#gotta admit that trailer did kinda get me hyped which
volos-wish · 2 years
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Maybe the real treasure were the rivals we made along the way...
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bugmomwrites · 4 years
Animal Crossed Lovers (Tamaki Amajiki)
Alrighty so I haven't put any finished work on here in a hot minute, that’s my bad. ANYWHO my mom got me ACNH as an early birthday gift since my birthday (April 5th) just missed the supposed quarantine cutoff date for our area (7th). I may be be stuck inside while everything’s closed, but hey- at least the island of Escapism hardly rests 😉
Tamaki Amajiki x GN! Reader
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Tamaki was never one to play video games, but he had to admit there was just something...soothing about Animal Crossing that melted much of his anxiety away. Nejire had initially preordered a copy for his birthday weeks ago, but her friend who worked at the local (s/n) (who he may or may not have been crushing on since their second year after they joined them at lunch one day) was able to pull a couple strings and get it on the fourth of March instead of the twentieth. Of course he had no idea, but he was so stunned when he opened it that it didn’t even occur to him that the game wasn’t even out yet until Mirio had reminded him. He didn’t question it though- his friend group was one wild card after another, so he guessed he shouldn’t have been too surprised.
He was thrilled, and just the fact that no one else had a copy yet made it feel all the more personal. Of course he knew in sixteen days it would be all anybody ever talked about, but for the time being it felt like the game, the little world he had created in the past few days with its gentle music and soft, wholesome theme, was his and his alone. The fact that it was a gift from his friends made it all the more special, and even if he had a hectic day at school he could turn on the console and water pretend flowers on a pretend island, and for those few moments, all was right with the world.
He was pulling weeds to sell to Timmy for bells when his screen pinged in the corner that made his blood run cold.
(Gamertag) is online
Playing: Animal Crossing New Horizons
That’s right, you had friended him on the switch after realizing all his friends had one, and now with a fourth person they could have a full team online. Mirio has suggested everyone exchange codes, and you had taken the liberty of showing him how to punch in the code and adding yourself while he sat there trying not to melt into his seat at how excited you got, or how nice you smelled up close. You had passed it back with a beaming grin, telling him you couldn’t wait to do co-ops. At the time he could only nod, speechless as the rest of his friends made idle chatter until the bell rung, and everyone scurried back to class.
He quickly realized he had left the terminal gate open when he was poking around the various features, learning about what each thing does in game. He tried sprinting to the airport to close the gates, and he made it to the dock before a big green banner flashed across his screen reading “you have a visitor!”
Out of the threshold popped your avatar, and for a moment he was grateful he could hide behind a screen. He wanted to be mad, upset even, that you had wandered onto his digital sanctuary, but couldn’t find it in himself because, then again, it was you.
The Nookphone in the top left corner buzzed to life, and he opened up the chat log with shaky hands. In a cutesy, pastel speech bubble was your message, and he wondered how something that was once so therapeutic to him could do a 180 and suddenly become the source of his anxiety.
G/T: Hello! Sorry to pop in unannounced, I hope you don’t mind^^
Tamaki felt his mouth go dry, reading it in your voice and after steadying his breathing, he painstakingly typed out a response.
Suneater: its ok.
G/T: It’s kinda hard to find others to play with when the game isn’t even released yet >~<
Suneater: Oh?
He should have known it was too good to be true. You were only visiting him because no one else was on yet. He sighed, trying to keep the dread from crawling back in before another note popped up.
G/T: The game doesn’t actually release until the first day of spring, but working at (s/n) has its perks. I saw the trailers and the hype and figured it would be the perfect game for you.
He felt a wave of relief wash over him upon reading that. So he wasn’t the last choice- rather, the game simply wasn’t out to the general public yet. But if that was the case, how did you also get a copy?
Suneater: thats nice of you
G/T: And then a little birdy told me you had a birthday coming up, so since I have a couple connections after I got my copy, I asked my manager if they’d set aside one more.
Suneater: you
Suneater: you were the one who helped get it early?
