#governed by sound reason and true religion
breelandwalker · 2 years
@sonnabug reblogged your post:
#is myth the right word if they were the ones who felt they were being persecuted? #not siding with them just wondering about word choice and technicalities #because its true our history was founded on what they decided to tell us but is it an outright lie or did they truely feel persecuted
Oo oo oo, a teaching opportunity!
Okay, so the Puritans came to power during the First English Civil War - the one where they axed Charles I afterward and abolished the monarchy. Their whole beef was that the new Anglican church wasn't STRICT enough and still had too many Catholic trappings (and way too much tolerance for the remaining Roman Catholics in the country). So they kept pushing for Purity and Piety, in personal and business spheres, basically insisting that a strict Protestant moral doctrine should govern every aspect of life, from the management of the home to the running of businesses to interpersonal relationships to the governing of the country and its' policies abroad.
Sound familiar? Their whole rhetoric puts me in mind of a particular line from Elvira: Mistress of the Dark: "The local council is horrified if someone in Fallwell, wherever or whatever, is having a good time."
Anyway, all this religious kerfluffle (plus a couple of other factors) eventually led to the complete destabilization of the English government and the execution of Charles I. And then when the monarchy was restored under Charles II and the country was like, "Oh thank goodness, we can have things like beer and Christmas again and maybe a little less religious conservatism," the Puritans promptly went, "Well this won't do at ALL." Most Puritan clergy with separatist leanings resigned from the Church of England and many Puritans packed up to move to the colonies, where they could "practice their religion in peace." (Read: "Where they could be as stodgy and strict and bigoted as they wished and created a system of laws based on religion instead of common good.")
There's a lot more to it than that and I'm simplifying and glossing over quite a bit, but that's the nuts and bolts.
The mess the Puritans made both in England and in America was one of the reasons the vaunted Founding Fathers insisted on Separation of Church and State, as well as why Freedom of Religion is part of the First Amendment. They'd seen England tearing itself apart over a Wabbit Season / Duck Season tug of war between Catholicism and Protestantism for a good century and more, and they did NOT want to repeat those mistakes in the new country they were trying to build. (They got a lot of stuff wrong, but at least they had the sense to be like, "Yeah maybe religion shouldn't run the government.")
So while it's true that the Puritans may have felt persecuted, it was for basically the same reasons that conservatives and fundamentalists claims to be oppressed today - people generally don't like it when their stodgy uptight neighbors try to beat them over the head with a Bible and demand that one particular interpretation of a single religion should be the driving force behind the running of every aspect of an entire country.
But since they got to write the earliest chapters of American history with no one to provide a strong counterargument, we get this pervasive self-created myth that the Puritans were these poor ragged refugees, fleeing religious persecution for a new land where they could live in peace and harmony and...decimate the local indigenous population and murder their own neighbors in the name of piety. The Pilgrims were assholes and we've been fed pretty lies in our schoolbooks for decades.
(For modern context, religion wasn't a strong part of American politics until McCarthyism happened, at which point we got the God references in the Pledge of Allegiance and on our currency. Then the Moral Majority movement got Reagan elected in 1980 and we've been fighting modern Puritans in government ever since. America has never been a Christian nation, but conservatives keep doing their damnedest to try and turn it into one.)
Hope this helps to clarify things! 😊
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mugiwara-lucy · 3 months
In light of Louisiana passing a Law requiring the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms and universities, I figured I'd give my two cents on this cesspool of shit.
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And of course it didn't take long for this nonsense to make its way to the Supreme Court:
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I figured I'd explain why SO MANY PEOPLE are up and arms about this. The reason is because NO ONE WANTS A CONVICTED FELON to be lecturing them about "Christian Values". And when I say that I acknowledge there's a difference between TRUE, HONEST, GENUINE CHRISTIAN people and FAKE, BIGOTED people who use Christianity, God and Jesus as a shield to be evil. And the latter is for the piece of shit below this text:
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You really wanna listen to someone like THAT about Christian Values? Pfft, it's like listening to Ted Bundy talking about Table Manners.
Also keep in mind, it was at a "Christian Convention" where he was talking about HAVING MIGRANTS FIGHT EACH OTHER IN A TOURNAMENT!
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This sounds like some God Valley Cleansing Festival from One Piece type of shit!
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And THIS is the man that wants to make American into a Christian Theocracy where EVERYTHING will be governed by religion and you can be KILLED if you do anything even REMOTELY AGAINST that religion.
And the ONLY WAY to ensure America DOESN'T become like Isreal, Iran and Afghanistan is to VOTE BLUE PLEASE. NON VOTING WILL NOT work and as MUCH as I would LOVE Dr. Cornell West to be president....sadly....third party votes have NEVER WORKED and won't work now so PLEASE VOTE BLUE.
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Yeah if your friend is trying to argue isreal is a theocracy that would set off alarm bells for me, to be fair I’m aware Judaism isn’t just a religion but is an ethnicity and a culture as well, and I’m aware isreal doesn’t prohibit the worship of other religions so it’s probably not a theocracy
I’ve heard it described as a tribe but the term tribe to me seems more like an older form of governance then anything else? Which is not meant to dismiss the connection to those people and cultures but it seems like it gets kinda jumbled it exists alongside cities or settlements or nations, etc,
But as you said like “chair” it’s hard to Lind down a specific definition for any of these things
Which is why I question them getting things like tax exempt status in the US, if you can’t define it in some sense how d you determine what does or doesn’t get taxed? Feels way to easy to exploit but hey, the religious right has a stranglehold on this country
I would also argue that we shouldn’t act like religious beliefs aren’t in some way related to the actions that they motivate
What I view as a form of dissonance to an extent,
As an example a bigoted Christian and a progressive Christian are both still Christian, and both fully believe they’re doing gods work, and both have the exact same evidence to suggest as much,
They can’t both be right yet neither has real evidence in either direction, and both think the other one are the “bad Christian”
Hence why legislation based on religious texts or ideals is in my opinion faulty by concept. And why I find religious morality to be less ideologically sound,
At no point would I ever argue for the removal of religion, again it’s such a vague definition that such a thing would be Impossible, heck the satanic temple seem pretty alright at least in their founding texts, but I think for obvious reasons scientific understanding empathy and reason should be at the forefront of any morality and society, but of course it’s up for people to decide what they want to believe, regardless of evidence, I’m not gonna thought police I’ll leave that to the evangelical’s lol
This rant kinda got away from me lmao
Dear atheist anon,
lovely to hear from you again
"to be fair I’m aware Judaism isn’t just a religion but is an ethnicity and a culture as well, and I’m aware isreal doesn’t prohibit the worship of other religions so it’s probably not a theocracy"
you are doing more critical thinking in the face of your own ignorance than most pro-pals. That's something I value in atheist communities is the critical thinking and awareness of their own ignorance.
"I’ve heard it described as a tribe but the term tribe to me seems more like an older form of governance then anything else?" We've a tribe in the sense that we're a people, a ethnic group with our own religion not in the sense that a king or high priest governs us.
"Which is why I question them getting things like tax exempt status in the US, if you can’t define it in some sense how d you determine what does or doesn’t get taxed? Feels way to easy to exploit but hey, the religious right has a stranglehold on this country"
While it's possible to make something a protected class without quite defining what something is, I don't think any religion should be tax exempt unless they're a charity (and looking at JVP stealing membership donations to line their chapter's pockets or harass Jews or all the conversion therapy non profits charities are just as abusive)
"As an example a bigoted Christian and a progressive Christian are both still Christian, and both fully believe they’re doing gods work, and both have the exact same evidence to suggest as much,"
this where my beloathed no true scotsman fallacy comes in where it's almost like sometimes it feels like where are you getting these wild off the wall readings of the torah or the bible or the Koran that drive one believer into the radicalization and hate while another believer of the SAME faith to peace and coexistance and charity (the good kind). I think it's because they decide the actions first and then modify their beliefs of their faith to match but that's my theory.
Hence why legislation based on religious texts or ideals is in my opinion faulty by concept. And why I find religious morality to be less ideologically sound,
NO NO laws that are based solely on the "the bible says so" or "the koran says so" or even the rarer "WELL it's in the Torah" are pretty scary. Just in concept. You made your religion law? NO!
I guess it's the Russian "organized religion is the opium of the masses"* and the American "separate church and state" in me
"At no point would I ever argue for the removal of religion,"
GOOD! "not anti-theist" seal of appoval earned!
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again it’s such a vague definition that such a thing would be Impossible, heck the satanic temple seem pretty alright at least in their founding texts
Yeah a lot of satanists and pagans are really nice people with really cool inclusive philosophies and the few requisite weirdos here and there
"it’s up for people to decide what they want to believe, regardless of evidence,"
Implying you do have evidence? or ....
"I’m not gonna thought police I’ll leave that to the evangelical"
yeah you'd be suprised how many frindge movements thought police people
please write again,
*I think cultural marxism it's when they teach racism and terms for LGBT stuff in schools it's when you have some weird Marxist idea that religion is inherently evil rolling around in your mind when you're a practicing Jew and not Marxist at all because you grew up in early putin russia and that was normalized then before Putin got into christofascism
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maaarine · 5 months
Brian Eno:
"It sounds like a kind of platitude to say that kind of thing now, but I believe that's true.
