#gr8 now half my friends are arrested
melancholiastclair · 7 years
So like 2,3,4,6,10,12,13,16,18,19,21, 22!! , 25,26,31,32,33!,41,42,45,46,47,48,55,56,57,60,61,62,71,72s, 89,91,92,95,100,102,108,112,119,120,121,122, 127!!!, 130,132,136-146,148, 149 & 150 it's a lot but ofc ya don't gotta answer everything
omg ily so much2. Are you outgoing or shy?I feel like I used to be incredibly outgoing, but the last couple years (and some mounting social anxiety) has made me pretty shy. There are certainly situations where I shine, but generally shy. 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?I’m meeting Courtney Act for the second time early next year with my mum! I truly cannot wait. 
4. Are you easy to get along with?Surface level, maybe. I think the more you get to know me, the harder I am to get along with :P 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?Always, first and foremost, friends. People who can make me laugh, who make me comfortable, who I can talk with. 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?My friend Hannah. I’ve had some fuckin drama go down recently, and it was so ridiculously nice to talk through it all with her. Otherwise Joel, but thats... always. 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?Run Into the World, Passiona, and Birthdays by the Smith Street Band, and Carolina and Only Angel by Harry Styles. 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?UH YES PLEASE 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Yes. Always. Forever. A billion smooches.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?My first Big Crush, yeah. Occasionally, but we do. She’ll always be a bad bitch and she’s gr8. 
19. Do you like bubble baths?I really, really wish I did. They’re fuckin gross tho. 
21. What are you bad habits?I catastrophise. Always. About everything. I feel things so strongly, and it has a tendency to get me hurt. I bite my nails when I’m stressed, too. 
22. Where would you like to travel?My ultimate travel goal is to have been to every Disney park in the world, but I really want to live in Japan for a while, I’d like to go to South Korea, Nepal, the UK (particularly Wales??), and right now I’m really fixated on going to New Zealand. V pretty. 
putting the rest under a break lmao 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?My stomach. I got a big ol tummy. 
26. What do you do when you wake up?Check my social medias, which is suuuuper unhealthy of me, but w/e. 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?Yes! But not the high pony tail of my dreams. It’s the only thing I miss about having really long hair. 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?Winona Ryder, Taika Waititi and Krysten Ritter. Maybe also Jeff Goldbum. 
33. Spell your name with your chin.charlotted. nice. 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?No. Some people absolutely don’t deserve it. 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?I’m 100% upset. 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?Honestly? Half spite, half love for my little brother. 
46. What are you paranoid about?Turning people away from me. Again. :P 
47. Have you ever been high?No. :( 
48. Have you ever been drunk?Vaguely tipsy. Someone needs to change this pls. 
55. Favourite blog?Mine, ngl? It’s pretty great. 
56. Favourite colour?Pink! 
57. Favourite food?Burgers with lots of American cheese. 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Too much of a goody two shoes for that. 
62. Been arrested? For what?^
63. Ever been in love?Yes. Very much so.
71. Craving something? What?Cheesecake. 
72. What colour are your towels?Generally blue. 
89. Name a person you hate?Jessica. 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Very much so.
92. In a fight with someone?Nope, but that would be a lot easier than the current situation. 
95. Last movie you watched?Just finished watching Jurassic Park! 
100. How are you feeling?Currently a little bummed. 
102. Do you regret anything from your past?I regret putting my faith in someone. 
108. What should you be doing?Sleeping.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
119. Favourite book?Skulduggery Pleasant - Death Bringer. 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?No, as long as I’m somewhere I know. 
121. Are you mean?Very. I don’t mean to be. 
122. Is cheating ever okay?It is never, ever okay. 
127. What makes you happy?Being with people who make me feel secure. Cows. Bob the Drag Queen. 
130. Do you like subway?YES.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed.
137. How tall are you?5′3
138. Curly or Straight hair?Sorta wavy, sorta straight. 
139. Brunette or Blonde?Blonde. 
140. Summer or Winter?Winter.
141. Night or Day?Night. 
142. Favourite month?June. 
143. Are you a vegetarian?Nope. Kinda wanna be, tho. 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Milk!
145. Tea or Coffee?Fruity tea. 
146. Was today a good day?Yes! 
148. What’s your favourite quote?The only currency worth anything is being true to yourself, and the only goal worth seeking is finding out who you truly are.
149. Do you believe in ghosts?Sorta??? 
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chocosvt · 7 years
❝ 92 statements tag ❞
i was tagged by jeonghan’s amazing gf @jeonghney for the 92 statement’s tag. thnk u my gold rose petal.
rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people ! if there are questions that are too personal or you don’t want to answer, skip them or make a new one :^)
THE LAST (1-5):
drink: h2o
phone call: oh gosh, i can hardly remember. pizza pizza? who doesn’t deliver so thnks for soiling my day.
text: to a group chat.
song you listened to: exo - touch it bc i appreciate art.
time you cried: lmao like yesterday bc i was watching an emotional ep of hotel hell.
