#gotta get back to... doing my homework before class starts lmfao
goodplace-janet · 11 months
big milestone - i enrolled in classes for the spring!
it's noteworthy because this is my third time attempting a first semester at college, but assuming i pass all of my current classes, this will be my first time actually continuing on to a second semester lmao
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gyuspeach · 1 year
"Too loud, Honey." Gamer!Beomgyu's eyebrows raise, revealing his big doe eyes, peeling off one side of his headset to hear you.
"What was that, love?" he said in a hushed whisper. Quickly glancing back and forth from you and the violently illuminated screen in front of him.
"You're. Too. Loud," you enunciate, "I'm trying to study, remember." You force out a smile to hide you're annoyance; walking back to the place on his bed, sheets of homework and a book sprawl across it.
"Sorry, baby," he slides his headset back on.
You see. You didn't actually plan on studying here. You were in your dorm room when Beomgyu called you to hang out cause he missed you. You ofcourse protested as you had an exam coming up later in the week.
"Please, Baby," his whines ring out of the speaker on your phone as you try and scribble down the function of the amygdala. "I haven't seen you in three days, and I go home this weekend. I can't live that long without seeing you."
You can practically see the pout on his face, trying to appeal his case. You, on the other hand, are too invested in your notes that you didn't respond.
"Hm?" You started, "sorry, I really need to study, Gyu."
"You can study at my place. I just need to be atleast with you," he pleads once again, "I miss you, pretty."
You sigh, giving in, "Alright, I'll be there in ten."
Beomgyu didn't plan on gaming tonight. But he hopped on when "the boys needed him". So now you're on his bed, jamming cognitive functions in your memory as Beomgyu screams to Heeseung to "GO TO THE RIGHT AND COVER ME- NOOOOOOO!"
That was your last straw. You're neck deep in homework from all your classes and have a midterm coming up, you walked ten minutes in the burning heat all the way to Beomgyu's apartment after he begged you to spend time with him. And now he's yelling at his screen for the past 15 minutes, and you doubt that the game will stop. All because he missed you.
"'Missed me' my ass," you sigh loudly and get up, gathering all your books and papers into your bookbag.
"Oh my God, guys. Did you see that?" He glances at you to find you packing your stuff. "Uh guys, hold on," he slides off his headset and gets up. "What are you doing, love?"
"Gyu, I'm stressed and I need to study," you sling your bad over your shoulder.
"Woah woah woah why do you have to leave?" He pouts, " just study here."
"You've been yelling for the past 15 minutes," you deadpan. "The only time your looked at me was when I got up to tell you to quiet down."
"I'm so sorry baby, I got-"
"I don't need your excuses, I just need to study," you interrupt and start your way toward the door, "I'll be at the campus library when you really do miss me." And slam the door behind you.
"Fuck," Beomgyu grabs his keys and puts on some decent pants. "Guys I gotta go," he speaks into the headset to hear protests on the other end before shutting down his PC. Grabbing his phone before running out the door to catch up to you.
A/N: idk how do this shit lmfao. My first thing I wrote 🙈. I got this idea after yelling at my brother to shut tf up when he plays his games in the fucking living room 😁. I hope yall like it 👉👈
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sleepdeprivedsloth · 3 years
Wrong Answer
[MHA - Bakugou, Kirishima]
summary: Kirishima is struggling with math and asks Bakugou to help him study for an upcoming test. Unique tutoring methods are introduced, leading to some interesting discoveries between the two friends. (platonic KiriBaku tickle fic)
potential warnings: swearing, tickling
words: 1.7 k
a/n: here’s another mha fic because i’m obsessed :D if you couldn’t already tell i freaking love bakugou lmfao i promise my next fic will be for a different fandom but anyways please enjoy!
“How did I allow myself to be associated with an absolute idiot?” Bakugou asked aloud, fondly shaking his head.
Kirishima gave out an awkward laugh, embarrassedly rubbing his hand against the nape of his neck. “Sorry man, I seriously thought math was supposed to be about numbers. I genuinely don’t understand where all these letters are coming from.”
The two boys were seated on top of Kirishima’s bed, facing towards one another, with their notes and homework assignments scattered across the blankets. It had been the redhead’s idea to work on their homework together, knowing that he would be needing Bakugou’s help.
“This is just a review on the Pythagorean Theorem, Shitty Hair. You should’ve learned it three weeks ago instead of waiting until two days before the test!” Bakugou exasperatedly exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air to further emphasize his half-hearted frustration.
The blonde watched as Kirishima’s sheepish expression quickly turned into a look of distress, cringing slightly as he asked, “Wait… we’re having a test on the Python Theory?”
Bakugou facepalmed, dragging his hand slowly down the length of his face. “Oh fucking well. I’ve done all I could. At this point, you’re a lost cause.”
