uiscedreamer · 8 years
Divorced, blocked, unfriended,,,,
broken up with
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rascutein · 8 years
Is this who i think it's about because oh boy.
u know it is!!! ;3c
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trans-positivity · 9 years
I recently found out that a coworker of mine outed me to my boss right after I was hired a few months ago. I won't lie, that's a big fear coming true. But, my boss never brought it up with me until she knew I was comfortable talking about it, and then she promptly changed my name tag and work schedule, and has made an enormous effort to call me Evan.
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dracoryss · 9 years
Ahora te sigue gothamsprince
Hi, Evan! thank you for following me here! <3
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zerah561 · 11 years
Aria glanced to the clock on her tablet, nearly time.  Mister Pennyworth had called a few days ago to inform her he had another person in the Wayne household that could do with some talking.
If she were up to the challenge.
She loved challenge. 
So now here she was, waiting for her next appointment challenge and trying hard not to grin.
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uiscedreamer · 8 years
E 👀
Hmmm I could say ‘Elepaio bird.
Or I could say????
It’s up in the air.
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nighthawklancebruner · 11 years
YOU’RE IT! Rules are: copy and paste this to 10 other beautiful people/blogs who you think deserve this message! Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful :D (you don't have to again) But know that I really like that message you sent me :3
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rambomeetspollypocket · 11 years
YOU’RE IT! Rules are: copy and paste this to 10 other beautiful people/blogs who you think deserve this message! Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful :D
"Oh, look what the cat dragged in.." 
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anonjasontodd-blog · 11 years
YOU’RE IT! Rules are: copy and paste this to 10 other beautiful people/blogs who you think deserve this message! Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful :D
// thank you :33
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mccreadyx · 11 years
{Insert creative title here}||Hit-Girl&Robin
Mindy hated being home alone when Marcus had to work night shifts at the station. Usually she would be spending nights like this over at Dave's, playing some terrible video game that he was still to beat her in. Deciding to give the, always, repetitive night a miss, she threw on her purple, caped costume and left for the city. Why fight in a video game when you can have the real thing, right? After a good forty minutes or so of pretty much walking around in one huge circle, she noticed another person, who didn't look much older than her---.. Although she couldn't be too sure due to the fact he had a mask on---.. Also in a costume. Even though her conscience was telling her to just turn around and ignore the kid, she wandered over to him anyway. She wasn't one to listen to herself in situations like these. After all, they were recruiting other heroes such as herself, why wasn't she allowed to bring people into their little 'club'. "Yo, kid."She shouted from about fifteen meters away. "What's with the costume?" The girl questioned, tilting her head curiously, getting closer to the boy.
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"What movie do you want to watch?" Dick called from the living room, stacks of DVD's spread out in front of his person as he waited for a response from Damian. He was happy to have the other around, as he hadn't had much time to hang out with his younger brother as of late.
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the-tt-wonder-blog · 11 years
gothamsprince replied to your post: // How does one collect 31 followers in 22 hours?...
by making them sell their souls ?
// That's your job. You buy/steal their souls, I just kinda tuck them away in my pocket.. =w=
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nighthawklancebruner · 11 years
YOU’RE IT! Rules are: copy and paste this to 10 other beautiful people/blogs who you think deserve this message! Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful :D
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detectivebird · 11 years
gothamsprince replied to your post: ✉ ♣ ❤
[Text]: Drake you’re texting me drunk once again.
[TEXT] Whats yur piont
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rambomeetspollypocket · 11 years
Gotham's Prince & New York's Baby Doll
The young girl sat near a dumpster , clearly bored out of her mind. It was late out but it was her favorite hang out place. She had been sitting out here for a good thirty minutes and it was almost Ten o' Clock. She jumped off the container full of rubbish and landed on solid ground. 'Why doesn't anything interesting happen here, for fuck's sake!' She thought to herself as she angrily made her way out of the dark alley way and into the streets. 
Clearly she was aggravated by the whole situation when she heard an alarm go off a few blocks away. A grin appeared on her face as she quickly sprinted towards the area quickly bringing out her Glock 23 pistols. Another Jewelry store robbery? That was the fifth one this week. People just never learned. The place was empty and the entrance to the shop was already open. The purple haired girl quickly burst in and put her pistols back in her pockets as she brought out her FoxFury AWL-P pistol light. The lights on it flashed repeatedly which made it easier for her to check if anyone was in there. "Come out, asshole. I know you're hiding" Mindy could hear footsteps behind her and she quickly turned to find a man standing with a bag full of stolen precious stones. "Little Girl, you don't know who you're messing with!" He yelled but his gaze quickly changed to a different direction. 
"Who the fuck is he? why are you little bastards playing dress up, huh?" Mindy was confused at this point. Her blue orbs turned to a young looking kid at around her age. "What th-" Where did he come from? 
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anonjasontodd-blog · 11 years
Get out of my bed.
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