#greg grizz lee
jontheredrc · 2 years
when Lyla Brangwyn is a kid, her dad Grizz takes her to the local junkyard sometimes (he goes there looking for things he can salvage or at least use for scrap metal)
so as a teenager, Lyla likes to walk around the junkyard because of the nostalgia and because it’s a place where she can easily be all alone
well, one day, Lyla goes to the junkyard because someone like crossed a line while bullying her and she’s still upset, but while she’s there, she spots it: a pre-apocalyptic car! the old civilization and its remnants are a special interest of hers, so of course she’s excited--she’s only ever seen this car in the movies, but here it is for real!
her friends and family all pitch in to help her restore the ancient car, but sometimes when she tries to get excited about the project, she instead becomes acutely aware of all the bad things that had to happen to make this real--for one, she was only in the junkyard because she didn’t want anyone to know she’d been crying
another one of those bad things was the very circumstances of her family’s meeting--Alyce met Grizz when he was homeless and she was on the run from a research institute trying to dissect her, and they adopted her big brother Aaron because he used to live with nomads but they left him behind--so she asks them, like, how does it feel to have All Of That in your past? isn’t her parents’ meet-cute story kinda ruined by all the tragedy?
“it fuckin’ sucks,” Grizz answers, “but it already happened, so what can ya do?”
Alyce and Aaron have to help articulate what ya can do--you can form new memories and associations, you can recognize triggers and strategize around them, you can be angry about it forever if you damn well please, you can try to unlearn some of the defenses you might have needed during those hardships, you can go into more or less or no detail in any given conversation where it comes up (hell, sometimes you can just change the subject)
“sometimes, yeah, you will see this car and remember what Valerie said to make you hide in the junkyard,” Alyce admits, “but sometimes, the only thing you’ll think to yourself is ‘I found this car in a junkyard!’“
“or ‘damn, my taillight is out’,” adds Aaron
time does not heal all wounds, but it can outnumber them, you know what I mean?
anyway, that’s why Lyla Brangwyn, the mutant librarian of the future, drives a 1988 Honda Civic
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cartooncarro · 6 years
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ALRIGHT here’s a compilation of screencaps of all the cartoon characters featured in the OK KO crossover special (i didnt recognize a couple yall should lemme know who they are cuz im curious):
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yumi, robot jones, chowder, ilana, weasel, high five ghost, secret mountain fort awesome guy, moxy!!, schnitzel
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juniper lee, frankie from fosters home, robot from infinity train
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my gym partners a monkey, double d, grim, octus, chicken, problem solverz guy, blonde guy i think whose called firebreather?
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these two are frommmm paranormal roommates!
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REX MY SON, girl from megas xlr, courage, Talking Dog from ppg, captain knuckles, periwinkle around the world, possibly/probably tiggle winks!
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carl from johnny bravo, el hermano de jorel, dr ghastly, numbuh five, time squad bot, one of the victor and valentino kids, blastus from robotomy!
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squirrel boy???, summer camp island, lazlo, jake, grizz, magiswords guy
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apple from apple and onion!
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erin from miguzi!!!, sheep in the big city, clarence boy, kelsey from craig of the creek
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mike lu and og girl, long live the royals king?, out of jimmys head creature, [definitely dont know this large cat thing], greg, dial m for monkey, villainous black hat guy
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robot jones!
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secret mountain fort awesome guy
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uncle grandpa!
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double d again
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grizz again
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clarence boy
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hi grim
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captain knuckles
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did cow go by supercow like this
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and everybody knows finn
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jontheredrc · 2 years
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jontheredrc · 2 years
So @shoujorose is as amazing as ever and he just kinda casually pitched a great idea in stream tonight:
I was playing a shmup and just generally struggling to keep my tiny spaceship intact when James suggested that maybe Grizz could take to space in a craft made of junk! And naturally, I just love the idea! And my brain is going a little nuts with it, so I’ll put the whole thing under a read-more!
So in canon, Greg “Grizz” Lee is just some guy. He lives in a town rife with animalfolk such as his lover Alyce Brangwyn, he’s one town away from outright superheroes like Nicole Ellery and her ice powers...and he is neither of these things. I mean, he knows how to steal and pick locks and fix things, but that’s kinda it. At the beginning of The Fox and the Thief, where we first meet him, he’s homeless, squatting in an alleyway under a small lean-to he made out of garbage. That’s where he meets Alyce, an escapee from a corrupt science institute. Grizz grows closer to her as he hides her from the institute and shows her the outside world. He’s vulgar and quick to anger, but this is mostly a front. He’s actually kinda sweet, even if he doesn’t really have the vocab for it.