“C’mon Bakubro, I don’t need you to make me feel any more dumb than I already am! A little crash course is all I need, just please tutor me!” Kirishima pleaded, looking desperately into his friend’s eyes.
“You know what…” Bakugou started, an almost-evil smirk growing across his face. “I do have this one study method that I’ve been meaning to try out on someone.”
Kirishima beamed, oblivious to the suspiciously eager look on Bakugou’s face. “Oh that’s perfect, bro! You get to test out your new method and I can study for our math test, a manly win-win situation! So how does the method work?”
Repressing most of his excitement as to not reveal his true intentions, Bakugou explained, “It’s pretty simple really. I just have to ask you questions and then you gotta answer them. Here’s the twist though: instead of being praised or rewarded when you get the answers right, you get a little punishment if you answer them wrong.”
“Wait wait wait, hold on a second,” Kirishima butt in. “What do you mean ‘punishment?’ Are we talking like giving me a thumbs down, o-or like torture, or-”
“I wouldn’t hurt you, Shitty Hair, no matter how much of an idiot you are,” Bakugou quickly reassured.
Kirishima let out a sigh of relief. “Whew, thank god! You had me a little worried for a second there, man.”
“Don’t stress out over this, it’s just studying,” Bakugou said with a grin that implied that the pair were going to do more than just study. “All you have to do is answer correctly. Ready, dumbass?”
Kirishima gave the blonde two thumbs up, smiling warmly. “Ready as I’ll ever be! Hit me with it!”
“Good,” Bakugou smirked. “First question: what’s the formula of the Pythagorean Theorem? You’ve got five seconds, Shitty Hair.” 
“Five seconds?! Dude that’s not enough- WOAH!” Kirishima had started to object when suddenly Bakugou lunged at him, knocking the redhead down onto his back. Before he could fully process what was happening, Kirishima was being straddled just below the waist and his hands were pinned underneath Bakugou’s knees. The brief struggle made a complete mess of their papers and pencils, some even falling down to the floor. “Uhh.. Bakubro? I mean this in the friendliest way possible, but what the actual hell, man??"
Bakugou rested his hands on Kirishima’s sides, causing his friend to stiffen slightly. “What’s the formula of the Pythagorean Theorem? If your dumbass answers incorrectly, or doesn’t answer at all within the next five goddamn seconds, you’re gonna get punished,” he repeated, giving a small squeeze to emphasize his intentions.
Kirishima’s eyes widened in realization, a shaky smile coming across his face as he attempted to backtrack. “O-oh, I was actually just thinking that we should definitely try another method? Maybe we could- AAHahaha nohohoho!!”
“Wrong answer, Kiri,” Bakugou replied bluntly, starting to lightly wiggle his fingers along Kirishima’s sides, just enough to keep him squirming and giggling. “Why try another method when this one is working so well? Answer.”
Kirishima couldn’t help but tug on his hands, writhe from side to side, squeeze his eyes shut tight, anything that could possibly alleviate the soft, tickly sensations. Unfortunately, his attempts were only in vain. “Ihihihihi dohohon’t knohohohow! Thihihihis is wh-hihi-y Ihihihi need tuhuhutoring!”
“Alright dumbass, I’ll help you out a little. Just repeat after me…” Bakugou offered, showing a small bit of mercy towards his clueless friend. It wasn’t exactly a fair fight if Kirishima had no idea how to answer the questions; that’s why Bakugou was helping him in the first place after all. Without pausing his fluttering fingers, the blonde recited, “A squared plus B squared equals C squared.”
“Ihihi cahahan’t- EEHEHEHAHA” Bakugou dug his fingers into Kirishima’s sides in warning. “OKAHAHAhay okahay! A-hahahaha squahared pluhuhus B-hehe squahahared ehequals C-hihihi squahahared!”
“Nice job, Shitty Hair,” Bakugou momentarily ceased his tickling, giving Kirishima a chance to catch his breath. “Second question: can the Pythagorean Theorem be used on all types of triangles?”
Lucky for Kirishima, he had actually paid attention to that part of the lesson in class. With small, residue giggles getting mixed in with his words, he proudly answered, “Nohope, only rihight triahangles!”
“Correct. About time you started getting some of these shitty answers right,” Bakugou mocked playfully before a predatory glint filled his eyes. “Third question: where’s your worst spot?”
Kirishima’s head shot up and he immediately locked eyes with his friend, shaking his head pleadingly. “No noho no, I cahan’t!” Anxious titters slipped out of his mouth as he tried to bargain. “I-I’ll tell yohou my second wohorst spot, it’s rihight below my behehelly button!”