If you can't subdue or control your environment, you have to come to an accommodation with it.
You have to surrender to it to some extent. This is why I always keep going on about control and surrender.
The more technical a culture you live in, the more you believe that everything is controllable. We're the man with a hammer who sees everything as a nail.
And because we're technically so brilliant, we think that every situation is amenable to that kind of solution.
One of those kinds of solutions is this sort of mechanistic view of economics that we have and that we are completely stuck with.
Going back to art for a moment, I think one of the things that art really teaches you is the pleasure of surrender, the joy of letting go of that part of yourself that says that you can be in control of everything.
I always think that surrender is the most underrated human activity.
Surrender is what we do when we have sex, when we take drugs, when we engage in art, when we engage in religion.
Those are all activities where we deliberately let go of some of our agency, some of our need and obsession with control, and say: I’m going to let myself be controlled, I’m going to let something take me over, I'm going to become not me but part of something else.
That is such an important human activity.
And for me that's actually the main reason that I think that all governments should really support and encourage as much art making as they can.
Because it helps humans use the whole repertoire of behaviors that they have, from control to active surrender.
I think of surrender as an active verb, not a passive one. It's a choice you make to submit, to being part of something, to become an active part of an organism.
It's recognizing that you're part of an ecosystem, that you're not alone.
It's not just you and your decisions, it's what the ecosystem needs and demands and will tolerate and won't tolerate. (…)
I realized that it wasn't that I didn't believe in God — I don't believe in God — but I find I do believe in religion in a strange way.
I got fascinated by gospel music quite shortly after I realized I was an atheist.
And this sort of paradox of loving the music that was produced by a set of beliefs that I couldn't tolerate.
This is a bit of a mystery, how do you handle that? And I've been dealing with that for a very long time.
And it was this surrender idea that sort of solved that for me, because I thought what I want is to be part of something that I'm not in control of, but which I know there is a cumulative self-generated control, it comes out of everybody.
It's an amazing feeling, it's the feeling everyone feels to an extent when they go to a big concert and they're all having the same experience at the same moment.
It's of course also the root of fascism, I'm quite aware of that as well.
It's not always good in terms of its results, but it made me realize that the concept of belief in God is not necessary for the feeling of religious experience."
Source: Eye of the Storm Podcast: Brian Eno and Yanis Varoufakis | THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION TO ASK | Podcast 3
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avelera · 1 year
Hi! Sorry for a long ask, but my head has been filled with Hob thoughts lately and I had to vent it somewhere
One of the reasons our fandom treats Hob as "just some guy" is because the rest of the characters in the series include: personifications of fundamental concepts governing a good chunk of the universe making sure the reality as we now it stays intact, the literal Satan, several angels, demons, gods and goddesses from different cultures and religions and many other ridiculously overpowered beings. After all that immortal being who has been alive for six centuries and who has lived through one of the biggest wars in humanities history pales in comparison.
Do you think Hob finds it refreshing to be the "normal one" in a relationship for once? Before Dream whenever he got on with someone he always had to be careful to keep his immortality a secret. He had to remember the details of his fake past, had to make sure he always talked age-appropriate or didnt mention some kind of historic fact no one else could now, keep his Intensity in check, stuff like that. But now he's dating Dream of the Endless and suddenly he's no longer the strangest person in the room. Do you think that after being with Dream for a very long time he forgets to put on his Absolutely-Normal-and-Ordinary Humansona and his mortal friends go "wtf, were you always this fucked up?"
(Absolutely adore your fics btw)
Thank you! And thank you for this ask!
One of my first bits of Hob meta was talking about how Hob is only "Just a Guy" when compared to the Endless. By any other measure, in any other story, he'd be the most powerful individual you'd ever encounter. True immortality that isn't a prison because you can die when you choose? I've said it before, but if Hob ever went full persistence hunter, he'd be one of the most unstoppably powerful forces in the world.
Now, to your question, I think the answer could be complex?
- I think on some level it could be strange in not a good way to be the normal one in the relationship for Hob. I only say this from a pride perspective. I do think that for the most part, Hob's reaction would be positive, but I want to first carve out a nod to how it might also be a bit... humbling or even irritating, for example if Dream or others discounted him as beneath notice because of it. 600 years is still a lot, Hob is by most standards the most supernatural thing anyone would ever meet. I could see him thinking he's chill with being the less interesting one in the relationship but having moments of like, "Whoa, hey, wait a minute, just because I'm only an indestructible human who has lived over 600 years doesn't mean I'm boring for fuck's sake."
- I think it would be a much bigger deal for Hob-with-Dream to not need to lie anymore all of the time. With each lifetime Hob lives, he has to remember to cut away or gloss over or alter more of his life and achievements. It must be second nature but still painful at times to have to switch over from, "I achieved this," to, "My "father" achieved this and I just inherited it."
- Suddenly with Dream, he doesn't have to do that all the time. He can just casually mention things like the late 1300s in the first person, or his marriage to Lady Eleanor, or the fact that Robyn died when he was 20 (most likely as someone who looks mid-30s, Hob can only talk about Robyn or his death by making it sound like he died as a child, given how young Hob looks, especially in modern times, he'd get odd looks appearing 35-ish and saying he had a son die at age 20). Not needing to filter his personal experiences through historical anecdotes he'd "read" or altering the details to fit would be I think, strange, refreshing, perhaps deeply emotional, and very rare for him. Not because he'd never been able to be candid with others (like other immortals, or perhaps people he was close to that he opened up with) but Dream was actually there. He actually walked the streets of Tudor England, he actually knew Hob in 1389. I think it would be an aspect of being with Dream Hob would, y'know, "know" would be an aspect he looked forward to, only to be truly blown away by the reality of being able to openly, without thinking, talk about himself in a way he hasn't been able to do... possibly ever, with anyone.
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Matthew Taylor at Religion News Service:
(RNS) — This past month, a group of self-styled American Christian prophets released an urgent word from God on YouTube about an impending Islamic uprising in the U.S. Pointing to pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, they declared that an “insurrection is forming that is like unto the communist takeover in Russia. … This is not only about bringing a Palestinian state to the Middle East but an Islamic state to North America and other nations.”
The good news, according to these prophets, is that God also says, “If the church repents, I will relent. I will protect your nations.” If this God-speaking-through-prophets-and-warning-nations-about-other-religions business sounds fringy and oddball in modern Christianity, it once was. But such prophecies and these prophets are rapidly redefining mainstream American evangelical theology, practice and politics. They are affiliated with a movement called the New Apostolic Reformation, a set of leadership networks whose leaders call themselves modern-day apostles and prophets and believe they are commissioned by God to take over the world.
This NAR movement runs like a golden thread through recent flashpoints of evangelical Christian support for Donald Trump, Christian nationalism and Christian extremism. NAR leaders were central to the mobilization of Christians for the Jan. 6 insurrection, and many apostles, prophets and NAR symbols were present around the U.S. Capitol that day. NAR ideas helped inspire the recent controversy surrounding the Alabama Supreme Court in vitro fertilization ruling. House Speaker Mike Johnson flies a flag outside his office that is closely associated with the NAR’s aggressive prophetic politics. The reasonable objector may argue that all of those things might be true, and yet the NAR could still be a fringe movement. How much influence do NAR ideas have on broader American evangelicalism? It’s true that the NAR networks come from the amorphous nondenominational, charismatic sector of American evangelicalism that seeks to restore the supernatural dimensions of early Christianity. Historically these groups have been outside the evangelical mainstream.
But we have collected data showing just how far these NAR-associated beliefs and practices have spread within American evangelical communities. The present-day reach and influence of these ideas may be shocking to those acquainted with conventional evangelicalism. Charismatic theologies, NAR prophecies and radical politics that once operated on the margins of evangelicalism have moved to the center of the action. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this transformation has a lot to do with Donald Trump. 
[...] In the intervening decades, NAR ideas and leaders have become extremely popular in charismatic media, functioning as some of the top-tier thought leaders in the burgeoning nondenominational charismatic world. NAR networks also became increasingly politicized in the late 2000s, especially by a prophecy called the Seven Mountain Mandate, first formulated by NAR apostle (and Wagner mentee) Lance Wallnau.  The Seven Mountains prophecy imagines every society as having seven major arenas of influence — religion, family, education, government, media, entertainment and commerce — and the prophecy commands Christians to conquer the tops of each of these mountains so that Christian influence can flow down into broader society. Put simply, the Seven Mountain Mandate is a prophetically derived, systematic program for Christian supremacy. Shortly after Trump declared his candidacy for president in summer of 2015, he enlisted his friend and spiritual adviser, Paula White-Cain, a charismatic apostle and televangelist, “to be the bridge between him and evangelicals.” White-Cain began by inviting many of her fellow charismatic evangelical leaders — Messianic rabbis, televangelists, prophets, NAR apostles and megachurch pastors — to meet with Trump early in the campaign.
