sun
Warm, radiant appearance, bright skin, light bright colors, yellow, red, gold, could like blond hair, big hair, wide open features, mischievous expressive features, intelligent face, could like a more intellectual look. Very beautiful, big, warm smile. Someone who breathes vitality, good health and strength. Proud, regal, dignified countenance, amicable aura.  leo, sagittarius, gemini
Turnoffs: queen of wands, death, two of wands
Narcissitic people, drama queens, bullies, spoiled brats, destructive, aggressive, immature, negative people, opportunistic people who would be interested in him only for his reputation. People who are too intense, who would want to completely change his lifestyle (even though he is attracted to this, he is also scared of it and sees many downsides). Someone who would want to do everything with him, be clingy, possessive or jealous.  negative scorpio, leo, aries
Personality: 9 of swords, 8 of wands, 7 of cups
What I’m seeing basically is a lot of anxiety disguised as a dream. An illusion. Flings, the passion runs high while it lasts, but there isn’t much stability. There is however a lot of uncertainty and confusion. He can attract anxious types, people who are chaotic, messy, unstable, who have mood swings, who are attractive and magnetic but it’s all a facade. He is like that himself, so as above, so below, he attracts that in his life too. There could be a tendency to use substances with his partners in order to heighten emotions and feel more passion. But it’s all smoke and mirrors. He also has a lot of options and tends to move on pretty fast. There is a fear of commitment here.  pisces, neptune, cancer, uranus, gemini, aquarius
Appearance: 6 of swords, death, the world
Definitely could be attracted to foreigners, people from all around the world. Someone with a very intense aura, gothic style, very magnetic. Dark aesthetic, high contrast, could look like him a bit, full lips, more soft and big features, big eyes, could look a bit ethereal, or strange, think AI/anime face or Tim Burton type of face. Slim/skinny. Big black hair. the color black and blue. Could be a good singer, siren type of voice.  scorpio, pluto, pisces, cancer, aquarius
Turn offs: 9 of swords, ace of swords, the wheel of fortune
It's not so much a type of people he dislikes, but all the difficulties that reoccur constantly in his relationships. All the anxiety. True communication scares him, having to face the truth, people who say it like it is, who break the spell, want to cut thorugh the bs. Facing reality, taking responsability. He also dislikes the uncertainty that comes in his relationships, the inevitable change that will come up because there is never any stability. He is a contradiction and has to heal a part of himself before he is ready to find real love, something that'll make him feel safe and where there is a true genuine connection and compatibility. uranus, saturn, neptune
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dreamofmetoday · 11 months
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he wants someone he feels romantic and sexual chemistry with instantly, even if he were to start off as friends with someone he would ideally want it to be one of those situations where from the beginning you both technically felt that “spark” and knew there was something underlying happening (he really wants to be able to feel his feelings for someone, for it to be exciting and almost teenage-esque). he wants someone deep and complex, but also someone who knows how to have fun - a woman who is easy to get along with, can make jokes and relax but you know she also has a lot of deep thoughts and emotions, she’s intelligent and has opinions. he wants someone who is self-assured and knows what they want - he doesn’t seem to have a problem with some level of insecurity, but he wants someone who at least knows where they stand on some things and is their own person (e.g. if he wants to know your opinion on something, he wants you to able to tell him straight away and to be confident about it - vague or unsure answers are not something he likes and he would especially be annoyed if he thinks you copy all of your opinions from friends and family). he wants someone witty, someone who he can really talk to (engaging conversations) and is warm. he wants someone who values an equal give and take in relationships (he isn’t into someone that wants to be more of the giver but he doesn’t want someone who expects to be spoiled either). he wants someone who does their best to not be a victim and who can also motivate him to become (or stay) resilient.
turn ons:
someone who values privacy and keeping their relationship secret or low-key, someone who can form their own opinion on him (he doesn’t like when he can tell someone has preconceived ideas about him and he also expects that you respect him and let his actions and behaviour speak for itself), someone who has good manners, small waist and a big or firm butt (likes pear shaped and hourglass shaped women), someone who doesn’t edit their photos dramatically, sensitive and nurturing (not rough with things, knows how to be gentle and mature), when he can tell someone doesn’t act on their emotions (can push their emotions aside and do what is logical or professional), someone who isn’t needy for attention, someone who is tidy and cleanly, someone who doesn’t seem down in the dumps all the time (not really someone who’s all “sunshine and rainbows” but just someone who has the vibe that they're going to pull their socks up get on with things), someone who grasps opportunities and takes charge (even in small ways - e.g. if he can tell you’re easily bossed around by your friends he would think that’s sad, or another example: if you’re clothes shopping, he wants you to just buy the jacket you want, not consider if everyone else is going to think it’s ugly or something), someone who plans for the future (and if not a strict planner, someone who at least has a vision for what they want in the future), straight but feminine shoulders (could like when someone wears clothes that show off their shoulders and collarbones), someone who can admit when they’re wrong or come forward with mistakes, delicate feminine hands.
turn offs:
someone who causes or needs drama (he doesn’t want to entertain bullshit essentially, nor is he someone that sees this as “passionate” and exciting - causing arguments for no reason is a huge turn off), someone who always feels the need to tell him how much they love him or want him, someone who needs to be around him all the time or wants to “merge” (he really thinks people should maintain their independence), someone who is in love with love more than him (projects romantic ideals and expectations onto him that you should know don’t suit his personality or clearly don’t represent who he actually is), someone who acts pathetic around him and tries to be too sacrificing (if someone is like, “i would do anything for you. i would die for you” he’s kind of like, “ok, you need to get serious…”), someone who doesn’t value relaxing and peace, someone who’s bad at balancing and has a chaotic nature, someone who tries too hard to appeal to him (if someone says what they thinks he wants to hear and he can tell, this annoys him), someone who can’t stick by him in hard times (if someone is only a good partner when times are good then he’s very disappointed, he doesn't want someone who is only fun), someone with a bad reputation (and someone who doesn’t care what others think, someone who doesn’t care about behaving right), someone super jealous, too skinny, someone built too broadly, someone who doesn’t exercise or take care of themselves, big hands.
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moonlight-yuyu · 4 months
Hii lovely! Can I request Jackson Wang’s ideal type ?
Thank you always for your hard work 🥹❣️
Got7 Masterlist
Sun: Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius
Moon: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius
Mercury: Pisces, Cancer, Scoprio
Venus: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius
Mars: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer
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theninthdoor · 2 years
jackson wang || ideal type; tarot reading
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disclaimer: in my Ideal Type readings, I look into what the person in question is currently (consciously and unconsciously) attracted to! it's not necessarily their perfect match or the one they will end up with.
✦ Impression (What is seen externally; Might not accuratelly represent the person):
cards: seven of cups, tower, four of wands
Jackson's ideal type is someone who might dress in an unique way or have something very distinctive about their looks. On the other hand, though, it could also be that he's open to pretty much anyone who sparks his interest by being different from what he's used to. Regardless, we're looking at the type a person who is unafraid to express themselves and try new things and, due to that, people would easily recognize that this individual has no lack of creativity or interests. Also, there's a sense that this person might come across as a little shocking, even. They would not limit themselves due to anybody's rules or concepts of what they should look or act like. Whatever made sense to them, they would do, and it would be done unapologetically! Finally, it does seem like his ideal type might also be that one person who motivates others to try new things and to express themselves freely, specially in terms of style and attitude. They would look like someone who was not there to judge others, but rather uplifted them and show genuine interest for people's unique personalities and lifestyles.
✦ Personality:
cards: eight of wands, eight of swords (ace of pentacles reversed, king of wands), four of pentacles
Personality wise, Jackson is attracted to people who are very motivated and always on the go. They never stop too long in one place, as there is a lot more to discover and experience; so they move at a fast pace, and lead a life full of excitement and change. Although this person might not stop pursuing their goals for anybody or anything, they are nonetheless very aware and respectful of their limitations. What's not up for them to tackle, they will not force their way upon. However, I do believe that it would cost them a lot to miss out on opportunities to challenge themselves, and so they would get stuck thinking about it for a long time afterwards. Ultimately, it would be a matter of pride - not being capable of doing something would register on their mind as a failure, even though they would surely respect the restrictions they were being faced with. Additionally, this might be someone who takes their boundaries and stability very seriously, even to the point of stubborness and possessiveness. They like to keep everything that's theirs very close to their hearts, so others cannot take it away from them or mess with them. On the more negative side, we're also looking at a person who finds it hard to let go of relationships and issues, despite the fact that those might be causing them harm.
