eevylynn · 1 year
Swanfire Accident
Ask me about my WIPs
Emma Nolan and Neal Gold were life long friends and high school sweethearts who were preparing to go to the same college together. However, a month before graduation, Neal was in a terrible car accident.
He had just dropped Emma off after a date and was headed home when he got hit by a drunk driver, leaving him in a coma. Emma immediately began to blame herself since Neal had wanted to stay out later, but she was ready to go home. Gold told her not to be stupid because then she'd be lying in a bed right next to him. This was no one's fault except the drunk driver.
Emma proceeded to spend the next few months at Neal's bedside until Gold finally convinced Emma to live her life after she tried telling him that she wasn't planning on leaving for college orientation.
When Neal finally wakes up after being in a coma for 11 years, he now has to deal with the ideas that he has a 10 year old son, his father is married to someone he's never met that isn't much older than Neal himself, and Emma is dating someone else, and it's pretty serious.
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thornfield13713 · 1 year
Marigold verse: Grandpastiltskin pre-curse break?
For all Mom's talk about keeping a closer watch on him, it wasn't that hard to sneak out of the house. Sure, there was a lock on his window now, but Mom still had work, even if her 'Saturday town council meetings' had dried up after Sheriff Graham died, and Henry knew where she kept the spare keys. The hardest part was remembering to put the key back just where Mom had left it every time he came back in, because she'd notice if it was even an inch out of place, but now, Henry had the trick of that as well. Anyway, Mom was in a good mood right now. She'd been happy ever since the whole town had found out about Mary and David's relationship, and now she was so busy enjoying seeing everyone hate Snow White instead of her that Henry wasn't sure she'd notice if he ran away to join the circus. Not that the circus ever came through Storybrooke.
He arrived at the diner just before twelve, just in time to snag a good table for him and Emma before the lunch rush meant everywhere was busy...except there was no lunch rush. The diner was all but deserted. Except for him, and Granny, and...Mr Gold, who was leaning heavily on the counter, wearing a dangerous sort of smile and talking quietly to Granny.
"-misunderstandings about what you owe me," he was saying as Henry came in.
Granny's lips were pressed into a tight, thin line. "We're paid up for this month," she said curly.
"Are you, now?" Mr Gold's smile widened. "I'll have to check my books, of course - I've got a terrible memory for these things - but I hope you're right. Mary's always been partial to your hot chocolate, even if your lasagne's a bit overrated in my view. It'd be a shame if she couldn't come here anymore. If, say, you were suddenly forced to shut down due to non-payment of debts..."
Henry was ten, and even he could see that for the threat it was.
Granny bristled. "I haven't done anything wrong. We reserve the right to refuse service to-"
"To anyone you like, yes. Or, as it might be, anyone you don't like. I remember." Mr Gold shrugged. "As I said. I hope I find all my books in order." Point made, he turned away sharply, and seemed like he was about to leave the diner when he caught sight of Henry and brightened, inexplicably.
"Ah, Henry. How're you?"
Henry's mind went blank. "Uh...I'm okay. Um..."
It wasn't as though Mr Gold had ever been mean to him, after all. He'd always been...kind enough, in a faintly-creepy sort of way, but he was still...well, Mom was afraid of him, even if she tried to pretend she wasn't, and that was- That had to mean danger, even if Henry still wasn't precisely sure who or what Mr Gold really was. He wasn't the King, Snow's real father, Henry was pretty sure - Regina had murdered him, at least in the book, and Mr Gold was alive and kicking. But he couldn't think of anyone else, and anyway, Mr Gold was Mary's father, even if he hadn't been Snow's. Which made him...sort of Henry's great-grandfather? Maybe? Was that how it worked?
"You're here to meet Sheriff Swan, I suppose," Mr Gold went on jovially, leaning on his cane - the one he'd beaten a man half to death with not very long ago. "I'll wait with you, if you like. Mrs Lucas, a pot of tea and one hot chocolate with cinnamon, please."
Henry startled nearly out of his skin. "How- How did you know I like-"
"Mary's mentioned it," Gold cut him off smoothly. "You, she and Sheriff Swan form quite a little club for it. I don't exactly understand it myself, but who am I to argue with taste? Shall we sit down?"