HAVE YOU (6-11):
dated someone twice: nope.
kissed someone and regretted it: i dont think so?
been cheated on: in uno yes.
lost someone special: yep.
been depressed: depression is received at many levels. extremely sad yes, but not depressed.
gotten drunk and thrown up: im the one holding ur hair back.
light purple!!
made new friends: lots irl n online!!
fallen out of love: yes.
laughed until you cried: yes everyday bc i gave myself a laugh n a half.
found out someone was talking about you: nope.
met someone who changed you: i havent met them!!
found out who your friends are: ive been with the same squad for 4 yrs n we’re just chillin.
kissed someone on your facebook list: i have never used fb a day in my life.
GENERAL (22-34):
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: ^
do you have any pets: im living with 2 kitties right now!! but ive owned many different animals in the past.
do you want to change your name: she can stay as she is.
what did you do for your last birthday: my friends nd i booked a hotel room!!
what time did you wake up: 11:30am lol.
what were you doing at midnight last night: eating cereal!! every time i stay up past midnight i will eat cereal 2 celebrate all the hours of sleep im wasting.
name something you can’t wait for: to hang out with my bff’s we have not seen each other all summer.
when was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday bc she broke into my room for m&m’s.
what’s one thing you wish you could change in your life: hmm, idk. i’d like 2 be taller bc i cannot reach the popcorn shelf!!! :(
what are you listening to right now: a lot of dua lipa!!
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yup.
most visited website: tumblr / instagram / youtube / twitter
moles: a few on my arms n a trail tht’s up my shoulder. tht’s abt it
marks: i have a mark on the side of my head but my hair covers it. n one on my knee from when i fuckinj fell down a bridge.
hair color: blonde.
long hair or short: medium length is more fitting.
do you have a crush on someone: i would rather crush on a thumbtack than half the b*ys in my division. there are some nice girls tho!!
what do you like about yourself: some days there are many things!! other days there’s like 2 things. so im not sure!! im just trying my best i guess!!
piercings: two lobe piercings on both ears n im set for an industrial.
blood type: i would know the scientific notation of the distance between earth and sirius b before i knew this.
nickname: i h8 when ppl make nicknames outta my real name so i dont have any.
relationship status: sasuke and i are going on a trip to berlin next fall.
zodiac: aquarius.
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv show: the office / teen wolf / house / american horror story / atlab
tattoos: nope.
right or left hand: right.
surgery: no surgeries.
hair dyed in a different color: ive been a blonde bitch my whole life.
sport: basketball / sleep.
vacation: i just got back from a vacay n it was gr8 i got 10/10 sky pics!!<3
pair of trainers: im rlly obsessed with shoes but ive been wearing the same vans for 5 yrs. (my feet never grow!!)
eating: i like eating watermelon, twix bars n marinated ribs!! just fuck me up.
drinking: iced tea n orange juice are my faves.
i’m about to: it’s just past lunch which means it’s time to eat breakfast.
waiting for: some mf’ motivation 2 punch me in the face so i can write some more today!!
want: i rlly want a specialized rice krispie spoon ive been trying for a year!!!! :((
get married: i just dont think ill ever like someone enough 2 wanna live in the same house as them for tht long.
career: an english or bilingual teacher. i wouldnt mind teaching chemistry either.
hugs or kisses: i rlly dislike physical contact so i would pick neither, but hugs!!
lips or eyes: eyes!!
shorter or taller: it does not matter.
older or younger: older, but i wouldnt mind if they were a few months younger.
nice arms or nice stomach: i have this weird attraction to forearms so. also next time u look at  a junhui pic look at his wrists he has such nice wrists!!! what cream is he using??!?
sensitive or loud: this is so complicated. i rlly dont like loud ppl just bc im easily overwhelmed n agitated with their… over-boisterousness?? nd i will always protec the sensitive ppl n respect their tolerance levels. we just dont mesh well bc ill always worry abt hurting their feelings. u just gotta get someone who knows ur vibe. idk what im saying. i guess loud.
hook up or relationship: relationship.
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker lol.