Bakugou wasted no time in slipping both hands underneath Kirishima’s shirt and moving them to his lower stomach. Forming miniature claws, he started vibrating his fingers deep into the sensitive flesh. Uncontrollable laughter spilled out between Kirishima’s pointed teeth, but Bakugou wasn’t satisfied yet. “I don’t want your second worst spot. Fucking answer the damn question, or I won’t ever stop~”
His head fell back to look up at the ceiling instead of Bakugou’s piercing gaze. Kirishima put as much strength as he could into trying to buck the hands off of his torso, but the redhead quickly came to the realization that there was no way out. If he didn’t answer, there was no doubt that Bakugou would keep tickling him until he died of laughter. Blushing at the thought, Kirishima surrendered, “RIHIHIHIHIHIHIBS! IHIHIHIT’S MY RIHIHIHIBS!!”
“Perfect.” Bakugou instantly slithered his hands further up until they reached the dreaded spot. He gently massaged his thumbs into Kirishima’s ribs, not hard enough to hurt, but with just the right amount of pressure that got his friend squirming hopelessly from left to right. “Damn, these guys are pretty sensitive, aren’t they?” Bakugou teased fondly.
“YEHEHEHEHES! IHIHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLEHES!!” Kirishima confessed, screams of laughters flowing out of him before he could even think about resisting them. But then again, he didn’t really want to resist. Kirishima had to admit that it did feel good to let loose from the stress of school and just laugh freely. Those thoughts were immediately pushed to the back of his mind the instant Bakugou’s fingers scribbled against his second lowest ribs, a particularly weak spot on his ribcage. “NO NO NOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA! BAHAHAKUG-AAHAHA! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!”
Bakugou’s eyes practically gleamed with excitement as he honed in on the newfound spot. “Ohoho, what is this wonderful little spot I’ve found, Shitty Hair?” 
Kirishima was hysterically howling and shrieking, losing his mind to the sensations and barely able to form complete sentences. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE NOHOHO! IHIHI CAHAHAHAHAN’T!!”
The blonde slowed his fingers down, but drummed them against the second lowest rib to keep Kirishima wiggling and giggling. “Alright Kiri, final question: who’s the best tutor in all of UA? I’ll even give you a small hint: your dumbass better say that it’s me.”
Having more control over his mouth, Kirishima bravely teased, “Wohohow, suhuhuper suhubtle, Bahakubroho.” This earned his ribs a few ticklish pinches, causing the redhead to jolt and squeal before returning to his steady stream of chuckles.
“That loudass mouth of your’s is gonna get you into some serious trouble,” Bakugou lightly taunted. “Now spit out your fucking answer already!”
Through his giggle high, Kirishima quickly responded, “Yohohohou! Ihihihit’s youhuhuhu! Yohohou’re the behehest tuhutor to ehehever exihihihist!!”
Bakugou climbed off of Kirishima and helped him sit up before crawling back to his end of the bed. “Hell yeah I am, and don’t you ever forget it!”
Kirishima rubbed his hands along his ribs to get rid of the funny, tingling feeling that was left behind from the attack. “Geheez dude, I seriously dihidn’t take you ahahas the type to initiate a tihihickle fihight like that.”
Rolling his eyes as he started to pick back up their school work that was previously disregarded on the blankets, Bakugou retorted, “Oh please, this was just payback for what you and the other idiots did to me on my birthday. Karma’s a bitch like that.”
“Oh c’mon, man, there’s no need to lie. You and I both know that you loved it!”
Bakugou’s head quickly whipped around to look at Kirishima incredulously, eyes widened slightly. “No I didn’t, you ass! It was absolute torture and you’re honoestly lucky that I don’t hate you dumbasses for doing it.”
Keeping eye contact with his friend, Kirishima effortlessly came back with, “Dude, if you seriously thought it was torture, there is no doubt that you would have found a way to make us stop. Or, at the very least, you would’ve asked us to stop.”
Realization flashed across Bakugou’s face for a brief moment, accompanied by a light blush that Kirishima easily noticed. But in the blink of an eye, Bakugou’s defenses were put back up, as if they had never gone down in the first place. “Oh yeah? Then how come you didn’t ask me to stop the whole time I was tickling you just now? Explain that, Shitty Hair.”
A challenging smile spread across Kirishima’s lips. “I never said that I didn’t like it.”
a/n: ngl i had some troubles starting this fic, but let me tell you that when i finally got into it, everything just started coming together and now i love it! thanks for reading everyone <3
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Reunion Job
leverage 3.02
Madavhi: All my work, erased, and I was only days away from cracking Manticore.
Nate: What's "Manticore"?
Madavhi: It's an electronic surveillance system. The Iranian government uses it to track protesters over cell phones, social networks, even e-mail.
Hardison: Yeah, hacker underground's flipping out about it. They use GPS to pinpoint a dissident, and then they swoop in and make the arrest.
Madavhi: The Internet made this protest possible, but now it's just a –
Nate: A liability? The government uses the people's weapon against them
- - - - -
Nate: "Cyrus"? It's "Mr. Madavhi." You can't get that attached.