Boy did he feel stupid now. You worked at (s/n), (as you had literally just mentioned in your previous notes), Nejire got him a game that wasn’t out yet, you guys were all mutual friends- how did he not put two and two together?!
G/T: Yes lol that would be me^ you liking it so far? You picked a good name for the island too.
“Sunshine Island” may have seemed a little cliche to most people, but Tamaki had so many things in his life linked to it that by this point, it was just routine. Mirio was his sun in dark times. His nickname Suneater, even the sunflowers he had received from his parents for his birthday each year was tradition. He knew not everyone would see it the way he did, but to him, it was perfect, and he was definitely chuffed when he thought it up and punched it in for the first time.
To hear you loved it too sent a swell of pride through him, and he wondered if it was possible to love someone as much as he did just then.
Suneater: you really think so?
G/T: Absolutely
And with that, the two of you explored Sunshine Island together, he showed you his tent, the shops, and the little orchard of peaches he had arranged. You were impressed by the amount of detail and care that went into arranging everything, and asked if he’d be willing to help you with your island sometime, to which he obliged. 
You guys did some more walking, and he told you to feel free to shake theres and take a couple fruits with you. His native fruit was peaches, and in exchange you dropped a couple of your own fruits from your island on the ground for him to pick up so he could have more variety in his world.
G/T: There’s six different kinds, and each island is assigned one main type of fruit. the more you visit with friends, the more biodiversity you’ll get. Pretty cool right? I have some spare (F/N), and if you take and plant those, they'll grow and multiply!
His avatar hesitantly wandered over to the offering after yours stepped back a little to let him take them. Your generousity was surely appreciated, and even though you couldn't see it, he smiled softly before typing out a new message.
Suneater: Thank you. I’ll go plant those.
The game might have been synced up with real time, even getting darker after a certain hour- yet despite it being outside, neither one of you noticed just how much time had passed between all the bug catching, fishing, exploring and talking. When your screen loaded up a clock that read 2:54 AM, you blinked a few times, as if that would change the reading. But lo and behold, it was going for 3am on a school night, and you knew you both had to get to bed.
G/T: Ah beans its 3am, I gotta get to bed soon. Thanks for letting me hang out on your island, and sorry for keeping you awake >~<
Suneater: don't be sorry, i had a lot of fun. can we play together again sometime?
G/T: Of course! I can't wait to meet up again. Maybe we can visit my island next time? I should have those peaches planted by then, and you can teach me your ways, oh master landscaper.
Tamaki chuckled out loud at that, blushing, as he suddenly had a brilliant idea.
Suneater: That would be nice. Wait here a second.
He scurried off to a patch of flowers he had blooming, and with a shovel, picked up a few in your favorite color before making his way back over and dropping them in front of you.
Suneater: You can start by planting a few of these around your island. It is your favorite color, right?
Now it was your turn to blush as you picked up the (f/c) flowers he dropped in front of you, smiling like a goon at his burst of confidence. How he remembered your favorite color is beyond you, but hey- you weren’t complaining.
G/T: They’re perfect, thank you Tama!
Suneater: You're welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow?
G/N: You know it! Goodnight <3
And on that note you walked down to the airport, his avatar following close behind as if to see you off. It was a simple gesture, but appreciated nonetheless. Both of you powered down your switches for the night before plugging them in, and promptly hopping into your respective beds with racing hearts. It was the perfect end to your digital “date” and you couldn’t wait to log in again.
Thank you for reading! Feedback and reblogs are appreciated. Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. The inbox is always open for future ideas, so don’t be afraid to drop in. 
Also gonna tag @katsukisprincess​ cause I mean...Animal Crossing and wholesome Tamaki fluff. ‘Nuff said.
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beevean · 4 years
So I watched the movie
What can I say that hasn’t already been said? It was good! Not a masterpiece by any means, but cute and enjoyable.
I was right about the plot - it’s not a Sonic movie, it’s a movie with Sonic in it. But, much like the games, it was obvious that the writers focused more on the characters than the actual story. Surprisingly, my favorite part was the middle one - the beginning was a little slow and the ending was too fast, but the “road trip” part was the most engaging and funniest one.
