#got7 scecnarios
phoenix-oasis · 5 years
My request is for Jackson spoiling a daughter and wife
Admin Oasis here!  Thanks for the ask, anon, this was so much fun to write.  I hope this is what you had in mind, and that you enjoy it.
Asks/Requests are open for imagines, reactions, and headcannons.
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Genre: Fluff, Father AU!
Pairing: Jackson x Reader
Summary: Jackson has a very special day planned for you and his child, because it’s both of your birthdays.
Warning: fluff, Jackson with his child
Word Count: 1493
Jackson Wang, CEO of Team Wang, main rapper for Got7, woke up in his house in Seoul.  He turned to the other side of the bed, and he smiled. Today was his wife’s birthday, as well as his daughter, Luli’s 5th birthday.  He had some special things planned for his two princesses.
Slowly, he slipped out of the bed, and made his way down to the kitchen.  He was never one to cook very well, but he’d hired a chef for the morning, to make his daughter’s favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes, and his wife’s favorite too.  
He ran to the door, because he had told the chef not to ring the doorbell.  He didn’t wan the man walking up his girls before breakfast was done. The chef smiled at him, and moved to the kitchen.  Once breakfast was ready to be served, Jackson went to wake up his little girl first.
He walked into Luli’s bedroom, her walls smothered in pink and blues and greens.  There were ballerinas, unicorns all along her walls. He walked up to her bed, pulled the blankets back enough to see her sleeping face, and he smiled.
“Princess,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.  “Princess, you have to wake up.”
She groaned, and turned her back to him.  Jackson laughed.  He kissed the top of her head, and then moved her around to face him again.  
“Who is the birthday girl today?”
Luli’s little voice gasped, and she opened her eyes to look at him.  “Me!” she said, sitting up on her knees.  “It’s my birthday!”
“How old are you today?”
“Five!” she said, holding up three fingers.  Jackson laughed, gave her an eskimo kiss, and held out five fingers on his hand.  She mimicked his hand, and smiled. “Five!”  Her eyes went wide, and she started jumped on the bed.  “Mommy’s birthday is today too!”
“That’s right!” Jackson said, nodding his head.  He caught her in his arms, and tossed her in the air, before catching her.  “What do you say we go wake mommy up?”
Luli jumped into her dad’s arms, and he caught her.  Then he twirled her around, before he took her to your shared bedroom.  He put her on the bed, and she jumped straight to you.
“Mommy! Mommy!” she said, jumping next to you.
“Yes, jasmine?” you groaned, not wanting to be awake right now.
“Happy birthday, mommy!” she said, and would have jumped down on your stomach, but Jackson caught here in his extended arms.  You smiled, opening your eyes, and seeing your husband, and your daughter staring down at you.  “Mommy! Are you five too?”
“Luli, does she look like you?” Jackson asked.  The little girl shook her head.  “That’s because she’s not five.”
“Mommy, how old are you?” she asked, looking over at you.  
“Your mommy, is a wonderful 18 years old,” Jackson answered, looking over at your (your age) year old eyes. “Isn’t she just perfect?”  You blushed, and he turned back to your daughter. “Go and choose what you want to wear. Today I am spoiling you two.”
As Luli ran out of the bedroom, and down to her room, Jackson crawled onto the bed, and hovered over you.  He gave you a very sweet kiss, before he smiled against your lips.  When he pulled back, he tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Happy 18th birthday, baby,” he said, grinning.
“You realize, this means that five years ago I was thirteen, and our daughter was born to a pedophile.”
“I hadn’t thought of that,” Jackson said.  You laughed, and kissed him again.  “Get dressed, absolutely anything you want to wear.”
“What if what I want to wear is your sweats and hoodie?” you asked, looking at him.  He loved when you dressed up, even if he did love it when you were comfortable too, and you knew that.  “Or would you prefer I wear something sexy?”
“Oh baby,” he said, his hand on his heart.  “Don’t you know that to me you are always sexy?”
“Oh, that’s a good answer,” you said, smiling.
“Right?” he said, nodding. “Seriously, if you want to wear my sweats and hoodie, you wear it.”
You didn’t wear his sweats. You decided to wear a long, flowy summer dress.  He put on his slacks and a very pretty (your fav color) shirt.  You walked up to him, smoothed the material of his shirt, before you wrapped your arms around him.
“I love this shirt on you,” you said.
“I know, that’s why I wore it,” he answered, before leading you down to the kitchen.  
A chef placed dishes on the table, and you gasped seeing your favorite breakfast ever.  Luli skipped into the kitchen, in a cute little frilly dress.  Her shoes were on backwards, and her zipper was undone, and the sash on her waist was not tied.  You made to stand up, but Jackson sat you back down.
“I got this.”
After Jackson fixed Luli’s dress, also in your favorite color, she sat down.  Her excitement over the chocolate chip pancakes was comical. Jackson made sure she didn’t get her dress dirty.  After breakfast, and after Jackson cleaned Luli up, he sat down next to you, and placed the little girl on his lap.
“So, what do you two want to do today?”
“Daddy, can I have a new dolly for my birthday?”
“Sweetpea! You can have a million dollies for your birthday!”
“Can I have a pony too!”
“Yes!” he said, nodding.
“No,” you answered, shaking your head.
“Oh, jjinjja,” you said, shaking your head again.  “Luli, just think about where would we put a pony?  This is a house.  We don’t have space for a pony.”
“Mama!  Please!”
“No,” she said, shaking her head firmly.
“What if we go out to ride ponies, instead?” Jackson said, smiling down at the little pouting girl.
The day was amazing. Luli got two new dolls that she had been wanting for a while.  Then they went to ride horses.  She had been too scared to ride her own horse, so she rode with Jackson.  Lunch had been at your favorite restaurant, and Jackson paid to have two cakes made, for each of his girls.  Next, shopping.  He bought everything that you liked, and he bought countless outfits for his daughter.  It amazed him, however, that the most fun you all had, was when you were in the park.
You and Jackson played games with Luli, who even thought she was in a dress, was able to run around and climb on everything.  Jackson swung her on swings, caught her on slides, and watched as she played with little kids.  The last thing that was experienced was a ferry ride along the Han River.
In the middle of the ferry ride, Luli fell asleep.  Jackson hoisted the little girl into his arms.  She slept with her head on his shoulder, and Jackson rubbed her back softly.  You loved seeing your husband interact with his daughter.  He was always very careful when he held her, and he loved to spoil her.  There was no doubt that she was his little princess, and you loved that he loved her that much.
“I love you,” you said, smiling at him.
“That’s wonderful,” he said, nodding, as his eyes locked on yours, “because I absolutely love you too.” He leaned down and kissed you softly. “Happy birthday baby.  Thanks for existing, and giving me this beautiful little angel.”
“You’re so amazing Jackson, and I’m so lucky to have you.”  You leaned into the side of his body that didn’t have a slumbering girl, and you sighed.  “It’s going to be very interesting to see you with two kids.”
“I can handle…wait, what?” he asked, looking down at you, tucked into his side.
“I said, that with two kids, this is going to be interesting.”