Hardison: Fine. "Mr. Madavhi." He could go make a fortune working for Google or Microsoft. No, instead he risks his life fighting the bad guys. This is so our game.
Eliot (at the table behind them): He wasn't hit by the Vezarat. (comes around to sit with Hardison and Nate)
Nate: What, are you lurking?
Eliot: Yeah. I'm a lurker. It's my thing
- - - - -
eliot’s smile and raised eyebrows (x2) at hardison tho
+ he’s also wearing a red flannel with his leather jacket
- - - - -
Hardison: What's the Vezarat?
Eliot: That's the Iranian secret police. And trust me, if they wanted Cyrus, he wouldn't be sitting here talking to us.
Nate: But the Vezarat is still our logical target. So we should check our sources and see if there's a safe house in the area.
Hardison: So we're on this?
Nate: Yeah, well, we were always on this. I just wanted you to explain to me why. (gets up and heads for the Poker Room)
Hardison: You know how I feel about Mind games, Nate. Negatively. What are you looking at, lurker?
- - - - -
Sophie: Eliot. Eliot, get rid of it. Ugh!
Eliot: (chuckling) I think he likes you.
Sophie (stands): You're gonna pay for this
eliot: mocks her
sophie: imma get back at you SO HARD and you’re never gonna see it coming
- - - - -
“That’s gonna cost ya” “I gotta dock ya”- hardison and eliot like a million times in this episode
- - - - -
Parker: At the East corner. (pushes vent out and enters the room) For a den of evil spies, this place smells delicious. Hardison, confiscate some pastries. (sits down at computer) Okay, no sign of Cyrus' hardware.
we love seeing parker in vents in her element + CONFISCATE PASTRIES FOR HER
- - - - -
Nate: Any of you ever trimmed a bonsai?
Eliot: Well, you know, I did. I was in Osaka, and I met this Japanese policewoman at a geisha bar....
- - - - -
Parker (to Sophie): Why is Eliot pouring your tea? Hmm? Did you brainwash him again?
Sophie: Mm, neurolinguistic programming. It's amazing what you can do with the power of suggestion. "Sugar." "Squeezed." a few strategic pats on the arm.
(Sophie pats Eliot on the arm and he pours her more tea, then realizes what Sophie has done)
Eliot: Damn it!
Sophie: You owe me for that roach business!
Eliot: Sophie, not again. (walks away)
okay but SHES DONE THIS TO HIM BEFORE LMFAO + a bonus parker and hardison laughing
also parker was eating a plate of pastries so that means thE BOYS GOT SOME FOR HER I LOVE IT
- - - - -
parker and hardison go into the office and be like 👀👀👀 wow he’s lonely
- - - - -
Eliot: Nobody else thinks it's weird that you can just buy anybody's yearbook online?
Hardison: You know, it's real cute, man, how you still believe in privacy
- - - - -
Nate: Here we go. Uh, Mrs. Zavransky, math teacher. Now, I bet if we turn to the cheerleaders... (turns page) Yes. Oh, Mandy. Mandy Babson.
Parker: What does the "DD" Mean?
Eliot: Yeah, right...
Nate: Seriously?
Hardison: Yeah, right. Two scoops of ice cream, just perfect.
she’s baby leave her alone
also bless hardison for not wanting to tarnish her
- - - - -
Parker: Aw, I feel bad for the nerd.
Eliot: Don't feel bad for this guy. Getting bullied in high school Is still no excuse for propping up dictators. He got bulled his whole high-school career. He's not criminal.
Sophie: Um...
Parker: Yeah, he is.
Sophie: Don't think about that.
Eliot: Not a bad criminal.
Hardison: Hey, what makes you think I got bullied in high school?
Eliot: Well, "A," You got a green hornet doll.
Hardison: Well, first of all, it's a limited-edition action figure. Second, it is green lantern. Educate yourself.
Eliot: Wow.
Hardison: Now pay attention. Get it right.
eliot “not a bad criminal” spencer knows that hardison is a good person with solid morals
also, eliot to some extent knows about hardison’s action figues which means that he has either seen them or hardison has told him specifically that he had them. this means that they have had, even if eliot seemed annoyed, some sort of conversations/hardison-talking-at-him-conversations and eliot LISTENED to a certain extend that he was able to recall this
- - - - -
Nate: Guys, wait, wait. Listen, listen. We got a locker combination, we have a teacher's name, and we have a crush. So, Duberman, he has made his old high school his Roman room.
Parker: Of course.
Nate: "Of course"? What's a Roman room? You have no idea, right? You know—
Parker: Nn.
Nate: You don't have any idea? It's a, it's a memory technique. Each of his passwords corresponds to an object in a space that he's intimately familiar with. In his case, the hallway of his old high school where he kept his locker. Now, if I were to make this bar my Roman room, everything I need to remember is right here. For instance, This, uh... My bank password would be "Balmoor." And my e- mail password would be Fitzy, here.