Well, now Gold had ordered for him, Henry sort of had to. And- It wasn't particularly sensible, but he'd always sort of liked Mr Gold. Mom didn't like him, or approve of Henry talking to him, but Mom didn't like anyone much, and didn't approve of Henry talking to anyone at all. And he'd always been nice to Henry, even when he wasn't nice - not really nice, anyway, instead of just shamming it - to anyone else, except for Mary.
Anyway, this was- This was an opportunity. Whoever Mr Gold was, he was someone to be reckoned with, and someone Mom didn't like, which...probably meant he was a good guy? If the Evil Queen didn't like him, that just made sense. Henry just had to figure out which one. He couldn't see Mr Gold as a knight, but maybe one of the kings? His name was Gold, so...Midas, maybe? Except that he was Kathryn's dad, not Snow's, and Snow's was dead. Maybe...maybe it was a swap sort of thing? Kathryn got Snow's husband, but Snow got Kathryn's dad? Except that no-one in the book seemed to be all that scared of Midas and, anyway, Mom would never have designed the curse to give Snow White anything.
"Is this all right?" Mr Gold's voice was gentle. "I can leave, if you'd rather wait on your own..."
"No," Henry said quickly, and then reached for the first topic that came to mind. "So...what were you talking to Granny about?"
Mr Gold's faint smile slipped.
"Well...you've seen the way people have been acting lately? Towards Mary?"
Henry nodded, shamefaced. He didn't- He didn't think anyone had missed the way people were treating Mary. He didn't think anyone could.
"Y-yeah. It's not- It's not fair!" he burst out. "She's not- He and- It's all the curse anyway, but everyone's- Even people who are meant to be good are being mean to her and it's not fair!"
"No, it isn't," Mr Gold agreed. "That's what I was doing here. You see...sometimes, to get people to be kinder, you have to give them a reminder of what happens if they're not. Otherwise, they'll just keep on treating people badly. But if you want them to stop, you have to stop them."
"...like...like the Evil Queen," Henry said quietly. "They- the heroes have to stop her, otherwise she'll just keep...keep doing things..."
"Exactly so." Mr Gold smiled at him. "You're a bright lad, Henry. Of course, sometimes it's less dragon-slaying and more...reminders, but it's all for a good cause in the end."
Henry...wasn't sure that made sense. You were supposed to be nice to people, weren't you? And then they'd be nice to you. Except Mary was always nice to everyone, and hardly anyone had ever been nice to her even before everyone had found out about her and David.
Fortunately, that was when their drinks arrived, brought by a nervous-looking Ruby.
"And- another hot chocolate, please," Mr Gold said, just as she was making to go. "Sheriff Swan should be joining us soon."
"Um...okay." Ruby caught Henry's eye. "Uh...everything okay here."
"Yeah," Henry said quickly. "Just...waiting for Emma. And Mary," he added. "She...uh...she's not teaching right now, so..."
"I know." Mr Gold's smile sharpened at the edges. "I'll be popping in at the elementary school next, to...sort out...some things relating to that."
"Does that mean she'll be coming back?" Henry asked, hope leaping up in his chest. "We've got a substitute teacher, but she's..." he made a face. Mrs Boot was...okay, he guessed. Mostly. If she hadn't kept making snippy remarks about their previous teacher, he might even have liked her.
"I hope so." Mr Gold paused thoughtfully, stirring his tea, even though he hadn't added anything to it. "She's always liked teaching. It...wasn't the career I'd have expected for her, but...what about you? Any grand ambitions of your own?"
Henry stared down at his hot chocolate. He hadn't really- When he'd been very small, he'd wanted to be a knight. Mom hadn't approved - knights weren't real, she'd said. Not here. Wouldn't he rather be a pilot, or a doctor, or a lawyer, or follow her on the town council? He hadn't much liked the sound of any of those. Then...well, then he'd figured out Operation Cobra, after he got big enough to realise that it wasn't normal that he got older while everyone else he knew stayed the same age. And then he'd more-or-less figured that he'd break the curse, they'd all go back to the Enchanted Forest and he'd...well, he'd be a...a prince, right? If Snow and Charming were King and Queen, that was how it worked. Emma would be a princess, and then a queen, and he'd be a prince and then - one day, a long, long way in the future - he'd be a king too. A good one, or- he'd try to be. He didn't know how, but- They had government classes at the high school, he could...figure it out there? And Mom wouldn't disapprove, because she wanted him to be on the town council, so he'd have to take government for that...but...it wasn't-
He'd do it, he guessed, but it wasn't...exciting, or interesting, it was just...what was going to happen.
