#gravity's ascension chapter 13
brokenangelwings22 · 7 months
Gravity's Ascension Chapter 13 is now up!
Yep. It's been MONTHS. I finally got the inspiration to finish the chapter! Please enjoy! As always, thank you to @gina-chan1979 and @lowrider-dreams for being there for me. Enjoy, m'loves!
Gravity's Ascension Chapter 13: One Last Plea
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kalessinsdaughter · 1 year
Mistborn – The Well of Ascension, Chapter 12
Part Two – Ghosts in the Mist
Kalessin reads cosmere
Chapter 1 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 13
Trying to figure out if 'The Anamnesor' should convey a meaning?
Does Marsh sense where the other Inquisitors are?
I like getting to see more of Sazed's Feruchemy, how it feels and how it works. The weight attribute actually changing the acceleration of gravity working on the Feruchemist, is both more straightforward, and more wild, than I expected.
His enhanced eyesight seems a little different in nature from an Allomancer's: sort of, but not quite, like the difference between a telescope and an image intensifier (although it seems Sazed can improve his night vision, too?). And the coppermind memory storage is intriguing, the way memories stored there are gone from his own memory.
Is the Conventical's interior steel-lining a courtesy for Inquisitors, since they appear to "see" by sensing metals? Would that be why there's no doors, because doors wouldn't give privacy anyway? Or is there another reason?
Didn't Sazed say not only Inquisitors had retreated to the Conventical, but also high obligators? Where did they go? Why kill all their slaves? What's the information Marsh is looking for? The questions are starting to pile up!
Hmm, so the spikes in a Steel Inquisitor's body are made from several different metals. I wasn't wrong about that, at least. I have to admit that, unlike Sazed, I want to know how Inquisitors are made.
Ooh! The source of the epigraphs! That's sooner than I expected. Now, why would Kwaan's words be preserved by the Inquisitors? And in a way that feels oddly like a parallel to the Lord Ruler's inner sanctum?
There's always another secret, right?
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dailyaudiobible · 1 year
5/24/2023 DAB Transcript
2 Samuel 4:1-6:23, John 13:31-14:14, Psalm 119:17-32, Proverbs 15:31-32
Today is the 24th day of May, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather and take the next step forward on our journey. A journey that takes us through this year. A journey that takes us through every word and every verse, every chapter of the book of the Bible. So, we started our journey several months back and we have been doing exactly that, each and every day, following the path that has led us all the way into the book of Second Samuel, where we are now learning about David. And we've already learned an awful lot about David we are learning about David's ascension to the throne of Israel as Israel's second king. He was king in Hebron, but he is to become king of all Israel. And so, let’s pick up the story, Second Samuel chapters 4, 5 and 6 today.
Okay so, real quick, in Second Samuel today, David now is the king of all Israel. The rival king, Ish-bosheth, Saul's remaining air was assassinated, and the assassins brought the head of Ish-bosheth to David and David did to them, the same that he did when he got the news of Saul being killed, those men were killed. And you could be like well, that's, I mean gosh, how do you get into the good graces of the King besides kill the King's enemies. The person that wanted to kill David is now dead, shouldn’t that be a good thing? But people are watching David and there is a distinction between the things that happened during war and the things that happened during peace that are under the cover of night. And assassination well, for David that's more in the realm of God. If Ish-bosheth should be dead, then God will handle it, but the person that is willing to raise their hand against the anointed one of God, gets dealt with. And so, David's setting example about his own leadership but he's also lived that example toward Saul. So, the people have seen this character and it's been a straight line. It's been a consistent thing, that hasn't been situational depending on how bad of an enemy tie that was David's. David has a clear conscience and clear consistency, and the people see it and they follow him, and he is now the King.
Then we turn over to the Gospel of John and we are now moving through the Last Supper and the passion narrative, the last days of Jesus. And we are in the Gospel of John, my friends. It's hard to believe that we are almost at the end of another one of our months, and this being the fifth month. This is the last time we move through this territory because we’re moving through the last of the four Gospels. So, we need to pay attention to what happens here and what gets said here, because we have to imagine the gravity of the situation of Jesus final meal, and that mere hours and He will be taken from them and so He won’t be able to teach them anymore, He won’t be able to able to interpret what's going on for them. He won’t be able to be their Rabbi and comfort them and help them learn. They, He will be taken from them, and they will be on their own. And so, He has some things to say in these final moments of serenity before everything gets blown up. Yesterday, we observed Jesus, after the meal, take off his robe, and get down on his knees and wash the feet and wash the grime and dust off the feet of His disciples, telling them that He's given them an example, like He blatantly told them, this is the example, if I, Your master and Lord are doing this for you, then you should do this for each other. This is how you're supposed to live. Then we move into today's reading and Jesus has some profound things that we simply cannot ignore. And we actually have to consider and live into. Jesus said, I give you a new command, love each other deeply and fully, remember the ways that I have loved you, and demonstrate your love for others in those same ways. In other words, love one another as I have loved you, by this everyone will know that you are my disciples, by the way that you demonstrate your love for one another. I don’t know guys; I think we could sit and just ponder that one until we get it. It is by our love for one another that the world is compelled toward the Gospel. Like, it’s not all of our nice, neat evangelism tactics and all of our processes. These are fine, but it is our love for one another that Jesus said. Like that's the calling card. People will know you are My disciples by your love for one another. What does that look like in our lives? And oh, my goodness, we have work to do, significant work to do. If this is how we’re going to be known. And then, we move forward and what Jesus is teaching in his last meal, and he says something that is so poignant for me that I will never forget it. He says don't get lost in despair. Believe in God and keep on believing in me. My Father's home is designed to accommodate all of you, if there were not room for everyone, I would've told you that. I’m going to make arrangements for your arrival, we’ll be there to greet you personally and welcome you home. Where we’ll be together. I love that, I love that so very much. I go to prepare a place for you, then I'll come and get you so that you’ll be where I am. I think the part that, that is so poignant for me because this, this verse right here, this takes me back to my mom's passing several years ago. And coming to this passage, I mean her death was a monumental thing to happen in my life. It changed me in lots of ways that I'm still, still trying to figure out, her…her…her presence in the world. The presence of my parents being gone. And so, I just remember one evening sitting in a chair and coming through this verse, don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in me. In my father's house are many mansions, right, many rooms. And here's the part, if this were not so I would've told you. Why would I tell you I'm going to prepare a place for you if I'm not coming to get you. I personally, I hope, I hope in the words of Jesus there. I hope in that. Can you imagine the disciples, I mean, this, these are words they need the hear imminently. In hours, He’s going to be taken from them. They're going to need to hear this, so He is so kind that even though what He's got to face is upon His shoulders and what He's got to face is unthinkable, unthinkable: death by crucifixion after being tortured. That's just the physical aspect of it, but all of the falseness and the injustice of it, all of the sin that He has to take upon himself. Like the weight of that, I can't even, we, no one, who could possibly fathom what we’re talking about here. And yet, with all that weight on His shoulders, Jesus is still being kind and giving His friends what they need to know, that even though He's going to be taken, and even though they're not going to understand, they need to remember He will not leave them and that they should not have troubled hearts. He is preparing a place, if it were not so, He would've told them. I mean, man none of us are facing what they were facing. But what does that do when we think about the anxiety that is hovering over us. The fear that is chasing behind us. What if we hear Jesus say, you’re going to be okay, don’t let your hearts be troubled. I have you, if it were not so I would've told you. It’s almost too beautiful to talk about. And then Jesus told them, I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. And that is what we’re looking for, the way, the truth, and the life. Like isn't that what this consciousness, this existence, this is getting up every day and moving through a day, isn't this what we’re looking for? The way to do this, the truth about it: life. And Jesus is saying, I am what you are looking for, you have found what you seek. So, Jesus is being so kind and so revealing and so deeply ministering to their hearts in ways that they need to know. And so, but it's not just comfort, like he is comforting them, but then he bestows power upon them. He says I tell you the truth, whoever believes in me will be able to do what I have done, they will do even greater things because I am returning to the Father. That is profound. First of all, Jesus insists that He's telling the truth about it, right out of the gate. I'm telling you the truth. And then He tells us that…that we’re commissioned and have been given the same power to do the same works that Jesus was doing after the same way that He was doing it. In other words, we are invited to become Christ-like to reveal God in this world the way that Jesus did, to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to follow His example of loving one another, knowing that we will not be abandoned and knowing that we are empowered to live this life. These are the things that the final Gospel, the Gospel of John tells us about Jesus final meal and the wisdom and insight and love, that He wanted to bestow upon His friends before He was taken. May we drink deeply today because Jesus was showing His friends what life was going to look like after his departure, but they were going to need to know how they were going to need to shape their lives. And we are in the same situation and our lives are to be shaped in the same way, with the same hope, with the same power. Let’s think about that today.