- - - - -
Parker: Hey. Nate just gave us his passwords.
Hardison: No, but I got all his passwords. You want to see his Netflix queue? He's got, like, every season of "Rockford files" every season of "Sex and the city," That show "Psych”.
chaotic children
- - - - -
Parker: You want to break into the high school? I could do that blindfolded. Yeah let's do it blindfolded.
- - - - -
Hardison: What do you know? Class of '85 has a reunion coming up in 8 months.
Nate: Hmm.
they all smile conspiratorially and eliot’s smile in specific gave me serotonin
- - - - -
(Parker sets up a video camera and walks past a board of photos)
Parker: So many awkward people in so many ugly outfits.
[Interior Van]
Hardison: Yeah, you're lucky you never went to high school. Nothing but heartbreak and homework.
[High School Gym]
Parker: Didn't you go to your prom?
[Interior Van]
Hardison: Uh...I was kind of busy.
(a teenaged Hardison is sitting at a computer making a transfer from the Bank of Iceland)
Hardison: Looks like the Bank of Iceland's paying off Nana's medical bills. That's dope!
[Interior Van]
Hardison: Good times
- - - - -
Hardison: Besides, I'm sure you already had your high- school fun. Big man on campus. What, quarterback?
Kid: Come on, Eliot. This is so lame. Quarterbacks do not take Home Ec.
Eliot: I got my reasons.
Kid: Phew! Let's get out of here.
Girl: Eliot, like this. (leans over Eliot, showing her cleavage) Knives are like people. It's all about the context.
[Exterior Dubertech]
Eliot: I had many interests
- - - - -
hardison getting too into the high school drama lmao
- - - - -
Hardison: Not exactly. (looking at information on monitors) She's a hired gun.
Sophie: An assassin? Nikki’s an assassin?
[Interior Van]
Hardison: Yeah, I guess we weren't the only ones with the bright idea to pose as alumni. This chick's connected to wet work jobs All up and down the East coast. Russian mob, Italian mob. There's a New Zealand mob?
her name is miranda miles *squints at the file on hardison’s computer* bruh no way she’s only 25 ??? they even give her height and weight but I guess that’s how all wanted files go
also in one of the commentaries didn’t they say that she was married to that other assassin ???
- - - - -
(a piece of door falls in and the Vezarat leader looks in)
Vezarat Leader: The health inspector?
Eliot: I'm gonna have to dock you again
also he’s wearing a grey flannel under his jacket
- - - - -
(Eliot knees the leader in the face, then pulls him up and punches him in the head. He turns to duck a blow from the other man and hits him in the head with one of Duberman’s chess trophies)
Eliot: Checkmate.
(Eliot throws the trophy down on the man. Behind him the leader stands up and cracks his neck)
Eliot: Or not.
he did the lil flip thing with the trophy
- - - - -
(Sophie hits Nikki in the head with the extinguisher and takes off her shoes)
Sophie: I always hated cheerleaders.
(Nikki swings several times and Sophie blocks each blow with the extinguisher, hurting Nikki’s wrist)
Sophie: It's mean girls like you that always ruined high school for the rest of us!
Nikki: What the hell are you talking about?
(Nikki kicks but Sophie moves to one side. Nikki tries to punch but Sophie blocks with the extinguisher. Sophie dodges a kick and hits Nikki in the head, then pushes her down and runs away. Nikki grabs her gun and fires after Sophie, missing her)
Nikki: Damn it
- - - - -
Nikki: Now, why would I do that?
(Parker walks forward and tasers Nikki in the neck)
Nikki: Ohh!
Nate: That's why.
(Nikki falls to the ground, convulsing. Parker grabs her legs and starts to pull her away)
Parker: Catering, what a business
we love to see parker tasering people
- - - - -
on today’s edition of things that aren’t weapons that eliot uses as weapons, our guy literally used one of the goons’ bodies to hit another goon and send them both down
what a king
- - - - -
Mandy: Your votes are in for the king and queen of the reunion! And the lucky winner is, Grace Peltz and Drake McIntyre!
Schmitty: Mac attack! Yeah!
(the crowd escorts Nate and Sophie forward)
Nate: Uh, very funny, Hardison.
Hardison: Oh, you think I did this? Naw, man, I don't rig elections. I mean, I could, but...
Sophie: Parker, Was this you?
Parker: (hanging upside down) I didn't even know they had kings and queens in high school
- - - - -
Hardison (looks up): May I have this dance, miss?
(Parker lowers herself on her line and they begin dancing)
Parker: So this is what high school was like, huh?
Hardison: Ah...Pretty much.
Eliot: Hello?
[Exterior Dubertech]
(Eliot walks out of the building as Sloane gets to his feet)
Eliot: Everybody having a good time at the dance? Anybody wonder if Eliot made it out?
