#ideal type tarot reading
theninthdoor · 2 years
jackson wang || ideal type; tarot reading
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disclaimer: in my Ideal Type readings, I look into what the person in question is currently (consciously and unconsciously) attracted to! it's not necessarily their perfect match or the one they will end up with.
✦ Impression (What is seen externally; Might not accuratelly represent the person):
cards: seven of cups, tower, four of wands
Jackson's ideal type is someone who might dress in an unique way or have something very distinctive about their looks. On the other hand, though, it could also be that he's open to pretty much anyone who sparks his interest by being different from what he's used to. Regardless, we're looking at the type a person who is unafraid to express themselves and try new things and, due to that, people would easily recognize that this individual has no lack of creativity or interests. Also, there's a sense that this person might come across as a little shocking, even. They would not limit themselves due to anybody's rules or concepts of what they should look or act like. Whatever made sense to them, they would do, and it would be done unapologetically! Finally, it does seem like his ideal type might also be that one person who motivates others to try new things and to express themselves freely, specially in terms of style and attitude. They would look like someone who was not there to judge others, but rather uplifted them and show genuine interest for people's unique personalities and lifestyles.
✦ Personality:
cards: eight of wands, eight of swords (ace of pentacles reversed, king of wands), four of pentacles
Personality wise, Jackson is attracted to people who are very motivated and always on the go. They never stop too long in one place, as there is a lot more to discover and experience; so they move at a fast pace, and lead a life full of excitement and change. Although this person might not stop pursuing their goals for anybody or anything, they are nonetheless very aware and respectful of their limitations. What's not up for them to tackle, they will not force their way upon. However, I do believe that it would cost them a lot to miss out on opportunities to challenge themselves, and so they would get stuck thinking about it for a long time afterwards. Ultimately, it would be a matter of pride - not being capable of doing something would register on their mind as a failure, even though they would surely respect the restrictions they were being faced with. Additionally, this might be someone who takes their boundaries and stability very seriously, even to the point of stubborness and possessiveness. They like to keep everything that's theirs very close to their hearts, so others cannot take it away from them or mess with them. On the more negative side, we're also looking at a person who finds it hard to let go of relationships and issues, despite the fact that those might be causing them harm.
✦ What his ideal type should provide in a relationship:
cards: six of swords, lovers, three of cups
For Jackson, someone who is willing to work with him harmoniously, on a level of equality, is his ideal type. They should always be available to solve relationships issues and then move past those without bringing them up every time they argue over something, as finding stability and healing ought to be a big priority for them. On that same note, someone who provides support and solutions for any challenges that may come up might also be something that he seeks in a partner. Next, but still tying back to what we just saw, comes respect and good communication in the relationship. They should be working together, as a team, to build a beautiful and loving union. Lack of accountability, dishonesty and indifference are big, big turn offs for him! At last, I do believe he would like his ideal type to be, if not extroverted, then willing to socialize and be around his friends and family. Or, from another point of view, this could mean that he would like it better if his partner felt more like a best friend to him, and that their relationship was kept pretty fun and free, instead of them pursuing an overly serious and traditional route. Nevertheless, in both cases there is a big theme of socializing and sharing happy times with his loved ones all together.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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lagoonalake · 8 months
Can we get BTS ideal type? 👀💕
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Personality: 6 of cups, the empress, 9 of wands
Someone very giving, compassionate, feminine, healing. A strong support. Very warm soothing presence. Very calming. More of a homebody. Fiercely protective of him and their privacy/home/family if they were to have one. He has a lot of love to give and wants to pamper his partner, so someone ready to receive affection and ready to settle. Physical touch is important. He also would most likely want children. Someone good with kids. Motherly. Nurturing. Sensual. cancer, taurus, leo
Appearance: 2 of wands, 9 of swords, the star
Someone who looks a little like him, who mirrors his features or matches him physically. Nice legs. A more mature, reassuring, soothing, motherly quality. More regular looking than sexy idol. Feminine but strong appearance. Can both look cuddly and fierce. "The typical mom". A more classic or casual style. He likes the teacher look, glasses, and it’s not the “sexy teacher” type, more like reassuring, warm teacher type. He finds someone being good with kids or cooking attractive.  cancer, leo, taurus
Turn offs: 4 of pentacles, knight of swords, 9 of wands
Someone clingy, possessive, jealous, aggressive. He likes a bit of fierceness, but too much defensiveness turns him off. Someone harsh with words, with no compassion, selfish. Someone who is never happy, always looking for a fight. aries, mars, scorpio
Personality: 4 of swords, 9 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles
Honestly, I’m not sure he really is open for love. Companionship maybe, but deep emotional connection probably not. He basically would prefer someone who is not too stressful, gives him some company and appreciates all the abundance he has to offer. He doesn’t seem open to offer much else unfortunately right now. So his type could be someone who is in need of money, or who would really value the material aspect of the relationship. Sugar daddy vibes lol. earth signs, especially taurus
Appearance: the tower, 2 of cups, the moon
It’s more about the chemistry and the impression that this person gives rather than specific traits. Someone he would feel a deep intimate connection with. He tends to rarely fall for someone but when he does it’s head over heels and it comes out of the blue. Someone who makes a big impression on him. Could like a thicker, meatier body type. Someone a bit mysterious but with an intense aura. scorpio, pisces, aries, taurus, uranus
Turn offs: king of swords, the magician, the moon
Trickster, people who are trying to gaslight him, manipulate him especially with their words. Cold, detached, overly intellectual people who like to listen to the sound of their own voice. People pleasers who hide behind a mask, who are fake, hypocritical, two faced. negative air signs
Personality: knight of wands, 10 of wands, the sun
Big personalities. Someone with a lot of energy, adventurous, confident, assertive, very fun and connected to their inner child. Someone who is creative, optimistic. Who wants to travel. Someone very active, never stopping, always in movement. Someone able to shoulder a lot of responsibilities. Someone with a lot of charisma and authority, with leadership skills. Inspiring, motivating. A self starter with great success that comes mainly from their own hard work and skills.  fire signs, capricorn
Appearance: 7 of wands, 2 of wands, 9 of cups
Someone athletic and fit, quite muscular especially the abs, someone who looks confident, expressive face, what you see is what you get type of face. Sexy and revealing outfits. Bright smile. Androgynous look. Short hair. Think baddie rapper style sort of vibe. Creative style, bright colors. Artsy street fashion. aries, pisces, sagittarius
Turn offs: 3 of swords, 8 of pentacles, page of swords
Backstabbers, cheaters, hiding things from him, lack of trust in the relationship, someone who plays mind games. Immaturity, people who are too fidgety, who never stick to anything, can never finish what they start. Someone who on the contrary is so slow moving that you never see the end of it. Someone always in a bad mood, grumpy. negative gemini, pisces, sagittarius, virgo
Personality: the tower, 4 of swords, the emperor
Very strong explosive personalities. All or nothing. In your face. Very passionate and who would make a strong impression on him. Someone respectable, with a certain authority. Well established. Someone protective. Interestingly someone not too complicated intellectually, but who still is able to think by themselves, not easily influenced, but just not the type to overthink everything. A more simple type of mind, who maybe sees things in a more black and white sort of manner. Someone who would turn his life upside down, he likes the whole transformative process.  aries, scorpio, leo, uranus, sagittarius
Appearance: the lovers, wheel of fortune, 2 of wands
His type changes depending on who he fancies. He’s going to find attractive traits he thought nothing of before just because his current lover has those traits. So he is rather open to different looks. But the physical attraction needs to be present, whatever that person looks like, he’s not attracted just to the mind. It’s more about chemistry and the spark than aesthetics. 