HAVE YOU EVER (74-83):
kissed a stranger: nope.
drank hard liquor: just picture tht vine of the kid goin “yo, all this vodka down the hatch” then being completely revolted. tht’s me
lost glasses/contact lenses: every day of my life.
turned someone down: yes.
sex in the first date: nope.
broken someone’s heart: yes.
had your heart broken: i rlly try not 2 wallow in those emotions n instead distract myself so not entirely.
been arrested: no but someone called the cops on me n my friend. (it was just a misunderstanding. i swear i wasnt doin a line of cocaine in an alley way or anything like tht tjgnjt4e)
fallen for a friend: yes!!
yourself: *insert meme of me watching my own back*
miracles: it would be a miracle if junhui grew out his hair. but also chunks ahoy chocolate chip cookies.
love at first sight: not rlly. it’s usually falling for the idea of being with that person, instead of who they actually are as a person.
santa claus: im still waiting for my easy bake oven u jolly piece of shit.
kiss on the first date: maybe a cheek kiss? idk. a little spice is always nice.
angels: yes. who else is up there bowling?
OTHER (90-92):
favorite thing to do when you’re bored: zone off and completely disassociate.
do you wear socks to sleep: ive done it like 3 times. it’s not tht bad.
favorite movies: FLIPPED. captain phillips / my neighbour totoro / napoleon dynamite.
tagging : oh gosh idk (ofc this is optional!!) @jeonghangif / @sukaato / @meanei / @lolitasletters / @jaehyunsleatherpants / @boysbe / @seokshuas / @trbld-writer
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bisoras · 7 years
omg... an 85q gtkm me tag????????? haile @brcuewyane is the love of my life for tagging me in this t b q h
the last:
1. drink: mocha freeze
2. phone call: my....................mom
3. text message: s,,,ister
4. song you listened to: “what are we fighting for” by the federal empire
5. time you cried: ,kdjnalkjnkdasjdnf like 5 hours ago
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: yes
7. kissed someone and regretted it: hard yes
8. been cheated on: yeah
9. lost someone special: probably
10. been depressed: :^)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
3 favorite colors:
12. peach
13. orange
14. pink
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yes
16. fallen out of love: nah
17. laughed until you cried: HARD YES
18. found out someone was talking about you: yah
19. met someone who changed you: yes
20. found out who your friends are: yeah
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: i dont have a facebook
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:
23. do you have any pets: two (2) dogs, two (2) cats
24. do you want to change your name: eh
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i... dont remember
26. what time did you wake up: 5am bc #work
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping
28. name something you can’t wait for: the bold type on tuesday
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 20 seconds ago
31. what are you listening to right now: nothing
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: half of my uncles are named tom
33. something that is getting on your nerves: idk
34. most visited website: tumblr
35. hair colour: brown
36. long or short hair: short
39. piercings: septum piercing, single earlobe piercings 
40. blood type: i;;;dont remember
41. nicknames: n/a
42. relationship status: single
43. zodiac: virgo
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: the bold type, shadowhunters, face off
46. tattoos: none yet, but the pride flag as soon as i can
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: ;;;;;;;;wisdom tooth removal???
49. piercing:
50. sport: i used to golf a lil bit
51. vacation: greece is my dream place
52. pair of trainers: adjskfnalkdjs sketchers work shoes or my docs
more general:
53. eating: ate a sriracha burger at work
54. drinking: nothing atm
55. i’m about to: work on this fic i brainstormed last night/earlier
56. waiting for: tuesday night
57. want: a shower. sleep. movies. in that order
58. get married: yeah
59. career: lmao gr8 q
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: b o th
61. lips or eyes: both
62. shorter or taller: either
63. older or younger: ///// 
64. nice arms or nice stomach: idk  
65. hook up or relationship: relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: dunno
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: no
68. drank hard liquor: no
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no
70. turned someone down: yeah
71. sex on the first date: no 
72. broken someone’s heart: supposedly
73. had your heart broken: probably
74. been arrested: no
75. cried when someone died: no
76. fallen for a friend: yes
do you believe in:
77. yourself: most of the time
78. miracles: idk
79. love at first sight: nah
80. santa claus: hell yeah
81. kiss on the first date: idk 
82. angels: idk
83. current best friend’s name: ally, josh, rob, dell
84. eye colour: hazel
85. favourite movie: sleeping beauty (1959), saban’s power rangers, big hero 6
im taggin @acekairis @theeyeofdarkness @possum-springs @lesbiankairi and @gayrikus bc im not spammin everyone w this lasdkjnaldkjnsakj you don’t have to tho, ofc!!