As for this space AU or whatever it is, Grizz is a loner there too. In fact, you need look no further than his ship...s. An idea we came up with on stream was that Grizz only builds his spacecraft with one chair--for himself, of course. An idea I’m coming up with just now is that he has to build and rebuild his ship frequently. After all, it is all jury-rigged together; an errant shot or a passing asteroid could easily scrape off a part or two. I first envisioned him as kind of a bad driver, but I don’t know, maybe some parts last long enough to just wear out.
Now, it’s still up in the air exactly what Grizz’s meet-cute story with Alyce is going to be this time. But they’re my OC OTP, so no matter the setting, they have to be together somehow. More to the point, though, is that Alyce doesn’t mind there being only one chair in the ship...she’ll just sit in Grizz’s lap. He’s probably indifferent or even repulsed by the idea at first, but not for too long, of course. And that’s how they while away their days, cruising the galaxy in a heap of junk, her in his lap, her hair draped over his shoulder. They watch the stars and planets as they fly past, and the colors of a nebula reflect faintly across the cockpit as they kiss. Maybe he’s the mechanic and she’s the electrician?
Then again, I pitched an idea here and there that might alter their flight plan depending on how far I take this whole concept. For one, I mentioned possible trouble with the law (just as a vague concept; I still don’t know what he might have done). His junk ship and its frequent changes would help him hide. I also mentioned the one thing that would convince him to maybe add more room to his ship: kids. It doesn’t matter if this is the “enter hyper-sleep because one flight lasts hundreds of years” kind of space travel or the “ward speed” kind--I just don’t see Grizz being comfortable being lightyears away from his family, even if he’s not in any kind of trouble. So when he and Alyce have children, he’ll just bring them along too.
That’s all I got for now, and it’s 3:30 AM as I write this, so I don’t think I’ll be coming up with much more for now aljsgjhskgh
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jontheredrc · 2 years
I started tagging my Grizz posts as “greg grizz lee” several years ago because there are other characters named “Grizz” and I don’t wanna flood their tags--my memories are hazy, but I recall either having someone react to my posts with shock and confusion, or at least getting really self-conscious about seeing a kids’ show in the tag and seeing how much swearing my OC was doing
but the more I think about it...Grizz fuckin’ hates that name, and I would never willingly call someone by a name they don’t like, so maybe I should brainstorm a new tag for posts about Grizz or that remind me of Grizz
Grizz is a man who holds a seething hatred for his birth name because of all the shitty people in his family tree, the awful things those people have done to his girlfriend and his other friends, and everything else they stand for
Grizz gets upset when folks use his birth name, and Alyce is often seen whispering to folks or even pulling them aside to tell them “you really shouldn’t call him that” ...plus, like...if you know him only by his birth name, and not by the only name he’s ever used in public, the name he came up with over 10 years ago when he lived alone on the streets...then who are you, even??
so yeah, I usually tag OC things with that OC’s full name, but that won’t work on a one-word name like Grizz, which is why I added his birth name to the tag, but I’ll have to add something else instead, I think
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jontheredrc · 2 years
Alyce and Grizz are outcasts, (hella) marginalized folks--him being homeless and her being locked up in a corrupt science institute for most of their respective lives
and as a result of being so disconnected from society, that gives them plenty of opportunities to learn about some social mores or common assumptions for the first time, shrug a little, mutter "well, that's stupid" and just reject that part of the culture around them
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jontheredrc · 2 years
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jontheredrc · 2 years
a list of my OCs, and their roles and decks in my Yu-Gi-Oh! AU
Lyla Brangwyn: North Academy student, Gradius deck
“Vic”: Duel Spirit of “Gradius’ Option”, follows Lyla around
Aaron Burton: Lyla’s brother, engineering major, Watt deck
Alyce Brangwyn: Lyla’s mother, news anchor, Naturia deck
Greg “Grizz” Lee: Lyla’s father, steel mill repairman, Machina deck
Dorothy Engleton: Lyla’s BFF, Duel Academy student, Flint Lock loop deck
Anna Lee: Lyla’s shitty aunt, weapons R&D, B.E.S. deck
“Ace”: Duel Spirit of “Warrior Lady of the Wasteland”
Kyrinna Strauss: weapons CEO, Anna’s boss, doesn’t play Duel Monsters
(she would probably just shoot you instead of duel you)
Cydia Myssil: North Academy faculty, copy deck
(Cloning/Copycat/etc? please tell me more cards like this if you know any aslkjfsgh)
Samson Rayearth: Anna’s bodyguard, SPYRAL deck
Steve Bennett: welder, Grizz’s coworker, Goblin deck
OCs I haven’t gotten around to thinking about as much yet (or maybe they’re just in a different “era” entirely idk I’m still relatively new to YGO)
Zeltencia von Trepe: luchador, Dinomorphia deck
Nicole Ellery: luchador, Zeltencia’s tag partner, Draconia deck
Elaine Gustav: mysterious vagrant, Yata-Garasu (”Yata-Lock”) deck
Ciel Letrush: anthropologist, Floowandereeze deck
Eyron Clipeus: cop, Ally of Justice deck
(you can tell he’s a prick because he uses DNA Transplant to make all monsters LIGHT)
Eulipha Alpidt: spelunker, Danger! deck
Atsuko Shimazaki: pro Turbo Duelist, Mecha Phantom Beast deck
Hannah Falke: Duel Runner mechanic, chief of Atsuko’s pit crew, (not Mecha) Phantom Beast deck
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jontheredrc · 2 years
me: okay, brain, if we’re making another AU, what’s Alyce and Grizz’s meet-cute story this time?