Holy Spirit, we invite You to help us think about this. Some of these things are, like profound game changers to the way that we actually live, we live like we’re running away from things, we live half defeated on any given day, we live all kinds of ways, swirling and anxiety, worries, the cares of this life, all kinds of things. And so, we stay close to You and call upon You to help us navigate those things because we need You, we need Your help. But if this flip could be made and we realized no, it's not really about those cares and concerns and obligations and responsibilities, it's about loving each other and revealing God. And some of our paradigms change, and some of our assumptions get challenged, and we invite You into that, Holy Spirit. Lead us into all truth, this is our constant prayer, lead us into the truth that we might know the truth and that the truth might set us free, transforming us, that we might live full, productive, open, happy, fulfilled lives in Your presence. Come into this Jesus, we ask in Your name. Amen.
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, humbly, thank you, humbly we wouldn't be here. That wouldn’t be a Global Campfire if we weren’t us, if we weren't in this together, and so thank you, humbly. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today, I'm Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Good morning, Family, this is John from Texas calling in for my amazing wife. I’ve called in a couple times and want to thank you again for all your prayers. I know my wife listens to every prayer, the community prayer and prays for each of you. And I know that as we continue to lift one another up in prayer, the Lord will break through. I believe prayer is like a muscle that must be exercised daily to see breakthrough, to see benefit, to see change. And so, I continue to pray because I know there’s nothing impossible with the Lord. If He can raise Lazarus out of the grave, He can heal any affliction, He can deal with any problem, there’s nothing that He doesn’t know about and there’s nothing that He doesn’t have a solution for. And so, I know He has a solution and a healing for my wife, as He does for every one of your prayers. And so, we say thank you Lord, for all that You’ve done and all that You’re doing in our lives. And we know that as we hear each of you cry out to You with our different needs, there’s none of them that You don’t hear. And so, Father, we give You the glory for these things. We lift these things up to you and we say, thank You Father for all that You’ve done, all that You’re doing, and all that’s to come in our lives. In Jesus name I pray these things. Amen.
Hey, Daily Audio Bible Family, this is Summer the Songbird in Nebraska. It is May 20th. Ooohh, those prayer requests today. So, Holy Spirit, we life up Our Little Girl, who’s suddenly facing really scary mental illness challenges, Lord. We lift up the family, we want freedom for this child, freedom from any spiritual attack, mental attack, physical attack, Lord. We speak health into this child, into these relationships. And…and comfort her family and help them through a very scary thing and to not give in to or cling to fear but cling to You. In Jesus name. I want to lift up Jeremiah and I think it was Christine in North Carolina. Jeremiah’s moved across the world and is facing so many challenges. And Christine needs to move. Lord, I ask, thank You for moving Jeremiah on this great adventure, to this new place. Please guide him through it and let it be the change he needs. And show Christine the paths she needs, the place she needs to go. These big challenging moves can be so scary and be so hard, and we just know that You are hand is on it. We love You Jesus. Be glorified through all of these things. Praise You, in Jesus name.
Hey, family, it’s Jesse from Washington. I just need prayers. A friend of mine’s sister has had some drug and addiction problems. She’s been on and off the streets for years. She recently overdosed herself and was admitted to the ER. And then, the family, you know, said hey, doctors, let us know before you discharge her so we can get her some help. And she just took off. So now, she’s on the streets. They don’t know where she is, everyone's stressed out. She has 8 siblings plus a mother and father. So, it’s really affecting a lot of people. So, just, I guess, please pray that her name’s Myra. Just pray that she gets the help that she needs. That Jesus can just open her heart to getting some help and accepting help. And that, she reach out to somebody in the family and starts that process. Alright ya’ll, love you. Thank you, have a good weekend. Bye.
This is Julie and Chris from Texas. And we are just calling in on the 19th of May as we celebrate our 15th anniversary. And just want to call in to give God praise for that and glory. And then also just lift up all of the couples out there. So, we’re just going to read together. So, Lord, we just thank You for Your hand of love over our lives and in receiving Your love we are able to love each other as You love us. And so, I just thank you Father God, for all of the couples out there, that You would just, You would show them love in a way that is new and fresh to them and You would just revive their love for one another in new ways as well, Lord. That You are a God that moves from glory to glory, and we give You praise for that in our own lives, and we speak that over the lives of our brothers and sisters in this community.
It's hard to remain neutral when it comes to today’s affairs. Everybody wants God to hear their prayers. The worlds been given strong dillusion and God is not the author of confusion. Many things that were once right are now considered to be wrong. Causing many Christians to questions where they actually belong In terms of their thinking and perspectives Their political view and use of infectives And that paints a picture of the future that looks pretty grim. But it’s not our job to judge or condemn. Because we realize there’s still a lot of wheat in the midst of the tears Especially when it comes to today’s affairs. We also realize that there’s nothing God can’t change. And no set of circumstances that he can’t rearrange. Political correctness and the world ever shifting mood, Should never form the basis for a Christians attitudes. Our standard for truth is based on Holy Spirit proof. And our uncompromising stance is rooted in love. Give glory and honor to the Father above. Reflecting His light as we endeavor to live right. But fervently keeping the faith, especially when it comes to today’s affairs. Because we realize, there’s still a lot of wheat in the midst of the tares. [email protected] I’d like to give a shout out to Delta Alpha Foxtrot and Tony the truck driver who has a son named AJ. Haven’t heard from either one of you in a while. Know you’re both are very much loved, thought of often and prayed for regularly. And once again Brian and the Hardin Family, thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow, keep in flowing ya’ll. Alright, bye bye.  
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shinneth · 5 years
Gem Ascension Tropes (Peridot-specific: P - Q)
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Primary Peri Post ▼ Primary General Post ▼ Full Article
Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality: Justified, as Peridot and Steven are 13 and 14 respectively (until It’s a Birthday, Yes It Is; then they’re 14 and 15) and haven’t been an Official Couple for very long. However, Steven’s hormones (fully in effect since his Plot-Relevant Age-Up) and Peridot’s devotion to him make them both self-aware that they’re moving along faster than they should and really can’t help themselves. This is addressed as early on as Chapter 5 of Act III, but that brings up another factor that the Dawn of a New Era brought about by the events of GA are forcing them both to grow up too fast with crushing levels of responsibility hanging over them both. Just under a week removed from GA confirms the pair have gone as far as second base and are eager to go past that in This is Who I Am. Then it completely goes off the rails in It’s a Birthday, Yes It Is (3-4 months removed from GA) where they’re not only well into third base, but are desperate to go all the way. They ultimately succumb to that in Chapter 2… sort of.
