#there’s 2 more but there’s also a 10 pic post limit
amazingmsme · 2 years
I’m bored & hyperfixating on all of my children, so I’m opening a q&a for all of my oc’s. Feel free to pop in & ask them anything you’d like! Here’s a basic rundown so you can get acquainted with them
Yernad Delmirev
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(Commissioned from @xgeborgenheitx ) Yernad is the crown prince of the island country Zenodrale. He used to be a war general & prevented his country from being invaded, & later moved to travel the world & clear his conscience. He met Naomi and became like her brother & raised her. During a fight, he was killed by death slaads and was later resurrected. He made a deal with the dragon god Bahamut to be his champion & prevent Tiamat from waging war on the living
Naomi Wilts
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Naomi is an orphaned satyr who was raised on her own in the woods. Her parents were killed by direwolves, but they managed to tuck her away safely. She became good friends with Yernad while he was passing through, and she convinced him to stay. She saw him die in her arms & she never really got over it. She only recently set out on her own, leaving the woods for the first time
Maria Saldago
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Maria Saldago is an aisimar paladin that was raised on a pirate ship. She fell from the heavens as a baby, intended to serve as a knight in a seaside town. The village was pillaged by a band of pirates, and the captain kidnapped her because he thought having an aisimar would be useful. He raised her as his daughter and she is now the proud captain of his ship
Eldritch Lovelace
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Who’s my favorite little war criminal? Eldritch Lovelace that’s who! His mom worked at a brothel until the king added him to his harem. Seeing the magical potential he had the higher ups in the castle kept them separated and trained him rigorously. Eventually, the soon to be king got his mother pregnant & executed her for “treason.” He let vengeance consume him, even after he got his revenge by killing the entire royal family & getting away with it by framing the new king. He’s also the leader and founder of a secret cult, The Divine Order. He’s in the middle of waging a fake war with a fake country the cult made up so they can make a mass empire through alliances. He’s winning bestie. He’s on top of the world & nothing can bring him down❤️
Jackson Ward
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Jackson is a teifling who was raised in an orphanage and aged out of the system. Despite this, he’s very successful and graduated high school at 15 and finished college before he turned 20. He’s a forensic specialist at a police station performing autopsies. He’s helped solve a good handful of cases since he started working there. He doesn’t really have many friends & is shunned at work for being the “weird guy who works with dead bodies.” He’s definitely had experiences with ghosts while working, & he had to testify on behalf of what the ghost of the victim told him. That was a real rough day in court. Anyway, he’s crushing hard on one of the victim’s sister. He feels guilty about it tho because of how they met.
P.S. Jackson really hates Christmas. At the orphanage they all had to share the toys & nothing was really yours. He doesn’t have a family to be with on the holiday & just works instead. So he’s a grumpy grinch ☹️
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Mirs stands for Marine Intelligence Response System, as she was originally an AI aboard a submarine. Unknown to her, she was made as a placebo effect & couldn’t actually protect the team of scientists on their expedition. As you can imagine, the mission went awry & there ended up being a traitor who sabotaged the whole thing, killing the entirety of the human crew. Mirs was left betrayed & heartbroken because she failed her only purpose & after a few years, pieces of the original submarine was recovered & her tech was recovered to give her a new body. She has a lot of trauma revolving around the failed mission but she’s living her own life now & is fairly happy
Magnolia of the Water Ashari
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Magnolia is a cleric from a temple in a small village that was ransacked a few months prior. Her brother is said to be involved in the attack but she refused to believe it and set out on her own in search of the truth. She joined a small group & managed to save Shroomsville from a corrupt circle of politicians that had the town under a mind spell & had kidnapped all of their children. Since freeing the town, Magnolia set out with her newly proclaimed best friend in search of new adventures
Gregor Schieffer
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Gregor used to be a human, but when he discovered the local priest had raped & impregnated his younger sister, he spoke out against the church & their town, only to be cursed for daring to go against their authority. He grew resentful of humanity & the town he once called home, doomed to watch over the very church that caused his family so much grief. Coated in dust and forgotten over time, he awaits the day where he will once be free. (Yeah I just wanted a gargoyle oc because of an episode of Face Off, what of it?)
Ambrosius Johnson
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Ambrosius was born in Victorian England and when old enough, opened his own bookshop where he met his sweetheart Angelic. One night, he was mugged in an alleyway & beaten within an inch of his life, during which he was turned into a vampire. Confessing to his fiancé, she broke off the engagement in terror, leaving him heartbroken. After meeting 2 older vampires and turning his sister after she convinced him to do so, they formed a band that would return every few decades after they’ve faked their death. Now they’re a very popular rock band called Mother Suckers & include lots of classical elements in their music. Ambrosius is still torn up over his lost love and many of their songs are about her.
Lilith Shelly
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Lilith is a tiefling whose bad luck lead her to where she is now. Her family has always lived in poverty, so Lilith took to deceit & thievery to provide for her family and became a hit man for a crime syndicate. As a blood hunter, she was able to do her job swiftly & easily, until she was framed for betrayal & now there’s a bounty on her head. Living on the run, she had to leave her family behind. She uses a fake accent & innocent persona to hide her true identity, searching for a way to clear her name
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wingwaver · 1 year
Welcome to all the redditors using Tumblr for the first time! Here's some tips for someone new to the site:
1. There is a daily post limit of 250.
2. The queue can hold 1000 posts.
3. If you're using the mobile app they recently added a read more sign at the bottom when making a post, this is useful for super long posts such as fanfiction and big photo sets or even long analysis posts! But if it's not working for you (god knows this site's features big out regularly) you can type :readmore: on a line by itself and press enter!
4. Speaking of fanfics, fans post both fanart and fanfic on this site so you'll come across both in tags! Along with gifsets, photo sets, music playlists, and character/show analysis.
5. Blocking is used very regularly on here and you can even block anonymous askers and report them to staff if they're harassing you.
6. Don't worry about censoring yourself, like reddit you're free to say fuck here.
7. There is nsfw on the site and some things get struck by the nsfw detection and some things don't, no one on this site knows how it works either but if you use the community tags you'll probably be fine.
8. If someone is being a dick we block them but also we kung pow penis them. This wrecks devastation on their notifications.
9. No one really uses Tumblr live. Almost all of the site just turns it off every week (found in settings).
10. Tags can be very useful for organizing posts! If you man an original post about a thing you like and you would like people to see it you can tag it with the things name. You can also tag reblogs of that thing to keep track of posts about that thing. Tagging a reblogged post will not make it show up in the site's tags, just your blogs tags, so don't worry about your reblog spamming site tags!
11. Oh! Speaking of tags, only the first 5 or 6 really matter, so if you want you post to be seen in a specific tag make sure it's one of the first ones!
12. With pictures you can upload 10 pics to one post on mobile and 30 pics to one post on desktop!
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daman19942 · 4 months
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TSR CC Recommendations: TS2 Lot Builders
Nobody asked for this but I have a little time on my hands and I said I might do it, so here is a list of some TSR lot builders who I recommend checking out. A few notes under the cut before we get started (all details under the cut, as well, in case you aren't interested in my preamble):
This is not meant to be paid promotion for TSR. I believe TSR asking users to pay for their CC is ridiculous, especially for a 19 year old game they haven't supported in 7 years. But I spent many years uploading there during the peak-TS2 / pre-TS3 era and know there is great CC in their archives that newer players may not know about. And unlike TheSims2.com, which has sadly shuffled off this mortal coil, TSR's content is still available to freely download (assuming you can stomach the pop-ups and wait times)
This post will only be about lot builders because that was what I was primarily uploading and downloading in this era. I was friendly with some of the creators I am about to list, but none of them are still active members of the TS2 community.
