#greater bandicoot rats
antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, vol. 11, Mammals II. 1972.
1.) Brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
2.) Black rat (Rattus rattus)
3.) Greater bandicoot rat (Bandicota indica)
4.) House mouse (Mus musculus)
5.) Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus)
6.) Striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius)
7.) Yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis)
8.) Eurasian harvest mouse (Micromys minutus)
9.) Eastern spiny mouse (Acomys dimidiatus)
10.) Greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus conditor)
11.) Giant white-tailed rat (Uromys caudimaculatus)
12.) Typical striped grass mouse (Lemniscomys striatus)
13.) Southern multimammate mouse (Mastomys coucha)
14.) Four-striped grass mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio)
15.) Gambian pouched rat (Cricetomys gambianus)
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fenneykindlefire · 2 years
PPC Spanish Meet The Letters Animals (Remake)
This for you @creamypuffycakezowo. You can change some species if you like.
A: Abeja/Bee (Lowercase) Ardilla Voladora/Flying Squirrel (Uppercase) B: Bandicoot (Lowercase) Bilby Mayor/Greater Bilby (Uppercase) C: Cangrejo Rojo/Red Crab (Lowercase and Uppercase) Ch: Chimpancé/Chimpanzee (Lowercase and Uppercase) D: Dinosaurio/Dinosaur (Lowercase and Uppercase, originally a Dunnart) E: Erizo/Hedgehog (Lowercase) Equidna/Echidna (Uppercase) F: Foca Anillada/Ringed Seal (Lowercase) Flamenco Americano/American Flamingo (Uppercase) G: Gorrión/Sparrow (Lowercase) Gato Montés Árabe/Arabian Wildcat (Uppercase) H: Halcón de cola roja/Red-Tailed Hawk (Lowercase) Halcón Peregrino/Peregrine Falcon (Uppercase) I: Iguana (Lowercase) Impala (Uppercase) J: Jerbo de Patas Peludas/Hairy-Footed Gerbil (Lowercase) Jaguar (Uppercase) K: Koala (Lowercase) Kinkajou (Uppercase) L: Lobo Mexicano/Mexican Wolf (Lowercase) Liebre Corsa/Corsican Hare (Uppercase) Ll: Chinchilla (Lowercase) Armadillo De Nueve Bandas/Nine-Banded Armadillo (Uppercase) M: Murciélago/Bat (Lowercase) Mapache Canadiense/Canadian Raccoon (Uppercase) N: Nutria De Mar/Sea Otter (Lowercase) Numbat (Uppercase) Ñ: Ñu/Wildebeest (Lowercase and Uppercase) O: Ornitorrinco/Platypus (Lowercase) Olingo Del Norte/Northern Olingo (Uppercase) P: Puercoespín Brasileño/Brazilian Porcupine (Lowercase) Protelo/Aardwolf (Uppercase) Q: Quetzal (Lowercase) Quoll Machada/Spotted Quoll (Uppercase) R: Ratón Doméstico/House Mouse (Lowercase) Rata Común/Common Rat (Uppercase) S: Salamandra/Salamander (Lowercase) Suricata/Meerkat (Uppercase) T: Topo/Mole (Lowercase) Turón Europeo/European Polecat (Uppercase) U: Unicornio/Unicorn (Lowercase and Uppercase) V: Visón Americano/American Mink (Lowercase) Venado Sika/Sika Deer (Uppercase) W: Wombat (Lowercase) Wallaroo (Uppercase) X: Xenops (Lowercase) Xoloitzcuintli (Uppercase) Y: Coyote (Lowercase) Yak (Uppercase) Z: Zorrillo/Skunk (Lowercase) Zorro Ártico/Arctic Fox (Uppercase)
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
I follow a woman on Facebook who lives in Thailand because she posts pictures of her pets, two ENORMOUS greater bandicoot rats. They’re more than twice the size of most pet rats.
