Injured | Klaus and Five
@walkingouijia liked for a starter
Five hated admitting when he was injured on a mission. There was a little tally Dad kept in the training room and he was proud to say he had the lowest number. That was partially because his ability allowed him to dodge most blows but also because he managed to hide any injuries and fix them himself. Thank God he had a high pain tolerance. 
This time though he was struggling. He’d dodged a knife only for it to graze his thigh and leave quite a deep cut. He’d dealt with it at the time and had come home, sanitised it and wrapped it in a bandage but the limp was harder to hide. 
He had stayed in his room and managed to keep all suspicion off him until he needed to leave for the bathroom. He limped out of his room, using the wall to steady himself, freezing as he spotted Klaus at the end of the corridor. Shit. 
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Day off | Allison and Five
It was rare for them to get the day off. The general rule was that there was no free time apart from a half an hour gap on a Sunday. Today however Dad had to go out for a bit so they were all left to their own devices. Five decided to take the opportunity to go and speak to Allison. He rarely got to spend time with her and he honestly was missing her. 
He waited until Dad was definitely gone before making his way down the hallway to Allison’s room, knocking before pushing the door open a little. “Hey, you free?” 
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Peanut Butter | Vanya and Five
What had started as a donut trip with Vanya had dissolved into them standing in the kitchen, wondering what they were going to bring back to their siblings that could possibly be a suitable replacement for a Griddy’s Donut. 
Pogo had somehow caught wind of their expedition and intercepted them at the front door. He’d suggested grabbing a snack from the kitchen but there was nothing there that could satisfy the very specific craving Five had. 
He stared into the pantry, leaning against the door to keep it open. “We have jelly?” He called out, a little frustrated at the lack of resources. 
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Toaster | Mom and Five
“You’re nothing but a FRICKING TOASTER.” 
Five shouted, arms crossed as he stared at Mom down the table. What had started as a mild scolding at lunch had turned into his siblings all taking their leave and a very one sided shouting match between Five and Mom. 
His opinions of Mom were no secret between his siblings but this was the first time he’d voiced them in front of her and the expression on his face showed he didn’t really care. 
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Healing | Klaus and Five
Number Four’s accident had been the worst injury to happen to a member of the academy outside of a mission and honestly, the recovery sounded horrible. 
Five had made the effort to try and help Four as much as he could when he was able to, blinking in and out of rooms to get his brother things he needed. It wasn’t much but it was enough, especially when the others were praising the injury and the relative quiet it brought to the house. 
This morning was no different and Five had woken early to make sure Mom made a nice breakfast for Four that he then blinked up to his room. “Good morning.” 
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Presents | Diego and Five
@insolentbratx continued from x 
“Well that’s not a very cheery outlook on life, Five."
Diego frowned as he shook the wrapped gift, trying to figure out what was inside. They didn’t get presents often, but today was their birthday and they each got one a year from Mom.
Luther had already opened his and got a model of the Saturn V spaceship. Pretty cool. Diego was next, since they always went in number order.
But Diego just wanted to revel in the curiosity for a moment longer before he knew his siblings would start yelling at him to hurry up.
He loved feeling like a normal kid.
Five sat, waiting impatiently for his own gift. He was pretty sure it was a book based on the wrapping but he was curious to know what book it was. Mom always knew what book to get him. 
“Well, sometimes life isn’t very cheery. Like now. While we wait. For you to open your present.” 
Why oh why wasn’t he higher up the number order? 
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Jealous  | Ben and Five
Training day, also known as every day they weren’t on a mission, was often boring. Reginald used to provide instructions and assist with training but now they were getting older he generally made the assumption that they knew how to do that for themselves. 
Five was often paired off with Ben in the garden. They both needed quite a bit of space to practice and they worked well together so it made sense. He’d been trying to jump further than a metre for a while now, setting up a plant pot as his goal. He couldn’t help glancing over to Ben every so often, wishing he had a power that was more effective in missions. He knew his brother was less than pleased with it but it was often a mission ending move that proved pretty efficient. 
“Ever wish you could have someone else’s power?” Five asked, taking a break from jumping, a little out of breath from the effort. 
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Names | Klaus and Five
It had been an interesting morning. At breakfast, Reginald had announced to the table that in the spirit of unity and family Grace would be giving them all names later that day if they wished to have one. It was a weird thing to be told at the age of 12 and Five wasn’t quite sure what he thought about it. 
Deciding he wanted to figure out what his siblings thought he decided to go speak to Four. He walked across the hall to his brother’s room and knocked, pushing the door open a little to put his head around it. “Hey Four, can I run something by you?” 
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Mischief | Klaus and Five
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It was Saturday at 11:59pm. A minute until their scheduled ‘play’ time. Five sat and looked at one of his many pocket watches, waiting for the second hand to tick over to 12, blinking straight into Klaus’ room as it did. He landed on his brother’s desk but got off it quite quickly as he spoke. 
“Klaus, you’re coming with me. No time for questions, or answers.” He said, making his way through his brother’s room before walking out of the door and down the hall, hoping to god that Klaus had followed.
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Revelation | Klaus and Five
Training day with Klaus went one of two ways. Either they were super productive and managed to learn something new or, they sat and debated the potential limits of their powers for a few hours before realising they’d done nothing. Five was pretty sure this was going to be one of the latter. 
“Time travel’s not like spatial jumps though.” He replied, leaning against the wall in the library. “If it was I’d have done it already, even by accident.” He added, knowing that was a fact. If it was just as easy to travel in time as it was to travel in space he absolutely would have been doing it for years. “Nice theory though Klaus.” 
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Doughnuts | Diego and Five
It had been A Day. Something was up and Five’s powers were flaking out on him. It had happened before and he knew he just needed a pick me up. He needed company though. 
He sat in his room and thought through each of his siblings, wondering who’d A) be most up for sneaking out of the house to get doughnuts and B) actually be a good person to talk to for a bit. He settled on Number Two so made his way to his brother’s room and pushed open the door. “Doughnuts?” 
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Sweets | Vanya and Five
It had been a long mission and honestly, Five was just glad to be back home. 
As was often the case he was the least injured of the group, his ability to run away fast proving very useful. On their return the others all aimed for their beds or to Mom to be tended to however, Five found himself drifting towards Vanya’s room having missed her while he was away. 
He knocked before opening the door, sticking his head around the corner after giving her a moment. “Hey Vanya, long time no see.” 
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"I'll bet you $10 you can't fit this fistful of marshmallows in your mouth."
“Really Klaus?” Five asked, knowing Klaus knew he could do this. “Of course I can fit that fistful of marshmallows into my mouth.” 
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Marshmallows | Klaus and Five
@theseancekid continued from x
“Okay, prove it, then. Do it. I dare you.”
Five rolled his eyes and reached for the handful, having....underestimated it a little. Now presented with the task it was a little daunting. “Just eat them?” 
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Makeover | Klaus and Five
Five never knew what to expect when asked to go to Klaus’ room. Sometimes it was for a good old gossip, other times it was to talk him down from a panic attack. Either way it was probably going to be exhausting. 
He blinked into the room. “What do you want?” He asked, arms folded. 
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Training | Diego and Five
Of all the training days Five figured the days with Two were both the most useful and most entertaining. With One it was all about discipline, with Three it was stealth, with Four they tended to talk strategy and with Six it was more of a private training time. With Two, they could fight. 
Yes it was exhausting, yes it was dangerous but that was the thrill of it, the echo of the adrenaline rush that came with a real mission. 
Today they were in the garden, the space big enough for them to have a real go at it and test each other’s powers to the limits. Five got there first, sitting and waiting on the bench for Two to join him. 
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