//Can you like this if I owe you a reply?
//Since mun has to study, she'll be on a bit later.
If I owe someone replies, can you tell me?
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fulmen----s · 11 years
Laxus, you are a God!
{ϟ}→  "As expected from Freed. Your praise knows no bounds." 
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titaniaprincess · 11 years
A fairy sees a wild Freed | green-runes-freed
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The Scarlet haired fairy was walking out of the guild to go on a mission. She saw familiar green hair being blown by the wind as she walked. Seeing that he was alone was different. "Freed?" She said in question as she looked at him curiously. "Is everything alright?"
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fairybickslow-blog · 11 years
green-runes-freed is now following
"Freed! Gyahahah!" Bickslow laughed loudly. He couldn't help himself. the little green boy just stood their asking him to tease him. "Don't the girls look great in their swimsuits?" He laughed pervertedly. We had finally finished rebuilding the pool for the guild and we were sitting on the side watching the girls getting there groove on.
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fulmen----s · 11 years
"Just came back from the scouting mission with Ever and Bixslow... And already regretting it... I have spent ten minutes in the guild and my head is already pounding from Natsu's yelling..." he sighed with boredom.
{ϟ}→  "Ah, indeed. It's rather noisy when that pipsqueak's around. But we don't have much of a choice, considerin' the fact that he never stops yellin' and havin' pointless fights." Laxus exclaimed as a sigh escaped from his subtle lips, remaining silent for a brief moment. "And? How did the mission go?" 
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fulmen----s · 11 years
"L-laxus! It's so good to see you!" Freed grinned at the sight of his comrade.
{ϟ}→  "Yo, Freed." the lightning user greeted one of his close friends, with a light smirk tugged on his lips. "What have you been up to?" 
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