"...I don't know. I could...write stories? I guess?"
"An excellent career." Mr Gold nodded. "What kind of stories?"
"Like...fairy tales, I guess?" Henry frowned. "Not...not the old ones, the ones that have already happened, but...new ones. With dragons and...spells, and magic and...everything..."
"Fantasy," Mr Gold gave a crooked little grin. "Another good choice there. The oldest sort of story there is. Have you read much of it?"
"...a bit."
Half of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, anyway, before Mom had found out and the school's entire fantasy section had been pulled for 'promoting the occult in schools'.
"Well, you're welcome to come by the shop sometime. We get a lot of old books in - some of them might be the sort of thing you're looking for. And even if they aren't," Mr Gold added. "You never know what you might find. It's one of the better things about the pawnbroking business - every item has its story."
"Like the compass," Henry said eagerly. The one that had- the one that had helped Hansel and Gretel find their father. Maybe- Maybe that was the key! Finding something of significance from someone's old life to help wake them up...or- or at least something that might prove to Emma that all of this was real, that she should believe him-
"Exactly so." Mr Gold picked up his cup. "You'd be surprised how much these...material things can mean to people. The memories they bring back. And even if they don't..." he shrugged. "I imagine they can be a very rich source of ideas. Not that you seem to be short of them. Are there any stories you would particularly want to tell?"
Henry stopped dead.
He hadn't-
He'd been so focused on the book, he hadn't done much writing, lately. Even his class creative writing exercises were based on it, a bit, in an attempt to jog Mary's memory, but...if he could write whatever he liked...
"...I like knights?" he offered. "A-and quests. Maybe...something about one of those? I guess?"
Mr Gold's nose wrinkled a little. "...not my sort of hero, but...I suppose I can see the appeal. I rather liked the idea of being a knight myself, when I was a boy."
"You did?" Henry blinked. "What- What sort of knight?"
Was this a clue? It was hard to picture, but...maybe...
Mr Gold shrugged. "Oh- It depended on the day. A lot of slaying of imaginary dragons and rescuing princesses, but other than that..."
Loads of knights slew dragons and saved princesses. It was pretty much what knights were for. Henry guessed some of the kings might've done it when they were younger, but...
They both looked around. Emma was standing there, looking wary.
"...Mr Gold. What are you-"
"Sheriff Swan," Mr Gold said easily. "We've been waiting for you."
Emma's brows knit together. "We?" she demanded, her eyes flicking from Henry to Gold. "You- What are you doing with my kid, Gold?"
"Just talking." Gold smiled. "He's- Well, teachers aren't supposed to have favourites, but Mary's taken quite a shine to your boy. And I'd say," he added, "That he's got a fine future in front of him as a fantasy author, if that's what he wants to do. Reminds me of- Well."
For a moment, his smile turned slightly sad. Mary had had a brother once, Henry remembered suddenly. She'd mentioned it, once, and then clammed up. Which was weird, because Snow White hadn't had any brothers. Or any siblings at all. Well, unless you counted him, but that was just- that was weird, he was her grandson, he couldn't be her brother as well! And anyway, he hadn't been born yet when the curse was cast.
"Huh- You told him about your book?" Emma asked, glancing at Henry.
"Just some ideas for stories," Gold promised. "Actually - I've a rather good second-hand edition of The Once and Future King at the shop," he added, glancing over at Henry. "I know your mother doesn't approve, but if Miss Swan's willing to keep it for you, it might give you some idea for that story about knights."
Emma's eyes narrowed. "Uh-huh. And how much is that going to cost us?"
"Free of charge," Gold said easily. "That reminds me, I've been wanting to speak to you about the situation in town right now..."
"You mean about..." Emma trailed off. "Look, I can't- I know you're protective, but there's nothing I can do about-"
"I know." Mr Gold drummed his fingers on the table. "And...I shouldn't worry. That situation will be...dealt with...soon enough. What did I say, Henry?" he added, smirking a little. "Sometimes people need...reminders...of why it is better to be kind."