✦ What his ideal type should provide in a relationship:
cards: six of swords, lovers, three of cups
For Jackson, someone who is willing to work with him harmoniously, on a level of equality, is his ideal type. They should always be available to solve relationships issues and then move past those without bringing them up every time they argue over something, as finding stability and healing ought to be a big priority for them. On that same note, someone who provides support and solutions for any challenges that may come up might also be something that he seeks in a partner. Next, but still tying back to what we just saw, comes respect and good communication in the relationship. They should be working together, as a team, to build a beautiful and loving union. Lack of accountability, dishonesty and indifference are big, big turn offs for him! At last, I do believe he would like his ideal type to be, if not extroverted, then willing to socialize and be around his friends and family. Or, from another point of view, this could mean that he would like it better if his partner felt more like a best friend to him, and that their relationship was kept pretty fun and free, instead of them pursuing an overly serious and traditional route. Nevertheless, in both cases there is a big theme of socializing and sharing happy times with his loved ones all together.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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kfanopinions · 1 year
Jinyoung Ideal Type (Astrology)
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i'll be basing this off of his moon and venus signs. i'm not sure about his birth time, i have yet to find one for him. but if one is provided i'll revise this at that time :) take with a grain of salt and enjoy!
taurus moon || scorpio venus
good things come to those who wait someone who is is patient (both his moon and venus) would like someone that is patient. he takes a little long to open up
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder aka him so taurus likes beauty but he may go for someone that is beautiful in his eyes as oppose to your typical beauty queen
stability is key he would like someone who is mentally stable and well educated (someone who can hold an intellectual conversation)
goal-oriented his taurus moon will like someone who has goals that they are trying to achieve
sorry not sorry does not like ill tempered and pushy people
creative minds think a like he may like someone who likes the arts. someone who wouldn't mind learning about art, music, or go to museums, the theater etc.
femme fatale someone who exudes a controlled sensuality and allure to them
quiet type this could mean that he may not want someone who is super loud/extroverted but someone just on the quieter side (not necessarily introverted but just quiet)
darker side of life with his scorpio venus he could be interested in someone with a darker aura/vibe/style or this could indicate that he may like someone who is darker than himself <- take this part with a grain of salt, okay? ^^
s*x, s*x, and uhhhh more s*x okay with scorpio in venus he could enjoy s*x a lot lol so of course someone who doesn't mind this would be ideal
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psychicreadsgirl · 8 months
BamBam ideal type
Fit, muscular, tall, fashionable/good at dressing for their body type, mature, serious, wealthy, powerful, generous - will take him to fancy restaurants/events and gift him expensive stuff, has sultry/charming eyes - bedroom eyes(?), sexy, knowledgeable or good at speaking, strong leadership skills, ability to command the room, popular, has a slightly dominating side, strong (strength), teases him playfully, seductive, able to take control of situations, very confident, brave/courageous
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catboyrome · 2 years
makes me think of how they said when rain and kim taehee started dating (and even now lol) ppl (even his own fans) were like yeah no ur not good enough for her sorry and even to have a chance w her he had to chase her for a yr, convert to catholicism, become extremely good at cooking, and (alongside se7en) destroy the celebrity military unit to see her for ppl to even go…hmmm maybe its ok….like jb u got a uphill battle here they all like ur gf more than u rn
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403tarot · 1 year
MASTERLIST ᕀ ♡ ⁺ . ᕀ 💛 * .
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⊹ . . . hey everyone! 🌟 i'm duckie, a 20-year-old tarot enthusiast. for the past 2 years, i've been intuitively reading tarot cards and i'm now diving into astrology. welcome to my blog 🐝
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not-goldy · 2 months
straight passing is such a privilege and Jungkook is so lucky
I've 2 doubts.
1. Why only JK ? I've seen many feminine man who are straight af. Bambam of Got7 was thought as gay man by their fans only for him to say A minor newjeans member is his ideal type 🤢 What if it's Jimin the straight one all this long?
2. Straight passing is a thing but how about affirming it again and again by singing het fuck songs ? Idk if any gay men IN COMMITED RELATIONSHIP will do that. Imo many queer artist sing about fucking a random girl but not if he's completely in love with his bf.
Why only Jk what???
Yea JM is type casted unfortunately 😔
He's been very secure in his masculinty since day one and I feel that has allowed him to explore and experiment with his gender expression.
On his sexuality, he wore a traditional wedding gown and pretended he was getting married to a black man while calling himself pretty in the gown😍 😆💀
He's admitted slaying in women's outfit and said time and again he doesn't mind at all people calling him pretty in a dress. Talk of positive masculinty!
That was good and well when the only thing androgynous about him was his face. He was hyper masculine back then and was constantly voted the best male physique. I recall some members joking he was gay and he took that well almost as if he wasn't perturbed by it.
But these days his smaller frame coupled with his overall androgynous looks isn't doing him any favors in the stereotype department.
He's not running around trying to kiss on other members or thirsting over other male celebrities they interact with but unfortunately he's stereotyped as queer and he isn't beating those allegations 😵
So just as you say, JK affirms his perceived straightness challenge yourself to think of the ways Jim may be inadvertently affirming his queerness and consider whether it's fair to blame either of them for how others perceive them.
When you say you don't know any gay man blah blah blah- don't you think you implying there is a standard of behavior for gay men and that you are complaining that JK is not conforming to that standard???
There's no right way of being queer.
Refrain from rhetorics like that. It's toxic
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lagoonalake · 5 months
I was just wondering if you are going to post about enhypen please?
Yes I plan on reposting the Enhypen reading but I have lost Niki's part. Even though I broadly remember it, I would appreciate people's help if they can still see that reading when they reposted it on their own blog. 🙏 Because apparently it's possible, someone kindly helped me with the P1harmony reading. And same for GOT7 reading, I have lost the last part for Yugyeom.
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810nd1 · 2 months
The readings lists
Quick explanation first. I will be filling spots for readings, once the list is full I won’t be accepting any new request about a topic. Now I won’t be closing and opening my inbox. I will be closing and opening lists once I complete them
Future spouse readings (5/5 closed):
Jinyoung b1a4
Ideal type readings (5/5 closed)
Minnie gidle
Joshua svt
Kim Sunwoo
Career readings (5/5 closed):
Stray Kids
Quick love reading (5/5 closed):
Leehan boynextdoor
Charles Leclerc
Yuma &team
Riwoo boynextdoor
Dominik Szoboszlai
Energy updates (5/5 closed):
Lana Del Ray
Kai Exo
Key Shinee
As a partner (5/5 closed):
JayB got7
Other questions about celebrities (10/10 closed)
Are Twice members aware about the tarot readings people do on them?
What broke Joongki and Songkyo’s marriage?
Hyuna’s mental health. Why is she dating Junhyung?
What is Joshua’s soul’s purpose in this life?
Is there a chance Bigbang will make a comeback? If yes how is it going to affect the kpop industry?
The relationship between Ive members. How is the dynamic within the group?
What BTS members think about the boycott and their fans wanting to take a side about the Israel’s conflict with Palestine?
How BTS members deal with “being the one that paved the way”? Is it hard for them to keep up with the expectations people have for them?
Does Enhypen know about the tarot readings people do on them?
Is Jake sanding messages to his future spouse?
Other questions about Stray Kids (5/5 closed)
What do they think about Charlie Puth
How are English lessons going for them?
Will Bangchan ever become a dad?
How will dating affect their career (as a group)?
What Stray Kids think about Bangchan becoming a dad?
Other tarot questions (4/5 open):
Cleopatra’s personality reading
How do spirits feel about fake tarot readers? Their thoughts on people that mock spirits
Who controls the entertainment industry?
How will the year 2025 go?