These were the first evangelical leaders to begin endorsing Trump, signing on to his policy agenda and offering theological rationales for choosing Trump over other, more conventionally evangelical candidates. The popular idea that Trump was anointed by God (like the ancient Persian emperor Cyrus) to be president and play a special role in protecting Christians was originally championed early in the 2016 campaign by none other than Wallnau, who was involved in the 2015 meetings organized by White-Cain.  A few months later Wagner himself endorsed Trump in early 2016, and Wallnau and the other NAR leaders became the chief Christian propagandists surrounding Trump with theology and prophecy. They have written books, created memes, prophetically appropriated symbolic pieces of Americana and launched massive prayer and spiritual warfare campaigns, all to see Trump victorious.  Charismatics, including a number of NAR apostles and prophets, have made up more than half of all of Trump’s evangelical advisory boards, including the new one for his 2024 campaign. In fact, these networks of NAR leaders were the central nervous system of Christian organizing and mobilization for Jan. 6, and many core NAR leaders, including Wallnau, were present at the Capitol that day.
Trumpism has fueled the rise of a very different breed of evangelical Christian movement: New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), NAR's tenets feature Seven Mountains Dominionism (7MD) and an aggressively Christian nationalist vision of America with a charismatic tinge.
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troughtonmedia · 5 months
Script #83
The Tale of Jesus Christ
A little over 2,000 years ago, a man was born for a great reason; he was going to wash away the sin of the Earth and establish a great church there. He was going to do this unconventionally and it was going to cost him his life. He didn't care. He knew his life did not belong to him but here we are with a Jewish newborn baby boy wrapped in blankets in a barn on a manger...
The tale of Jesus Christ sounds farfetched but one thing is clear. It is cemented into our fabrication deep within our DNA. When your grandmother tells you Jesus beats in your heart she's saying it because it's really true! And yes, Jesus isn't for everybody. Look at the main religion in India particularly the Hindus. Some say the Hindus are practicer's of Earth's first religion. Is there room for Jesus in there? Why yes there is because some believe Jesus was from the Middle East but visited India in his young adulthood.
But here we are baby Jesus is now resting with his mother and father. His mom was the young and beautiful Mary and she claimed to have become pregnant through immaculate conception. That means without sex. It happens sometimes in nature particularly with sharks, rays and some other reptiles and fish. Most science classes teach mankind came from primitive ancestors even before the ape and actually a class of lung fish.
It is not entirely known what Jesus was doing from youth to adulthood but he was a professional carpenter. He may have gone to India. He may have stayed in the Middle East. Perhaps he was abducted by time traveling aliens! That's where the Bible comes into play. He is all over in the books of John, Paul. and Luke for example. Apparently Jesus started performing miracles. Raising people from the dead and turning water into wine. He argued against the Roman government. It is said he smoked grass and hung out with hookers. Here's where Jesus ran into trouble.
Palm Sunday is celebrated every calendar year after his death. There have been 2024 of them. Jesus did a sort of recruitment to acknowledge his cause. God was his father and ordered Christianity as its future. On this rock, I build my church. On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem with palm fronds. He was trying to fulfill prophecies. He gave his message to anyone that wanted to listen. And people did! Jesus' power was becoming a problem to the Roman Empire. In death, Jesus would conquer it. Yes, Jesus Christ conquered the Roman Empire and then spread it all over the globe.
Good Friday memorializes his execution. He was nailed to a cross and stabbed with a spear. The weather was insane. His soul rose into Heaven. On Easter, he was awakened from the grave. Not much else is known about this, where he went, or what happened to his body. The shroud of Turin is probably a false artifact. Christianity and Islam hold a prophecy that includes yet another coming of Jesus Christ! How exciting we are closer than ever in bringing back Jesus Christ. I think we could really use him.
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ladyluscinia · 6 months
I have finally gotten around to playing through the Orsinium questline in ESO for the first time, and I think the whole thing actually makes much more sense if you headcanon that the real "villain" of the chapter is Boethiah.
Like... Ok, so the fundamental problem with revealing that Kurog plans to kill all the chiefs who won't bend the knee and seize power by force to implement his orc kingdom vision is that if he simply said that part openly then it would just be orc politics? Probably the kind that would get some orcs judging him for being too bloodthirsty / ambitious, but he openly murdered a chief in his throne room and everyone just shrugged at how emotional orc men are. The culture that does ritual challenges and death duels for leadership positions absolutely would accept a guy taking over rival clans and killing off their leaders as a valid method of (temporary) kingmaking, even if a bit gauche.
Mixing it up by adding the whole Trinimac vs Malacath religious angle doesn't really do anything, either, since his attempts to impose a new state religion help explain why diplomacy isn't working but not why force wouldn't work. Trinimac is if anything more of a warrior god than Malacath, and you would think worshippers of a champion of honor would be even less inclined to use a secret cult to frame their political enemies and scapegoat for assassinations. They'd become corrupt crusaders or something. Also they kinda suck at the subterfuge part - like a Boethiah plot being enacted by small children.
...So what if it was a Boethiah plot??? 👀
Follow my train of thought here - Boethiah is down to fuck with Malacath / the orcs for reasons ranging from "it's Tirdas" to "my inter-cult gladiatorial fights are boring recently", going all the way back to the original incident of eating Trinimac to stop his cult from interfering with the Chimer, pretending to be him for some light heresy, and then leaving him twisted into Malacath (and turning his elven followers into orcs).
Boethiah is also a Daedric Prince associated with plots, conspiracy, deceiving nations, and overthrowing governments to seize power.
I think it sounds fantastically plausible that Boethiah would notice an orc trying to restore Orsinium and all the ingredients for a truly fantastic implosion of a civil war among Malacath's children (including of all things a resurgence of Trinimac worship, which is bait if I've ever seen it) and decide to start backing a faction. For chaos. Especially since Boethiah's other main canonical thing going on in this timeframe is inspiring a Dunmer woman named Vox to start a cult to overthrow the Tribunal, while also appearing to a hero as an avatar named "Aspera" to help them kill Vox for the fuck of it.
(Boethiah is so fun 😆)
So here's the rough skeleton of how I headcanon all this connecting:
🗡️ Kurog doesn't seem to be a particularly devout Trinimac worshipper, and High Priestess Solgra mentions him being skeptical at first - implying she was invited to Orsinium by his mother before he truly converted. Solgra is definitely a true believer who converted in Summerset, while Forge-Mother Alga is definitely the driving force behind the very un-Trinimac-like Vosh Rakh.
🗡️ It seems like the Forge-Mother is the first one who got on the Trinimac train, possibly around when Kurog was first joining the Covenant and starting his Orsinium project. I'm guessing there was a small Trinimac following in Wrothgar without much clout, but they managed to catch Alga's interest. And, I'm speculating, Boethiah's.
🗡️ Alga apparently goes in hard on Trinimac. She's inviting a High Priestess to set up a giant temple, angling to convert her son, and soon declaring Trinimac worship the law of the land. She's also fully embracing a political schemer role that is not remotely in line with Trinimac's vibe and soon to establish a secret police cult that she can publicly disavow. Despite this, I think Alga's far more devout than Kurog ever is - she genuinely seems to think she's getting divine blessing.
🗡️ Theory - A little while after Alga converts, her new god bestows his favor on her and starts directly communicating / inspiring her to set up all the Vosh Rakh stuff... only it's actually Boethiah, speaking to her while impersonating Trinimac in a classic move. Explains the backstabbing, subterfuge, planned coup, all of it. She brings in Solgra to be the palatable face (and convince her son) while not noticing at all that there's some cognitive dissonance in her actions vs teachings. Ah, the hubris of a "chosen one."
🗡️ Boethiah is having a grand time making orcs unknowingly turn away from Malacath for her while thinking they serve Trinimac, and getting to whisper "kill all the chiefs loyal to Malacath and frame the (actual) Trinimac High Priestess for it" is just the icing on the cake. Would Alga and Kurog's plan have just started a civil war? Probably. And Boethiah would have been thrilled. Shame Bazrag managed to reduce casualties at the end, but it was still very worth the destabilizing. 😌
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arcanobabble · 1 year
Incredibly spicy political/religious vent/take below
The proliferation of the "annoying atheist" stereotype has been amazingly helpful both to the Religious Right and the Alt Right in general. Part of the reason "alternative facts" and altright conspiracy theories are so common is because people are so determined to defend the right to ignore actual observable fact in favour of "I really want this to be true".
Yeah, atheists can be annoying. You know what else is annoying? Being told I have to respect a book that says I should be murdered, that I'm being rude and making assumptions for pointing that out. Seeing people in government base their decisions on that book. Having to smile, and nod, while people tell me that I'm the unreasonable one for being uncomfortable with various religions having so much power.
I am BEGGING people to think about the repurcussions of insisting that religion is a valid viewpoint, because it only reinforces the idea that facts are optional if you like the sound of a lie.