Emma was starting to look outright alarmed now. "'Reminders' like what you did to Moe French?"
"Nothing so crude, Sheriff, I assure you. And I daresay you'll hear of any harassment charges Mary wants to bring before I do, so..."
"I...don't think that's likely to happen." Emma grimaced. "She's- You know Mary. People aren't really...I mean, there was a bit of graffiti earlier, but...mostly it's just...catty remarks, cold shoulders..."
"I see."
"Gold, don't-"
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Miss Swan." Mr Gold gave a thin smile. "Enjoy your hot chocolate. You as well, Henry. I have an appointment with the principal of our local elementary school."
Emma rolled her eyes. "The sort of 'appointment' you'd rather Mary didn't hear about?"
"I'm sure she'll figure it out." Gold snorted. "I'd be disappointed if she didn't. Good afternoon, Miss Swan. Henry. And do stop in sometime for that book."
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rumbelleshowdown · 4 months
LikeASparkInTheDark, it's such a rarity to contemplate a good sound grandpastiltskin relationship but this one stands strong and heart-warming 🧡🧡 Also Belle is just adorable 🤭🧡🧡
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A comparison, if I may:
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(Any and all additions would be much appreciated)
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violetfaust · 4 years
pi314159geek mentioned you on a post “I feel like this is a problem.”
@violetfaust let me guess... Rumplestiltskin himself?
I was actually thinking Henry...(and Henry is also the only person on that list that Rumple changed his mind about killing).
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woodelf68 · 5 years
Bright Shining Star
For @nothingeverlost, because in this fandom we counter anon hate with love and fic. 
*“Henry’s birthday is coming up,” Rumpelstiltskin mused as he and Belle shared a leisurely breakfast at home. “I wonder what he would like for a present?”
“He was checking out some books on astronomy and Greek mythology at the library the other day,” Belle observed, leafing through the morning mail as she munched on a piece of toast liberally spread with blueberry preserves. “They’re related in a way, all those constellations named after mythical figures.”
“And some not so mythical,” Rumpelstiltskin corrected, then brightened. “We could get him a telescope.” His brow furrowed thoughtfully. “Except I think he mentioned already having one.” 
Belle got an odd look on her face as she read through some piece of advertising. “Did you know,” she asked, “That you can name a star after someone?  They send you a certificate and a star chart with the coordinates so you can find it and everything.”
Mr. Gold’s curse memories did indeed recall reading of such a thing. But it suddenly had new meaning. “Let me see.” He held out his hand for the pamphlet from the International Star Registry, scanning it. “It’s not official within the scientific community,” he observed. “Just within their group. But still…” He tucked the pamphlet away in his coat pocket. “Do you mind if I hang on to this?”
“Of course not. Are you thinking of naming one after Henry? It would be a unique present.” 
Rumpelstiltskin made an indeterminate noise in the back of his throat, looking thoughtful.
They’d been invited over to a simple celebration at the loft, and he and Belle arrived and were greeted by Emma, who looked warily at the wrapped gift that Belle was holding. “That’s nothing magical, is it?”
“100% magic-free,’ Gold assured her, and greeted Henry as the boy came over. “Happy birthday, Henry.” Belle held out the present. 
“Thanks, “ Henry beamed, taking it. “I’m glad you could come.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” His grandfather smiled. 
Dinner was simple, pizza and salads, and then the cake was brought out, Emma taking out a lighter and holding it to the first candle, then using that to light the others. “Remember to make a good wish,” she reminded Henry. “You never know around here.”
“I don’t think my wish can come true,” Henry said wistfully, and Emma shot him an understanding look and squeezed his shoulder. 
“Wish it anyway,” she encouraged. The lights were turned off and Henry gazed for a moment at the thirteen small tongues of flame licking at the darkness, before closing his eyes for a moment, his lips moving soundlessly. Then he opened them and leaned forward, blowing out all the candles with a quick breath. There were the usual cheering noises, and a knife and plates were produced, slices being handed around along with a scoop of ice cream. Contented silence fell as they ate, Henry eyeing the small stack of gifts waiting to be unwrapped. When the plates had been cleared, he selected Rumpelstiltskin’s gift to open first, curious as to what it might be. He opened the flat box and picked up the piece of parchment on top, reading the calligraphic writing, and looked up questioningly. 
