#granted in that fic most of the golden deer and blue lions are dead but im not doing that
rakkiankh · 2 years
I started a save file for a silver snow route a few months back that I just now picked back up, because even though I have a save file of over 700 hours, my one playthrough of silver snow wasn't part of the chain. I found some new favorite classes for some units that I wanted to use after my last playthrough, some new ones to test, and this time around I was doing Ferdinand as my dancer.
Since I wanted to do a purely silver snow route though, I decided to not train Edelgard and Hubert at all. Even at chapter 7 when everyone in my class (consisting of every student currently recruitable + shamir) except Flayn are currently over level 20, Edelgard is level 5 and Hubert hasn't seen a single battle the entire school year. I even put them in the lounge wear outfits so they fit their roles as bench warmers.
And it just makes me think of Edelgard, who is excited to have been chosen by Byleth, and the possibility of having a powerful ally on her side in her upcoming war only to be completely blindsided by being completely ignored. No meals, no tutoring, no extra battles. Made to sit in the corner from everything ranging from the battle of eagle and lion to revenge for the death of a loved one, all while wearing a tank top and basketball shorts for the entire school year. Hubert doesn't know what's going on either, he hasn't even had a single conversation with their teacher. They are incredibly confused.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Digging the Dancing King (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
The White Heron Cup is approaching the class of the Blue Lions. 
After careful consideration for their rep, the most logical choice comes to mind.
Felix swung his sword down, then rapidly upwards at the dummy, making it swing violently back and forth.
“Hmph. Not fast enough...”
There was too much merriment going around. Everyone was excited about the Heron Cup and the Ball, yet did everyone forget about the Death Knight and Tomas?
It made him angry, but he couldn’t really do anything about it.
Only thing he could do was train for the next battle that was sure to come.
Meanwhile, the rest of the class were faffing about, trying to decide who’d be the best dancer, but ultimately it was up to their professor. Felix didn’t really care about all of this, but it’d be nice if they won. 
Mercedes would be a good choice.
Annette...maybe. Emphasis on the maybe.
As for Ingrid, Felix was sure that she would actually stab someone if she were chosen for something like this. She was more of a tomboy than anything.
“Huh...” He thought to himself.
For not really caring about this kind of thing, he’s oddly putting a lot of thought into this.
He heard footsteps approach him, he sheathed his sword and turned around.
Byleth nodded with his blank face, which was all too common for him to have.
Still, there looked like something he needed to say.
“Did you need something? Psh, what? Am I the representative for our class? What an honor.”
Then, Byleth did something that made Felix’s blood run cold.
He smiled.
Blue Lions Classroom...
“I was joking damn it.” Felix sharply blurted out.
The rest of the class had gathered and were just as shocked as Felix to learn that he’d be the representative.
(Byleth) “Well, I wasn’t.”
(Ingrid) “Um...Professor, with all due respect-”
(Sylvain) “What the hell are you thinking?! Felix couldn’t dance to save his life!”
(Felix) “Up yours!-”
(Sylvain) “Hey, I’m trying to help you here, man! I know the last thing you wanna do is this!’
(Felix) “I...Ugh, I agree, Professor. I say this joke has caught me off guard, but-”
(Annette) “I’d say he’s joking but...”
Byleth’s face was the same one he used to kill bandits. It was anyone’s guess to tell what’s actually going on inside his head.
Whatever the case, this was some twisted joke he had done.
(Ashe) “I...don’t think he is.”
(Dimitri) “I-If I may why Felix? Surely Mercedes or Annette might’ve been-”
(Byleth) “It’s exactly FOR that reason, Dimitri. If we come in with the unexpected, we’re sure to catch everyone off guard and steal the votes.”
(Everyone) “...”
(Dedue) “I...am not quite sure that is how it works, Professor. As a mercenary, did you ever-”
(Byleth) “Nope. Which is why we need something fresh. Plus, Felix is pretty popular with the girls.”
(Sylvain) “Er, you realize it’s mostly GUYS in the audience, right? And that both houses have chosen GIRLS for that? I say knowing your audience would help us greatly.”
(Ingrid) “Seriously. PLEASE reconsider this, Professor! For the sake of our class!”
(Felix) “Listen to her, please.”
Felix was starting to sound desperate, but Byleth stood his ground.
(Byleth) “As professor, my choice is final. Felix, you will see me tomorrow morning for dance training.”
(Felix) “...Damn it. Fine, whatever.”
Byleth nodded and went out of the classroom.
As he left, he heard Sothis’ voice.
“I cannot BELIEVE you did that.”
(Byleth) You said I didn’t have the guts. I aim to prove you wrong.
“I said it in JEST! Are you this daft, or are all humans like this?!”
(Byleth) I don’t think you have a sense of humor.
"You know, I think spending time with these children have made you somehow even more sadistic!”
Back in the classroom, no one had any idea what to say. 
(Mercedes) “...W-Well, I’ll be sure to help you out, Felix!”
(Felix) “I swear, if you put ANY MAKEUP ON ME-”
(Ingrid) “How’d it come to this?”
(Dimitri) “Is this some sick twisted joke? The professor has damned us all!”
