nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
Sorry It’s been a few days but I had no wifi sailing. I finally stopped at this island called ogygia? It’s a gorgeous place, great for hikes. This really sweet chick is letting me stay with her for as long as I want! 
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
Today we stopped at another little island to get some grub and stuff. I turn around for one moment at a taco joint and my crew is gone. I find them friggin cow tipping on private property (haven’t they learned their lesson??) I warned them earlier it’d be a quick stop, and they still didn’t listen. B4 I knew it, sirens were blaring. I’m not one to be cowardly, but they deserved it. Sorry dudes
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
while trying to get home on a rented ship (thx for the hookup man I owe u one) we accidentally passed through some psycho guy’s property. Scylla or something? They came out on a boat and sicced their 6 rabid dogs on us. To make things worse, a huge storm was closing on the area, so we had to leave like pronto. Hurricane Charybdis or somethin.
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
went to see a wild concert, live venue of The Sirens. They’re pretty hot, plus the voices are like hypnotic. I was afraid of losing more of my bois to hot chicks, then who would I go to parties with? So in the end I was able to convince them to wear earplugs (they were so drunk lol) I wanted to see what all the hype was, so I just made sure to keep myself away but still listen
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
Met up with some guy named Teiresias to ask for directions to get back home. He let me meet & greet with some other p chill guys
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
Update: Some weirdo lady named Circe took us in, and yeah she’s pretty hot but all my boys are drooling over her and are WHIPPEd. Not even she’s that smokin to turn them into submissive little pigs. Whatever happened to dicks b4 chicks??
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
Ugh life sux, our plane home got super lost and now we landed on some weird island in the ghettos. 11 of my friends got jumped by some gang called the Laistrygones, now only me and a few of my homies are left.  
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
Miss you babe! I'll be back soon, don't you worry! @penelopeluvsody
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
omg bae when I get home I'mma beat them up 4 you
OMG its only been a week since Odysseus left and guys are already hitting on me! >: I
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
Me and the crew just got jumped by some douche called Polyphemus. I think he was that guy we robbed the other day. Man, I beat him up until he had two black eyes! No one messes with my squad.
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
We were at this rad party last nite and this dude gave us some weird flower cookies or something. Whatever was in it kept me tripping for a whole day
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
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Beautiful pic I took from the boat. I love my study abroad <3
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nobody13cbc-blog · 10 years
lol just had a epic nite with the boys in Ismarus, Cicones!
 screw the police we wild ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
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