“You named a star after my dad?” His throat was tight, tears prickling the backs of his eyes, and he glanced down at the certificate again, proclaiming that a star had been named in honour of Neal Baelfire Cassidy, and telescopic coordinates could be found on the enclosed chart, along with a photograph of the sky showing it. 
“I hope you don’t mind me including ‘Baelfire’,” Rumpelstiltskin apologised. “But he was always my bright shining boy and it seemed appropriate.”
“No.” Henry shook his head. “He was your son as well as my father; I like it. It sounds more like a star, anyway.” He got up and hugged his grandfather tightly. “Thank you. Hey --” He drew back. “That’s why you were asking me about my telescope! Will we be able to go out and see it?”
“The sky’s clear tonight, so yes. I was able to arrange that the star was one that would be visible on your birthday in this part of the world.” Rumpelstiltskin was a little proud for thinking of that.
“Cool! Hey, Mom, can we --”
“How about you finish opening the rest of your presents and then we can all go out?” she suggested. She nodded at Rumpelstiltskin. “That’s a very thoughtful gift; thank you.”
Rumpelstiltskin inclined his head, and Henry began opening the rest of his presents with suitable exclamations of pleasure and thanks. Afterwards, they trooped outside, Henry carrying his telescope. He set it up, got it pointed at the right patch of sky, and began making minor adjustments, his eye glued to the end of the telescope. 
“All right, it should be right around -- “ Henry went silent, gazing at the bright distant star sparkling in the night sky. 
“Find it?” asked Emma quietly, settling her hand on his shoulder. 
“Yeah.” Henry didn’t move for another minute, watching the star, then straightened up. “Anyone else want to take a look?”
They all did, Rumpelstiltskin gazing the longest. “I know it’s really nothing to do with Baelfire”, he said quietly as he straightened up at last. “Except as a way of honouring his memory, but -- “
“But it still feels like he’s looking down on us, yeah?” Henry finished for him, and wrapped his grandfather up in a tight hug. “Thank you, Grandpa. That was what I wished for, that my dad could be here with us. And like you said, he’s not really, but it feels like he is anyway, at least in spirit.”
“They say a man is not dead while his name is still spoken,” said Emma softly. “As long as we go on remembering Neal, and talking about him, a part of him will always stay alive. And who’s to say that he’s not keeping watch on you, from wherever he is?”
“Do you really believe that?’ Henry asked. 
“I do,” said Belle firmly. 
Henry glanced at her and then back at his mother.
Emma smiled and reached out, pulling him into her side. “Once I would have said no. But then someone -- “ She pressed a fierce kiss to the side of his head.  “ -- found me and taught me that magic was real. Now? Yeah, I’m gonna believe that it’s perfectly possible that your dad is watching over you from someplace nice, and wishing he could be with you, and being so, so proud of the fine young man that you’re growing up to be.”
Henry turned into her, and buried his face against her for a moment while he squeezed back the tears that suddenly welled up in his eyes. 
“And,” continued Emma, because this was supposed to be a day for celebration and not for sadness. “He’s also probably keeping an eye on his own dad, to make sure he stays out of trouble.” She grinned at Rumpelstiltskin, who looked taken aback, then smiled ruefully as Belle snorted. 
“I’d better be on my best behaviour, then,” he said, grateful for the attempt to lighten the mood. 
Henry turned back to the telescope, brushing his hand across his eyes once before looking into the eyepiece one more time. Goodnight, Dad, he thought. I love you, and I won’t ever forget you. I promise. 
Perhaps he imagined the answering warmth that seemed to fill his heart. Perhaps he didn’t.
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paradigmparadoxical · 5 years
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2x14 Manhattan: Gold and Henry, part 2 of 2.
Part 1
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pissedoffatouat · 6 years
Regina: Everything comes at a price
with you. What do you want for this?
Mr. Gold: For a house call? You couldn't afford it. But this is for Henry. This one's on me.
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mariequitecontrarie · 6 years
Can I point out that everyone in the room when Rumple made his sacrifice was family? There were no spectators or enemies present. No one who Rumple didn’t love and who didn’t love him in return. 
