#grace muncy one shot
storiesofsvu · 1 year
Good Girl
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Grace Muncy x reader Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, minor SVU type case work, no smut but like, dirty talk still with a bit of mommy kink. I would call it a drabble, it's just over 1k
Being undercover was nothing new to you, but it was something relatively new to Muncy. Which is why where your hand laid on her thigh, your thumb was rubbing soothing circles into her skin. You were at a party, meeting with another high end trafficker about buying some new girls and Grace was your special little good girl, the one who got to come to parties like this, help select out her new friends. She was perched in your lap and you could nearly feel the nerves radiating off her, you shifted forward, swiping a glass of champagne from the table and passing it to her, your lips nearly brushing against the shell of her ear as you spoke.
“Relax pretty girl.” Your breath husked out onto her skin and she nearly shivered, taking a sip of the bubbly.
“Sorry.” She murmured, risking a glance down at you and she knew it was a mistake immediately. The neckline of your dress was cut halfway down your chest, revealing the delicate tattoo on your sternum surrounded by the curve of your chest. Her eyes lingered, perhaps a little too long, watching the way the gem of your necklace glinted in the low light before they dragged back up to your face and she noticed you’d caught her staring, smirk on your lips. “Sorry.” She muttered again, her cheeks turning pink.
“It’s alright princess.” You cooed, your hand smoothing a loose piece of hair behind her ear, fingers trailing down her jaw to pinch at her chin, “you know you can look at mommy all you want, you just have to ask to touch.”
Grace was entirely unsure if you were aware of her crush on you, or the effect the words you had just said had on her, but tonight was going to be one hell of a night either way. She nearly squeaked, distracting herself with her drink as you turned to say something to one of the men beside you, engaging in ‘work’ conversation in another language. Her ears picked up a moment later that it was Italian, flowing from between your lips like fucking silk. She did her best not to squirm in your lap, attempting to squeeze her thighs together but it only gained your attention, your arm wrapping tighter around her while you continued your conversation.
She was almost relieved when the group of girls were brought into the room, beginning to worry that she was going to blow the op. Your focus turned to them as you shifted Grace off your lap, though your hand slid up her back, fingers tickling at the baby hairs at the back of her neck. You could sense the tension beginning to rise in the room, trickling in slowly like a gas leak, you were well aware you had a limited amount of time to make this work. Standing from the couch you greeted the girls, examining them, well aware of Grace’s eyes practically glued to your ass while you did so. Glancing over your shoulder to her, you shot her a wink, saying something about how she’d look like such a pretty whore beside the redhead whose chin you had pinched between your thumb and forefinger. You let out a soft sigh, ‘tsk’ing in her direction before you glanced to the man you’d been talking to. Grace had missed it, but the guard at the door had shifted ever so slightly, his hand moving from in front of him to the back of his pants and you knew there was a gun.
“Could you give us a moment?” You asked, “it seems like someone’s a little jealous.” Stepping toward her with a sly grin on your cheeks your fingers curled under her chin, tilting her face up to you and urging her to stand, “come pet, talk to me.”
As she stood your hand trailed down her side, landing in the small of her back as you lead her into the kitchen. You were still in view of the group in the living room, feeling their eyes on you as you turned, resting a hip against the island, raising a brow in Grace’s direction now that you were out of earshot. You kept your mask up and she nearly gulped at the way your fingers were twirling with a strand of her hair.
“You need to relax.” You purred, your head tilting, a grin on your cheeks to keep the façade up, “or was it that I called you a whore? You think you’re a good girl? Because you give off brat vibes if you’d ask me.” You teased and her breath caught in her throat.
“What do I….?”
“Exactly what you’re doing. That cute little bratty pout on your lips while you watch mommy pick out some girls to buy. The rest gets taken care of.” You sighed softly, your hand ghosting over her cheek, “but you’re too tense, I don’t think they’re buying it fully.”
“So?” She tugged her lower lip in between her teeth, doe eyes glancing up at you and you chuckled. Your thumb trailed over her lip and she let it go with a pop, her eyes nearly fluttering shut at the sensation.
“Kiss me.”
“What?” Her eyes almost flew open but she managed to keep control as you stepped toward her, ducking you head to softly kiss her neck, murmuring your words against her skin.
“I said… kiss me. So they think we’ve made up and you’re ready to be mommy’s good girl the rest of the night. I promise you’ll get rewarded.” By the time you’d finished speaking your lips were right under her ear, leaving a feather light kiss there before you straightened yourself up. One of your hands rested on her hip, the other still cupping her cheek, thumb stroking across her soft skin. “Okay?” You raised a brow in question and she gave you the tiniest nod.
Ducking down, you chuckled as she suddenly rocked forward, eager to feel her lips against yours. She practically melted into your embrace, completely forgetting where she was while your arm wound around her and her body was warmed by the heat of yours. You nipped at her lip gently and she practically moaned into your mouth, letting your tongue slip into hers and she could taste the bourbon you’d been drinking. You were pulling away before she was even remotely ready, a whine escaping her lips when you did so, her eyes slowly fluttering open, lips still parted.
“C’mon.” You chuckled, “lets finish this.” You booped her on the nose, “good girl.” Your fingers linked with hers this time as you lead her back to the living room and main event.
With things finally wrapped up you were able to exit into the cool night air and Grace finally felt like she could breath again, her head slowly wrapping around exactly what had happened.
“Hey.” She called out and you turned back to her right as you reached your car, a soft grin on your lips, a brow cocked in her direction and she nearly melted again. “Was… uh… was that all for show?”
“Hmm.” You shrugged, “did you want it to be?”
With a wink and a smirk you ducked into your car, leaving Grace feeling all too hot and bothered for the countless time that night.
@thatesqcrush @witches-unruly-heart @daddy-heather-dunbar @baubeautyandthegeek @red1culous @bullet-prooflove @momlifebehard @alexxavicry
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Why did you elbow me? 157
Achilles Castle part 59
Lemonade and lies part 2
Fin: pov Liv is telling Kate and the others the story about one of our Detectives, Sergeant Mike Dodds who died in the line of duty on his last day of work and how they were going back to a domestic violent call they responded to a few days earlier. The mom just wanted to leave with the kids but the dad took all of them hostage. Liv said she left with the kids in the car and Mike stayed inside the house and got shot in the gut. At the hospital he developed a blood clot that caused a stroke and died suddenly. I noticed in the precinct there are a few big signs that say, know the signs of a heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke and choking. It must be because Kate has health issues.
Joe: pov After we finish eating we get back to piecing the papers back together.
Kate: pov I'm starting to feel miserable, my throat is so sore and something is tickling it now, I just have to finish this case then I can take it easy. I get sick so much that I miss a good amount of work which is upsetting to me, since the boys have to take on more cases when I'm out sick.
Grace Muncy: pov Eventually Captain Benson and Captain Beckett find a piece of the shredded paper with his name on it. The guy's name is Nick long. Lanie parish who is the ME for the 12th is trying to verify that the name matches the dead guy. He has some metal hardware in his leg that she is looking up.
