#gpt7 imagine
phoenix-oasis · 5 years
hi! my request is a imagine where Jb has an interview and they ask him about his girlfriend idol please
Hi @gatonegroyblanco, this is Admin Oasis!  I hope that this is what you were looking for.  I’m really sorry that it’s so short, and that it’s taken a while for me to write.  I hope you enjoy this, and I hope that you this is what you wanted.
Asks are open if you want to request a scenario, reactions, or a headcannon.  Just click the masterlist tab under our name and it will take you to our rules for request post.
Rules for Requests
The Interview
Genre: fluff, girlfriend idol AU!
Pairing: JB x female Reader
Summary: JB has an interview, and the interviewer asks him about you.  JB’s reaction is very curious, and the interviewer finds the reaction funny.
Warning: fluff, more fluff, tooth decaying fluff, cute JB, because even though he’s sexy, he is very cute too.
Word Count: 946
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JB stretched as he woke up from a nap in the Mnet Countdown green room.  HE was being interviewed by one person, for his job in producing music for their hoobae groups.
“Are you finally awake?” Jinyoung’s voice asked.
Jinyoung had come with JB as moral support.  The other boys were busy, and Jinyoung volunteered to come with him. JB yawned, and stretched again, and he nodded at Jinyoung.
“Good, because your phone has been going off every five minutes.  Answer your girlfriend, please.”
JB couldn’t help the goofy smile on his face, as he reached for his phone. You had sent him three text messages, and had one missed call from you.
“Good luck in your interview, oppa,” your first message read.
“The girls and I are getting ready to start out Japan leg of the tour today.”
“You must be napping before your interview.  I tried calling before we boarded, but you didn’t answer.”
JB called you, and you answered right away.  “Hi, oppa!  Have you had your interview yet?”
“No, I haven’t,” he answered, groaning as he lied back down.  “I’m like fifteen minutes away from the interview. What time is Sunshine’s show? Maybe I can make it.”
“Seven thirty, and no.  I refuse to have you fly out here after your interview.  Go home and rest.”
“No.  I’m telling them not to let you in.”
JB laughed, sitting up as the make up artist returned for touch ups.  “Ok, jagi.  I have to go now, ok.”
“Good luck!”
“You too, have a great show.”
Once the make up artist was done, the stage manager went to get JB for his interview.  He was micked up, and the host greeted him.  Jinyoung sat just off camera, smiling at JB.
The stage manager nodded, and queued the host to start.  The host turned to the camera, a huge smile on his face.
“Good afternoon!  I’m your host for this afternoon, Yoon Jungshin, and we are here today with a very special guest.  We have Im Jaebum.”
“Hello, I’m Jaebum, also known as JB.”
“Now you have become a very successful music producer, both for Got7 and the individual members right?”
“Yes, I’ve been writing songs for Got7 for a few years now, and we’ve been very successful with my songs.  Recently, though, I helped Jackson and Youngjae with songs for their solo albums.”
Jongshin smiled.  “You’ve produced and written music for other idol groups too, right.  You wrote for the Boyz, and for ITZY, correct?”
“Yes,” JB said, before he laughed.
“And for JYP’s new girl group, Sunshine, right?”
Jinyoung chuckled silently, as JB blushed instantly.  His smile was big and wide, and his eye smile was intense.  He cleared his throat, tilted his head to the side in embarrassment, and nodded.  The interviewer chuckled.
“Yes, I have.”
“That is an interesting reaction, Jaebum,” Jongshin said, an with an answering grin.  “You reacted like that because Y/N is in the group Sunshine.”  JB blushed again, tilting his head.  “Y/N is your girlfriend, right?”
“Aish,” he whispered, covering his face.  “Yes, she is my girlfriend.  Yes, I’ve written songs for her and her group.”
“JB, tell me,” Jongshin said, leaning forward, “what is Y/N’s best feature?”
JB laughed, covered his face again, and shook his head.  “Ahhhh!”  With a laugh, he looked at Jongshin.  “Y/N has the prettiest of y/e/c eyes in the world.”  He chuckled.  “She has the best smile too.”
“Oh, how romantic,” Jinyoung mouthed from the sidelines.
“The perfect date for you two?”
“She likes to go on picnics, and walks in parks.”  JB sighed.  “But I think the best dates are when we watch movies at home, relaxing, and eating take-out.”
