#eldritch lovelace
amazingmsme · 2 years
Who wants to hear some tickly plot points in my future dnd campaign?
I’m in the VERY early stages of setting up my home brew but I have certain enounters, scenes & plot lines figured out. & of course I had to include our favorite thing from ‘round these parts!
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highseraphs · 7 months
🖊 ebrietas!!
under the cut for this one since he's a doozy lol. (cw for mention of cults, violence, etc.) I won't go into too much because it is very heavy, and somewhat dark. If people are interested in knowing more I'll link his toyhouse profile under the cut.
To sum up his backstory in a shorter way:
Ebrietas's soul since birth was merged with a destructive and malevolent 'outer god's' soul (a demon god from the depths of the sea of stars) That has destroyed, corrupted, and conquered planets within his reach.
He's grown up having been worshipped by his parents, two cult members that worshipped an entity called the 'Dark Moon'. When they attempted to summon it, they used their newborn as a vessel, but instead of being a host for the god, the being merged completely with Ebrietas, making him one in the same with that being. He lived in the frigid, forested, northern mountains in Sharlayan in a manor isolated from the rest of civilization.
He's not particularly nice to others at all, and sees himself as completely different than the denizens of Etheyris (which he is), making him lack empathy for them. He isn't very emotive, honestly coming off as unsettling, sadistic, and unpredictable, and he doesn't have qualms about killing others. He is pretty antagonistic, knowing fully well that he is a threat to the star. Still, the only thing keeping him from destroying it is his interest in the various cultures, literature, and sweetstuffs found on the planet. (I honestly think my description of him on his toyhouse is much better at explaining it).
He is best summed up as a being who lacks empathy for others. He has a very stoic outward appearance, often coming off as unemotional, though despite this, he is quite unpredictable. Though he is considered to be unsettling, it is not like it is for the warrior of light; where others are unsettled by his vampiric but frightening power, he is still accepted as a heroic figure, a daunting one, but still heroic. Ebrietas is unsettling because it is hard to tell if he is about to kill or not over something he is annoyed by, he kills without mercy or feeling; it is second nature to him. He doesn't let his disquiet show much unless he is dealing with the likes of Louis or Lovelace, both of whom are not directly within his line of fire, so it is hard to discern his emotions.
His soul was merged with an Archdemon's, one that is known for his extreme cruelty, his lack of interactions with anyone outside his manor (many of his servants were afraid of him) many things he views as normal are not normal to everyone else, like his fascination with and love for blood making him turn vampiric over time. He accepted the role of a demonic god from his parent after he killed them, realizing the history of his other half, he recognizes how powerful he is, contemplating destroying and claiming Etheirys many times, but knowing that the warrior of light would try to stop him. He'd rather not be in the spotlight, something his original self has kept intact personality-wise. His charisma is very infectious, however, which would make it easier for him to carry out the plan if he were ever to consider it.
He's considered to have the voice, body, and beauty of an angel, but the heart of a cruel demon. The halting of his natural growth was caused by his parents calling for the possession of him as a baby, he's shorter for a Rava Viera because of it. Ebrietas has a strange way of speaking, always alluding to knowing more than many, carrying himself in an elegant, educated but very aloof way. He does have a somewhat strong amount of internal conflict within himself, especially around the time he hid himself away, he struggles with being so different from others and suffers with depersonalization. The demon that is now him is not of Etheirys or of its shards, but a primordial being of the deep void, to even consider it a demon is simplifying its existence, he knows all that the eldritch being knows, all of the destruction and rage, and tries an astronomical amount to keep it closed tightly within a jar in his soul because if it were to spill out completely, he'd wipe out Etheirys without a thought.
He does enjoy living in Etheirys because he likes the various cultures and books he can read in old Sharlayan and other city-states. He enjoys having full control over his own life and to an extent, those who are around him. He's not easy to get along with, he is very much so antagonistic but only in a way that benefits him only. He is sadistic but withdrawn, arrogant and sardonic but elegant, alluring but possessive. If he were to love someone, they'd have to be able to handle him and all the difficulties, complexities, and dangers that come with being associated with him to that extent. He best functions in social situations as the one that blends into the background, but being a loner, he doesn't have much of an issue with this unless someone is paying specific attention to him.
his full page but please read at your own discretion because it can get like i mentioned before, dark.
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mintytrifecta · 1 month
Liking Super Science Friends is crazy how tf am I supposed to explain anything that happens in that show to anyone
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slowtimelove · 6 months
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hey mr lovelace hey hey mr lovelace what's with that new eldritch blast of yours
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sillyidol · 1 year
helloo Lovelace, how are you! I was wondering if you by chance would have any eldritch themed titles?
the abomination , the strange being , the unidentifiable being , the cosmic horror , the entity , the cryptid , the cryptic one , the creature , the bender of reality , the being beyond comprehension , the abyssal one , the stranger , the creature from beyond . . .