Pensieve Flashback: Chapter 1 of Act III features three flashbacks of Peridot’s Homeworld days – all of which she is forced to watch by White Diamond, who surrounds all sides of her with screens of these memories that were ripped directly from her mind. Present-day Peridot has to discuss her past with White Diamond as she watches these moments against her will.
Photographic Memory: An ability Peridot gains post-ascension. Often paired with her Mental Picture Projector power to provide exposition.
Phrase Catcher: Although it’s technically not a catchphrase (and technically Lapis is the one who came up with the term originally), Peridot often refers to Steven as her “center of gravity” as a Term of Endearment across the GA continuity. Once Peridot adopts the term, she’s the only one who uses it… until Chapter 5 of Act III, when Steven refers to her as this for him. This moves Peridot so much that she actually needs alone time with him despite already having some not that long ago. Much later, in Plans Change, Garnet also uses the term to reference the importance of Steven in Peridot’s life even in regards to her leadership abilities, though this only serves to embarrass both Steven and Peridot. The latter insists that the term just sounds awful coming out of anyone other than Steven or herself.
Physical, Mystical, Technological: The Technological to Lapis’ Mystical and Bismuth’s Physical.
Platonic Life-Partners: With Amethyst, and formerly Lapis.
Please Wake Up: The moments leading up to, and the actual moment Pumpkin dies in Chapter 8 of Act III have Peridot invoking this trope, though she almost entirely loses her ability to speak coherently once Pumpkin dies. She speaks incomplete and fragmented statements while she’s internally processing the reality of what just happened. Following that is an Angst Nuke.
Plucky Comic Relief: Per canon, she’s still this. Granted, it’s notably downplayed given the circumstances, as Peridot pretty much has to become more serious and professional as an authoritative figure (the central theme of this story is Peridot starting as this trope and transitioning to Hero Protagonist, after all). However, she still has a good number of moments, and her pluckiness serves to get her team motivated and optimistic in a mission they can very easily screw up and fail.
Poisonous Friend: After her actions in Chapter 6 of Act III that ended up getting Steven willingly involved in a very violent, sadistic method of In-Universe Catharsis (aka hack at White Diamond’s neck in hopes of snapping it clean off her body), Peridot not only sees herself as this to Steven after coming to her senses, but White Diamond blatantly accuses her of being this as well. This plays into White’s goal of crushing Peridot’s ego to make her submissive again so she can be more easily coerced into fusion. Later in Chapter 8, Steven (as Pink Diamond 2.0) adamantly tells Peridot (as Chartreuse Diamond) that she isn’t a toxic influence on him at all, and that his actions are his own.
Power Crystal: Emerged with the components of one that was made whole by White Diamond’s manipulation. A broken splinter of Yellow Diamond combined with White Diamond’s diamond dust embedded in Peridot’s gemstone forms a brand new diamond. In full bloom, it merges with said gemstone and rests directly in the middle of it; this is a permanent change and marks Peridot’s ascension from a low-caste worker gem to a Diamond. Peridot effectively becomes two gems simultaneously and gains a great deal of power (though capped unless she shifts into Chartreuse Diamond) while doubling as being her lifeline just as much as her mundane gemstone.
Power Floats: Can do this post-ascension, though Peridot still prefers to use a metal platform when she takes to the sky.
Power Incontinence: By far the biggest case of this for Peridot was her inability to fuse, even with Steven. It’s heavily implied that despite her ascension, Peridot wouldn’t be able to fuse with anyone else due to being an Era 2 gem – as well as a kind of gem that logically should never have any reason to fuse, given that Peridots are not meant for combat of any kind (and fusion on Homeworld was solely done for combat purposes). While she was finally able to fuse as Chartreuse Diamond in Chapter 8 of Act III, there was a lingering concern she would only be able to fuse in that form. However, Steven’s Epiphany Therapy proved to work on Peridot just as it did for Chartreuse; once Peridot was able to forgive herself for her many past crimes and accept that she did deserve to experience fusion, she and Steven finally fused successfully and became Sphalerite in the final scene of Act III.
Power Limiter: A natural variant in Peridot’s limitations of her base form. While she is vastly more powerful and versatile compared to her abilities pre-ascension, and Peridot might be able to share most of the same abilities as Chartreuse, the range of effectiveness is greatly limited while performing as Peridot… simply because she’s in a form that can’t channel the kind of power a Diamond can. If Peridot pushes herself too hard, she can risk harming herself in the process.
The Power of Love: This is what kept Peridot from falling apart on Day 1 of the rescue mission. Her boundless love for Steven kept pushing her to follow through on her vows, even when she wanted to give up and go home. It’s pointed out several times In-Universe how Peridot made something that’s usually a point of vulnerability into a power source. That is, until White Diamond finds a way to make it a weakness in Act III. Still, Peridot’s love for Steven shines through and helps way more often than it hurts. Somewhat subverted as Peridot and Steven have trouble fusing – love alone isn’t enough to make them compatible. Steven had to dig deeper to get to the root of Peridot’s problems to make Iridescent Diamond a reality, but love is still in play as Steven’s efforts just further prove to Peridot how he’s a beacon of light in her life and can only make sense of things she doesn’t understand with him around. When Steven helps Peridot finally move on from the guilt of the past weighing her down, she can’t help but fall even further in love with him.
The second point happens early in Chapter 8 after Pumpkin dies. It’s mixed in with the Heroic BSoD, but this trope is largely what fuels the Angst Nuke.
Power Perversion Potential: Peridot has an idea to use just a small bit of willpower to make Steven unable to ejaculate for a while with the intent of building towards a stronger orgasm in the long run, which Steven consents to. And… it definitely had the intended result when Peridot dispelled him.
Pragmatic Hero: Contrasts with Steven’s All-Loving Hero; while Peridot has changed so much to the point that who she is now is a vast departure from her Pre-Earth Manipulative Bastard persona, she still remains an objectivist who knows better than to love everything and everyone unconditionally. Most times she attempts to adopt this attitude ends up blowing up in her face (see also: Lapis). Since she is fiercely protective of the ones she loves, Peridot has no qualms whatsoever about doing immoral things if it’s literally the only way she can assure the safety of others. She has more than once butted heads with Steven over this, and while those were ultimately minor spats, This is Who I Am Chapter 5 proves there is a part of Peridot that has more than some lingering contempt for Steven for making light of not only her embodiment of this trope, but others who share her ideology… 
5XG: “You hate murderers. Anyone who takes the life of another, you hate on principle. The cause or circumstance is of no concern to you and never has been.
The Bismuth told me how events played out when you first met her. After knowing by this point how the Diamond Authority were responsible for committing multiple acts of global genocide, how this very planet was on that list, and were prone to shattering members of their own court on a misdemeanor or even on a whim. You were aware of all of this.
Yet you admonished the Bismuth for daring to create weapons made for wiping out an enemy with lethal force; legitimate ways to justifiably defend yourself against an enemy you know would not hesitate to take your life if they had an opening. You stood there, and you actually labeled her as one who is completely indistinguishable from White, Blue, or Yellow Diamond. A loyal ally of your maternal unit whose focus was always on doing her best to defend her friends and loved ones, who only fought when forced to by the Homeworld gems… to her face, you belittled her convictions and you said there was no difference between her and the maniacal, genocidal dictators that you yourself were defending against along with your loved ones – just as the Bismuth herself.
I honestly don’t blame her for trying to kill you that day. You should have died.”
Psychosomatic Superpower Outage: Shown in Chapter 1 of It’s a Birthday, Yes It Is when Peridot’s exhaustion (both mentally and physically) makes her unable to concentrate her willpower, even for a simple task like cleaning a minor mess. To a lesser extent, it was also present in This is Who I Am Chapter 2 when she Forgot About Her Powers from the shock of getting ambushed by an alligator. During the previous chapter of the aforementioned story, Steven heavily implies this trope was why Peridot was unable to fuse with him during the main GA series until she learned to forgive herself towards the end of Act III.
Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: The slew of derogatory words Peridot has for Steven after first reuniting with him are delivered like this, with a weak punch to his shoulder after every name she calls him.
Punctuated Pounding: The moment Steven and Peridot reunite in Chapter 5 of Act I, Peridot unleashes this on Steven while crying into his chest; punctuating every name she calls him with a punch. However, being that she’s severely injured at this point, Peridot’s blows don’t hurt Steven in the least, and he just takes it in stride. 
Quiet Cry for Help: The narrative in Chapter 4 of Act I notes there is a brief, vulnerable look in Peridot’s eyes as she turns to face Bismuth and Lapis, who just screamed at her to not shatter the helpless poofed gems in her workstation, which Peridot was “teasing” and looked ready to follow through with it until her friends intervened. She’s described as looking lost, confused, on the verge of breaking down, and silently crying for help. That expression only lasts a moment before Peridot slips back into Heroic Safe Mode and mocks her friends for thinking she was really going to do it.
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dfroza · 7 years
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A photographic memory from October 10 beginning with a scene on the white pine trail in ‘12 and then pineapple and a pair of madcap coffee cups in ‘13
followed by a resting spot on Bridge street in ‘15 and walking by Founders that night
along with a few thoughts that crossed my fingertips in ‘09 and ‘11:
what do you do with your time? do you think lots of thoughts, and do your thoughts rhyme?
October 10, 2011 • Facebook
tchocs… painting pictures. fire. smores. coffee. music. friends.
October 10, 2009 • Facebook
and a poetic memory from ‘11 that became poem M in a chapter of my thought-life “the alphabet, from A to the beginning of”
M. when distance detonates into a single frame of mind
A fully formed & wound up circle of obscure time hidden by the illumination of question marked silence showing itself in shadows & bright caution, vaguely through an illustrated narration of drawn-out picture perfect days as the hours of a secondhand clock pass slowly & in haste appearing often, in analog form, a distantly clear haze unsure of itself, yet confidently suited and tied in proper place felt deeply in every sense of your unspelled words in a shy motionless wind blowing kisses across my skin filling once torn & sewn together sails in love again yet with no particular direction (thumb)
but through the carefully concealed weapon of our arrows precisely aimed and with ears close enough to the ground we can peek around the corner at an unspoiled destination where you’ll find my mind & body trapped and sealed in a tightly confined age and when you listen content & closely you’ll hear what my thoughts have to say for in open-minded secrets they in radical shyness proclaim that i’d love to spend all my waking days wrapped in the gift of you growing old & falling asleep right beside your eternal soul if you’d willingly let go & grow old with me too (index)
then together we’ll crack open the mystery of how to never separate from our youth or at least try the best we know how with our imaginations running wild by falling in fields steeped in a pile of organic smiles where we’ll make a graceful start, with no sight of a finish line make it all our own, on our own time shooting imaginary stars across the universal center of our eyes and climb mountains to trap the sky holding it safely within our grasp, and dripping, gently it becomes the sweetest water we’ve ever tasted endlessly thirsting for the quenched weightlessness of love free-falling into the suspended gravity of each other’s thoughts & feelings finding new meanings for what it means to be found safely at home sweet home in a room full of sound where if all our secrets pressed pause to stop & think about it for a while (middle)
i’m quite sure we’d realize we didn’t search for this when it fell into place like it did and we never lost sight of each other not to distance, not to time not to the endless desperation of rhymes running dizzy up inside the top bunk of my head with its one-way ladder built for two the one & only ascension to free-formed grace a love eternal doesn’t require anything else to hold it perfectly in place just two hearts that agree in time two hearts alive & whispering, like yours & mine (ring)
so let’s combine all this wayward distance into a place where detonations collide a bombed shelter popping like a balloon in a single frame of mind leaving us counting the aftermath of nothing left but our fingers intertwined (pinky)
(October 10, ‘11) dfroza
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO  TITUS  - From The Latin Vulgate Bible
Chapter 2
Titus was an uncircumcised Gentile: we know not on what occasion he attached himself to St. Paul. It is however certain that he was a great utility to St. Paul in the government of the Church. --- St. Paul having preached the faith in the island of Crete, left his beloved Titus there to finish the work which he had begun. Afterwards the apostle, on a journey to Nicopolis, a city of Macedonia, wrote this epistle to Titus; in which he directs him to ordain bishops and priests for the different cities, shewing him the principal qualities necessary for a bishop, also gives him particular advice for his own conduct to his flock, exhorting him to hold to strictness of discipline, but seasoned with lenity. It was written about thirty-three years after our Lord's ascension. (Challoner)
Chapter 2
How he is to instruct both old and young. The duty of servants. The Christian's rule of life.
1 But speak thou the things that become sound doctrine:
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1. Sound doctrine. It is not sufficient to teach sound doctrine, says St. Jerome, if it be not at the same time taught in a manner worthy of itself; that is, if he who teaches it by his words belies it in his actions. (St. Jerome)
2 That the aged men be sober, chaste, prudent, sound in faith, in love, in patience.
Ver. 2. Be sober. The Greek Fathers, Theodoret, and Theophylactus, translate the word, sober, attentive, or vigilant. But Latin interpreters understand it of sobriety, in the literal meaning of the word. Old men oftentimes under pretense of weakness, drink wine to excess. The ancients called wine the milk of old men; hence aquilœ senectus has passed into a proverb, to designate an old man who drinks much and eats little. (Calmet)
3 The aged women, in like manner, in holy attire, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teaching well:
Ver. 3. In holy attire.[1] See 1 Timothy ii. 9. The Greek word is sometimes used to signify the whole constitution, or state of a man's health in all the parts of his body: here it is taken for a woman's whole exterior carriage, her gait, gesture, looks, discourse, dress, that nothing appear but what is edifying. (Witham)
Note 3:
Ver. 3. In habitu sancto, in katastemati ieroprepeis. Scapula, out of Dioscorus, says katastema is constitutio naturalis corporis. See St. Jerome p. 426.
4 That they may teach the young women prudence, to love their husbands, to love their children,
Ver. 4. Love their husbands. This is the first lesson he wishes to be given to young women; that they should always manifest a love, an attachment, respect and obedience to their husbands. But it must be a chaste love. Vult eas amare viros suos castè; vult inter virum et mulierem esse pudicam dilectionem. (St. Jerome)
5 To be discreet, chaste, sober, having a care of the house, gentle, obedient to their husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Ver. 5. Discreet, chaste, sober. In the Greek is nothing for sober. The Latin interpreter seems to have added it, as another signification of one of the Greek words. See 1 Timothy iii. 2. (Witham)
6 Young men in like manner exhort to be sober.
Ver. 6. No explanation given.
7 In all things shew thyself an example of good works, in doctrine, in integrity, in gravity,
Ver. 7. In gravity: to which is added in the Protestant translation sincerity,[2] from some Greek copies; but it is left out by Dr. Wells, as being not in the best Greek manuscripts nor is it in the Amsterdam edition, (1711.) (Witham)
Note 2:
Ver. 7. In some Greek copies is added aphtharsian, sincerity
8 A sound speech, unblameable: that he, who is on the contrary part, may be afraid, having no evil to say of us.
Ver. 8. No explanation given.
9 Exhort servants to be obedient to their masters, in all things pleasing, not contradicting,
Ver. 9. Servants to be obedient. Servants owe respect and submission to their masters in every thing not contrary to the law, or the will of God. Hence they are strictly forbidden to murmur at their commands, to show any repugnance to obey them, or to censure their conduct. To avoid these evils, they ought to consider their masters as Jesus Christ himself, and their commands as those of God himself: which St. Paul often inculcates in other places in his epistles. (Ephesians vi. 5, 6.; Colossians iii. 23.) (St. Jerome)
10 Not defrauding, but in all things shewing good fidelity: that they may adorn the doctrine of God, our Savior, in all things.