Olivia Benson: pov Lanie swabbed the guys mouth to see if she can get a hit, she is looking up the metal hardware in the guys leg to see if he is Ned long. Using traffic cameras Detective Ryan was able to see where the person came from and went to. Fin and Esposito were heading to the one Address while Detective Ryan took Joe and Muncy to the other location.
Esposito: pov Kate looks tired, I don't think she feels well. The person on the tape who is most likely the killer is a woman, she came from a hardware store. Me and Fin are questioning the owner to see if he knows the woman or has a way of identifying her. No luck so far the guy never saw her. He was off yesterday. I ask if he can bring in the guy from yesterday so we can talk to him.
Ryan: pov me, Muncy and Joe, head to the place the person on the video went to after the murder. It's a house. Kate is trying to get us a search warrant. I tell Muncy and Joe to open the mailbox and see if there is mail in there. Which there is. I tell them to write the name down, that Is on the mail that way we can look her up. I call Kate with an update. Back at the station Muncy and Joe are looking into the woman's life.
Kate: pov me and Liv are looking into the guy's life. I hope the tea helps my irritated throat. My ears are also starting to feel clogged. We both interview a few of his friends and coworkers, it turns out he might be involved with some organized crime. His friends say how nice of a guy he was. A few women pull us aside and mention Nick had a type and he is a pedophile. Liv says her former partner Elliot now works in organized crime he might be able to help, she will call him tonight.
Liv: pov it's getting late everyone is heading home for the night. We will start fresh tomorrow morning. I will call Elliot before I leave the 12th precinct.
Elliot: pov Liv calls me to let me how she is helping the 12th precinct with a homicide that might have to do with a sexual assault, she explains the case to me and how it might have to do with organized crime I mention my squad has 2 detectives under cover at the moment and I think Ayanna's case and yours is related to hers. I tell Liv me and Ayanna had a slow day today and will be over in the morning.
Fin: pov Liv is calling Elliot to let her know our joint case with the 12th precinct might be organized crime related. Him and Ayanna offer to come over tomorrow and catch us all up on the case.
Ryan: pov at home Jenny is waiting for me she already put Sarah Grace to bed. She reheats my dinner while I talk a little bit about the case. We then head to the bedroom to cuddle.
Castle: pov Kate arrives home and looks exhausted. Kate I ordered you a brown rice bowl since I know you like it, I ordered myself a sub. She talked a little bit about the case then headed off to bed.
Liv: pov in the morning I woke up next to Brian who was nice enough last night to pick up Noah for me. After showering together he makes breakfast while I get ready he knows to leave before Noah gets up, we don't want him knowing we are together yet.
Kate: pov I don't know how I made it out of bed today I feel horrible. Liv and I are working in my office together. Esposito was nice and got donuts and coffee for everyone. He got me a decaf and a low fat yogurt cup. Thanks Esposito for the coffee and yogurt.
Esposito: pov no problem how are you feeling today, because if you're sick you know what effect it can have on your heart. Just be careful and try to take it easy if you can, let me and Ryan do the leg work or some of the other detectives I doubt they will mind.
Fin: pov Ryan comes running in saying we might have just got lucky the lady from the video just got pulled over at a traffic stop for speeding. They are bringing her in now, Liv and Kate are going to question her. To be continued. ……….
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weak-aesthetic · 2 years
Season 24 episode 4 I believe. The one where Grace threw her radio at the perp. Where the 3 girls were held captive. The perps fathers body was discovered in a grave on the property. Liv figured out it had to have been one of the victims young daughter that did it because of the angle he was shot. I believe liv classified it as unsolved because she didn’t think it was right for Maxwells office to go after the girl after all they’ve been through. Maxwell told her this better not come back to bit then in the ass and she can’t pick and choose who gets prosecuted. Then in Rollins last episode the son mistrialed when Muncy lost her cool. So honestly now I’m hopping Olivia gets her comeuppance for it.
I remember this now! Yeah
Olivia is on some sort of power kick this season and I’m not for it. Like I love Ms. Benson I do, but this season just ain’t it for me.
Idk what they’re doing with her character and it just feels weird. Like the more episodes of this season I see, the more unhappy I grow with Liv and I don’t like it. :(
And also like?? Liv and Rollins taking it upon themselves to investigate the camera in the motel room?? Good on Liv for saying “leave the recordings of me for evidence if needed” but like? The way it went down was just odd to me. Like she was on personal time and decided to just, open an investigation. Very very odd to me.
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
Always be Yours- 18
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Word Count: 3,556
Story Summary: Follows Dean and the Reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: When a showdown against Metatron finally comes to be a great loss happens
Warnings: Cursing, fighting, blood character death
Cas and Sam grabbed Dean so you bodily put yourself between him and Gadreel as he fought against both of them. The look in his eyes was more animalistic than man and made a slight shiver creep up your spine at seeing the man you loved like that. 
He threw Cas off then spun on Sam. “Drop the blade Dean!” Sam tried. “Move” Dean snarled in warning. “Dean look at me” Sam tried again but Dean shouted “SAM! MOVE!” You saw Cas coming up behind Dean so you stepped further in front of Gadreel “Dean..baby please drop the blade” Cas grabbed him and Sam jumped to pry the blade from his hand so you gripped his arm tightly where the mark was “DROP THE DAMN BLADE DEAN!” 
He was still struggling against Sam and Cas but did at least let the blade go. You nodded to Cas “Get him to the armory” you glanced back at Gadreel “Stay here” then followed the three of them down the hallway hearing Dean struggle against Sam and Cas the entire way.
You stood back closer to the door watching as Dean paced in front of Sam and Cas like a caged animal. He finally stopped in front of them and glanced over at you before saying “The hell if either of you think I’m riding the pine on this one”
“Something is wrong with you, Dean” Sam argued so you pushed off the wall to stand between the two of them “And until we figure out what, this is where you have to stay” he shook his head “And what are you three gonna do sweetheart? Take on Metatron yourself? That’s real smart” when neither of you rose to his words he pointed at Cas “You lost your angel army” then looked back at you and Sam “And the two of you are wanting to lock up the one guy who has a shot at killing the son of a bitch! Hell of a plan!” You didn’t blink an eye despite his anger. You were calm as you spoke “Dean, listen to yourself. You know this isn’t you” then turned to walk out hearing Sam and Cas follow you closely.
You stopped with tears in your eyes as Sam and Cas locked Dean in the armory. “Look, guys..Sam...Sammy...Y/N c’mon baby” you walked out into the hall ignoring his pleas and when the two of them followed you it was you who slid the last lock into place on the door.