The preview pics might be a little rough and the architecture styles will likely feel very dated compared to the most popular styles these days, which are more colorful, cluttered, and use 3t2 and 4t2 conversions. Re: the previews: too many of us were using free trials of PaintShopPro back then, and TSR limited us to 2 previews, so we did our best. Re: the styles: unlike pre-2010's CAS CC, which was full of hand painted and "realistic" textures (LOL), these are the same objects you can find in the game today, just being used in different ways! Sometimes for the first time! And, yes, while some of these creators used CC, it was mostly Homecrafter walls and floors, as you'll see below.
This was also the hey-day of CFE lot building, which has certainly fallen out of favor to more traditional builds (in part because graphics cards have improved and these types of builds don't look as good in 2024, and also because the great CFE experimenters, builders, and tutorial writers are no longer part of the community and their original discoveries are gone as well - I am happy to go down a massive rabbit hole on this piece of TS2 history if anyone else cares, but trust me, you don't have to care).
Alright that is enough caveating, here are some recs! (Links are in the creator's names and they take you to their Lots, though many of them have other creations, too).
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Lord Tiko Speaking of great CFE builders! Lord Tiko built spaceships, boats, pagodas, domes, windmills and bridges, oh so many bridges before retiring mid-TS2 because of health issues. He was one of the first builders to take Daihtnaoz7's single and double bridge tutorials and apply them to really big lots. I'm still not sure how he built the Venice Rialto Bridge, or his other European water lots. Overall, a massive inspiration to me when I was prioritizing CFE builds.
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Hatshepsut My favorite "traditional" home builder, and someone I considered a friend. She specialized in English and American builds, and I had many of Hat's houses in my old saves and was impressed by her range and decorating style which was (for the time) more varied than many of her peers. Knew how to take great preview pics of her houses, too.
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Tigerblue Another builder I corresponded with, Tigerblue was probably the least prolific uploader on this list for sheer number of uploads, but she also crossed a range of styles. Her builds leaned way into specific styles (see the previews, these were all part of consistent sets of 3,4, or even 10 lots), but this was also what happened when a new EP dropped and everyone raced to uploaded builds using as many of the new objects and styles as possible. Tigerblue just happened to be better at it than most of us.
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Cyclonesue Do current TS2 players know Cyclonesue? Because it's hard to think of someone who had a bigger impact on building and decorating of the era, first with her English and Tudor builds and later with her extremely distinct grunge creations. Seriously, check out her Urban Renewal series and the corresponding objects. Iconic stuff that surely now feels frozen in time. I probably only played 20% of her lots that I downloaded, but they still make for great hood decor. Like Tiko, someone who happily experimented with CFE.
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Illiana The creator who inspired me to make this list is, ironically, the one on it who I know the least about (she is a Featured Artist but not in the Hall of Fame, whatever that means). I just started playing her Tri-Annyas fraternity house and have a few other lots floating around my game. She built in a range of styles, from classical to modern to Twikki Island to grunge. Revisiting some of them in-game, the TSR previews do not do them justice.
*EXHALES* If you made it to this point, kudos to you. I'm sure there are creators I've forgotten, and houses I haven't linked to, but this is a good starting point for digging into some of the eclectic builds the TSR(chives) have to offer (I just coined that, is it clever? It is not). Maybe I'll do a Part 2 if people like this.
If you have any favorites of your own, let me know what I missed! And as I do with my old Exchange re-uploads, I am tagging @sims2packrat and @oldasscustomcontent for general TS2 history awareness!
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obizenyukii · 2 months
top 10 obizenyuki moments (+all of the honorable mentions that i almost picked bc these three are too much .) DISCLAIMER: these are my opinions and also i talk a lot. <3
under the cut bc this is so long oh my god
number 10
every time i see this panel i just feel so happy. they belong together.
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number 9
needless to say you'll miss the young miss, but you'll be lonely without me too, i bet. this entire conversation . obi saying this as a light joke but also because he knows how much they both mean to zen. obi searching, in a way, for a reassurance that he /is/ needed and wanted as well, since it's so obvious that shirayuki would be. zen's response. this is a moment that shirayuki isn't physically in so i bumped it down a few places, but it's still so meaningful for the ot3.
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number 8
obi longing for zen and telling his bestie (zen's gf, who he's known for also occasionally longing for) about it casually under the stars (and saying he'll say that to zen under the stars) . i know what you are .
this moment is absolutely iconic and one of my personal favorites <3
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number 7
ot3 date <3333 the entire next chapter is just a bunch of cute moments of them (honestly could have had like 300 pics on this post if there wasn't a limit). them spending time together, goofing off, having fun and enjoying each other's company. give me 10 more of these dates please.
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number 6
whenever i reach out my hand, you would grasp it?
the most iconic trio of all time you will not change my mind. this moment being an unsaid promise between the three of them to always come back to each other . lay me to rest
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number 5
this moment is not as talked about (at least i haven't seen much of it discussed) but it's SO important to me. so much is being said without needing to spell it out. obi and zen keeping watch from afar, content in each other's company but also making sure shirayuki is in their sight. this is so romantic to do under the stars . they make me unwell. i need a vacation
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number 4
obi and shirayuki always keeping zen in their hearts no matter what, despite him wishing not to weigh on them. this also touching on zen telling obi he wishes the title he gave him won't be a burden to him. the bond they have is highlighted so beautifully here. it's pure love <3 i'm sick to my stomach. /j
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(& the bonus of obi and shirayuki seeing zen off together and looking at his retreating figure fondly. this is so romantic . i'm crazy .)
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number 3
the iconic whenever i'm with you two it's always like this ;^;; <3 obi's love towards these two started to take root here. you don't understand because it's love dude . you don't understand because you were never attached to someone like this. you never had a home to come back to, never had the acceptance and understanding you have in them. dumbass. (said fondly)
it's okay, he learns it later <3
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number 2
zen, furiously questioning obi and shirayuki on their health, making sure they're fine, and finally pulling them into a hug. his relief to have them safe and healthy in his arms. them realizing how worried he was . this is probably the most iconic obznyk moment and is a contender for n1 for sure, it was tough choosing between the n1&n2 moments ;; . god this moment. zen's "that's the most important thing" . don't talk to me i love them
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number 1
the iconic line that is also my ship tag, if it's for you and mistress, i'm willing to go anywhere </3 this moment was what solidified the ship for me when i was only an anime only (shudders) slowly getting into the fandom. the anime was enough but this entire chapter had me setting my house on fire (joke). the brainworms never stopped. the entire chapter is so crazy ot3 but this moment is my favorite and overall the message/highlight of obi's resolve & his answer to zen's questions. it also showed more than any other moment obi's love & dedication to shirayuki and zen. shirayuki isn't even in this scene but it's still my favorite ot3 moment in the manga so far <3
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and now, some honorable mentions. these following moments were all contenders for top 10 bc obznyk is so good. also these are not all of the obznyk moments in the manga ofc. there are many that i couldn't find in my screenshots and tried to find skimming through the manga but failed lol. these are just some classics/faves.
zen's iconic heart eyes
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pretty early on in their relationship development, zen liking seeing them together ;;
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zen being so happy around obi and shirayuki ;-;
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zen introducing himself as obi and shirayuki's companion <3 it's just spelled out at this point lol
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zen's heart eyes pt 100, if this post didn't have a limit i would've posted so many more of these
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shirayuki and zen fretting over obi and then spying on him (while obi knows and is having the time of his life stringing them along) because he was seen with a pretty lady
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it's like a part of me is always by their side <3 <3 <3 this would've been n10, but it's now the official number 11 moment
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shirayuki and zen putting their full trust in obi to the point of fully letting their guard down, and obi realizing that for the first time, he's wholeheartedly wanted.
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zen and shirayuki being the obi detection/protection squad <3
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there's so much more. i love them so much <333333
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amuseoffyre · 6 months
The more I write of my OFMD speculative S3 fic, the more I realise how much the writers were constrained for writing S2, by budget and executive interference about content and the limited time given by 8 episodes with reduced duration caps - I hadn't realised how much shorter some of the S2 episodes were than S1.