Henry (his grandson), Hook (his literal best friend this is canon now), Alice and Robin (his adopted gay daughters), and at the end Regina (I mean mentee, mentor, friend, foe...Regina and Rumple have been a lot of things to each other but they loved each other like siblings).
They understood the cost of his choice. They knew he thought Belle was lost to him forever. Everyone who was there loved and respected this man and wanted only the best for him. HE DIED SURROUNDED BY FAMILY.
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steampunk-archer · 6 years
Henry, you couldn’t have called him grandpa just once more??? 😞
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If A&E had been kinder and given us Grandpastiltskin from the moment Rumple and Henry realised they were related, what Operations would you have liked to see Golden Believer (and Bae) go on and what would they've called them: Operation [insert name]?
Well, I guess the Operations change whether we keep Bae’s alive in the story or not. I’m not so great with names, so forgive me if my Operations won’t have amazing ones. 
The Stiltskin boys were just so full of potential. Maybe Henry would have asked Rumple to teach him magic without telling his dad, and he would have called it something like Operation Ping (because that was Mulan’s fake name after she ran away to become a soldier, and Henry is sneaking out of home to secretly learn magic). That would have also provided A&E with some light conflict, with Rumple not knowing whether it was right or not to teach Henry magic without telling his parents. 
If we keep Bae’s death in the story, then Henry has Operation Phoenix in S4, which mostly consists in him trying to help his grandpa deal with his grief, while also dealing with his own. 
In S5 we have operation Odette, which is about saving Emma (of course). 
Honestly, I didn’t even ask for a lot of scenes or operations between Rumple and henry. i just wanted their bond acknowledged and explored, especially after Bae’s death. 
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wierdogal · 6 years
I’ll be writing all my feels from Part 2 of the Finale on separate posts (like I did for Part 1). Here’s the first.
Disclaimer: TV Show viewing is relative. People see different things so please don’t hate on me or this post. This is how I saw it and I just want to contain my emotions in a post because that’s how I release emotions…by writing about it. :)
Link to my Grandpastiltskin feels post for Part 1.
So I sort of already expected that I won’t get as much Henry/Rumple interaction here but I can highlight two and create another missing scene fic. [I wrote the Regina and Rogers reading Rumple the riot act fic because I couldn’t stop thinking about it.]
Feels 1: When Rumple gave Rogers his heart and collapses
Henry almost went to his side and I am so bitter about how this was written because Henry should have went to his grandfather’s side. He made to move but he hesitated.
I know it’s not enough but at least there was that. [Don’t get me wrong I am bitter as f*** that he didn’t move or call out “Grandpa!”] But I’m glad Andrew improvised that little action [because I’m pretty he did improvise it because A&E have completely forgotten that Henry has a paternal grandfather].
Feels 2: The camera pans to a tear-stricken Henry after Regina says “But you deserve your happy ending, now go find it.”
Because Henry remembers what he had said before at the dungeon when Ella and Lucy were trapped in the globe. Because Henry feels guilty about what he said to his grandfather during that time and he wished he could take it back.
His grandfather deserved his happy ending...and it was his fault that Rumple might not have it.
So there you go, just two scenes. I am writing a missing scene for these two when Rumple tells the others to find Henry’s alter-ego while he searches the castle for a way to defeat his.
The missing scene has Henry offering to help Rumple first but Rumple tells him he is their best chance of finding Regina fast. [I’ll probably post that some time this week.]
So time for a rant: Henry was Rumple’s grandson. He went to Neverland to save the boy even though he knew Henry would be his undoing. So what’s my rant? Why did that bit information not play a major role after 3A?
Because damn it, Rumple was always a man who did everything for his family. Yes we got a few bits and pieces of Grandpastiltskin and Evil Grandpastiltskin (thanks to you @nropay) is a great joy to watch too...but for the whole of seven years [six fine since we only did find out the relationship during Season 2] Henry and Rumple were written like strangers.
But enough, canon is over and the world of fanfic is alive. Grandpastiltskin was always a favorite of mine and damn it if the show won’t give it to me...I’ll make my own.
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Loving the Grandpastiltskin . . .
Took six fucking years and an actor change but I’ll take what I can get at this point.
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enixamyram · 6 years
Loving the GrandpaStiltskin moments! It’s about time they got a scene together since Rumple woke up.