“Are you…”
You looked up at him, and nodded.  “I’m pregnant, Jackson.”
If he hadn’t had his little girl in his arms, he would have thrown his hands in the air.  He settled for kissing you passionately.  When you got home, he put Luli to bed, before he went over to your bedroom.  You were lying in bed, in his hoodie.  He crawled on the bed, over to you, causing you to smile.
“Mrs. Wang, I am in absolutely shock that you are giving me another child.”
“Are you really excited?” you asked, a sense of insecurity coming over you.
“Are you kidding?” he said, pulling his hoodie off of your still flat tummy.  He littered kisses all over it, before he moved up and kissed you tenderly.  “I want ten thousand kids with you.”
You smiled, and kissed him again.  Jackson lied down, pulling you with him, and together you started to drift off to sleep.
“Happy birthday, baby,” he said, once again, just before 11:59 turned to 12:00 midnight.
With a giggle, you two fell asleep.
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deathbykdy-blog · 5 years
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This scenario is close to my heart, if any of you have not seen Jaebum's glorious body and his perfectly proportioned face, then please do. Look it up on the internet. NOW. It can save lives. LOL. This scenario is basically an appreciation post of Jaebum's AMAZING bodeh, guns, jawline, that eyesmile, well basically an appreciation post of Jaebum. And his body, a great emphasis on his body. And his butt, someone please message me so we can talk about his butt. Summary: You're in university taking up Fine Arts and your friend Jaebum volunteers to be  your model and things get a little too hot to handle Genre: smut + slow-burn + a bit of fluff + tiny bit of angst "Will you be my model?", the phrase that started it all. You were in university taking up Fine Arts, and the professor asked each student to have a model or muse for the projects he will assign, preferably a human subject, and the model shouldn't be anyone from the class. Being the shy person that you are, if finding a model wasn't hard enough, you have to actually approach and befriend someone, it was energy draining and very time consuming.
You hated how meticulous you were with choosing your model, you had no specific standards in choosing one, what you believe is that when you see someone and you feel a certain connection with him or her, then he or she is the one. If there is no connection then the masterpiece will have no emotions in it. You felt pressured. Almost everyone already had a model, and you were losing hope in finding the one.
You sat at the field under a shady tree watching students go by, hoping to find someone or at the very least some inspiration for another school assignment. It was a free day, so you had all the time in the world for you "model hunt", professors and students alike passed you by but no one was of your interests. After some time, you felt yourself dozing off, with a sketch pad in one hand and a pen on the other, just when you were about to fall into deep slumber you heard a brain splitting laughter, causing you to jerk ruining a page of your sketch pad.
You turned your head to see who it was, a blonde-male who had his back turned was laughing his head off, probably because of some lame joke his friend told him. You thought it was a waste of time and energy to confront him, so you calmed yourself down and continued your search, but with each passing minute the blonde males' laugh gets more and more irritating. You felt your brows slowly knitting together and your jaw clenching tighter, you've had enough of him and his laugh, you put your things aside and approached them, "Excuse me!"
He had a bright smile plastered on his face when he turned, "Oh..what is it?", he had this innocent expression as though he was teasing you even more. Just when you were about to explode in anger, he shifted to the left giving you a glimpse of the other male, you felt the world slow down when you saw him. His face was probably the epitome of perfection, a perfectly proportioned face, a million-dollar smile, he had two beauty marks right above his eye, and he had a nice frame, broad shoulders probably a six-pack too. Unconsciously, you found yourself smiling 'cause you knew, you finally found him, your model.
"Are you okay?", the blonde guy asked.
You strut towards the guy without taking your eyes off of him, "Will you be my model?"
"Uhh..excuse me?"
You flinch as if breaking away from a stance, "I'm Y/N, and uhhh..i'm a Fine Arts major and  we need a muse for our project. If it's no trouble, would you be willing to model for me?", you asked stretching your hand out to him and his blonde friend.
"I'm Jackson! Hi!", the other said taking your hand in his, "I'd like to be a model it's my lifetime dream, even though I have short legs, my face and my body can make up for them, and-"
"I don't need you, I want him.", you said with an expressionless face, making the other male laugh. God. You didn't know it was even possible for someone to look so angelic when they laugh.
"I'm Jaebum, but JB is okay too.", he said recovering from his laughter, he took your hand and shook it, "What would I gain exactly from being your model?" "Nothing.", you said with a soft voice.
"Pick me instead!", Jackson insisted.
"But...ummm..I can give you free meals and I can pay for your transportation, that's basically paying you right?", you offered.
"Did you say free meals?", you swear you saw his eyes glint when he heard about food.
You nodded, "Yeah, just be my model for my projects."
"Then i'm in! I look forward to being your model, as long as there will be no stripping involve.", he winked at you making his friend cringe, "I'm a shy type, just so you know."
"Oh, don't worry. We're working on portraits, so you'll be good, it'll be good.", you never knew that day would change your life forever. Since then, he's been your model for all your projects, it's been almost 3 years now since you met him, you did not only find a great model, but a great friend as well. Despite his intimidating and cool personality, he's actually a fluff ball, he's really sweet towards his friends and he cries whenever he's watching dramas, but he can be real strict at times and he's kind of bossy. He doesn't like it when you're late and he gets angry whenever you wear provocative clothes. You were thankful for having him not only as a friend, but like a brother, a father, a mother and a teacher as well, he was the guy any girl would ask for.
But, there was one problem, as time progressed it wasn't only your friendship that blossomed, the way you see him started to change too, you only see him as a friend before, but now whenever you see him, you feel butterflies in your stomach, you feel out of breath whenever your skin touched and you feel rather nervous around him. With your feelings in the way, it was hard to get any work done, drawing him would require you to stare at him for a long time, now that you have a crush on him, you couldn't even last a solid 10 seconds without intensely blushing or smiling. 
Who could blame you? He was handsome. He was a gentleman. He can sing and dance. He has a rocking body. He has that smile that can melt a girl's heart. He was sexy. He had a thing for Bart Simpsons. He was basically asking you to have a crush on him, he was to blame for the catastrophe inside your mind and heart. 
You contacted a friend to help you solve your problem, "Suzy-yah, what am I gonna do?", you whined, Suzy is your friend since 1st day of college, you could tell her absolutely anything and you always ask her for advice on things. "Oh, is there a problem? Other than the JB problem?", she teased.
"Please, I need your help! I need to finish my plate this week and I can't draw my model.", you whined. Suzy's evil laughter was clear as day on the other line, she draws happiness from your sadness.
"Just bear with it for a little while longer. Do it for you! And your heart!", teasing you was like her hobby, and she supports your feelings for Jaebum a hundred percent, "Who knows, maybe you'll look into his eyes and he'll look into yours, and then you'll kiss."
"I'm serious! I just can't draw Jaebum anymore."
"Then go look for a new model.", she suggested.
"How? I barely have the time to look around the campus for a model, you know how meticulous I am when it comes to my model.", you argued. 
"Do you know about the 'Dashboard'?"