Ver. 10. Not defrauding.[3] St. Jerome puts, not stealing. The Greek signifies private thefts. Dr. Wells, not by filching. --- That they may adorn (or give honour to) the doctrine of God, our Saviour, in all things; by whom we may understand God, i.e. Christ, God and Man, or God as common to the three divine persons. (Witham) --- Thus ought they to shew forth in their whole conduct that strict love of justice and sanctity which the Catholic faith inspires into those who profess it, and live up to the admirable rules it prescribes; thus alone can they be said to do honour to their religion, when they practically perform what they speculatively believe.
Note 3:
Ver. 10. Non fraudantes, me nosphizomenous, non suffurantes.
11 For the grace of God, our Savior, hath appeared to all men,
Ver. 11. For the grace of God, our Saviour, hath appeared to all men. In the Greek: For the saving grace of God, &c. (Witham)
12 Instructing us, that denying impiety, and worldly desires, we should live soberly, and justly, and piously in this world,
Ver. 12. We should live soberly,[4] and justly, and piously. St. Jerome puts (as in other places for the same Greek word) chastely, justly, and piously. The words comprehend man's duty to himself, to his neighbour, and towards God. (Witham)
Note 4:
Ver. 12. Sobriè, justè, et piè. St. Jerome in his commentary, castè justè, et piè. So he generally translates sophron, sophronos, &c.
13 Waiting for the blessed hope, and coming of the glory of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ:
Ver. 13. Waiting for the blessed hope; for the happiness of the blessed in heaven, promised and hoped for. --- And coming of the glory of the great God,[5] and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The title of great God, says Dr. Wells, is here referred to our Saviour Jesus Christ, by Clement of Alexandria in protreptico, chap. vi. He might have added, and by the general consent of the Greek and Latin Fathers. St. Chrysostom cries out: "where are now they who say that the Son is less than the Father?" St. Jerome in like manner: "where is the serpent Arius? where is the snake Eunomius?" And that this title of great God is here given to Jesus Christ, may be shewn from the text itself, especially in the Greek; for the glorious coming, and appearance, in other places of St. Paul, is always used to signify Christ's coming to judge the world. Secondly, inasmuch as one and the same Greek article falls upon the great God, and our Saviour Christ; so that even M. Simon, in a note on these words, says the construction is, and the coming of Jesus Christ, the great God, our Saviour, and blames Erasmus and Grotius for pretending that this place is not a confutation of the Arians. (Witham)
Note 5:
Ver. 13. Adventum gloriæ magni Dei, et Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi; epiphaneian tes doxes tou megalou Theou kai Soteros emon Iesou Christou. St. Chrysostom, (p. 401. lin. 43.) pou eisin oi tou Patros, elattona ton uion legontes. St. Jerome, "Ubi est serpens Arius? ubi est Eunomius coluber?" St. Paul uses epiphaneian for the coming of Christ to judgment. The same Greek article is put thus, tou megalou Theou, kai Soteros, and not kai tou Soteros.
14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify for himself a people acceptable, pursuing good works.
Ver. 14. A people, particularly acceptable.[6] St. Jerome translates an egregious or eminent people. He says in the Septuagint it corresponds to segula, which signifies a man's proper possessions, which he has purchased or chosen for himself. Budeus says it signifies what is rare and uncommon; and it is well translated by the Protestants, a particular people. (Witham)
Note 6:
Ver. 14. Acceptabilem, periousion a perieimi. St. Jerome says, Egregium, præcipuum. See Deuteronomy vii. 6.; Exodus xix. 5.; Psalm cxxxiv. 4., Israel in possessionem sibi. See also St. Chrysostom, log. i. p. 402. linea 4tâ.
15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.
Ver. 15. No explanation given.
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aion-rsa · 8 years
The Buy Pile: Welcome To Image Comics’ God Country
Every week Hannibal Tabu (winner of the 2012 Top Cow Talent Hunt/blogger/novelist/poet/jackass on Twitter/head honcho of Komplicated) grabs a whole lotta comics. These periodicals are quickly sorted (how) into two piles — the “buy” pile (a small pile most weeks, comprised of planned purchases) and the “read” pile (often huge, often including comics that are really crappy but have some value to stay abreast of). Thursday afternoons you’ll be able to get his thoughts (and they’re just the opinions of one guy, so calm down, and here’s some common definitions used in the column) about all of that … which goes something like this …
God Country #1 (Image Comics)
Jump from the Read Pile. Whoa. This staggering new idea — and it is that, a wholly new idea — does everything right in a pitch perfect first issue. What seems like a fairly by-the-numbers if effectively presented family drama takes a big turn in the third act and becomes something magnificent. Too much to spoil, but the script from writer Donny Cates delivers characters and a plot that work and feel right while the visuals from Geoff Shaw, Jason Wordie, and John J. Hill effectively makes a desolate section of Texas come alive on the page. Where has this book been hiding? Wow.
It’s a bumpy ride but still pretty good in “Deathstroke” #10
Deathstroke #10 (DC Comics)
Warning: this issue signals a chance for this series to lose its “buy on sight” status. There were some solid developments in small doses — Rose Wilson using her gifts to bond with her mother’s relatives and a flashback for the titular character — but the story wasn’t a single cohesive narrative and meandered too restlessly. There was a lot to enjoy, but this issue didn’t stand up to the series’ standards. Had this been read before purchasing, it would be an honorable mention, so let’s see if it can find its way back to greatness next issue.
Harlem’s heating up in “Power Man and Iron Fist” #12
Power Man And Iron Fist #12 (Marvel Comics)
Despite the super powers and sometimes spectacular (or in Iron Fist’s case, laughable) costumes, this is a crime comic done so well. Three rival groups — the Black Cat and Piranha Jones on one hand, the formerly dead teen genius Alex Wilder on a second and albino crime lord Tombstone as a third — are all vying for control of the criminal underworld in Harlem. Along the way, the innocent became victims of the system and the guilty saw their crimes washed away, all with two best buds caught in the middle. David Walker’s script allows everyone a moment to shine in a harmonic smoothness that makes this book a joy to read. The visuals from Sanford Greene, Lee Loughridge and Clayton Cowles are rough hewn but fitting for the highly kinetic, rough and tumble city streets. This book is a joy to read and almost Shakespearean in its machinations.
Get into the Wayback Machine for a secret origin in “The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl” #16
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #16 (Marvel Comics)
The origin issue is a staple in comics, and with her 25th anniversary as a character (wow!) we look back at the literal origins of Doreen Green, who didn’t have to wait until puberty to begin her climb into awesomeness. From what could be the most awesome five-year-old birthday party ever (apologies to the children of this columnist) to celebrations of her birthday throughout the years this wonderfully exposed not only her great character development but also her longtime relationship with her squirrel friend Monkey Joe (no idea why he’s called that). Ryan North turns in another winning script (with Will Murray, Squirrel Girl’s creator) and the cartoony, kinetic stylings of Erica Henderson, Rico Renzi and Travis Lanham (with a Steve Ditko sketch in there, too) deliver big time.
Even in the sole challenge, there were high points, plus that great jump from Image, so that’s a good thing …
Honorable Mentions: Stuff worth noting, even if it’s not good enough to buy
“Occupy Avengers” #3 was very close to making it home as the chemistry and banter between characters was as engaging as the clean, gorgeous artwork. Unfortunately, we were all having such a good time making new friends that the plot didn’t keep up, lacking story meat when push came to shove. Very close and the first two issues were stellar, so this will likely pick up steam next issue.
“Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Year Three” #1 had a lot of charm and started strong but didn’t finish or tell a complete story, as if it never had any intentions of being a single installment. Enjoyable until it was frustrating.