It makes me spit tacks thinking how much they could have done with the full 10 episodes, how so much of the stuff that felt rushed or pruned down or even fully cut was because too many CEOs spoiling the broth and forcing them to speedrun (and censor) so much.
We know they had:
a reunion scene with Jim and Olu - Samba mentioned it in WJW. Roach bringing them the soup and Olu crying on Jim's shoulder.
scenes setting up Zheng and Olu in the Republic from the press stills so it wasn't just hacked and slashed down to "you're the break in my day"
Wee John had more scenes with a through-line through multiple episodes about being tired of just being the Big Guy/muscle.
the entire planned polycule during episode 6 that was fully vetoed to the point that the cast and writers had to resort to slipping in coded references ("we've shared before" / "he's my anchor")
episode 6 originally meant to be a wedding episode where Ed actually pays for Lucius and Pete's wedding which again, vetoed, and we were only given a 2 minute ceremony tacked on the end - the fact that "Calypso's birthday" is literally "something you just made up as an excuse for a party" because they had to rewrite the episode
Ed and Stede actually spending episode 6 with them both not dealing well with "going slow" but it also being vetoed because Heaven forfend showing positive sexual desire between gay characters. But sure, lets show them being tortured instead. Max likes that.
Related to this is the 24 sexathon. Originally, it was meant to be Jim/Olu/Archie but it was shifted over to Lucius and Pete. Look at S1 when we had naked Olu and Jim snuggled post-coitus and Lucius drawing dick-pics and flirting shamelessly, 'we don't belong to each other'.
By comparison, S2 was pared back to a handful of kisses, one fade to black and a 60-second wedding. Nothing says sterilising the queer sex experience like having two people standing two feet apart, fully-dressed and not touching while saying "Oh yeah we had so much sex" 😤 THEY COULD HAVE BEEN CUDDLING IN BED. WE DESERVED CUDDLES. THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE.
But no. You may only have [this] much open queer affection in this show and then we shall destroy it because we never wanted to give you S2 in the first place.
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 8 months
Link Click Musical Masterlist 🔍🌟
#音乐剧时光代理人# <- 'Time Agents Musical' main tag, pictures tab - shows majority of stage pictures in chronological order, updates from official Encore Musicals show up here too.
Tips: 1) Visit the OP's profiles! They usually post more than the one photo you can see in a thumbnail. And it's easier to browse & save pics through the profile.
2) Even though you can scroll the pics tab indefinitely, without a weibo account you won't be able to easily access older posts, as they'll get buried under the user's newer posts (there's a roundabout way mentioned in my guide). So I recommend to visit this tag frequently, if you wanna be sure nothing is hidden away 🔍 Daily or once in a 2-3 days will be enough imo, it's not very crowded tag ^^
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3) ⬆You can also check videos in this tag, the orange tab has 10 most recent clips from the musical (other one has the most popular ones).
接着奏乐接着舞Musicals (Encore Musicals) <- official profile of a theatre that runs LC stage, they post the cast schedules, photos/behind the scenes clips, whenever new actor debuts, there's a special guests or a cast member has a birthday. They also report when an actor goes on a health break. Tip: all LC actors can be found in the pinned post (you'd need OCR 'image-text' tool to copy their names from pics though)
Encore Musicals Bilibili account <- theatre's official profile on a major cn video-sharing platform (more bts clips)
动画师lan <- bonus link to studio LAN profile, that's where they post the mysterious animation frames~
校医来啦 <- profile of a chief producer of LC Musical, Chen Xiaoyi
兮兮兮辞_ <- profile of an executive producer of LC musical
Metablue赛博蓝 <- bilibili of a music producer, she did videos about working on LC musical songs
✨cast visuals promotional photos here✨
their personal weibo profile & actor specific hashtag (the 'diamond tag', you find the most stuff here)
Lu Guang
Wang Minhui - @王敏辉Black 王敏辉
Wu Yihan - @音乐剧演员吴以瀚 音乐剧演员吴以瀚
Guo Hongxu - @郭虹旭_GHX 郭虹旭
Du Guangyi - @杜光禕 杜光祎
Zhu Hanbin - @Keb_朱涵彬 朱涵彬
Yin Haolun - @殷浩倫Monster 殷浩伦
Yang Haoran - @YANGHRAN 杨浩然hr
Cheng Xiaoshi
Cai Qi - @超级蔡淇 超级蔡淇
Shu Rongbo - @舒荣波-Bobi 舒荣波
Ji Xiaokun - @原来是纪晓坤啊 纪晓坤
Teng Chunpeng - @滕春鹏tcp 滕春鹏 (cw: heel injury pic is the only post on his @profile ><, just visit the tag)
Ding Xingchen - @D丁星辰 丁星辰
Cao Muzhi - @曺牧之 曹牧之
Bai Zhuoming - @丿日亻卓钅名 白倬铭
Wang Yifei - @王逸飞_V 王逸飞
Jing Yanqiao - @井彦乔JING_ 井彦乔
Guo Hongxu - @郭虹旭_GHX 郭虹旭 (yes, he plays both)
Qiao Ling
Cai Lu - @蔡璐_Katherine 蔡璐
Deng Xianling - @邓贤凌邓阿凌 邓贤凌
Wu Hanglu - @吴杭律 吴杭律
Feng Xinyao - @冯鑫垚smile 冯鑫垚
Qiang Dongyue - @嘀嗒_强东玥 强东玥
Zuo Yiping - @左一平儿 左一平
Qian Anqi - @钱安琪麦麦 钱安琪
Yan Lehuang - @闫乐湟乐乐 闫乐湟
Lu Hongbin/Chen Xiao
Zhang Jiahao - @张嘉豪music 演员张嘉豪
Li Zexi - @李泽熙Zenith 李泽熙
Xu Fangxing - @阿星-许放星 许放星
Zhi Bowen - @智小少总是不靠谱 智博闻
Zhou Bobo - @就叫我波波好了 周波波波波波
Zhang Zhiwei - @张智伟_
Song Yuanming - @教练 我zen勒想打球! 宋元明
Gaoer Jinbaoyin - @高尔金宝音 高尔金宝音
Lin Zhen/Chen Xiao's mom
Hong Guo - @红果其实是洪果 音乐剧演员洪果
Liao Jingyuan - @廖婧媛LJY 廖婧媛
Guo Zhenyan - @郭珍艳Miki 郭珍艳
En Yu - @恩妤Ura
Shen Tian - @音乐剧演员沈恬 音乐剧演员沈恬
Yu Mengying - @于梦滢yummy 于梦滢
Zhu Jiayan - @朱佳艳Rio 朱佳艳
Zhang Ruishu - @_张睿姝_
Zou Ziyue - @-Zou醉是子月 邹子月
A few actors for supporting cast don't have a tag bc they seem to be newbie actors and/or have very small online presence
Tips: 1) Without a weibo account you can scroll through the actor's tag only up to abt 45 most recent posts. The actors perform in multiple plays (duh) so non-LC photos will show up too.
2) Imo the most optimal method, so the limits won't stop you is: go to the main 'LC musical' tag and see what's new. Check schedule for the cast lineup in a recent performance. Go to the actors' tags to see what's new.
3) Sometimes there are 2 performances on a same day, with different actors. So don't be surprised if you find mixed lineups under one date.
4) Mostly QL and Lin Zhen's actresses post behind the scenes photos on their personal profiles. Don't bother looking up the guys accounts, unless it's a holiday or their b-day >< From what I remember, only Wu Yihan posts abt his cat. Zhang Jiahao and Zhou Bobo post selfies sometimes. Ji Xiaokun posts his own photography (he's good!).
5) Google translate, however broken, is enough to translate the captions, so use it for context✨Ppl sometimes give their reviews titled 'repos' from the stage they've seen 🙏
6) You'll find more musical related clips under the actor's tag, than in 'LC musical' main tag. It's usually in an actor's fancam, but not always. Useful when you like an actor or there was a particular moment you want to see from a different angle🌟👌
7) The clips tab (one in the middle) under the actor's tag has no time limited access. You can browse and watch the videos without issues!