Like, I'm not going to go and tell religious people their faith sucks. Most religious people are pretty okay. But, next time you see a Le Epic Reddit Atheirino, consider who exactly benefits from you mocking them.
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athenawasamerf · 2 years
I really want to read more about what is patriarchal system and how it harms women and men in general and it's disadvantages for society. Can you plz share the link to some posts about it who explain it completely? Bc I feel like I want to explain sm but when I want to talk nothing comes to my mind . I'm an ex Muslim woman from iran and I was arguing with my cousin and he was insisting our society isn't patriarchal bc he and other men have a hard life and they have no privileges and our government is just dictator and not patriarchy which I disagree with completely. Plus he is a fan of that dumb jordan peterson so you know what kind of stupid circular reasoning he have learned from that moid and thinks western society is also not patriarchal and oppressive which I doubt is true . I mean idk much about west but they sound really disrespectful towards women in general .
I'm sorry if it is a bit long but I would appreciate if you helped me to get educated and know more . Sorry for my bad English and lenght of my ask .
Hi! I took some time to think about this, and honestly? It’s not as easy as linking a few posts. It takes months of reading and building your ability to notice patriarchal influence in your life to start being able to explain it properly in arguments. I’d start by going through radfem tags (variations on radical feminism, anti-makeup, anti-porn, anti-beauty industry, misogyny, patriarchy, religion critical, etc) and following blogs who write in-depth analysis. Tumblr is all well and good for building your basic feminist consciousness, but you need to read theory to really have an in-depth understanding.
You can start with this post for reading. There are many master posts like this one, and many radfems here share links to online feminist book collections. I recommend Andrea Dworkin’s work, We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (and her work as a whole tbh), and Invisible Women as starting points. You can then move onto Pornland, Delusions of Gender, Big Porn Inc, Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them, etc. You might also want to read Unveiled by Yasmine Mohammed, which is more about religion than feminism but I think it would be useful for you anyway. A not exactly feminist but still important book to read imo is Why Does He Do That?
You can read any or all of these, and others, depending on what you feel would be useful to you.
But there’s a point I want to address, regardless of what you read and how much you know and your ability to adequately explain and express that, your male cousin will likely not ‘understand’. He will never believe you, not because he doesn’t get it, but because he probably doesn’t see women’s suffering as real or important. Your aim in building a strong base in feminist understanding should be to further your own critical thinking and observational skills to the misogyny around you, and help you to liberate yourself and the women in your life from it. Trying to out-argue men will only work to raise your blood pressure.
I hope you find this helpful. If anyone has any ideas for anon, please share them.
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mandoa-for-dummies · 2 years
Ancient Space Racists, History, and Other Initial Considerations
I am waiting for my big fat phonology handbook to ship in the mail. Until it gets here, let’s talk about Mando’a and some of the Canon Headaches that come along with it.
The biggest, baddest and (in my opinion) most interesting Canon Headache is that, as I mentioned in my introductory post, Mando’a is supposed to be an auxlang or auxiliary language. Why is this Canon Headache Number One?
Because auxlangs don’t work outside of societies of hobbyist nerds dedicated to learning and speaking them. They’ve never been widely adopted and naturalized, much less by an entire culture. There are probably a number of reasons for this, but a big one is that a technocratic fantasy that underpins the creation of many auxlangs is essentially that languages are complex because human beings are inefficient. This is just not fucking true. Languages are complex because human beings use language in breathtakingly complex ways. When real redundancy or irregularity occurs in a language, speakers tend to abandon that feature of the language over time, except in cases like Old Irish, where irregularity was artificially frozen in writing as a mark of class prestige. You can try to invent a language that does all of the things that natural languages do as “elegantly”, “regularly” or “simply” as possible, but you do tend to run into the problem of making normative judgments about what is elegant, regular or simple, probably from the unconscious perspective of your own native language use.
But we’re playing pretend, here, so let’s imagine that a society did come up with an auxlang and successfully implement it--or claim to have done so, anyways. They would almost certainly have to enforce this new language with violence. It would be a pretty fashy and authoritarian society. People will fight hard to speak their mother tongues, probably especially whatever highly collectivist society are the forerunners of Mandalorians. 
Well...it doesn’t not sound like Mandalore, so far.
Anyways, the official pretext for Mando’a (that it can be picked up easily by any convert to the Creed) is also outright nonsense. It presumes a humanoid facial structure, for one thing. What about Tuskens? What about any alien with keratinous beaks or mandibles, for whom all of those B and P sounds are going to be a serious hassle, if not damn near insurmountable? Then again, I’ve never seen in-canon representations of Mandalorians who aren’t humanoids. Maybe this is another political innovation of the ruling class of let’s say ~6000 BBY Mandalore. You say that the unifying feature of your society is religion and not race, and according to the letter of the law, that’s true. You say that your religion is enshrined in the Creed, which you’ve happened to rewrite in your newly-purified language. It’s very difficult for non-humans to speak it. Oops! Guess only a very select few can be full participants in the Creed. [shocked pikachu face]
But how long can a truly authoritarian regime really last without pushback? A few hundred years? Mando’a has evolved in the intervening millennia. Speakers quickly identify in everyday life where “official” Mando’a falls short. In the waning hours of old Mandalore, rebels, subversives and forward-thinkers adopt the “underground” borrowings from the linguistic ancestors of Aurebesh and Huttese as a political statement. By the time the reform government's new dynasty is well-established, there has been a massively popular and successful campaign to introduce a supplemental sign language to standard Mando’a, borrowed heavily from the Tuskens. Although Mandalorian society is still overwhelmingly humanoid, sign support is still considered an integral portion of Classical Mando’a--especially because, for a blip in Mando’a’s history, sign language enabled you to communicate in ways that the regime-sanctioned auxlang didn’t allow: and to do it, moreover, without being picked up by radio surveillance.
Maybe a cult like Din’s is trying to “restore” Classical Mando’a and looks favorably on avoiding “outside influences” to the language--especially now that the reality of its oppressive history has been blurred by romanticization and nostalgia for a past that never really existed--but it’s a lost cause, in the same way that trying to speak Old English in the 21st century to do 21st century things would be a lost cause. Mando’a as it is spoken in Din’s lifetime has evolved into a natural language with very little resemblance to Classical Mando’a. Most Mandalorians only use Classical Mando’a on ceremonial occasions of great significance. *cough* Like taking their wedding vows, for instance.
Stay tuned for the rudimentary stages of language building as we puzzle over a far less interesting canon headache: Goddamn Motherfucking Fantasy Language Apostrophes.
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foreveryoungadult · 10 years
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Orphan Black S2.E02 "Governed By Sound Reason and True Religion"
Rachel: "So you're gay."
Cosima: "My sexuality's not the most interesting thing about me."
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newagesurvivalist · 5 months
Stuck in the middle
We can't quite see the amenities of life. Why, I completely fucked up writing again. Nevertheless, there will be information and facts for the free man, the man of dignity. And here we will see the eventual collision of dreams.
As we plough through life, there is a frankly miniscule area of nonsense that we may have to get used to, to see through the endless cascade of myriad phenomena. In a game of chess, we experience moments of glory, incidents of greatness and sequences of cleverness. Sometimes we can wonder for what reason there is indeed so little to say at distinct times. It seems there is never an occasion to speak; or failing that, it doesn't seem worth it to say anything. In that paradigm, chess changes a factor. People are involved in a story in which the idea is ever the same, but the finesse is ever different. We see, in a game of chess there are a degree of life-lessons. The analysis, the concentration, the art of chess-playing is verily a fountain of inspirations, of salvations. On the other hand, it is just a game. Our attention goes out to an entirely artificial system which has no real-world connection. I like chess, as a sport, because it is very intelligent and has a lot of unexpected depth to it. But the thing is, we all do things, but there ain't no total meaning to work: we're all just stuck in mediocrity, and there is no way forward in the foundations of simple work. We try to live in a direct and logical way, but the liberation from life only comes when we livingly move into great stuff. Everything is stupid, but we try to stand up and come on, so that we perhaps don't need to play chess - in truth, there is not exclusivity to our daily routines, but verily just an infinite cascade of clever plans to make life a little bit better: and this is work, philosophy, heaven, Earth, command and discipline.
The words of The Netherlands are: I shall maintain, je maintiendrai in French. These legendary words come from the Protestant war hero William the Silent. In my opinion, he is an inspiring figure, but his struggle - possible the purest of all Christian struggles - stands out in its emptiness. In William's time, people breathed religion. It really was just a way of life. But the dramatic and subtle constructions of the Protestant theologians fall into dust when seen in the light of the Dutch rebellion. What was it all about? After William's death, The Netherlands developed into a prosperous and refined nation, with high quality art and great maritime and economic power. Did religion contribute in any way to this? People speak of the Calvinist work ethic; it seems people really did try to come into a closer, deeper relationship with God, but the enterprise of church society also shows that there was little to no concreteness to the articulations of the reformers. In many ways, this really is the true birth of realpolitik. Released from Catholic ritualism, the Protestants were free to focus on the task at hand and make an effort to institute a wordly state, one governed not by classes of monks and knights, but solely by administrators and stewards. Although there was still a lot of confusion, or one might say traditionalism, these stages betray the erection of an objective, impartial government.