If the changes in Victor Creed last longer than this crossover, “Uncanny X-Men” #17 might be worth noting. As it was, too many red shirts fell and too much monologuing from Sabretooth made this a little emo even amongst all the bloodshed.
“Green Valley” #4 was running a little too slowly for its own good, but answered a number of questions about the nature of the threat and did some solid character development.
“Captain America Steve Rogers” #9 succeeded largely in its flashbacks, giving the cosmic cube-powered retcon real resonance and gravity. It failed mightily in its cover-advertised “Trial of Maria Hill,” which had procedural, scientific and logical flaws big enough to fly a helicarrier through (unless Everett K. Ross is just a really bad lawyer). This gets closer to finding its ground, but hasn’t made it there yet.
The “Meh” Pile Not good enough to praise, not bad enough to insult, they just kind of happened … “Titans” #7, “Ninjak” #23, “Deadpool” #24, “All-Star Batman” #6, “Foolkiller” #3, “Dungeons And Dragons Frost Giant’s Fury” #1, “Guardians Of The Galaxy” #16, “Hard Case Crime The Assignment” #1, “Totally Awesome Hulk” #14, “Detective Comics” #948, “Spider-Man Deadpool” #13, “Birthright” #21, “Flash” #14, “Spider-Man” #12, “Hard Case Crime Triggerman” #4, “Jessica Jones” #4, “Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor Year Three” #1, “Khaal” #1, “Rocket Raccoon” #2, “Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps” #12, “James Bond Felix Leiter” #1, “Justice League Power Rangers” #1, “Silk” #16, “Samurai Brothers In Arms” #5, “Uncanny Avengers” #19, “Wonder Woman” #14, “E.V.I.L. Heroes” #4, “All-New Wolverine” #16, “Red Hood And The Outlaws” #6, “Deep” #1, “Mighty Thor” #15, “Suicide Squad” #9, “Assassin’s Creed Awakening” #3, “Superwoman” #6, “Flash Gordon Kings Cross” #3, “Motro” #3, “Violent Love” #3, “Supergirl” #5, “Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy” #16, “Mega Princess” #3, “Spawn” #269, “Groo Fray Of The Gods” #4, “Scooby Apocalypse” #9, “Savage Dragon” #219, “Namesake” #3, “Doctor Strange And The Sorcerers Supreme” #4, “New Super-Man” #7, “Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows” #3, “Doctor Who The Third Doctor” #4, “Ms. Marvel” #14, “Justice League Of America Vixen Rebirth” #1, “Motor Crush” #2, “Inhumans Vs X-Men” #2, “Gotham Academy Second Semester” #5, “Red Sonja” #1, “Star Wars Poe Dameron” #10, “Earth 2 Society” #20, “Invisible Republic” #14, “Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey” #6, “Great Lakes Avengers” #4, “Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Year Two” #13, “Action Comics” #971, “Daredevil” #15.
No, just … no … These comics? Not so much … … what? Nothing awful? That’s fantastic!
Good to have nothing to complain about.
Call this week a winner with that brilliant new idea and nothing to truly be angry about.
The writer of this columnist will be a special guest at Black Comix Arts Festival in San Francisco, making a number of new announcements about comics projects for 2017.
The writer of this column isn’t just a jerk who spews his opinions — he writes stuff too. A lot. Like what? You can get “The Crown: Ascension” and “Faraway,” five bucks a piece, or spend a few more dollars and get “New Money” #1 from Canon Comics, the rambunctious tale of four multimillionaires running wild in Los Angeles, a story in “Watson and Holmes Volume 2” co-plotted by “2 Guns” creator Steven Grant, two books from Stranger Comics — “Waso: Will To Power” and the sequel “Waso: Gathering Wind” (the tale of a young man who had leadership thrust upon him after a tragedy), or “Fathom Sourcebook” #1, “Soulfire Sourcebook” #1, “Executive Assistant Iris Sourcebook” #1 and “Aspen Universe Sourcebook,” the official guides to those Aspen Comics franchises. Love these reviews? It’d be great if you picked up a copy. Hate these reviews? Find out what this guy thinks is so freakin’ great. There’s free sample chapters too, and all proceeds to towards the care and maintenance of his kids … oh, and to buy comic books, of course. There’s also a bunch of great stuff — fantasy, superhero stuff, magical realism and more — available from this writer on Amazon. What are you waiting for? Go buy a freakin’ book already!
Got a comic you think should be reviewed in The Buy Pile? If we get a PDF of a fairly normal length comic (i.e. “less than 64 pages”) by no later than 24 hours before the actual issue arrives in stores (and sorry, we can only review comics people can go to stores and buy), we guarantee the work will get reviewed, if remembered. Physical comics? Geddouttahere. Too much drama to store with diminishing resources. If you send it in more than two days before comics come out, the possibility of it being forgotten increases exponentially. Oh, you should use the contact form as the CBR email address hasn’t been regularly checked since George W. Bush was in office. Sorry!
The post The Buy Pile: Welcome To Image Comics’ God Country appeared first on CBR.com.
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brokenangelwings22 · 10 months
Gravity's Ascension Chapter 13 preview
I should have this done as soon as possible for you. This is a long and heavy chapter. Just to let you know, the finished product might require Kleenex and chocolate. or whatever makes you feel better.
The teenager sat across from her brother, her smile radiating as he dug into his meal.
“You could be a chef!” Sora praised. “How was your day?”
“Oh, you know,” Orihime shrugged. “Work, tutoring, talking with Tatsuki.”
“Ah,” he said quietly. “How is she? You haven’t had her over lately.”
The auburn-haired teenager bit her bottom lip, looking oddly uncomfortable.
“What is it?” He pressed gently.
“Her parents aren’t allowing her out much,” she explained with a subtle tinge of sadness. Her fingers tapped on the table anxiously. “Where they live across the river… things are getting worse. There’s more vandalism and mob mentality. Mrs. Arisawa’s dojo was trashed last night. The vandals tore up the tatami floors, broke the windows, and tagged the walls with a symbol.”
“What was the symbol?” Sora felt his gut clench, cramping up with concern and a feeling of dread.
Orihime’s fingers stopped fidgeting but her knee began bouncing with nervous energy.
“A turquoise jaguar.”
Sora held back a curse and tried to calm himself. Orihime didn’t need to know the significance and danger that symbol brought.
“Are the Arisawas alright? Do they need anything?” He chose a path of using a soothing tone instead of anger.
“Yes and no,” she replied quietly. “We’re becoming more isolated. I planned everything for The Festival of Lights, but now it’s hopeless. There’s no way we’d be safe celebrating together. I miss Tats so very much. This has been lonely and difficult.”
Orihime turned her head, but Sora could tell she was trying to hide the tears dripping down her cheeks. The solace he had felt in coming home had evaporated and the heartache of being unable to stop his sister’s sadness and loneliness broke something inside him every day.
When she turned back to look at him, quickly wiping away stray tears, her eyes held a depth of pain that felt wrong and out of place. She had been such a joyful child. The world had become a cruel and unpredictable place, wrenching away innocence and safety from everyone.
“I can't allow this to continue,” his sister said quietly. There was a slight quiver in her voice, revealing both her anger and internal struggle.
Sitting back in his chair, Sora examined her closely. Orihime had always been eerily quick-witted and deeply empathetic. It was not in her nature to seek out justice violently. But, he supposed, everyone had their limits.
“Orihime,” Sora said with a hint of a fatherly warning. “Do not let your emotions rule your decisions. You can’t allow darkness into your heart. It isn’t who you are.”
The teenager winced at the reprimand. She nodded with a sobered look.
“You’re right,” she whispered. “I am sorry.”
Sora let out a soft sigh, shaking his head fondly at his sister.