You grabbed the first aid kit and headed for the map room while Sam and Cas were talking in the library. Instead of finding a wounded Gadreel you instead found a trail of blood leading out the bunker “Sam! Cas!” you hollered and they came running in behind you. You nodded towards the trail “Apparently he didn’t take the whole being stabbed thing too well” 
You kicked the chair nearest to you from pure frustration. You were losing Dean to that mark, as bad as you hated to admit it the truth was staring you in the face. Metatron was out there gaining power by the moment and the only possible ally was now awol. “SON OF A BITCH” you threw the kit across the floor and watched as bandages went everywhere when it slammed into the wall. Sam gently touched your shoulder and you flinched away from him “C’mon. We gotta find him”
All of you took Cas’ car and it didn’t take long to track Gadreel down. His car was abandoned with the driver’s door still open. Sam pulled to a stop behind it. The three of you walked slowly up to it and you saw the pool of blood in the driver’s seat. You motioned down to the ground “He left a trail”
You followed the blood with Sam and Cas behind you. You crouched down when you got to Gadreel and he immediately put a hand up as if to shield himself from another blow “Please, I’ll leave you alone, I swear” “We’re not here to hurt you” Cas told him as he crouched next to you. Cas reached out to heal him but Gadreel pulled back and shook his head “No, your grace. Healing me would only weaken you” You felt your stomach lurch at his words.Christ he really had just been a puppet for Metatron hadn’t he?  
Cas reached forward anyways and healed him. You watched the slash disappear from Gadreel’s chest but saw Cas sway slightly. You leaned across Gadreel to steady Cas. Both angels glanced at you before looking at each other “Did you hear him?” Gadreel asked and Cas nodded “Yes” 
You rocked back on your heels and looked up at Sam before asking “Where’s Metatron going? What’s he doing?” Gadreel met your eyes slowly “I’m afraid..humanity” You looked at Sam then Cas before offering your hand to Gadreel “In that case you need to come with us cause we got to work together to stop him” You helped Gadreel to his feet then nodded back to Cas’ car “Let’s get back to the bunker”
You followed Sam down the stairs in front of the two angels. Your nose burnt with the smell of sulfur the moment you stepped into the library “Oh no” you saw the box Sam had locked the first blade in sitting open on the table. You ran down the hall to the armory without another word.
You saw that the door was open so you walked slowly inside and the moment you crossed the threshold you smelt burnt herbs and spotted the objects used for a summoning spell. The moment all of you had left Dean must have summoned that red eyed bastard. He didn’t care what that mark did to Dean, hell he was the reason he’d gotten it.
You were standing next to Sam while he tried Dean considering he didn’t answer your call. “Are you sure it was Crowley?” Cas asked and you nodded “We’ve summoned him before. I recognize the ingredients” “Besides who else would it be? Him and Crowley have been bromancing over the blade since he got the mark” Sam added and Gadreel questioned “The mark” you turned to face him “The mark of Cain” “So that’s what Dean cut me with, the first blade?” you nodded “One and the same”
He was quiet for a moment, clearly thinking over something before he spoke “In a way that could be useful” “What?” Sam asked before you could. Gadreel glanced between the three of you “Well, Metatron is more powerful than ever, but if Dean had the first blade and the mark that might give us our best chance” “You’re joking right?” you asked glancing around at the three men “An hour ago we were ready to throw him in a padded cell and now he’s on the front line?”
“Hear him out Y/N” Cas said and you cut your eyes at him. “Sorry that we’re a little less than eager to hear our best chance is arming the warhead and hoping it hits the mark” Sam spoke up in agreement with you. “This isn’t a bomb we’re talking about. It’s the man I love” you emphasized “And my brother” Sam added.
Gadreel argued “He would not be in this alone. We can help” “How?” you asked standing nearly shoulder to shoulder with Sam, the two of you facing the two angels. “I believe Metatron has found a way to tap into the angel tablet. Harnessing its power to give him power equivalent to..” “God,right?” Sam cut him off and he nodded “That’s what this is all about isn’t it? Metatron wants to be god” you offered with a shrug and Gadreel nodded. “Great. Well that makes him basically unstoppable” Sam scoffed.
Cas shook his head “Not if we can break the connection between Metatron and the tablet. That would make him just an ordinary angel” then glanced at Gadreel to ask “Where’s the tablet?” “In Metatron’s office” “In heaven?” Sam asked to which Gadreel offered “I can get us to the door” “And then what? They would just let you in? Metatron’s number two showing up with heaven’s most wanted is gonna make them have some questions” you argued.
“Y/N we have to try” Cas said and you met his eyes and felt yourself deflate slightly. He was right but damn you didn’t have to like it. 
Cas and Gadreel left the bunker to go to heaven so after you put out a hunter bolo and got a ping on a “miracle” in Muncie, Indiana you and Sam hit the road to get there before Dean.  You’d already looked for the lady involved and were waiting at her camper when baby rolled into the trailer park.
You spotted Crowley in the passenger seat and cursed under your breath. “You handle it” you told Sam stepping slightly behind him. When Dean walked up Sam said “Guess one of us doesn’t need a demon to found a clue trail. You’re looking for miracle lady right?” Crowley had gotten out the impala and you glared at him. “She’s gone by the way. We had a nice chat with her though” you added looking from Crowley back to Dean.
He tilted his head slightly “Sweetheart whatever type of intervention you and Sammy think this is trust me, it ain't. I’m not gonna explain myself to either of you”
“Yeah we got that” you bit back looking away from him because it hurt to see that uncaring look pointed towards you and Sam of all people. Sam spoke up motioning between Dean and Crowley “Thought you might want to know while you two have been playing odd couple your real friends, like Cas, like the angel you stabbed Gadreel they’re out there risking their asses right now to help you win this fight” “What the hell are you talking about?” Dean asked but Sam was mid sentence and continued “A fight I might add you made that much more complicated when you decided to stab the one angel who could actually get us to Metatron”
“You mean the angel that took you for a joy ride? The angel that slaughtered Kevin? That angel?” Dean argued and you realized the two had taken a step closer to each other so you stepped between them refusing to see the two most important people in your life physically fight if you could stop it.
Sam spoke over your head to Dean “Who you let in the front door in the first place. You and Y/N tricked me Dean. And now I’m the one who wakes up in the middle of the night seeing my hands kill Kevin not you! So please when you say you don’t want to explain anything to us don’t. I get it so does she”
“And we also get that Metatron has got to go and we know you’re our best shot” You added and Dean looked from you to Sam before saying “I’m gonna take my shot for better or worse” “We know” Sam replied and you felt your heart drop no matter how much you’d prepared yourself when Dean said “No matter the consequences” “We know” you replied and was proud when your voice remained steady despite how you felt on the inside.
“But if this is it, We’re gonna do it together. You want to know what he whispered to her right? It was his next stop” Sam told Dean and Crowley then spoke up “So what are we all gollywagging on about? Chop-chop”  Dean turned to face him and he shrugged “Excuse me. I’m not exactly demon minion number three here. As the kids say, I’ve got mad skills” you remained in place next to Sam as Dean walked over to Crowley “Look I don’t know what you expected here ok. I don’t really care but you wanted off the hamster wheel get off.”  Crowley scoffed “Guess I’ve been Winchestered” he glanced over at you and Sam “I’d wish you three good luck if I thought it would help. When he disappeared you cleared your throat “So we hunting an angel or what?” and walked past Dean to baby and climbed into the backseat without another word.
You sat silent in the backseat staring at Dean in the mirror. He’d yet to meet your eyes but you couldn’t take yours away from him. You could very well lose him by the time this fight was over. How the hell were you supposed to face losing yet another person? Let alone one that you loved as deeply as you loved him. How the hell was Sam supposed to face the possibility of losing him? Why the hell hadn’t you stopped him from going after the first blade to start with?