I suppose this is all very unusual. The sounds of reform cannot be found in the normal straights of vehement logic and happiness; however, there is a chime of uprightness in the viccissitude of magnanimous life, which is full of eventful happenings: yet these strange affairs do not amount to anything substantive: the comings and goings of being stuck in madness sends us maniacally into the mystical territory of colonialism and veritable simplicity, just a conniving subset of menial attractions, but the constancy of meaning supports us in our combat versus the infidels, and there is much to be thankful for. In fact, the mania of systematicity is a fact, as everything is collected in information, and so although our lives are hollowed out the truth is suddenly re-envisioned in uprightness.
Contemplating the meaning of life is probably the most general act of thinking, or being, that we can do. Is it also the most futile? In a great many ways, thinking about the meaning of life relies on definite practical insights that occupy our mind and which mark our life. However, freedom lies in finding truth in details or occurrences. Language spoken can populate our existence with notions, with meditations, with reason. Obviously, human nature is to inquire penetratingly into the practical aspect of words, namely what it requires from us. At the same time, society depends on titbits. The purpose of the essay is certainly to treat of titbits, so as to make people enjoy them, or our of necessity. Information, facts, are found in scientific and scholastic disputations, but also, in humanistic collequy. And then you will say, what's the worth of base talk? Of deliberation? To do the not-doing, to clear one's mind, to become aware of the invisible creatures inhabiting our cells. I don't know. Life is an endlessly uphill journey. All we can do, is dissappear and reappear, come and go, live and let live. Happiness, true happiness, is winding down from tension - asserting non-assertion: wo go forth and multiply, yet we love each other. There is much to learn.
The value of a job is that you do meaningful things in a relaxed and organized fashion, but there is also the simple of process of dealing with the fall-out of determined fighting.Vincent van Gogh typified the human soul as a fighter, or contender. Verily, there is a fight going on, and things explode from time to time, leaving us without means. But there is a way of peace, of stalwardness, that nevertheless gives us the chance to prove ourselves. What can we do? Verily, what is lacking in life is people's appreciation of pretty conviviality, of synergy; we wish to move collectively to a higher goal; we like a unity of mind, togetherness, also freedom, that there may be work without responsibility, kindness without entrepeneurship. Why, what I find most appealing about contemporary society is truly the office space, with optimistic men and women showing up to work out problems, and tell the truth about a great manner of things. The things that mark our life are ever found in the catalysis, refining the mad grandeur of motif sorts of creative enterprise, because our desire remains to set forth subtle and invigorating philosophy and pay proper, sensible respect to the supernatural powers, to the factual anbd informational things. Certainly, a belief in God is sometimes a matter of course, a method through which we may recognize the possibiliy of answers - and we observe that conversations convey only the absurdity of God, or the im-possibility of religious guidance, religion. We see that there will be indeed a liberty in ministry, a lack of recognition where there is culture, indeed the solitariness of culture. So my positions stays that the world is destroying itself for no reason, liberties hold out against the horror and beauty of culture, everything returns to the same place. Our task is not to change the world, but to agree with it.
Potentially, that is all reverberating strangeness, but the hope of life will support our industry till the end, when there will be gnashing of teeth et cetera. However, our support does go forth into freedom; happiness continues to brighten our day; and freedom can give us respite in the last analysis.
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drawingconclusions · 7 months
It seems every time I considered getting back on here to post, something else would come up in current events that I wanted to pause & evaluate first. But it's well past time to ruffle some feathers again.
Before beginning, I believe people should get a glimpse of how the government uses taxpayer money. I've previously talked about the overreach of various agencies in my Parameters of Government posts, and their unbelievable behavior continues. Since my last major post on this subject, I recall how I was testing a new light, and within minutes the military helicopter showed up (characterized by low pitch rotors) to see what was going on and shortly afterwards the law enforcement helicopter came around as well (marked by a much higher pitched sound). Sometimes the powers that be freak out when I have an extended phone conversation in Spanish, and if I receive an ordered package in the mail, it's all hands on deck with military radar planes trailing me, etc.! And it's pretty clear they're using some types of audio surveillance, as one night the dishwasher rack slipped out of place noisily, and within moments the military helicopter showed up to conduct their typical surveillance. I could go on and on, but here's just a snippet of the interesting behavior of one of the government surveillance planes on the evening of October 5, 2023. I decided to jot down the time of every fly-by they conducted over the span of three hours. Sure, I had purposely set my clock a few minutes fast that day, but I think you get the idea: 8:07pm 8:10pm 8:13pm 8:16pm 8:19pm 8:24pm 8:27pm 8:29pm 8:32pm 9:22pm 9:33pm 9:40pm 9:43pm 9:46pm 9:54pm 10:00pm 10:04pm 10:06pm 10:08pm 10:10pm 10:13pm 10:15pm 10:17pm 10:18pm 10:20pm 10:22pm 10:25pm 10:26pm 10:29pm 10:32pm 10:34pm 10:36pm 10:38pm 10:46pm 10:49pm 10:52pm 10:54pm 11:00pm 11:07pm
I had no idea the U.S. government feels so threatened by retro fashions! (…which I happened to be working on that evening.) You'll notice there are a few gaps in the surveillance plane's fly-by intervals. I chalk it up to ever-crucial donut runs by the law enforcement involved. They have to stay carb-loaded while spying on America's citizenry!
But on a more serious note, I find it interesting how for years I've warned about how left-leaning partisans have entrenched themselves in almost every aspect of government. These partisan activists despise Constitutionally-protected rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press (..speaking of which, there used to be a time in America when the rights of journalists were respected. But now a questionable judge is demanding that a true journalist like Catherine Herridge reveal her sources for a past story, at the risk of being fined $5,000 per day for violating such an order. What gives?!) And yet the status quo has continued unchanged, even when Republicans are elected to local, state, or national positions. In the past year, we've seen some Republicans huffing & puffing about the targeted criminal prosecutions against former President Trump, exclaiming that if the "deep state" can do it to him, they can do it to us. All of a sudden, it's a crucial concern. Well, just to inform you, a lot of citizens here in America have already been experiencing the authoritarian reach of government for years now. Several years.
Listen, any reasonable person can recognize that many of the prosecutions against Trump are politically motivated attempts to smear and stymie him in an election year, especially when some infamous Democrats could be charged with the same accusations and yet they remain unscathed. But Ron DeSantis was right. Trump didn't clean out the deep state when he was in office, he didn't fire Fauci, etc.,. Maybe one of the reasons Republicans keep losing at the ballot box is because often voters don't see much of an eventual difference between Republicans and Democrats (..cue Republican Governor Mike DeWine). Once some conservatives rise to power, they morph into a substance with a queasy consistency, easily manipulated and often choosing the path of least resistance.
Again, I'm not looking for a rescue here. I'm sure that for the time being, local police, FBI, military, etc. will continue their behavior and will continue wasting untold millions of dollars. Perhaps one day I'll submit hundreds of Freedom of Information Requests and make all their names public. Or maybe I'll publish an illustrated scrapbook depicting all their antics in full-color and rhyming verse. But my point is, people are looking for candidates who will truly bring about positive change for their families, their neighborhoods, and for this country. Would Nikki Haley truly effect such change? I'm not convinced she would. What about President Biden? We've already seen his administration's obsession with promoting a woke agenda, their love of open borders which continues to allow fentanyl to stream into our neighborhoods, and their botched foreign policy strategies across the board. (Is it any wonder the Biden administration seems intent on appearing to "buy" votes with their insistence on doling out loan forgiveness subsidies?) And what about Trump? Can he be presidential on a consistent basis and would he truly seek the benefit of the people or is he becoming consumed by bitterness & thoughts of revenge? Is anyone out there up to the task of really leading America with no thought for personal gain and advancement?
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bookoformon · 11 months
Alma Chapter 62, Part 7. "The Prayer."
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We conclude Chapter 62 with a range of events taking place between the thirty first and thirty fifth year of the Judges.
Judges are not the pock marked hunchbacks the Church employs, they are the internal sense of balance all human beings with common sense enjoy. We learn common sense, right and wrong, high roads and the low through transmission.
Left on his own, man will figure out how to survive and possibly how to make simple machines, but the relationships between cause and effect, how to proper intuit reality will be evasive without a smarter human being present to lead the way. This is true for reading, writing, musicianship, atheleticism, sexual intercourse, everything we do requires imitation of a more competent person.
Spirituality likewise requires a cadre of intelligent and thoughtful persons in order to keep it from becoming but a simple machine instead of the formidable ethical backbone of society we depend on.
The inverse, delusion and superstition provide instability. Sound judgement is simply a must. The debate we often lose outright is whether or not following rules, laws, and specifications are actually good sense or not...to curb misinterpretation, the world's religions introduced high standards for our behavior, like the Prime Commandment from the Gospels, "thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie," from the Decrees in the Torah, "Spread not corruption throughout the land" from the Quran.