Turn offs: the hierophant, queen of pentacles, page of wands
Narrow minded, overly traditional people who just think the way they do because that’s what they learned and they don’t look beyond that. People obsessed with money, possessions, the material life. On the other hand, people who have no stability, who are reckless, disconnected from reality and immature.  negative taurus, capricorn, sagittarius, aries
Personality: queen of wands, 9 of pentacles, the devil
Someone fun and with a lot of humor. Joyful, who appreciate life to the fullest. Confident, sexy, an extrovert. Creative and enterprising. Who likes to party. He probably meet a lot of his lovers at parties too. He tends to be involved in rather toxic relationships though, it doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes he lets himself be used by people interested in his fame and money, by the luxury he can offer, narcissistic people who want to further their career or show him off and dominate him in the relationship. He's not fooled by them but he lets them because he feels lonely. And he can be a bit clingy and needy, so he needs to be more picky with his partners. leo, taurus, gemini
Appearance: queen of swords, 10 of wands, 3 of pentacles
Haughty looking, a bit vain, but beautiful. Cold beauties who play hard to get. Very stylish, trendy. Not too revealing but sexy. Charming voice and smile. Colorful, artistic, original fashion style. Elaborate make up and hairdo. Someone who could look a bit mean or out of reach at first. But at times he would catch their cute sides. I’m hearing “a tease”. Someone from his environment.  capricorn, libra, scorpio, gemini, aquarius
Turn offs: 9 of wands, king of swords, the sun
Basically the same qualities he is attracted to but when it’s not fun anymore and it makes him feel powerless or disrespected, emasculated. Someone so on the defensive that all sense of attraction is lost. Someone so cold and detached, so inflexible there is no way to make them melt. Someone too domineering, who makes all the decisions and acts like the ultimate authority, hyper critical, all of which I feel must have happened a lot in his more toxic relationships. negative aries, leo, aquarius, capricorn
Personality: queen of wands, 10 of swords, the hermit
He could be attracted to people who went through a lot, but who present themselves in a very cheerful or confident manner, even though in private they may suffer quite a lot. Maybe he is attracted to wounded souls that he wants to save. Despite this, he is attracted first to someone successful. So if he’s going to pick this wounded soul, it will likely be amongst his own circle. Someone who would impress him. Passionate, independent. Someone who can manage on their own. Can be very fun and charismatic on the outside but is more of a loner and deeper than you’d think.  capricorn, virgo, sagittarius, saturn
Appearance: 4 of wands, 9 of pentacles, queen of pentacles
Marriage material, very beautiful, looks play a big part in who he's going to go for, personality isn't enough. Sensual, sophisticated, nothing too flashy. Rich, warm earthy colors. Brown, green, beige, gold…Radiant complexion. Someone who looks like him or mirrors his looks, is on par with him when it comes to beauty. A certain fullness to their features, full hips, full lips, slim, beautiful radiant smile. Calm, soothing, slow energy. Someone who smells good. taurus, virgo, capricorn, libra
Turn offs: king of wands, ace of wands, 7 of wands
People who are loud and invasive, domineering, who want to decide for everyone. Self centered people. People who disrespect him. Impulsive, aggressive, childish people lead by their ego. People who are too easy to read, too spontaneous. fire signs
Personality: queen of swords, 4 of cups, the moon
People who are a bit cold, hard to get to know, who have strong boundaries. Intelligent, quiet, subtle. Could even seem a bit bored at first, uninterested. Calm, mature, reserved, independent, a bit remote. People who are a bit mysterious. It’s possible he is attracted to those shy private cold types and projects some kind of romantic depth onto them, he thinks there is something hidden behind the closed off exterior when there isn’t, sometimes they are just empty inside. Most of the times (more and more as he matures) he is right though, and those people really are warmer than they appear. pisces, capricorn, virgo, aquarius
Appearance: the star, 6 of pentacles, knight of cups
Soft, calm, mature and collected. Kind eyes. He would be attracted to someone who is kind with animals or is helpful to others, especially people in needs. Natural beauty, “like a light in the darkness” sort of beauty, a more simple style, doesn’t need much to stand out, effortless beauty. Soft, soothing gestures. Someone who looks "skilled" and "talented" at what they do. virgo, pisces, libra
Turn offs: 8 of wands, 8 of swords, 5 of cups
People who try to disrespect him out of envy or because of their own poor self esteem. Impulsive, loud, reckless people. Stupidity. People who play the victim and whine all the time, chronic complainers. People who are loud, talk too much, reveal too much about themselves, people who only have one topic of conversation: themselves and all their problems. XD cancer, gemini, pisces, leo, aries
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cyor · 3 months
Jude Bellingham ideal type reading
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A go-getter. Someone resilient. Someone that works hard to achieve their goals and ambitions. A person with drive and super passionate. Competent, trustable and mature. I see that he really can’t stress enough on people that are mature and “feet on the ground”, because Jude himself is someone grounded, so a no-bullshit individual is one of the things that he aims for the most. Someone inspirational, he wants to be amazed by his partner. Able to keep a positive mindset regardless of the circumstances and the failures. A bit spiritual as well. Maybe someone older than him. He really likes to feel that sense of pride and admiration for the person he likes because of their hard work. This is someone pretty similar to him and also his mother as well? He might view his mother as someone who is very wise and a strong presence (that he cherishes so much) in his life. Loyal, committed. Someone he can trust with his life.
Turn on’s
Very feminine energy. Intimidating. Neat and organized. I think Jude also likes those kinds of people that are always on his feet. To him that could mean that the person just cares a lot about him. Someone that doesn’t like negative energies and prefers to have a good laugh and time instead. Bright. He likes beautiful smiles and teeth. Family oriented and away from dramas. Stable person. Again strong and hard working. He adores it when his crush is someone that does something out of their life, almost like a stubborn person who’s workaholic/persistent about their goals. He might also like someone who has suffered a lot in their life and is searching for a light that will embrace them (him in this case).
Turn off’s
Of course, someone that is stuck, someone with too many problems in their life constantly and unable to get through them (specially if the issue is money-related. I think he’s been through situations where people just would constantly ask him for money) unstable people. Delusional people. Someone that makes everything about themselves and is unable to see through others. Overly-religious people. Energy all over the place. Failure, everlasting negativity. Laziness, sloppiness, poorly treated hair. People unable to move on.
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highesthealer · 2 months
Hiii so i just watch this video and i thought most of them are possessive/jealous character and im curious like im curious about how they handle their jealous/possessive feelings to their gf if its happen they feels jealous/possessive to their gf
(But anyway note the ni-ki one the op said that it seems like ni-ki misunderstood the questions🥲🥲)
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DISCLAIMER: i’m practicing astrology with experience of two years in different fields. contact me for any question. for more info on instagram
𖠋 ni-ki is a boy who will not date a person unless he is exactly interested in them.
