tanyapositive · 2 years
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More Fashion Highlights! It was with great pride to have showcased Shades of Africa, fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. #africaday #shadesofafricaja #fashiondesigningstudio #greatpride #Givingback #BrandJamaica www.shadesofafricajm.com "Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organized by the Government of Jamaica." May 25, 2022 Models: Part 4. A model Rocking Shades of Africa Fashions on the catwalk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeOcW2ju_-3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hiimlexa · 7 years
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Unsalted (cept me I'm salty that's not my bath tub)
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astrognossienne · 6 years
mars signs you like and dislike??
12. Mars in Leo -  Hands down, my least favourite Mars placement ever, I’m genuinely not a fan of anyone with this Mars placement, as they’re fucking obnoxious to me. Prima donna in the bedroom and always requires lots of positive feedback (effusive praise, riotous applause, lavish gifts…). Women with this placement are jealous as f and as such, are the biggest haters on the planet. Completely disrespectful, they’re the ultimate in childish behaviour. As long as their partner plays the role of the spellbound, appreciative audience, then and only then, are they warm, generous and exciting lovers. They’re ostentatious, suffer from delusions of grandeur, and become so carried away with the magnificence of who they are that they forget about others’ place in their lives. They hate being upstaged and need to be the one and only in their loved one’s life, which, to me, is unrealistic and therefore laughable. I went out with someone with this placement and it lasted for exactly 10 minutes because he was unreasonably jealous about my sexual history and past conquests (such details are best kept secret with these people, lol). However, I do like that they have no trouble stating their needs. These people are self-appointed royalty who thrive on being in charge and issuing orders. But what they like to think is strong and assertive behaviour, is often selfish, arrogant, and bossy demands to everyone else. ‘If you’ve got it, flaunt it’ is their motto, and they do a lot of flaunting. They’re like irritating peacocks. They’re inherently ambitious and dramatic, and will slit their wrists if they’re not center stage at all times. The excessive pride and ego is more than amusing. They can make a warm and generous friends, lovers, or relatives, but only if you kiss their ass first. However, they are affectionate, physically demonstrative lovers, take greatpride in their sexual prowess, and are easy to arouse. They’re opportunistic social-climbers and as such, they’re likely to be even moreinterested in someone if they’re rich, famous, powerful, or gorgeous, andthus able to reflect glory onto them. Flamboyant and noisy in bed and in life.
11. Mars in Pisces - Wimps. They see themselves through everyone else’s eyes and tend to have no identity. Whatever assertiveness they do have is drowned in sympathy, and they’re more receptive and sensitive than proactive. Passive by nature, they go with the flow, typically letting life happen withouttrying to control its direction. They move through life in a very indirect manner, but on a good note, they can use their energies in support of the defenseless or underprivileged. I like that they‘re sensitive and intuitive lovers. Can be very romantic and sentimental and their mild tempered andgentle nature can be sweet. However, I don’t like the fact that they’revery passive aggressive as well as excellent emotional manipulators and inintimate situations, they love playing games to get what they want,even though they don’t always know exactly what that is. They’re way too idealistic and impractical. The things and people they want ultimately slip away because they aren’t sexually assertive or demanding and rarely make the first move. Their sexual responses are also dependent upon their turbulent emotions, and are deeply influenced by atmosphere and mood. If these are ‘wrong’ on the day, then sex isn’t happening. So, in short, if you like coddling someone who has no spine or mind of their own while making the first move all the time, then this is the right Mars sign for you.
10. Mars in Cancer -  Danger zone, lol. Theirs is a highly unstable and emotional experience. They’re dominated by their emotional state and imagination, rather than by practicalconsiderations. Prone to emotional outbursts, and their highemotional level needs constant steadying. A very insecure placement.For them, sex equals love. I like that they strive to make their partner happy in bed – no need is left untended and no request is too extreme. But their high responsiveness to mood and nuance and as I said are unstable and moody. One day they’re loving, the next day they’re moody and temperamental with a penchant for being bossy and driving others away. It all depends on the day – and their mood. I hate how they assert themselves. They like to hide their inner softness and vulnerability under a crusty, moody exterior. When they get upset, good luck trying to fucking figure out why. They either keep their feelings and anger bottled up inside, where they slowly stew, or they become crabby, moody crybabies over small and insignificant things. Also, they never say why they’re anger and frustrated, which can prevent others from reaching out and helping them.Personally, I don’t bother; I got my own problems than to worry about a grown ass person who doesn’t know how to open their mouth.