Sonic was simply adorable <3 easily one of the cutest iterations of the character since the Classic era. He was much more emotional than the canon version, and even sad, but for most of the time he’s pretty believable as a younger, inexperienced Sonic. But more importanly, I guess the full movie confirms that this Sonic is way more powerful than canon Sonic. Like, at the end, that spectacle of lightning... that looked like something usually reserved for Super Sonic. Holy crap, now I’d love to see the two have a friendly race.
Eggman Robotnik was... well, what I expected from Jim Carrey. He was a nice blend of the good ol’ doctor we know and love and Jim Carrey Carreying it up. I wouldn’t say he carried the movie like many thought (Sonic did, by far), but I bought him as, again, a younger Eggman who still doesn’t know who he’s dealing with. Also he’s super cool with his gloves and holograms, he had so many good shots. (and that dance scene? *chef kiss*)
Surprise surprise, Tom was even better than I hoped for! Which, I admit, wasn’t much. The trailers absolutely did not make him justice, he was legit funny in certain scenes, his character arc was good, and the guy is both strong and smart. After the bar scene, he developed a strong chemistry with Sonic.
As for the minor characters... 
Maddie was cool and also a more fleshed-out character than I thought (that cake scene made me laugh), but I wish she interacted with Sonic more - basically she was the Blue Oni to Tom’s Purple Oni to Sonic’s Red Oni.
Agent Stone was okay, his best scene was already spoiled by the trailers (the one where he brings Robotnik coffee) , but ultimately he was so overshadowed by Robotnik, which is a pity.
Longclaw was the most egregious example of They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character I’ve seen in a long time - she was Sonic’s mentor, she sacrificed herself to protect him, she gave him those powerful Rings... and she had maybe 5 lines at best? She wasn’t mentioned again? Does Sonic even remember her, let alone miss her?
The sister-in-law whose name I forgot... why the fuck was she even there? Why does she hate Tom so much? Does she hate white people or policemen or something? I have no idea but that was a waste of a good actress and maybe 5 minutes of movie. (her daughter on the other hand was a cutie and had another of my favorite jokes)
The way the music was used was good too! I know many people loved Boom during the bar fight, but I’m still not over Don’t Stop Me Now and especially Friends. Tunes of Anarchy is my new earwoom! And at the end there was a snippet of the original Green Hill, and I wanted to scream. (although now I wonder why they cut Gotta Go Fast, if they were going to keep Green Hill anyway)
The major negative, aside from the cliché storm that was the plot, some of the jokes... not only they kept the “child in a bag” joke, but that random fart joke just to reference Sonic’s love for chili dogs? Yyyeah...
Also, this only matters to me lol, but the Italian dub was so good! As far as I know, it’s the only version where Sonic kept the save VA as the games, and man, much like Roger Craig Smith, as long as he’s given a decent script he’s pretty convincing as Sonic. But I can’t wait to re-watch it in English to enjoy me some Ben Schwartz.
So overall? 7.5/10. Not very memorable if you’re not a Sonic fan, but the best word I can use is “charming”, which is a far cry from what we all thought this movie was going to be one year ago. Took them almost 30 years, but we finally have a ‘90s Sonic movie!
Also some spoilers down below!
Sadly I got spoiled the mid-credits scene just before the movie started (some random kid spoiled it to his friends and I was within earshot lmao), but it got me hyped for a sequel! My boy Tails is here! I’m still not used to that design, though, but maybe I will. If Tom and Maddie already adopted Sonic, they sure can adopt his lil bro.
As for Eggman’s ultimate fate... unpopular opinion, but that was almost harsh? Like, okay, I get the irony, he hated every human around him so now he’s stuck on a deserted planet and lost his brilliant mind, but that final shot of the mushrooms on top of mushrooms... kinda gave me anxiety. Now I’d love to see him back.
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sepdet · 7 years
Star Trek Discovery: ep 2
Okay, I absolutely adored the premiere, which I liveblogged Sunday night. But I’ve been feeling rotten and groggy and didn’t watch episode 2 until tonight. 