𖠋 a guy is quick to pick up on the mood of someone he likes.
𖠋 it’s easy to solve problems in an argument with him if he really cares about the person.
𖠋 he likes his partner to be the center of attention and he's proud of it.
𖠋 riki has big trust and self-esteem issues, so in the first relationship will give his all and do his best.
𖠋 he enjoys being dependent in a relationship, so anything a partner offers him to try, he's more likely to accept.
𖠋 this boy likes to pretend to be a child in relationships, but only when no one else can see it.
𖠋 he has many fears. he realizes that he needs experience to protect himself and others from trouble.
𖠋 loves to provoke. if ni-ki has any tantalizing information, he always uses it against his partner.
𖠋 a true stalker. if he loves hard, that partner is forever in his heart.
𖠋 he's still searching for his true self, it's still hard for him to show confidently sincere feelings.
𖠋 likes confident people, so he often falls in love with memorable people.
𖠋 often pretends not to care, but when he realizes it's not going in his favor, he speaks sternly and immediately.
𖠋 wants to know all the people his partner keep in touch with, otherwise he's worried all the time.
𖠋 ni-ki is so picky and playful. if he has a crush on someone who likes something a lot, but ni-ki has never tried it, he's sure to research and try it well to appear cool in the eyes of the person he likes.
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k-tarotz · 9 months
Could you please make a post on how sunghoon would act around his crush??💖💖💖💖💖
Thank you for your request lovely, Also thank you for your patience it was quite busy around Christmas and new years but now I have energy to continue the "how does x act around their crush" series! 🩵
Temperance, 6 of wands, 2 of cups
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How Sunghoon would act around his crush:
First of all loyal! Like you know how some people are like "it's just a crush, I can still look at other people or even go on dates with others" that's like the exact opposite from sunghoon- (nothing against those people though!) Like this boy is committed even to his crush, without his crush even knowing that hoon has a crush on them, it's just in his nature. There is also high potential that Sunghoon didn't had many crushes yet, since he was pretty busy already since his childhood pretty much. But yes he is the kind of boy to have eyes only for his crush and no one else, his mind being with his crush the whole time too. Daily thoughts of his crush is nothing new to him, it might be a bit frustrating even
Jelly! He sees his crush linking arms with someone? (even if it's just a friend) boy would be incredibly jelly and sad and annoyed like a small little roller-coaster of bad emotions would go on. He would try to hide it the best way possible though, he doesn't want his crush to know and especially not to find out through his jealousy. But he would be quite often jealous, even little things like his crush eating dinner with someone else or even calling with a friend on their phone - he might subconsciously even pout and think "it should be me! I can treat them better!" (Shawn Mendes has such a song I think, this fits sunghoon so well lmao-)
Clingy! Yet try not to be, or at least hold it back if he doesn't know this person for long yet. But things like trying to read his crush's messages while they are texting on their phone next to him. Trying to spend more time with his crush of course! If he has his crush's number he would text nearly everyday - and expect an answer the same day of course, checking up on his crush is a must. He would physically be Clingy too but only if his crush is close to him, like if they never hugged before yet he won't just hug them out of nowhere, but if they already know each other well and already had (Innocent) physical contact then he would try to do more or at least for longer. Definitely holding hands, hugging and an arm around them. Maybe secretly smelling his crush's hair also! Sunghoon is definitely into physical affection, just with the right person, probably isn't into pda though
Insecure/Anxious unfortunately he would have self doubts about himself (even though he is literally such a nice person and handsome) like "maybe I'm not handsome enough for them" or get Insecure about simple things like a small pimple or an angle that could possibly make him look bad ect but also things like "wait hold up do I have something between my teeth?" Like he would quickly check up on things like that with a mirror before going to his crush and talking to them
Shy! He can try to hide it but would he success? Not really! If you pay close attention to him you can see him slightly blushing at times, he also giggles/laughs when he gets shy. He will get shy quite easily around his crush like they stroke their hair behind their ear while laughing at Sunghoon's joke? Boy would blush and giggle and be over the moon! Like legit it doesn't take him much to get shy!
Proud! Now Sunghoon is someone who will feel proud and acknowledged if he gets praised for things! By things I don't mean his looks, because that's not really something he did you know? He would get Proud if he gets praised for example for singing nicely, or for dancing good, or if he for example builds up something all by himself, if he cooks/bakes! He would genuinely feel so warm and loved by that, could subconsciously make his crush bigger
Feeling safe! Since sunghoon had quite a lot of responsibilities to carry on his shoulders for a looong time he would love it if he can just feel safe around his crush with no responsibilities tied to it, he could possibly prefer someone older than him by a few years because he seems to have the mentality of "Oh if they are younger than me then I have to take care of them" like you know? Especially since he is a big brother he is used to that feeling, so there is just thar potential of this preference. Aside from wanting to feel safe like that, he would love to make his crush feel safe around him too! Which brings us to the next chapter...
Trustworthy! Sunghoon is genuinely someone very trustworthy like you tell him a secret and he won't tell anyone else! He will keep everything private that should stay private! His friends, family and crush can trust him if he says something he will do it and stick to it. He is also not someone who would play with anyone's feelings at all, you can trust him with your heart and everything, he will also stick to all his promises!
Honest! You know those people who like.. sometimes lie or exaggerate stories that they tell to their crush or even friends to impress them? That's also the opposite of Sunghoon, he is humble and honest he will try to impress his crush for example by telling how many medals he won but its not to brag but literally yelling his story and hoping it's enough to impress. Of course he would be very honest in general with his crush! He would want the same honesty back as that and being loyal is very important to him
Humble! So as already mentioned he would be humble, like he already is but around his crush even more! Especially if his crush isn't in the same industry as him like if they aren't a public person at all, he would never say anything like "I'm an idol and you are just (..)" at all. He would always look at his crush as equal even if they don't have the same job at all. He would never put his crush down on purpose, not for anything in this world
Caring! If he notices that it's getting colder he would give his crush those small heatpacks that you can carry in your pockets, he would tell them to not catch a cold and he would even go out of his way and buy a scarf for his crush, gently wrapping it around their neck. He would be caring in many many more ways, this was just one example! He would genuinely care about his crush, their health, their feelings and more, always watching out for his crush
Secret Admirer! Alright so this one would especially happen if his crush and him aren't that close yet, but also some of those still after they are close. He would definitely watch his crush sometimes without speaking because he might be too shy or anxious at the moment, regardless watching his crush would make him happy. He would be the type to buy small presents and leave them at his crush's thingy wherever they can have access to it, but no no no not just random or simple presents like flowers or chocolate no! You know how you once mentioned months ago that you liked this one perfume and try to save up for it? Guess what he got... yes that perfume! Sunghoon is someone who pays attention to his beloved ones and he has a good memory, so he will remember such things and get them when the time is right (example: his crush's birthday, valentines day or any other important holiday but it can also be on a random day just not too close after they told him so it's not too obvious it's from him) and ge genuinely enjoys spoiling his beloved ones. He would possibly leave small sweet notes with them like "you are amazing "
Playful! Especially with jokes like he would try his best to make his crush laugh, especially with puns! He would feel so proud and good about himself if he succeeds and he would enjoy making his crush laugh! He would try not to overdue it with his jokes but also remember the ones that made his crush laugh so he can say similar ones. Laughing together with his crush would be the perfect bonding!