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kim-sehyooned · 7 years
92 truths
Rules: tag 20 people at the end
Tagged by: @dnghn @aceandchoices @yoochann @kangyoochanie @lotuseok thanks guys ♡ 
Tagging (you guys have probably already been tagged a million times so if you have or if you’ve already done this feel free to ignore!!): @yoo-channie @junsjason @byeonqkwan @wowx93 @junheeofficial @binsmoon @junbxee @7ace @achoiceforace @youngest-k @aceschan @wowza-ace @wacested @houseoface @lovdonghun @fairychans @veroshi0704 @northisland-southernpeninsula @inv-ace-sive @kang-yoochanie
the last…
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: my aunt’s friend bc i’m staying at her house
3. Text message: "okayyy” (i dont text v much)
4. Song you listened to: Me Like Yuh - Jay Park
5. Time you cried: like last week bc i was trying to see if i can cry on will (apparently i can)
have you ever…
6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Been cheated on: nope
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope
9. Lost someone special: yep
10. Been depressed: no
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: ..yeah oops lol
3 of your favorite colors
12. turquoise!!
13. pastel pink
14. a subtle purple mhm
15. Made new friends: pidge tagged @networkace so i will toooo
16. Fallen out of love: probably
17. Laughed until you cried: yesss
18. Found out someone was talking about you: umm i think so
19. Met someone who changed you: definitely!!
20. Found out who your true friends are: not in any dramatic way but just ppl i’ve stayed in touch with over the years!!
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
in general…
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: uhh like all of them except i went through a phase in gr8 where i added a bunch of fake celebs so idk
23. Do you have any pets: i wish
24. Do you want to change your name: neeeever
25. What did you do for your last birthday: me and 4 of my friends bussed from our uni to toronto and spent the day there~
26. What time did you wake up: 10ish
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: probably on this hell website
28. Name something you cannot wait for: going to korea in 2 daysss
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: almost 2 months ago :c
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish all of my immediate family could live in one country!!! then i could visit my grandparents
31.What are you listening to right now: i have rpdr on in the background haha
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: “fans” attacking baekhyun for wanting to be treated like a human being
34. Most visited website: facebook, tumblr, youtube
35. Elementary: aww the good old days
36. High School: was fun but no way in hell am i going back
37.College/university: just got into grad school!! pharmacy woop woop
38. Hair color: half brown half black bc my roots grew out 
39. Long or short hair: loooooooong
40. Do you have a crush on someone: ya :))))))))))))))
41. What do you like about yourself: my personality!!
42. Piercings: ears
43. Blood type: B i think ive never actually tested
44. Nickname: triple lu
45. Relationship status: sexy free and single 
46. Zodiac sign: virgo
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: friends
49. Tattoos: i want one so baddd
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: ive had knee surgery once
52. Piercings: wait where’s #53
54. Sport: lol
55. Vacation: currently in china~ going to korea soon
57. Eating: yes
58. Drinking: tea!!
59. I’m about to: procrastinate & try to finish writing this fic chapter
60. Listening to: As If It’s Your Last - Blackpink
61. Waiting for: my wifi to load youtube
62. Want: cheesecake
63. Get married: i can only dream!!!!!!
64. Career: pharmacist
which is better…
65. Hugs or kisses
66. Lips or eyes
67. Shorter or taller
68. Older or younger
70. Nice arms or nice stomach
71. Sensitive or loud
72. Hook up or relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant
have you ever…
74. Kissed a stranger?: nope
75. Drank hard liquor?: what counts as hard liquor?
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses?: contacts all the time
77. Turned someone down?: not directlyyy
78. Sex on first date?: noo
79. Broken someone’s heart?: i hope not
80. Had your heart broken?: yeah but it does that too easily so its ok
81. Been arrested?: noooo
82. Cried when someone died?: yaa
83. Fallen for a friend?: it didn’t last v long
do you believe in…
84. Yourself?: yes!
85. Miracles?: yes!!
86. Love at first sight?: yes!!!
87. Santa Claus?: i found “santa’s” wrapping paper in my parents’ closet when i was 9...the magic died smh
88. Kiss on the first date?: sure depends 
89. Angels?: yess
90. Current best friend’s name: donna, hillary, esther
91. Eye color: dark brown
92. Favorite movie: forever and always Sound of Music!!
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raccooncityaliens · 7 years
Tagged by @annamarcellie ! Thank you!
🌻rules: once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag.
1. Drink: Coffee, still morning for me
2. Phone Call: The local crisis center (they called me)
3. Text Message: Uhhh the library telling me my books are late
4. Song You Listened To: Marina and The Diamonds - Froot
5. Time You Cried: Um... I cried a lot on Friday but don’t even remember if I’ve cried after that
6. Dated Someone Twice: Uhhh kinda, and that would apply for the last two of my lovers before H....... oop
7. Been Cheated On: Yeah, I don’t think there was actual sex involved but
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Impulse control crap so yes
9. Lost someone special: Not to death but otherwise yes
10. Been depressed: Got first diagnosed at 13 so lmao yes
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: Too many times....... You’d think one would learn
12. Purple
13. Dark teal? what are color names
14. In general I navigate towards black and grays but let’s say muted greens
15. Made new friends: Yes!! Amazing
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, the worst was around Christmas when we were playing a word board game with sis and I thought I was going to choke and die because I laughed too hysterically........ still funny tho
18. Found out someone was talking about you: No...! Not including my fiancée. But I’m pretty sure someone’s spreading shit because people are being weird.