“She supports you and your career?  You support her and her career?”
“Yes,” JB answered nodding.  “She would be here, but she has a show in Japan.  I would be there, but she told me to go home and rest after this interview.”
“Wow, what a good girlfriend,” Jongshin said, smiling.  “How are you and her with each other’s fans?”
“She loves ahgase, and is very supportive of our fandom.”  His smile was natural, and brimming with love and affection. “Sunsiners are amazing too.  They support our relationship, and they know that I love them too.”
“So, you love each other?”
“I love her, so very much.  She takes care of me and I her.  We support each other, and root for each other.  She is my absolute everything.”  He blushed, smiling.  “She reminds me not to overwork myself, and I remind her that she is perfect the way that she is, and to eat snacks with me at midnight.”
JB and the host laughed, as he nodded.  That was all the time that they had, and Jongshin said his farewells.  
 When he was back at his home, with his cats, you decided to video call him. “Oppa!” you said, and hid your face from him behind your hands.  “Why did you say all those things about me!”
JB laughed, wishing he could kiss your cute blushing face right now. “Because I love you, and everything I said was true.”
“I am getting on the first flight back to you.”
“You have another show in Osaka tomorrow!” he said, shaking his head.
“I don’t care.  I want to hold you right now.”
JB laughed.  “I was thinking the same thing.”
“I’m boarding now.  I will see you in three hours.”
JB hung up and smiled wide.  He waited for you to call to tell him to pick you up at the airport.  He couldn’t wait to tell you that the loved you, and show you, all night long.
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yourfriendslimey · 4 years
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soybeantree · 7 years
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be careful what you wish for - epilogue
excerpt: “’Are you feeling alright, hyung?“ JB asked, eying her. Hyung? Why was he calling her, hyung? “Like I said we’re leaving in 10 minutes. You need to be ready.” He eyed her again before walking back out, closing the door behind him. What the hell was going on? She ran a hand threw her hair and nearly screamed. Her hair was gone! She jumped out of the bed and nearly tumbled over. Her body felt awkward, and she had to focus on moving her legs as she made her way to the bathroom. She flicked on the light, and this time she did scream. “What the-” She clamped a hand over her mouth. That wasn’t her voice. That wasn’t her face staring back at her. Hyung made sense now. JB only had one Hyung in Got7. Mark.”
pairing: erm…ofc/mark, ofc/jinyoung, markjin…kind of parts: o1 | o2 | o3 | o4 | o5  genre/rating: LITERALCRACK! fluff. word count: 1.2k+ a/n: these wonderful markjin gifs are not ours.
“I didn’t miss my boobs. It was nice having a flat chest. I didn’t have to wear a bra or worry about my boobs chaffing because I wasn’t wearing a bra. It made me seriously consider getting a boob reduction.” Dee regretted ever asking Jay to tell her what it was like in Mark’s body. During the taxi ride to the airport, Jay had talked about normal things like the photo shoot, getting hair and make-up done, screaming fans. The minute they got out of the car, and they no longer had an audience, Jay had busted out the weird. “I did miss my vagina. I never thought I’d miss my vagina, but I did. Having a penis is not fun. It’s this extra flab of skin that just hangs there.” Jay gestured to her crotch. “And it moves, on its own. You’re just minding your own business and then it just starts moving, and you’re just like ‘what the hell? What’s going on? Why are you moving? Did I miss something?’. No, I didn’t miss anything. It just felt like moving.”
Dee stopped, pulling her suitcase up behind her. “Would you please stop talking about vaginae, and penises, and boobs? We are in a public place.” 