Nicknames! Sunghoon is someone who is quite into Nicknames so he would love to be called nicknames from his crush. His favorite nicknames are "Hyung, baby, oppa" (jay is older than sunghoon but sunghoon made him call him hyung and genuinely enjoyed that, so he might also like it if his crush calls him hyung/oppa even/especially in case they are older than sunghoon, it depends on his mood though) like he often says "I'm not a baby" but secretly he likes it, especially when his feminine side is out more - in one of his current lives he also said "you can call me whatever you want if you say I'm cute, cool or sexy.. I like it either way" so it all really depends on his mood a bit but in general he really loves nicknames and is fine with multiple ones, different kinds - especially if his crush is close to him!
Respectful! You know how some people just can't accept a no and especially not a rejection? Opposite from sunghoon again. If sunghoon ever decides to confess to his crush, it could take months or longer because he is someone with lots anxiety, and his crush rejects him then of course he will be sad and heartbroken but he would accept it and not try any further. Sunghoon is one of the most respectful idols we ever saw and on top of that we don't think ge would try to chase after anyone, especially if they make it clear that they have no feelings for him at all. He would still think about his crush, but regardless try his best to move on, not trying to make any moves on them at all. He might avoid his crush until enough time has passed because he would need time to heal
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Thank you everyone for reading this, possibly liking, commenting or reblogging this! ♡ it takes time and energy to write those kinda readings as I try to be quite detailed with those so it might take a bit until I answer the next request of this series - regardless its also very fun to do so feel free to request this with whoever you want and I will answer once I recharged my energy! Thank you everyone!
- Hun
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changbinsboobs · 12 days
haii can you do skz ideal types? like physique and personality. thank youu
Hi:) since i want to do those readings properly im gonna do them one by one and since i already have some for individual members i'll use this ask to start with chan:)
So, i originally started doing an Ideal Type reading but it got hijacked😅 so i guess im reading on his current energy. I'll try to still add something about his ideal type if i manage getting past the bitter energy but i think ill have to redo it some other time since i believe his opinion would be very influenced by his current feelings right now.
Take it with a grain of salt!!!
Chan's current energy / Ideal Typ
For his physical type i got pretty weird cards ngl, 3 of them are the tower, 5 of cups and 5 of wands, the 4th one's queen of pentacles. Tbh i didn't really get any hints about anything physical. He seems angry and bitter.
I think this reading is gonna be hijacked by something else he wants to talk about. I sense he has had a bitter experience thats still fresh in his mind, i think he got dumped tbh!
Like im seeing a situation with lots of bickering. Ogmg ok wait i have so much to say about it this situation has so many layers!
He feels like he lost something great and regrets his stupid actions.
At the same time tho he thinks its that persons fault and if they were better he wouldn't have acted in a way that would get him dumped.
But then again he feels like he's at fault and regrets it a lot.
But he's also so angry cuz they kept having fights, and she kept exhausting him and he kept not being enough. He feels horrible when he's not enough! He doesn't want to feel like that. He wants to live up to her expectations, to peoples expectations. But he just couldn't in this situation with that person.
It seems like he actually got himself a high quality girl - the he couldn't keep obviously. And he's in so much distress with all his conflicting feelings and thoughts. Im sry but im getting a bit angry at him here🙄 its that male stupidity with lack of accountability whatsoever! You cant expect to give the bare minimum, to be an excuse of a "man" and except to get all the perks real man and masculinity gets you! Deal with the consequences bro🙄 -> not necessarily meaning him, im just seeing the picture from his view, so idk how "horrible" he actually was, i was rather talking about the general population of useless men that just have the audacity to expect the best when they themselves aren't worthy of it and then get mad when they can't keep it.
Anyways back to chan - im also getting mommy's boy vibes here omg its getting worse😩😭 i feel like with this situation he's like "forget her bro, she's not worth it. Your mom used to cook and clean, and take care of 3 children and do everything by herself and she didn't whine and was always so giving. I want a woman like that! This girl wasn't lie my mother - she's not worth it, get over her and stop feeling guilty." Don't take that monologue word for word i was rather training to paint the feeling behind his thoughts.
So yeah we have that...tbh i didn't expect him to have a reaction like that like with the comparison to his mom. The rest i expected, but this? Damn🥲
Also this whole situation seems very dramatic, but what I've noticed in the male population overall is that they tend to blow things way put of proportion, and so knowing chan and his tendencies for a victim-complex, pick me, delulu and stuff - im pretty sure this situation might've been not dramatic at all. Just 2-3 little discussions (not full blown arguments and fights as he depicts it) or even just opposing opinions, where he just felt attacked in some way just by her disagreeing or something...and then after a few dates or weeks of dating she politely told him she doesn't want to see him anymore cuz they don't see compatiable and he broke down.
Again idk how things are for real cuz i haven read the other girls energy nor have i read just the energy itself, im just reading HIS energy and perception, but it feels really needy and excagerated so thats whats leading me to believe that it might not be nearly as bad.
So i managed to get some cards on his ideal types personality only and i got those: 3 of cups, 6 of pentacles, page of cups & king of wands.
His types a younger, more innocent and inexperienced girl he can take care of and teach and lead.
She likes a girl that's social but shy. Someone he can take with when meeting his friends and show of. But as i said - social enough for him to be able to do that - but but also shy so he stays sure that theres no risk of her "going wild" (goddamn bro u forreal?🫠)
Im actually getting something about physical appearance - slender, middle hight, like just a bit shorter than him, prefferably forreign with lighter skin and ginger or light brown or dark blonde hair. Im also seeing big head? Like yk this type of body with very slender narrow shoulders, long lanky arms and legs, but a bigger head where it also seems disproportionate to the body? Its so specific i almost think thats what his last girl looked like.
And he also wants a girl thats submissive and will see up to him and make him feel like a boss or a king or a ...daddy (🤢 im sry i just cant hold in the cringe)
In conclusion - i think this ideal type i got from the cards isn't his true ideal type but rather something that came out of spite. Like if i had to guess he's describing the girl he lost, but without her empowering qualities so that he doesn't get hurt.
Judging on the energy of this reading and previous ones ive done i think he has had a think for strong dominant women because he's fascinated with inner strength and power and always wanted to conquer a woman like that because in his head it meant he has that amount of power and strength the said woman had and even more - since he has managed to tame and conquer her. Now that he's tried tho he got met with the cold reality and got a slap in the face realizing he might not be fit for the task just yet and is just sour about it😃
As weird and unexpected this reading was i really enjoyed it cuz it was really shocking to me actually and even gave me a bit of a slap in the face, reminding me how he's just a man...and that he apparently does stupid things like any other guy too.