9. Mars in Libra -  Very charismatic; when they look at you, they make you feel that no-one else exists. They literally charm the pants off of others. Sex is very important to them, but they’ll be damned if they are direct with their desires.besides, with a tender kiss, a persuasive look and a well-timed compliment you can achieve the same desired result. They’re verycalculating and sweet-talking and romancing are second nature to them. I like their need for good manners and social etiquette, but in the bedroom, certain rules and etiquette need not apply. Also, their fear of rejection makes them cowardly and indirect; if they got rejected, they’d curl up and die. They’re an extremely skilled, attentive and considerate and I like their emphasis on reciprocity and having a mutually satisfying sexual experience. Their inability to be firm and say “no” makes them disloyal hoes. They have 0 integrity. You can also remain in an unsatisfactory relationship long after you should have left because you abhor confrontations or unpleasantness of any kind. So you can find it easier to two-time a lover than to say goodbye. Just like Pisces, they don’t know how to stand up for themselves; their loathing for arguments or confrontations makes them spineless doormats who are indecisive and fail to take a firm stand on anything. But they can be diplomatic and good peacemakers, so there’s that.
8. Mars in Scorpio -  Folks are sure obsessed with Scorpio energy. As such, I get a lot of asks about this placement wanting me to fall in line and kiss ass. Well, I refuse to do so and here’s why.
7. Mars in Sagittarius - Great energy andenthusiasm. Best sense of humour out of all the Mars signs, hands down. I love their zest for adventure and love of change andtravel, you have difficulty sitting still for very long. They tend to succeed in life because they don’tconsider failure an option. They’re spontaneous, optimistic,impatient, and argumentative. They approach sex as if it were a sport or game,something to be enjoyed, but not taken too seriously. I like that they value their independence and that they want honesty, friendship, and fun in anintimate relationship. More on them here.
6. Mars in Gemini - Another fuckboy/girl placement; their mercurial and restless mind and quicksilver sexuality are hard to pin down. They thrive on change and versatility, and like to fuck a wide variety of people and in a variety of places and positions. I love theiractive imagination and the fact that they’re never boring in bed. More than any other Mars placement, they’re capable of having sex with no emotional involvement at all, and are more likely to engage in quickies and anonymous one-night stands. That’s not to say they can’t sustain a long-term relationship and be faithful. They just find monogamy difficult, but not impossible. They initially want a sexual playmate, but if they’re stimulated and satisfied mentally as well, then there is a strong chance their playmate will eventually become their soul mate. Not as assertive as they should be, I’ve noticed. They like to keep their feelings to themselves. Like Libra, they’re indecisive as fuck and can’t assert what they want because they don’t know.They’re scattered and unfocused and are prone to erratic moodswings. However, I love their mental assertiveness, they’re very quick on the trigger and can verbally decimate someone just as well as Sag can. Communication is very important to Gemini.  Variety is the spice of life for them and their sex drive is fueledby their mind as much as their bodies. I love their playful and inventive sex as well as their filthy talk in bed. Incurable flirts. What I don’t like is their weird inconsistency: involved and in-tune one day, detached and distracted the next. They tend to alternate from deep relationships to superficial ones. Mayfind it difficult to remain constant to one particular partner. But the partner whodoes stimulate them intellectually will spark their romantic and sexual interest. They may be flighty, but they’re not superficial and silly like Libra is; in theirworld, being interesting is much more important than being physicallyattractive. These folks are excellent to have fun with.