When you got to Metatron’s next stop Dean parked the impala and the three of you climbed out. Sam looked between the two of you then pointed down the road “I’m gonna head up and check it out. See if there’s any chatter about Marv” you nodded and chunked an angel blade to him “Watch your six Sammy” he cut his eyes towards Dean then walked away.
You couldn’t help but notice the tremor in Dean’s hand that only stilled when he touched the covered blade. “Dean” you spoke softly, letting your hand gently cover his. He closed his eyes for a moment “Y/N, please know no matter what happens I love you” you took a deep breath and squeezed his hand gently “I love you too Dean” the two of you stood like that for a few moments until the sound of footsteps made you draw apart until you both realized it was Sam “Anything?” Dean asked and Sam nodded “About a mile up the road. There’s a homeless encampment. The way folks are talking, he’s got them convinced he’s some kind of new jesus or something” you laughed humorlessly. “You good?” Sam asked Dean who nodded “Yeah I’m good”
Dean looked at Sam then back at you “Sammy can I have a minute with Y/N?” Sam nodded “Of course” and walked a bit aways turning his back also to give the two of you more privacy. He gently grabbed your arm and led you back to the front of the impala before pulling you against his chest “Kiss for good luck?” you gave him a small smile “Always” and leaned up to gently brush your lips against his. 
He deepened the kiss and you barely saw the movement when he reached into his pocket and pulled out a rag but when he pulled back to put the rag over your nose and mouth the smell of chloroform was chokingly strong. You gave him a questioning look as you faded and barely heard him say “I’m sorry. I can’t risk you”
The next thing you knew Sam was shaking you awake. “Y/N wake up!” you were already pushing to your feet so he reached out to help you “What the hell happened?” you asked as the two of you took off at a run for the homeless encampment “Dean chloroformed you and knocked me out. He didn’t want us in the fight against Metatron” Sam replied and you pushed your legs harder to keep up with him as the two of you ran into the encampment.
There were people around fires and the moment the two of you stepped into view every set of eyes turned. Two people stepped in front of you in an attempt to block your path. You and Sam both didn’t hesitate to pull your guns “Step back now!” you ordered and Sam asked “Where’s Metatron?” a blonde woman pointed to the warehouse in the center of the encampment “In there” you popped Sam’s shoulder “C’mon!”
You and Sam ran through the warehouse side by side. You could feel your heart threatening to burst out of your chest from fear for Dean. Both of you skidded to a stop when you came around a corner in enough time to see Metatron sink an angel blade into Dean’s chest. “NO” you screamed, forcing your feet to carry you to his side. Metatron stood back grinning like the mug bastard he was as you and Sam ran to Dean’s side.
You hit your knees helping Sam to pull him back sitting up “Baby,Dean” you smoothed your hand down his face willing him to stay alive. You couldn’t lose him. The sound of thunder crashing rumbled through the warehouse. Sam slashed towards Metatron but only met with thin air.
Your hand ghosted over the hole in Dean’s chest and met his eyes with a tear filled smile “C’mon baby. You’ve survived worse. You can survive this. Don’t leave us please don’t leave us” Dean looked up at Sam weakly “Sammy get her out of here before he comes back” you ripped your jacket off and held it against Dean’s chest “Shut up worrying about me ok? Save your energy” Sam moved to hold pressure also his larger hands covering yours “She’s right. We’ll stop the bleeding. We’ll get you a doctor or find a spell. You’re gonna be ok”
You were fighting to stay strong, Dean didn’t need to see you break but your heart was crumbling in your chest. “You’re gonna be ok Dean” you all but whispered. He covered both of your hands with his “Listen to me..it’s better this way” “What?” you asked feeling the first hot tears slide down your face. You could see your hands shaking under his and Sam’s. 
Sam moved one hand to hold Dean up by the shoulder. “The mark. It’s making me into something I don’t want to be.” “Don’t worry about the mark. We’ll figure out the mark later just hold on ok?” Sam told him and tapped your shoulder for you to move so he could get him up.
You moved to support Dean’s other shoulder even though Sam was taking most of his weight so you could hold your jacket against his wound. The man you loved was dying and you were helpless to do anything about it. You were barely making your legs work. “What happened to you being ok with this?” he asked Sam who replied “I lied” 
The three of you hadn’t made it far before Dean said “Sam, hold up” Sam eased him down on one of the concrete pillars. You were both supporting him, he couldn’t hold himself up by that point but said “I need to say something” “What?” you managed to choke out past your tears. He touched Sam’s face and left a bloody mark behind “I’m proud of us” then touched yours “and I love you” “I love you too Dean” you barely got out before he fell over onto Sam and you knew he was gone.
You felt your knees go out from under you as you slid down to the floor of the warehouse “No..no..noo” Sam shook calling his name and begging him to wake up “He’s gone Sam” you sobbed forcing yourself to your feet. “He’s gone” 
The ride home to the bunker you sat in the backseat with Dean’s head in your lap. You were tracing the line of his jaw with just your fingertips. “I’ll always love you” you whispered into the dark.
When you pulled to a stop at the bunker Sam eased the backdoor open so you helped him to get Dean’s body out and into his arm. You followed him from the garage to the room where you’d spent so many nights in Dean’s arms.
Sam gently laid his body onto the bed and you felt your knees weaken yet again “I can’t. I’m sorry I can’t” you ran from the room and Sam found you crying in the library. 
He sat a bottle of bourbon in front of you “Take a drink” you did what he said taking a long swig then looked up at him “What are we supposed to do now?” he sat down next to you and grabbed the bottle. After he took a long drink he looked back at you “C’mon” “Where are we going Sam?” you asked weakly as he pulled you to your feet “Crowley got him into this, Crowley can get him out”
You knew it probably wouldn’t work but Sam was just as heartbroken as you were and if there was just a glimmer of hope of getting Dean back by god you’d do anything.
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278 @brilovesdeanwinchester
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chiseler · 4 years
Public Enemy Number 1, No. 1
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It was unexpected and unlikely at the time, and would be completely unthinkable today, but on April 7th, 1923, the venerable and dusty New York Times ran an editorial which opened:
Something Almost Heroical
It is getting very difficult to keep in mind the fact that Gerald Chapman is a thoroughly bad man, whose right place is in jail. The difficulty arises from the fact that in his battle with the law he shows qualities—courage, persistence, ingenuity and skill—which it is impossible not to admire. The result is that unless one is careful, one finds one’s self hoping that he isn’t caught...
Sadly, at least to those millions of Americans who’d found in Chapman a new folk hero, he was indeed caught and, worse, sentenced to the gallows. Even H.L. Mencken, in a 1926 American Mercury essay in which he unwaveringly defended the death penalty, had to pause and offer a tip of the hat to Chapman as a unique and admirable individual, a man of grace and character who’d undertaken his chosen profession with a splash of real style. He stops short of suggesting Chapman be spared the noose, but does quietly mourn the loss of such a charming rarity.
