#green suspenders jesse
lukesse · 5 months
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minecraft story mode if it was good
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smilegirl64 · 1 year
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Iiiiiiit's green suspenders and potion dad!
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insomniac-shado · 1 year
So I’m alive again and all you guys get is more mcsm 😍
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I made this today
also happy holidays dndbdjdhdj
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sunshikilo · 16 days
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recently rereading some past mcsm fanfics and was once again enchanted by crawlout through the fallout by @silversilence14 and @aquaticnaho . so jesse doodles from that fic and also a scene from the end of chapter 50 thats so cute it makes me sick 😷
LINK BTW READ IT https://archiveofourown.org/works/12549108/chapters/28579108
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froggychair05 · 4 months
Hello, here's a couple of expressions if you want to draw them. You don't have to if you don't want to ofc c:
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Yes!! I don’t draw Ivor enough 💜
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tootyfruities · 16 days
i'm getting more ideas for reader insert fics now so i finally started an mcsm fic this one is ummmm green suspenders jesse x alchemist reader :3
     "You should come with me to Endercon once I'm back! I'm helping Lukas make this sick beacon for the building comp."
     "Right," [Y/N] hummed dismissively, deciding not to bring up that they didn't even know this Lukas character. They tentatively counted out spider eyes and gold nuggets, trading back the appropriate potions for Petra's spoils. "Hey, when you're in the Nether can you bring back blaze powder and magma cream? I'll compensate you for those too." They spoke absentmindedly, almost entirely dismissing her offer. "Oh, and soul sand if you run into any. I think I'll be expanding my netherwart farm."
     "Blaze cream and magma powder, right, if I run into any-" Petra rolled her eyes, idly poking at one of the other's many potion stands. With a blaze rod standing proud in the middle, it was naturally warm to the touch. "-Anyways, I'm just saying, you should leave home more often! Leave your little hole! I heard Gabriel the warrior is gonna be at Endercon this year."
     "It's 'anyway'," They corrected, "Also, it'd be cooler if it were Soren."
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i decided i'm not gonna use ao3 period for. many many reasons aha. if you find any of my stuff elsewhere that's not me and i don't give permission for that 👍
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helmarok · 14 days
pssssst the lukas x petra x jesse polycule confession was mine :)
Now the question is... which Jesse? 🤔
personally i'm a male jesse guy but girl jesse also works, idc what their gender is either way I LOVE BISEXUALS‼️‼️‼️ i've been trying to spread this propaganda forever
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comet--cove · 9 months
I appreciate all the asks I've been getting-- it's good to know that people actually want to hear my headcanons and opinions!
there's a few things I'd like to go over about asks, however.
what I'm comfortable responding to!:
• things concerning my own headcanons or those of other people
• aus! I'd love to hear about your aus, and I'd love for you to ask me about mine-- I've waited forever to infodump about my mcsm au
• ships! however, I don't accept any asks concerning large age gaps (for example, jesse and gabriel or jesse and ivor)
• character reactions/my thoughts on how characters would act
• basically anything else, I guess.. you can ask me questions about my own characters, mcsm, etc.. depending on what fandoms I'm in.
a few guidelines!
1. just because you ship it doesn't mean I do, and vice versa. if you want a specific ship headcanon or hints to a ship, make sure you specify that in the ask-- for example, use "question (ship)" or "(ship) question".
2. I will not respond to asks that have to do with anything explicitly NSFW. however, I can hint to suggestive things sometimes and I guess I don't mind if you do as well, as long as it's under control.
3. don't be a dick. if you come into my asks to be hateful or sum', you're gonna be blocked or ignored. I don't got time for your bullshit.
4. just be respectful and what not, y'know? be chill, be nice.
5. I wanna hear about what you ship as long as it doesn't violate my boundaries (no pedophilia, no incest, etc. basic shit.), so tell me about them! maybe I'll try to throw some headcanons into your ship for you even if I don't ship it myself.
I think that's basically all :D
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sozoglam · 2 months
some details about my mcsm fangame !! :
☆ the game engine used to make it will be GAMEMAKER (some other games made using this engine are undertale, deltarune, hotline miami, and more)
☆ the game will be 2d, however it will be made with 3d mineimator renders (if you need an example of what i mean, think of fnaf)
☆ you will play as jesse, but you only have 3 choices: male jesse, female jesse, or an enby/nonbinary jesse which i will model myself (the jesse variants will be the green suspenders / red (?) hair clip ones). your gender will not change the date-able options or the story!
