#gregor schieffer
amazingmsme · 2 years
I’m bored & hyperfixating on all of my children, so I’m opening a q&a for all of my oc’s. Feel free to pop in & ask them anything you’d like! Here’s a basic rundown so you can get acquainted with them
Yernad Delmirev
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(Commissioned from @xgeborgenheitx ) Yernad is the crown prince of the island country Zenodrale. He used to be a war general & prevented his country from being invaded, & later moved to travel the world & clear his conscience. He met Naomi and became like her brother & raised her. During a fight, he was killed by death slaads and was later resurrected. He made a deal with the dragon god Bahamut to be his champion & prevent Tiamat from waging war on the living
Naomi Wilts
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Naomi is an orphaned satyr who was raised on her own in the woods. Her parents were killed by direwolves, but they managed to tuck her away safely. She became good friends with Yernad while he was passing through, and she convinced him to stay. She saw him die in her arms & she never really got over it. She only recently set out on her own, leaving the woods for the first time
Maria Saldago
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Maria Saldago is an aisimar paladin that was raised on a pirate ship. She fell from the heavens as a baby, intended to serve as a knight in a seaside town. The village was pillaged by a band of pirates, and the captain kidnapped her because he thought having an aisimar would be useful. He raised her as his daughter and she is now the proud captain of his ship
Eldritch Lovelace
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Who’s my favorite little war criminal? Eldritch Lovelace that’s who! His mom worked at a brothel until the king added him to his harem. Seeing the magical potential he had the higher ups in the castle kept them separated and trained him rigorously. Eventually, the soon to be king got his mother pregnant & executed her for “treason.” He let vengeance consume him, even after he got his revenge by killing the entire royal family & getting away with it by framing the new king. He’s also the leader and founder of a secret cult, The Divine Order. He’s in the middle of waging a fake war with a fake country the cult made up so they can make a mass empire through alliances. He’s winning bestie. He’s on top of the world & nothing can bring him down❤️
Jackson Ward
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Jackson is a teifling who was raised in an orphanage and aged out of the system. Despite this, he’s very successful and graduated high school at 15 and finished college before he turned 20. He’s a forensic specialist at a police station performing autopsies. He’s helped solve a good handful of cases since he started working there. He doesn’t really have many friends & is shunned at work for being the “weird guy who works with dead bodies.” He’s definitely had experiences with ghosts while working, & he had to testify on behalf of what the ghost of the victim told him. That was a real rough day in court. Anyway, he’s crushing hard on one of the victim’s sister. He feels guilty about it tho because of how they met.
P.S. Jackson really hates Christmas. At the orphanage they all had to share the toys & nothing was really yours. He doesn’t have a family to be with on the holiday & just works instead. So he’s a grumpy grinch ☹️
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Mirs stands for Marine Intelligence Response System, as she was originally an AI aboard a submarine. Unknown to her, she was made as a placebo effect & couldn’t actually protect the team of scientists on their expedition. As you can imagine, the mission went awry & there ended up being a traitor who sabotaged the whole thing, killing the entirety of the human crew. Mirs was left betrayed & heartbroken because she failed her only purpose & after a few years, pieces of the original submarine was recovered & her tech was recovered to give her a new body. She has a lot of trauma revolving around the failed mission but she’s living her own life now & is fairly happy
Magnolia of the Water Ashari
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Magnolia is a cleric from a temple in a small village that was ransacked a few months prior. Her brother is said to be involved in the attack but she refused to believe it and set out on her own in search of the truth. She joined a small group & managed to save Shroomsville from a corrupt circle of politicians that had the town under a mind spell & had kidnapped all of their children. Since freeing the town, Magnolia set out with her newly proclaimed best friend in search of new adventures
Gregor Schieffer
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Gregor used to be a human, but when he discovered the local priest had raped & impregnated his younger sister, he spoke out against the church & their town, only to be cursed for daring to go against their authority. He grew resentful of humanity & the town he once called home, doomed to watch over the very church that caused his family so much grief. Coated in dust and forgotten over time, he awaits the day where he will once be free. (Yeah I just wanted a gargoyle oc because of an episode of Face Off, what of it?)
Ambrosius Johnson
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Ambrosius was born in Victorian England and when old enough, opened his own bookshop where he met his sweetheart Angelic. One night, he was mugged in an alleyway & beaten within an inch of his life, during which he was turned into a vampire. Confessing to his fiancé, she broke off the engagement in terror, leaving him heartbroken. After meeting 2 older vampires and turning his sister after she convinced him to do so, they formed a band that would return every few decades after they’ve faked their death. Now they’re a very popular rock band called Mother Suckers & include lots of classical elements in their music. Ambrosius is still torn up over his lost love and many of their songs are about her.
Lilith Shelly
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Lilith is a tiefling whose bad luck lead her to where she is now. Her family has always lived in poverty, so Lilith took to deceit & thievery to provide for her family and became a hit man for a crime syndicate. As a blood hunter, she was able to do her job swiftly & easily, until she was framed for betrayal & now there’s a bounty on her head. Living on the run, she had to leave her family behind. She uses a fake accent & innocent persona to hide her true identity, searching for a way to clear her name
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