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void-star · 1 year
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#another friend of mine started listening to night vale bc she needed something for her commute and because it gave us a reason to talk more
My Top Posts in 2022:
It isn't until Change of Mind that you really realize just how short staffed Minkowski's mission was.
80 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
I listened to Memoria this morning while getting ready for work which was a terrible decision cause it's difficult to put make up on while you're crying.
I just want to say the idea of Pryce inputting a core thought meant to tear Hera down, that runs every time she does anything, and the idea of "giving them my own voice" so the thought is indistinguishable from her own, really fuckin hits me in the mommy issues.
I think one of the coolest things they did with Hera as an A.I. was to create a computer metaphor for some aspects of human psychology; that a self-defeating thought is implanted in someone by another person that occurs at runtime every time.
That a small, single line of "code" recited subconsciously before every thing we do effects our whole systems.
That we need to know it's there to cope and work around it.
It's just very, very good. I like it a lot.
82 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Wolf 359 is just so good I will never be over it. That whole sequence at the end of episode 28 when they've just pulled the Hephaestus station into a stable orbit, Eiffel is in Lovelace's shuttle detached from the station and drifting very slowly, and he convenes with Minkowski in the medical lab where he gets suddenly interrupted by Lovelace flatlining?
And after a moment of the drama of trying to get Lovelace's heart beating again, the last thing we hear from him is, "Diiiiiiiiid....... was thaaaaaaaaat......??" and then the shuttle explodes?
Just amazing.
I love the flow of the scene and the tension. I love the voice acting. I love that we're hit with two more crises while still exhausted from the cost of narrowly escaping the last one. It's a bunch of emotional beats all in a row.
I literally dream of being this good at writing.
92 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
I’m 25 episodes into Hello from the Hallowoods and I have decided I really like it. Here are some reasons why:
Lots of queer characters at lots of different ages and lots of different stages.
Some of the older characters are just beginning to engage with their queerness and it’s so sweet.
An asexual character!
I appreciate that the writer just threw in anything that seemed fun to them. Eldritch deities? Demons? Spirits? Doll zombies? Punk rock stars? Elemental mages? Capitalism trying to persevere after the apocalypse? Evangelism? All yes, and that’s goals tbh. I wish I could capture that energy.
Consistently the best openers I’ve ever heard.
Fuck, even the eldritch narrator is queer.
The particular way that death shows up as a theme here is really interesting. Death as a lingering consciousness, or a continuation, rather than an emptiness or an end.
Even though they’re mostly all the same voice actor and it’s basically the narrator reading a story to you, there are distinct enough voices for most of the characters that you can tell who is who even without the cues.
My fave audio drama villain archetype, the creepy evil boss, literally thinks she can take on an eldritch god and win. I’m so, so into it.
Water as giving life... especially after death.
Ahhh I recommend giving it a try if you like audio dramas.
104 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Cutter's "recruitment" of Eiffel is such an interesting interaction because until this point, with the exception of Hera, everyone else's sign on has not been so deeply resisted.
Hera AND Eiffel are not thrilled to take Cutter's deal, in fact they really have no other choice.
But Eiffel's scene is the first time we've ever heard Cutter struggle to control someone. He doesn't have the same tools he had with Hera.
It's the first time we hear someone laugh at Cutter, set a hard boundary with him, and literally call him a motherfucker to his face!
I'm also trying to think if anyone else aside from Hera ever really caught on to Cutter. Eiffel literally likens him to Patrick Bateman (American Psycho).
And I really feel like Cutter's agitation is palpable in his silence before he cuts Eiffel off with, "okay, okay! before you say any more things I'm going to make you regret..."
Like, Cutter still successfully lands the hook by making promises about what Goddard can do about supporting his daughter, but THAT MOMENT OF PEAK TENSION!!!!!! And only after Eiffel has been bought into it does he fall in line with the hierarchy and switch to calling Cutter, "sir."
111 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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salmonandsoup · 1 year
so if the vampires are a mafia but theyre the good guys, who are the villains to their story?
they're a mafia because unfortunately, in the world they live in, sometimes you have to turn to illegal acts to level the playing field and actually get some justice. crime doesn't come out of nowhere, and they're fine doing dirty work in order to make sure other people have what they need.
the main antagonist comes in the form of lewis lovelace, louisa's wretched older brother (though other forces ally with him to give him more backbone than him just all by himself). all he wants is money and power, and is perfectly willing to use louisa as a bargaining chip and a punching bag. this, of course, will not slide, and so reuben and the rest of the brit squad (peter, nicky, louisa, and tomasso) snatch her away from her own wedding and escape to europe and eventually america (to which they meet feliks, that whole shebang happens, and then everyone teams up), but lewis keeps hunting them down, first using finley, then the organization that liesl and ibán are a part of, and then even through becoming a vampire himself.