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kpoptarotastrology009 · 4 months
The same reading for Yoongi, please, please? thank you queen 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Personality: (ace of pentacles , ace of cups and the guardian of air from Gaian Tarot)Yoongi from BTS seems to have a pretty specific type in mind! He's likely attracted to people who are grounded and dependable, valuing a sense of stability and responsibility in a partner. He probably looks for someone who is open and sincere with their feelings, capable of forming deep emotional connections and providing a nurturing presence in his life. he might appreciate someone who is intellectually stimulating, able to engage in meaningful conversations and challenge his perspectives. For him, a perfect match would be someone who can offer both emotional depth and intellectual stimulation, creating a balanced and fulfilling relationship.( by the way that works well with his Virgo moon i don't know maybe someone with Virgo placements in their natal chart because if we were to associate these cards with zodiac signs, we might consider Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn for the Ace of Pentacles; Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces for the Ace of Cups; and Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius for the Guardian of Air. )
appearance : (eight of cups , four of cups and 9 of wands )Yoongi might be drawn to someone with deep, soulful eyes that have a lot of expression. The color could be anything from dark and mysterious to light and captivating, but what really stands out is how they seem to reflect their innermost thoughts and emotions. Maybe they have a slight shape or size that's unique, like almond-shaped or slightly larger than usual, adding to their captivating gaze. he might be into someone with a face shape that's a bit unconventional, like heart-shaped or oval with defined cheekbones. Their face shape might give them a look of mystery and elegance, complementing their deep, contemplative eyes and adding to their overall allure . When it comes to the body, they'd be rocking a look that's all about balance and grace. Not too bulky, not too fragile, just the right mix of strength and elegance. Picture someone who moves like they own the place, not flashy, but with this quiet confidence
Style/fashion sense: (eight of cups again but this time from zombie tarot i felt like i should use it and i got the eight of cups again and that could be significant , queen of wands and the king of cups) Yoongi's dream girl's style is all about being unique and totally owning it! She's not one to follow the crowd - she's more like a trendsetter, paving her own fashion path. Think bold, think out-of-the-box, think "I wear what I want, when I want!"Her style is all about making a statement without even trying But there's also a softer side, like the King of Cups. She's got this romantic, dreamy vibe to her fashion sense. She might love soft, flowy fabrics, or maybe she's into vintage pieces that tell a story. Her style is like a love letter to the past, with a modern twist that's all her own. this is the picture that i got in the eight of cups from zombie tarot :
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i don't know but maybe the style of the girl in the picture could be significant ( i took the picture from google because it's better then taking a picture for the real card that i have to show you the style of the girl better ) i don't know why i kept hearing marilyn monroe over and over maybe he likes marilyn and his type maybe close to marilyn monroe in a sense.
Thank you so much and have a nice dayy <3
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prettyrealm · 1 year
txt yeonjun ideal type reading
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this reading is a paid commission, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3
someone who sees him as their king & craves his love and attention, someone who would give all of herself to him and feel empty without him (& vice versa), someone who talks well (nice voice or just knows how to say things), someone that’s more of a loner & an outsider (doesn’t go out much and keeps to themselves), someone who will sort of surrender to him and let him make decisions/take the lead (completely submissive), again, it comes up really strongly that he wants some sort of selfless devotion - it’s like he wants to be worshipped, someone who can easily be manipulated or taught “bad” things (sort of like “let me taint you” vibes) someone who is good with animals and likes them (maybe he a wants to have a lot of pets or just spend time around animals a lot), someone fair who won’t judge him or others based off personal bias/assumptions or being swayed by others opinions, someone young looking with a more natural look (not necessarily no plastic surgery or no makeup, but just someone who looks as if they aren’t trying - effortless), & maybe someone with blonde hair.
turn ons:
charisma, when he sees someone as exotic (so diff nationality/race/ethnicity), when someone reads or writes a lot, when he knows someone is kind of yearning after him or dreaming of being with him, when someone is happy & knows how to enjoy life, when someone is luxurious and a big spender (like she can buy whatever she wants and has whatever she wants so he doesn’t have to, like his mindset is “all that’s missing is me”), when someone is fair and won’t argue with him too badly or too intensely - respectful, when a woman has good social skills and can talk well, someone completely independent (not close to friends or family and doesn’t need to be, he may not like dealing with them), when she’s had a rough or hard childhood/has been through some sort of abuse and has a bad relationship with her parents, someone who’s been completely damaged in some capacity (broken down), someone who isn’t afraid to go after things even if it means taking what doesn’t belong to them, cute and squishy/soft cheeks, big boobs, big round eyes & freckles.
turn offs:
when women are too close to friends or family & when they spend too much time with them (he definitely wouldn’t want his partner having a friend group of women that she hangs with regularly or something), when they want to be married or have kids (at least right now, but i also think he’s really against having a daughter and wouldn’t like if his partner wanted one), when a woman earns more money than him and knows her worth, when someone is really intelligent (he wants to be the smart one in the relationship), when someone has too many interests or ambitions (like they want to get into a lot of hobbies or learn a lot of skills), when someone thinks they’re “empowered” & independent in a sense that they don’t need a man/romantic partner (it’s like he thinks women are meant to be protected by men), bad hygiene, hourglass body (maybe he doesn’t like wide hips or big butt), small boobs, & when someone is too high maintenance or requires too much to look good (so nails always done, hair always professionally done is a no-go for him)
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oraclemoontarot · 5 months
sunwoo's ideal type ★
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personality ୨୧
cards pulled: ace of wands, seven of wands, queen of pentacles, hierophant, two of pentacles, ten of cups, nine of cups, six of swords + knight of swords
Sunwoo likes someone who is creative and passionate. They are inspiring and bring colour into others lives. He also likes those who are hardworking, stand firm in their beliefs, nurturing yet also practical, he also seems to like those who are more feminine. He wants someone who is good with money, someone who doesn't spend too much or isn't too stingy either.
Sunwoo would want someone more traditional, maybe this might be because they are either spiritual or religious. With the two of pentacles, Sunwoo likes those who are adaptable; they can juggle effortlessly between their responsibilities.
Sunwoo wants someone who is family oriented - they could have a good relationship with their family - but also puts care into the relationship with him. With the nine of cups, Sunwoo's ideal type is someone who appreciates the finer things in life, or the little things within the relationship. Someone who appreciates him, and the memories shared.
With the six of swords, Sunwoo may want someone from a different background to him, most likely in terms of wanting a foreigner. And, with the knight of swords, Sunwoo likes those who are assertive when they want something. Someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind - he definitely likes those who are intelligent.
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hwnglx · 21 days
I hope ur doing well, I wanted to ask if Jake from Enhypen can or is ok with long distance relationships ?
hi sweetheart. i already figured the answer to this one, but still wanted to ask my deck.