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I'll try to add missing tags when the actors debut 💪 And if you find any mistakes or a broken links, please let me know 🙏 For those who read it all, here's a present ;>
光时 <- bonus Shiguang ship tag, they're just like us fr (but way more horny on main), there's lots of art, from cute fluff to nsfw djs >>
OKAY that's all I have🎉
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Welcome to the shitshow
We have:
A ✈ sighting. No pics.
The MPC live, scarce details. No rings. Spartan decor. Suntan and out of Bonnie Scotland. No further details on destination, which might or might not be the same as the flight. Mark me, I think it is - he is in Gran Canaria and for a very precise reason: keeping his part of the deal and his Onlies on tenterhooks.
C is seen in Marseille, hullaballoo ensues. We pinpoint some coincidental details. I was expecting the shite to hit the fan in 4, 3, 2, 1...
And it did. With both sopranos hinting at the same person, but only one brave (or rather foolish enough) to push a name out there. Disingenuous, to say the least - but oh, how convenient for any given agenda. Because it's too easy, when you give out a name to a thirsty crowd to say: 'well, of course it's because of the shippers! They did this or that (sky is the limit)! They are to blame!' (excuse me?) and 'well, of course they won't say a word, now' (how convenient if the thing does not stick, eventually).
That was, IMHO, a strategic mistake and the petticoat is showing across the pond.
Around the same time, I started to get a different kind of Anon, day after day after day. Very brutal. Foul-mouthed. And...with some intel. I answered the first, but then when things started to 'happen', the coin dropped very quickly that: a) I did hit a nerve and b) someone or some people wanted me to push this particular agenda - remember when...?
For reference:
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And then today, just in time for the long, boring, chilly and even snowy (depending on your location) week-end, the bomb dropped and the cargo was juicy:
A name. A woman. A gym. Not one, but three suspicious videos: the one with the leg, the one with the clear voice (unmistakably S!) and the one with the dog (and more S voiceover). How nicely connected. How fucking perfect.
An Airbnb close to the gym. What would a single woman traveler do in a three-bedroom gargantuan villa all by herself, when you are in Winterbird Central with a bajillion other accommodation options, is beyond any logic. So easily and lazily - OMG, date!
Unless you conveniently forget some details:
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Not one, but three different promos/endorsements, with a discount code to boot - 10% off, how nice!
The one that has been discussed by just about everyone:
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The one that provided the discount code for new subscribers: Gymshark, a fitness attire manufacturer (https://eu.gymshark.com/).
And the most important one, hiding behind a humble hashtag: #metcon. Now I don't know you, but I'd rather digress about tea parlors and bookstores, and so had no fucking idea Metcon was, in fact...
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Yup. Nike. A very recent model - expensive and sure, in need of immediate product placement/promo:
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And so, for tax reasons, she just had to (mandatorily) include the #ad (as in advertisement, lest we'd not have naive Anons again!) hashtag.
Also, this, posted along the short reel with S's voice (but who cared, all 👂were there and only there):
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That woman was working. She has, after all, 450k Insta followers. If she and S met at a gym in a winter destination very sought after by Scots should be none of our business. If they met again or have a regular training schedule does not mean they fuck or that we're going to look out for Remarkable Week-end 2.0. If they met in Hyrox GLA - so what? What is this, I beg your pardon, Gilead? People just can't hang out, like ever, I mean men and women?
But.. but... the gargantuan villa...?
Och. Sure enough, the place is correctly identified. You can check chez Marple. I am not posting it, because I do not want to and by now, I trust just about everyone has seen those pics. But this time, I am not going there. The name of that villa, even, made me laugh like a drain. I mean how more in your face can they be?
Who footed the bill of this rather comfy PR shitshow, reminiscing of Ha-wa-wee, 🐰 and whatever else you could think of? SRH?
Perhaps. But what if Nike did, as a freebie to a very good promoter? They sure can spare the dime and, to be honest, as we speak, there is no sign S and her share anything else than a gym schedule. What tells us with absolute certainty, at least at this moment in time, she is not there with friends, family or even a group of fellow promoters, Avon-style?
Oh, and the world is definitely a handkerchief, especially in GLA, it would seem. Wanna know who also follows her on Insta?
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Paul Donnelly. Nope, not the chef. This Paul Donnelly:
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The one who literally owes S a shitload of cash. A post that earned me a report (I was just explaining, if I remember correctly, that S would have been wise to legally secure that hefty loan, nothing more).
And now you know what? That post is gone, vanished, poof and I have no idea why. I surely did not take it down, I never do this.
And surely enough, just before I started writing, Filthy Anon came back and warned me there was more (pics, 👅👄) about McFitness. Surely enough, the same info (albeit toned down) was picked up by *urv in her comments' thread, about twenty minutes after Anon dropped by.
Agenda, anyone? God forbid!
You draw your own conclusions. I can only very honestly say:
Welcome to the Shitshow - the Winter Edition!
This page is not going to follow blindly your script, whoever you are. This page simply hopes to cleverly hit a nerve every time it considers necessary. Other than that, big effing deal, really. Ship on.
Sorry for the length. I was never good at summing up.
92 notes · View notes
ᰔᩚ ADOTPS!!! NO WAY!!!
Hiiii guyssss I found some old characters/designs that I don't use anymore or gotta redo entirely, so I opened adopts!
This is the second bunch!!
This is the third bunch!!!
They're all DRAW TO GET!!! Even a simple doodle is fine! Just reblog with the drawing and is yours!
Will have to divide them in 2 posts cuz they're too many and it would go over the 10 pics limit but here's the first bunch!
1) Unnamed TV head
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2¹) Unnamed HK Vessel
2²) Unnamed HK Moff
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3¹) Unnamed Ori OC (on the left)
3²) Hue
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4) Doodle TAKEN!!!
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5) Willow TAKEN!!!
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Don't look too much into the lore or even the names (also cuz I might end up using the same names for future characters and/or sonas) it's not really important unless you wanna keep it I'm just talking about the designs here then you can like, do whatever you want. You can change literally anything once you've adopted I'm just giving away concepts more than actual characters
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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We're back for the last update before Barflina fucks off to college! This is one giant update I have to split in 2 parts them thanks to the liferuining new 30 pics limit, I will post part 2 right after this one. I don't mean to be dramatic but the universe cannot contain my hatred for the new post editor. At least I have Wendi looking all cute and regal.
-I will NEVER have kittens with Shinok, I hate him and his stupid, not coordinated grey leg coloring!
-I care, look at my beautiful cohesive coat! His genes would ruin it and our kids would be freaks!
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-Jimbo, on the other hand, is a perfect specimen! Now that's a good addition to my gene pool!
Jimbo, the leopard print, custom slider freakshow DOG is a perfect specimen for you, Wendi the CAT. I'm starting to suspect you're a cross-species perv and Shinnok's legs aren't the problem here.
-Shut it! Leave that elderly deer bitch Veronica, Jim, and run away with me!
-Oh Wendi, I don't know, it seems wrong..
-I hear you, baby, but maybe it's so wrong.. it's right?
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10 seconds later:
-Ok I'm back, just in time for my birthday!
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Happy birthday, Shinnok, your present is your dad dying at the exact same time. WTF @ game timing.
-Daddy no!
-I'm off to join your mother in cat heaven, Shinnok!
-But Mom hated you!
-Oh right she did, well she's probably in Hell anyway. Guard those mismatched grey legs you got from me, they are my legacy!
-I will Dad! I will!!
RIP Klaus, you were a sweetheart, I'm sorry you had to mate with Kitana💔
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Xander and Sandy are each other's fav and Sandy is constantly late for work because she's fucking around playing with him. I'd like to remind you guys that I've been trying to get her to the top of the culinary career since SOPHITO AND SUGAR WERE CHILDREN
-B̷U̴T ̸I ̷L̷O̷V̴E̵ XA̴N̸D̵E̶R̵🧟‍♀️
Will you get your zombie ass to work, Xander will be here when you come back!