"It's the big bulletin board at the center of the campus, it's where students' post anything their heart's desire. You can confess to someone through letters, badmouth your professors, you can even post a chocolate cake recipe if you want to.", she advised, "You can post an advertisement there, I bet a lot would want to be your model."
"Won't it get covered up with the amount of students posting in this dashboard you're talking about?"
"You don't have to worry about that, they take down everything every week. It's like giving life a deadline and a second chance.", she said, "I posted there once, I confessed to this guy from the Engineering department, I waited for a week but I guess he didn't see it. A few weeks later I found out that he was very abusive towards his past girlfriends, it was a great relief that he didn't see my confession, or else I would've been next."
"Wow, you never told me about this Engineering guy." "Whatever. Forget about me let's talk about your problem. You should totally post at the 'Dashboard', information gets around quick and JB-ssi will never know about it.", for the first time she was actually making sense and not fooling around, "The least I could tell you is 'goodluck'. You said so yourself, replacing JB-ssi is impossible." 
You did as advised, the post reads 'Urgent! In need of Art model, please contact 123******** and look for Y/N. Thank you!'. And Suzy was not wrong, your phone rang non-stop for a week, apparently, a lot of students' aspired to be models. To avoid clashing and conflicting schedules, you held the assessment at your house on a Sunday, applicants came and go, there were a lot of good looking applicants and most of them had great bodies. But because of what you call the 'Im Jaebum Effect' everyone looked normal and plain, at the end of the day you never found anyone who can replace him.
You slumped yourself onto the sofa, "Geez. This is impossible, only if Jaebum-ah had an older brother.", you were stuck in your bubble of depression, 'till you heard a knock on the door, "It's almost 4 pm who in their right mind would apply at this time?", the knocking didn't stop, you got up your feet and lazily walked to the door, it has been a long day and you gave up the idea of replacing Jaebum. As you swung the door open, you felt a cold shiver crawl under your skin, it was Jaebum, holding your advertisement in one hand. But seeing his face after meeting so many others made you realize, that he was really the only person who can meet your standards as a model. He just had his hair cut and it was pushed all the way back, and of all his hairstyles this one has to be your favorite. You love how the shape of his face and his features accentuate when his hair is pushed back, he looked like a fucking piece of art.
You snapped back to reality when he started talking, "So, I was being a gentleman, helping out the English department take down this week's Dashboard entries, and then I come across a familiar name that read 'Y/N' and a familiar cellphone number. And this Y/N happens to be looking for a model, so, do you mind explaining this to me?", he said with a stern voice, just hearing his voice that low made you feel threatened. 
If it was possible to crawl under a rock at this moment, you would've crawled under it and bury yourself forever. Or get eaten by a lion, yeah, getting eaten by a lion is probably better than getting scolded by Jaebum, "Uhh...a new perspective! Our professor told me to look for a new perspective, which means new models."
You could not see an ounce of pity or happiness in his face, he was glaring and gritting his teeth, "I asked your professor and your classmates, and I heard no such thing."
"You did what?", you hated how keen he was with this kind of things. "And I heard that you'll be drawing nudes."
"Ah, yes! That's it! I can't draw you nude, you're my friend it would be super awkward.", you reasoned, you wish he would stop asking so many questions and get on with the scolding.
"So you'd rather draw a complete stranger nude?"
You started feeling cold sweats dripping from your temple, "It..it's not nude, uhh...just the..umm...just the upper body, that's...that's not really considered nude.", you tried laughing the topic off.
"Suzy-ssi told me everything.", he said.
You gasped, Jaebum knows about your secret, he knows that you like him and he'll probably end your friendship because he thinks you're gross for liking him, "I'm..i'm really sorry, i'm sorry for liki--
"I can lose some weight.", upon hearing him say that, you frowned.
"Lose weight? What for?"
"Suzy-ssi told me you came looking for a new model because I gained some weight, it's true, I did gain some from having all those late night snacks. But, I can lose weight so you don't have to look for someone else.", he said, "Do you know how relieved I was when I heard that, as the reason? "
You were left speechless with his sincerity, it was probably why you never regretted liking him. You smiled and stretched your hand out, asking him for a hug, an offer he didn't hesitate to take, "Come on now, you don't need to lose weight, in fact you lost some. See, you're so thin, you're too thin.", you said measuring his waist, "I'll cook you something delicious later or maybe treat you to some meat."
"You're just sugar coating things, you already told Suzy-ssi that I gained weight." "Don't worry you'll always be my number one, either you gain or lose weight, you'll always be my Im Jaebummie.", you felt him release you from the hug and then he bore his eyes into yours, "Are we good now?", he didn't say a word, you kept on smiling at him, but he remained silent. He slowly lifted his hands, cupping your face and his face slowly closing in to yours, "Is he going to? No, he isn't, probably not.", you wondered.
Just when things were about to go well, there was a knock on the door, "Goddamn it!", he exclaimed. When he opened the door, he saw two males, "What the fuck do you want?"
"Uhh..we're here to apply as models.", they enthusiastically said, only to be turned down by Jaebum.
"Weren't you at the salon earlier?", he asked, they nodded in reply. Jaebum scoffed and gave them the middle finger, "You can go fuck yourselves, assholes.", he slammed the door to their faces.
You widened your eyes with his sudden change in behavior, "What was that for? They were just applying, you could've al least turned them down nicely." "That was what I was worried about!", he yelled.
"Im Jaebum, will you calm the fuck down?"
"I got a hair cut and I saw those two getting their hair cut as well and then I heard them talking about you."
"What did they say?"
"They...", he stopped, "It's nothing. Forget about it."
"Come on. Tell me.", no matter how you pleaded for him to tell you, he wouldn't spill. You were then startled for a completely different reason, out of the blue, Jaebum took off his shirt, "What the fuck are you doing?"
"Taking my clothes off, isn't it obvious?"
"No! Why are you taking them off? Didn't you say you were a shy type when we first met?"
"You have a deadline right? You need to finish you project as soon as possible, so we can get some meat."
"Ohhh...I thought you were...", you gulped before even finishing the sentence, what was laid out before your eyes was Jaebum's toned abdominals, you resisted from your urge to touch them. You shut your mouth tight to prevent yourself from drooling, "Oh my Gooood...", you mouthed.
"What did you say?", he asked tossing his shirt to the sofa.
"Nothing. I said nothing. Let's ummm...let's get started.", he was used to this so he went to the sit on the high chair providing you a full view of his gloriousness. You calmed yourself down and proceeded with the sketching, you like sketching a layout before the actual painting process, you started with his face, because you're well aware that if you start with his body, it will be not good for your heart, "Oh, can you move your face to the left?"
"Just like this?", he titled his head emphasizing his jawline.
"Will you refrain from jutting your jaw please?"
"I'm sorry, I can't help it, especially when I think about those dickwads."
"Dickwa--, Im Jaebum watch your language!", you kept on bickering as you did your work, "Are you okay? Would you like to take a break?"
He shook his head, "Nah, i'm good. But, it's a bit warm today eh?", it was indeed a hot day, you could see sweat dripping down his temple and also his glorious chocolate abs.