now the fun part comes in the fact that these guys are all stuck in a time loop, and only lewis is 100% aware of the fact, using that to manipulate people and gather more resources each loop. every time he manages to kill louisa and/or another core member of the mafia, he wakes up back as a twenty-something in 1889. why they're all stuck in a time loop, nobody knows... not just yet. lewis wants to break it and keep everything he amasses through each loop, though the mafia still slips through his fingers every single time, and the mafia, once they learn they're stuck in it, wants to break it and destroy lewis and everything he represents (which is white supremacist hegemony).
the answer to why they're stuck in the loop is because of finley, funnily enough. the man is no stranger to the occult, and basically pled to anyone or anything who'd listen to keep louisa safe until he could. and Something Listened. Whatever Listened now rests inside lewis, and while it gives him more power with each loop, it also keeps lewis stuck in the loop and makes him suffer, and when everyone else gets over what keeps them stuck and making the same bad decisions, they're freed from it. the best and worst part? if lewis would just try to be a better person, he'd ALSO eventually be freed from the loop. but he refuses. all he wants is power. and so white supremacy turns on itself and eats itself. the only way to beat it is to team up and realize just how much it fucks over EVERYONE, and stomp it to death.
(thank @oops-i-accidentally for the eldritch time loop fuckery; that's their specialty and we both went HAM when we approached that concept)
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thestalkerbunny · 3 years
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A friend asked I could join his dnd group briefly because someone left so I will be playing-in a party of a surly wizard, a drunk monk, a bounty hunter and two bards all of which I believe are male characters and not very social-a socialite Great Old One Pacted Warlock named Darling.
From the person who brought you ‘anxious religious truama kenku’ I give you ‘married warlock who just wants her husband to be emotionally available for once’
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house-of-mirrors · 2 years
So I made meme moodboards for my Fallen London OCs. Perfect way to formally introduce them, I guess. As a little challenge, I completed these entirely with pictures I already had saved to my computer. Note: spoilers for all ambitions and SMEN.
Edit: Feel free to send calling cards, if you’d like, to Orsinio or Samuel. Miles has gone north.
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First, we have Samuel Weatherbee, the Laconic Captain, or the Modest Bartender. He was an urchin when London fell and spent over a decade exploring the Unterzee, though he never quite found what he was looking for. In 1884, he decided to retire by playing a certain card game. Now, with all the time in the world, he settled down and was content to open and tend to a tavern. After seeing so many horrors of the cavern and coming too close for comfort to disaster, he adopted the strict practice of never asking questions. That is, until he adopted some young adults-- I mean, made some friends who reignited his sense of adventure. One night, on impulse, he decided to hunt a legendary monster and got far more than he bargained for. Despite asking himself repeatedly why he ever set foot in the Medusa’s Head, he doesn’t regret it. He’s seen enough of this world of horror to feel like he’s powerless to change anything, but now that he finally has a sense of family in his life, he’s inspired to try. No matter what happens or where London goes, he will be there keeping the home fires burning, his doors open to everyone from the heights of society, to the lowest criminals, to the rubbery men and any other creature that needs a cup and a warm chair. The only rule of his bar: no abstractions.
Born in: 1850
Alignment: True Neutral
Profession: Monster Hunter
Main attributes: Dangerous, Zeefaring, Monstrous Anatomy, Dreaded, Respectable
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Next up we have Orsinio Elderwood, the Preoccupied Professor, or the Incisive Author. He grew up in Ireland and lost his parents to illness as a teenager, but he always had his older brother, Horatio, and Horatio’s friends, who encouraged him to be revolutionary despite worrying about his safety. He never knew about his brother’s involvement in the Great Game or ties to the Neath, though the work was what supported their little found family. All was well until a dark spring night when Horatio was murdered and his world fell apart. He descended to the Neath with a pseudonym to protect himself--names have great power here-- though if you glanced at an infernal contract unwisely made, it would reveal his true surname. In his pursuit of vengeance, he lost more than he found, nearly losing himself in the process. But what’s done cannot be undone, and a painful truth is better than any beautiful lie. He’s doing his best now to move on and live the fulfilling life his brother would have wanted for him, though he can’t seem to stop getting himself into trouble investigating eldritch horrors. He can typically be found performing dubious experiments in his lab or publishing seditious essays against the Crown and the Bazaar. He also learned about his brother’s work and carries on the “family business” by managing a fine spy network. Just hope you don’t find him in the Royal Bethlehem. Again.