Chapman was a bank robber, burglar, bootlegger, safecracker and con man who spent two-thirds of his life either in stir or on the lam. He was also a darling of the press who became the first legitimate celebrity outlaw of the twentieth century, paving the way for the likes of John Dillinger, Al Capone, Bonnie and Clyde and Pretty Boy Floyd.
In the summer of 1887, Gerald Chapman was born George Chartres either in Brooklyn or on the Lower East Side of Manhattan (the details are a little sketchy). Like so many other youngsters in that particular time and place, he began practicing the criminal arts early, and pulled his first stint in jail when he was fourteen. From that point, he would spend most of his formative years in assorted jails and prisons around New York State.
In 1908, while serving a term for bank robbery in Sing-Sing, a 21-year-old Chapman was transferred to the more experimental Auburn State Prison, where he would essentially begin his graduate studies with the stylish bank robber, counterfeiter and con man George “Dutch” Anderson.
Born Ivan Dahl von Teler, Dutch Anderson came from a wealthy and respectable Danish family. He grew up knowing all the finer things in life, and attended universities in Heidelberg and the States, though he eventually dropped out of school in order, just for the thrill of it it seems, to pursue a life of crime. By the time he met chapman in Auburn, he was a seasoned professional who could sense in the unpolished street tough a youngster with smarts and a lot of potential. He would, in essence, play Henry Higgins to Chapman’s Eliza Doolittle, but in, y’know, criminal terms.
Of all the lessons Anderson taught Chapman at Auburn, the one that had the most impact on the fledgling crime boss was very simple. If Chapman could pass himself off as an educated, respectable and erudite gentleman of the highest order, it would help deflect any suspicion should some John Q. Public be looking to put the finger on a wanted criminal. Who would ever suspect some well-dressed, well-spoken gent of pulling off a cheap smash-and-grab?
Chapman took the advice to heart, and began reading voraciously to better help pull off that “educated” shtick. He also, with Anderson’s help, learned how to carry and present himself as a proper gentleman. To top it all off, he cultivated a British accent.
Both men were paroled in 1919, and promptly put Anderson’s teachings into practice. Noting that the passage of the 18th Amendment earlier that year offered a golden opportunity, they set up a bootlegging empire that operated out of New York, Florida and Ohio.
Another Auburn alumnus, seasoned wheel man Charles Loeber joined up with Chapman and Anderson in 1921. With Chapman posing as a wealthy British oil magnate, Anderson acting as his business partner, and getaway driver Loeber playing their chauffeur, the trio, along with overseeing their growing bootlegging operation, began pulling armed robberies and con jobs around New York.
Easily adjusting to his new role as Wealthy British Aristocrat, Chapman dressed to the nines and moved into a swank apartment in the swank Gramercy Park section of Manhattan, charming his neighbors with his impeccable manners and British accent. He became a familiar face at the city’s finest restaurants and nightclubs, as all the while he, Anderson and Loeber were plotting a big score.
After closely studying its route and schedule for several weeks, on October 24th, 1921, the trio used two cars to block  off Leonard Street in Tribeca, forcing a US Post Office truck to stop. They pulled their guns, pistol-whipped the driver, and got away with $2.5 million in cash, bonds and jewelry. It was to date the biggest heist in U.S. history.
The cops didn’t have a thing to go on, leaving the trio free to move their operation upstate for a spell, where they continued to pull bank jobs, though on a much smaller scale.
Chapman’s luck ran out eight months later, however, when he offered to sell a batch of Argentine gold notes pilfered during the Leonard Street heist to a stock broker, unaware the stock broker was actually an undercover postal inspector. 
He was taken into custody on July 3rd, 1922, and brought to police headquarters in Manhattan for questioning. His stature in the public imagination began to grow that afternoon, when The Count of Gramercy Park (as he would be dubbed in the press) made a break for it an escaped his interrogators. Chapman’s freedom lasted only a few minutes, however, as he was nabbed before he was able to find his way out of the building.
Anderson was arrested not long afterward, and both were found guilty of the postal truck heist and sentenced to twenty-five years in the federal pen in Atlanta.
In early March, 1923, Chapman—who had apparently picked up a few more skills along the way—escaped from the Atlanta prison, knocking out the power supply as he fled. Three days later in Eastern Georgia, he was shot four times as he attempted to evade a posse of 200 well-armed cops and locals. The wounds were not life threatening, so Chapman was returned to Atlanta General Hospital to recover before being slapped with a few new charges.
A week later, his bullet wounds sufficiently healed, Chapman escaped from the hospital, but was quickly recaptured and returned to his old cell.
After keeping a close watch on him for at least two or three days, on March 27th a couple guards were either dozing or taking a bathroom break, and Chapman escaped again, this time making a clean break of it.
It was during this stretch on the lam that Chapman’s legend really took hold, with newspapers—including the Times—building the myth of a new Jesse James. Along with “The Count of Gramercy Park,” various newspapers also dubbed him  “The Gentleman Bandit” and “Gentleman Gerald.” Most notably, however, after being added to the feds’ 10 Most Wanted List, one clever reporter tagged Chapman “Public Enemy Number One.” It was the first time the phrase had been used, and in short order law enforcement agencies at every level would co-opt it as their own.
Nine months after Chapman escaped from Atlanta, Anderson followed suit, clearing the prison walls on December 30th. It’s assumed the old partners in crime teamed up yet again, but even if they didn’t, it hardly mattered. Without a shred of evidence, cops in half a dozen states accused Chapman and Anderson of pulling off every unsolved armed robbery on the books. Meanwhile, Chapman’s status only grew in the public consciousness. After all, he hadn’t hurt anybody—all he did was steal money, which he did in a gentlemanly way.
All that changed in October of 1924.
Unbeknownst to anyone, Chapman had been on a bit of a crime spree in Connecticut with a new associate, another rich kid turned bad named Walter Shean. As the pair was holding up a department store in New Britain on October 12th, they were surprised by five local police officers who burst in, guns drawn. In the brief shoot out that ensued, Chapman shot and killed Officer James Skelly before escaping. 
The remaining cops arrested Shean, who, likely in order to avoid the gallows, quickly fingered Chapman as the triggerman. The funny thing is, though, that the cops didn’t believe him, and they didn’t believe him because they couldn’t imagine Public Enemy Number One bothering to spend any time in a dusty little burg like New Britain, Connecticut. And even if he had, there’s no way he could hang around town without being noticed. But in time other corroborating evidence materialized, and they put out an APB for Chapman.
Chapman, meanwhile, made his way to Muncie, Indiana, where he hid out on the farm of a man named Ben Hance for the next three months.
Apparently tired of sheltering a wanted fugitive who’d overstayed his welcome, on January 18th, 1925  Hance went to the cops and told them exactly where they could find Chapman.
When cops showed up at the farm, Chapman pulled a gun and began firing, but didn’t hit a thing. He was taken into custody and returned to Atlanta, where he still had most of that 25-year sentence waiting for him.
Now, historical accounts begin to diverge wildly here, at least as far as the timeline is concerned, but I’ll do my best to keep things straight.