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes
20. Found out who your true friends are: I think I’ll see soon
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yah sure
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Almost everyone who lives/lived in Finland
23. Do you have any pets: Not really but I’m an adoptive parent to a hamster grandpa
24. Do you want to change your name: Legally yeah
25. What did you do for your last birthday: That is a hell of a question....... I think sis was in town and we spent time with mom?
26. What time did you wake up today: Around 9:30 which is really weird
27. What were doing at midnight last night: Getting ready for bed
28. Name something you cannot wait for: Mass Effect Andromeda, getting more money, our handfasting
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: Friday evening
30. What is one thing that you could change about your life:  H getting healthy..... or at least getting healthier and more time here on Earth. Also less intense mental illnesses would be gr8. Also top surgery.
31. What are you listening to right now: More Marina, currently Girls
32. Have you ever talked to someone named Tom: No, actually
33. Something that gets on your nerves: People telling me that being positive fixes everything
34. Most visited website: Just really tumblr. Then fb, youtube. Or maybe google really, I google a lot of stuff.
35. Elementary: School? Uhhh how would these translate into Finnish school system.... Trauma period continued but I didn’t realize it at a time
36. Secondary: More trauma, mental illness hitting full force
37. College: I’m at uni but it would be gr8 if I had more spoons and less..... illness
38. Hair colour: Two shades of brown because my undyed roots are like half of my hair
39. Long or short hair: Short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes *v* tho I think we’re far past the crush stage already
41. What do you like about yourself: I try my best to be a decent human being
42. Piercings: Ears, one stretched, labret, tongue, helix, navel
43. Blood type: B+
44. Nicknames: Ppl just call me Luka or Karo
45. Relationship Status: ENGAGED
46. Zodiac sign: Taurus sun, aquarius moon.
47. Pronouns: They/them. He/him works too but not always.
48. fav Tv show: at this exact moment: Hannibal always, Star Trek TOS always. Just got into Skam tho
49. Tattoos: Kenaz on my right ring finger
50. Right or left handed: Right
51. Surgery: I’ve actually never had surgery miraculously enough
52. Piercing: Well ears when I was like 7, but labret.
53. Best friend: Was this piece of crap girlie but first real bff @murdercutie
54. Sport: Uhhhhhh........ Dance? Badminton?
55. Vacation: France when I was like 2. Dad’s friend lived there.
56. Pair of trainers: I have literally no idea
57. Eating: Nothiiing I should have breakfast
58. Drinking: More coffee.......
59. i’m about to: ....Drink coffee........
60. listening to: Forgot to put music back on, thanks
61. waiting for: My brain to wake up
62. want: MoONEeeyyy
63. get married: Yah in the summer !
64. career: I’m a student in theory lmao not gonna get a single credit this year. Hope to be a researcher at some point, unless I find another cool job in my field.
65. hugs or kisses: Hugs actually
66. lips or eyes: Eyess I guess
67. shorter or taller: Shorter so I can feel tol
68. older or younger: Idgaf, H is younger
69. romantic or spontaneous: Romantic? And spontaneous to a limit too
70. nice arms or nice stomach: Either way!
71. sensitive or loud: Sensitive def
72. hook up or relationship: Relationship always and forever, hook ups have been terrible for me
73. troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker 8>
74. kissed a stranger: Yep
75. drank hard liquor: Ooh yes
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: Well colored contacts yeah
77.  turned someone down: Yup
78. sex on first date: :)))))
79. broken someone’s heart: Maaaaybe? Once maybe?
80. had your own heart broken: Shattered to fucking pieces
81.  been arrested: Nope
82. cried when someone died: Nobody in my social circle has died. When my dog died yes tho. For... weeks.
83. fallen for a friend: Yeeees
84. yourself: Idk like in what way? But no I have BPD
85. miracles: I want to
86. love at first sight: I was like definite nope but now I’m like.... well, shit
87. santa claus: Well not in that sense
88. kiss on the first date: Sure
89. angels: I think they exist but I don’t really work with them
90. current best friend’s name: Katariina still!
91. eye colour: Like amber or something. Or brown or green. Who knows really.
92. favourite movie: I can’t choose????
I don’t want to tag anyone specifically but mutuals do this!!