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thecompletebookworm · 6 years
Yes it is the middle of the night, yes it is mere hours after I said I wanted to get off Tumblr to focus on studies.  But I’m almost caught up on OUAT and I have some quick things to say.  (I was doing something tedious as well.)  Below cut are thoughts on 7.16 and 7.17
I really wish Facilier hadn’t killed Hansel.  I really loved Gretel and Hansel was a rational villain.  He was seeking revenge just like Regina did in Season 1.  Everyone associated with Zelena (and the candy witch as well) were his targets just like everyone associated with Snow’s was Regina’s.   I want to know why he slipped, why he was no longer content just being Jack, why his second chance wasn’t good enough anymore.   Like was it just the reappearance of Zelena or did it have more to do with the death of Gretel (which happened at roughly the same time, according to my very bad math).   Did it hurt especially bad that here comes the woman he thinks ruined his and his sister’s life with a happy ending, that his sister will never be able to get now.   So much of this show is done out of grief (for Regina, it was Daniel, for Rumple, it was Bae).  So was this also grief?  But the show’s never going to answer that.  Also I loved the Henry and Jack/Hansel relationship,  it still felt like Hansel cared even at the end.   
Best part hands down in the episode (4.16) was all of the Henry & Weaver.  “He’s my favorite character” *squeals*  This has always been one of the relationships, if not THE relationship I wanted explored more on the show.  They’re each other’s last link to Bae, but Rumple watched Henry grow as a person and there’s such love in his eyes.  And the line where he’s all I’ve had a significant change of heart, that made me so happy. 
Beyond that EVERY MARGOT- TILLY INTERACTION IS THE PUREST THING I’VE EVER SEEN!  The anatomical heart beignet,  Targot, Margot sticking around, even Zelena teasing her about the cute blonde.  I love them individually but then together it’s just like wow, this is a mood.  
I honestly didn’t really have too many feelings on the whole Zelena arc.  I thought it brought out some cool lines, especially Rumple’s about the little bit of our old self that lets us see how far we’ve come.   But it just wasn’t all that interesting to me.  The show’s been claiming for a while that Zelena’s been redeemed. And even the conversation with Rumple, it wasn’t like he even had anything in his power to help her one way or the other, just her necklace from Oz and a Lion King be true to yourself moment.  (It’s almost like with Snow gone, he needed to take over the hope speech this episode, granted with a little well-deserved snark.)  And the fact that he “protected” Robin at the station didn’t really mean much in means of helping Zelena either.   Based on what we know so far, he would have done it already for Alice.    I really wouldn’t have even paid too much attention to the Rumple-Zelena interactions, besides the typical ick in my stomach whenever she gets too close, if it hadn’t been for the anons last week.   
Also Sabine and Drew are cute, and so are Sabine and Rogers.  Actually Sabine can go fall in love with whoever she pleases and I’ll be happy.  (Or not fall in love you know do what you like.)   I could even get behind Tiana/Cinderella, if found family (especially found sistership)  wasn’t my favorite thing.   Though imagine it, Cinderella, attempted assassin,  joins the rebel leader and then falls in love.  Man the fanfics that could exist in such a world.  
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woodelf68 · 6 years
Misc. OUAT fics
This is the stuff that doesn’t fit on the strictly Rumbelle rec list. General OUAT, young Rumpel, Grandpastiltskin and more!  (alphabetical by author)
Blood and Iron by @amuseoffyre -- Granny’s story, from the beginning, when the wolf came for her. Special mention of Granny/Rumple scene because apparently that works for me. 
Rumple and the Spinsters ‘verse by @annievh -- Rumple being raised by his Aunties Flora and Fauna, who might be a little more than they seem.
A Knack For Losing Everything by @antikryptonite -- a rewrite of Manhattan. Rumple finds his son, Emma finds an old lover, and Henry finds out he has a dad. Meanwhile, Belle works to keep Rumple from losing himself when the shawl which kept his memories intact over the town line is stolen by the person who stabbed him. And it’s not Hook this time around. 
The Spin Me a Yarn series by @barpurplewrites  -- In which knitting becomes the new thing for certain SB residents. 
The Lynchpin Universe by Catspook -- Season rewrites starting with the premise that the original curse swept up teen Bae from NL and brought him to SB. You want a shady Blue Fairy being called on her manipulations? Dwarfstar? Papafire? A fantastically written August? Get them right here!