(Eliot punches Sloan, who falls back into the bushes)
Eliot: Does anybody wonder if Eliot's alive? Hello?!
[High School Gym]
(the two couples continue to dance as the music plays)
🥰 parker’s feet not touching the floor 🥰
also aww poor eliot someone care about him pls
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inuykago · 4 years
chance, part 1
ahhh... day 12 of quarantine.... my desire (and time) to write fiction has returned. lemme just say I missed you guys and though not many of you may not remember me -- or still follow me lmfao -- that’s okay cus i’ma be chillin right here so come back and talk to me anytime 🥺
this one goes to @kago-mae <3 but pls excuse me, I'm pretty rusty now T___T 
{high school au. inukag. 1,335 words. suggest a prompt. ff.net, ao3.}
“Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.”
“W-What?” Kagome snapped back into reality. “I-I wasn’t… doing…--” she fiddled with her hair, nervously laughing -- “anything…”
“You were staring at Inuyasha again,” Sango motioned, but Kagome tried to ignore it. “When are you going to tell him?” 
The girl shook her head, continuing her gaze. Sango sighed, and Kagome was in denial. 
This all started during first year.
The weather was hot, but Kagome’s hands were cold and clammy. She was so nervous. It was a new year with new people and the next chapter in her life: high school.
Thank God Miroku is here with me, Kagome thought to herself. Over a hundred of her new soon-to-be classmates were lined up in the gymnasium. Kagome and Miroku stood next to each other -- both eager and uneasy at the same time.
The two met in middle school. She always thought Miroku was conceited with his pierced ears and little ponytail, and Miroku always thought she was an annoying crybaby. But, turns out, their opposite personalities attract and they became best friends, though people always thought they were more than that (which always made them want to throw up, even to this day).
“Psst,” Miroku whispered to his side. “Kagome-”
“Hm?” She answered, leaning to her right.
“See any cute guys?” He nudged her.
Kagome looked left and then right, then left again. “Ehhhh,” she shrugged. “I guess not…,” she put her head down, facing the shiny, waxed floor. “Jeez… what a bust.”
“Well,” Miroku laughed, “I see a cute girl.”
Kagome laughed, shaking her head, “Miroku, should I even be surprised?”
“Now, now, let’s not be feisty,” he grabbed her head, forcing it towards a few feet to the right. “HER.”
It was a girl not much taller than Kagome. Her hair was thick, brown and held tight in a ponytail with her bangs and side pieces of hair left dangling. She wore mascara and black eyeliner with pink eyeshadow topping it all off.
“Now, I see that makeup on any other girl, it’s awful,” Miroku snickered. “But, with her, it’s perfect.”
The way he was staring at her, he might as well have gone up and asked her to marry him.
“Miroku,” the boy looked at Kagome. “You’re drooling.”
Miroku fumbled, trying to wipe the saliva with his tan cardigan -- which he thought was a terrible color for school uniforms -- as he reached to scratch his face to play it off. Sango heard the ruckus and shifted her gaze slightly to the left, which made Miroku panic.
“Ahahahha, oh Kagome!” he was fake laughing, horribly. “You and your wittiness,” he pretended to wipe tears from his eyes.
“Young man!”
“E-Eh...y-yes?” Miroku cleared his throat.
“It is 8 in the morning,” the man said, gesturing with papers in his hands. “Do you think we want to hear your laugh?”
“N-No sir.”
“Good,” the class chuckled, including Kagome.
Miroku lightly shoved her, “Yeah, alright, Ms. Kagome,” he blew up towards his bangs. “I’d like to see how you react to a guy you think is cute.”
“Listen, pretty boy-”
“Homeroom 2-2,” the man announced; his piercing red eyes didn’t help with the two’s uneasiness. “Line up and make your way to your homeroom,” he brushed his long, black hair and gave a mischievous grin, “Quietly!”
Miroku and Kagome looked at the piece of paper they were both handed, on the top right it read:
ROOM 305
With a sigh of relief they were in the same class, Kagome gripped the strap of her yellow backpack and made her way to the stairwell. She gripped Miroku’s sleeve, trying to stop him from attacking the cute girl.
“Not yet, you weirdo!!!” she shook her head as he laughed nervously.
She sighed, how did I survive all these years with this guy?
And that’s when she saw him.
His hair was long, white and seemed so perfectly groomed. His fingernails were longer than most guys, but Kagome didn’t mind that at all. Her eyes scanned the side of his face, captivated by his glistening yellow eyes. Woah, she mumbled. Why does everything feel slow motion?
“Uhhhhhh, Kagome?” Miroku’s face now blocked that face of an angel; he was snapping loudly, trying to bring her back to reality. “You’re drooling.”