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otonai · 7 years
™ Getting to know 92 facts about me hmmm yum yum
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
tagged by: @dimsumdamsel​ ur gr8 thanks m8
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: made to my friend who never answered me. [3] text message: Amy @sugafree-hoshi​ her blog ded tho [4] song you listened to:  The 7th Sense by NCT U pls support my sons on Limitless. [5] time you cried:  like....yesterday. I just wanted to cry. 
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: support Twice buy Knock Knock on iTunes never even dated someone once what u talking about [8] kissed someone and regretted it: I shouldn’t have kissed my mom that one time got a mouthful of foundation powder thanks mom. [9] lost someone special: no and hope not any time soon either. [10] been depressed: I’m a constantly suffering man and these are my suffering hands. Not to the point of medication but I cry every other day and struggle to find purpose in life so I just sleep it off and not get anything done wow. [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: I tasted one drop of beer when I was 5 and was like nope y’all nasty I ain’t never drinking that.
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12]Pastel Pink [13] purple/lavender [14] Sapphire blue amirite
[15] made new friends: Yes omg [16] fallen out of love: i wish [17] laughed until you cried: nah man laughing is about the only thing that doesn’t make me cry. [18] found out someone was talking about you: Don’t relate -_- [19] met someone who changed you: I am a rock. unchangeable. However someone did change my grades thx [20] found out who your true friends are: yeah all 2 of my friends. jk they all real oh god why am i like this  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: I only use my Facebook to vote so there’s nobody on the list.......other than my parents.
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 1. My step-dad. [23] do you have any pets: Meowler [24] do you want to change your name: Maybe to Lillian or Lilliputian lol can you imagine [25] what did you do for your last birthday: don’t remember. [26] what time did you wake up: 6am [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Pokemon Mooning [28] name something you cannot wait for: Summer, graduation, a date. [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: an hour ago? [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i gotta stop procrastinating hollyyyyyyy shitttt [31] what are you listening to right now: the sound of my laptop’s fans on full blast wow lil engines in there [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah.......rather not....  [33] something that is getting on your nerves: i really gotta do the laundry. [34] most visited website: the tumbler blog and youtube woohoo [35] elementary: i wish i kept in contact with my elementary school friends man i miss ‘em. [36] high school: death [37] college: haven’t started so don’t relate. I am young. [38] hair color: darkest possible black ™ Since it’s trademarked maybe the second darkest black then.  [39] long or short hair: it’s like.... mediocre length. Not long but not short either.....just like me. [40] do you have a crush on someone: I did have one but I guess it’s fading out hopefully. [41] what do you like about yourself?: nah [42] piercings: none [43] blood type: idk man [44] nickname: I get called strange things yet I don’t remember any. [45] relationship status: single wow what a surprise [46] zodiac sign: aries/pisces [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: i watch Jeopardy occasionally. Sometimes I watch Supernatural and some random anime. [49] tattoos: None.Needles scare me. [50] right or left handed: right handed
FIRST… [51] surgery: had a surgery on my nose when I was like 7 [52] piercing: none my earlobes are virgins. [53] best friend: My best friends seemed to always be better friends with somebody else :/ I think it was probably Devon that I first opened up to. Where u at now fam I miss u. [54] sport: I like to watch Yuri on Ice and Kuroko no Basket [55] vacation: To Sichuan in 2002? Don’t know if it counts as a vacation tho. If not my family went to Dalian on the beach in 2006 it was great. [56] pair of trainers:wtf are trainers
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: nothing [59] i’m about to: do art project [60] listening to:  nothing [61] waiting for: salavation [62] want: to get all the assignments over with [63] get married: probably eventually I mean [64] career: professional sufferer. Amateur student.
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs  [66] lips or eyes: I like looking at eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller ppl so i can crash into their chest/boobs instead of accidentally headbutting them.  [68] older or younger: If they younger than me they a fetus. [69] romantic or spontaneous: don’t relate to either. Never had a crush like me back before. [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms!!! I like looking at forearms!!!! [71] sensitive or loud: I like outgoing and funny people but it’s cool if they got a soft side. [72] hook up or relationship: don’t relate lmao [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant pls catch me when i make mistakes
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no  [75] drank hard liquor? no [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? I lost my glasses for half a year and was fine bc I am barely near sighted. They turned up after I cleaned my room. [77] turned someone down: yeah man [78] sex on first date? date.....?d.....ate? what is a date? [79] broken someone’s heart? I have no clue. Sorry if I did it wasn’t my intention and I didn’t even know. [80] had your own heart broken? Felt pretty crushed but I guess it wasn’t bad. [81] been arrested? no wow [82] cried when someone died? Idk.....my memories blocked the bad times. Probably tho. [83] fallen for a friend: no.
