#gotta love our clingy bard
sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
If you’re comfortable with this, Venti when reader is drunk?
Venti with drunk reader headcanons:
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Yep totally comfortable, I can't exactly deny the fact that I have a little bit of experience on this topic either—
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, vague mentions of drugging alcohol in one part, Venti being clingy as hell
• Thinks you are the cutest thing ever
• Especially if you're super clingy when drunk, the type to want to be as close to him as possible
• Will match the energy, that's a warning
• There's almost no situation in which you're drunk that he hasn't also been drinking, it's just not gonna happen
• His clingy meter also gets a noticeable boost when drunk, so, all I'm saying is, you might get kicked out, if you can't seem to keep your hands to yourself that is
• If you're the type to get super giggly when drunk then he's gonna be cracking jokes like no tomorrow, anything to hear you laugh
• If you're more of an emotional drunk then it's 'hugs for 10 minutes straight' time
• Will totally comfort you and just go on endlessly about how much he loves you and how amazing you are
• (Would lowkey like if you were an emotional drunk because he feels like he never gets the opportunity to comfort and reassure you, and he just wants to so badly all the time)
• Definitely gets a bit more protective no matter what though, you're in such a vulnerable state and all
• Glares at anyone who comes over and tries to make small talk, they're obviously just trying to take advantage of your intoxicated state, and he won't have it
• Quick to loudly talks over the person, emphasizing the fact that you're under his protection
• "Oh sorry, didn't even notice you there. Need something? We're kiiiinda busy over here." Venti practically giggles out, clinging tighter to you for added effect
• If you actually decide to go hangout with another person he's going to be pretty desperate to get you back as quick as possible
• "Nooo, I'm so lonely over here." Venti whines, playfully pulling on your arm, "You've been gone soooo long. Could I entice you back over with a song~?"
• You're gonna be sharing drinks, it's inevitable, him stealing a few sips of yours and you taking a big swig of his as payback
• (One of the secret reasons he does it is because he can basically always tell if it's been tampered with, drugged or what have you, and those things don't really effect his body anyway, but he'd never tell you any of that to avoid worrying you)
• Tries to keep an eye on exactly how much you've been drinking, has a pretty good idea of what your limit is through past observation and will be very aware of how far you are from it at all times
• He could never tell you to flat out stop, because that would make him a hypocrite, buy he doubts you'd notice if he took a few more sips out of your drink than normal, finishing it off a little quicker than you might have liked
• It's a win win for him, you're not going to absolutely hate yourself in the morning and he gets more alcohol
• If you're a naturally shy person, Venti will probably try to encourage you to be a bit more outgoing
• He would really like a duet partner, and how could he pass up the opportunity to dance with you
• "You know I really am due for another song, maybe you'd do me the honor of joining me this time? Your voice is just so lovely you know~" Venti practically sings while smiling, reaching out a hand to take yours.
• When you do finally get kicked out, for one reason or another, you'll probably head back to your place together
• He'll insist on carrying you, even if you were mostly sober, then will get all sad when you decline
• Quick to scoop you up and pepper your face with kisses while giggling if you do break down and let him
• When you get back to your house you'll probably both sit outside for a bit, talking about everything and nothing
• Solving all the world's problems, one shot at a time
• (he always just has spare alcohol around, you'll be all sad that you didn't get your fill at the tavern and he'll just pull a cheap bottle of wine out of the closest bush)
• One of you is going to be carrying the other one to bed by the end of it, or there's a small chance that you both might pass out on top of each other outside your door
• If you do both managed to get to bed, he wants to be as close to you as humanly possible, still high on that floaty feeling
• Absolutely devastated if you choose to go sleep somewhere without him, like the couch
• Will beg and plead and whine for you to stay
• If you're dead set on it, he's going to follow you out there and just collapsed on top of you, on the couch
• At that point, you'll have to choose to either go with it or push him to the floor
• And no matter how many times you push him to the floor, he will continue to get back up to where you are anyway
• Really he's just a great drinking buddy, would recommend
• Also I personally headcanon that he doesn't get hungover often, mainly because he can't actually afford the amount of alcohol it takes to get him that drunk, and also because Archon and all that
• So what that means is he's going to be really attentive towards you the morning after
• I'm talking the whole nine yards here, breakfast and a big glass of water with whatever available meds there are, will cover the windows to avoid too much light
• Though you might have to occasionally remind him to quiet down slightly
• How he manages to be so energetic after a night of heavy drinking will forever elude you
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