mute-call · 8 months
"Hello? Hello, hello? Uh, you've reached Fazbear Entertainment Employee Support and Service. This call center is not intended to provide legal advice; if you are calling to request legal counsel, just, y'know, hang up and redial the right number."
Boy, it's been a while since anyone's actually called. Steven still has full days of work, of course-- there's a surprising amount of paperwork that goes into the upkeep of the old location and the managing of the company's remaining assets-- but it's usually spent in quiet solitude with only his own chatter or the occasional "just calling to check in" from Ms. Afton.
If someone's actually calling for advice, that means Freddy's must have found itself a new guard. ...which means Bob must have taken an early retirement. It's a real shame, actually-- he had been doing so well.
It's always tough to hear about the passing of another security guard. Steven knows it could very well have been him stuffed into one of those suits if Mr. Afton hadn't been sentimental enough to shuffle him into this new position a month or two after closing. Steven knows the guy must miss the old Freddy's; retaining Bell as a member of staff in a position in which he's not likely to get killed is probably some sort of strange attempt at preserving how things used to be. Keeping his old manager safely tucked away like a souvenir, or something.
It's a little creepy, but Steven's sure not complaining. ...at least he still gets paid.
"So, um." Steve swivels in his chair, shifting to hold the phone receiver between his ear and shoulder so he can pick at his nails.
"What can I do for you?"
@greatrspnsibility -- !
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ladyseidr · 6 months
@greatrspnsibility liked for a starter for Mike!
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"You know, hauntings are the least of our problems. There might be animatronics among us, too."
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becomelions · 9 months
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@greatrspnsibility wanted a starter from Mick
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"Are you opening the door?"
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finalslay · 1 year
@greatrspnsibility said : ‘ can’t sleep anyway. '
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it isn't an uncommon occurrence for mick to wander the waverider's halls late at night ; sometimes, when sleep evades, it's easier to just make himself at home amongst the cold steel of the ship's walkways. usually, the others are either off on some other mission or tucked away in their rooms, and that's perfectly fine by him. it means less socializing, less ... everything. no one needs that bullshit when it's this late at night. no, it's simpler just to head to the kitchen, grab a couple beers, and go from there. drink until he finally passes out. that's his plan for tonight, too — but then he had to go and walk by haircut's lab. the door had been open, and a quick glance inside had shown ray palmer hunched over at his worktable, tinkering away at something. before mick even fully realizes it, he's walking into the lab and setting the second bottle down right next to the shit ray has spread out all over his desk. an offering of sorts. hell, even walking in here right now is a grand gesture in itself, even if mick refuses to acknowledge it. “ didn’t know you were up ; hope i didn’t wake ya. ” no greeting, no hello. just that. it serves the purpose well enough. shifting so that he's leaning against the edge of one of the tables, mick patiently waits for ray's response, and once haircut gives it, he nods in understanding. they've got that much in common at least. for a few moments afterwards, there's a silence between them as ray continues whatever the hell it is he’s messing with. shockingly enough though, it’s mick that is the first to break it, asking, “ what are you even workin’ on at this time of night? ” it seems like an important question to ask, somehow.
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am4zon · 9 months
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❝ He was, uh, so many things. ❞ Stuck in a memory, lost in a dream, Diana will not allow herself to think of Steve Trevor as anything resembling a nightmare. She holds his memory not close to her chest, but rather, inside her heart. ❝ The truth is, I did not keep my promises to him. ❞ She remains vague on what this implies; there are secrets in the curve of her smile. ❝ I am sorry. I'm not so used to speaking about the past. About...him. ❞
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beingabadass · 1 year
|| @greatrspnsibility​​ liked for a starter !!
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“See you can try and list as many excuses you want, but a bet is a bet.” James stared down Happy, not planning on breaking. “So you gotta buy us lunch and I’m thinking... something trendy and healthy”
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
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" hey down there! " he calls from his balloon to the ship below, " permission to come aboard? my ship is damaged an' i need a place t' land! "
@greatrspnsibility ( for gibbs )
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unvendaval · 1 year
now back to this b*tch that had a lot to say about me the other day in the press ♡ @greatrspnsibility .