[84] yourself? nah man who is she don’t know her [85] miracles? yes my grades are a miracle. [86] love at first sight? I mean you can be really attracted to each other but it’s not love until you get to know each other. [87] santa claus? st.nick was a real man.  [88] kiss on the first date? no.... i mean idk bc i never been on a date. [89] angels? Have you seen NCT I would like to
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: Amy probably. More like my only friend. [91] eye colour: dark brown [92] favourite movie: Ghibli movies I think I watched Howl’s Moving Castle a good eleven times.
I tag @sharks-in-fishnet-leggings @foreverpersonafan idk do it if u want have a blast
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nimblelizard · 6 years
85 Questions Game | answer about yourself and tag 20 others. Tagged by: @rosebadwolf1000
Last Drink - Pure Leaf Raspberry Tea Phone call - My mom Text message - My mom again Song you listened to - Jumpsuit by Twenty One Pilots  Ever Dated someone twice - No Kissed someone and regretted it - Ya girl is 17 and still hasn’t had a kiss  Been cheated on - Nah Lost someone special - Not really
Gotten drunk and thrown up - Im not a fan of alcohol  Fave Colours - Any shade of blue or purple  In the last year have you: Made new friends - Yes!! Fallen out of love - No? Ive never been in love, more like I just stopped liking someone
Laughed until you cried - Yeah at my last d&d session  Found out someone was talking about you - No...but i wouldnt doubt it happening  Met someone who changed you - Yeah Found out who your friends are - Still figuring it out  Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - Nope!  General - How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life - all of them Do you have any pets - Yes! I have a dog, Buddy, who ive had since i was little and my cat, Cali, who i love a lot.  Do you want to change your name - I’ve got an odd name. I use to not like it, but i’ve grown to love it. Plus I dont think any name besides Jonna would fit me.
What did you do for your last birthday -  Went to the beach with my friends. I had a lot of fun.
What were you doing last night at midnight - Watching Critical Role  What is something you can’t wait for - To be 18, I really cant wait to get a tattoo. What are you listening to right now - The Adventure Zone Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - Yeah  Something that gets on your nerves - People who think they have more authority than they do. People who refuse to listen to any side that isnt their own in an argument. Most visited website - Youtube or Tumblr Hair colour - Right now? Its an odd brown/auburn with my brown roots showing, its kinda a mess? But im getting it dyed on Monday.   Long or short hair - About medium length, but i’m going up to my shoulders on Monday.  What do you like about yourself - So like this is a hard one? It’s kinda weird for me. Ive come to terms that im not that ugly and like I look nice, but i just hate my body type so like ????? I like my thinking syle???? Want any piercings - I use to have my ears but I havent wore earrings since 7th grade. And im thinking maybe getting them again but idk yet 
Blood type - I dont actully know D:D  Nicknames - No not really Relationship status - Single 
Zodiac sign - Leo  Pronouns - She/Her Fave TV shows - My favorite show is Hannibal. I really like Dirk Gently, And Gotham is gr8. Thats about it  Tattoos - When I turn 18 im getting one  Right or left handed - Right Ever had surgery - Nope Sports - Use to play basketball Vacation - Ive always wanted to go to France 
More General Eating - Not eating rn
Drinking - Not drinking anything either  I’m about to watch - Idk I work soon. 
Waiting for - Stuff, waiting for my life to be more clear?  Want - To do good in school 
Get married - Yeah, seems like a nice thing. Career - I want to go into Forensic Psychology but who knows what will happen  Hugs or kisses - I would love to kiss someone but im always a sucker for a good hug.  Lips or eyes - Depends on who im with  Shorter or taller - Well im 5″4 if thats what its asking, and i dont care about the height of whoever I date  Older or younger - I low key like older people more, but I dont care  Nice arms or stomach - I dont care tbh  Hookup or relationship - Relationship,  Troublemaker or hesitant - both, depends on the situation.  Have you ever Kissed a stranger - Nope lol  Drank hard liquor - No Lost glasses - Nope Turned someone down - Yeah..  Sex on first date - nope  Broken someone’s heart - Maybe?  Had your heart broken - Yeah? I mean my first break up sucked but its not like I loved him 
Been arrested - No  Cried when someone died - Yeah. Fallen for a friend - Fallen makes me think like in love? So no.  Do you believe in -  Yourself - Lets say 45% of the time  Miracles - Yeah why not  Love at first sight - In a way yeah  Kiss on first date - Yeah sure why not Angels - I guess? Other - Best friend’s name - Anna Eye colour - brown Fave movie - The Princess and the Frog  Favourite actor - Hard choice.  Favourite food - Watermelon, I once ate half of one. Do not recommend.  Extrovert or introvert - Im a bit of both Favourite flower - Lilacs 
Favourite Hello Kitty character - oh.
im not tagging anyone lol, if ya want just do it 
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n1ghtlungs · 7 years
@bat-the-songbird tagged me in a big ask thing! tagging @tales-of-a-wolf, @spinning-constellations and @larryknowswhereyoulive for shits n gigs. Answers under the cut.
