#gotta fight this stupid ‘be fast with art or die’ mindset that ig instilled in me for the last couple of years
pallotdip · 2 years
making a project is tough. seeing other people being able to make content while you’re stuck in an art paralysis and take so long to even bring yourself to make art is tough.
i really try to go easy on myself while i work on my own. it’s something i had in the works for the past year, and i’m happy with how i’m planning it. but there’s always gonna be a part of me that screams at myself that i move too slow and that my skills haven’t caught up to my vision yet. and then there’s the whole ‘what if your project just sucks and you’re deluding yourself into thinking it’s good’ thoughts too.
i know these pressures and worries are mostly self-inflicted. but it feels suffocating sometimes since i’m already a slow artist who can only finish things in bursts.
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