It's fun to debate whether or not Allah likes red or green sauce on His enchiladas, but we know for a fact He hates corruption. So, if ye are Muslim, corrupt ye shall not be.
The Book of Mormon segments history in a manner that attempts to guide us through ways corruption and indiscretion have affected the history of humankind so we can sense it more accurately and come all at once to outgrow it in modern times.
Corruption caused by Amalickiah "a dirty dog" who did not want to follow the Law caused a great deal of war, murder and killing. His brother Ammoron was more reasonable but he was killed by Teancum, "The wake up call" which was not all that much of a game changer either as it turned out: Why not? Because the leadership needed to lead American culture out of its dark age was simply not evolved sufficiently to do it. We are still living in a nightmare age because we refuse to elect superbly talented persons to lead us.
As a result all we do all day long is make giant food processors to mash up human bodies and destory our cities:
37 Now it came to pass that when Lehi and Moroni knew that Teancum was dead they were exceedingly sorrowful; for behold, he had been a man who had fought valiantly for his country, yea, a true friend to liberty; and he had suffered very many exceedingly sore afflictions. But behold, he was dead, and had gone the way of all the earth.
38 Now it came to pass that Moroni marched forth on the morrow, and came upon the Lamanites, insomuch that they did slay them with a great slaughter; and they did drive them out of the land; and they did flee, even that they did not return at that time against the Nephites.
39 And thus ended the thirty and first year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi; and thus they had had wars, and bloodsheds, and famine, and affliction, for the space of many years.
The thirty first year is 4159, דא‎הט, daht, from da hat, "to understand dismay."
It is obvious we lack the ability to dismay over the lack of a calling in our governments and daily lives. This is easily fixed, all one has to do is take a gander at all the unhappiness around the world and allow it to touch one's heart. The Book of Mormon, a brilliant scripture explains how:
40 And there had been murders, and contentions, and dissensions, and all manner of iniquity among the people of Nephi; nevertheless for the righteous’ sake, yea, because of the prayers of the righteous, they were spared.
41 But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened, because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were softened because of their afflictions, insomuch that they did humble themselves before God, even in the depth of humility.
42 And it came to pass that after Moroni had fortified those parts of the land which were most exposed to the Lamanites, until they were sufficiently strong, he returned to the city of Zarahemla; and also Helaman returned to the place of his inheritance; and there was once more peace established among the people of Nephi.
43 And Moroni yielded up the command of his armies into the hands of his son, whose name was Moronihah; and he retired to his own house that he might spend the remainder of his days in peace.
44 And Pahoran "mouth of light" did return to his judgment-seat; and Helaman did take upon him again to preach unto the people the word of God; for because of so many wars and contentions it had become expedient that a regulation should be made again in the church.
45 Therefore, Helaman and his brethren went forth, and did declare the word of God with much power unto the convincing of many people of their wickedness, which did cause them to repent of their sins and to be baptized unto the Lord their God.
46 And it came to pass that they did establish again the church of God, throughout all the land.
47 Yea, and regulations were made concerning the law. And their judges, and their chief judges were chosen.
48 And the people of Nephi began to prosper again in the land, and began to multiply and to wax exceedingly strong again in the land. And they began to grow exceedingly rich.
49 But notwithstanding their riches, or their strength, or their prosperity, they were not lifted up in the pride of their eyes; neither were they aslow to remember the Lord their God; but they did humble themselves exceedingly before him.
50 Yea, they did remember how great things the Lord had done for them, that he had delivered them from death, and from bonds, and from prisons, and from all manner of afflictions, and he had delivered them out of the hands of their enemies.
51 And they did pray unto the Lord their God continually, insomuch that the Lord did bless them, according to his word, so that they did wax strong and prosper in the land.
52 And it came to pass that all these things were done. And Helaman died, in the thirty and fifth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi.
Helaman, "the dream of light" begins when we contemplate delivery of others from all the manmade causes of affliction. This will not take place unless we pray in earnest.
Prayer acknowledges God plays a role in awakening our compasssion and gives us the power to act like God when temptation and pettiness of man gets in the way.
The culmination of the prayer dream is called "self-regulation": "for because of so many wars and contentions it had become expedient that a regulation should be made again in the church."
The cognitive leap, the intuition that takes place between year 31, "dismay" and year thirty five has a value of 4402 in Hebrew, which translates into דדאֶפֶסב, dadaepsev, "to understand and know God, heed the counsel in the psalms and prostate before Him."
Where in the Psaltery does it say to travel the world selling supersonic missiles to warring nations? I'd prefer our president sold peanut butter and banana sandwiches to the Saudis instead!
And swhere in the world's scriptures does it say spend your tax income on warships, torpedos, aircraft carriers, submarines, and nuclear warheads while your people smell and look like shit all day long?
The world, while not faring well is still willing to support us. We have so far lacked the ability to show it proper attention and appreciation but there is enough time to repent the errors of our ways and elect new talent to lead us. This is not at all impossible to do. A new world might just be one prayer away:
"And they did pray unto the Lord their God continually, insomuch that the Lord did bless them, according to his word, so that they did wax strong and prosper in the land."
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randomclam24 · 1 year
The last post was an obvious sensationalist title
I've made it a point to my parents in the past that you shouldn't work on the Sabbath, and then in recent weeks it's been like I can only get up to work seriously once it's already almost Sunday, so I looked it up, and once article eventually referred to Colossians chapter 2
COLOSSIANS CHAPTER 2 KJV (kingjamesbibleonline.org)
My honest question, which may be uncomfortable to people, is, why is this kind of doctrine only just appearing in a letter sent as a personal address to specific churches?
Would they have already known that?
Also, less importantly, every time a quote is made for something that's supposed to switch lanes on interpretation of the Bible according to someone's take, it will fixate on the specific verses that contain the buzzword text even though they likely start with clauses like "therefore", implying deriving meaning from the last verses. The reference only pointed to verses 16 and 17.
Update While knowing the lying in wait of the jews more personally than most people is what woke me up to Christian religion most formally, although I always stuck to it otherwise, does that really mean there is a way to get a lot of people to agree on the nature of the text? The Old Testament sounds as removed from the nature of the New Testament as it did before.
Update If you consider that most people's action was taken in the form of a vote for Trump, expecting immigration to be more limited, back then and not just now, I think the line in the sand already has been crossed, and so we legitimately are in this situation being outlined carefully by the lawmakers to frame speech as violent - that's because it is
On second assessment, that sounds so jewish. How is the startup of *mentioning* something tantamount to the act of getting up and doing it?
Update But yes, that leaves us with the basis of our survival being the prerequisite that those in power do not fear their governed body
Update I tried listening to By the Numbers on therightstuff.biz, starting with episode six God isn't just dead. God is rolling in his grave, God doesn't exist, etc. - this is what we're really looking at.
Update It's not like anyone with any position to have agency over these things has access to any of that kind of information.
Update I've always had a problem with the fact that all people can afford me anymore as an activist is lame default responses, but, when you look at things by the numbers, that's the legitimate depth of people's faith, is lame default responses.
The actual depth of national discussion is still stuck as if we were just freshly rebelling against 16th-century Catholicism. It is!
Oh, wait, that expression of "It is!" was really supposed to be the people's outpouring over the fact that it's in fact that we really are just freshly rebelling against 16th-century Catholicism.
But that's not true- am I going to get disappeared
Update There's a whole world out there, but it's populated with nothing but these "I'm not the subject of your rant but the critic of it" midwit assholes who genuinely have believed that their lame drivel which is specifically what I've been calling out has been in fact, as in them being the critic of my rant and not the subject of it in the first place, the epitome of power. You don't have *anything*. You don't have anything.
*But*, when it comes down to reality outside the self, which is me specifically, which is literally the sole reason all those exceptions to the usual drivel were raised in the first place, hence their being the usual - see, I *do* get that - well in that case you understand what judgment is coming in the afterlife - it's already, why don't you just dump them into Hell, and that stands - sorry, that's not me - that's never been me - that's always been the simple truth. Well, why didn't you do anything about it? Are you just lazy?
Update This insistence of people who are playing as the critics - are they just trolling? I was going to say, what keeps it going is nothing but absolutely animalistic. There's no logic behind it. You were just going to keep brute-forcing me.
Update No matter what, people's headcanon of me is always going to be dictated by the signs of the times which I don't ever personally identify with, hence I'm so bored in the first place, which in the first place no one cares about.
Update And on the usual call-out of Denzel Curry "The Game", I'm calling your bluff formally - if people were half as not-lazy as that implies, we would have a functioning society. We obviously don't. We simply have no society.
Update A regular thing of strong alcohol won't be enough to kill me. I know by now enough that it's going to be tolerable. I'll have to get more if I can't find it more concentrated. All productive means are cut off, and so living my life is going to be used to hurt others, in that my narrative of hapless killing is going to be used as the example for future generations. It's not that I don't want to. I don't even want to be obligated to suppress that. You midwit critics' lives don't have any merit or value, none at all whatsoever.