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 year
- Masterlist GOT7 -
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nothing yet
nothing yet
As A Boyfriend
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
Ideal Type
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theninthdoor · 2 years
|| masterlist ||
|| rules ☞ here ||
↼ #tarotquickquestions ⇀
↼ Boy Groups ⇀
NCT (all units) + 「NCT」
↼ Girl Groups ⇀
↼ Soloists ⇀
↼other #tqq ⇀
⭒ yes or no, & a message from Spirit
⭒ what do they wanna tell you?
✁ older readings
↼ Boy Groups ⇀
⭒ Points of Attraction
⭒ Pre-debut Personalities & Group Dynamic
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ On & Off Camera Personality
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ True Personality
⭒ & K (&Team) || Their Bond 
⭒ Career Update (jan, 23)
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ As a Boyfriend
⭒ Ideal Type
✦ Individual Members:
Jackson Wang
⭒ Ideal Type
✦ All Units:
⭒ Points of Attraction
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ A Look Into 2023 - Part I; Part II
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ True Personality
⭒ A Look Into 2023 - Part I; Part II
⭒ & Jungkook || Their Dynamic
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Career Update (nov, 22)
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Ideal Type
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ On & Off Camera Personality
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Ideal Type
↼ Girl Groups ⇀
⭒ Alternative Route
⭒ Pre-debut Personalities & Group Dynamic
⭒ Points of Attraction
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ On & Off Camera Personality
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ On & Off Camera Personality
⭒ Career Update (dec, 22)
⭒ How Idols Perceive Her
⭒ A Look Into 2023 - Part I; Part II
⭒ Points of Attraction
⭒ Pre-debut Personalities & Group Dynamic
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Career Update (nov, 22)
⭒ When Idols First Meet Her
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Points of Attraction
↼ Soloists ⇀
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Ideal Type
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kfanopinions · 1 year
Jackson Ideal Type (Astrology Based)
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lol jackson has spoken up about his type so i'm wondering why did you ask me? hehe but i hope i can provide more insight. i will be looking into jackson's moon and venus signs. i'm not sure if he said the time of his birth. if so, i will edit this information if anyone knows. if not, take everything with a grain of salt ^^ also, i just realized he and bang chan have the same moon sign...no wonder fans say they are "hubby material" i get it y'all, i do ^^ oh, and since jackson has repeatedly said "woman" "female" "girl" i will indicate a woman this time around instead of using "partner"
Libra Moon
"i can't leave you, even if i want to" someone that understands that if he likes you, he likes you!
"darling, darling ~ stand by me" someone that will stand by him and want to do things with him. his moon in libra is really an all in type
"dear future...'wife'" he's clearly a family man. so it's not shocking his moon in libra is a family type placement. he wants them kiddos ^^
take you home to mama okay he wants a girl that is not only beautiful to his eyes, but also to others. not only that but someone who has a decent enough reputation as well.
"i'm going back to you" seriously libra moons can be CLINGY. this is where they get their emotional security from. it makes me think of jackson when he said he keeps at least one light on when he's away because it makes him feel like someone is waiting for him T_T
audrey is that you? libra moon's are about beauty, class, and intelligence. this just makes me think of audrey hepburn. not to mention there is no way anyone can say she isn't beautiful (but we know jackson so don't jump to conclusions just yet *wink*)
"drive it like you stole it" he needs a woman who can take him by the reins and show him she's his one and only. libra moons are charmers and not to alarm anyone, but if he and his future girlfriend/wife added another woman to the mix...yeah he's gonna fall for her too so yeah... good luck miss! anyway, this is a flirtatious sign, so if his girl shows 'nope you're not getting close to her. not uh, mr.' he'll get the picture.
side note: this is more platonic/non sexual flirtations. but everyone can slip up xP
Aries Venus
"wrap me in chains" someone who doesn't concede to his flirtations so easily. aries is a hunter sign. it's boring if you just fall into their arms so quickly. make him work for it. she shouldn't be the one trapped in the chains of love but holding onto them ^^
disturbance in the force okay, so there is a little bit of a contradiction here (not surpring) but jackson's libra moon loves being around his partner to the point that he may even be willing to go into business with them. but with his aries venus it screams "independent woman." that being said i take it as:
"when we're together let's be together. i want to be stuck to you like glue, but when i'm a way you need to be strong enough to handle things on your own."
let your inner jessi rawr! no wonder he likes/liked jessi so much ^^ she is bold, confident, straight forward, mulan coming in:
"how about a girl who has a brain, who always speaks her mind..."
and she's a woman who takes care of her body (physically fit at least from what i see) and his aries venus LOVES THIS! speaking of jessi, someone a little tomboyish/athletic (like that boxer girl (right?) from that show when he roomed with all those people) can be his type. so mixing the moon and venus together someone who has a healthy appearance (clearly takes care of themselves) who can be elegant but then can get down and dirty (get your mind out of the gutter!) when the situation calls for it.
social butterfly for one please! he would like someone who is lively and energetic. a shy introverted girl will get scorched by his flames of energy and may end up leaving first if he hasn't left from boredom already
don't be afraid to flirt!!!!! no joke, a slight touch of her knee to his, or even smaller gestures that draw his eyes to the most feminine parts i.e. her neck, lips, hands, legs will get his heart racing but what will make him lose his sh*t is if she's is bold enough to kiss his cheek as a parting/goodbye gesture. she won't leave his mind. and who knows, since an aries venus loves to be on the hunt, this little bait may just pull off hehe *wink wink*
with his aries venus i'm sorry...some of us will not be suited with this type of energy. but have no fear you never know when the wind will blow your way ^^
sun: leo || sagittarius || aries venus: leo || sagittarius || aries
are the best and most equipped signs to deal with an aries venus
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eviebyme · 2 years
Requests Open
Hi cuties!💕
I have several types of requests open but please know I am open to answering any and all types of astrology requests. They can be K-pop related or just general/about you! Hope to hear from y’all soon❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Open Requests:
Idol Scenarios and Blurbs: I will answer any scenario/blurb requests for a group or a specific member (for example. How they cuddle, their kinks...etc)
Love Scenarios: Ask any questions about love/relationship for yourself or a K-pop idol and I will write a short blurb/scenario based on astrology.
I will definitely answer anonymous asks but I will prioritize requests from followers!
I will do my best to do as many as possible but I will not be able to get to all!
I will do requests for different groups, not just one.
Please remember this all for fun!
Check out older Astrology Compatibility posts for reference!
Have fun,
P.S. since I get asked this a lot, here are the groups I write for: Bts, got7, nct, seventeen, ateez, enhypen, txt, stray kids, Exo, ikon, blackpink, and twice (I can write for any group but these are the ones I know pretty well)
Open Requests
Love Scenarios/Reactions/mtl
Any astrology questions/clarifications
Astrology Compatibility
Compatibility with your bias
Ideal Type
Closed requests
Type of Boyfriend
Enemy Ships
💫Works in Progress💫
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe
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Chapter Summary: BTS attend the MAMA Awards. Jimin and Taehyung aim to get Jennie and Jungkook to kiss under the mistletoe
Words: 8,000+
In Hong Kong, BTS prepared for their performance during the dress rehearsal. They were to collaborate with GOT7, which Jen was thrilled about.
"Hey, Bam Bam, look it's your future girlfriend." Mark teased as they saw Jennie stretching from afar.
"Shush!" Bam Bam playfully shoved him away.
"And you're drooling~," Jackson exclaimed.
After she finished stretching, she spotted the members of GOT7 and waved. Just before Bam Bam was about to approach her, he stopped when he saw Jungkook.
"Yes?" she turned around, greeted by Jungkook.
"Hobi Hyung wants to go over the choreography with you to make sure you got it. You know that one part."
"All right."
After the dress rehearsal, Jennie had slipped through Bam Bam's eyes as he wanted to take time to talk to her, but like she always does, she wandered around backstage. She saw Monsta X and approached them with a smile.
"Finally get to meet you guys properly. Hi!" she bowed.
"Jennie Walker! Miss BTS! It's nice to finally meet you properly, too! I'm Jooheon. This is I.M, Hyungwon, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Wonho and Shownu."
"I'm trying not to fangirl but oh my gosh, you guys are friggin badass. I am so looking forward to your performance at the show. I can see you guys making it big, I can just feel it. And I'm proud to announce that I am a monbebe~!"