Although the federal charges in Atlanta took precedence, Connecticut was understandably eager to try Chapman on capital murder charges, so in March of 1925 he was extradited to the Connecticut State Prison to await trial.
The trial got underway the last week of March, amid a courtroom packed with journalists from across the country and hundreds of citizens squeezing and craning to catch even a fleeting glimpse of the notorious Count of Gramercy Park.  
Over the course of the six-day trial, both ben Hance and Walter Shean testified against Chapman, and a ballistics expert reported the bullets which killed Officer Skelly matched Chapman’s gun.
Chapman, in his own defense, insisted he’d never seen Hance or Shean before in his life. He also insisted he’d never stepped foot in New Britain. Most curiously, he claimed he wasn’t even this “Gerald Chapman” everyone kept talking about, that some terrible mix-up had occurred.
The jury apparently found Chapman’s claims that he was not, in fact, Gerald Chapman less than convincing, and on April 4th, 1925, after deliberating eleven hours, returned a guilty verdict, sentencing him to death by hanging.
Upon hearing the verdict, Chapman reportedly turned to his attorney and quipped, “Death itself isn’t dreadful, but hanging seems an awkward way of ending the adventure.”  
As the appeals process began and until the very end, Chapman proclaimed his innocence, declaring repeatedly that what he wanted was “justice, not mercy.” The appeals made their way up to the Supreme Court, but were rejected one after another. 
His lawyers, in a last ditch effort, argued Chapman was bound by Law to complete his sentence in Atlanta before he could be hanged. That would give them at least 23 years leeway to start working on a new round of appeals.
Word of the ploy reached Attorney General Harlan F. Stone, who mentioned it to President Calvin Coolidge. After some careful deliberation, Coolidge granted Chapman a pardon.
Well, sort of anyway—he pardoned Chapman for the Postal truck heist, which ended his term in Atlanta and freed up Connecticut to hang him whenever they pleased, the sooner the better.
Think about it. Coolidge and Attorney General Stone were fully aware how dangerous it was, especially during Prohibition, to have this celebrity outlaw grabbing all the headlines—I mean, you can’t have the press and the general public cheering on a bootlegger, bank robber and cop killer if you’re trying to maintain law and order, now can you? Better to eliminate him as quickly as possible.
On April 6th, 1926, a year after the verdict was handed down, Chapman was delivered to the Connecticut State Prison’s death house, where he was confronted with an unholy contraption known as the Upright Jerker.
As the name implies, the Upright Jerker was the flip side to the traditional gallows. It was, in fact, a barbaric and notoriously unreliable Rube Goldberg device. Instead of a six-foot drop through a trap door, the condemned man had the noose placed around his neck as he stood on the ground. Then several counterweights looped through a pulley were dropped from the top of the scaffolding, jerking him into the air. The argument, of course, was the sudden jerk skyward would snap the prisoner’s neck, resulting in an instantaneous death. Things, however, rarely worked as planned, and more often than not the condemned was left struggling and strangling to death for several minutes.
Although there is no record of how well the Upright Jerker did or didn’t work in Chapman’s case, by the end of the day America’s first Public Enemy Number one was dead, though the improbable novel Gerald Chapman had crafted around himself wasn’t quite over yet.
Now, depending on who’s doing the telling, either three months after Chapman was convicted (August of 1925) or eight months after he was executed (December of 1926) , Ben Hance and his wife were driving just outside out Muncie when they were forced off the road by another car. Two men—Dutch Anderson and Charlie “One Arm” Wolfe, emerged from the car and unloaded their .45s into the Hances. Anderson and Wolfe quickly split the scene, with both men going their separate ways.
Although both Hance and his wife were killed, some stories have it that Hance remained alive long enough to tell responding officers it was Dutch Anderson who had exacted  retribution for Hance’s ratting out Chapman. Other stories have it Hance was already dead when cops arrived, but everyone simply jumped to the same logical conclusion. Walfe was taken into custody not long afterward and confirmed the story, and the hunt was on for Anderson.
Hoping to maintain a low profile and stay at least three or four steps ahead of the law, Anderson drifted around the Midwest for the next few months. Instead of robbing banks or setting up elaborate scams, he simply began passing counterfeit $20 bills. As seasoned a professional as he was, however, he made two mistakes. First, it had been a pretty sloppy counterfeit job, and the bills weren’t terribly convincing to anyone who was paying attention. And second, he spent a little too much time hitting stores in Muskegon, Michigan’s business district.
After word started to get around that someone was spreading funny money around the area, one sharp-eyed shopkeeper gave Anderson’s description to a passing beat cop, Charlie Hammond, who spotted a man fitting the description a few minutes later.
After trying to bluff his way out of Hammond’s sidewalk interrogation without much success, Anderson turned and ran, but made the mistake of ducking down a dead end alleyway. Hammond followed, and in the ensuing shootout, Hammond took a bullet to the lower belly, and Anderson was shot through the heart. Both men died.
Despite Coolidge’s best efforts to nip in in the bud, within five years, an American public long weary of Prohibition and now being battered by the Great Depression on top of it, were rooting for a new generation of bank robbers and bootleggers, and the high-class derring-do of Gerald Chapman, Public Enemy Number One, was largely forgotten.
by Jim Knipfel
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
5 Times Grace was in Denial and 1 Time she Embraced her Feelings
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Grace Muncy x Tonie Churlish Req'd by @witches-unruly-heart Warnings: some language.
Sign up for Grace or Tonie’s taglists here!
Grace knew the rumours were likely to start right away after her transfer to SVU. Benson had paired her with Joe right off the bat, they were spending their work hours together, they were around the same age and they got along spectacularly. There was the perfect amount of rebellion mixed with their ability to do their jobs and loyalty to the force. Grace expected it, two people who spent that much time together were sure to spur gossip, what she didn’t expect was for Velasco to be one of the people who believed it.
It must’ve started the day she asked him to go shopping with her, she was sure of it. He’d teased her, asking why she’d want someone like him around, especially when it came to clothes. She’d bantered back that her brother was busy and knew nothing about fashion. Velasco shot back that he didn’t exactly know women’s fashion either and she scoffed, saying how he’d been with the squad longer, that he’d know what Benson would like.
“Just pick the grey one and we can go.” He half grumbled, playful smile on his lips as he watched her flit between blazers.
“Which one’s the grey one?” Her nose scrunched, holding up two of them and Joe laughed, “I mean it… I asked you to come cause I’m colour blind.”
She was completely yanking his chain.
Of course she knew which one was the correct shade, she just wanted a friend to come along for this, take some time to really get to chat with him outside of work. And this way if Joe lied and told her the wrong one, she’d know to maybe keep him at arm’s length for a while. He did tell her the right one so she tucked that in her back pocket for later, that he was trustworthy, that if he would come along on some boring shopping trip with her this early, that he’d have her back when she needed it. They had dinner in the food court that evening, shooting the shit and laughing about silly stories with their colleagues before they finally said goodnight.
Elias Wilson was going to trial. And if you’d asked Grace, she would say she was completely fine, though that was a complete lie. She knew she’d been far out of line, that she had to control herself on the stand or risk everything fucking up. She wasn’t even sure that Joe was going to be there, but there he was, suited up and ready to support her. She was so nervous she missed the little grins and smirks from the rest of the team watching the two of them whisper in the halls of the courthouse.