Jay halted and backtracked to her friend, giving her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, too much?” “Too much.” “I will try to reign it in, but I can’t promise anything. It’s probably going to be a while before I’m over everything that happened, and until then things are just going to spill out.” “I think it’ll be a while before we’re both over this.” “I think it’ll be a while before all three of us are over this.” The girls stared at each other. ‘Mark’ Dee mouthed, and Jay nodded her head. They turned at the same moment, and sure enough Mark Tuan was standing a few feet away from them. “Mark!” Jay squealed and rushed the boy throwing her arms around him. The force knocked Mark back a step, but he managed to stay upright. He wrapped his arms around Jay, letting loose a chuckle. “I get to hug you because I was in your body, so this isn’t weird.” He chuckled again. Jay pulled away as Dee came up behind them. “How are you feeling?” Dee asked. “A little weird still. When I woke up this morning, I thought I’d hit my head and dreamed yesterday, but then I saw your message.” They had sent a text to Mark before they left for the airport, apologizing for all the trouble they caused and wishing him well. “After everything we went through, you two were just going to leave without saying goodbye?” The look in Mark’s eyes left Dee breathless. For the first time, she was facing Mark Tuan in Mark Tuan’s body, and she could not handle it. Jay, however, seemed to have no problem facing him. “Here’s the thing Mark. We had no idea which hospital you were in, even if we were able to figure out which hospital you were in there was no way your manager was going to let us near you - I know this man now. There is no way. - , and we couldn’t miss our plane because we’re both poor which means we would be stranded here begging on the streets for money to buy a new plane ticket.” Mark nodded along as Jay went off on her tangent, and when she finished, he turned to Dee. “I now understand how you knew I wasn’t her.” Dee gave a defeated sigh and nodded. Jay pointed between the two. “Both of you are rude.” “If I’m so rude, then I guess I don’t need to give you Jinyoung’s number.” Mark smirked. “I’m sorry what were you saying about Jinyoung’s number?” “He visited me this morning. Apparently, he figured out that you weren’t me and confronted you about it.” Jay nodded. “What?” Dee’s mouth went wide. “Here you are telling me about boobs and vaginae, but you leave out that crucial piece of information?” “I’m going to be honest I blocked it out.” Dee slapped Jay, reveling in the fact that she could once again hit her friend without hurting Mark. Rubbing her shoulder, Jay faced Mark again. “Jinyoung’s number?” “You couldn’t stay focused at all yesterday when we were trying to switch back, but this you can focus on?” Jay shrugged which made Mark chuckle. “He asked me to give you his number because you made a promise to explain everything to him, and he intends to hold you to that promise.” The promise, she had almost forgotten it. Mark gave her a slip of paper with strict instructions to destroy it after she copied the number into her phone. Walking off a bit, Jay added the number, taking a little longer than necessary, so her friend could have a few moments alone with the true Mark. “You really have to go?” Dee nodded. “Like Jay said if we miss our flight, we’ll be begging on the streets.” He chuckled, and Dee had to remind herself to breath. “Will you be coming back?” While she wanted to say ‘yes’, she didn’t want to make a promise she couldn’t keep. Both she and Jay loved South Korea and had talked about their next visit to the country several times during their trip. The truth though was that it was miracle they had been able to come this time. They had planned and saved for the trip for over a year. There was no way to know when or if they would be able to come back. Mark must have seen something in her eyes because he said, “I hope you do, and next time we can spend the day together with both of us in our actual bodies.” He smiled, and she wanted to believe there would be a next time and that they would get to spend the day together, but practicality was deeply rooted in her soul. However, she had no desire to dim the light in the beautiful boy’s eyes. “I look forward to it.” She needed to get away from Mark before her heart broke. She turned to get Jay’s attention and froze. Mark’s hands wrapped around her wrist and pulled her back towards him. He leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Until next time.” He smiled. His hands slowly slipped from her wrist as a chill raced up her arm. He bowed his head before walking over to where Jay stood, pretending not to watch everything that had happened. “Goodbye, Jay. Please try not to make anymore wishes.” “Believe me. I have learned my lesson.” She smiled before pulling Mark in for another hug. “Take care, Mark.” He squeezed her. “You too.” And with that he walked back to where his manager was standing. Jay glared at the man, and now that she was back in her body her glare had all its potency. The man squirmed under her gaze, and she smirked in triumph. “Please stop scaring people. We’re going to be late for our flight.” Dee walked past her, her suitcase rolling behind her. Jay gave the man one final glare before trotting after her friend. “Would it really be that bad if we missed it?” “You were the one talking about begging on the streets.” “That was an exaggeration. I do that, remember? I think you got too used to Mark being in my body. You forgot about all my quirks.” Dee snorted, but Jay knew she had failed in lifting her friend’s spirit. Walking up beside her, Jay slung an arm over her shoulders. “Don’t worry, Dee. We’ll be back.”
<- part 5
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