"What good deed have I done in my past life to deserve such a wonderful blessing?", you asked yourself as you tried to remain composed in front of Jaebum. After almost an hour, you were nearly done with his portrait and it was time to draw his torso, "Okay, uhh...i'm done with your portrait, so let's uhh...start with your...uhh..mm..body."
He moved closer to you, "Is this better?"
"Wait! Why are you inching closer? Did I say you can move?", you said, "I have 20/20 vision, so you don't have to be this close."
"I'm doing this for your own sake, I moved closer so you can see the details much better.", he laughed.
"What details are you talking about exactly?"
"You can even touch me, I heard from one of your classmates that when you touch the model, the end product will be much better."
You giggled at his remark, "Yeah, if i'm working on a sculpture. I'm working on a painting so there's really no need for that."
"Okay then, suit yourself."
"Uhhh...aren't you going to move back?", he smiled and remained in his place, "Will you please stop grinning like an idiot, it's creeping me out. And will you please stop staring?", the more you told him off, the more he did the things that annoyed you. The way he looked at you today was different, it was as if he was taking your clothes off, a thought that was enough to make you sopping wet. "Did you really have to wear such short-shorts, knowing that you'll be drawing someone today?", he asked. Your shorts weren't that short, nor too long, it was just Jaebum being overprotective again.
"Will you shut it and remain still.", you said looking him dead straight in the eye, "God, it's really hot today."
"Is that the reason why you're blushing?", he teased, "I thought it was because i'm naked."
"Do..don't flatter yourself dude.", you rolled your eyes and continued with your work. With each stroke of your pen, all you could think about was how beautiful Jaebum was, people would kill to get where you are right now. 
"Y/N-ah!!! You're bleeding!!!", he exclaimed rushing to your side.
"What?", you nonchalantly asked.
"Your nose! It's bleeding!", he rushed to your room to get some tissues, you could hear him swearing, probably from all the clutter in your room, "Throw your head back, come on. It'll help stop the bleeding. Fuck. The tissue...the...uhh...the...put it inside your nose. Come on. Come on."
You grabbed his hand to calm him down a bit, "Calm down, it's just a nosebleed. I am not dying.", little to your imagination, the action did not calm him down one bit, it made his heart beat two times faster.
He pulled his hand away and stood up, "You probably got a nosebleed from the heat, uhh...i'll buy you some ice cream. Don't you move an inch, i'll be right back.", he dashed to the door and disappeared.
"This is hilarious, I didn't realize it was even possible to get a nosebleed from staring at a man's naked body.", you went to your room, turned on the AC, laid and waited for Jaebum's return, the bleeding had stopped and he wasn't back yet, "Better watch some TV."
A frantic Jaebum came crashing through the door, giving you a mini heart attack. He went straight to your room and gave you two bags of ice cream, flavors ranging from vanilla to chocolate to caramel and many others, "Are you okay now? Did the bleeding stop?"
"What's up with all these ice cream?"
"I panicked and forgot about your favorite flavor, so I got one of each flavor." You laughed and gave him a bubblegum flavored one, "Eat up, this one's your favorite, if I remember correctly.", you patted the empty space beside you. He obliged, you both enjoyed your ice cream while watching some movies. Every after 5 minutes, he would ask you if you were okay, or if there was anything you'd like to eat, everyone thinks he's this cold and chic person but in actuality he's the complete opposite of what everyone thinks of him.
"Do you want anything else? Please don't hesitate to ask me, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you should take advantage of it, take advantage of me." "Like I told you, i'm good. But, thank you.", you gave him a hug, "Thank you for the ice cream and everything else. For always being here for me, for being my model, for being the best friend any girl could ask for. I'm really really thankful for havi---", the world stopped. It happened. Jaebum's lips met yours, the only thing you could feel was your quadrupled heart rate and his warm lips on yours, on your lips! Not on another girl's lips, but yours!
He tried deepening the kiss, but you snapped back into reality and pushed him away, "No. This is wrong. So wrong. We're friends, and friends don't kiss like that.", you stood up and went to the far side of the room.
"I know this is too much to process, but, I love you, Y/N-ah.", he declared, "And I can't keep with this act anymore, i'm tired of being just your friend, tired of being just your model. I want to be the person you can't live without."
"Stop Jaebum-ah, you stop right now. If this is one of your jokes, then leave me out of it. If you want to save this friendship, take back everything that you said." "Funny how I stopped thinking of you as a friend a long time ago.", he stood up inching closer, "Maybe it was over 3 years ago.."
"Really? That's your punchline?", you reckoned, "I know your way with girls, you tell them sweet and lovely things, call them beautiful and all just to get to their pants, and i'm not falling for any of that shit."
"Do you really think i'm that kind of guy?", he asked with a pained expression, "If I wanted to have casual sex with you, then I wouldn't have waited this long! I was scared that if I tell you my feelings, you would shun me. But, after knowing that you like me, gave me the courage to finally confess."
"Like you? Where did you-
"Suzy-ssi told me, she told me everything."
"Leave.", you said as tears rolled down your cheeks, "Please leave, if you want to save our friendship."
"Don't you think it's about time you started thinking with your heart instead of your mind?!?", he remarked.
"Please leave."
"If that's what you really want, I will respect your decision. But remember, I really do love you, with all of my heart.", he walked himself to the door. Hearing the door click was probably the most heart clenching experience you've had your entire life. You just let the most important person in your life slip right through your hands, he already told you he loves you, the least you could do was reciprocate it, but all you did was doubt his feelings for you. 
Hours passed, part of you wanted to go to Jaebum, but part of you wanted to remain friends. If you tell him you love him too, everything will change, it was more convenient for you if you remained friends. Your mind was a blur, but one thing's for sure, you can't afford  to lose Jaebum, betting on love was a risk you had to take. It didn't matter that it was almost 11 pm, you threw a thick coat on, grabbed your bag and went outside, but as you got outside you saw Jaebum, standing outside your door with his back turned, rubbing his hands together for some heat.
He swiftly turned around, "Y/N-ah!", there was a certain relief with the tone of his voice.
"You were standing outside all this while?"
"I..uhh..no, I...uh.. forgot something I just came back to get it, if you don't mind.", you knew he was lying, his lips were dry from the coldness, his nose was red and his body was shivering. When you saw him, you felt even worst, you accused him of wanting to have sex with you for fun, but someone who's just playing around won't wait in this cold weather.
"I love you too."
"What did you say?", he said, a smile lighting up his face.
"I said I love you too.", the next thing you know, you were both inside, you against the wall and Jaebum giving you deep passionate kisses, you had a hard time breathing being it your first time to kiss someone so aggressively. Pieces of clothing were strewn all over the floor, as you both struggled to get to your room. You pressed your thumb over his lips trying to catch your breath, "Can't you be a little more gentle?"
He scoffed, "I waited 3 long years for this and you're really asking me to be gentle?", you both laughed at his remark, but despite his joke, his kisses did become gentle. He planted soft kisses on your neck, while your hands roamed his body.