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RIP Xander, you were the best dog we've had so far, you were so good and loyal and kept running into fires with your dumbass owners. I'll miss you💔
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-I ̴D̶I̵D̶ ̶I̷T, I F̷I̸N̷A̴L̷L̶Y̵ ̵D̴I̸D̵ ̶I̸T̶! W̴H̵E̷R̷E̵'̸S̶ M̵Y ̸D̵O̷G̷ ̴BA̷B̷Y🧟‍♀️
Sandy I'm so happy for you, and also I'd like to talk to you about the law of equivalent exchange.
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Could it be that there are too many people in this house?? Could it??? I'm starting to feel it's possible.
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AWWWW they have Jimbo's spots, so cute! God this lot is gonna explode.
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Time for Liz's cucky birthday party with no guests because I'm already tempting fate with this lot.
-Thank you, balloons, for protecting the viewing public from Failina's face. -This face has been making out with Meadow Thayer while you're getting rejected by the Tricou Don clones. -SHUT UP I'LL KILL YOU -Can I blow my candles now? -Not yet, Mom, I'm not done bringing up Barf's humiliating dating failures.
Please go ahead, Liz, and also where the hell is your husband.
-Playing catch with Sugar.
Of course he is.
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-Happy birthday to me!
Do you feel any different, other than this awful outfit that I'm changing asap?
-Now that you mention it I do..
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-..I feel the inexplicable need to fight with my 100yo mother-in-law despite the fact we're friends!
Liz wtf WHY
-There can only be one cunty matriarch around here and it is I! And also I'm a way better lawyer than you ever were! Now let me just get my makeover-
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-So I can berate you some more!
WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. Liz wtf is your problem??? It's literally like a switch flipped as soon as she aged up, what on earth.
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She does, Liz, she really does. You come at the queen, you best not miss! But I still don't get why this feud erupted out of nowhere??
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-Dad, someone will date me, right?? -Of course they will, son! You'll be a hoe, like your dad was before you! -But no one wants to date me! You had 50 first dates, I clearly get my genes from you but not the success! -Well, you'll have to relax and play it cool. You come across a little neurotic and/or psychotic. You get that from your mom. -You're right, Dad, I won't call the matchmaker until I'm as relaxed as one of those pimples chilling on Failina's gross oily forehead!
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-Ah, nothing more relaxing than a nice, hot cup of tea..
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-..with the view of Uncle Sugar setting Sandy's spine back in place. -I̸T FE̵L̸L ̴O̸F̷F🧟‍♀️ -Ok, I'm ready for my date!
See you in part 2, coming right up!
66 notes · View notes
Here we go again. The criticism of SH’s Sassanach Gin tour is as expected. Not everyone has to like what he does. That’s fair. But that continuing narrative that he takes advantage of his fans? Sorry, but that’s a hard no for me.
Personally I don’t know how the actual fuck he does it. Ten years in and he is still gracious and accommodating to all his fans, even those that cross every line. How is unsolicited groping ever acceptable? I think he is far too affable. But the he’s taking advantage of his fans continues. If all he wanted to do was was an Outlander pump and dump cash grab, not only is he doing it all wrong, he’s working far to hard. Rather than invest his own money and produce a craft product, he could have purchased a house brand equivalent of whisky and gin, and concentrate on labels. Imagine limited edition pumpkin spice, thanksgiving, Christmas, new year’s, Valentine’s Day, shirtless-you get the idea- SH limited edition bottles. I think he’s looking beyond that and trying to build a brand.
There’s also been a lot written about the individual appearances and signings. I would never camp out at midnight to get a place in line, but a 6-8 hour wait? There are a small group of gals that I follow and Dm with, that I would gladly grab a lawn chair and sunscreen and happily take my place in line with. Not sure if they would be as keen, but @khccbc1745, @kiaora45, @harriethattie, @caldineens, @collectido, @ maryofboston, @ Stargazer74 , @andorra97 and many more, who take the time to not only comment, but call me out when I get things wrong(which I have been known to do) you know who you are- I’d wait in line, with any of these women, in a heartbeat. Even though we range in age-40-80- I don’t think we would have a single second of silence. With a group, you take turns getting coffee, snacks, lunch…quick SH selfie, hotel nap, dinner and drinks. I think that’s the part people don’t get when they see the long lines. It’s not for everyone, but it’s also for most a once in a lifetime thing. Go ahead and laugh, a couple of years ago I was the first to make fun of people like me, but scrolling through the fandom has become one of my favourite things to do, and something I don’t have to share with other family and friends that will never understand the joy of all things Outlander and SH😊. The other thing that most people don’t get is that, and I think I can speak not only for myself but the other amazing women in the fandom, we really don’t take each other that seriously. This is fun, and for me definitely a guilty pleasure bc🥸I’m so happy that I have these like minded people I can commiserate with because I just watched the last mid season episode of season 7. How dare they say…to be continued next year. Next year? Ffs.
On a final note, a fun fact. If we didn’t have tickets for tennis, I definitely would have gone to the Scottish festival in Fergus Ontario to see our very own hometown boy CV, and RR and for once be able to post some original pics. Not far from home, I’ve been to the festival in the past- definitely have Scots in the family tree including a competitive bagpiper- and its always fun. I’ve really enjoyed CV as WR in the first part of season 7 and really looking forward to watching his story unfold. But having to wait until next year to watch the second half of season 7, and who knows how long before season 8 airs. Don’t even get me started about DG, and the timeline for the release of book 10. Seriously considering a class action lawsuit for the cruel and unusual punishment inflicted by DG when she said Jamie’s ghost story would be revealed in the last page of book 10. Why DG? Why? On the other hand, I can take my time scrolling, commenting and posting about season 7. If I was a patient person, which I’m not. So for now I’ll make due with the ongoing commentary of how people around the world refer to the “pineapple swim trunks” SH sports in an upcoming episode of MIK 2. Something budgies….🦜🏊‍♂️🩲…
67 notes · View notes
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To find out, pick a number/shape that you're most drawn to and that pops out to you the most. Don't overthink it, just take a look and choose what comes first to your mind!
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This reading entails 1 card each for your energy in this connection, your challenge, the person you have in mind's energy in the connection, their challenge, and the unifying force (what brings you together/the energy that's shared between you/your energies combined).
This is a general/collective reading so just take what resonates and leave the rest. Tarot serves as guidance - it's up to you what you do with the information.
Pile 1 :
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Your energy :
Judgement clarified by 7 of Pentacles -
It's time to make a decision & let go of any fears holding you back from crossing the threshold into the unknown. This time has come due to you questioning whether your investment in your connection has given sufficient rewards, or will give sufficient rewards.
Your Challenge :
6 of Pentacles clarified by Ace of Pentacles -
Your challenge is to make an offer of prosperous new beginnings to your person.
Your Person's Energy :
Temperance clarified by 6 of Swords -
Your person is healing & recovering from a difficult time.
Their Challenge :
The World clarified by Temperance -
While they've been gaining Temperance (healing, renewal, balance), they still have yet to reach the point to where they feel whole & complete. This is due to something blocking them - probably a gained belief from the difficult time they've gone through.
Unifying Force :
7 of Pentacles clarified by Daughter of Wands -
You both have a passionate vision for your connection & have been investing into it & contemplating it because of that.
The Romance Angels Oracle offers more insight into your situation so I decided to use it along with clarifiers. I hit the 10 page limit so I'll put the pics of these cards in a reblog.
Your Energy :
You Deserve Love - You are loveable! clarified by Ace of Wands -
One of the things holding you back from pursuing this connection is your insecurities & that you have a hard time believing people like you. Follow your passion! Just use good judgement & dont act in excess.
Their Energy :
True Love - This Is The Romance Of A Lifetime! clarified by The Devil, 2 of Wands, 5 of Pentacles -
They do really want to be with you but they also really struggle with negative thoughts. They're just now getting out of a period where they've lost something important. This could be an illness (I'm sensing general mental health issues), financial trouble, or a relationship.
