#greg averoe
I haven’t posted in a year, over a year !
I’ve been watching strange eon’s video about onion boy’s new book and I do find it fascinating that it’s like reading all of his previous books but an extended video. Everything he referenced in his past book are things that allegedly happened in his life. And that’s so nauseating
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mew-against-onision · 4 years
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Right.... either that or maybe...
He sued the wrong Chris Hansen already, dropped both cases, the one against the wrong Chris and Repzion, all while making a fool of himself looking like a homeless munchkin without a mirror and with no decency to dress properly for court.
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i-hate-onion-boy · 5 years
Anyone else keep having horrible nightmares with Greg/James and Kai? I keep having them and it's horrible, they've been reoccurring a lot lately and it genuinely makes me think even more for his victims, how they must feel... I couldn't even imagine..
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The Swamp Chronicles: The Appeal (Department of Ecology)
The second appeal has a decent amount of repeat from the first appeal so I’ll mostly skip over those and only mention them in passing and include special quotes when needed. Again, italics indicates a direct quote from the appeal. First post found here
“Factual” Background
This one starts more factual and professional than the last one by specifically listing the alleged violations
“Illegal” search
Again, both irrelevant to the situation and not accurate but adds in extra info that wasn’t in the previous appeal (a stupid thing to do if you’re trying to make a point, good thing the departments worked together on this case). It is worth noting that unlike the Engineering Department, the Ecology Department had no communication at all with the Fish and Wildlife Department and came to the house a day earlier initially and checked his property from the road later. The main bit of damning evidence was the sent in video from Greg’s neighbours
2.2 states that Greg denied the ecology worker to come onto his property and asked to double check if he did illegal work and Greg denied her this 2.3 this mentions the security footage of Fish and Wildlife people coming a day later to do a search themselves for their department
2.4 When Mr. Avaroe approached the Fish and Wildlife personnel about the unauthorized search of his property, the Fish and Wildlife official informed him that although Fish and Wildlife had not found any violations on the Avaroe property, they had passed along the site information they obtained through their illegal search to County officials
So are you complaining that they passed on information that there was nothing found in violation for their department? Also maybe this info would have been useful in your other appeal when you refer to it. And either way, the two other departments conducted a search through totally legal means (even by your standards) for their evidence. Even if they did it on advice by the Fish and Wildlife people (which makes no sense with your timeline), the evidence they took is still valid and not...
2.5 The evidence illegally gathered by Fish and Wildlife is tainted; it is the fruit of the poisonous tree
I made it, I made it to the best fucking thing I ever read in my life. THE FRUIT OF THE POISONOUS TREE, the fruit of the poisonous fucking tree. I’m sorry but this is just amazing. Sadly I’ve been informed that this is a legal term so Greg didn’t write it but holy shit I read that in an official appeal. I can’t not laugh at that, there’s no way anyone can take that sentence seriously. Why is that a legal term? I’m assuming it’s religious but seriously, how fucking dramatic is that? And I literally pray daily
Due process violation
Again claims the notices didn’t include the violations they violated but as demonstrated before, they did and made it very clear where Greg went wrong. Again, due process was not violated because an appeal was allowed, and an impartial third party would be hired to determine the level of illegal destruction. Also, Greg was told he lives on a wetland at the purchase of his house and in both notices so penalizing him for not following the law does not “impair their right to fundamental fairness and due process”. One new thing is added, however:
3.4 The Order to Correct fails to specify with particularity all steps Avaroes must take to resolve the alleged violations
It did, I have an entire post dedicated to it. It states clearly how to file an appeal with possible viable excuses and what they need to do to fix their fuck up
“Vague” as applied
Same stupid argument as in the previous appeal
Avaroes had an unequivocal right to maintain their existing yard; the correction notice violates Avaroes’ nonconforming property rights
Again, nonconforming rights do not apply here
Additional defenses
Mentions that they were innocent purchasers in a sentence that misunderstands what constitutes an innocent purchaser again. I still am baffled that a lawyer is trying to argue that ignorance of the law is a proper excuse
Prayer for relief
The notices do not contain evidence from the so-called unauthorized search, they were not legally maintaining their yard, they are not innocent purchasers, and the County did not infringe on their rights by sending the notice of order to correct.
My conclusion
Yeah, just as stupid but contains the legendary phrase “fruit of the poisonous tree” which makes it so much better. Also contains info that really should have also been included in the previous appeal which would have given extra context like why it was acting like the Fish and Wildlife department had anything to do with this (ironically it was added in the appeal where the person involved had no contact with them). I do not understand this lawyer allowing this bullshit because as mentioned before, she has experience in these kinds of cases (and has done work representing companies with these sorts of things) so she should know the laws and when things apply and when things don’t. It’s almost like she just spent no time on this case. I mean, she even allowed inconsistent grammar and the incorrect spelling of Avaroe as Averoe a couple times. My conspiracy theory is Greg was difficult so she let him have his way until he was willing to concede and drop the appeal for a settlement and she took the two delays on the case in the hopes he would eventually settle cause if this appeal was actually heard in court she knew it would be a disasterous loss.
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This entire situation is .. wack
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This makes me extremely uncomfy.
Greg! Is! A! Fucking! PREDATOR
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NOT the discovery channel making an onision documentary 🧍🏽‍♀️can we talk about that
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Perhaps he’s projecting?
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I think my biggest fear is that onision is going to stop doing outrageous shit, the anti-o community is going to die down, and Greg will never be punished for the terrible things he’s done.
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I don’t care how many times Greg tries to change his name on social media to create a new “persona”. James Averoe, character, at the end of the day, his name is Gregory Jackson, and he IS a predator. No one is going to forget.
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