#anti coolguykai
basement-critics · 3 years
Whatever happened to Kai?? Are they still around/still with onion?? I stopped following the drama a LONG time ago and Kai seems to have totally disappeared
Kai has pretty much disappeared from the internet as far as I'm aware, though I saw a TikTok recently from a trans ftm creator and you can hear Kai and C in the background talking. I have the link if anyone is curious but no harassment please
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Don't stop talking about onion boy
Ever since he "erased himself from the internet", people start to forget the f-ed up things he did.
Don't let him get away with it again.
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lemonpersona · 4 years
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Awe yes. Because it’s the woman’s fault she got drunk and not the mans fault for taking advantage of her while she’s in that vulnerable position.
Really Gregory? Never drink? Fuck you. How about rapists just stop raping? How about that asshat?
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anti-bot · 5 years
Greg seeing Chris Hansen at his door
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blazing-fires · 5 years
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Gorg and Kry when Chris Hansen came to their house
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every time gr*g made a new video where he rated people’s appearances:
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bvb-against-onision · 5 years
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Shiloh: She was pregnant with your baby, but after she left back to Canada to take care of her sepsis, they put her on a medication that made it very easy to become pregnant the next time she slept with someone. By this point, you two were broken up. She even talked about her abuse long before she left you. You forced her to keep quiet about everything, and now that she's standing up to you, you're trying to silence her again.
Billie: After you couldn't get her back and manipulate her into altering her body like you forced Kai to do; you started to say these things about her. She made you mad because you couldn't weasle your way back in. She didn't do anything to yours or Kai's names. Yall did that yourself, she just gave solid proof of everything we already assumed.
Sarah: You flew her from a different state so you could groom her to be apart of your marriage. If you and Kai had legal guardianship over her, having sex with her while shes 18 is illegal. You have to wait until a person is 21 to have sexual relations with your foster child (that made me fucking sick even having to tell you that). And a lot was asked in return. She was the one to watch your children when you stayed in your room to jack off and "work" 16 hours a day. She was the one getting all of the mental abuse from you because you, yourself, even admitted that you acted as if you hated her.
Chris Hansen: Is a reliable and helpful person. He takes care of trash like you, and helps the victims ease their trauma. I also dont remember him copyright striking anything. I know you have gone through every single negative video about yourself and strike those and has even tried to take down channels. You're just mad cause he got the FBI involved, and you and Kai can be locked away for 30 years (or more) lmao. And don't worry, he was never going to pay you 350k. So you don't need to worry about that check bouncing.
Side note: This is Onision. No one else talks about his ex's like he does.
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victims-vs-nasties · 5 years
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mew-against-onision · 4 years
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Right.... either that or maybe...
He sued the wrong Chris Hansen already, dropped both cases, the one against the wrong Chris and Repzion, all while making a fool of himself looking like a homeless munchkin without a mirror and with no decency to dress properly for court.
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Dude really talks about dominating someone and then shows up to court in a bullet proof vest.
Like ok groomer
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onionburner · 5 years
Don't give Onision views. Watch his YouTube content via The Groomer Archives YouTube channel.
It'll swear a dozen or so times before starting, as to demonitize it and keep Onision from copyright claiming it. But it's all there otherwise.
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lemonpersona · 4 years
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The interview with Onisions father should (hopefully) be out tomorrow, according the the man who interviewed him.
I can’t imagine what it must be like to be the father of someone who turned out so evil and disgusting. Personally, it would keep me up at night if my child was the cause of so much pain for so many people. And having his own name slandered for years, while Greg bad mouths him to get more sympathy from his young fans. Greg didn’t for a second consider how his words might hurt or affect his father’s life. He never thinks about anybody else before he acts.
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This was Greg’s response when the author of several articles on the Onision situation reached out to him for a comment. That’s definitely not the behavior of someone who’s hiding someone or anything. We can totally take everything he’s said about his father at face value.
I hope Steve Asarch reaches out to Kai family as well. I hope he keeps interviewing people and pushing for the truth. He’s one of few mainstream journalist who’s actively taking this seriously and I hope he never gives up fighting the good fight.
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distraughtlesbian · 5 years
onision accepted my follow request on his prime instagram despite me never giving him money a day in my life and looking like an emaciated tween can i get a ?!?!!??!??!!???! in chat
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anti-bot · 4 years
FUCK Chris Hansen
The story IS NOT his to sell. The suffering of Greg’s victims are not for him to profit off. I highly urge everyone to stop supporting this man.
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baby-grandpa · 5 years
I love watching the downfall of Kai and Onision but some of ya'll are transphobic as shit. It's gross.
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