Unifying Force -
Wedding - This situation involves a marriage clarified by The Hanged Man & 10 of Pentacles -
This is a time of inaction between you. There's either nothing you can do or you're perceiving it that way and are waiting for something to happen. Use this time to gain insight & perhaps look at things a different way. You're both waiting for some type of union between you - whether that's a relationship or marriage. This union will bring fulfillment & abundance.
It seems that your person has a habit of overthinking things & having anxieties. So this includes your connection. They may feel that they're not good enough for you or that they don't have enough to support you. You're picking up on their energy which is causing you to overthink as well. Have a candid & caring conversation about how you feel & lay everything out on the table. They just need time to heal.
✨If this reading resonates with you & you'd like a more detailed personal reading, feel free to check out the pricing for services I offer on the pinned post on my profile. Starting out at $5 per question. I hope this helped 💖✨
Pile 2 :
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Your Energy :
Judgement clarified by Mother of Pentacles -
You're making a decision about a domestic issue or a patient & loving person who feels like family or lives with you. They may be needy & attached.
Your Challenge :
The Hanged Man clarified by Daughter of Wands -
Your challenge is to have patience for your passionate vision.
Their Energy :
Page of Swords clarified by 2 of Wands -
They're needlessly defensive about pursuing you.
Their Challenge :
2 of Chalices clarified by 10 of Swords & The Moon -
Their challenge is making a healthy & equal connection with you because they're living in illusions that are causing them uncertainty, fear, and sadness. Theyre really down about this situation to say the least.
Unifying Force :
5 of Wands clarified by 10 of Pentacles -
There is somewhat of a chaotic energy between you. Your thoughts are scattered & you don't know what to think about or how to obtain the fulfillment & abundance you want with each other.
The Romance Angels Oracle offers more insight into your situation so I decided to use it along with clarifiers. I hit the 10 page limit so I'll put the pics of these cards in a reblog.
Your Energy :
Attraction - You attract romanic love by enjoying the moment fully clarified by 2 of Pentacles & 4 of Cups -
It seems you're not noticing the opportunity before you. You're not recognizing how this situation can change because you're detached from the present. Try to ground yourself. Whatever challenges you've gone through in this connection has caused you to try to numb yourself.
Their Energy :
Give Your Relationship A Chance - Work on your relationship clarified by 7 of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, & 4 of Wands -
They're either hiding that they want to work on your relationship or they've lied about something that has caused you to have to put work in. It can require hard work & a team effort but having a healthy relationship will be a cause for celebration.
Unifying Force :
Forgiving And Learning - As you yand heal the past, you experience more love in the present clarified by 8 of Wands, The Moon, 10 of Swords, Mother of Swords, Father of Cups, & Justice -
You've gone through something difficult together. Your person's deeply rooted insecurities is a factor in why they've made the mistake they've made & because of this, they're fearful & uncertain about the future of your relationship. You've been particularly critical & you may have a reason to be. Because of their mistake, you have a decision to make - it's likely about whether or not you should leave this connection.
✨If this reading resonates with you & you'd like a more detailed personal reading, feel free to check out the pricing for services I offer on the pinned post on my profile. Starting out at $5 per question. I hope this helped 💖✨
Pile 3 :
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Your Energy :
3 of Pentacles clarified by Strength, Father of Swords, & The Magician -
You see this 3rd party situation as an immense task to overcome. You're being asked to have strength, confidence, and determination, to be fair, analytical, and objective, to empower yourself by consciously manifesting your desired outcome and by taking action.
Your Challenge :
4 of Pentacles clarified by The Star & Ace of Wands -
You're holding on too tightly to your desire to have a relationship. You're being asked to have faith & believe in your passionate vision. Letting go of control doesn't mean you'll lose someone or something. It just means you know you're stable with or without it and you're open to whatever is meant for you.
Their Energy :
The Hanged Man clarified by 3 of Cups, 3 of Swords, The Sun, & Ace of Pentacles -
They've sacrificed their desire to be with you to be in their current relationship. This breaks their heart because they see clearly that they want a prosperous beginning with you. They share the same passionate vision as you.
Their Challenge :
The Devil clarified by 8 of Swords, 7 of Swords, Wheel of Fortune, Daughter of Wands, 5 of Cups, & Father of Pentacles -
They're being held back from your connection because they feel trapped & powerless about feeling that they have to hide that they want to end their relationship in order to be with you. They need to release themselves from the illusion that they can't be in control of their own life.
Unifying Force :
Judgement clarified by 5 of Wands -
It's time to make a decision and rise above fear and overthinking in order to make it.
The Romance Angels Oracle offers more insight into your situation so I decided to use it along with clarifiers. I hit the 10 page limit so I'll put the pics of these cards in a reblog.
Your Energy :
Flirt - Extend your lighthearted energy to others - clarified by Strength -
You've gotten the Strength card twice so there's an emphasis here that you need to find the courage, compassion, and ability to manage your emotions within yourself. Don't take "flirt" literally - this wouldn't be a healthy foundation for the relationship you want to have as they're already in a closed relationship. But do relax, be outgoing, and enjoy their company. This opens you up to more positivity. You're also being invited to initiate the heart to heart conversation they want to have with you.
Their Energy :
Heart To Heart Conversations - Honestly discuss your feelings with eachother clarified by 7 of Pentacles, The World, & Daughter of Wands -
They're contemplating everything about this situation and what's stopping them from feeling whole and content. They have a passionate vision for your connection - they just feel stuck.
Unifying Force :
Healing Family Issues - Your love life benefits as you forgive your parents clarified by Father of Wands, 10 of Wands, & Ace of Cups -
They may have picked something up from a father figure that makes them struggle with having healthy relationships or a father figure is negatively influencing this connection - perhaps by not approving of you and approving of their current relationship. You both have a desire to be close with each other but you're avoidant. Their father didn't show them love.
✨If this reading resonates with you & you'd like a more detailed personal reading, feel free to check out the pricing for services I offer on the pinned post on my profile. Starting out at $5 per question. I hope this helped 💖✨
Pile 4 :
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Your Energy :
7 of Pentacles clarified by Death, Ace of Wands, Mother of Wands, & 3 of Swords -
You've recently gone through the ending of something domestic that's brought you heartbreak. You're contemplating on investing in your new idea - likely the renewal of a relationship.
Your Challenge -
3 of Swords clarified by The Hierophant, Temperance, & 8 of Pentacles -
Your challenge is to learn how to overcome your pain and heal. Seek therapy, research coping skills, self-help, etc.
Their Energy :
5 of Swords clarified by 6 of Wands, 7 of Pentacles, 2 of Swords, & 8 of Swords -
They've walked away from arguing with you
Their Challenge :
The Lovers clarified by 3 of Cups, 8 of Wands, The Devil, 4 of Swords, & Father of Cups -
They have to decide between you and someone else. This has caused them to feel stuck and struggle with the mental pressures. They need to be more diplomatic in this connection.
Unifying Force :
2 of Wands clarified by 9 of Pentacles -
You both want a healthy and happy home with eachother. Although there's an air of uncertainty, ultimately at the end of the day you both know you want this.
The Romance Angels Oracle offers more insight into your situation so I decided to use it along with clarifiers. I hit the 10 page limit so I'll put the pics of these cards in a reblog.
Your Energy :
Pay Attention To The Red Flags - The signs are cautioning you clarified by 9 of Cups, 7 of Swords, Daughter of Wands, 10 of Swords, The Lovers, & Father of Cups-
They promised bliss and harmony but in reality they were faced with a decision between you and someone else. You're the Father of Cups and since you appeared in his Challenge, you're also the goose in The Lovers card that they truly want to choose. I would still heed this card's warning by keeping your eyes open and not being quick to sweep things under the rug.