Rules: Answer some stuff and tag people maybe
1. Drink: Coke 2. Phone call: Mum 3. Text message: "i know several dozen Greg Molloys, which one is this” 4. Song you listened to: Electric Blue - Icehouse 5. Time you cried: Walking to the doctors’ last week.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Nope 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope 8. Been cheated on: Nope  9. Lost someone special: Many times 10. Been depressed: Yep 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yep
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Green, grey, blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yup 16. Fallen out of love: Yip 17. Laughed until you cried: Yep
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes, in a good way :)
19. Met someone who changed you: For sure. Every person you meet does.
20. Found out who your friends are: I tend to avoid dramatic announcements like the one this question seems to entail. Everyone I know is their own person and the  concept of “real friendship” in the context of teenagehood that I’ve seen seems to discount that. I’m not a person who judges their friends by their ability to be unconditional emotional crutches. Just personal preference, though. Understand those who do. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nah
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them.
23. Do you have any pets: Two cats, two dogs and a bajillion fish. 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah 26. What time did you wake up: 8:30am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Either lifting weights or reading Catch-22. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: The first challenge in a flash-fiction competition I’ve entered.
29. When was the last time you saw your mum: Half an hour ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life? I’d like to be able to eat properly with a knife and fork. 31. What are you listening right now: The washing machine and the storm outside. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Not that I can recall... 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The constant noise from people arguing in this house! 34. Most visited Website: Facebook
35. Mole/s: ...no (I hope to abduct star-nosed ones someday) 36. Mark/s: Scar on my left index knuckle from smacking the oven grill, scars all over my right foot from surgery. 37. Childhood dream: To become a nuclear physicist!! 38. Hair color: Brown
39. Long or short hair: Short, for myself. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: No. 41. What do you like about yourself: The fact I can recall the script of Mamma Mia! (2008) to fall asleep 42. Piercings: Earlobes 43. Blood type: Don’t know 44. Nickname: J-dizzle dawg, Jordo, Jor, Jorjor, Horhor, Dordor, Demdem, Hoehoe Binks, Cap’n Jordossa, and many more, i have special friends =) 45. Relationship status: single n ready 2... hibernate socially for an indefinite period of time 46. Zodiac: Pisces 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: Black Mirror, Sense8, The last Kingdom, Stranger Things are all good. 49. Tattoos: Potentially 50. Right or left hand: LEFT 51. Surgery: Yep, tendons on right foot 52. Hair dyed in different color: Not currently
55. Vacation: Would love to visit/ revisit Japan in winter, Switzerland, Iceland, and anywhere south of Wellington in NZ 56. Pair of trainers: I have one pair that we found on the side of hillsborough road?! very comfy
57. Eating: just had a cheeseburger                                                                
58. Drinking: h2o
59. I’m about to: go check on the sister                         
61. Waiting for: things to settle down re: family circumstances
62. Want: to build self-confidence
63. Get married: ya maybe
64. Career: Physicist? Electrician? Rights advocacy? Family law? Writing? Journalism? 
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs!
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes
67. Shorter or taller: Either, a preference would be arbitrary
68. Older or younger: Older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms, I’d hope never to see somebody’s stomach except under ultrasound (ha ha, gr8 one j)
71. Sensitive or loud: One can be both
.72. Hook up or relationship: depends on the context
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: the happy middle ground
74. Kissed a stranger: Been kissed, which shouldn’t count
75. Drank hard liquor: Yep
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope
77. Turned someone down: Yep
78. Sex on the first date: Nope
79. Broken someone’s heart: Not sure
80. Had your heart broken: No
81. Been arrested: Nah
82. Cried when someone died: Many many times
83. Fallen for a friend: Yup
84. Yourself: Every now and then
85. Miracles: Yes, but not in a religious or predetermined sense
86. Love at first sight: Perhaps
87. Santa Claus: Of course
88. Kiss in the first date: Yup
89. Angels: Metaphorical ones
90. Current best friends name: I’m not sure I could name one.
91. Eye color: Brown
92. Favorite movie: No film has made me cry as much as Temple Grandin, but I do have a soft spot for Cloud Atlas.
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nobody13cbc-blog · 9 years
Today we stopped at another little island to get some grub and stuff. I turn around for one moment at a taco joint and my crew is gone. I find them friggin cow tipping on private property (haven’t they learned their lesson??) I warned them earlier it’d be a quick stop, and they still didn’t listen. B4 I knew it, sirens were blaring. I’m not one to be cowardly, but they deserved it. Sorry dudes
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