The members seemed pleased to hear that as they welcomed her with open arms. 
"What's your favorite song?" Minhyuk asked.
"Gone Bad is my favorite!"
"Oh really? Can you sing it?" Shownu asked
Jen nodded and sang out Kihyun's part, "Geurae hal mankeum haebwa oneul haruneun. Eodikkaji galji hanbeon nareul jigyeobollae."
"Wow~. I love it." Kihyun applauded.
"Continue." Jooheon challenged
"Okay." she accepted and started feeling herself while rapping to Jooheon, "E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo. E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo."
Jooheon immediately smiled and nodded his head as he rapped with her, "E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo. E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo tto hanbange KO."
She went on while Hyungwon joined in for his verse, "Ppittureojillae. Ppittureojillae ho. Ppittureojillae. Monsta X yeah we rock the show. Ppittureojillae. Ppittureojillae ho. Ppittureojillae. Monsta X yeah we rock the show!"
"We might need to let her be the 8th member of Monsta X, now." Kihyun laughed.
"Ha! I don't think Bangtan will take too kindly to that." she giggled.
"I'm sure we can work something out." Wonho smiled, causing her face to warm up
'Lord Jesus, I was born the wrong year. He's smiling like that on purpose.' she thought.
Wonho was one fine looking guy. Everyone here was.
"So, we heard that Wonho is your bias." Minhyuk teased. "So, who is your bias wrecker? Me, right?"
"No way, it's me," Shownu added.
The members began joking around and trying to impress her with funny poses, making her laugh. 
"She doesn't have a bias wrecker because her heart belongs to me, right Jennie?" Wonho wrapped an arm around her and got closer to her face.
"Oh mah God~." she started feeling shy at how close she was to him and covered her face as he chuckled. Once she pulled herself together, she joked, "I know I'm too young for you, but I fit your ideal type because I can make some bombass ramen."
After goofing around, she asked, "Are you fellas nervous for your first MAMA Awards?" 
"Very. It's a big moment for us. Do you have any advice?" Shownu asked.
"Honestly I was freaking out during my first MAMA. It's such a big deal, y'know? Huge event. But just have fun with it. You're performing in front of thousands of people and various idols from different companies. Show them who Monsta X is and show them that you guys are here to stay and take over. You're going to do great. I'll be cheering you on."
"Thank you, we'll take that to heart." they bowed.
"I remember your performance from last year's MAMA. You performed with Block B's Taeil. You were really good up there. Great charisma." I.M spoke in English, causing Jen to smile and speak in her Native language
"Aw, really? Thank you. It's still one of my favorite performances I had on stage. You're fluent in English, right?"
"Yes, I am."
"I'm giving you a warning now since we're going to be great friends, you're stuck with me and we'll be having a lot of English conversations together."
I.M chuckled. "I'll mentally prepare. Can we take a picture for Twitter?"
Getting in the middle, Jennie posed gleefully as they considered her their new Monbebe. I.M posted the photo on Monsta X's Twitter, 'With Miss BTS herself! She's our new Monbebe! Thank you for supporting us!' 
Wandering around again, Jen saw The8.
"Jennie!" he happily waved
"Hey! It's been a while!" she rushed up and pulled him for a hug, surprising him as he shyly hugged her back.
After they pulled away he smiled softly. "You look well!"
"I'm surviving. You look great, excited for Mama?"
"A little nervous but Seventeen is working very hard."
"I saw a snippet of your performance. You guys are great! Mansae is one of my favorite songs."
"Look forward to us performing."
"Trust me, I will."
Once the show began, BTS and GOT7 performed their collab dance. Afterward, GOT7 performed If You Do and soon after, BTS came out to perform Run. Jen wore leather pants and a white leather jacket with the words, 'Love Yourself' and wore that same white butterfly necklace in their starting position. She stood back to back with Jimin.
Starting off with V walking to the members, they shift. Rapmon starts off and they perform.
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dasi Run Run Run nan meomchul suga eobseo
tto Run Run Run nan eojjeol suga eobseo
eochapi igeotbakke nan mothae
neoreul saranghaneun geot bakken mothae
Transitioning to the middle, Jen sang while her hair bounced every time she ran, "Dasi Run Run Run, neomeojyeodo gwaenchanha, tto Run Run Run jom dachyeodo gwaenchanha."
The camera panned to some idols who were watching the performance and it showed some IKON members smiling and lip syncing when Jen sang. One of them covered his mouth to tell one of his hyungs that she looked pretty but some fansites that were filming them caught them and thought it was cute.
Jen and Rapmon face each other.
Don't tell me bye bye!
"You make me cry, cry!" she patted her hand over her heart
"Love is a lie, lie!" they say in unison. "Don't tell me, don't tell me, don't tell me bye bye!" they push each other away
Once the chorus came again, Jen sang first this time as they danced.
chueokdeuri mareun kkonipcheoreom
sansani buseojyeoga
nae son kkeuteseo nae bal miteseo
dallyeoganeun ne deung dwiro
machi nabireul jjotdeut kkum sogeul hemaedeut
neoui heunjeogeul ttaraga
The fan chants could be heard as they noticed various ARMY bombs in the crowd. Jen was having a blast on the stage and before she knew it, the song was about to end.
Don't tell me bye bye
"You make me cry, cry!"
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"Love is a lie, lie!"
Don't tell me, don't tell me
Don't tell me bye bye
Later on, the members watched the rest of the show. Jen had stared at Ailee in admiration when she had won best female vocal performance. She was just so beautiful and ARMY was eager to see her reaction to Ailee winning while the members teased her about it. Jen was the first to stand up and applaud when she won as well, with a proud smile on her face.
Jennie also was so proud of Hyuna when she won best dance solo performance. Her life was slayed watching Jessi and Hyuna perform. She enjoyed seeing women take the stage. Hopefully one day she will be able to do that. She saw it as inspiration that she could get there, too.
BTS had won the World Performer award, which was a proud moment for them. Jen hoped that they'd be able to win even more awards as they continued what they were doing. Ever since the Melon Awards, Jen's reactions and dancing to performances have become iconic for those that have fancams of her because they were so amusing to watch and tonight was no exception.
When CL had performed, Jen was mesmerized. The charisma, how the crowd can get behind her instantly, she hoped to be like that one day. Being able to move a crowd like that by herself. She was so hyped that the camera kept filming her while fans said, 'Same, Jennie, same'
Just like everyone else, no one expected 2NE1 to pop up as Jen freaked out, holding onto poor Jin.
Her reaction was bound to go viral as she also wiped a few tears when they performed Fire and I Am The Best.
And of course, once EXO had performed, she had to jam to them. She lipsynced all of Baekhyun's lines as her fansites filmed everything.
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"Eodun miro soge gacheotteon. Whoa na Oh, geu eodum sogeseo, nal kkaeweo jun ni moksori deullyeowa, nal dashi taeeonage hae~" she sang out, jamming around.
The members slowly turned to her and were amused. She truly loved Baehkyun. When the lights went out and Chanyeol began rapping fast, Jen got even more hyped as EXO performed a lightsaber dance break. Then, with Drop That, it became a huge party as she danced with Taehyung and Hobi who were near Suho and Chen.
Jump jump jump jump jump jump E.X.O
Jump jump jump jump we are E.X.O
While watching Baekhyun perform, she soon saw him walking towards where she and the rest of the idols were. Her butterflies came back and all those thoughts about keeping her composure were out the window. 
She soon noticed him looking her way and began to walk over to her.
'He's coming over here!?' she thought, widening her eyes. 
He extended out his hand and she immediately took it, getting pulled forward and they started jumping and dancing together. 
"Ah, she is so freaking out right now!" Namjoon laughed.
"I know. I'm surprised she didn't faint." Jin giggled.
Chen and Suho did the same with GOT7 and the rest of Bangtan nearby.
This was a moment that she'll cherish for the rest of her life and the members knew how much this meant to her. Baekhyun smiled at her and made his way back to the stage to regroup with the members. She couldn't wipe that huge smile off her face. It was nothing like being able to get hyped with one of your favorite idols like this.