Their Energy :
Love Yourself First - Your self respect makes you more romantically attractive clarified by Son of Wands, Ace of Cups, Daughter of Swords, & 6 of Swords -
They may seem charming on the surface but this facade of perfection is covering deeply rooted insecurities. They used this charm to rizz you up but you ended up seeing through them which caused you to become spiteful & judgemental. They need to learn how to love themselves.
Unifying Force :
This Could Be The One - You've already met the romantic partner you seek clarified by 5 of Swords, Son of Swords, 4 of Wands, & Father of Swords -
If you lay down your weapons & steadily work on your relationship this could be the one for you. Try being more fair, analytical, & responsible + less brash & forceful.
✨If this reading resonates with you & you'd like a more detailed personal reading, feel free to check out the pricing for services I offer on the pinned post on my profile. Starting out at $5 per question. I hope this helped 💖✨
Pile 5 :
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Your Energy :
The World clarified by 8 of Cups, Strength, Father of Wands, & 9 of Swords -
You're able to keep your composure during conflict but your person isn't. Although this connection is fulfilling and very important to you, it's been going through a difficult time of toxicity, conflict, and/or stagnation.
Your Challenge :
Queen of Wands clarified by The Empress + Son of Cups (+ indicates the cards came out together) -
You're struggling to connect with your intuition regarding this connection and expressing your love & passion.
Their Energy :
The Devil clarified by 10 of Cups & Daughter of Cups -
They're being held back from their goals being accomplished with you because they're a sensitive person that struggles to deal with conflict, overthinking, and misinterpreting situations negatively.
Their Challenge :
2 of Wands clarified by 8 of Wands, The High Priestess, & 10 of Wands -
They're struggling with choosing where they want to go. There's something blocking them from connecting with their own insight.
Unifying Force :
Ace of Cups clarified by The Moon, Temperance, & The Devil -
Allow your love for each other to put out any conflict arising. Get in tune with your feelings and intuition & tune out any doubts and fears bringing confusion and uncertainty. You both have love for each other - trust in it and allow it to flow.
The Romance Angels Oracle offers more insight into your situation so I decided to use it along with clarifiers. I hit the 10 page limit so I'll put the pics of these cards in a reblog.
Your Energy :
Keep An Open Mind clarified by 7 of Pentacles, Temperance & 4 of Cups -
You're being asked to keep an open mind during this time of contemplation. There's hope for healing and renewal - part of your task is recognizing positive aspects of this connection & believing in it again.
Their Energy :
Heart To Heart Conversations clarified by Daughter of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, & 3 of Swords -
They want to have a honest heartfelt conversation with you about the anxieties and heartbreak they've been experiencing.
Unifying Force :
True Love clarified by The Magician, 4 of Pentacles, & 6 of Swords -
True love is worth taking action towards. With some will power and confidence, you both can move on to better times and stability.
✨If this reading resonates with you & you'd like a more detailed personal reading, feel free to check out the pricing for services I offer on the pinned post on my profile. Starting out at $5 per question. I hope this helped 💖✨
Pile 6 :
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Your Energy :
The World clarified by 10 of Swords, 7 of Wands, & 3 of Pentacles -
You've felt whole and complete in this connection but something has caused you to hit rock bottom and to have to find your inner strength and courage.
Your Challenge :
3 of Wands clarified by 7 of Swords, The Hanged Man, & Temperance -
You're questioning the future of this connection because there has been deception - probably about a 3rd party - and a lack of harmony.
Their Energy :
7 of Pentacles clarified by 5 of Swords, 3 of Cups, The High Priestess + 7 of Cups (+ indicates the cards came out together) -
They're contemplating the connection and why they self destructed + overindulged by bringing a 3rd party into the situation.
Their Challenge :
The Hanged Man clarified by Daughter of Pentacles, The Magician, & Ace of Cups + 6 of Cups + Mother of Pentacles (+ indicates the cards came out together) -
They're in limbo deciding who to take action towards. They had a new beginning with someone - probably an ex or old friend.
Unifying Force :
2 of Chalices clarified by 6 of Swords & 2 of Pentacles -
Your connection is changing for the better and moving on from a difficult time.
The Romance Angels Oracle offers more insight into your situation so I decided to use it along with clarifiers. I hit the 10 page limit so I'll put the pics of these cards in a reblog.
Your Energy :
Healing Family Issues clarified by Justice, 7 of Pentacles, & 10 of Swords -
You're in the midst of making a decision as to what will bringing healing.
Their Energy :
Deception clarified by 3 of Wands, Death, & 8 of Cups -
They either lied about the ending of a relationship/moving on from it or they've hidden that they're deciding between you and someone else.
Unifying Force :
Chemistry clarified by 10 of Pentacles, Son of Wands, & 5 of Cups -
Although there had been chemistry, fulfillment, and abundance in this connection, ultimately aspects of their personality were an illusion & has caused grief, disappointment, and/or an end to the connection.
I'm getting that for most of you, this relationship has completely ended and this is the cause for moving on to a better time.
For some, the relationship is healing and moving on to a better time.
This situation is very messy. You know your situation better than I do, especially because this is a general reading, but I do think that if this pile popped out significantly more than the others then moving on & healing means moving on from the situation entirely. Emotions aren't enough to sustain a relationship & your person is giving non-committal vibes. This whole reading is giving the sense that you deserve better than this.
✨If this reading resonates with you & you'd like a more detailed personal reading, feel free to check out the pricing for services I offer on the pinned post on my profile. Starting out at $5 per question. I hope this helped 💖✨
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rachreads · 1 year
y’all remember that adult job i said i was getting? well, i got it so the bruhl shrine has received a massive upgrade. >:)
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more pics and artist links below ;)))
The shelf itself is an IKEA Milsbow with four Mittled LED cabinet lights on the underside of every shelf to give it some light. I did have to drill a hole in the bottom self to feed some cords though, but other than that it was pretty simple to put together! :D
The framed The King's Man (2021) poster on the left was a freebie that I got for attending the opening night showing of the movie! I was the only person in the theater with my friend, so we nabbed about seven of 'em and handed them out to fellow Bruhl and Kingsman appreciators in our friend grounp.
The All the King's Men poster underneath isn't Bruhl related, but it was a gift from another friend who knows how much I like the Kingsman movie series. I also have a Kingsman shrine in my living room (and a Talking Heads shrine, and a Re-Animator shrine, and a Vladmir Nobokov shrine.... i am so completely normal).
Everything below reads left to right, I'll try to include links to artists where I can!
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Comic books in the back are issues 2-4 of Thunderbolts presents Zemo: Born Better (which isn't canon to the MCU, and honestly is not my favorite, but the cover art looks cool lol) and the first collected volume of the original Thunderbolts run.
The black picture frames on the left are a sticker set from @injureddreams on their Etsy store and can be found here! The keychain in the golden frame on the right is also from their store, and is sadly sold out :(, but the store page is here.
Speaking of keychains, I have two on order from Noble Demons that are currently getting bounced around in my campus mail system that will go in those empty spots in the frame. Those two can be found here and here.
The funko pop on the left is the limited edition dancing Zemo from the Collector Corps subscription box (although you can find them resold on Amazon and the like for ~20 bucks), and the funko pop on the right is the regular Zemo pop from the FATWS line from 2021. These are also on sale for around ~10 bucks on Amazon.
The figpin in the very middle is the MCU Zemo pin from the FATWS line that was released in 2021.
The plush in the very middle was actually made by me :D. You can find the pattern on Etsy here, but if you're curious about the specific yarns used, you can check out my ravelry posts about it here.
And finally, the enamel pins in the golden frame on the right are from ChingonPinz on Etsy, but unfortunately are not sold anymore.
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The DVD/Bluray collection on the left has German imports of Schule (2000) and Lessons of a Dream (2011), as well as American DVDs/Blurays of Deeply, The Edukators, Lila Lila, Inglourious Basterds, and The Cloverfield Paradox. Civil War bluray on the right is also a US release.