“I’ll be okay, I’ve got my emotional support animal.” She joked, clapping him on the shoulder with a timid smile and he laughed, catching her gaze for a moment and his face softened in a look that nearly made her uncomfortable, thankful that she was able to disappear into the witness room.
“They’re givin’ each other heart eyes already.” Fin chuckled, nudging Carisi in the ribs, “even you and Rollins waited longer than that.”
“Yeah well, sometimes you’ve gotta make sure the timing’s right.” The taller man laughed, “you and Liv better make sure whatever they have going on doesn’t mess up any future cases.”
“There’s nothin’ going on.” Joe reluctantly replied with a shrug.
“Okay but everyone can see she’s got a crush on you.” Fin laughed and Joe couldn’t help but feel the heat surge into his cheeks.
“I didn’t want to read into it but if everyone sees it maybe I’m not crazy.”
“You definitely aren’t my man.”
“You two need to get a room already.” Terry murmured, a sly grin on his cheeks as he stirred his coffee, Joe vanishing out the breakroom door.
“Excuse me?” Grace glanced up, genuinely confused at first, the man had only been working with the squad a week.
“You and Velasco.” He shrugged, “you clearly have chemistry. Figure out what you want to do with it and have some fun.”
“Ohoho, absolutely not.” She laughed, surprised that someone would be so bold to say something to her face, “we’re friends. I do not have any sort of crush on him, scouts honour.”
“Keep telling yourself that kid.” He replied with a grin, raising his cup in her direction before leaving her to scoff in his general direction. Her gaze drifted through the bullpen, and her face dropped into a glare when she caught Jose smirking at her through the windows.
Officer Churlish. Grace was supposed to hate her. She just knew it. Someone coming from the Bronx, someone who hadn’t even made detective yet. Someone who was so strong willed and stubborn headed that they felt like they should be in charge of their unit already? She was supposed to hate her.
So you tell Grace why her stomach was constantly in knots when the other woman was around.
She thought it would pass. There had to be some kind of flaw that Tonie would present that she’d be able to toss her into the nope pile immediately.
It should have been when she ratted out Velasco. She legally shouldn’t have ever recorded him and now Grace was stuck in a very compromising position she never wanted to be in. Part of her felt there was no way Joe could have ever done that, but he had mentioned little snippets of his past and she was a little more unsure every day that went passed. She wanted to warn him, give him a heads up so he could at least get rid of the anxieties that came with confrontations like these but she obeyed Benson and stayed quiet. And watched while Tonie got her own desk the squad room. No doubt ready and willing to replace Velasco and earn her detective shield because of it.
“You’re just mad I called your boyfriend on his shit.” Churlish mumbled while the two girls were trapped on a stakeout.
“He is not my boyfriend.” Grace grumbled back.
“Yeah, right. You two are practically inseparable, and the flirting is non stop, you can’t tell me you don’t have a crush on him.”
“I think I just threw up in my mouth.” She gagged, “believe me or not, I do not have a crush on Velasco.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Toni chuckled, her gaze drifting back out the windshield.
The squad was out for drinks, and for once, it was actually all of them, tucked away in a corner of a pub. Everyone seemed to be a little bit more relaxed, casual, winding down from the heavy work week with bottomless beers (and mocktails for Tonie). Grace found herself sandwiched between Velasco and Churlish, thankful that over the past couple of weeks everyone had been getting along. Benson had placed her with Tonie the weeks Jose was away and while the two girls had been rather hesitant about it at the start, they ended up bonding better than anyone had expected. Now they trusted each other, they knew that the other had their back out in the field and it was warming up in the outside of work environment as well.
“Oh c’mon.” Grace whined, her eyes trained on the pool table across the bar, “they’ve played three games already, let someone else have a go.”
“It looks like they’re wrapping up.” Joe pointed out, nudging at her side, “what’d you say, loser buys the next round?”
“Oh please, I will absolutely school you Velasco, you suck at pool.”
“Hey!” He laughed, a warm grin on his cheeks as he took another sip of beer.
“You know if you two just wanted to get out of here already…” Terry chuckled with a smirk and Grace pulled a face.
“What? No, I just wanna play some pool.”
“Oh c’mon, we all know you’ve got a crush on Velasco, even he knows it.”
“How many times do I have to tell you I don’t have a crush on him!?” She groaned, prodding at his side when he playfully attempted to put an arm around her.
“You’re telllin’ me you’re not remotely interested in him?” Fin asked, “look at him, he’s a little pretty boy.”
“Exactly. He’s a pretty boy.” Grace replied, huffing as she poked his cheek, “I’m not interested in him because I’m not interested in boys!” She rolled her eyes, too busy trying to ignore the stares from around the table that she missed the way Tonie suddenly tensed beside her as she shifted out of the table. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go kick pretty boy’s ass at pool.”
She did indeed kick his ass. And she decided to call it a night not much longer after that, not wanting to have to play twenty questions with the tipsy squad.
Tonie was happy enough with the fact that her and Grace were finally friends, picking up the other person coffee, maybe even a donut on their way into work. They started hanging out a little bit more after work, discovering their mutual love of terrible reality tv shows, making sure to watch together each week. They were bonding, even hanging out more than Grace hung out with Jose at this point and they both adored it.
Then a heavy case came in. Well, more than one, it spanned more than a few weeks, crossed jurisdictions, pulled in other units including Organized Crime. The precinct was buzzing with cops of varying rankings, people in and out more than anyone could believe. Grace managed to successfully link Elias to one of SVU’s current cases and this time there was no doubting that a jury would find him guilty. She wasn’t expecting the amount of praise and accomplishments that came along with it, but it did make her feel proud, that she’d done the right thing, that she was moving in the right direction with her career. And she certainly wasn’t expecting McGrath to hand her the offer he did.
Tonie came wandering back into the squad room after an exhausting day chasing down an endless stream of perps, she’d only returned to the precinct to make sure she grabbed the phone charger left at her desk. It was late, the room basically empty except for Grace, box on her desk as she piled personal items into it.
“Wait… you’re actually taking it?” Tonie asked without even really realizing the words were tumbling out of her mouth. Grace glanced up to her, a sheepish look on her face while she shrugged,
“Seems like a step in the right direction if you ask me.”
“You know they’re gonna want you wearing suits every day, right?” She asked with a sad grin, leaning against the other woman’s desk.
“Well then I guess I’ll have to drag you along on a shopping trip.”
“Thought Velasco was your buddy for that kinda thing.”
“Oh please,” She laughed, “the man thinks an undone button up is a blazer. If I’m gonna look good, I’ve gotta go with your instincts.” Grace smiled at the other woman, her gaze lingering on her longer than she intended, pink creeping up on her cheeks as she cleared her throat and quickly looked away. A semi awkward silence took over the pair as Grace continued to pile her things into the box until Tonie finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I can’t believe you’re really leaving…”
“I mean…I’ll still be in the city.” She briefly glanced at the other woman, hoping that the tears building in her eyes weren’t as visible as she thought they were.