“Eh?!” she swung her arm towards her mouth, wiping it off with her white long sleeve. She moved her head a few inches to the left, trying to take in one more look.
The boy was already glaring at her.
She shuddered, but her face was flustered. “Ahhhhhh, see,” Miroku teased, taking in a baby voice. “Who’s the weirdo nowwwww?”
“Shut up!” she punched her friend. “I-I wasn’t doing anything.”
Miroku rubbed his arm, laughing, “Whatever you say!”
I hope he’s in our homeroom.
“Kagome-chan, I don’t understand,” Sango plopped her chin onto her hand. “You and Inuyasha are so close. Though you two butt heads sometimes and he can be so cocky-- ” he really is cocky, Kagome thought “-- it’s obvious he cares for you.”
“Ehhhh?!” she was in denial again.
Kagome pouted, unsure of what to do. She never knew how to read the guy. One moment, they’re laughing and joking and the next they’re arguing over something so small, making her want to shave off all of his “luscious” hair.
“Sango-chan, he doesn’t see me like that!” she moved her hand up-and-down, in “shoo” type of motion, trying to dismiss the assumption.
“But you see him like that!” Kagome jumped up to cover her mouth. “S-Say it louder why don’t you?!”
“Yo!” Miroku and Inuyasha walked up from their desks across the room, Kagome’s hand still on Sango’s mouth.
The two reverted back to normal, trying to dissipate any suspicion, “Morning, Inuyasha, houshisama.”
Miroku gripped his chest, keeping his heart in check, “M-Morning!”
“Hey, Kagome,” Inuyasha said.
Kagome felt her hands get cold and clammy again, “Morning, Inuyasha, Miroku!” She smiled it off.
“Say Kagome,” Inuyasha sat in the empty seat beside her, slumping in the chair. “Wanna do my math homework for me??”
“E-Excuse me?!” she looked at him like he had three heads. “Why me??”
“‘Cause!” he leaned in. “You’re the best chance I got,” he looked at the other two as they tried to interject. “Am I wrong??”
“You’re right.”
“Keh,” he brushed his hair back, making Kagome’s heart explode. “So, whaddya say?” he looked back at her, “Uhhhh… I’ll make you a deal.” He rubbed his neck, looking up into her chocolate brown eyes, “I won’t bother you for a whole day!”
Kagome whispered into Sango’s ear, seeing if that was a good trade-off -- plus the possibility of being “alone” with him, even though that’s not what I’m thinking! She tried to erase the thought. The two nodded their heads in agreement.
“Okay, deal,” she shook his hands; his soft, firm hands. She snapped out of her daydream. “Sango-chan, will you be coming too?”
She shook her head, swaying her thick ponytail, “Can’t today, gotta help my little brother with his homework.” Sango winked and Kagome twitched -- liar! She thought silently.
“H-How ‘bout you, Miroku?” she batted her eyes (basically saying please don’t leave me with him). “I can’t either, I have to help,” he glanced at Sango. “M-My niece!”
Kagome widened her eyes, mentally punching him in the face, “You don’t even have-”
“Riiinnngg!” the bell rang.
“Well, ‘gome, guess it’s just you and me,” he nudged her before leaving for his first class. “See ya.”
Kagome dropped her head to her desk in defeat. Yeah, her and Inuyasha butt heads a lot and joke around a lot, but on the inside she is d y i n g, trying to keep her cool. She laughs so much around him so he -- and others -- don’t see how nervous she is around him. And the fights? She kind of loves it. It’s their thing.
“Atta girl!” Miroku patted her back (though it felt like an aggressive you better tell him).
Sango bent her knees to her friend’s level, holding onto her bag strap, “Today’s your chance.”
My chance?