“I understand that this is very hard for you. You are alone for a considerable amount of time. You see more than most should. If I could wave a wand and make the world whole again, I would do it in a heartbeat. For you and everyone.”
Orihime fidgeted with a lock of auburn hair. Her gray eyes still shimmered with unshed tears and fire within them. She was someone who wore her heart on her sleeve. She was honest even when she tried to hide the bottomless wealth of thoughts and emotions.
“Orihime,” Sora spoke quietly, folding his hands on the table. “It might be a good idea to get you out of the province.”
The teenager whipped her head and looked at him like he’d lost his mind. Sora held up his hand, signaling that he wasn’t done.
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brokenangelwings22 · 10 months
Good news for my IchiHime and RenRuki followers! I’m almost done with Gravity’s Ascension chapter 13!! Thank you all for being so supportive and patient!
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brokenangelwings22 · 2 years
Me: okay! time to write my RR chapter for Stars That Fall! Me: *writes several paragraphs* My Muse: Okay... but what if you do chapter 13 of Gravity's Ascension instead? Me: I'll do both! Watch me, bitch!
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shinneth · 5 years
Gem Ascension Tropes (Peridot-specific: N - O)
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Primary Peri Post ▼ Primary General Post ▼ Full Article
The Napoleon: Per canon. Needless to say, during the brief time she has limb enhancers again in Act I, she doesn’t hesitate to revel in being taller than her friends – it’s really the only kind of joy Peridot can get from them. In Act III, this trope carries over to Chartreuse Diamond as well.
Native Guide: Best qualified for this position when the Crystal Gems are on Homeworld.
The Navigator: Is this by default, since Peridot is the only one who’s lived on modern-day Homeworld and thus the only one who has any idea of where to go and how to get there.
Near-Rape Experience: In This is Who I Am Chapter 3, Peridot reveals this is how her first meeting with Jasper went down, and the only reason Jasper didn’t go through with it was due to catching sight of the arriving Lapis. The moment Jasper set eyes on Lapis, she completely lost interest in dominating Peridot and exclusively subjected Lapis to this abuse instead. Still, enough happened to Peridot that not only scarred her for life, but gave her one hell of an identity crisis. 
Nice, Mean, and In-Between: The In-Between to Bismuth’s Nice and Lapis’ Mean.
No Poker Face: Right up there with Suspiciously Specific Denial on why Peridot is the most unconvincing liar in the universe. Averted only once in GA during Chapter 4 of Act I, and that is entirely due to Peridot being in Heroic Safe Mode, where her former Manipulative Bastard persona takes over.
Nonhuman Humanoid Hybrid: A Peridot made with a shard of Yellow Diamond inside her gemstone, along with diamond dust from White Diamond – which consequently makes her a Peridot/Diamond hybrid, although Peridot’s Diamond identity and abilities are benign until White Diamond speeds up the developmental process that would have taken hundreds of years on its own.
Not Afraid of You Anymore: Per canon, this was already the case with Yellow Diamond (now made even more trivial with how easily Peridot neutralizes her as a threat in Act I). Peridot is rightfully terrified of White Diamond, however, as she’s a threat well above Yellow who is largely a mystery. But, by Act III, Peridot is no longer afraid of White Diamond either, after managing to spend almost a week being able to lock her into a stalemate as a Determinator would. Granted, most of Peridot’s lack of fear in this instance is due to being aware of her status as a Hostage MacGuffin.
Not Afraid to Die: If it means Steven will live, Peridot will do so without hesitation if there are no other options. 
“Not If They Enjoyed It” Rationalization: Combined with knowing Jasper’s instinctive Might Makes Right justification and the fact that as far as Homeworld law is concerned, everything that happened to Peridot was perfectly legal even if it did fully happen, this leads to Peridot becoming very conflicted on why part of her actually wants Jasper to come back and finish the job (or worse). Peridot’s own natural submissive instincts (that were benign until this incident) came very close to convincing her to concede to her role and embrace the abusive treatment all other Peridots in her position inevitably go through. But in the end, she resists her own instincts and holds firm on the belief that she didn’t deserve what Jasper put her through.
Not Quite Back to Normal: When Chartreuse reverts back to her Peridot form for the first time, there are some minor, but notable differences in Peridot’s appearance that stick from here on out. Theorized to be a side effect of Peridot’s desire to have a more mature body just before she first ascended, she’s gained a bit of height. Not much, but enough to outgrow Amethyst. Of course, once Steven’s Plot-Relevant Age-Up happens, he outgrows her, and Peridot remains the 3rd shortest of the group, as she was pre-ascension. However, Peridot does have a more curvaceous and developed body than she had previously – and her newly-grown diamond still remains fused with her gemstone. These changes stick with her default appearance from that point forward.
Not Quite Dead: Although she sustained a massive concussion during her failed escape attempt at the end of Act I and was presumed Left for Dead by her friends, the most that happened to Peridot afterwards was her poofing back into her gemstone state, where she remained purely to spite White Diamond. Since White Diamond spotted Peridot’s Mismatched Eyes before this, on top of Peridot being the best way to bait Steven back to Homeworld, the Big Bad had no intention of shattering her as she was too valuable in more ways than one.
Not Quite Saved Enough: If only Peridot wasn’t such a klutz…
Not So Different: Both Act I and Act III point out the various personality quirks Peridot shares with Ruby. This is Who I Am invokes this with 5XF.
Not So Stoic: Per canon; re-examined in relation to how she was once legitimately stoic in her early life. A bit of an unfortunately-timed Trauma Conga Line exposed Peridot as this, though Steven points out this actually ended up saving not only Peridot’s life, but Earth (and everyone living there) as well. Steven seeing the cracks in her façade was what compelled him to free her from the Burning Room when she was captured.
Now, Let Me Carry You: Invoked in the final scene of This is Who I Am; while Steven and Peridot have supported each other when their partner falters, more often than not, Steven is the one who does the heavy lifting in this category (to be fair, it’s one of his main gimmicks as a character overall for the entire cast). When they finally have a moment alone together, Peridot takes notice to her boyfriend’s plight and pleads for him to let her be his pillar of emotional support (not knowing yet that Steven is actually mad at her specifically).
Peridot: “Steven… when you go this long without smiling even once, it’s extremely concerning. Please let me share your burden.”
Steven: “Uh, what…?”
Peridot: “Last time we were up here, you offered yourself to act as the buffer for all the stress, anger, and hatred I kept bottled up within me. I can tell just by looking at you; a ball of atmosphere-crushing pressure is tearing away into your innards. So, allow my center of gravity to counterbalance that harmful power.”
Official Couple: With Steven, as of Chapter 5 of Act III.
On Three: How Peridot and Steven prepare for their first kiss.
One of the Kids: Inverted; Peridot goes out of her way to fit in with her fellow gems – all of whom are no less than 5,000+ years old – to give the impression she’s just as ancient, experienced, developed, and “mature” as they are. However, at a mere 13 years of age, Peridot is actually younger than Steven, and most of the Crystal Gems were well aware Peridot was nowhere near their age range even before they learned how old she truly was in Act III.
One-Way Trip: How Peridot perceives the rescue mission in Act I is going to play out for her specifically.
Open Mouth, Insert Foot: No amount of Character Development will save Peridot from falling victim to this trope on a daily basis. She tries, bless her heart, but it’s inevitable that Peridot will run her mouth about something that will incriminate herself and probably offend somebody in the process… and by the time Peridot finally realizes that after shutting her mouth, she’s already in far too deep to salvage the situation.
Our Hero is Dead: How Act I concludes (presumably).