Born in: 1871
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Profession: Correspondent
Main attributes: Watchful, Shadowy, Kataleptic Toxicology, Bizarre, Scandal
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Finally, we have Miles Lovelace, the Officious Heir, or the Avid Occultist. The second youngest child in an old money family, they frequently acted out to get attention. Their father finally had enough and cut them off until they could clean up their act. Instead, they came to the Neath in pursuit of whatever power they could find to prove they didn’t need their family, though they keep a soft spot for their younger sister. This pursuit of the power they felt they were owed by their high birth quickly led to interest in a certain card game. However, the longer they spent in the Neath, the more they noticed a certain voice in their dreams, promising them more power than even the Masters could give. Unable to resist the temptation, they’ve descended a dark path and are planning to Knock (Hate) very soon. In the meantime, they’re trying to share the Name with as many people as they can. Sometimes though, when they think of their few real friends, they have doubts. They look at what they’ve become and wonder if they really have carried on the family legacy, not of wealth, but of the abominable deeds necessary to get what they want. It still isn’t too late to turn back, but given the choice between a redemption arc and the promise of power, they will always choose the latter.
Born in: 1876
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Profession: Silverer
Main attributes: Persuasive, Mithridacy, A Player of Chess, Nightmares, Unaccountably Peckish
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copperbadge · 4 years
Today I learned about the Max Headroom Incident, and I am now fascinated. Are you familiar with this? It seems to be local Chicago lore.
I am! Oddly enough, not from living in Chicago, but because in addition to being local Chicago lore, it is Doctor Who lore. 
See, the reason Doctor Who first became popular in American SFF fandom circles (before the revival with the Ninth Doctor in the early 2000s) is because PBS picked up the rights to a lot of the old seasons, and local PBS affiliates would air it late at night. And the Max Headroom signal jacker broke into broadcasts twice on the night of November 22nd, 1987: once into the news on WGN, and once into Doctor Who, airing on WTTW. 
I had heard of the Max Headroom signal jack originally, I think, in a book called The Happy Mutant Handbook, which was about various mischief-makers, pirates, early hackers and phreakers & etc written in the early 90s. I still own it; it probably hasn’t aged well (there was a section on “building hacking” that would definitely get you arrested and/or shot post-9/11, but it also introduced me to Ada Lovelace, so who knows). In any case, I was faintly aware of it, but the first time I actually SAW the footage was while I was doing a Doctor Who watch-through. Plenty of Doctor Who summary/info websites had spoken about it, and I had finally reached The Horror Of Fang Rock, which was the serial it broke into. I’d been waiting to see it in its proper context.
The Horror of Fang Rock is kind of a spooky episode to begin with. I wasn’t expecting that the signal jack would be, because I knew it was just a guy in a Max Headroom mask saying mostly nonsense or making very dated references.
But the thing is, it’s so fucking weird. It’s so fucking weird that the longer you watch it, especially if you think about people seeing this randomly and without warning late at night in 1987, the creepier it gets. I’m genuinely scared of that footage, like it has some kind of eldritch power. I’m sure it was just some college kids with a strong broadcast antenna or an inside man at the Sears Tower, playing a prank. It looks like a short film you’d make while high as balls in your 20s. 
But if you told me it was part of an arcane ritual I honestly wouldn’t find it in me to argue. 
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amazingmsme · 1 year
I’m bored & hyperfixating on all of my children, so I’m opening a q&a for all of my oc’s. Feel free to pop in & ask them anything you’d like! Here’s a basic rundown so you can get acquainted with them
Yernad Delmirev
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(Commissioned from @xgeborgenheitx ) Yernad is the crown prince of the island country Zenodrale. He used to be a war general & prevented his country from being invaded, & later moved to travel the world & clear his conscience. He met Naomi and became like her brother & raised her. During a fight, he was killed by death slaads and was later resurrected. He made a deal with the dragon god Bahamut to be his champion & prevent Tiamat from waging war on the living
Naomi Wilts
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Naomi is an orphaned satyr who was raised on her own in the woods. Her parents were killed by direwolves, but they managed to tuck her away safely. She became good friends with Yernad while he was passing through, and she convinced him to stay. She saw him die in her arms & she never really got over it. She only recently set out on her own, leaving the woods for the first time
Maria Saldago
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Maria Saldago is an aisimar paladin that was raised on a pirate ship. She fell from the heavens as a baby, intended to serve as a knight in a seaside town. The village was pillaged by a band of pirates, and the captain kidnapped her because he thought having an aisimar would be useful. He raised her as his daughter and she is now the proud captain of his ship
Eldritch Lovelace
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Who’s my favorite little war criminal? Eldritch Lovelace that’s who! His mom worked at a brothel until the king added him to his harem. Seeing the magical potential he had the higher ups in the castle kept them separated and trained him rigorously. Eventually, the soon to be king got his mother pregnant & executed her for “treason.” He let vengeance consume him, even after he got his revenge by killing the entire royal family & getting away with it by framing the new king. He’s also the leader and founder of a secret cult, The Divine Order. He’s in the middle of waging a fake war with a fake country the cult made up so they can make a mass empire through alliances. He’s winning bestie. He’s on top of the world & nothing can bring him down❤️
Jackson Ward
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Jackson is a teifling who was raised in an orphanage and aged out of the system. Despite this, he’s very successful and graduated high school at 15 and finished college before he turned 20. He’s a forensic specialist at a police station performing autopsies. He’s helped solve a good handful of cases since he started working there. He doesn’t really have many friends & is shunned at work for being the “weird guy who works with dead bodies.” He’s definitely had experiences with ghosts while working, & he had to testify on behalf of what the ghost of the victim told him. That was a real rough day in court. Anyway, he’s crushing hard on one of the victim’s sister. He feels guilty about it tho because of how they met.