Update After today's session of listening to By the Numbers, I'm killing myself in style. If there aren't high-proof spirits in a special section for that at the other Wal-mart, I have no better option than to get multiple 80-proofs at a lower price.
Update People are despicable. Why do they do what they do? I'm not just horny like the rest of you. I already have my satisfaction in that. All that's left of life, then, is a crater with nothing in it.
Everything's just low-IQ and baiting people who are horny into sexual frustration. That was it.
Update Human beings are despicable creatures. We should abuse them as much as we can.
Oh just kill me. The boring is too much to bear
Look. I literally *get* that the parasitic nature of people who pose as critics who are doing so as midwits is the final authority of the land, enforced by all law enforcement. Why do you think I want to die?
No one's ever going to address that. Am I just going to have to - what?
I think it was said succinctly but maybe unintentionally on that broadcast in the last release - if you go to church and speak your politics, you'd think, I thought these people care about my eternal soul. Same with fucking midwit critics, same with their shit-headed enablers
Do you have anything else in society? This is it? Yes!
Is my sentiment what the Russian boogeyman was that was upheld well after the collapse of the Soviet Union? Yes probably
So yeah, addressing the fact that the police/whatever factions they send when that's not enough is the most activity you get in this culture today, which doesn't even live up to the word "culture" because it's dead for years
Yeah, critic midwits act like their unabashed street-shitting of behavior is the *incidental* of this where in reality it was *mine* that was, when in reality - specifically, we haven't been in forcing-out of the 16th-century Catholic church in over centuries - so literally it's you, shittening, eternally, and you *know* this. You *know* this! And you still buckle down with "nope!" when I want to attack. *You know what you're doing.* You're making life's hell eternal on your own decision, and you expect to get nothing back as flak for that, absolutely none because you're - I don't know! And I keep getting told stupid shit like if you had watched hentai contents, *you would have calmed down*. *What* does that have to do with *anything?* Answer me
You keep acting like "all these niggas screaming that they game game game be the *same niggas* fucking up the *game game game* - no they're not! No they *are not*. You are lying.
None of mine have ever failed me. I never knew *what* you were talking about. If that's what you mean by "niggas" - and it doesn't get any more specific than that. That's the limit of these people's "society"'s conversations - you expect me to read all that? It's not stating *anything.*
God I hope all of you individual midwit fuckers eternally burn in hell.
*No* - you're just going to keep laying down the already-present foundation of the usual runaround that doesn't exist - in my case. Act like it's *"hentai"* that I put my words to effective use, not the will from attacking you in the first place that *got* me here. Otherwise, I wouldn't lift a finger for you utter faggots!
I hope all of you individual fucks burn in hell.
I can't stress this enough. You're going to keep giving shit - shit, shit
Update Do I have to write your personal account name out so you know it's you I'm talking to and not a nonexistent abstraction? That would be considered doxxing, even if it's without the personal information, because in this situation, someone out there could just try to find it.
Stop paying your mind to midwits! How hard is that?
Update The level of rebuke I have for people at resting state is now so profound, it cannot be stated in any venue, not even privately. So I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Update Acting like it's a personal overcoming of yours and not like a rich kid with his inheritance that in the end I have to live on the same earth as the *rest* of you - oh fuck you!
Update On Propertarianism breaking up, over something which was probably a psyop - granted, it's embarassing - but what are you going to break up to do instead? This is the only earth to inhabit! You're looking right at it! What else do you *want*?
I'm not an actor in this game! The only people who *are* are failure quitters - or just deliberate actors
I've been seeing and feeling with the occasional "I don't want to live another day" since 2016
Update later The By the Numbers facts were just too much
I'm keeping my record clean in real life because I have an *obligation* to
Anyway, I have the appropriate amount of alcohol this time for the suicide ritual
The first bag of chips I bought out of my own paycheck when I don't even have a job - Sun Chips - garden salsa flavor
to enjoy while I die (don't pity me)
I'm a would-have-been mass-murderer. I don't have anything better in my mind (mainly because people can't be worked with, but that much is redacted)
(There is actually part of me that just goes on and on, on its own, that has to be kept in check, so on the Denzel Curry lyric that eternally is popped up, okay)
I give up on life, I give up on God - nothing was going to stop the speed of mediocrity
This drinking - God, I hate how easy this is - my parents really should have put a stop to that
That comment earlier about becoming a mass murderer isn't true - because I wouldn't do that (out of a sense of obligation not to - and that really just has to do with the fact that I'm in this position now as opposed to before - so - you don't know - I can't prove that)
No, no, the point was that I would have to stoop to that now, even given this position, because it's all so hopeless
That broadcast was the last straw - I don't like you people
So it was saying, everything I kind of knew up until then, all of that is unchanged even up to this point? Yup
Whatever motivation I had is just me making things up, because nothing makes up for what these people were there doing
Update I have a serious gag reflex, so I seriously doubt I'll die from what I'm doing - but I'm trying, I'm trying
Update There's nothing left to interest me in life. I'm turning some of my lights off.
There's kind of a mortal terror when thoughts come about the different body parts that would render the rest of the body dead, which comes up with this sort of thing - and yet that has no connection to how one values life otherwise - if I happen to get saved or not, who cares really
Honestly, with my gag reflex, it would take fooling myself in order to do it
Update This is a Captain Morgan white rum, at 40% ABV, but 1.75L. I've barely made it hit the top rim where it's parallel to the rest of the bottle, and that feels like I'm going to gag, but that's because I just had KFC which was very good
I don't like myself not to put myself through these things and these postings with what repercussions they bring
I'm tired of being a pansy. I want somebody to show me the deep darkness Actually, I've really been a pansy in life about things like haunted houses - but I don't think as much is read into them than in my case
On one hand, I wouldn't want anyone actually with authority in religion taking the stance from Colossians 2 about all things being made whole in Christ even despite ignoring the Sabbath etc. to its most logical extreme, which would try to rationalize where the church is *currently* at - well, in that case, I don't want to pursue it at all I *do* want to pursue understanding how bad things can get to its logical conclusion, but that's because I've heard of things like "know your enemy" as mentality
My life is already going to be about as isolated from other people's direct contact as it can be, even more so than how little community average people actually get.
Real talk - I don't think I've *heard* anyone, for all the life of things like Silent Hill, as short-lived as that genre actually was in its heyday, mention the kind of actual mental feeling of isolation that I got from originally playing the original Doom past its shareware episode. Especially at Spawning Vats near the end of episode 2, something clicked in my brain finally that - there was this sense that absolutely no one cares about you or what happens to you, and it made me want to cry because I was a tween
Update The plain-and-simple explanation to what I'm trying to say about "The Game", hopefully permanently this time. I may be accident-prone on my end, but I have a disproportionate-enough self-awareness that doesn't get the best of me. Miraculously. In the end, what *should* be done is having no more *pseudo-logic* just be a band-aid temporary fix to our actual problems, especially when our leaders are without excuse. But because you wanted to push "The Game", you had to push a proxy between me and that for what may as well be all time. I don't get this.
What if, as it turns out, most of our media is wasting our fuckin time? Actual meaning, it's not like it can't be found. The trope of the corrupt "millionaire" is basically the modern philanthropist jew.
To the guy who had the idea of change presented to them and concluded, yeah, that's like Charles Manson, fuck you for comparing me to that. I didn't mean violence literally I wait baiting, okay
I'll stop doing it, if it's that glaring a problem
What if in reality it was the simple facts that the "burnt-out countryside" and such exists as a perpetuity that exists as the greatest evidence in the back of our minds that we live in a simulation and not even what's going on behind the scenes per se?
Second opinion: how does 40% ABV + Monster bode? Way back when the wix site was started, I was trying vodka in a cheap flask, but that was because I was balancing out the formula to match a four-pack of Monster, which seems stupid now. That was when I said the total was about $10, which is kind of existential in itself to get that kind of state out of it. Now it's just under $20 for the 1.75L white rum, which tastes better, beyond a shadow of a doubt
I've never seriously had that kind of ground-level conversation, because I'm essentially shadowbanned on every site - but the question would be something along the lines of, regardless of your religion at starting point, if I could show you the "lying in wait of the jews" to such an extent that it was undeniably shown to be a problem we all face at the systemic level, would that count for anything in the long run?
Imagine what the Biblical passage could mean that mentions that, those who have seen the glory of Christ but still sin are beyond help, could mean to just anyone - could it be applicable to viewing Hollywood stuff?
All I have honestly is a series of tribulations which don't reconcile to anything other than the aforementioned
I don't know. There's nothing I hate more by this point than this dismissal, constantly. At this point it's *worse* than being "dissed".
Tell me I'm in trouble for all I've recently posted. That already would be better
Update So there's this concept in the rap industry (maybe not the actual industry) of going "green", which doesn't mean "going green" in the environmental sense at all Maybe it's that I like going "green" too often, and in fact all this alcohol is there to make me feel more open to do so even though normally I do have that restraint not to.
No, even then, I really don't feel like I'm going "green" like that.