"God, you're beautiful.", you said, as you eye the glory that is his body
. "You're the one who's beautiful.", he said , leaving a trail of kisses on your collarbone, "You have no idea how many times i've imagined doing this to you." "Do you have any idea how dirty that sounds?", you purred, the sounds of lips clicking and ragged breaths were the only sounds that surrounded the room, his hands that were gently placed on your back were now on the hook of your bra. You gasped from the sudden cold sensation on your back, "Do you want me to stop?", he asked.
"My mind wants to say no, but my heart says yes. Since someone told me I should try thinking with my heart once in a while, then, I guess it's a yes." He smiled and gave you a quick peck on the lips as he skillfully unhooked your bra, after tossing the garment aside, one hand kneaded your bare chest while the other was at your back to keep you from falling. You took the chance to make your move, you cupped his face and gave him a deep kiss, with each passing moment it was like a fight of dominance between you both. He trailed his hand from your bare chest to your heated core, a gesture which made you gasp. He took this chance to slip his tongue in, but being the inexperienced kisser that you are, what was supposed to be a French kiss turned into a sloppy one.
Your legs weakened when he started circling your clit with two fingers, the squishing sound being produced only heightened your arousal, you could feel the wetness trickling down your thigh, "You're sopping wet Y/N-ah.", he fastened his pace, you clung onto him to keep your balance and to muffle your moans. "Oh my God, Jaebum-ah...that feels amazing.", you said in between pants. Jaebum was panting as well from the fast steady pace he was doing, "Scream for me Y/N-ah, I want to hear you scream my name.", you refused to moan for him so he maintained his pace. The pleasure was driving you crazy, you felt a knot forming on your stomach with Jaebum's ministration, "Jaebum-ah! I think I need to go to the bathroom."
He quickened his pace even more, the knot on your stomach was now building and you felt like it was going to explode anytime soon, "Cum for me, babe.", when you felt the knot explode, your legs finally gave up but Jaebum was there to catch you.
"That felt so good Jaebum-ah.", just when you thought it was over, Jaebum gently laid you on your bed and he positioned himself in between your legs, you could feel his throbbing member as he brushed it against your clothed core "We're just getting started Y/N-ah.", he swiftly slid your underwear off and threw it across the room and then his underwear followed.
You felt your eyes widen and your core dampen from the sight of Jaebum's member, it was covered in pre-cum and its veins were embossed, making it appear like it was about to explode, "That's going inside? Is it going to fit?", you asked, with a worried look on your face.
He didn't respond and started showering your body with kisses, you feel a warm sensation in all the places his lips touch, and you drown in Jaebum's intoxicating scent as he hovered over you, "I love you Y/N-ah.", he chanted repeatedly after every kiss. When he reached your core, he licked his finger and slowly pushed the digit in.
"Ah!!! Jaebum!", you moaned. He pumped in a slow pace and slowly adding a finger after the other, he was stretching you out for what was about to happen next. You bear with the pain knowing that Jaebum will not do anything to harm you, after some time he pulls out his fingers, glistening from your wetness. "Are you really sure about this Y/N-ah?", he asked after laying a kiss on your temple, "We can stop, if you want to."
"It's okay. Go ahead."
He took his member into his hand and positioned it at your sopping core, "I'm sorry Y/N-ah, but please bear with the pain.", you shut your eyes tightly, the warm sensation indicated that he was about to enter, he slowly pushed the tip inside and then you felt a tingling sensation.Jaebum was in shock, there was blood dripping from your core indicating that you were still a virgin, cautious that he wouldn't ruin the moment, he slowly eased his member in to lessen the pain, "Are you okay? I'm going to move now.", with your eyes still closed, you nodded as the go signal.
"Fuck, Jaebum!", you screamed. As soon as he started moving in a steady pace, the pain slowly turned into pleasure. He made sure to keep his hands busy, one hand on your breast and the other on your clit.
"You feel so good Y/N-ah.", he said in between pants. His member throbbed whenever you tightened your walls around him or when you scream his name, "Say my name Y/N-ah."
"Ah!!! Jaebum! Jaebum! Jaebum!", you exclaimed, the more you screamed his name the faster his thrusts became. Your hands were clawed into his back, whenever he hits your good spot you were sure you left marks onto his back from how hard you dragged your nails onto his back.
Both your bodies had the same rhythm and the same pace, all that could be heard from the room was skin slapping together, pleasured moans and endless cursing. When Jaebum felt his climax approaching, he hastened his pace and circled your clit with his thumb, "Let's cum together Y/N-ah!", a few more quick thrust and you felt him release his love juice inside of you. 
A breathless Jaebum laid on top of you, his head went up and down probably from the heaving of your chest, you brushed the hair off of his face and gave him a kiss, "That was amazing Jaebum-ah."
"No, you were amazing.", he slowly pulled himself out to get a tissue, to help you clean up. You were hesitant to let him wipe you, but he was persistent about it, "You know, I was taken aback when you bled."
"You thought I wasn't a virgin?"
He nodded while grinning, "You had two boyfriends in the past right?" "No, there was only one and he was a douchebag and we only dated for like a month, all he wanted from me was sex and he told me to stay away from you. When he said that, I immediately broke up with him.", you said.
"Oh, I see.", Jaebum was a person that easily gets jealous, and it wasn't exactly the time to make him jealous.
"I saved it for you.", you whispered, immediately pulling the covers over your head after, "I can't believe I said that."
His face lit up like a christmas tree, "What did you say?"
"It's nothing.", you and Jaebum were pulling the mattress back and forth. "No, no, no. You definitely said something."
"I said, I love you Im Jaebum.", you said.
He tugged the covers, "Yah, are you asking for a second round?", he teased. "Do you want me to die?", you laughed.
"I waited for three longs years, you can't blame me if i'm like this.", he was about to go in for a kiss but you stopped him.
You pulled him towards you and rested your head on his chest, you trail your hands from his chest towards his broad shoulders, "Let's stay like this for now, just like this.", you said nuzzling your nose in his chest.
"Yah, yah, that tickles."
You stared at him square in the eyes without saying a word, just laying beside him and drowning yourself with his beauty, "You're so beautiful."
He squinted, making his eyes look like slits, "Why do you keep saying that?" "Because you're beautiful."
"You are aware that I am man, or do I have to prove it to you again?", he suggested.
"I just can't explain it, everything about you is beautiful to me. Your face, your shoulders, the two moles above your eye, that smirk you do, your dino laugh where you look like you're about to swallow someone, the way you like to stuff food into your mouth. Heck, you even look beautiful to me even when you're pissed off and you look like your jaw is about to dislocate.", you giggled. Jaebum grabbed a pillow and covered his face, his sudden scream made you jump, "Are you okay? Are you angry because I called you beautiful?"
"I didn't think it was possible, but it is.", he mumbled.
"What did you say?", as you pulled the pillow off his face, you were taken aback because of the redness of his face, "Are you okay?"
He smiled from ear-to-ear, "I didn't think it was possible to fall even more in love with you, but it just happened.", he took you in for a hug, a hug so tight you had a hard time breathing, "I wish I confessed to you sooner, so you didn't have to date that douchebag. I could've been your first boyfriend. I might not be your first, but I intend to be your last. You last kiss, last boyfriend and the last person you'll ever love."