“But what am I supposed to do without you?” The words slipped from her lips before she could even think, the tears in Grace’s eyes mirrored in her own when she dared to look up.
“I’m just a phone call away?” She offered with a shrug, ducking her gaze, “and you’ll have Velasco.”
“Yeah well, he probably hates me.” Tonie let out a watery laugh.
“He’s an idiot if he does.” Grace risked a look up, smile on her cheeks, “because the last thing I would ever do is hate you. I know we started out rough, but there’s no one I’d rather be around than you.”
Tonie looked up, her brow furrowing as her head titled while she took in the other woman for a moment, her heart nearly skipping a beat at the adoration pouring from Grace’s eyes. She thought back to that night in the bar and suddenly something finally clicked.
“Are… are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“Well.. I don’t want things to be weird.” Grace shrugged, placing the lid onto the box on her desk, “cause I don’t even know if you swing that way, but—”
“Oh I very much do.” She could barely help herself, stepping toward the other woman, a hand finding home on her waist, “and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you like that for weeks, it’s been driving me crazy.” Grace’s lips twitched up into a small smirk, her hands looping around Tonie’s waist.
“Well I think there might be something that could help with that.”
“What?” She asked, genuinely curious, her eyes searching the blue ones gazing back at her and Muncy chuckled.
Her free hand came up to cup Tonie’s cheek, leaning forward until her lips met the other woman’s and both breathed out a sigh of relief into the kiss. Lips moved with grace against each others, taking advantage of the empty squad room to finally admit the feelings they’d been battling with for months now. Finally, in need of oxygen they pulled away, grins on their lips and laughter on their breath as they stole a few more kisses.
“I may be leaving SVU but I hate to say that you’re stuck with me.” Grace murmured, her lips brushing against Tonie’s a few more times.
“I’m perfectly okay with that.” She replied, a dopey smile on her face as she leant forward to kiss her again.
@thatesqcrush @witches-unruly-heart @daddy-heather-dunbar @baubeautyandthegeek @red1culous @bullet-prooflove @momlifebehard @alexxavicry @onmykneesformarvel @desperate-gay
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Jesus fucking christ.
We had TEN people at the bar tonight. TEN. And then a group from the theatre came over at like, 11pm, pianos stopped at 12, and THEY JUST WOULD NOT LEAVE. We had our entire cashouts done and printed and sealed, the bar torn completely down and a guy STILL tried to order a drink from me?!?!
Anyways. I’m FINALLY fucking home and it’s 2 am, but it’s “Thursday” so y’all know what that means!!!
Law & order (svu, oc/mothership maybe) spoilers under the cut!
Domestic snuggles.. imma miss this shit
Also why do people never plug their phones in overnight on tv!?
Grace that is a NICE coat, she looks great.
Noah being 12… someone remind me to do math on this later.
“I’ve been on 500 bumble dates, how different could these questions be?”
OKKKKAY now I understand more why Velasco was in the wedding shots, cause I lowkey thought it was weird he was there for the ceremony.
Nice plaid muncy… #bivibes
Jessie an billie have pink drinks (I assume Shirley temples) and it looks like Velasco just handed noah champagne… like I know it’s probs gingerale or apple juice but like… BRUH. It looked like Velasco was so distracted he just handed alcohol off without realizing it was a kid lololol
Is it REALLY that big of a surprise that johnny d has other kid out there? Also how long is it until noah asks about his dad? Like what has liv told him?
Noah knows he’s adopted, he knows his mom is dead and that he can’t see gramma Sheila anymore, he only has liv and she works so much that she definitely should let them meet.
OH okay so he knows his dad was a criminal… noted… noted….
liv…baby…. I know you’re concerned about him being johnny d’s kid, but like, so is noah… also bebe remember the time you left your kid with his “friends” and they locked him in a dog cage? Pls. let him play playstation.
Okay staying the night is a little much. Like first watching them look like a full happy family, but also FLASHBACKS TO SHIELA STEALING HIM.
FUCK Velasco in a suit… I forgot how good that looks.
Jfc. These rollins and liv grilling this guy in the hotel room?! Getting all super close power lady?! FUCK ME.
Grace m’am, you are on the stand, homegirl do up one more button pls.
Oh muncy…. You sweet summer child. I LOVE you but I hope sonny tears a STRIP off you because you deserve it. Like all im picturing rn is barba/alex/casey basically murdering you.
“on a scale of 1-10?”  “I’d say Vladmir putin.” FUCK FIN lololol
“remember I used to joke about you two in a hotel room? And now here *we* are” THAT’S GAY LADIES.
“You were a different person, you would’t let me in.” EXCUSE ME OLIVIA?!?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WAS A GIANT CUNT IN S13!! YOU were the one who kept brushing off amanda whenever she tried to talk to you or learn anything for like a year!
GOD this scene mustve been so fucking hard to film for these two….
Okay…. Okay… I said this to the discord earlier this week as I got to s8. Muncy does have some Dani Beck vibes…and her on the stand just enforces that. (minus the fact that I love grace and HATE dani)
Carisi saying “my wife” while looking all lovey dovey eyes. FUCK.
GOOD GOD. Im fucking bawling over the actual good bye scene. Fuck me. (also was that walk past then pull back into a hug a call back? Or is that just me?)
Okay. I am VERY glad honestly that Muncy was both not at the wedding and didn’t get a hug at the end (despite a random uni getting one). Not only have they only known each other 9 eps, it just wouldn’t be fucking fair to Kelli. I get it, Molly might not have known she was a replacement when she auditioned/got the job BUT, it just would’ve been a kick in the face to Kelli. Still and always love them both. But… yeah… it’s like when you have to train your own replacement right before getting fired kinda thing? Not cool. So im glad they were able to do that..
 Okay. Onto mothership… lets see how much I have to say lol.
Mechad is a fucking snack. Why must I be attracted to at least two people on every one of these shows? Three hours of tv after getting off work this late is TOO MUCH AND I still have a new criminal minds to watch. Fuck.
 Fuck…. That escalated quickly…. I mean….expected but…
Oh jesus christ…tonight really is about cops fucking up.
This is heartbreaking. The poor suspect is now gonna get extra charges because they were wrongfully arrested/sent to rikers. Fucking ouch. Why l&o gotta be like this tonight…
Okay… my stream cut out for the second time and fucked up and we ALL know Im not invested enough to care.
OC time here we go.
This purple looks great on bell!
Okay, new guy, cant remember his name rn, but him not only getting everyone gifts but having them wrapped that nicely? What do we think? Did he have the store do that or does he do it himself? The “I’ve always been that guy” makes me think he did it himself.
“merry Christmas everyone” jet’s way of saying “welp, mom and dad are fighting on xmas..”
Okay just kidding this stream died on me too… so…imma call it here, have my svu thoughts and some other tiny ramblings for tonight byyeee
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Grace Muncy Masterlist
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One Shots:
Good Girl
5 Times Denial 1 Time Embracing (ft Tonie)
SFW Alphabet
Dirty A-Z Hc’s**
Grace & Lace
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