4osw, quow, 3oc&2op, pagosw, kiofsw
definitely not. he dislikes long distance. a (especially venus in!) scorpio stellium and long distance is complicated, i can't think of any who'd like that tbh.
jake is the type of boyfriend who needs to be near his lover, needs to literally have them right next to him and feel their presence in order to be satisfied within the relationship. i will say it as it is, he believes a long distance relationship would make it difficult for him to remain committed. i can see his eye wandering off to other people. he truthfully would just lack the level of patience and self-control a romantic long distance connection would require. and he wants to stay loyal.
he puts a lot of value into physical intimacy, it just wouldn't make him feel like.. he's actually dating the person. it'd feel cold and distant. he wants to touch them. holding their hand, holding their body close next to him (not him saying “hair” man always wants to make every reading nsfw ijbol) it will give him a sense of reassurance.
in addition, he is a boyfriend who craves a sense of control over his partner. he wants to be able to know where they were, what they're doing, who they're with.. he'd struggle having his lover so far away from him, and not being able to have them under his watch. let's say you're dating jake, live too far away from him and aren't answering his “where are you right now?” text on a saturday night; that'd make him wanna go crazy. it'd just make him super uneasy, he'd probably overthink the entire night. i can honestly see him getting petty and flirting with some random person just to get “revenge” although you might've not answered just because you fell asleep. so.. yeah, long distance can activate his toxic habits.
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 2 months
hey, i'm new around here. just wanted to ask - which career or profession (e.g. a doctor, lawyer, idol, etc.) would seventeen members be most attracted (kinda like an ideal type for a partner or some sort). thank you !
Hi and welcome! This was an unusual but fun ask!
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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Scoups, rev ace of cups, very classic office job, he might be attracted to people dressed elegantly in a suit, maybe with a pair of glasses on their nose while they complete difficult tasks at their computers.
Jeonghan, 4 of wands, a bit like Cheollie but more focused on a high profile figure that manages a group of people, like idk a manager or someone who deals with the public and is trusted by others.
Joshua, 9 of swords, someone who helps others and has a lot of empathy, like a paramedic, or even more dangerous/unusual jobs like a police officer or a firefighter. Someone who feels like they have some sort of "mission".
Hoshi, ace of swords, someone who uses their "head" and is creative, I can see a writer or a journalist or those that have to provide inputs to create new products in a company (I forgot the same of the position).
Jun, 6 of cups, someone who takes care of the "family", like someone who works with children or old people. So a teacher or a nurse. He might be attracted to those who prioritize their family over their career and that are ready to drop it to stay at home.
Wonwoo, hermit, opposite of Jeonghan, someone who doesn't deal with lots of people and works alone, maybe from home, like a researcher, a librarian or a writer.
Woozi, rev death, I think it's similar to Cheollie, there's this sort of fascination for corporate jobs, maybe it's because being idols is completely the opposite of what an office job is so they might be curious about it. In general, it seems he likes people with steady jobs and with a fixed routine.
Mingyu, rev 9 of cups, it could sound weird, but he might be attracted to shattered-dreams type of people, like idk a broken artist who never manages to get their art recognized and are forced into a low-paid boring job. There might be some desire in him to be a good Samaritan and somehow "save" his loved one.
The8, 8 of pentacles, someone who spends a lot of time on their craft and always strive to improve, like an artist or any other job that requires constant update and passion. The successful person Mingyu's s/o failed to be basically.
DK, 4 of cups, it could be similar to Mingyu, minus the Samaritan part. This person needs to have an artistic and introspective side, even if it isn't their actual job. I feel he doesn't truly care about their profession and cares more about what types of hobby and interests they have.
Seungkwan, rev queen of swords, similar to Jeonghan, someone who has a lot of responsibilities, maybe a team to rule, like a manager or a ceo. This person might come home wearing a frown from all the stress they felt at work, someone he wants to cheer up and spoil.
Vernon, hanged man, no office jobs for him lmao he's into unusual people with unusual jobs like a freelance journalist or a writer or any other job where you don't have a boss telling you what to do and you basically manage everything on your own. A bit similar to what I said about Wonwoo.
Dino, rev emperor, he also likes someone with a serious job who needs to deal with a lot of responsibilities. Someone like a lawyer for example. Someone who works with lots of papers and need to manage several different things at the same time.
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theninthdoor · 2 years
dpr live || ideal type; tarot reading
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disclaimer: in my Ideal Type readings, I look into what the person in question is currently (consciously and unconsciously) attracted to! it's not necessarily their perfect match or the one they will end up with.
✦ Impression (What is seen externally; Might not accuratelly represent the person): cards: three of pentacles (death, page of cups), justice, king of swords (ten of cups)
Right away, it feels like he's attracted to someone who looks like they put a lot of thought and effort into their style. What I mean by that is: imagine someone who's into a retro aesthetic - they will pick specific accessories and clothing items to make their outfits, and then style their hair and do their makeup accordingly. All of that requires attention to detail and commitment, and that's the sort of thing that fascinates him. Next, and putting the remaining two/three cards together, he seems to like people who look logical and composed. His ideal type would be that person that others would judge to be a great intellectual, even, and to whom they would rely on to make important decisions. As a seemingly fair-minded and balanced individual, they would always look to be trying their best to maintain order in their environment, either making sure everybody is being treated rightfully or by forcing wrongdoers to be accountable for their actions.
✦ Personality: cards: four of wands, three of wands, empress
I don't think it would be far-fetched to say he's into people who cherish their community and family life. But, generally speaking, his ideal type is really just someone who enjoys bringing people together and creating loving and joyful memories, specially with their loves ones. This might be that type of friend who's always texting others to go out for dinner or drinks, or plan a trip together, or even be the one to plan everybody's birthday parties. Overall, they are the happiest around other people. All in all, it seems like his ideal type is someone who is the "mom-friend" of the group. They care for others, nurture their feelings and dreams, and push them to believe in themselves. Also, because they are such confident visionaries, with lots of creativity and charisma, they would never reject a challenge or an opportunity to try something new - specially creative and artistic activities.
✦ What his ideal type should provide in a relationship: cards: four of cups (queen of swords), ten of swords (three of wands, six of swords), devil
It's interesting because I see him liking two complete opposite things: on one hand, he would like his ideal type to be independent and even a little distant; but, on the other hand, he would like them to be very attached to him. So, essentially, a hot & cold relationship might be what he wants (regardless of whether or not it's the best for him). Adding on to that, intensity is a big theme here. There should be no fear to be dramatic and passionate; the relationship should be intoxicating, almost. Besides that, this person ought to be strong willed and do whatever it takes to get what they want. It could also mean, though, that he would like his ideal type to take initiative and go far to pursue him - even by using certain tactics such as power play or attempts to make him jealous.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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lagoonalake · 8 months
Can you do zerobaseone ideal type to
!!No reading for the maknae because he is still a minor!!