Chen had blown her away with his high note and she had to lean back and place a hand over her heart.
'MY GOD! How did he do that!?' she thought
And once they performed Love Me Right, Jennie was no more good as she swayed around while standing and clapping along. Her ears were almost ringing from the screams of fans for Big Bang. Their stages were always unique. All of YG artists were. The way they were so composed and had strong charisma. She hoped to get there one day. To that point as a performer.
During the dress rehearsal, she had told G-Dragon that she hoped that BTS could have a longer stage at MAMA, and he told her that they'd get there one day. So she'll continue to work hard and remain patient for their time to shine.
When the camera panned to Jennie with Taehyung bopping to the song, she looked directly at it and smiled, pointing, "Bang, bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang!"
Spotting Kiyhun and the rest of Monsta X, Jen and Taehyung began to dance with them too. During PSY's Daddy performance, fansites filmed her laughing and asking Hobi and Taehyung how the dance goes, following their moves.
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During Gangnam Style the camera caught her again, turning up and dancing around without a care in the world despite everyone watching her. She was dancing similar to how Taeyang was during Gangnam Style a few years ago. The members couldn't help but party with her. Jen feeling herself was such a mood and it made awards shows more enjoyable to watch because of her reactions. 
Bam Bam had soon danced his way over to Jennie, tapping her over the shoulder. Once she turned, she danced with him as BamJen shippers were delighted. Jimin was not happy when watching them dance. He felt like his ship was getting ruined and didn't like how close he was to her. 
Jungkook glanced up and saw them dancing, feeling some type of way as jealously crept up on him.
"Are you going to sit there or are you going to do something?" Taehyung asked in his ear over the loud music.
Jungkook soon thought about their conversation after the concert,
'Let everyone know that the person you want will be yours and no one is going to change that or interfere with your mission.'
Some idols were glancing at Jungkook, wondering what he was going to do. The gossip about Jungkook's feelings for his bandmate was going around fast. And it was also a known fact that Bam Bam had liked her for quite some time and was very vocal about it. The only thing stopping him right now was the dating ban.
Jungkook stood up and glanced at the 95 Liners who followed him. Dancing to the song, the three of them moved to where Jen was dancing. Jimin and Taehyung watched eagerly as Jungkook gently pulled her away from Bam Bam
"I'll take it from here," the Golden Maknae spoke.
Bam Bam and some members of GOT7 were disappointed that his moment was interrupted. But Jimin and Taehyung had low fived each other as they watched JenKook have a friendly and goofy dance battle, with Bangtan hyping them up. It certainly caught the camera's attention and made JenKook shippers happy.
Watching everyone perform tonight motivated Jen to do better and she had hoped that at next year's MAMA Awards, she would be able to blow everyone away with her charisma with Bangtan. Sometimes she felt like she wasn't doing enough. What can she do to stand out and get people talking about how much she has improved on stage? She will be practicing and working even harder to give a better performance for fans.
After the show, Jungkook went directly to Bam Bam. He wanted to have a long talk about everything.
"Can I speak with you, Bam Bam?" Jungkook asked.
Once Bam Bam agreed, they walked to a private area. "So, what's up, Jungkook?"
"It's about Jennie."
"Thank you!" Jen pulled the table right inside her hotel room. 
She was so hungry after the show, she had to order room service. She felt like she deserved a big meal after the pleasant time she had at the MAMA Awards.
Her face during 2NE1's reunion performance was sure to become a new meme as she already saw her face plastered all over Tumblr and Twitter. ARMY did not waste any time to capture her reaction. After eating, she prepared to shower, shutting the bathroom door behind her. Finally, she was able to shower. The whole night exhausted her. It was overall fun but with a big award show like this, it took a toll on her body. But nothing like a hot shower to ease her muscles. Connecting her phone to a portable speaker, she put her music on shuffle and walked into the shower.
Meanwhile, back in the room, a sasaeng had crawled out from under the room service table after hearing the shower turn on. They began to place hidden cameras all over the room and called their buddy who was also around the hotel. 
"I'm in Jennie's room~! Our plan worked! I finally got in. The video is clear, right? Good." the sasaeng giggled and found her suitcase.
Opening it, they started to examine her personal belongings. They began to take some of her underwear and even took photos of her bra size. After having too much fun with her belongings, the suitcase fell to the floor and made a loud noise.
With Jennie, her stomach dropped, and she stopped everything that she was doing as soon. Hobi was not in the room yet because he was with friends so he couldn't be back yet.
Something was not right and someone was here.
What is she going to do?
Another sasaeng had walked into the room and it so happened to be someone who worked at the hotel. The same woman who had given Jennie her food. She eagerly helped the other person put Jen's stolen items under the table, including her friendship ring.
"We'll meet with the others later. Double check the cameras, and get out of here," she advised and left the room with the table.
Getting out of the shower while leaving it on, she put on a towel and disconnected her phone from the speaker to give Seijin a quick call to frantically tell him that there was someone in her room. After he told her that he was on his way with the others and security, she decided to stay in the bathroom, feeling anxious.
"Jennie~, I know you know I'm here! Come out so we can meet! I'm a huge fan~!" the sasaeng said in a teasing voice.
This was so scary. Never in her life had she ever been in this type of situation. She became anxious when she heard the doorknob rattle as the sasaeng tried to get in. She didn't know if the sasaeng had intentions of hurting her or had some sort of weapon. 
After hearing various sasaeng stories, she never thought she would be one to deal with someone breaking in. She hated this feeling. The feeling of being helpless and paralyzed with fear.
"Open up!" the sasaeng yelled, making her flinch and shed a few tears. 
The sasaeng didn't want to leave like they were supposed to. They wanted to get noticed by their bias. 
Looking around, Jennie grabbed the nearest weapon, a toilet plunger, just in case they attacked her. It wasn't much but it was something. She let out a shriek when the sasaeng began to kick at the door. After a while, they managed to break in and as soon as that door swung open, Jen couldn't even use the weapon.
"Get away from me!" Jen shouted when she was grabbed by the arm. 
The sasaeng had a tight grip, digging their nails into her skin, with that sick smile on their face. Seijin and various security guards rushed into the room, to go straight after the sasaeng while Jen screamed.
"No! No! I love her! Let me go! Let me go!" the sasaeng began struggling and managed to get detained while Seijin made sure Jen was all right. 
Jennie watched with distress as the sasaeng continued to go crazy. When they were taken away, she, still shaken up, explained what happened while in tears, holding on to Seijin. After he made a few calls, it was certain that Big Hit would be taking serious legal action over this, immediately.
If Jen didn't have her phone with her in the bathroom, who knows what could've happened? Her blood went cold as she still felt that death grip on her arm. She then looked at her suitcase which was open with her items scattered.
Anger soon overcame her, "And they had the audacity to touch my shit?!" 
She ran her hands through her wet hair, fearing for the worst of what might have been taken. When she got dressed in her pajamas, there was an investigation of how the sasaeng broke in. Clearly, the sasaeng had some connections in this hotel and someone or more people helped them sneak in.
When the members found out what had happened, they immediately rushed to her room, Namjoon being the first, running in to hug her.
"Are you hurt!?" he demanded with worry.
Jen was not happy. She was mainly angry at herself for being in that type of situation and getting so scared. She was considering taking self defense classes or something to defend herself if God forbid no one was there to save her. The members stayed with her while Seijin filled them in on everything. Yoongi, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jimin especially struggled to keep their cool, while everyone was concerned for her safety.
Just to see how easily the sasaeng came in from a room service table was not good and they will be increasing security and doing more hotel room checks from now on.
"And we found hidden cameras." Seijin pointed out.
"You're the one with the good news, today, huh?" Jen asked sarcastically, shaking her head. "Man...hidden cameras? Unbelievable...well, I clearly made it because I now have people breaking into my hotel room."
This was sick. What if they filmed her when she was undressed?
Later that evening, Jungkook came back to her room while Hobi was showering. He was still shaken up by what had happened with Jennie. Everyone was. He had wished that he could've protected her.
Noticing something bothering her and decided to ask, "What's on your mind?"
"I'm so sorry..." she murmured, shaking her head as tears appeared in her eyes
"For what?" he asked in alarm.