I’m kind of glad I waited.
I’m transcribing remarks I made to a friend in a private chatroom while watching, and then I’ve added some thoughts afterwards.
Ep 2.
Raw remarks transcribed from private chat while watching (slightly edited)
So, our cliffhanger ended with Michael committing mutiny trying to save them, her captain betrayed and pointing a gun at her, and a whole Klingon fleet warping in like several buckets of shit flying towards a fan.
I’m still trying to get used to Sarek being nicer to a human trying to Vulcan than he was to a son whom he practically disowned for leaving Vulcan to join Starfleet. But I love Sarek so will try to muffle the "buts." I want Amanda to show up.
Parting word to Michael: "Behave." On the bright side, seems like it took her seven years before she LOL NOPED.
I hope the Klingon fans are happy. This is a very ponderous language to listen to when it's whole scenes of dialog and not just quick commands or insults. But I know there's a whole branch of fans who embrace Klingon culture and language, and I hope they're as thrilled as I was to hear Sindarin Elvish spoken.  (And that they're not too perturbed that the Klingon look has mutated again.)
Oh SHIT. I know the Captain was trying to defuse situation with diplomacy, but did they not have their shields up? Or was this just an old ship and/or Klingons managed to puncture shields. Ouch ouch ouch.
Wow, Michael is not having a good day. Waking up in remains of brig with failing containment fields around her — whole sequence is impressive and sad.
I like the way they're employing FX in service to story. It's hard not to let CGI overwhelm. But here, no matter how spectacular FX are, they're functional, rather than an end to themselves: like incidental music the Big FX moments help set mood/tone and give audience catch breath to process what just happened. As opposed to only using FX to foster one mood, maximum adrenaline, and keep audience off-balance so they have no time to catch breath and reflect on situation.
Intense telepathic scene with Sarek. Man he really likes this kid. He is one crazy ass Vulcan, even if he won't admit it: sharing a katra with a near stranger, especially a human child, is pretty drastic. (Also I'm confused: thought he adopted her after parents died in attack, but it looks like Michael was already his ward during attack?
Sarek: "I did not come here to judge your actions. I came here to—"
*Pumpkin, who likes to snooze on desk next to keyboard and occasionally use it as pillow at inconvenient moments, carefully and deliberately stretches out paw and plants it over ESC key, backing up browser window to several URLs ago, losing livestream.*
Cats. Such exquisite timing.
Back online.
Okay yes [STC sounded slightly noncommittal when I was enthusing about restraint of FX] now they're getting a little show-offy. But yikes. First time I've ever seen a space battle using classical Greek naval warfare maneuver. Trireme beak-ram!
...although it could be coincidence, and I'm reading it that way because of my classical studies background. They might've come up with that unusual and dramatic visual independently. At any rate, impressive.
OOOOO. Just hit scene where Captain, out of options, sees Klingons beaming up their dead, and she sees option.  I've been kind of waiting for her to be proactive instead of reactive. Earlier her hands were tied by trying to avoid conflict (following orders).
...DAMMIT. Just Googled to find out spelling of Phillipa's last name and saw the kind of spoiler I really hate to see. Stupid, stupid me.  I really honestly didn't know, since I had been so strenuously avoiding behind-the-scenes stuff. 
[At this point I stopped babbling in the chatroom to watch final scenes, so rest is post-watch thoughts.]
At least we have one great sequence between Burnham and Captain Georgiou, although the lull to confront one another and devise a strategy was a little forced— Klingons being very polite about not finishing them off. And YES, YES YES, finally seeing Michelle Yeoh fighting, which believe it or not I never have. (I don't watch many films or really much media.) 
:( Ouch. So close. Just a second or two longer.
So that's that. Man, that's gotta be a record even for Trek; can't even get through two eps without ship's destruction and crew evacuation. (Mom and I used to get annoyed at destroying Enterprise for shock value; first time was so dramatic and meaningful, whereas repeat felt gimmicky.) 
Not sure Michael's Expository Speech is did her any favors at this trial, but at least now we hear what she thinks.