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Personality: 9 of cups, temperance, the wheel of fortune
Very chill, light-hearted energy. I don’t hink he has a specific type that he is attracted to, he just wants something that feels good, that is relaxed, comfortable, where there is a feeling of calm, serenity, balance. But his type is still evolving and changing quite a lot. It’s like he’s discovering with each new experience his love style. It’s not codependent, it’s very light, very zen and about sharing and enjoying pleasures together. He’s also rather open to different types of people, different types of experiences in love.  sagittarius, pisces, jupiter, libra, aquarius
Appearance: king of wands, the hanged man, queen of swords
Rather proud looking haughty people, with have a certain class and prestige, could be attracted to a high status. Sophistication. I would say he’s easily impressed by beauty. More lavish, a bit extravagant trendy style, a lot of accessories, colors, make up. People who have an ethereal sort of beauty, a bit otherworldy, sleepy eyes, he likes the artistic idol look, with crazy hair colors, eye contact, the AI look. Rather tall and slender, long limbs.  leo, aquarius, pisces
Turn offs: the hermit, 9 of swords, the fool
People who are shy, who don’t open up, who never talk, people who are awkward, anxious, pessimistic. Party poopers, people who are too serious, who cannot enjoy the present moment. Either too mature or too childish and naive. People outside of his immediate environment. Overly “deep” and complicated people, he prefers someone more simple and light hearted.  negative cancer, capricorn, virgo, scorpio
Personality: knight of pentacles, the devil, the sun, 5 of cups
This could be a specific person. On one hand there is someone with a rather calm, practical, slow moving, stubborn energy, rather discreet and modest. On the other hand there is the fast life linked with fame. And in the middle of it all is heartbreak. So I could see him being in a relationship with this non famous person, that matched him in many ways, grounded him, who was real too, with real love, real pleasures, simple but true. But he sort of fell for the temptations that come with fame, all the people throwing themselves at him, the attention…etc.   earth signs, leo, neptune
Appearance: temperance, the hermit, queen of pentacles
Very calm aura, grounded, earthy. Could be someone a bit older or just mature. Natural beauty, simplicity. Harmonious symmetrical balanced features, good proportions. Coziness, warmth, sensuality. Someone who looks both practical and spiritual, could be like a yoga teacher or something lol. Flexible feminine body. Comfortable in their own skin. Warm, rich, a bit darker colors. Soothing voice. earth signs, libra
Turn offs: 5 of swords, 8 of cups, 2 of pentacles
Here again I feel like I’m picking up on a specific energy, specific argument even that could be about money. He is more ambitious and wants to earn more and is ready to sacrifice some things while his partners may tend to be more simple, to be ok with having enough, but he wants more.  virgo, saturn, cancer, pisces
Personality: high priestess, 6 of cups, queen of swords
Someone who is a bit mysterious, more introverted, secretive, magnetic, possibly who appears a bit cold on the outside but this would just mean that they have strong boundaries and would only let in someone special. Someone with a lot of depth, a lot of love to give, empathetic, a very calming, soothing healing sort of presence. Very calm. Intelligent, mature and interesting. Very elegant, alluring, feminine. Something untouchable about them. But once in the relationship the love would be very deep, unconditional, familiar, safe, a meaningful relationship. scorpio, saturn, libra, virgo, cancer
Appearance: page of cups, page of pentacles, the lovers
Even though when it comes to personality he is attracted to maturity, when it comes to looks, he likes a cuter, more youthful appearance. Small, round face. Small features, shorter height, petite stature. Someone who has a softness and kindness to their looks, a purity. Someone with a dreamy, artistic, romantic and also safe, calming, natural appearance. I see flowers, stars, very dreamy almost fantasy type of look but it’s also in nature, in a very cozy place. Soft skin. Colorful clothes, purple, pink, green, blue. Creative artistic fashion. Smells good, especially flowery perfumes. pisces, taurus, cancer, mercury, virgo
Turn offs: the magician, 2 of wands, knight of swords
Manipulators, people who are too chatty, the business type of people, always concerned with money, profit, that sort of enterprising spirit. People who are disconnected from their emotions, with no artistic sense, people who are blunt, lacking in empathy, tactless, unable to understand others or care about them, selfish, aggressive, impulsive, fast paced. Overly ambitious people. aquarius, gemini, capricorn, aries
Personality: knight of swords, 6 of wands, 9 of swords
He likes people who he can get a strong reaction from. People who are a bit impulsive, easily triggered, whose emotions run high, even people who can worry easily, people who enjoy attention and who are a bit proud. I think it’s because he enjoys teasing them, and he likes when someone responds to him. Someone quick to react, with a rather active mind. Active body too, someone more action oriented. Who enjoys activities and going out. Someone who can be really fun too. He likes this bickering old couple sort of dynamic. aries, leo, gemini, virgo, sagittarius
Appearance: queen of swords, 2 of swords, the tower
Someone quite intimidating, haughty, who could even look a bit mean. When it comes to outer appearance very elegant, sophisticated and stylish. But you can feel passion and even aggression boiling just under the surface. The type who can be an ice queen most of the time and throw big tantrums from time to time. Something a bit explosive about their aura. They are trying to keep it under control but you can feel they are triggered. XD Lots of jewelry and luxurious items. Rather tall or appears tall. Pouty lips, that sort of Bratz doll mouth. aries, leo, libra, scorpio, mars
Turn offs: queen of pentacles, king of swords, the devil
People who are too serious, stoic and controlled, who don’t have any spontaneity. Someone manipulative, who is trying to control him. He wants to pull the strings! XD I don’t think he is so manipulative in an unhealthy way, he is more teasing and funny, but he doesn’t like when it goes the other way around, when someone is like that with him, he wants to be the one in control. Anyone too toxic or unhealthy.  saturn, capricorn, aquarius, pluto, negative scorpio
Personality: 7 of pentacles, 2 of wands, the star
I feel like his idea of relationships is mostly abstract and that he doesn’t really know exactly what he wants right now. But he would prefer to take it slow, so someone patient, observant, who would approach him carefully, he would probably want to feel the spark right away, but start off as friends. Yet he wants this person to be enterprising, to make the first step, to have a certain boldness, even if they would not force the relationship. Someone fun, inspiring, strong, confident, protective, positive who would give him hope and boost his confidence, and care for him, support him all the way. He would prefer his partner to be more experienced and the decision maker.  leo, aquarius, cancer, jupiter
Appearance: page of cups, 9 of cups, the emperor
A soft more masculine sort of appearance, someone who looks very chill, welcoming, kind, but also confident and relaxed. Short hair, big smile. Nice teeth. Relaxed fashion or style. Commanding presence, maybe a more powerful physique. More androgynous in appearance. Soft facial features, full lips, big eyes, tan and soft skin. The color blue, white, turquoise, purple dreamy watery colors.  pisces, taurus, aquarius, cancer
Turn offs: 5 of cups, 10 of cups, king of pentacles
Someone who wants to go too fast, who is too clingy, needy, codependent, he is not ready for a long term stable relationship right now. Maybe he had to turn down people who were very family oriented and traditional and wanted to build something long term with him, but it’s too early for him. So he would prefer someone more light hearted and who wouldn’t want to put any label to the relationship, something more free.  taurus, cancer, pluto, saturn
Personality: 4 of wands, 5 of wands, the fool
Cards kept falling down so probably he likes something a bit chaotic! XD Definitely someone very fiesty, fun loving, who likes to party and who laughs a lot, very lively. Someone who is competitive too, hot headed, action oriented, sporty. Energetic, who enjoys a lot of activities. Someone very spontaneous, passionate, and everyday with them feels like a new beginning, never boring. The chemistry is what matters the most, he needs to feel that spark, and he doesn’t mind a bit of drama if it keeps the passion alive.  aries, sagittarius, leo, uranus
Appearance: 6 of pentacles, 6 of wands, 2 of wands