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phoenix-oasis · 5 years
Jackson as sugar daddy
Hi, this is Admin Oasis.  I am currently in Dallas, the night before the show.  Actually it’s 2:33 am the morning of the concert, and I know that i said I wasn’t going to post til after the concert, but this was a birthday request by @anawang97.  Happy Birthday I hope you like it.
Summer Fun
Genre: sugar daddy!, smut, fluff
Pairing: Jackson x Reader
Summary: Your last final is over, and Jackson, your sugar daddy, has you to himself for three months.
Warning: smut, fluff, overstimulation, toys play, unprotected sex, anal, creampie, hairpulling, spanking
Word Count: 3070
You walked into the large house that you were living in.  This house belonged to your sugar daddy, Jackson Wang.  Your last final for the semester was over, and your summer was yours to do what you wanted now.  Jackson was paying your schooling, and buying you everything that you needed, and that you wanted.  In return, you satisfied his sexual appetite.
As soon as you walked through the doorway to the kitchen, Jackson’s arms moved around your waist, pulling your back to his chest.
“How was your test, baby girl?” his deep voice made your spine vibrate.
“It was fine, daddy,” you answered, as his chin landed on your shoulder.  You turned to look at him, and his lips found your cheek.  “It was relatively easy.”
“That’s good,” he said, turning you around.  His lips settled on yours, as his hands moved down your back and over your backside. “You need to pack, because we are going on vacation starting tomorrow morning.”
“Oooh, where are we going, daddy?” you asked, looking up at Jackson with doe-like eyes.
“It’s a surprise,” he said, nuzzling his nose into your neck.  “Why don’t you eat something, and then we can relax on the sofa.”
“Yes, please.”
Early the next morning, Jackson kissed your back, to wake you up.  You turned to face him, and he kissed you softly.  You smiled against his lips, and he wrapped his arms around you.
“We have to hurry,” he said, getting off the bed.  “We have to go to the airport.”
“If we shower together, we can save time,” you said, and he laughed.
“No, honey we won’t,” Jackson answered and slapped your backside for your sass.   “Go shower, and put on the dress that I like.”
“Yes, daddy,” you answered.
You showered, and then changed into a pale pink, silk, short dress.  This dress Jackson bought for your birthday, and it was his favorite on you.  You pulled your hair up into a ponytail, and put on some cute, dainty earrings and a necklace.
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When you walked out, Jackson was dressed in a white silk shirt and loose, black slacks.  He turned to look at you, and smiled.  As the bags were sent down to the car, Jackson took your hand, and pulled you towards the door, so that you could make your way to the airport.
When you got to the airport, Jackson and you were shown right away to his private jet.  You two settled yourselves into the plane, and the stewardess brought your drinks.  She put her hands on Jackson’s shoulder, and you rolled your eyes.  Jackson, however, took her hand and moved it from his shoulder.
Once the plane was cruising, you lied down on the sofa, and Jackson started making his way too you.  He settled himself between your knees, and then rested his head on your chest.  Your fingers rang through his hair, as his eyes closed.  You smiled, loving that you could pamper him too.
The plane landed in Maldives.
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The first thing he did was take you to lunch.  His hands were on you, at all times.  Your favorite was when his warm hands were on your knee and moving up your thigh.  He fed you food, always kissing your lips after, to taste the food off of you.  The very next thing you did was take a charter plane to the mainland, so that you could shop.  Jackson bought you clothes, and lingerie, jewelry, and make-up.
The next thing you did was swim in the ocean together.  Jackson would swim up to you, and pull his arms around you.  His lips caressed your neck, and you smiled.  You could feel that he was holding back, which meant that night you were in for an exhausting night.
You swam over to your own private bungalow, and climbed the stairs.  
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You got into the pool, and were surprised that Jackson was right behind you.  You swam to the edge of the pool, and Jackson quickly pinned your front to the edge, his hands circling your waist.
“You don’t know how much I’ve missed your body, baby girl,” he said, his lips moving to your shoulder.
Your strapless bikini top let Jackson have his fill of your shoulders and back.  You turned to look at him, with big, innocent eyes, and blinked innocently at him.  His eyes darkened, as that was his favorite look on you.
“I’m sorry, daddy,” you said, your lips pouting a little.  “Was I neglecting you all week long?”
“No, baby girl,” he answered, his eyes moving down to your pouting lips.  “Your education is important to me, because it’s important to you.”  He leaned forward, and kissed your lips, as his hands caressed up your sides to cup your breasts.  “But now that that’s over with,” his fingers lowered your top, and the cold pool water made your nipples harden, “I am going to make you scream.  Will you scream for me, baby girl?”
“Yes, daddy,” you gasped, as his fingers pinched and pulled your nipples.
His teeth bit into your neck, causing a slight stinging.  You gasped, leaning against his chest, and moving your head to the side so that he could have better access to your neck.  This time when he bit your neck, you gasped in pain.  He was going leave a bruise on your neck.  You moaned softly.
Jackson put his arms around you, and picked you up.  He walked out of the pool, and lowered you onto the circular couch.  He pulled your bikini bottoms off and he took your knees, and wrenched them apart.  He growled low in his throat, before he attacked your core.
His teeth nibbled on your bundle of nerves, and you cried out.  His lips circled on your clit and he shook his head from side to side, overstimulating it.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cried out.
“Language!” he growled, his hand slapping the inside of your thigh hard.
“Ow!  I’m sorry, daddy!” you say, as he slapped your thigh again.  “But it feels so good, daddy!  Please!”
“Please, what, baby girl?”
“Please make me cum, daddy,” you begged, looking down at him.  “It’s been so long, please!”
Just like that Jackson attached himself to your clit, and suckled on it hard.  His fingers moved into your entrance and pumped them fast. The pleasure jolting through you made you cry out, as your back arched off the couch.  The tension in your stomach tighten, and was about to snap, when Jackson stopped.  You whined.
Jackson grabbed you by the arm, and pulled you off the couch.  He turned you towards the table, and pinned you to it, facing the fence on the porch.  You noticed a couple of people down the line of bungalows, looking in your direction. Jackson moved closer to your ear, and growled in your ear.  
“Be sure to look right at them, baby girl,” he snarled.
His swim trunks fell, and in one rough movement, he was buried inside you.  You cried out at the sudden invasion, as you locked eyes with one of the people looking at you.  His mouth dropped, and his breathing increased, as Jackson pounded into you. You moaned loud as his hips slammed into you.  The sound of your ass and his pelvis filled the air, and you were so close.
“Daddy!  Daddy please!”
His hand tangled in your hair, and he pulled it, pulling your hair back.  As the dull pain laced through your scalp, you flew over the edge, right into your climax.  Your body shook, as your passage convulsed around him.  He grunted as you squeezed him.  He was cumming into your passage, and he bit your shoulder hard.  You breathed in deep, and he moved to your ear.
“Wave to him, baby girl, and let’s go inside to get ready for dinner.”
You smiled at the man, whose shorts were now very uncomfortable, and waved at him.  He swallowed hard, before he waved back.  When Jackson pulled out of you, you went into the bungalow.  