The male one she describes as a “villain” and the female she describes as “soft eyes and gentle”
I cannot believe Shaw rat got a Haven rat friend dhdhshs
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bitchiha · 4 years
I want to know what rat I would be🧍‍♂️ if it's not ugly asf then it's a wrong answer btw 🥰
Okay so this rat is honestly so cute. They’re called the greater bandicoot rat and are pests in Thailand, Indonesia, China and India.
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They’re not ugly I’m sorry I can’t do that do my shawty 😔 but anyways, these rats always make me laugh like idk if it’s the name or the fact that they can grow up to 28 cm in length and intimidate cats. Also, they grunt when they are disturbed and idk why, but I relate that to this 🧍‍♂️ and I scream. You give me this energy and I absolutely love it. ✨
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ask-an-aussie · 7 years
Australian Mammals that you didn’t know existed
You hear a lot about Kangaroos and Koalas and such, so I thought I’d post some animals that are unknown to lots of people, even some Aussies don’t realise we have them. Sadly most of these are on the endagered species list.
Also some fun facts added so you can have an idea of how awesome they are.
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Considered Australia’s ‘native cat’ these guys are carnivorous marsupials and have the ability to bite through bone. ‘Quoll’ is an Aboriginal term meaning tiger cat (although they have spots not stripes so I think we translated wrong) If you find an animal that has been killed an turning inside out, it’s probably been eaten by a Quoll. These guys use their nimble hands to get to the yummy meat and bones and avoid all the fur, very clever! 4 species; Eastern Quoll, Spotted-Tailed Quoll (or Tiger Quoll), Western Quoll (or chuditch) and Northern Quoll. ranging in size from 25cm to 75 cm long.
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Cute little insect eaters, again a marsupial. Can move at speeds of around 13km/hr. Only about 10cm long. So damn cute, look at that tail!
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Marsupial. Of which there are 5 species (and at least another 2 extinct); Eastern Bettong, Boodie, Woylie, Northern Bettong and Rufous Rat-Kangaroo (or Rufous Bettong). They seem to get along well with wombats, where I work they enter the wombat exhibits of a night to share their food.
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Marsupial. There was once 2 species of Bilby, sadly the Lesser Bilby became extinct in the 1950s and the Greater Bilby is greatly endangered. In the same family as Bandicoots. Omnivores with backwards facing pouches (as they dig a lot this stops dirt getting in their pouch). Australian’s know these guys through the story of the Easter Bilby. Rabbits are considered a major reason for their decrease in numbers as they eat all the food and out-breed the Bilbies.
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Marsupial. Aka the banded anteater or Walpurti. Mainly eats termites. Emblem of Western Australia. Up to 45cm long. One of the few marsupials that are diurnal (active of a day). Eats up to 20,000 termites each day. Estimated population of less than 1000.
Grey-Headed Flying Fox
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Aka Fruit Bat. Placental mammal. Called a flying fox because they have a fox-like face and can fly. Babies are called pups. Megabat. Wingspan of about 1m. May travel 50kms in one night for food. Eats pollen, nectar, sap and fruit. Long distance seed distributors and plant pollenators. Each colony plants around 30,000 trees a night. Without these guys we don’t have any of our lovely bush and ecosystem that we all rely on. Have very good eyesight and no echolocation.
Greater Stick-Nest Rat
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Placental mammal. Up to 26cm long. Don’t have a ratty face. Were extinct on the mainland but through breeding programs have been re-introduced. Herbivores. Chew branches to length and weave them together to make a nest which can be up to 1m high and 1.5m wide.
Other unknown Australian Mammals you can look up:
Antechinus Pygmy Possum Feathertail Glider (smallest glider in the world) Southern Ningaui Greater Glider Potoroos Pademelons Eastern False Pipistrelle
Sadly lots of these could go extinct in our lifetime, and people haven’t even had the chance to really get to appreciate them yet. **PS the Koala is also in danger of becoming extinct in the wild
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
Last night I dreamed I got a bunch of greater bandicoot rats from Southeast Asia!
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