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other than your iconic muse roster , i absolutely love that i feel so free & safe plotting with you ( we rarely write , we just scream about our muses JSDJHFHJWW ) . all sorts of AUs and crossovers and funky headcanons that make every dynamic that much more meaningful . anyways i just love you
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ladyseidr · 7 months
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@greatrspnsibility asked: ❝ for the sharing a bed thing ,,, number 10 for ness and mike ?? maybe ness is over @ mikes and it rains or theres a tornado warning and hes stuck there? ❞ ( only one bed )
He had been there to discuss Freddy's—no surprise there—when the storming had started outside. For all of his rationale, he apparently hadn't thought to check the daily weather report. The consequence was being stuck at Mike's overnight, the wind and rain outside only seeming to worsen once he had considered heading home. "You know," Ness began, hovering beside the bed, "I really don't mind taking the floor—or the couch! It might be bad for your spine, but one night won't—" Who was he trying to convince, and what was he trying to convince them of? He didn't mind sharing a bed, more so the thought that Mike did and that this was more than an inconvenience.
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"I meant, 'thanks.'" He smiled, finally taking a seat on the bed, one leg tucked under him. "I won't keep you up all night, I swear." See, he was somewhat self-aware.
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compatiissante · 1 year
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
mARTYYYYYYYYYY -- another one i've known for a decade ( damn it's almost like i've been on this hellsite for that long or something ). icb we've traveled so many fandoms together, ranging from the split second of almost human to star wars to marvel and dc and bttf-- there's too many to count, but one way or another, one of us has found the other in it evENTUALLY. i've always considered you one of the bffs for this long even if we don't pHYSICALLY talk a lot lately ( which is like,,,,, a combo of things mostly involving attention span and a shopping list of things on my end i'm so sorry ilysm )
but like,,,, bro, i cannot even bEGIN to describe how much you mean to me. we literally have each other on FB. we've screamed about both karl urban aND ewan mcgregor ( points to kennex and obi-wan and cATCHER BLOCK/ZIP MARTIN ) together. you've been there fROM THE BEGINNING and that's,,,,,, so wild to me. IDK HOW TO DO WORDS RN BUT ILYSM AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GR10 REST OF YOUR WEEK <333
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iorast · 2 years
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            thankfully, they’re a master of keeping a straight face despite being stressed. despite the slight pain they felt in their chest when they were rejected, once again, by va nee. though they would never want to replace whatever image of a parent she had in her mind ... it still hurt a bit to lose that connection with another child.
          perhaps loki was just never meant to have children. their own or others.
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            they walk through the door to en’s (though it seems to be their room more than just en’s nowadays) large, extravogant, room. letting the door slide closed before the deflate, just a bit. fingers fiddling with each other as they cross. they shouldn’t care. they shouldn’t. they were loki, a goddess with no need for approval. but after losing vali and narfi -- 
        of course it hurt. and as they dig through a large dresser for something to change into they have a bit of a hard time keeping themselves from sniffling audibly. thankfully they seemed to be alone, for the moment. 
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    ४   sometimes a family is a god(dess) and elder of the universe and a teenage daughter ;; @greatrspnsibility​
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@greatrspnsibility LIKED FOR A STARTER !
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          nancy  is  used  to  seeing  strange  happenings  in  hawkins—it  seemed  to  be  a  forever  reoccurring  thing  at  this  point—but  just  when  she  thought  that  things  were  finally  getting  back  to  normal,  something  else  would  throw  her  off  kilter.
          the  first  thing  she  noticed  about  the  rather  eccentric  man  was  his  hair,  and  second  that  he  seemed  to  be  lost.  he  definitely  wasn’t  from  around  here.  hawkins  was  only  so  big  of  a  town—everyone  knew  everyone—and  she’s  sure  she  would’ve  recognized  him  from  somewhere.  
          she  knew  she  probably  shouldn’t  but…
          “ excuse  me…? ”
          curiosity  killed  the  cat.
          “ are  you  lost…? ”
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morethanweseem · 2 years
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Laughing to herself, Felicity shook her head.
[Txt: Boss Man] Mr. Kent!
Putting her phone in her lap, she looked towards his office. He wasn't usually so cheesy. Still... Rolling over, she paused in his doorway. "Do you need help filing away some...personal documents?" She put on an overly sultry voice, pulling off her glasses.
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wavclcngth · 2 years
@greatrspnsibility | For Cecile
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“ I just... I don’t know how to carry him with me. All I did was push him away. I never really got to know him. ”
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beingabadass · 1 year
|| @greatrspnsibility​ liked for a starter !!
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“Stare me down as long as you want but I’m not telling you about it.” He hated Tinder, truly did. The date had been a down right disaster, and he honestly didn’t even want to think about it ever again, let alone give Pepper a play by play while he was just trying to enjoy his bacon burger.
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secretswritten · 2 years
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@greatrspnsibility​ asked:  ‘he is just a pain in the ass.’ ( to ed, about izzy maybe? lkfjaldf )
“Maybe he is but you can’t argue that the man gets results,” he replied, motioning towards the man in question, feeling the need to defend him just a bit.
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