A more practical look, nothing too fancy. He prefers simplicity. Athleisure, mountain look, short hair or hair tied up in a bun, someone who looks like they are used to do things outdoors. Fit sturdy body, tan skin. A more natural look. Confident and mature. A bit fierce looking, strong eyebrows, sharper, stronger features. Warm coppery colors, brown, orange, red. mars, sagittarius, taurus, aries
Turn offs: ace of pentacles, 2 of pentacles, 3 of cups
Someone who is too focused on the practical, always thinking about money, only wants to do things that are useful, productive. Someone who never really loses control. Someone who is greedy and opportunistic. Someone who is a people pleaser. He also wants to feel the passion right away, so someone who appears to friendly lol, he needs that hot passion right off the bat. earth signs, libra, aquarius
Personality: page of pentacles, the star, the high priestess
Someone very kind, helpful, feminine, soft, caring and practical. More discreet or shy, a bit mysterious. Positive. He could like a bookworm, think Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Someone who is doing their own thing, very compassionate, good with animals, who has a lot of culture and knowledge. Someone who is a bit spiritual or religious as well, who believes that something is looking out for them. Who would give him a lot of hope. A reassuring presence but at the same time someone he’d want to protect. Someone who likes to cuddle. virgo, pisces, cancer, jupiter
Appearance: 5 of cups, 7 of pentacles, queen of swords
Someone who looks a bit distant, melancholic, somber. Who could look a bit cold or even mean on the outside but he would feel that they are a wounded soul. Someone who is more of a loner, who doesn’t talk much, closed off body language. A more traditional asian beauty type, slender, pale skin, classy, long hair, clean looks, elegant, refined. Almond shaped eyes. capricorn, virgo, scorpio,  aquarius
Turn offs: justice, page of wands, the hierophant
Someone who puts a lot of pressure on him, demands that he is perfect, is making all the decisions, is hypercritical, cold, punishing, acts like a parent, a figure of authority or a manager. He also doesn’t like someone either too adventurous, immature or unreliable or either too traditional, controlling, structured, he needs a balance of both.  negative capricorn, sagittarius, saturn, taurus, aquarius
Personality: queen of wands, 7 of swords, the high priestess
He could be a bit impressionable and naive in relationships, because he tends to be attracted to tricksters, people who hide their true self or true intentions, who appear to him as very charismatic and over the top, could love bomb him. People with narcissistic tendencies, who could try to gaslight him so they have him under their influence. People who talk a lot of BS, who lie or distort the truth, exaggerate things to make themselves appear more impressive. People who can be domineering and arrogant, who don’t take no for an answer.  negative sagittarius, leo, gemini, cancer, scorpio
Appearance: king of cups, queen of swords, 10 of pentacles
He is easily impressed by status, money or a strong, intimidating aura. Someone who could even look a bit fierce, cold, mean, but who has very magnetic intense eyes. A touch of darkness in their aesthetic. Luxurious brands, jewelry. Could prefer older partners. Someone who looks a bit extravagant or who has a signature sort of look. This could be a specific energy I’ve been picking up for him since the start of the reading.  taurus, capricorn, scorpio
Turn offs: 8 of swords, page of pentacles, 7 of cups
Insecurity, shyness, someone who hides themselves from the world, who is more simple, humble in the way they present themselves and the life they want. Someone outside of the entertainment industry or who isn’t part of the elite. A misfit. Someone insecure who lacks confidence and self sabotage. With the 7 of cups showing up at the end, I feel like this is a clear indication that he is caught up in an illusion. He can’t see what’s behind the splendor of fame, money, luxury…etc. saturn, neptune, uranus
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outsidereveries · 6 months
niki's ideal type
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ace of swords, 6 of wands, the fool rx • 3 of pentacles
niki wants someone who doesn't have experience in these things, like him. he wants his special one to be communicative and to work in a team. basically, he's into more extroverted people. he also wants to feel like he won the jackpot with his future person, honestly. niki's not having specific person in mind just because he's not that experienced in love and feelings, and this stuff. he just wants someone whose voice is sweet like honey.. i don't feel anything else.
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highesthealer · 3 months
Jude Bellingham
Ideal type
Full analysis part 2
reading by esoteric worm
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warnings: based on astrology. requests are open. instagram for more info soon…
Communicability. Jude can easily get bored with a person, so a person who knows what he needs and stands out from the crowd with his indifference will attract his attention. Likes to spend time with people with whom you can go anywhere in the world away from everyone at any time and they won't think long. Wants to find the golden mean, maybe something that will make him more reserved because he is so emotional. He respects people with good humor and a generous heart.
Freedom. He likes to flirt with cute, feminine girls, but in his soul are always the girls who are against stereotypes and live to the fullest, letting almost no one near them. He can like a person of any ethnicity and almost any body type. Loves the loose style like going to the beach every day. Opens up even more near people who enjoy any kind of touch.
Love. "This is my friend, we may not have liked each other in the past, but I was always happy with everything." "My partner's character is my motivation." "I don't know how I put up with this bro, but I'd like that for the rest of my life." His destiny is the one successful person he will not want to lose, but only admire.
Secrets. Jude does not hide that for the sake of his beloved will do everything and for the sake of entertainment can allow betrayal. Likes to be decided and dominated (out of work).
Part 3?
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k-tarotz · 4 months
can you do wonyoungs ideal type? <33
{ Wonyoung's ideal type }
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masterlist | Paid readings | Ko-fi
ꢾ𓍢ִ໋ She likes it if someone doesn't let their emotions get the worst out of them, someone who doesn't have anger issues or a harsh/cold personality. She can't handle such people who impulsively yell or even break something in the heat of the moment - she most likely went through an experience that caused this preference of hers at one point of her life; which is why she takes if very seriously.
[This came through a lot by her higher self, it is not a fact and I don't know her personally, I'm really just mentioning what's coming through]
၄၃ She also really likes it if someone knows exactly what they want in life, someone with goals and who is willing to put work and effort into things to reach those goals. Someone with lots passion. Someone who she can make many happy memories
ꢾ𓍢ִ໋ Someone extroverted who has lots of energy and will take her to many different places and dates, regardless respect her boundaries and when she needs alone time. - also someone who will love her rightfully and equally as much as she will love them, nothing less, not someone who will just leave her for someone else or when she goes through a hardship to just leave
၄၃ Her ideal type is also someone who acknowledges her and her hardwork, her talents, her beauty and possibly future things like when she will cook for them! Possibly someone who has words of affirmation as main love language alongside with acts of service and quality time as those are the most important to her
ꢾ𓍢ִ໋ Also someone who is reliable and trustworthy, she would want to be able to open up fully to them even about emotional things so definitely someone who won't tell anything about her to someone else especially not without permission. Definitely someone who respects her boundaries no matter what happens
၄၃ Someone strong and courageous who doesn't mind defending and protecting her if needed, yet let's her be independent as much as she wants. Someone with a good heart
ꢾ𓍢ִ໋ Her ideal type is also someone she can relate to, possibly who made some similar experiences like her or shares some personality traits like her - also s/he should have the same humor as her, she would find it attractive if her s/o can make her laugh and cheer her up also
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Thank you for the request, love! 🤗🩵
Cards that fell out: 10oS, strength, PoS, 2oC, 5oS, 3oC
The dividers aren't from us, credits to the owners
- h
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