P.S. Jackson really hates Christmas. At the orphanage they all had to share the toys & nothing was really yours. He doesn’t have a family to be with on the holiday & just works instead. So he’s a grumpy grinch ☹️
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Mirs stands for Marine Intelligence Response System, as she was originally an AI aboard a submarine. Unknown to her, she was made as a placebo effect & couldn’t actually protect the team of scientists on their expedition. As you can imagine, the mission went awry & there ended up being a traitor who sabotaged the whole thing, killing the entirety of the human crew. Mirs was left betrayed & heartbroken because she failed her only purpose & after a few years, pieces of the original submarine was recovered & her tech was recovered to give her a new body. She has a lot of trauma revolving around the failed mission but she’s living her own life now & is fairly happy
Magnolia of the Water Ashari
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Magnolia is a cleric from a temple in a small village that was ransacked a few months prior. Her brother is said to be involved in the attack but she refused to believe it and set out on her own in search of the truth. She joined a small group & managed to save Shroomsville from a corrupt circle of politicians that had the town under a mind spell & had kidnapped all of their children. Since freeing the town, Magnolia set out with her newly proclaimed best friend in search of new adventures
Gregor Schieffer
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Gregor used to be a human, but when he discovered the local priest had raped & impregnated his younger sister, he spoke out against the church & their town, only to be cursed for daring to go against their authority. He grew resentful of humanity & the town he once called home, doomed to watch over the very church that caused his family so much grief. Coated in dust and forgotten over time, he awaits the day where he will once be free. (Yeah I just wanted a gargoyle oc because of an episode of Face Off, what of it?)
Ambrosius Johnson
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Ambrosius was born in Victorian England and when old enough, opened his own bookshop where he met his sweetheart Angelic. One night, he was mugged in an alleyway & beaten within an inch of his life, during which he was turned into a vampire. Confessing to his fiancé, she broke off the engagement in terror, leaving him heartbroken. After meeting 2 older vampires and turning his sister after she convinced him to do so, they formed a band that would return every few decades after they’ve faked their death. Now they’re a very popular rock band called Mother Suckers & include lots of classical elements in their music. Ambrosius is still torn up over his lost love and many of their songs are about her.
Lilith Shelly
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Lilith is a tiefling whose bad luck lead her to where she is now. Her family has always lived in poverty, so Lilith took to deceit & thievery to provide for her family and became a hit man for a crime syndicate. As a blood hunter, she was able to do her job swiftly & easily, until she was framed for betrayal & now there’s a bounty on her head. Living on the run, she had to leave her family behind. She uses a fake accent & innocent persona to hide her true identity, searching for a way to clear her name
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highseraphs · 5 months
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
🌈 For Lovelace he’s nonbinary and achillean! He also uses They/him pronouns
For Ebrietas, he’s agender and I’d say he’s gray ace. His pronouns are they/he/it
🌴lovelace loves flowers but he doesn’t have a green thumb! He doesn’t have much experience gardening.
Ebrietas doesn’t have much of one either, especially since he grew up in a mansion, he never had to tend to any gardening. He’s interested in botany as a science, but he doesn’t active engage with it.
🍎Lovelace was born in Golmore Jungle, Dalmasca in a village called Del-Eleyh. He doesn’t live there now, but he does visit. He lives on his airship, so he doesn’t really have a set place that he lives in, though he does have a few homes in some city states he stays in when he is in those locations. He lives Del-Eleyh, even if he does have some unpleasant memories, still he is proud of his birthplace.
Ebrietas was born in the northern mountains of Sharlayan in a densely forested, isolated location. There wasn’t any civilization around, just the large mansion his parents owned. He still lives in Sharlayan, but has a smaller property near old Sharlayan so he can frequent the town easier for books and other indulgences. He doesn’t like that old mansion that he lived in, he changed it to fit him after he killed his parents, but he still feels whispers of their presence with the home so he only goes there if he has to.