Dinner consisted of another trip to the mainland.   After the seaplane landed at the dock, Jackson helped you down, and pulled you into his side.  You wrapped your arms around his right one, and you rested your head on his shoulder.  People around you, as you walked to the restaurant stared at the two of you.
The restaurant was a very relaxed restaurant, with seating outside and inside.  Jackson kept you right next to him, so that he could be touching you somewhere.  The food was amazing, and the atmosphere was chill and relaxed.  After dinner, you got back on the seaplane, and flew back to your bungalow.
As you stepped into the bungalow, you gasped, looking around in amazement.  There were candles lit everywhere.  You could see a basket on the bed, and you were wondering what that was. You turned to look at the presence that came up behind you.  Jackson smiled, his lips lost in your hair.
“Did you have fun today, baby girl?”
“Yes, I did,” you answered, nodding.  
“Good,” he said, and his fingers moved to the dress zipper at your back.
His fingers lowered the zipper, his lips kissing the exposed flesh.  He slipped the sleeves of the dress off of you, and it fell to the floor. With his hand on your waist, he pushed you gently to the bed.  He took something out of the basket, but you didn’t see what.  Jackson unclasped your bra, and took it off, before something soft moved around your wrist.  That’s when you looked down.
Your wrists were tied together with silk ropes.  He had the slack in his hands, and he pulled hard pulling you to the bed.  His eyes smiled at you, as he tied your hands to the headboard of the bed.  Then he walked away from you.  
“Be patient, baby girl,” he answered, in the direction that the basket was in.  When he returned, he had a blindfold.  He put it on you, and your heart started beating faster.  “I’m going to have so much fun with you, baby girl.”
He was back in the direction of the basket.  Then his hands were on your legs.  He caressed up your legs, and hooked the hem of your panties, and pulled them off.  You felt his breath right at your core, and you started breathing heavily.  Then you felt that same silky feel on your ankles.  Your legs were tied to the foot board, and you moaned softly.  You really wanted him to just touch you.  You pulled your hands, and you couldn’t move your hands.
“You want to touch yourself, baby girl?” Jackson asked, his breath tickling your folds.  
You whined, and all of a sudden you heard something switch on.  A vibrating sound found you, and it was pressed onto your clit.  Wave after wave of pleasure hit you right away.  You tugged on the ropes at your arms, but they didn’t move.  Then the intensity of the vibrating wand went from low to all the way, and you screamed. The jolts of electricity flew all up and down your body, causing you to tug on the ropes.
The vibrating moved away from you, and you gasped, trying hard to relax.  Then it was back, on high, and you screamed again, your body trembling.  As you got closer to your climax, Jackson took the wand away again.  You whimpered, trying to compose yourself.  With a chuckle, he pressed it right back, and inserted a hard, soft, silicone dildo into your entrance.
“SHIT!” you shrieked, as you climaxed hard.
Your hips came up off the bed, and convulsed around the dildo.  Your hips moved against the wand and the dildo.  Then Jackson’s hand was pushing your hips down, with the dildo was still inside you.  He pushed your hips back down, and pressed the wand harder to your core.  You yelled and moaned loud, trying in vain to move away from the vibrating wand.
“Wait, daddy, please!” you managed to exclaim.  
You climaxed a second time, almost right after your first.  Your body shook violently, you clamped down on the dildo.  It slowly slipped out of your passage.  Suddenly the wand disappeared and you breathed a sigh of relief.  
The blindfold was removed, and when you looked at Jackson, he had a candle in his hand.  He smiled at you, and you knew what was coming. You moaned softly, because you loved it when he dripped wax on you.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“Yeeeeeessssss,” you moaned, and he held the candle over your stomach.  
Jackson tilted the candle, and hot wax dripped on your stomach.  You closed your eyes, and moaned at the seconds of burning that you felt. You felt the wax drip a trail from your stomach up to your breasts, and you trembled.
“Oh, god, yes,” you sounded. Then the wax dripped down your stomach and onto your mound.  You jolted at the burning that you felt, and moaned.  “Oh daddy, yes that feels good!”
Then the wax was gone. A high vibrating sounded, and the wand was back, on high, on your clit.  You flew into another orgasm, clamping down on nothing.  Jackson kept the wand on your clit, and kept your orgasm coming.
“You look so good when you’re out of control, baby girl,” Jackson growled in your ear, pressing the wand harder into your clit.  You screamed, and he moaned.  “Yes, scream loud, honey.”
Jackson reached up and untied your arms and then untied your ankles.  You moved up on your hands and knees, and you looked at Jackson.  He smiled down at you, as you undid his pants. Jackson reached over his shoulder, and pulled his shirt over his head, while you undid his pants.  He stepped out of both his pants and his boxers.
“Can I, daddy?” you asked, looking up at him.
“Yes, baby,” he answered, his hands tangling in your hair.  “You take me in your mouth.”
You took his member in your hand, and licked your lips.  It was so hard, and red.  There was precum already oozing out of the tip of his cock.  You licked the tip, before you took him in your mouth.  Your tongue came out and swirled over the head of his cock, as you bobbed up and down on it.
Jackson’s head fell back, as your playful tongue worked wonders on his cock.  You reached down and cupped and squeezed his balls with one hand, and pumped the length of member that you couldn’t fit into your mouth with the other.
Jackson looked down at you, and smirked.  “Spit on my cock, baby girl,” he said.  “Get it all slippery and wet with your spit.”
You popped the cock out of your mouth and then spit on it, while looking up at him.  He bit his lip, and grabbed your hair, and jammed his cock in your mouth.  You felt the tip hit the back of your throat, and you gagged.  He groaned as your throat constricted on his cock, and he began to thrust into your mouth.  You gagged a few more times, and he just loved it.  All of a sudden, he pulled his member out of your mouth, and turned you around so your ass was aligned with his cock.
Lubricated with your spit, he pushed himself into your anus.  You moaned loud, as you fell down onto your elbows.  He bit down on your shoulder, making you yelp in pain.  Then his hand came up and he spanked your ample backside, making it jiggle.
“Oh, baby girl, I love your ass,” he said, slapping it hard.  A red patch appeared on your cheeks, and he slammed into your ass. “This ass is like heaven to me.”
Jackson thrust in and out of you faster and faster, as you moaned.  Then he stopped moving, and pulled your hair back.  You moaned in pleasure, before turning to look at him. His eyes were dark with lust, and a gleam of sweat was on his forehead.
“Fuck yourself on my cock, precious,” he ordered, spanking you again.
With a moan, you moved off his cock, and then pushed back against his enormous member.  You trembled as the feel of his enormous dick rubbing against your anal passage sending pleasure rippling through you. Suddenly Jackson grabbed the candle he’d been playing with, and he dripped it on your ass.  The burning sent pleasure up your spine, and you buried your face in the pillows.
“Daddy!  I wanna cum daddy, please!”
“Get off my cock, and lie back,” he ordered, and you did what he said.  He slammed into you, and locked eyes with you.  “Hold your pretty, tight, pussy open, baby girl.”