(Dedue) “That’s a bit dramatic but, I can’t exactly disagree...”
(Sylvain) “Well, I can’t wait to see your dancing lesson tomorrow!...Ugh, this is gonna be terrible for us...”
(Ashe) “Who knows? The professor has surprised us before.”
(Annette) “Ashe, I think you’re a bit too optimistic.”
The Day of the White Heron Cup
(Byleth) “Alright Felix, show them what your training was for!”
(Felix) “Ugh, good grief.”
Their training was....rough to say the least. Felix had NO idea what he was doing, and only learned a few steps if anything.
Oddly enough, he was feeling very prideful in his improvement. It’d help his footwork in fights at the very least.
(Dimitri) “I’d say good luck but...we’d need a miracle to see us through this.”
(Sylvain) “Knock em dead, Felix. Just...not with crap dancing.”
(Ingrid) “Have fun...I think?”
(Mercedes) “I have faith in you!”
(Everyone) “...”
(Mercedes) “...A-Alright, some faith....a little.”
(Ashe) “I don’t want to be rude, but...No, we shouldn’t be negative. If the Professor says you can do it, then you can do it!”
(Annette) “Yeah, down with the naysayers! Dazzle em, Felix!”
(Dedue) “Show them the pride of the Blue Lions.”
Felix smiled at the three’s comments. 
(Felix) “Eh, what the hell. Might as well enjoy it.”
(Byleth) “Class, know this. Professor Byleth does not know defeat.”
(Dimiri) “We’ll be sure to make you acquainted soon...” He said while sighing.
The contestants were:
Edelgard - Black Eagles
Felix - Blue Lions
Leonie - Golden Deer
The two girls were in their standard school uniforms while Felix was wearing a crisp black suit, standing out from the two.
Everyone was murmuring as soon as they saw Felix come up onto stage, which only fueled his desire to show them the error in their thinking.
...Wait, why am I getting THIS worked up about it? I don’t even want to be here! was his next thought.
And so, the moment of truth had begun. It was time to show the moves Byleth had taught him.
It was unlike any ball moves he had ever seen, it was odd yet mesmerizing.
Leonie’s and Edeglard’s bands were classic ball music, but Byleth had requested to use something specific for his music and granted the request.
And when they were in position, Felix was told to say the key word to start it off proper.
Felix sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Let’s get this over with.”
He snapped his fingers loudly, catching everyone’s attention.
“Boys, give me something with a beat!”
The man on the piano hit the notes so loudly, it caught the judges off guard.
Alois’s and Manuela’s eyes went wide while Shamir raised her eyebrows.
Felix saw Dorothea at the head of the band, about to sing. As soon as she said her parts, he struck the best pose he could. 
The Piano struck three notes, signalling everyone.
(Dorothea) “Oh baby, baby!”
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“I look so STUPID.” He thought to himself.
He went from pointing upwards to pointing at the crowd, nodding up and down with the beat of the instruments.
“Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know?
That something wasn't right here?”
He swayed his hips side to side, snapping his fingers in beat with her singing.
“Oh baby, baby, I shouldn't have let you go”
He spun around and struck a pose facing the opposite direction, his left arm pointing outwards while his other hand was behind his head, and right foot directly behind his left.
“And now you're out of sight, yeah”
He turned back to the audience, and began swinging in motion to her singing.
“Show me how you want it to be,
Tell me, baby, 'cause I need to know now, oh because!”
He then closed his eyes, and began acting as if he were repeating the chorus, extending his hand and folding it to himself dramatically.
“My loneliness is killing me (and I)
I must confess I still believe (still believe)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me, baby, one more time!”
As soon as the band finished, he finished by pointing at the crowd with a smile.
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He could tell several girls screamed in glee, but he was far too busy thinking
Everyone in the audience remained quiet until someone started clapping. Followed by several people, then the entire room.
He and the band bowed, Felix taking his place next to Edelgard and Leonie.
The Blue Lions were stunned, not expecting this dance at all since they were prohibited from having their training have any witnesses.
When the judging came around, they all heard the instructor’s voices.
(Manuela) “I vote for...The Blue Lions! Their music was spectacular!”
(Sylvain) “...H-Huh...?!”
(Shamir) “I vote for...The Blue Lions. Their dance was the most original.”
(Ingrid) “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
(Alois) “Well, I think it’s obvious who the winner is! My vote is also this year’s winner. THE BLUE LION HOUSE!”
(Dimitri) “I-IMPOSSIBLE!”
(Felix) “...What.”
Everyone began clapping and cheering wildly, and the class could do nothing but stare.
(Dedue) “Oh my...”
(Mercedes) “Incredible...! I can’t believe it!”
(Ashe) “N-Neither can I...!”
(Annette) “WOOHOO! WE WON!”
(Byleth) “I told you class.”
Everyone turned around to face him, Byleth now smiling.
(Dimitri) “J-Just how serious did you take this?!”
Felix walked up to the Professor and shoved him the trophy.
(Felix) “Never ask me for anything AGAIN.”
He walked off towards the training ground, hoping to forget this ever happened.
The several girls from the crowd following him disagreed strongly.
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