5. Mars in Taurus -  Pretty lazy and shiftless or laid back and uncomplicated, however you wanna look at it. However, what they lack inaggressiveness and mobility, they make up for with outstanding endurance.Their patience and persistence is admirable. As is their backbone: when they finally get rolling in one direction, it is virtually impossible to get themto change course. They have that earthy sensuality and lusty libido that smoulders on a slow, steady flame. They like to take their time and savour each delicious moment. Their sex is delicious. They got that slow hand with an easy touch. I like their patience and hedonistic, sensual, anddown to earth sexual tastes  They truly live in the realm of the senses. They get aroused by basic stimulation of the senses: a flash of bare skin; the sound of a lover’s low whisper; or the feel and smell of their freshly-washed hair. They need to express their sexuality in a secure and stable relationship only. The down side is that they’re too pedestrian in their sexual preferences, and hesitant to try anything new. They’re boring and can easily get stuck in ruts a lot. Totally stubborn and inflexible. Communicating with them is like talking to a fucking piece of wood. Interest in the intellectual realm may berestrained, which frustrate me a bit. They’re also weird and moody, oscillating between two extremes – from being too complacent, to being too stubborn. When they’re cool, they can be lazy about asserting their needs and let things slide. Then they start to feel ignored and insecure, so they begin becoming borderline aggressive, asserting themselves in a stubborn and demanding way. They hold their emotions too tightly and then later release ina major blow up. Not a fan of their brand of anger at all. Other than that, they’re quite loyal and devoted romantic partners.
4. Mars in Virgo -  My Mars placement. I like the fact that I prize modesty and self-control in myself and others and, because of my penchant for sexual privacy, I require a partner who is tactful and discreet. We’re very adaptable and earthy and I love that although our physical needs are strong, we don’t make an ass out of ourselves like other Mars placements tend to do; we keep our emotions under strict control. We’re the Mars placement least likely to put up with anyone’s shit. We’re naughty, delightfully so, but it’s not for public consumption. We’re insatiably curious about sex, but we’re not naturally wild or impulsive in our love lives. We have class.We go for quality over quantity and we have high standards and are very discriminating about who we sleep with (we would rather be celibate than accept second best), and don’t usually rush into sexual relations on the first date. We like to get to know a person before we jump into the sack with them. We’re very in touch with our physical senses and like to explore them fully.Typically, we have a great sense of humour and we appreciate wit in others, but not crudeness. We want a lady/gentleman in the streets and a freak in the sheets. Although we may be modest in public, our innate sensuality comes out of hiding in the bedroom in ways that put some of the more outwardly sexual signs to shame. More than any other sign, we aim is to please—in bed and out—and we’ll do as much or more than the other signs to ensure our partner’s happiness. We prefer carefully thinking things through.My only gripes are that we can be more than a little hesitant about letting ourselves go and our cold and calm anger is often misconstrued as being passive. If we do break out and express our anger freely, often we feel guilty afterwards at our perceived lack of self-control. We can also be very critical, hard on others (especially in the workplace), and insensitive.However, we’re perfectionists and strive to be as good as possible at everything we do, including sex. Most aren’t interested in idle flirtations or one-night stands. We’re more health-conscious than most, and as such, we see sex as an essential part of our health and fitness regime. Sex, for me, relieves stress like a motherfucker.
3. Mars in Aquarius - Just like the Venus, I love their sexual free-spirited nature. They have an original view ofthe world, and it can be difficult to figure out what makes them tick, which make them all the more interesting to me. I get the impression that they enjoy confusing people, lol. I like that they fight passionately for acause or ideal, however, their detached attitude when dealing withpersonal issues can be hard to take with some. I like that sex can be open-minded and they don’t feel the need for super intense involvement. But the one thing that I think needs to be said about this placement is that when they do decide to commit,it’s usually for the long haul. I respect them because they’re more likely to bearoused by intellectual curiosity than by sexual signals alone. They need to feel on a similar mental wave-length with a person before they can jump into bed with them. Their sexual and intellectual prowess are equally great, and they engage in mind sex as much as physical sex. Nothing turns them off quicker than a house-bound, possessive, clinging vine. If a relationship encroaches too far into their personal space and cherished independence, they will quickly take flight. They love sex, but value their freedom even more. I love that they have no trouble asserting themselves and usually do so in a cool, detached way that throws more emotionally expressive folks off and makes them even angrier, lol.  They’re rebellious and non-conformist, they often challenge status quo, and theylike to ‘rock the boat’ – regardless of who’s in it and I respect that. However, what I don’t respect or like is that they can be incredibly stubborn and set in their views (progressive though they may be) and intolerant of the more traditional beliefs of others and they need to respect others’ ways of life the way they want their way of life to be respected.