my brain: they set off an explosion in a steel mill in an act of protest
me: ...mother of shit
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jontheredrc · 2 years
Grizz, about to give his daughter some advice: Listen, I've been around, kid--
Lyla: And I've been a square kid!
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jontheredrc · 2 years
Grizz: You okay, sunshine? Your tail ain't all swishy like normal.
Alyce: I'm fine, love, I'm just...a little weirded out.
Grizz: By what?
Alyce: Well, I was walking out to the bus stop with the kids, when Lyla started staring toward a fence.
Grizz: She does that. She's lookin' for patterns an' faces an' shit in the grain, see?
Alyce: No, this was different. She was walking and talking while facing the fence. She wasn't talking to me, or Aaron, or even herself. She was saying her day was going to go badly, though, so I tried to cheer her up.
Grizz: Okay, but who was she talkin' to?
Alyce: I don't know. I asked, but she just said "the fourth wall" and nodded toward the fence.
Grizz: Oh, it's probably something outta one of her old movies. She finds a lotta weird ones.
Alyce: But that wasn't the weird part! When she told me that, I started looking toward the fence with her, and I started getting a strange feeling, like I was being watched.
Grizz: Huh...I know that feelin', but I ain't never gotten it from a wall. You gonna be okay?
Alyce: Yeah, I'm fine! The experience just stuck out to me, that's all.
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jontheredrc · 2 years
* she lands a helicopter in front of his house and immediately accuses him of murder
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jontheredrc · 2 years
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jontheredrc · 2 years
Lyla 1-4, Grizz 10-14
1. Lyla Ray Brangwyn mostly loves her name! She likes how it sounds, but sometimes it is tough being a Brangwyn...when your mom is famous, people treat you differently.
2. The first thing strangers notice about Lyla has to be her big floppy dog ears, that or the long fingerless gloves she frequently wears! She's so shy that strangers don't tend to notice much else--
3. --plus Lyla chooses her words and behaviors so carefully that sometimes she goes still and silent, even among friends. She's a lot more impulsive and experimental when she's alone! (And yes, she'll talk to herself here and there when she's alone.)
4. Lyla is aroace, so I don't think she experiences "crushes" per se. But if she wants to be your friend, she'll be especially nervous around you, because she doesn't wanna blow her chance. She's also got a tendency to overexert herself to please folks she's trying to impress.
10. Grizz flexes his toes a lot when he's sitting or laying down. He can even "squeeze" his toes so hard that they crack like knuckles!
11. I'm such a fashion disaster that I don't know if I could possibly tell you what color(s) Grizz looks good in. But he likes to wear dark green tops and black jeans!
12. Grizz didn't have much practice with affection as a kid (giving or receiving), so he struggles with it as an adult. Alyce is usually the one who initiates the hugs and kisses and such. That's not to say Grizz doesn't have his own ways of showing love! He's just subtle and attentive; he likes to surprise folks with favors or their favorite things. He'll also give his loved ones nicknames...Alyce's is "sunshine"!
13. Grizz rarely makes eye contact--hell, if he doesn't like you, he probably won't even look in your general direction while he's talking to you (unless Alyce asks him to).
14. Grizz's skills as a mechanic echo both his birth father and his uncle (who was basically an adoptive father). He's also stubborn and rarely changes his opinion of others; his sister Anna is the same way, which is extra-unfortunate because they kinda hate each other...
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jontheredrc · 7 years
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i mean i don’t know how to render a sunflower at this level of detail, but that’s grizz’s hands tucking a sunflower into alyce’s shirt
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jontheredrc · 7 years
Grizz: You sure? No way that kid takes after me.
Lyla: *bumping into furniture* Fuck!
Alyce: *glares*
Grizz: *through his hands, trying not to die laughing* Okay, maybe a little.
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