With a moan, you opened your folds, and Jackson dripped the candle wax right on your clit.  You yelped, your head falling back.  The wad dripped around your entrance remaining warm. Then his hand flattened, and he slapped your clit repeatedly, making you climax for the fourth time.  You clamped around him, and Jackson slammed into you, climaxing with you.  He shot his white, hot, cum right into your passage.
Jackson leaned forward and kissed you sweetly.  He pulled out of you, and peeled off the wax from your body.  With a wet washcloth, he wiped the sweat off your body, and then he kissed all the red patches, and bruises on your body that he caused.  He picked his shirt off the floor, and slipped it on you.  He tucked you into the bed, under the covers, before he cleaned the toys he used on you, and he put them away.
After a quick shower, he climbed into bed with you.  Slowly, he pulled you into his arms.  You turned around to face him, and he kissed your softly.
“Tomorrow I will be more sweet, more soft, and less dominant,” he said, tucking your hair behind your ear.  “We are going to be here for a month, and then we are going back home.  I have you to myself for two more months after that, and I plan on making the most of it.”
“Jackson,” you whisper sleepily, snuggling into his chest.  “I love you, you know.”
Jackson looked down at the top of your head, and smiled.  “Go to sleep, baby girl.”
“Ok, daddy.”
Together you drifted off to sleep.
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phoenix-oasis · 5 years
hi! my request is a imagine where Jb has an interview and they ask him about his girlfriend idol please
Hi @gatonegroyblanco, this is Admin Oasis!  I hope that this is what you were looking for.  I’m really sorry that it’s so short, and that it’s taken a while for me to write.  I hope you enjoy this, and I hope that you this is what you wanted.
Asks are open if you want to request a scenario, reactions, or a headcannon.  Just click the masterlist tab under our name and it will take you to our rules for request post.
Rules for Requests
The Interview
Genre: fluff, girlfriend idol AU!
Pairing: JB x female Reader
Summary: JB has an interview, and the interviewer asks him about you.  JB’s reaction is very curious, and the interviewer finds the reaction funny.
Warning: fluff, more fluff, tooth decaying fluff, cute JB, because even though he’s sexy, he is very cute too.
Word Count: 946
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JB stretched as he woke up from a nap in the Mnet Countdown green room.  HE was being interviewed by one person, for his job in producing music for their hoobae groups.
“Are you finally awake?” Jinyoung’s voice asked.
Jinyoung had come with JB as moral support.  The other boys were busy, and Jinyoung volunteered to come with him. JB yawned, and stretched again, and he nodded at Jinyoung.
“Good, because your phone has been going off every five minutes.  Answer your girlfriend, please.”
JB couldn’t help the goofy smile on his face, as he reached for his phone. You had sent him three text messages, and had one missed call from you.
“Good luck in your interview, oppa,” your first message read.
“The girls and I are getting ready to start out Japan leg of the tour today.”
“You must be napping before your interview.  I tried calling before we boarded, but you didn’t answer.”
JB called you, and you answered right away.  “Hi, oppa!  Have you had your interview yet?”
“No, I haven’t,” he answered, groaning as he lied back down.  “I’m like fifteen minutes away from the interview. What time is Sunshine’s show? Maybe I can make it.”
“Seven thirty, and no.  I refuse to have you fly out here after your interview.  Go home and rest.”
“No. ��I’m telling them not to let you in.”
JB laughed, sitting up as the make up artist returned for touch ups.  “Ok, jagi.  I have to go now, ok.”
“Good luck!”
“You too, have a great show.”
Once the make up artist was done, the stage manager went to get JB for his interview.  He was micked up, and the host greeted him.  Jinyoung sat just off camera, smiling at JB.
The stage manager nodded, and queued the host to start.  The host turned to the camera, a huge smile on his face.
“Good afternoon!  I’m your host for this afternoon, Yoon Jungshin, and we are here today with a very special guest.  We have Im Jaebum.”
“Hello, I’m Jaebum, also known as JB.”
“Now you have become a very successful music producer, both for Got7 and the individual members right?”
“Yes, I’ve been writing songs for Got7 for a few years now, and we’ve been very successful with my songs.  Recently, though, I helped Jackson and Youngjae with songs for their solo albums.”
Jongshin smiled.  “You’ve produced and written music for other idol groups too, right.  You wrote for the Boyz, and for ITZY, correct?”
“Yes,” JB said, before he laughed.
“And for JYP’s new girl group, Sunshine, right?”
Jinyoung chuckled silently, as JB blushed instantly.  His smile was big and wide, and his eye smile was intense.  He cleared his throat, tilted his head to the side in embarrassment, and nodded.  The interviewer chuckled.
“Yes, I have.”
“That is an interesting reaction, Jaebum,” Jongshin said, an with an answering grin.  “You reacted like that because Y/N is in the group Sunshine.”  JB blushed again, tilting his head.  “Y/N is your girlfriend, right?”
“Aish,” he whispered, covering his face.  “Yes, she is my girlfriend.  Yes, I’ve written songs for her and her group.”
“JB, tell me,” Jongshin said, leaning forward, “what is Y/N’s best feature?”
JB laughed, covered his face again, and shook his head.  “Ahhhh!”  With a laugh, he looked at Jongshin.  “Y/N has the prettiest of y/e/c eyes in the world.”  He chuckled.  “She has the best smile too.”
“Oh, how romantic,” Jinyoung mouthed from the sidelines.
“The perfect date for you two?”
“She likes to go on picnics, and walks in parks.”  JB sighed.  “But I think the best dates are when we watch movies at home, relaxing, and eating take-out.”
“She supports you and your career?  You support her and her career?”
“Yes,” JB answered nodding.  “She would be here, but she has a show in Japan.  I would be there, but she told me to go home and rest after this interview.”
“Wow, what a good girlfriend,” Jongshin said, smiling.  “How are you and her with each other’s fans?”
“She loves ahgase, and is very supportive of our fandom.”  His smile was natural, and brimming with love and affection. “Sunsiners are amazing too.  They support our relationship, and they know that I love them too.”
“So, you love each other?”
“I love her, so very much.  She takes care of me and I her.  We support each other, and root for each other.  She is my absolute everything.”  He blushed, smiling.  “She reminds me not to overwork myself, and I remind her that she is perfect the way that she is, and to eat snacks with me at midnight.”
JB and the host laughed, as he nodded.  That was all the time that they had, and Jongshin said his farewells.  
 When he was back at his home, with his cats, you decided to video call him. “Oppa!” you said, and hid your face from him behind your hands.  “Why did you say all those things about me!”
JB laughed, wishing he could kiss your cute blushing face right now. “Because I love you, and everything I said was true.”
“I am getting on the first flight back to you.”
“You have another show in Osaka tomorrow!” he said, shaking his head.
“I don’t care.  I want to hold you right now.”
JB laughed.  “I was thinking the same thing.”
“I’m boarding now.  I will see you in three hours.”
JB hung up and smiled wide.  He waited for you to call to tell him to pick you up at the airport.  He couldn’t wait to tell you that the loved you, and show you, all night long.
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