💘Lovelace considers Elidibus to be the most important to him because of Dionysus and Elidibus being such passionate lovers in ancient times, as well as the many things Lovelace had gone through with Elidibus throughout the years. Despite Lovelace seeming like he wouldn’t get along so well with Elidibus, they are very infatuated with each other. Lovelace is the most open with him. But other than that Ebrietas, Thancred, his voidsent familiar Ash, etc. He also keeps a ribbon with him that his adoptive father gave to him as a child.
Ebrietas doesn’t consider other people he meets as important, but he does place value in the books and items people give him. He acts as if he doesn’t, but he likes receiving gifts from others (this could be because of the ways his parents gave him ‘gifts’ (sacrifices), he also enjoys things with heart like 🫀 imagery. Won’t go too far into that reason tho LOL)
💚Lovelace loves being outside! He hates being cooped up in buildings and would rather be out within nature.
Ebrietas likes being inside unless it’s cold outside. He hates warm & hot weather (but like it’s when it’s warm inside of buildings, he’s just weird about things like, that) it could also be a result of how he was before he became himself, he’d destroy stars and they’d be engulfed in flames, it made him viscerally angry that his influence was always resulting in ruining his goal of ruling over the planet, so the cold is a comfort for him.
🍔both of them can’t cook to save their lives, but Ebrietas’s food would be downright inedible, like it would be absolute eldritch abomination type shit it would be indescribable LOL
😊Lovelace is a sky pirate! And he wants to remain a pirate. He can’t see himself doing anything else but being a debaucherous sky pirate. He always thought playing hero was just to off to him, so he’d still even now, rather remain a pirate.
Ebrietas just wants to travel, read and eat sweets lol. He has a very unnerving presence, so he doesn’t even try to interact with people because he thinks it’s not worth it. But yeah, he also wanted to destroy Etheirys after he regained his abilities while he was ‘resting’ within the coffin in his home, but was stopped by Lovelace. He realized then besides the interesting history and food Etheirys has to offer, he can play cat and mouse with Lovelace for fun.
🤔Lovelace’s ears are very expressive! If his expression doesn’t show on his face, it’ll show up on his ears. He tried to bully himself out of doing that, but he still does it occasionally.
Ebrietas sucks his teeth at anything that annoys him (many things), he tends to scratch down his arms if he is stressed enough (though the self-harm he does to himself will heal very quickly, and due to his limbs being black, and scars he does have aren’t very noticeable) he frowns a LOT, most of the time he is frowning or looks like he’s seething/annoyed.
🤓Lovelace is an extrovert, so he talks a lot. He doesn’t have much shame and he is not shy whatsoever. Given he’s a captain of a huge amount of criminals, he himself isn’t afraid to be blunt and honest with others, so yeah he’s def a talker.
Ebrietas hates other people so he won’t engage in conversations unless he has to. And when he does he is not very pleasant, often scaring other people away from him, making them uncomfortable, or angry. He doesn’t care at all how he makes other people feel unless he does have a semblance of care towards them. (Like Erenville, he’s very cautious with how he talks to him because he actually likes him, but a lot of their conversations are Ebrietas being like ‘are you sure you wanna speak to someone like me?’ To him and Erenville being like ‘?…what is the harm?’) Though he is charming appearance wise, which annoys him because it’s always been something that has made people want to talk to him, so unnerving other people gives him pleasure because they back off.
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azraeldigabriel · 3 years
Right so since I’m at work on mobile atm I’m just gonna do bullets for this ep so uh. Here ya go.
Jon sleeps with his eyes open and has since the eyepocalypse started?? Also love how Martin keeps comparing him to some sort of eldritch router
Still finding the cult pseudo-mansplaining things to Jon fucking hysterical thanks
Martin honey I am so sorry if those tins contain peaches
“Yeah well. Your truth is rude.”
Battle of the Poets 2021 LETS GO
As funny as their break in salesa’s little bubble was, I forgot Jon didn’t remember anything from it. Obnoxious.
“They’re archivists.” EXCUSE ME
So archivists can linger and may be coming to the panopticon?? Are we gonna get some sort of archivist battle royale?
Love of my life jonathan sims voicing the entire fandoms concerns rn
*fabric rustles*
Ah it’s light roasting of Jon time
No longer light roasting, dark roasting time
It still staggers me sometimes how much Melanie reminds me of captain Lovelace?
Petition for her and Georgie to just get married at the end of this jfc where is my serotonin
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An FMA au of Bartimaeus works surprisingly well, and the more I thought about it, the better everything fit. I don’t have time to write an actual story, so here’s the outline of a plot. Spoilers for fma, and implicit spoilers for bartimaeus
-400 years ago, a homunculus named Nouda was created. He wanted freedom, so he tricked the King of Xerxes, under the offer of immortality, into killing every person in his kingdom in one instant. All those souls could give someone nearly unlimited power, and Nouda took them all for himself. But he still wanted more, he wanted to become the perfect being, so he travelled west and began manipulating a different country
-to help him in his task, he rid himself of each of the seven sins and gave them all bodies and new names. First was Pride, known as Ammet: a powerful shadowy eldritch being. Next were the twins, Faquarl and Bartimaeus, Wrath and Greed, with the power of sight and shapeshifting respectively. Then came Sloth, or Jabor, with his immense strength. Then there was Gluttony (Ramuthra), Lust (Honorius), and Envy (Simpkin).