"I'm so sorry, Kook..."
"Wh-what's wrong?"
"I lost the ring..." she mumbled.
"I lost the ring, Jungkook. I-I thought they took it but it wasn't found on them. I dunno where it can be. It's not in the room, the sasaeng doesn't have it. It's gone. Th-they searched everywhere."
His eyes softened as he held her close. "It's okay."
"That friendship ring meant everything to me. Now it's gone."
"It's okay."
"How can you say that so easily?" she looked up.
"Because what we have isn't just a ring. Your safety is worth more than a ring," he responded firmly. "You or a simple ring, I'd choose you in a heartbeat. I'm just glad you're safe. That's all that matters."
There were numerous reports of Jennie being the next unfortunate victim of dealing with a sasaeng as fans had voiced their concern and hoped that she would be okay. It was going to be a while until she got over this but being with the members helped ease the tension.
As a pre-birthday surprise, the members and MPD decided to prank Jin. First was a mission which was to make an acrostic poem with Hong Kong. When Jin was declared the winner, he was shocked.
"Why me?" Jin asked, flustered.
Since he was the winner, he went out with MPD while the production crew gave the members instructions. They were to have the lights off and the members not in the room but only a woman lying in the bed as they hoped that Jin would fall for the plan.
"Yo, V cannot keep a secret. He kept mentioning Jin's birthday." Jen said on camera while they hid in the bathroom.
"He mentioned it twice!" Rapmon added
'Trust me, I know.' Jungkook thought about the various times V almost blurted out his feelings for Jennie. 
Thankfully Jimin kept him in check. After a while, Jin came back and entered the room with MPD, only to jump when the girl screamed from the bed. Jin instantly jumped and began shaking.
"What, what, what is going on!?" he exclaimed.
"Happy birthday to you~!" the members walked out with a cake while laughing. Jin continued to stand there, stunned while Jimin held onto him. "Happy birthday to our beloved Jin Hyung! Happy birthday to you!"
"I was so startled!" Jin exclaimed after blowing out the candles. "I was like what? Who's that?"
"Did you fall for our plan?" J-Hope asked
"I did!"
When it was officially Jin's birthday, backstage during a music show, Suga and Jimin started a V-Live and walked over to Jin with a cake. Everyone had sung happy birthday to him.
"Whaaaaaa!" Suga yelled while the members butt in the camera to get in the frame.
"It's so good to be with our members on my birthday. And it's even better to be with our fans. Give me a knife to cut the cake." the birthday boy requested.
"Here you go!" J-Hope pretended that his hand was a knife, pretending to chop the cake while the other members did the same thing. 
After getting an official knife, Jin began to cut it.
"It's blueberry yogurt," Jimin informed.
"Looks mighty tasty~!" Jen added.
"Who wants it?" Jin asked
"You first, Jin." J-Hope answered
As soon as he took the first bite, J-Hope said, "Yeeeahhh."
When he ate another piece, the members said, "Yeaaaah."
Another bite.
"It's good, right?" J-Hope asked
And another bite.
"So good!" Jin answered with his mouth full.
"53,000 of our fans are with us," Suga announced.
"It's my birthday and I hope you'll be happy too. We'll do our best to show you the best performance today. So please enjoy it." Jin beamed
"Happy birthday! Bye!" they wave goodbye.
After the V-Live, Jen presented Jin with a Mario themed birthday box. "Happy birthday~!"
"For me? And it's Mario? Oh wow, thank you, Jennie." he happily accepted it and sat down with her to open it. "I have been looking forward to getting your birthday box. It was one of my top birthday wishes."
"Oh really? Well, I'm glad this birthday wish came true. I hope you like it."
Opening up the letter, Jin couldn't help but giggle. On the top was a small ship she drew with the pun, 'Oh ship! It's your birthday!'
To my precious Jin,
Ah, you're getting older! But as each year goes by, you get more handsome. Just ask those who call you the car door guy back at the Melon Awards. Thank you for always taking care of me over the years. You have always looked out for me. Even that time when I was embarrassed when my period came unexpectedly and you were there and washed my sheets for me and took me to the store to buy what I needed. And as much as I hated that time when you forced me to take medicine when I got sick for the first time in Korea, I'm glad you did because even though we were just getting to know each other, you were concerned about me and wanted to help me.
You have no idea how proud you make me when I see you dance. I can definitely see the improvement and I hope you can too because your hard work is paying off. You have been working diligently on everything and just know that we appreciate all that you do. I will continue to help you clean and cook for the members. I don't want you to do all the work by yourself. I'll always be there to help you out. Oh yeah, and thanks for increasing my appetite because you were the main one wanting me to eat more when I came here. I want to be a part of Eat Jin soon, so invite me to your show!
Your laugh is one of my favorite things about you. It's contagious and I will continue to tease you about it. I also love your silly dad jokes. I swear I be like the only one laughing because of how silly they are but I always appreciate them. There are times when I think about them and start laughing and then the members stare at me like I'm crazy, haha. Including you! But you're the reason for my random laughter. Happy birthday and I wish you many more happy, safe, and healthy birthdays to come.
Your precious Jennie
After he had read the letter, he wrapped his arms around her for a tight hug and began giving her kisses all over her face as she tried to escape while laughing.
As the days went by in December, BTS promoted Run on music shows. During one show, V had the opportunity to MC. The members were very eager to watch him in action. Jennie wondered when she'd have that random opportunity to MC for a music show. It seemed a bit intimidating with the script and having to do all this random stuff. But she hoped that when it was her time to do so, it would be fun and a great learning experience.
"Ah shit, I accidentally got foundation on your face." she noticed some of her makeup on the side of Tae's cheek after she kissed him for good luck. 
That helped calm his nerves since he was so nervous about MCing and he began to laugh at her struggling to wipe the brown makeup off. 
"Stop laughing! I'm tryna help!" she giggled
"Hehehe, thank you, I needed this laugh." He responded as a stylist came to fix his makeup.
"You are going to be just fine. Everyone gets nervous when they do stuff like this for the first time. But you're a natural on camera. You're always so silly and bring in that adorable charm that fans love. We'll be watching you backstage, cheering you on, mkay? Ennie will always support you. Don't forget that."
Taehyung gave her two big kisses on her cheeks as she laughed. 
"Oh, my gosh, Tae! You got my makeup on you again!"
And for Inkigayo with Rap Monster MCing, Jen and the rest of the members watched him from backstage.
"Bruh...I dunno what he was so nervous for. If he is, it clearly does not show on camera. Look at how smooth he is. He's doing so well." Jen said for a Bangtan Bomb.
On Music Bank, the members were hoping to get their first win for Run. Some members were asked what they thought about the possibility of getting their first win. 
Jen answered, "Prayer is a powerful thing, so I'm praying that we get this first win. And I have faith in ARMY. Things will be fine."
Thanks to ARMY's hard work, Bangtan got first place as the confetti came down on the stage. Fans screamed louder than ever for them as the members broke out into huge smiles, applauding as they received flowers from the MCs. It was nothing like getting a first win and it was something that they will honor every time they get it.
"Thank you ARMY! Love you!" Suga said over the mic.
Receiving the mic, Jen happily shouted, "ARMY, you rock! Thank you!"
"Thank you so much ARMY!" V spoke
"Thank you, everyone! Woo! We won first place!" Jimin waved as their song came on while the other idols left the stage.
Since Bangtan won first place, they wanted Jennie and Jungkook to perform Adult Ceremony to become an adult. So, making ARMY scream louder than they were before, the members continued to slowly bend down and do a little bit of the choreography while singing run and waving.
Rushing off stage, Rapmon happily said, "We got first place! Jungkookie and Ennie are now adults!"
"Thank you!" Suga blew a kiss
"Woo~ First win! Woo! BTS Run first win, woo!" Jennie yelled in front of the Bangtan Bomb camera, grabbing it and giving it a big kiss on the lens.
"We got first place! We got first place!" J-Hope excitedly yelled
"You've worked hard~!" Jungkook waved
"Wow~!" Jin showed off the award, looking at it in awe.
"We won an award!" Jimin said, with Taehyung having his arm around his shoulder.
