Toaster | Mom and Five
“You’re nothing but a FRICKING TOASTER.” 
Five shouted, arms crossed as he stared at Mom down the table. What had started as a mild scolding at lunch had turned into his siblings all taking their leave and a very one sided shouting match between Five and Mom. 
His opinions of Mom were no secret between his siblings but this was the first time he’d voiced them in front of her and the expression on his face showed he didn’t really care. 
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What Now | Grace and Five
It was strange. He’d done it, somehow managed to stop the apocalypse even with most of the commission doing their very best to ruin his plans. It was both a relief and a sense of loss, perhaps Klaus had been right about him being addicted to it. He found himself with not very much to do and nowhere to go so he chose to stay in the house. It was familiar and it was as good a place as any to do what Hazel had suggested and grow up. 
It had only been a few days but Five soon found himself gravitating towards the only other person who had stayed in the house - Mom. He didn’t know if it was programming or a genuine desire to stay to look after him but he appreciated the company. With Dolores gone and the rest of his siblings returning to their own lives it was getting a bit lonely around the house. 
On a morning that shouldn’t have been but was, Five sat in the kitchen as Mom made food, his hands around a mug of the best coffee he could find in the corner shop. It wasn’t the best but it’d do for now. As he sipped the warm liquid he couldn’t help but remember the first few days after the apocalypse, would it have been around now that he’d found Dolores or had that been earlier? Had he planned to travel to California yet or was that something he came up with later when he realised he should try and find more people? He frowned a little, placing the mug down as he stared off into the middle distance.
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