#grass cat is cuter than a talking dream eater confirmed
blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #953: Another Day at the Land of Departure (Kingdom Hearts)
11:23 a.m. Land of Departure's Residence's Living Room.............
Vantias: (Has The Back of his Head Laying on top of Namine's Lap) You guys think I'll look good with a Mohawk?
Namine: (Raised an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion While Holding her Tablet) A....mohawk?
Ventus: (Too Busy Looking Something Up on his Phone) You finally starting to tired of being a Sora look-a-like there, Vantias?
Vantias: (Shrugs) Eh. That's one of reasons. I just felt like experimenting on a few different hairstyles, see where it takes me from here and junk.
Namine: Ooh! (Smiles Excitedly) Can the girls and I pleeease do your hair someday this month?~ I promise you won't regret it.
Vantias: Go nuts. Just don't make it lame or too girly, alright?
Namine: (Happily Salutes to Her Brother) You can count on us, Van-Van!~ (Turns to Ventus) You too, Venny!
Ventus: (Lowers his Phone Down While Turning Towards Namine Beside Him) Huh?
Namine: I wanna try and style up your hair too. I'm afraid it's long overdue.
Ventus: What's wrong with the one I got?
Vantias: Dude, you and Roxas have been looking like siamese twins for the longest now. Don't you think it'd time for a new look already?
Ventus: I mean.....I would agree with you there, but Roxas did say that we would get a few things out of it if we keep this whole twin charade any longer, so......
Vantias: (Raised an Eyebrow) You're really gonna trust the words of an amateur troublemaker?
Ventus: (Rolls his Eyes) Says the literal embodiment of darkness......
Vantias: Hey. I aleady mellowed out my darkness bullshit ages ago.
Ventus: Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that you're a prick.
Vantias: (Shrugs Whike Smirking Smugly) What can I say? I take pride in what I do.
Ventus: Realllly don't think that's anything to be proud of.......
Vantias: Bold of you to think otherwise.
Namine: ('Sigh') Boys, please. Today's a Saturday, no fighting. (Immediately Gives Vantias a Pouty Look on her Face) And what did I JUST say about you cursing, mister!?~
Vantias: Hey, I can't control what my mouth will say forever, ya know? And it'll only be a matter of time when you start doing it too.
Ventus: (Continues Looking Things Up on his Phone) You know, it would be pretty crazy to hear her curse for the first time...
Namine: (Eyes Begins to Widened Before Quickly Turning Away While Crossing her Arms) W-Well I'll just have to make sure that will never happen.
Vantias: I always admire your determination, Namine. (Starts Smirking Again) I'll give you two days tops.
Namine: ('GASPS') Two days!? (Starts Glaring at Vantias in an Adorable Fashion) Have more faith in my than that, Vantias! I wanted to be a month!
Vantias: I dunno......Two days seem like enough for me.
Namine: NOT FOR ME!~
Ventus: (Notices Something on his Phone) Huh. So these are the three new pokemon starters everyone's been talking about.....
Namine: (Gasps Once More as Her Eyes Begins to Glow in Excitement) Three new pokemon starters? I wanna see!~
Ventus shows the duo a picture of a green kitten, a red-orange baby crocodile, and a blue duckling with a pompador standing in their respective spots.
Namine: (Gasps Loudly Before Placing Both of her Hands on her Cheeks While Smiling Adorably) Oh my gosh, they look so adorable!~
Vantias: As expected. (Looks Back Up to Ventus) You think all of them would look cooler once they evolve?
Ventus: Probably. But if I have to choose my favorite out of the three, I'll pick Sprigatito. It's green and cute. Even more so than Chirithy...... D-Don't tell him I said that.
Vantias: I'll choose the apple looking baby croc. He looks cute now, but I have a feeling he'll be the most intimidating out of the bunch after a few levels.
Namine: (Smiles Brightly) Then I shall choose the blue duckling and raise him as my own!~
Ventus: Becoming a mother hen already?
Namine: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. How could I not? (Looks Back at the Picture of Qualxy) He deserves all the love and care in the world. And I'll do everything in my power to protect him. (Smile Turns into a Dark In Intimidating One as She Starts Cracking her Knuckles) By any needs necessary.
Vantias: (Shivers in a Bit of Fear Along With Ventus) Yeesh....Namine, you have to be the most intimidating cinnamon roll I have ever met.
??????: Ventus.
Ventus looks up before his eyes widened in fear at the sight of Chirithy looking down at with a dark look on his face.
Chirithy: What is this I hear about you saying that green alley cat is cuter than me?
Ventus: Make that the second most intimidating........('Gulp')
Chirithy: Answer the damn question, Ventus!
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