2. Mars in Capricorn -  The sexiest Mars placement. I love and have the utmost respect for their brand of anger and alluring earthy sexuality. Very practical. With fiery Mars inorderly Capricorn, they have a subdued but determined approach to life.Goal-oriented and focused, they aren’t afraidof hard work. I love their cool, level-headedmanner. Whether expressing anger or sexuality, they alwaysmaintain strict control over themselves and their feelings. They have a powerful sex drive with a full appreciation of sensual pleasures. Only gripes: they’re a bit materialistic and opportunistic, and they’re often drawn to money, status, and power seemingly more than anything else.And also, like Virgo, they find “letting go” particularly difficult—in and out of thebedroom. But, beneath their restrained exterior they’re sensitive, passionate,and very much in need of love and affection.  They’reslow to show affection, but they’re well worth the wait it requires to secure their affections.They’re lusty and persistent, and I like that they put a lot of time and energy into pursuing someone – but only if they feel they’re worth all the effort. Sexual attraction by itself is not enough for them, they consider power, ambition, success and money are just as important. They make one want to learn and improve. They’re masters at asserting themselves when theybelieve they’re right – which is most of the time. Very black and white on issues. However, they need to curb their authoritative and dogmatic stance on everything, it’s annoying.
1. Mars in Aries - I confess, I fucking love this Mars placement. Marsis strongest in Aries, its natural sign, and as such, it represents high energy,courage, and initiative. They’ve got the need for speed. Great leaders. In Aries, Mars is all about action and, when their passions arearoused, they rarely stop to consider possible consequences. This is both bad and good. They’re like Aquarius in the sense that they’re the ultimateindividualists and can’t bear anyone telling them what to do. They know how to shake things up. Dealing with them is never dull or boringand I appreciate that. I love theirdisregard for the social conventions of sexual protocol. I love it when I meet a man and his sexuality is dancing across his face, so it’s apparent that all we need to do is nod and finda spot; that’s how I know I’ve got an Aries Mars on my hands. I love their supreme confidence. The negative aspects of this placement are that they can be difficult, too impulsive and childish (but not petulantly so like Leo). Also, they’re always on 100 and lack restraint. They don’t know the meaning of the words “compromise”or “teamwork”, because they always want to do things their own way. They won’ttolerate opposition or interference and, at times their temper can get them into serious trouble. Their sex, though…I love their sex. Like Scorpio, their sex is easily their best trait. Their sex drive is powerful, spontaneous, and easilyawakened.Sex is best for them when it’s spontaneous andunrestricted and theirhormones are always on red alert. They can be aggressive in bed, but that’s just how I like it. They’re sincere andenthusiastic and they just wanna fuck. My best sexual experiences have been with men with this placement; when they want it, they want it and I’m with that. They like to dominate and love the feel of metal, so they’re the most likely to have a pair of handcuffs in their arsenal.They’re the type to to ambush their partner in surprise locations (the storeroom at work, the bathroom at a dinner party) and engage in fast, furious sex where spontaneity and speed add to the excitement. They like games like truth or dare (they’ll always go for the dare) and I’ve found the men very competitive sexually – if I had two orgasms in a row, he’d try for three (or four). They’re very direct and prefer to get right to the point. Whileother signs may be more aroused by courtship and romance, they’re aroused by thesex act itself, plain and simple. There is nothing I feel I’ve missed when around them, and when they die, theywillhave gone down the highway of life full tilt.In short, they’re no bullshit, in sex, in anger, or in life. My kind of folks.