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Chapter 4
Philippi, a considerable city in Macedonia, so called from Philip, father of Alexander the Great. St. Paul had preached there. Those people had a great veneration for him, and supplied his wants when he was at Corinth, and again when he was a prisoner at Rome, sending to him by Epaphroditus, who is thought to have been the bishop of Philippi. St. Paul sent this letter by him to the Philippians, (written during his imprisonment) from Rome; but whether during his first or second imprisonment, is uncertain. It is generally believed that St. Paul wrote it about the year 62, in his first confinement. In it he testifies to the faithful his most tender gratitude and acknowledgement for the assistance they had sent him, and a zeal the most ardent for their salvation. He felicitates them on their courage under sufferings for the cause of Jesus Christ, on their good works also, and forcibly excites them to confidence and joy. The Philippians were the first among the Macedonians converted to the faith. St. Paul, in this epistle, recommends charity, unity, and humility; and warns them against false teachers, whom he calls dogs, and enemies of the cross of Christ. He also returns thanks for their benefactions. It was written about twenty-nine years after our Lord's ascension.
Chapter 4
He exhorts them to perseverance in all good; and acknowledges their charitable contributions to him.
1 Therefore, my brethren, dearly beloved, and most desired, my joy and my crown: so stand fast in the Lord, most beloved:
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1. No explanation given.
2 I beg of Evodia, and I beseech Syntyche, to be of one mind in the Lord.
Ver. 2. I beg of. St. Chrysostom, Theodoret, and many others, think that these were two ladies particularly famous in the Church at Philippi, for their virtue and good works. Some critics are of opinion that Syntyche was a man. It is certain, at least, that this name agrees amongst the Greeks better with a man than a woman; and perhaps the latter of these two may be the husband of Evodia.
3 And I entreat thee also, my sincere companion, help those women, who have laboured with me in the gospel with Clement, and the rest of my fellow-labourers, whose names are in the book of life.
Ver. 3. I entreat thee, my sincere [1] companion. St. Chrysostom expounds it of his fellow labourer or fellow soldier, and says that some pretended that by it was meant St. Paul's wife; but this he absolutely rejects, as do all the ancient interpreters, who teach us that St. Paul was never married, if we except the particular opinion of Clement of Alexandria, (lib. 3. strom. p. 448. Edit. Heinsii) who at the same time tells us, that St. Paul and those ministers of the gospel who had wives, lived with them as if they had been their sisters. The pretended reformers, who bring this place to shew that bishops and priests may marry, will they be for living after this manner? See 1 Corinthians vii. 7, 8. But even Calvin, Beza, and Dr. Hammond, expound this of some man that laboured with St. Paul. (Witham) --- It seems probable that St. Paul is here speaking to one of the persons mentioned in the preceding verse. Others think that he is speaking to the gaoler[jailer] whom he had converted at Philippi. It seems most probable, however, that St. Paul is here speaking to the bishop of the Church, at Philippi. As to the opinion that he is speaking to his wife, we have elsewhere refuted that sentiment. (Calmet) --- St. Paul says of himself that he had no wife, (1 Corinthians vii. 8.) and all the Greek Fathers are very positive on this point. --- With Clement. St. Jerome, Estius, and some others, believe that this Clement was the fourth pope that governed the Church, after Sts. Linus and Cletus: this at least is the common opinion. --- Those women who have laboured with me in the gospel, not by preaching, but by assisting other ways to promote the gospel. (Witham)
Note 1:
Ver. 3. Germane compar. suzuge gnesie. St. Chrysostom (log. ig. p. 76.) expounds it by sunergos and sustratiotes. He tells us some fancied it was St. Paul's wife; but, says he, alla ouk estin, &c.
4 Rejoice in the Lord always: again, I say, rejoice.
Ver. 4. No explanation given.
5 Let your modesty be known to all men: the Lord is nigh.
Ver. 5. No explanation given.
6 Be solicitous about nothing: but in every thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God.
Ver. 6. But in every [2] thing by prayer, &c. By the Greek, the sense and construction cannot be in every prayer; but in every thing, in all circumstances, have recourse to prayer. (Witham)
Note 2:
Ver. 6. Sed in omni oratione, &c. all en panti, te proseuche; no copies, pase.
7 And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Ver. 7. No explanation given.
8 For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are modest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are holy, whatsoever things are amiable, whatsoever things are of good repute, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise of discipline, think on these things.
Ver. 8. For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, &c. Here the apostle enumerates general precepts of morality, which they ought to practise. --- Whatsoever things are true. In words, in promises, in lawful oaths, &c. he commands rectitude of mind and sincerity of heart. --- Whatsoever things are modest. By these words he prescribes gravity in manners, modesty in dress, and decency in conversation. --- Whatsoever things are just. That is, in dealing with others, in buying or selling, in trade or business, to be fair and honest. --- Whatsoever things are holy. By these words may be understood, that those who are in a religious state professed, or in holy orders, should lead a life of sanctity and chastity, according to the vows they make; but these words being also applied to those in the world, indicate the virtuous life they are bound by the divine commandments to follow. --- Whatsoever things are amiable. That is to practise those good offices in society that procure us the esteem and good will of our neighbours. --- Whatsoever things are of good repute. That is, that by our conduct and behaviour we should edify our neighbours, and give them good example by our actions. --- If there be any virtue, if there be any praise of discipline: that those in error, by seeing the morality and good discipline of the true religion, may be converted. And finally, the apostle commands not only the Philippians, but all Christians, to think on these things: that is, to make it their study and concern, that the peace of God might be with them. (Challoner)
9 The things which you have both learned and received, and heard, and seen in me, these do ye: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Ver. 9. No explanation given.
10 And I rejoice in the Lord exceedingly, that now at length your thought for me hath flourished again, as you did also think: but you were occupied.
Ver. 10. Hath flourished again. Literally, that you have flourished again, to think or care for me, which appears by your sending me a supply of money. (Witham) --- From hence it would appear, that the Philippians had in some respect been wanting in attention to this apostle: that their former liberality, which for a time had been slack and dead, had again revived.
11 I speak not as it were for want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content therewith.
Ver. 11. I have learned....to be content therewith. Literally, to be sufficient. I know how to be in a low condition. (Witham)
12 I know both how to be brought low, and I know how to abound: (every where and in all things I am instructed) both to be full, and to be hungry: both to abound, and to suffer need.
Ver. 12. No explanation given.
13 I can do all these things in him who strengtheneth me.
Ver. 13. No explanation given.
14 Nevertheless you have done well, in communicating to my tribulation.
Ver. 14. In communicating;[3] i.e. contributing to relieve my wants. (Witham)
Note 3:
Ver. 14. Communicantes, sugkoinonesantes. See Chap. i. 5. &c.
15 And you also know, O Philippians, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me, as concerning giving and receiving, but you only:
Ver. 15. Giving and receiving; by my giving you spiritual instructions, and you returning me temporal assistance; and know that these, your charities, are an odour of sweetness, an acceptable sacrifice to God. (ver. 18.) (Witham)
16 For unto Thessalonica also, you sent once and again for my use.
Ver. 16. No explanation given.
17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that may abound to your account.
Ver. 17. No explanation given.
18 But I have all, and abound: I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things you sent, an odour of sweetness, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.
Ver. 18. No explanation given.
19 And may my God supply all your want, according to his riches, in glory in Christ Jesus.
Ver. 19. May God supply all your want.[4] See the Greek, which determines the signification of the Latin. (Witham)
Note 4:
Ver. 19. Omne desiderium vestrum; the common Greek copies, chreian; though some epithumian; some charan, gaudium; and some pharin, gratiam.
20 Now to God and our Father be glory, world without end. Amen.
Ver. 20. No explanation given.
21 Salute ye every saint in Christ Jesus.
Ver. 21. No explanation given.
22 The brethren, who are with me, salute you. All the saints salute you: especially they that are of Cæsar's house.
Ver. 22. No explanation given.
23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
Ver. 23. No explanation given.
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