So what I've found is that in principle, if you never stray from what you know concretely, even where you could defend it in some way but it's still not entirely concrete, people can't denounce you over it, plain and simple. So if there's anything like going "green" in my example - what is that?
I don't know how to defend it exactly. But there is that quote that, you don't have to remember what you said if you told the truth.
So in that is what I'm trying to get out of saying this - it's not by necessity going green, stating what you know.
The rap game is like, I'm pulling on this bong, and I feel so ascended - I don't think I'm shilling that. This alcohol - I'm normally uptight, and this seems to even it out
What if I were to tell you, relative to the evil that is in the elites' ranks, and all of that, the kinds of evils we denounce as our politics today even with the trannies and all that, unless you're calling out the uncanny-valley nature itself - then that would be up the alley - are ultimately still in the range of what the stuff of Colossians 2:16-17 would account for? I really think only if you're able to call out the uncanny nature of something are you able to identify the evil of the elites in it. That means, otherwise, in the long run, they're probably going to triumph over you in their normalizations.
I don't want to be me.
I swear, the amount of alcohol I do takes the load off; it doesn't make me worse - I say the dumbest things normally, and not drunk. At least, I'm not in front of anyone when I do it. It's always in private, where there are no conflicts, and I literally keep a check on my doorway to make sure I don't get caught.
Update after some Doom I *wish* I wasn't borderline crazy. Keep me quarantined from everyone else. I'm already being gangstalked like no one else, so I'll have to be.
I'd rather die drinking than go to prison
I don't think I can get it down though
Second opinion on that mixture: I wouldn't recommend it
On one hand, I wish some leader more "real" would take my place, but at the same time, that person would have gotten weeded out by today's standards - because i accepted that at best you're going to get to lean what you want, that's probably the closest thing to real you're going to get - and I'm sorry for being the one
So I've got a combination of mods with Project Brutality on Death Wish spawning on Painkiller difficulty, with a selected mix of Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, and other Snes classic music on randomizer
Mamma mia
The fact that it was - in fact, Phocas2.wad I was playing to have the ideation in mind that formed the inspiration that was stolen to launch the Metaverse - I really do believe the meme, we deserve better psyops - that doesn't even accomplish that much, and that was one isolated game. That's what they called it: the Miiverse Plaza.
To say I hate the current political zeitgeist is an understatement, because my hatred of what's right in front of me with unprecedented gangstalking is kind of the origin story of the meme "I hate the Antichrist" - it didn't pop up until around that time
Update What if things *could* be so easy as what Kyle Rittenhouse implied with breaking down, like we should all be friends? Not without the government being afraid of their people. And there's a role in that in someone like that. That's why I think that was a psyop. It's just not legitimate.
It's okaye nigga I got the audio distortion
That was a reference to something somebody posted (years ago)
Update Losing a tumblr account wouldn't be so bad. But getting a conviction for real, that I couldn't handle.
I don't think I hate anybody. I'm just very peeved.
Okay so I found a mixture between alcohol in that 40% range and Baja Blast which they now sell in stores - now I tried adding a hint of Monster to that
I don't know what we need, 'cause we can't get anything out of our system!
In a perfect world, the way I would defend myself is with what I've been saying - I've been getting gangstalked to an unprecedented degree historically. That's not made up. That's doing a number on me.
But very seriously I was not okay before all this happened. It took a situation of already being gangstalked to the degree of having my parents clearly bugged throughout a conversation where it's set off to make me want to declare war on these people for intruding on me, and *that's* what set off the current level of gangstalking. I quite literally was the one to fire the first shot, verbally.
I'm coping with a life where I'm going to have to spend the rest of it, with a few segments of seeing my short-term family, short enough that nothing serious gets started gangstalking-wise, just working a from-home computer programming job. Who knows if I'll like it. I'm not one to be biased against it, but I've heard it's boring.
Honestly, it's even in the context of knowing about the powers that be themselves - reality is treated by people in the modern day like you can't really understand things unless you've been high to witness them for yourself, so otherwise just follow your horniness
Update What are the significance of my dreams? They seem to bridge the gaps in my sense of community where otherwise I just get islands of activity here and there
I honestly cared enough to look through the Charles Manson prison interviews to see the parallels, and when it comes to his quoting on being alone being the point at which you're free, that seems like one of the most benign, if that's going to be the parallel
It's not like it's just the sensation of it getting me off - I feel like there's something profound, not in a religious sense or any of that
but it's like the motvation people have to play videogames as an escapism - these environments are rich
Now, with that established, I don't want to ever talk about that family ever again
I actually hate that. Where there's a borderline issue like that, people tend to apply their subjective lenses rather than their objective ones per se, when they're trying to be open-minded, so then to take that and say you're off your rocker - it's like, okay, I won't be open-minded
No, I don't care for this - I don't want to talk about it
My stance is steadfastly that the government should fear its constituent people, not the other way around like it presently is. I don't recall him ever mentioning anything like that.
I'm tired of being me, in a situation where the best community I'll get even *without* the gangstalking is a trip from work back to home about 99% of the time. It's a point to be made: where do people get together publicly as a community, as politicians continue to virtue-signal
What can I say? What do I really want to say, though? "Hate" is a fixation, like "racism" is a fixation, "sexism" is a fixation, "homophobia" is a fixation - none of us have these feelings. That doesn't mean it's illegitimate to criticize these parties.
I feel like it's going to *take* midwit-ranges to feel perturbed to get through this crisis. I really do. Otherwise, they're going to feel like everything that's said to mediate is said in compliance only. That's not what we want. That's not good.
That's partially what I figured my mission was to do, was take the most serious issues and bring their discussion out of what was called "TRS stank" - or at least make the prerequisite steps toward accomplishing that
Update I want people to learn to mediate amongst themselves, because I'm too hyper to do that personally
Update So I said "drop them into hell" over the fact that most people who are left in the rural areas aren't the gifted kind that would be used to further society - what an asshole I am but TRS made it feel like they were that way because of some moral deficiency
This is why I should shut up, and what I said holds true, that I'm worse off caught up in the heat of the moment than drunk to a certain extent, because my entire mindset is outsourced
Update Kyle Rittenhouse, even more so than me, is a flat-out porker now
This was the most recent new release I've seen - Isn't Ghostemane's entire high-pitched shtick an offbrand of the persona of Morty from Rick and Morty in the context of the show? I don't get it
It's been a while since I felt the urge to earn any street cred points among anybody
I watched a bit of Invader Zim and eventually figured it was forcing it
I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored
but I promise if you don't lock me away I'll behave
I did good work up through the Saturday before the cutoff with Sunday and how you're not supposed to do work on that day
Update If I gave up on humanity really and truly, maybe one thing I would try is make my own mock-up network like - what was it called? It's not Jetix, because that was for kids, and - kids with some mental disorders at that - something on the same channel as Adult Swim before it got deleted
Can you legally stream in high quality over a personal site on the Internet that hasn't been payed for out of pocket?
I remember I was able to rouse a completely over-the-top reaction with "Doomcute" - but how do I know I would be able to rouse the same kind of reaction in another engine like UDK? That takes a ton more effort.
Update I feel like I deserve whatever comes to me, but no, I don't want to be locked up.
Update The opposite to this entire stance would be like, let's just pursue universal welfare. Unironically the means by which to do that are more along the lines of John Deer replacing the negroes back in the cotton era with new inventions, and I don't mean that to be domineering. That's how it would actually be, if we were to outmode all domestic labor.
Update What Ghost on his livestreams would say to "troll terroritsts" posting racist slurs is that it's "too early", a lot of the time. Is perpetuating the meme, that it's fine if minorities *are* judged by the content of their character, as Martin Luther King said, too early?
Update I don't love myself
I respect my own family enough to not go completely off the handle, but apparently not *too* much - that's not good
I can't convince people to come out of the rural burnt-out status. It doesn't matter what inspiration I come up with, ever.
7/31 night I've started work again, since it's past midnight again, although it's not very good.
I know that in the rap game, they fetishize practically doing substances to amp themselves up, and that's not something I want to promote. But, I'm also extremely pessimistic about the way my parents held me hard to telling them something I "learned" each day up from kindergarten when we really just weren't. At least now I'm in a relaxed state. Yes this is my mentality. It sucks.
Update I've got issues. Please don't take after those.
Update I wish somebody would roast me in a way that's actually really ballsy, like come on, you've got to step up and get this shit man
Actually I just went through how the main mission is probably already past - something like that.
Update I could have been a lot more annoying.
Let's have King Harkinian saying "enough" in animated ASCII format
Update I can ultimately pass the online quizzes for the online course to hopefully get a job even while a little drunk past midnight: by referencing my typewritten notes like it's open-book - that doesn't sound very good (because I'm not much more competent normally)
Update Tranny education is an accepted part of school cirriculum; therefore, we should respect it with all the respect we give the education system People are like, I just want to be able to have my entertainment without starting a conflict 24/7
Update So usually, new law stipulations that are anti-white generally speaking come out in the middle of the night, so at a time like now
0 notes