-100 years ago, Bartimaeus ran away and started a life of his own
-10 years ago, the country of Amestris started a civil war against the region of Ishval, where a girl named Kitty lived
-5 years ago, Nathaniel began reading alchemy books with knowledge beyond what his teacher would show him. A state alchemist named Lovelace had wronged him, and he wanted revenge.
-Around the same time, Kitty was living in the slums of East City. She found a group of surviving Ishvalans called the Resistance who learned the destruction part of alchemy but not the reconstruction part, in order not to tread on their Goddess’s domain. They used this power to attack State Alchemists, the soldiers who had headed the genocide of their people. Kitty didn’t need much convincing to join
-Nathaniel’s plans of revenge backfired horribly, causing his teacher’s wife, one of the only people he cared about, to die. Utterly enraged and still too confident of his own power, he broke the biggest rule of alchemy and tried to bring her back. He failed, losing a leg and gaining so much knowledge in the process
-In the east, the Queen of Sheba was starting to feel threatened by the Amestris across the desert. There were rumors of the government creating philosopher stones from the souls of their enemies, using them to strengthen their armies. She sent her head guard, Asmira, over to investigate and bring one back
-Bartimaeus had been roaming the world for the past century, but now he found himself coming back to Amestris, just to see what was up. He met a kid, Ptolemy, who was studying both Western alchemy and Eastern alkahestry, and combining them. Even before he met Bartimaeus, he had figured out the country-wide transmutation circle, but with information from Bartimaeus’s time working for Nouda, he came up with a way to reverse it. There were a few other people working together with them, and after awhile, Bartimaeus started to feel like he has a family for the first time in over a hundred years
-With the knowledge that the Truth had given Nathaniel, he was confident that he could take on Lovelace for real this time. After getting automail prosthetic legs, he went right back to trying to ruin Lovelace. He was nearly stopped by a monster named Ramuthra that devoured everything in its path. It was watching Lovelace’s house, though it did not appear to be working for him. Nathaniel got past it and uncovered Lovelace’s treasonous plot against the government, earning himself a position as a State Alchemist
-The Resistance received an anonymous tip, and went to attack Makepeace, the kindly-seeming head of government who had ordered the destruction of Ishval. But before they could even get close to him, they were stopped by a horrifying creature who could heal itself and had claws that could pierce through everything. All of them were killed except Kitty.
-After spending two years in Amestris with Ptolemy, Ramuthra caught scent of Bartimaeus. Along with Simpkin, he attacked the place Bartimaeus had been living, killing Ptolemy and all but one of the others. Nouda had Bartimaeus killed, absorbing his essence back into himself.
-Nathaniel quickly began rising through the ranks of the government. As he did, he began noticing things that didn’t line up: a human transmutation circle in the ruins of an abandoned government laboratory, rumors of experiments to combine humans and animals into chimeras to use as soldiers, alchemic wonders that could only have been done by a philosopher’s stone
-In the aftermath of the Resistance’s destruction, Kitty ran into Asmira. The monster that had killed her team was still after her, and she needed help. Asmira knew that anything that could regenerate its wounds had to be powered by a philosopher’s stone, and she wanted access to it. It was a perfect match
-The more information Nathaniel found, the deeper he dug into the going ons of the country. One day, he mapped out all major conflicts Amestris had ever been in, and it showed a clear pattern. Spread out in key points along the circular shape of the country, each major conflict was clearly a blood sacrifice for a country-wide transmutation circle
-He was found out almost immediately, and dragged into a lair underneath the central government. Here, he was told everything. The heads of the government were not behind this plot, but are rather mere pawns, manipulated by Mr. Hopkins, a mysterious and immortal man who was secretly a homunculus in a human body. The homunculi were sad to kill him, they said. Apparently he was going to have been a sacrifice to help them activate the nation-wide array, but he was becoming too much trouble to keep around. But at least he would have some use.