☆ the date-able characters will be lukas, petra, olivia, and axel
☆ depending on which route you choose, there will be fights with other characters! the fighting style would be most like omori i think
☆ there will be TONS of easter eggs, such as ocs, secret items, and even a secret date-able
☆ voice actors will not be hired. the dialogue would appear in a text box, along with undertale-like dialogue sounds taken from their official va's voice
☆ i am doing this entire project by myself at the moment. this includes creating the renders, modeling background characters, modeling BACKGROUNDS, making music, programming, etc. please know that this will NOT come out anytime soon, and being rushed isnt my vibe. im still thinking how i could get volunteers to help, but im kinda braindead atm. if you guys have any ideas lemme know! :)
PLEASE REPOST IF YOU CAN! it would help share this with the fandom and itll mean a lot to me!!!!
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enden-agolor · 6 months
im assuming this is the case but were jesse / lukas / petra’s admin designs having similar palettes / overall color schemes to the original three on purpose ??? i remember you doing admin jesse art before so im not 100% sure but i think its a really cool detail unintentional or not :)
actually no not at all. i didn’t even realize that until now 👀
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i kinda wanted their color pallets to all stay similar to the colors that really make each character stand out like jesse’s green suspenders, lukas’ magenta shirt, and petra’s red hair.
jesse’s design is based off your classic hero look with the onesie and the cape. the straps around his suit are supposed to represent the suspenders, and they, along with his eyes, are the only parts of him that glow. his colors are supposed to be calm and comfortable, yet dark and intimidating to look at because his admin self is honestly pretty sad. he’s eternally grumpy and wearing a smile is rare for him, so the colors also represent his gloomy mood. (he’s absolutely in no way evil though he’s still the same happy little jesse we know and love, it’s just very hard for him to take on positive feelings while in this form)
lukas’ design is supposed to look like someone of high authority. he’s a leader after all, and i wanted his design to be so anyone who takes a look at him knows he must be a person of high caliber. kind of imagine a pokemon antagonist and how they’re always decked out in attire that kinda makes you think like oh yeah that must be the boss, meanwhile look at all the grunts and they wear something similar, just not as ✨extra✨. yeah like that’s kind of what i had in mind for lukas, but instead of his magenta, i gave him purple because i personally really feel like purple is a powerful color. he’s the most like his original self compared to petra and jesse and he’s far more capable of staying calm and collected. also a good boy. looks intimidating but has the sweetest smile and the softest distorted laugh.
petra is… far more unhinged. her design is not entirely based off of her original appearance, but more around the energy and emotion she gives off. i kinda had a volcano in mind for her because it’s easy to spark a fuse in her and she can erupt and explode at any time really. she’s the most chaotic of the three, and if you read the details of jesse and lukas’ admin experience, petra’s is far less happy. she absolutely had to deal with becoming an admin all alone, and while that does sound sad for her, it’s honestly for the better. she would have been too worried about her appearance being so similar to romeo’s if she were around anyone else, and she gets to cope with that realization by herself and in a way that is honestly much better for her. like she goes down into a massive cave and destroys everything lol. uses her powers to destroy so much and take out all of her anger and aggression on mobs and her surroundings. she’s actively exploding, and once she gets it all out, she feels much better and theeen gets to really sit down and think it all over and cope with this newfound identity crisis
but yeah no the similar themes/pallets to the original admins was a complete accident 💀
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artymcartist · 2 months
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I changed yellow suspender's hair again Like the 5th time I've done it, but I'm finally happy with this Sorry that its a pretty faint picture
I love green suspenders, but I might shift over to yellow a bit more now that I've finally cracked his hair, he's my favorite male Jesse lol
Also yeah, you're gonna see more paper doodles again, I'm sick as hell and looking at screens hurts rn lmao
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movedted06 · 11 months
"I'm worried about you..."
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If you thought I shipped female Jesse and Lukas I'm really sorry to disappoint
ANYWHO, Jesse is 100% a people pleasing workaholic and Lukas is not having it
Also green suspenders Jesse>>>>>
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jeralldgator · 2 months
A green suspenders Jesse sketch + radar
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so silly
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deltapng · 4 months
hey so i have some headcanons about the cast (mainly Jesse and Lukas and One mention of Romeo & Petra) so i decided to put them all here in one place!
just a reminder though that just because i headcanon it doesn't mean that you need to as well. these are just some silly little things i like to believe
(disclaimer: once again, i interpret Jesse as the male version, specifically green suspenders!)