Memories Keep You Near by @crossinginstyle -- A pregnant Snow goes through the magic tree with Pinocchio and must forge a new life for herself until Emma’s time comes to break the curse. 
First Step by dragonbat. -- Mary Margaret realises how badly they’ve all treated Gold and goes with baby Neal to apologise. Also:
Heartstrings (season 4 AU -- Emma, Belle, and August go to Gold’s aid in NY and to decide his fate)
Passamaquoddy Impromptu (season 3 AU -- Emma takes Gold out of SB instead of leaving him under Zelena’s control. Pete’s Dragon crossover.) Patterns (Emma wonders if the dark curse never fully broke, trapping them in a repeating cycle of events)
We’re Going In a Different Direction by Ellynne-- Persephone takes over the management of the Underworld from her Uncle Hades and Makes Some Changes. Also Saving Baelfire (a saving Bae from Zelena fic)
All I Needed by @galactic-pirates (stillsearching47) --   When Emma tells her high school sweetheart Neal that she’s pregnant a month before graduation, she didn’t know what to expect. What she finds is a family, and a place to call home.
Prompt: Henry finds a stray dog, Gold helps him keep it. by @lotus0kid. 
Truly Becomes Dust by @mysticknightsofscotland​ -- What if Milah had taken Bae with her when she left?
Impressions by Nym (@wibblywobblywritery) -- Neal’s thoughts shortly after coming to SB
Cinnabons by paradigmparadoxical -- Season 2 AU of Gold, Emma, and Henry going to find Bae in NY.  More and better interaction between the characters than in canon. 
Perigee by Rhinegold (@thestorieswesay) -- Rumpelstiltskin/Granny Lucas
All That Remains by @rufeepeach-- general OUAT/Golden Swan friendship (in the wake of Neal’s death, Gold and Emma form an unlikel bond.) Also:
 Burning Bright (season 5 rewrite in which Neal is still alive and becomes the Dark One instead of Hook)
First Christmas-- @severina2001 -- Gold gifts Henry Neal’s old ball for Christmas 
The Camping Trip and Stiltskin Family Bonding by @smartgirlsaremean -- Fluff featuring Rumple, Neal and Henry
Where In the World Is Rumplestiltskin? by @spottytonguedog -- some Rumbelle, but mostly general OUAT. The Dark Curse has broken, and Snow is the first to wonder where their former prisoner is. 
Broken Hearts by teacupsroses -- Grandpastiltskin, set after Belle banished Rumpel over the town line. Also:
For Love of Family  -- Henry and Gold share a talk at Neal’s grave.
The Consequences of Inaction  -- Henry gets fed up with some of the adults around him. Set during the Underworld story.
Generations by @woodelf68— Henry/Gold bonding at Neal’s grave. Angst/fluff mix. Also:
Addendum — An extended version of the deleted scene between Henry and Rumpeltiltkin from 4x02. Also:
Bargain by — Henry wants a birthday present for Emma. Gold has just the thing, and a special price for his youngest and cutest customer.
Manhattan Redux — an alternate scene between Gold and Henry in New York. Gold’s dying, but Henry refuses to let him give up.
What The Storm Brought — It was a dark and stormy night. Henry discovers what it left behind.
Like Father, Like Son — A taste for a certain checked shirt seems to be run in the family. Neal/Henry scene.    
In Which Rumpelstiltskin Receives Help From An Unexpected Source -- The Rumbelle Deer comes to Rumpel’s aid when Belle forces him across the town line. Because there’s nothing like adding a little crack to canon. Based on the ending of 4x11.  
Brother – Neal might be gone, but he isn’t forgotten. Future Rumbaby fic.
Small by worryinglyinnocent Alone in a car at the town boundary, Mr Gold waits for a delivery that will, one day, change the lives of all Storybrooke forever. A very small delivery…Also:
Full Circle “Emma remembers the man who started it all. Emma remembers Rumpelstiltskin. That’s not his real name, of course…” An alternate way in which Emma found Storybrooke, based on the theory that Regina allowed Gold one trip out of town to collect Henry. What if he’d made a little detour?
Once Upon A Different Time -- Full cast season 3 rewrite written in episodic format.
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