-Nouda took the essence of Bartimaeus, wiped of any memories, and stuck it into Nathaniel’s body. The homunculi expected that he would destroy Nathaniel’s mind, like Faquarl did Hopkins. Instead, Bartimaeus had boundless curiosity about the whole world, and as annoying Nathaniel was, he amused and interested him. Bartimaeus decided to keep him around for a little longer
-Working together, Kitty and Asmira ambushed Honorius. After learning that there were more like him, they killed him and decided to go after a weaker homunculi so Asmira could have an easier time of bringing a stone back to Sheba
-However, the more destruction Asmira realized the homunculi could cause because of their philosopher’s stone, the more she worried about what would happen if she took one to Sheba. The final straw was when she and Kitty learned that in order to create a stone, people had to die. Asmira knew that she couldn’t allow this knowledge to be spread any further, even to her own queen
-The last surviving member of Bartimaeus’s family from before found his way into the tunnels of Central. It was only after Bartimaeus had killed Affa that all the memories came flooding in. Furious and grieving, with a whole past life crashing into his mind, he went after Ramuthra to try and kill him for what he did to Ptolemy and the rest. He didn’t succeed, but he managed to escape unharmed and join up with Asmira and Kitty
-Now, they are planning to stop Nouda’s plans to destroy the country. There’s only four of them, but Nathaniel knows the intricacies of how the government and the people in it work, Asmira can sense the presence of a homunculus, Kitty can kill them by disintegrating their bodies over and over until they die for good, and Bartimaeus knows how to reverse the country-wide human transmutation circle. In addition, all of them are extremely powerful fighters in different ways. They don’t have a great chance of winning, but they do still have one
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theradioghost · 5 years
eldritch-cthulhu replied to your post “if a horror thing focuses on dolls and/or puppets the plot twist is...”
aaaaaand that's lovelace in a nutshell
you know that’s. definitely not at all what I was thinking of. but you’re not wrong
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ao3feed-sterek · 5 years
The Craven Master Saga
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2CIeNso
by Notsalony
Born long ago, Master Vampire Alexander Craven, has long since come into his own but has lived with his former Master for far too long, has been sent to a town that has been making a bit of noise now that the Supernatural community at large has come out into the mainstream. Master Craven must tame this land, take a mate, setup house, and get the wild supernaturals out of the public eye. Can he create order from this insane chaos that abounds? Or will he be swallowed up whole by the swirling tides of chance that seem to hover in this town?
Words: 40458, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter - Laurell K. Hamilton, Big Wolf on Campus, Supernatural, Supernatural Tribes, Supernatural Novels - Various, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Legacies (TV 2018), The Nine Lives of Chloe King, Underworld (Movies), Riverdale (TV 2017), Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018), Shadowhunters (TV), The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra Clare, The Gates, Lost Girl (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: OMC(s), The Morrígan, Bo Dennis, The Ash, Magnus Bane, Father Blackwood, Massimo, Klaus Michaelson, Selene, Jean-Claude, Dylan Radcliff, Crowley, Dr. Eleanor Visyak, Naomi, Tommy Dawkins, Maryse Lightwood, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Margo Lassiter, Micah Callahan, Tyler Lockwood, Deucalion, Violet Duval, Rowena MacLeod, Allen Deaton, Vex, Mark, Jace Herondale, Clary Fairchild, Luca Martin, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Derek Hale, Jackson Whitmore, alison argent, Corey Bryant, Mason Hewitt, Liam Dunbar, Hayden Romero, Danny Mahealani, Lydia Martin, Jordan perish, Alek Petrova, Malia Tate, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Brett Talbot, Kira Yukimura, Ethan Steiner, Aiden Steiner, Theo Raeken, Sean Walcott, Matt Daehler, Noah Stilinski, Nick Monohan, Charlie Monohan, Claire Radcliff, Brett Crezki, Andie Bates, Karen Crezki, Devon Buckley, Alec Lightwood, Simon Lovelace, Simon Lewis, Isabelle Lightwood, Marcus Jordan
Relationships: OMC(s)/OMC(s), Mark/Vex, Mark/Vex/OMC(s), Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Scott McCall/Jackson Whitmore/Alison Argent, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt, Liam Dunbar/Hayden Romero, Danny Mahealani/OMC, Lydia Martin/Jordan Perish/Alek Petrova, Malia Tate/OMC(s), Erica Reyes/Vernon Boyd/Isaac Lahey, Brett Talbot/OMC(s), Kira Yukimura/OMC, Ethan Steiner/Aiden Steiner, Theo Raeken/Sean Walcott/Matt Daehler, Claire Radcliff/Dylan Radcliff, Charlie Monohan/Brett Crezki/Andie Bates, Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane, Simon Lovelace/Isabelle Lightwood, Vex/Marcus Jordan, Vex/Mark/Marcus Jordan
Additional Tags: supernatural politics, Supernatural Races, posturing, Masturbation, Forced Masturbation, Public Masturbation, Sexual Offers, Blood Feeding, Vampire Feeding, Twincest, Mind fucking, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Threesomes, Double Penetration, Spit Roasting, D/s, Dominance, Submission, Power Play, Eldritch Magics, Crossover, Selfcest, Nudity, Group Nudity, group masturbation, Sex Magic, To Be Continued
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2CIeNso
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