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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More Fashion Highlights! It was with great pride to have showcased Shades of Africa, fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. #africaday #shadesofafricaja #fashiondesigningstudio #greatpride #Givingback #BrandJamaica www.shadesofafricajm.com "Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organized by the Government of Jamaica." May 25, 2022 Models: Part 4. A model Rocking Shades of Africa Fashions on the catwalk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeOaLpUOcM6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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More Fashion Highlights! It was with great pride to have showcased Shades of Africa, fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. #africaday #shadesofafricaja #fashiondesigningstudio #greatpride #Givingback #BrandJamaica www.shadesofafricajm.com "Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organized by the Government of Jamaica." May 25, 2022 Models: Part 4. A model Rocking Shades of Africa Fashions on the catwalk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeOaD8BuJUO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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Current Situation! Africa Day, Jamaica. Shades of Africa is honored to be a special guest fashion designing house at Duhaney Park Primary School in Kingston Jamaica. #africaday #southafrica May 30, 2022 It is with great pride to showcase our fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees. #greatpride #Givingback #helpbuildingjamaica #shadesofafricaja #fashiondesigners www.shadesofafricajm.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CeMx1rLOATV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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Current Situation! Africa Day, Jamaica. Shades of Africa is honored to be a special guest fashion designing house Duhaney Park Primary School in Kingston Jamaica. #africaday May 30, 2022 It is with great pride to showcase our fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees. #greatpride #Givingback #helpbuildingjamaica #shadesofafricaja #fashiondesigners www.shadesofafricajm.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CeMxi-puewr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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Super Fabulous! It was with great pride to have showcased Shades of Africa, fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. #africaday #shadesofafricaja #greatpride #Givingback #BrandJamaica www.shadesofafricajm.com "Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organized by the Government of Jamaica." May 25, 2022 Models: Part 3. Our models Rocking Shades of Africa Fashions on the catwalk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeKOxSOO23w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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Moment like this! It was with great pride to have showcased Shades of Africa, fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. #africaday #shadesofafricaja #greatpride #Givingback #BrandJamaica www.shadesofafricajm.com "Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organized by the Government of Jamaica." May 25, 2022 Models: Part 2. Models Rocking Shades of Africa Fashions on the catwalk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJ4LuxuCKf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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Moment like this! It was with great pride to have showcased Shades of Africa, fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. #africaday #shadesofafricaja #greatpride #Givingback #BrandJamaica www.shadesofafricajm.com "Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organized by the Government of Jamaica." May 25, 2022 Models: Part 2. Models Rocking Shades of Africa Fashions on the catwalk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJ3-MGutyw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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Fashion Highlights, Africa Day, Jamaica. Shades of Africa is honored to be a special guest fashion designing house at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston Jamaica. #africaday Model: Stunning student model, showing how it's done. #southafrica Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organised by the Government of Jamaica. May, 25, ,2022. It is with great pride to showcase our fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees. #greatpride #Givingback #helpbuildingjamaica #shadesofafricaja #fashiondesigners Repost photo #fashionshow https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJRghmOEgq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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Fashion Highlights, Africa Day, Jamaica. Shades of Africa is honored to be a special guest fashion designing house at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston Jamaica. #africaday Model: Stunning student model, showing how it's done. #southafrica Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organised by the Government of Jamaica. May, 25, ,2022. It is with great pride to showcase our fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees. #greatpride #Givingback #helpbuildingjamaica #shadesofafricaja #fashiondesigners Repost photo #fashionshow https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJRWdeOdMb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapositive · 2 years
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Now! you asked for a better view of this design, mother and son modeling, here we go. Great Pride! It was with great pride to have showcased Shades of Africa, fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. #africaday #shadesofafricaja #greatpride #Givingback #BrandJamaica www.shadesofafricajm.com "Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organized by the Government of Jamaica." May 25, 2022 Models: Part 1. Models Rocking Shades of Africa Fashions on the catwalk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeI_qniuEmb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
tanyapositive · 2 years
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Great Pride! It was with great pride to have showcased Shades of Africa, fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. #africaday #shadesofafricaja #greatpride #Givingback #BrandJamaica www.shadesofafricajm.com "Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organized by the Government of Jamaica." May 25, 2022 Models: Part 1. Models Rocking Shades of Africa Fashions on the catwalk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeGwXtMOT2a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
tanyapositive · 2 years
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Great Pride! It was with great pride to have showcased Shades of Africa, fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. #africaday #shadesofafricaja #greatpride #Givingback #BrandJamaica www.shadesofafricajm.com "Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organized by the Government of Jamaica." May 25, 2022 Models: Part 1. Models Rocking Shades of Africa Fashions on the catwalk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeGvudKOaRX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
tanyapositive · 2 years
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Current Situation! Africa Day, Jamaica. Shades of Africa is honored to be a special guest fashion designing house at Mona Heights Primary School in Mona, Kingston Jamaica. #africaday Mona Heights Primary School is creating history today, to be the the first host and featured school for the inaugural national Africa Day Celebrations in Jamaica, organised by the Government of Jamaica. It is with great pride to showcase our fabulous designs to the excited students, teachers and invitees. #greatpride #Givingback #helpbuildingjamaica #shadesofafricaja #fashiondesigners Repost photo #saintinternational https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd_fRfRu4xU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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