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schedule of Events my last few days
-tuesday night we went to see cats and got home probably around 1, tossed and turned til 7:30ish, drifted off for a bit
-wednesday 8:15AM woke up for my 9 am drawing studio, took my adderall
-wednesday 9AM-11:50AM had the first half of studio
-wednesday 11:50AM-1PM took the supply list the teacher gave me to blick bc im the only new addition to the class this semester so i was the only one who didnt have what we needed -_-
-wednesday 1PM-3:50PM second half of studio, went home and hung out for a little bit
-wednesday 4:50PM left forr my 5pm studio class
-wednesday 7:20PM studio ended and i told devin i was gonna stay in the lab and try to get just a bit more of my homework done in advance
-thursday 2:45AM i finally fucking look at the clock for a second and realize what ive done
-thursday 3:15AM i go home and shower
-thursday 4:somethingAM i realize im not gonna be able to fall asleep and resign myself to wandering our apartment until 8
-thursday 8AM started getting ready for my morning class, took my adderall
-thursday 9:30AM-11:50AM morning class
-thursday 11:50AM-12:10PM went home with devin and started listening to the tma s2 q&a together
-thursday 12:12PM julia texts me “WERE DESTROYING A TREE” without any further context and i leave the room at a sprint to get to dain’s room where i know they must surely be
-thursday 12:15PM-12:35PM we invent new tree- and sled-based sports in the parking lot
-thursday 12:35PM i excuse myself to go back inside and finish my homework before my afternoon class
-thursday 12:40-1:15 spent fruitlessly trying to get tree sap off my hands until devin wisely pours canola oil on me
-thursday 1:30-2PM finished my homework really fast and spent the rest of my time producing latex worms at a feverish pace
-thursday 2PM-4:20PM afternoon class, i stay behind for like 10 more minutes after class because i was typing up a document for my tma rp acc lmfao (this is also the class period during which i planned the tunnel tweets in their entirety)
-thursday 4:45PM i arrive back at the dorm to see if devin is ready to go to the tunnels with me and he’s not cause he’s eating soup. i hang out and wait for a little bit because i had to do make sure all the worms were dry and pack them up anyway but once the worms were packed and he still wasnt done i decided to just go by myself
-thursday 5:15PM arrive at the machinery building trying soooo hard not to look suspicious or like i’m making a beeline for the tunnels
-thursday 5:35ishPM leave the machinery building much sweatier and MUCH, MUCH more dirt-covered than when i entered
-thursday 5:45PM frantically scrub the rust/dust/dirt/tunnel muck off as much of me as i can and smoke a little of devin’s weed before we leave for class, took my afternoon/evening class adderall. realize we both forgot to shoot reference videos as we’re walking out the door, run back inside, shoot videos quickly, run to class
-thursday 6-8:20PM class, also this was when i was finally posting the tma tweets i’d drafted earlier w/ attached pics, one every few minutes
-thursday 8:30PM walk to prontos with devin
-thursday 9ish-like 12AM hang out with devin jade and g
-now it is friday 3:15 AM i dont know how i got here. i gotta go to fucking beddy  bye but i cant make myself get up to take my makeup off
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theghostofashton · 4 years
2, 4, 5, 8, and 21 :)
this took me so unbelievably long, i’m so sorry. i’ve been super busy w prepping for the start of the semester. but thank you, so much, for sending this. i really appreciate it. :)
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
i’m planning out and working on this 1D fic, and it’s really special because i feel like i’ve had the idea for seven years? i remember thinking of it when we got the title of midnight memories, but it was just one scene and i could never figure out what i wanted to do with it, and it just came to me the other night when i was rewatching the mm music video. while i was running, the other day, i kept coming up with little pieces of dialogue and character dynamics and vibes for certain scenes....and i’m so ready to write this, honestly. i love it so much. i also really am glad i’m going to write a 1D fic i can actually be proud of, bc all the ones i’ve written so far (read: 5+ years ago) have been tragic.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
But he stays. He forces against the lump in his throat and swallows through the tears collecting in his eyes, pulls bottles from deep inside his chest, the ones that send everything folding in on itself, that end in achy eyes and blood-soaked skin from the many nights on the road. These are bottles of achromics, feeling like everything in his chest has been scooped out and his body is just that, a body. Going out on stage every night and pulling from a reserve he doesn’t have, scooping and scraping and breaking, forcing himself to light up like a glow stick on stage and the completely losing it when everything is over.
this is dichotomy. and honestly, i don’t even remember how it happened. the most visceral memories i have of that fic are getting back to my dorm room freshman year of college, doing homework for a while, and then banging out a chapter in an hour with absolutely no plan, just so i could post before i had to leave for my night class and get to read everyone’s comments on the chapter on the bus ride back to my dorm. god i fucking miss those days lmfao words were so easy and everything felt effortless. this paragraph happened effortlessly, for me. that’s what i love most about it. 
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
dichotomy geoff is my anxiety. like, legit lmfao my freshman year of college i was a walking disaster my anxiety felt so crippling and i just........poured all of it into his character. he was so panicky because that’s how i felt most of the time. i really needed to project it somewhere bc it felt so crippling, and, well...he happened.
also tdiu jack for a lot of other p dark reasons lmfao
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
sometimes. i’ve def found myself in situations where what i want to read doesn’t exist so i’m like damn guess i gotta write it myself. at the risk of sounding like an asshole.....tdiu was borne bc i’d read so many group home fics that i just...really didn’t like. i wanted to write one i liked and would go back to, over and over, and i feel like i have. but w other things, like i’ve been in a 1D fic hole for the past month, and some of my favorite fics i could absolutely never pull off. i feel like i have a pretty set type of fic that i write, but my preference in reading is a lot more flexible. 
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
i want dichotomy to be a movie. god, i have so many ideas for it. i also like tdiu as a tv show, but it would need to undergo so much heavy editing lmfao
dichotomy movie is the big one. i have so much in mind for aesthetics and cinematography and even how the story would translate on screen. i need it. 
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