As a result of getting slammed around and injured (getting concussions over and over with barely time to heal), Jesse’s hands start to shake/tremble uncontrollably. Sometimes it's not too bad, but other times he can barely grasp his sword
The game achievements are the titles of the chapters Lukas writes
Jesse used to visit Reuben's memorial in the Order Hall whenever he couldn't sleep
Lukas and Jesse move in together! Or more specifically, after the events of S2, when Jesse decides to stay in Beacontown, he eventually rooms with Lukas
It takes a while but Aiden and Lukas rebuild their friendship back up after the events of Episode 5 (with some encouragement from Jesse). It will never go back to what it once was, however. It's very awkward
Speaking of Aiden, he and Lukas exchange drafts sometimes as they both picked up the hobby of writing (again, with some convincing from Jesse)
Romeo has been watching everything from the start. Like, the start of the Witherstorm start
All of them are horribly traumatized
Lukas likes to bake. Cookies especially
Lukas thought of Aiden as a friend. Aiden thought of Lukas as a teammate
After the events of Season 2, Jesse would like to settle down and take a break from adventuring
As a side effect of being chipped by PAMA, Lukas and Petra have redstone in their eyes. It eventually goes away but it acts like glitter where even years after cleaning it up, a speck or two can be found
Anyways yeah, that's it really. Now have this 100-200 word drabble about the last hc
People like to assume that Jesse loved the life of adventure.
Well, that wasn’t wrong, per se. He lived for the thrill of wind rushing through his hair as he rode on a horse, the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he slew monster after monster, or the rush of exploring some new temple. But here’s what people don’t know:
Jesse would like to settle down.
It’s pretty unexpected considering his status as the leader of The New Order of the Stone. With all the adventures he’s been on, you’d expect him to be ready for adventure year after year but Jesse would like to settle peacefully and focus on running Beacontown after all the excitement.
Sure, he’d like to go on adventures now and then with the rest of his friends, but they have the tendency to attract an unreal amount of danger wherever they go which is really counterproductive to what he wants. He also couldn’t just leave Radar to manage everything on their own. He was his intern, not a replacement.
Besides, who else would keep his dear Lukas company?
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froggychair05 · 6 months
I had the idea the other day for a Bee and Puppycat AU and I did some screenshot re-draws for funsies!
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Originals and more about the AU under the cut :)
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I honestly haven’t put a lot of thought into this yet, but so far I have:
- Jesse as Bee, obviously (any Jesse, I just drew green suspenders because he was on my mind)
- Reuben as Puppycat (again, for obvious reasons)
- Lukas as Deckard (they have similar vibes to me)
- Petra as Toast, maybe? (she’s very competitive)
- Olivia as Cas (because redstone and computers)
I don’t have a lot for this yet, but I have a feeling that it’s going to keep bouncing in my head for a while, haha
I might re-draw more screenshots, those were super fun to do!
Also here was the original doodle I did when I had the idea:
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tootyfruities · 8 days
alchemical equations (chapter 6)
     So the group dispersed around the already small room, Olivia moving to look through chests while [Y/N] took to the jukebox. They carded through the catalog, this time looking for far more than music. They had just picked a record titled 'Totemic Constructions of Peaceful Endermen,' when they heard Jesse exclaim something along the lines of "Kinda stinky, but it fits!"
     They glanced over at the guy and had to laugh- Jesse had changed into the remaining enderman suit. It appeared to fit him well, even slightly tight given it looked to be made for Soren's slimmer body. [Y/N] lightly chuckled, having a hard time taking this seriously. For a second they wondered if Endercon was big on costumes, and if so did Jesse partake?... Maybe if they ever joined in they could dress up.
     "It's so weird--" Olivia stated, averting her eyes and stepping away. "I know it's you in there, but I still don't want to look at you." She moved on to return to her spot, digging through a chest that seemed promising.
     In the meantime [Y/N] just settled with sending him a humored glance, "Looking sharp," They almost teased, which they hadn't done.before. Jesse just sent them a particularly dorky smile and an eyebrow waggle in return.
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chapter 6 is out! and it's our longest one yet cos i kept getting stuck and didn't know where the appropriate place to end the chap was ^^'
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