Backstage, Jimin and Jennie were filmed together with J-Hope making funny faces in the background and hugging Jen from behind.
"Jennie, since you became an adult and won first place, what are your thoughts?" Jimin asked.
"First, ARMY, you did this for us, your hard work and dedication to supporting us is always appreciated. So again, thank you and we love you very much. And since I've become an adult, I can have all the smarties I want without no one telling me no, muhahahah~!" she laughed evilly.
"Muhahahah?" J-Hope questioned
"Muhahaha!" she answered back.
"Muhahahaha~!" he copied her.
"You two are very weird." Jimin laughed.
BTS were on another episode of Weekly Idol, discussing their RUN comeback. For random dancing, Coni mentioned, "As a way to motivate them so they don't make any more mistakes, what about giving a kiss to each other."
"Oh, that's really strong," J-Hope responded as the members looked astonished
"Who? Who?" Suga called out
"Say what now?" Jen added
"That's good, the first person to make a mistake will give a member a kiss on the cheek," Coni said
As the members began to dance, it started simple with no mistakes. But once Boy In Luv came on, it looked like Jungkook had messed up.
"Time out, time out. Jungkook!" Heechul exclaimed as they both went to him and J-Hope. 
They thought J-Hope's facial expressions were way too obvious and he acted like he didn't make a mistake.
"I was a bit confused," J-Hope admitted.
"Is it better to be kissed by Jungkook or by J-Hope?"
"Wouldn't it be better if they just kissed each other?" V suggested
"WOW!" everyone shouted.
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Jennie began laughing loudly as she saw the two poor boys cringing and taking a step back.
"Say, 'Let's not be wrong from now on', then hug and once...twice...do that." Coni demonstrated, kissing Jungkook on the cheek as he cringed. 
Jennie giggled at his reaction. He was just too cute. Soon Jungkook and J-Hope held hands and stood in front of each other.
"Hyung, let's...not make mistakes," Jungkook said as they went to hug each other.
"Euahhhhhhhh~!" J-Hope yelled as they reluctantly got close to each other's faces. "This is cruel!"
Once J-Hope had yelled and kissed his cheek, everyone had to push Jungkook's head near J-Hope's cheek to kiss him. The boys were so happy when the torture was over.
"Everyone, this time, instead of a kiss, do one hit on the wrist," Coni revealed the next punishment.
When they continued their next round of random dancing, this time Suga got confused when I Need U came on and sheepishly tried to explain himself. He exposed his wrist out for Jungkook to hit. 
"You have to kind of like it!" Heechul explained, demonstrating getting hit and dramatically saying, "Ah!"
It seemed too inappropriate for the broadcast as the members burst out in laughter.
"No, he did not just say that!" Jen laughed.
"That's too weird!" Suga exclaimed and got hit by Jin and Rapmon afterward.
"If you get it wrong the third time, this time, the butt." Coni demonstrated.
Jennie took a step back, exclaiming, "UH! UH!"
"UH UH!" "UH UH!" They replay her shocked sound effect as everyone laughed while she protectively covered her butt with her hands.
"I will knock somebody out," she announced, getting defensive, pounding her fist once against her palm.
Taehyung had accidentally slapped her ass during the War of Hormone era in one performance at a music show. She knew fans wanted the full story of how that happened. She planned to discuss it when she went to talk to JRE in January. 
Her ass was not going to get hit by anyone. Not today. Not the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and so on. You have to earn it to touch her ass. 
Jimin and Taehyung thought about Jennie messing up and trying to get Jungkook to be the one to give her the punishment, giggling to themselves.
As they danced again, War of Hormone came on and it popped up to Jen's verse.
Of course, it did...
Strutting to the front she danced powerfully.
...but I ain't you baby, you gotta earn that. 
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! 
I'll tell you what I want right now! 
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! 
I ain't giving it to you right now!
She successfully got the moves right as the chorus continued. She was not letting anyone touch her booty. They can look but they can't touch. If anything, you gotta be her significant other first.
Once Boy in Luv came on, Jimin was finally caught. 
"We'll do the last punishment and after that, especially for you, we'll add another on top of that," Coni said. "The two MCs will hug Jimin and-"
"No," Jimin begged. "You don't have to do things like that." he fell to his knees and laughed
"A hug and a kiss," Heechul said while the members laughed and applauded.
Jennie, Suga, J-Hope, Taehyung and Jungkook gave Jimin pats on his butt and then he was hugged from behind by Heechul. When Jimin received kisses on the cheek, the members yelled, continuing to cringe.
During the next segment, BTS received phone calls from various fans who were very excited. The phone lines were down due to the high demand for Bangtan, which bewildered the members. One fan had spoken in English, talking to Jennie and she was moved that the fan was learning English to communicate with her. Jen made the fan feel good when she praised their English skills.
"So, what is this about Jin and Jennie wrestling?" Coni asked 
Jin and Jen glanced at each other and laughed while the members thought about the hilarious memories.
"That was a fun day." Jen happily nodded.
"That match didn't count because she cheated. I was supposed to win." Jin exclaimed
"You tapped out. It doesn't get much clearer than that, Jin."
"AHHHHHHH~!" the members said with their loud laughter filling the studio.
They had played the clip of Jennie putting Jin in an armbar and him tapping out while Jin became flustered. His ears got red as he tried to explain himself.
"Will there be a continuation?" Heechul asked. "Round two?"
"I mean, we could. You down?" Jen turned to Jin.
"I still need to win so of course." Jin nodded eagerly.
"I dunno about all that but anyway." she teased as Jin blankly stared at her. "I guess when we have some free time, we'll think of some funny promos and work on what we want to do for Jin vs Jen Part 2. Stay tuned."
As the show went on, with Rapmon struggling to cut an onion, they had their idol on the grill segment. The male members would be called Bulletproof Girl Scouts while Jennie would be called the Bulletproof Boy Scout. They recapped the female idols the boys wanted to get closest to and how Jennie was very interested in EXO. So the plan was to dance to an idol song and they'll be given Korean Beef.
"Jennie! Which EXO song would you like to perform?" she was asked.
"Call me baby~," she answered and stood up.
"Of course." Jimin giggled.
"Yes, we are fully aware that you love this group a lot. Especially Baekhyun." Coni teased.
"I hope that one day I could have the opportunity to collab with an EXO member." she brought up. "That would be so cool. I learn a lot from groups such as them when I watch them perform. It motivates me to work harder. Collabing with a group like EXO, I'm sure I can learn a lot from them. Even if it's just one member, a simple dance collab, or singing together, I'd be grateful."
"EXO if you are watching, what is your answer?" Coni asked.
As the song came on, it started with the chorus after Chanyeol's verse. It looked like she would have to do some eye-opening pelvic thrusts. She even had her hand on her crotch and thrust her hips up. It surprised the members along with her fluent body rolls and movement with the song. The MCs were impressed with her powerful movements and praised her. When Jen watched the rest of the members dance, she immediately covered her mouth when Rapmon danced to EXID's Up & Down.
When it was Jungkook's turn, he mentioned that he wasn't familiar with any IU songs and decided to dance Up & Down instead. Sure enough, being the extra Golden Maknae that he is, the MCs hyped him up while the members laughed. Jennie dropped her jaw when he started to thrust up and down.
"Whoa! Yeah! Whoa! Yeah!" the MCs yelled as he displayed a different personality once again.
'Did you hear what Jennie said on Weekly Idol!?' fans asked under Baekhyun's Instagram. 
What got everyone talking was that Baekhyun had only responded with a smiley emoji, causing everyone to flip out at the possibility.
Will SM Entertainment allow a member from EXO to collaborate with Jennie one day? 
And will Big Hit allow Jennie to collaborate with a member from EXO one day? 
These were questions on everyone's minds and it had been anticipated ever since she released that cover. It looked like they would have to stay tuned to find out.
When Christmas Eve came, Jennie and Jungkook spent the day playing video games in Jungkook's room.
"Jennie, later I want you to help me bake," Jin called out, walking past the room.
"I got you, just let me know!" she answered.
Jin examined the living room of the dorm with a smile. Christmas music was playing softly in the background and the tree was decorated. After a fierce game of rock, paper, scissors, Jin was the one to put the star on the tree.