Teaser for next episode (or "real" Discovery show) follows. Kinda confusing that they're convicts but on a Federation ship? Or did she get transferred from prison?
I am still mourning the captain and really not in the mood to parse the trailer. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT. I was wary of this show, but after watching Ep 1 I let my guard down and was SO EXCITED.
I had seen one article about this series last spring showing what looked like a predominantly white-dude bridge with generic-looking white male captain and a few tokens, just like TOS. That had dampened my enthusiasm for this show and prevented me from getting into it or looking forward to it.
But recently I saw posts saying, "Yo, WOC captain and first officer!" (or rather, in Tumblr's usual WE MUST MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY FOR NOT SUPPORTING THIS THING YOU WEREN’T AWARE OF, SHAME ON YOU!!! way, there was a post berating Tumblr for lack of photosets and buzz and excitement over Michelle Yeoh and Sonequa Martin-Green, and why weren't we getting behind WOCs when we'd been all excited for Gal Gadot?) And I thought, Wait—what?! I thought this was going to be generic white dude captain with token black female first officer which is okay but not ANYTHING LIKE as cool as what you're saying?
And since I do try to avoid spoilers and PR I didn't know Yeoh wasn't going to be the regular series captain. Or rather, I was confused why the hype I was seeing now differed so drastically from that one article I’d started to skim and then closed thinking, “Nah, I’m going to avoid spoilers.” Had the showrunners changed their minds and decided to bring in Michelle Yeoh as an upgrade after seeing their version of Captain Pike wasn’t good enough to anchor a series?I was just going to wait and see.
I forgot any doubts when Episode 1 gave me EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED: Two great female characters with a friendship and professional working relationship. Banter. Excellence. Skills and wits. Clunky TOS tech and new shiny bridge set. Smart captain. Brave first officer. With two WOC they couldn't be tokens; they had to be expanded as just... 3 dimensional characters.
I was so here for that. I loved that whole opening minisode, and also the Captain sending Michael off to play in a brief voyage of discovery and enjoying that her first officer was enjoying herself.
Their friendship was perfect, legendary Kirk and Spock material. It was distracting me from the other bridge crew— even Saru, who is an interesting character, but I was focused so much on these two women— but I figured other characters would get filled out in subsequent episodes.
And now?
"Here. Here's what you really wanted. Two women being superbly competent officers with a meaningful friendship, leading a show just the way Kirk and Spock did. And it's going to be about discovery and an older woman mentoring another one, and tackling difficult ethical problems without providing easy answers and— PSYCHE! 
“...FOOLED YOU! Two leading women in a Kirk-Spock dynamic? Oh, we could never do that. So we're killing off your already-favorite character. As consolation prize, here, have an incarcerated and demoralized WOC who has to be 'grateful' to a white dude for letting her out of jail. Power imbalance between her and captain, no close friendship, and oh yeah, instead of voyage-of-discovery and complicated-ethical-problems Star Trek, it's going to be various people being macho and angry, and a depressing Federation-Klingon War."
 I hope I'm wrong.
It feels like they gave me everything I'd hoped for and more, and then, once I'd let my guard down, they took it away. I'm left with a character and actor (Sonequa Martin-Green) I like enough that I'm going to watch anyway...for now. But I'm back to being wary. And here we have yet another WOC/minority being killed to make way for generic white dude. So now I'm disillusioned and won’t trust this show, and we're only at the end of ep 2.
Okay, yeah, I'm pissed. 
Discovery could redeem itself and turn out to be fantastic. There is a lot of potential here and a lot to like. Saru and Burnham are good characters, and I assume some of the others will be too. But they're going to have to pull off a miracle now to keep me from fantasizing about the better show that COULD HAVE BEEN.
ETA: so maybe I should have read the behind-the-scenes stuff beforehand so I’d be prepared for this premiere to be backstory, in effect. I guess everyone else knew her death was coming, and could appreciate the drama while anticipating this would be a tragedy. Either I’m naive, or too groggy/tired to pick up the Obi-Wan vibes.
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