"And what are you two doing, now?" he asked when Jimin and Taehyung were wandering around the dorm.
"Put one right here...right here...right there...and there..." Jimin placed mistletoes all around the dorm with Taehyung, in hopes to finally get JenKook to kiss. 
The 95 Liners wanted this done ASAP. 
This needed to happen TODAY.
"Why are you putting so many mistletoes up?" Jin asked
"Shhh, not so loud, you want them to notice?" Jimin shushed him.
"Jennie and Jungkook? Oh my gosh, Jimin, Taehyung, this is not going to work."
"Yeah. You two should give it up. You're doing too much..." Yoongi mumbled from the couch, lying down.
"I don't think that is going to work. Just let it go naturally, all right?" Namjoon added
"Oh come on! This will be a great opportunity!" Taehyung whined.
"I dunno what we are going to do with them." Jin sighed and went to the kitchen.
Later that day, Jen helped Jin with baking tons of cookies and placed the last remaining gifts under the tree. Jungkook joined in to make sure things were in order.
Meanwhile, Jimin and Taehyung watched JenKook's every move, hoping that they would get under one of the many mistletoes they put around the dorm. They waited all day and still had no success in getting them under the mistletoe. It began to frustrate the 95 Liners. 
It wasn't until later that evening they finally yelled, "Look who is under the mistletoe~!" when Jennie was right in front of Jungkook who was by the door in the bathroom and they looked up to see a mistletoe on top of the door.
"Oh. Oh wow." Jen chuckled softly.
Jungkook looked shooked once he saw it. He was not prepared as his hyungs were looking on in anticipation and cheering. The pressure was starting to get to him and he began to feel overwhelmed. 
"I mean, you wanna...?" Jen's voice brought him back to reality as she was waiting for him to tell her what he wanted to do.
"U-uh, sorry." he quickly rushed away, flustered, going to his room.
That did not sit well with the 95 Liners.
"JEON JUNGKOOOOOOOOOOOK!" Jimin yelled in anguish, falling to his knees.
"NO!" Taehyung rushed after him with Jimin.
Jennie laughed at how silly they were acting. "Guys, it's all good! Relax!" she reassured. "Anyway, I gotta pee."
She, however, did deep down feel a little disappointed that he decided not to kiss her. But brushed the feeling aside. She shouldn't take it personally. He probably didn't want to be put on the spot like that. She understood.
With Jungkook who was trying to calm himself down in his room, he was a little angry at himself for chickening out but he wanted to kiss her without anyone looking. He wanted to do stuff like that in private. Alone, with no one else around or in another room nearby. But with his hyungs all around him like this, that wasn't going to work. 
If they were truly alone, he would relax and show her a real kiss like he always dreamed about.
Once it was past 12am, Christmas Day, Jen had been cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen while everyone else had settled into their room. Hearing footsteps, she glanced up to see Jungkook strolling into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
"Ah, so you finally came out of your room," she called out as she watched him avert his eyes and set the water down on the counter. "Am I that unkissable?" she teased.
As soon as she said that, he looked up, widening his eyes. "N-no! It's not that, i-it's just..."
"Hey, it's fine, don't worry about it. I understand. It's a lot of pressure being put on the spot like that. I'm not one for kissing in front of an audience like that, myself."
"Kook, it's fine. Really. I get it."
"I wanted to. I wanted to kiss you."
That caught her by surprise. "Really?"
"Yeah. I wanted to. I still do," he responded and saw her smile instantly from his words.
While JenKook talked, Jimin, Taehyung, and Hobi were spying on them from afar. The three tried not to make any noise as they eagerly watched them.
"What are you two doing-"
"Shh!" they cut Jin off and brought him close to them so he wouldn't get noticed.
"Oh my gosh...if they would just look up already. I planted a mistletoe right in the kitchen." Jimin complained in a hushed voice
"I know~," Taehyung whined.
"Now, what if this doesn't work?" Jin called out
"It will work! It better work!" Jimin grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him.
"W-we can always try New Year's!"
"No! Jimin and I want this done now! Long overdue! One step closer to our wonderful ship to sail." Taehyung replied
Back with JenKook, Jennie looked at him. Something in her stomach flipped and part of her felt thrilled that he wanted to kiss her. Throughout the entire rest of the day after the first attempt, she had that feeling in the back of her mind that she wanted to kiss him. But she couldn't understand why.
Should she be feeling this way?
Jungkook soon looked up and noticed that there was a mistletoe right over him, causing butterflies in his stomach and excitement.
The boys spying on them became so giddy that their cover was almost blown when they saw them find out.
Jennie and Jungkook stood in the kitchen in a comfortable silence, glancing up at the mistletoe and back at each other.
Did she want to kiss him? Should he make a move?
Noticing him trying to figure out what to do, Jennie decided to take the lead, slowly walking forward and gently grabbing his hands. As she looked up at him, she realized how much she loved how her soft hands fit nicely with his large ones and how handsome he looked up close. 
Standing on top of his feet, she raised herself up on her tippy toes until she was right at his face. The faint Christmas music was heard in the background as they spent a moment looking at each other.
"Oh my God, oh my God, it's happening..." Taehyung fanboyed with Jimin in quiet voices as they looked on.
Jungkook watched her lean in, closing her eyes and he soon did the same until their lips met, softly. He felt so many emotions as he kissed her and even faintly tasted peppermint on her lips from the candy cane she had eaten earlier.
As soon as they saw them lock lips, Jimin and Taehyung covered their mouths before they screamed for joy. The two fell to the ground, rolling around in excitement while Hobi and Jin were jumping around in glee, back in the bedroom.
Jennie felt something strong behind such a simple mistletoe kiss with her best friend as she gently pulled away, releasing his hands. She felt her heart rate increase while Jungkook felt his cheeks flushed. 
"There. Not so bad, right?" she took a step back and smiled softly. "Merry Christmas, Kookie."
Watching her walk to her room to go to bed, Jungkook touched his lips and let out a soft chuckle, overjoyed. Her lips were softer than he expected. Big difference from Rookie King.
Reminiscing on the moment he shared with her, he wanted to kiss her more than just once like they just did. The kiss felt too quick for him and he made a promise that the next time they kissed on the lips, he'd show her a real kiss to prove how much she meant to him. 
"Merry Christmas!" Taehyung dove on top of Jennie on her bed as she let out a groan. 
It was too early for this. She was just dreaming about Nike finally noticing her and allowing her to endorse their stuff.
"Merry Christmas~!" Jimin ran in to dive on top of Tae, causing her to let out another groan.
"Merry Christmas~!" Jungkook jumped on top of Jimin while Jennie continued to deal with the torture of heavy bodies on her back.
She muffled something against her pillow while the Maknae Line tried to comprehend what she was saying.
"Guys, I think we're crushing her, hehehe." Taehyung giggled as they all got off of her.
She rolled out of bed and stood up. "Ow, my back...why are y'all so damn heavy?"
"Come on, we wanna open up presents! But Jin is making us eat breakfast, first! Let's go! Get a move on!" Taehyung dragged her out of the room to meet with the rest of the members. 
Saying their good mornings, they sat to eat.
As breakfast went along, Jimin mischievously asked with a smirk, "So...did anyone get caught under the mistletoe, last night?"
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Jungkook instantly narrowed his eyes at him but then glanced at Jennie. She looked unfazed and not bothered by the question.
"What about you Jennie? Kiss anyone last night?" Hobi asked.
"You kissed someone last night?" Yoongi asked with sleep in his voice.
"Who'd you smooch?" Namjoon asked with interest.
"I'm just glad there wasn't any tongue." Jin blurted out
"Wow, you just exposed yourself. You were spying." Jen called out, making Jin flustered.
"Darn it Jin!" Taehyung exclaimed.
"Come on!" Jimin yelled.
"Who kissed who?" Namjoon kept asking.
"She kissed Jungkook last night!" Taehyung announced loud and proud.
Jungkook felt himself blushing and looking down. He could never get a break from his hyungs. 
"Did you like the kiss?" Hobi asked with a smile.
"Sorry, but I don't kiss and tell." she smiled and placed her dishes in the sink.
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