Special attention called to the Good Bye Lenin DVD on the left, which is the US Special Edition that has director's and actor's commentary tracks, including one with Daniel on it! Geez, if only someone were to rip those tracks and upload them to the internet. Maybe in a masterlist on a pinned post. Maybe at the top of their blog. That would be crazy hahahahahaha.
The magazine in the back is the European version of Issue 46 of The Rake, which contains the amazing and wonderful photoshoot that can be seen in this post here. (pinkie promise i did not spend $200 on that, I got it on eBay for like 20$)
The art board print in the middle is from rindelamater on Redbubble and can be found here.
The Good Bye Lenin Blu-Ray that is laying on the bottom of the shelf is an import from South Korea, and is actually the only region A blu-ray of GBL in existence since there has been no re-release in the US. I imported mine from eBay, although I think I have seen a few floating around on other sites.
Good Bye Lenin and Inglourious Basterds CD scores are pretty common, I don't think I need to explain those.
The plushie of Zeems on the right is from RedCapStore on etsy and can be found here. This was actually a gift from a friend and I hold it very dear to my heart. :)
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The Laszlo Brainrot begins.
Angel of Darkness and Surrender, New York on the left are US mass market paperbacks. Super easy to find. :)
The framed art print in the very middle is my very favorite drawing from @pannypunkpanda's 365 day art challenge from last year! You can find this specific one on their RedBubble shop here.
The rest of the items on this shelf (including the custom Leuchtturm1917 Journal on the left *drool*) are from a PR box that was released for TNT's version of The Alienist: Angel of Darkness in 2020. In anticipation for the season, an online murder mystery party was held and journalists recieved a box of props that acted as clues for the mystery. There's an article covering the online event linked here for those curious. I managed to snag a box from a reseller on eBay for around 60 bucks, although that was the first and only time I have ever seen it available. :(
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The box on the very bottom right is the mailing box that the murder mystery props from the shelf above all came in.
The board game on the left is a custom box and game that was only given out to the cast and crew of the first or second season of the Alienist iirc and is not easily available on the market. I, again, picked mine up from a reseller on eBay, but it's pretty hard to find.
The book in the middle is the tie-in edition of The Alienist by Caleb Carr, which is completely annotated and highlighted to shit by your's truly. :)
The picture frame on the right again has stickers from @pannypunkpanda's RedBubble shop linked here, and another sticker in the very middle from Elizabeth Ryan Shepard's RedBubble shop linked here.
And that's it! I may make another list with my holy grail items that I'm still on the lookout for but honestly I might just like to gatekeep those. It might make my chances of finding them better oops.
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
tagged by @mahuhumaling and @galauvant, meme created by @fiercynn
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself I'm tpt! 30s, queer, brainweird, language nerd, been reading BL and slash and other queer lit since before the turn of the millennium and probably (hopefully) never gonna stop.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I watched the first episode the day after it aired. Went in knowing nothing about it except the English title, which I thought was thoroughly unappealing, and the promo image. Came out of ep 1 convinced Paa was the only person with any sense on the entire show, but sufficiently intrigued (ointment sharing! Line ID shenanigans!) to keep watching. So I watched as it aired from ep 2, and when the bus stop scene rolled around, I blocked the airing time slot out in my calendar so I could watch live (which didn't work out for ALL eps, but … close enough). I did find a regular group to squee with after ep 5, but didn't really interact with fandom beyond that little bit of squeeing with friends and looking at fan art until after ep 9, I think. This was the first Thai BL show I watched week to week, and that also made it special to me.
favorite ship(s) Pat/Pran.
favorite character(s) Used to be Pran no contest, but Pat worked his way into my heart in the later episodes. couldn't choose now. they're all favourites.
favorite episode(s) I really love episodes 3-5 and 10/11. but honestly I love the show as a whole, and the episodes in the context they exist in. Except for the gun subplot.
favorite scene(s)  the opening sequence of ep 2! also episode 3 bus stop scene (and Pat's way of accomodating Pran in it), ep 4 sleepover scene, ep 5 Pat's realisation/the fight, ep 6 gate convo scene, ep 8 fight/apology scene, ep 9 hand-holding scene, ep 10 Our Song teaser scene and confrontation scenes, ep 11 affirmation/we got to go back scene and wishful thinking sequence, ep 12 bar scene.
one thing you would change about the show if you could I'd adjust the pacing of ep 12 so the fake-out is a smaller part of the whole thing proportionally.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? It's really hard to pick. I love SO MANY. Even just the authors whose fic I list here have written more than one of my faves each. but let's see:
fic (missing scene): keeps me warm by unsungyellowraincoat (@isaksbestpillow). direct ep 8 aftermath exploration that made me ache.
fic (canon divergence): fight or flight (worth the wait) by jabber_moose (@galauvant). Ep 2 canon divergence wherein Pran is discovered under Pat's bed.
fic (AU): Pinocchio by aworkingprinter (@miscellar). In which Pran has an obvious, unsuppressable tell when he lies.
fan animation: international love song by @architectxengineer
fan art: this pic by @ thatgothsamurai was one of the first things I saw in this fandom in the way of art and it's stuck with me
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
fic: the only truth that sticks (<5k, G) is my take on Pran's mother's backstory, told as vignettes from her school years. There's a lot I'd do differently if I wrote it now – not give her a nickname, for one – but it's nevertheless my baby; when I started it, I hadn't finished and posted any fic in over 20 years.
I had a collection of random language- and storytelling related observations about the show on twitter that I should probably copy over somewhere else at some point for preservation purposes.
there's an epic canon divergence that lives only in my friend's and my DMs and a back-up doc that I'm starting to think will never take full shape, but I love it anyway. There's also an escalating intimacy thing set vaguely pre-canon plus ep 7 to time skip that I've not added to in a year and probably won't finish, either, but again: love what I've got there.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) If it's a bittersweet love song I'm PatPraning it. But specifically: Tilly Birds' เพื่อนเล่น ไม่เล่นเพื่อน (Just Being Friendly) and pretty much the entire tracklist from the ON Thailand fanmeet, especially แดงกับเขียว (Red and Green) by TaitosmitH, แน่ใจไหม (Are You Sure) by Nont Tanont, อย่าใกล้กันเลย (We shouldn't be close) in Aof Pongsak's version, and ดวงเดือน (Moon) by Joey Phuwasit.
idk anything else you want us to know? I love this show. I love the hopeful ending. I love all the recurring characters (yes, that includes Wai and the parents), with all their flaws. I love how gently P'Aof tells this story – the way he approaches entrenched BL clichés, picks them up, examines them, and puts them back down: does it have to go this way? not for us, not for this story, let's look at how else this could go. He said he wanted to make a typical, an ordinary BL, and he did, and he didn't.
I love that I met so many nice people through our mutual love of this show. I love that we're still on the rooftop nearly two years later.
I love that there's so many sides of this fandom – analytical, transformative, curative, and everything in between.
I have completely lost track of who has and hasn't done this yet, but IF you see this and think, hey, this seems fun! and decide to do it, please tag?
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fourseasonsfigs · 9 months
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Building Block Figs - Basking in the Sun
Following up on yesterday's Beautiful Fight Scene in the Middle of the Lake Part One and Two, we have another building block set!
I won't go into all the backstory on these sets (please refer to Part One for a lengthy story), if only to keep this at one post instead of another two-parter.
The name of this set is actually just "Tavern". This inspiration for this scene is actually my favorite scene in the show. It's the Basking in the Sun scene from Episode 12, where they are drinking in front of the tavern and talking about good and bad people. Wen Kexing has my favorite line: "I just feel, that to be alive, to have the sun shining, and having someone’s name for me to call, is so good".
Both A-Xu and I agree, he's right.
Before we get started, a few specs: this set is 1,726 pieces, measures 8.4 x 16.8 x 12.8 cm, and is rated 11 hours of assembly time. This is the longest rating out of any of them, with two others clocking in at 10 hours each. I will say that I have found their assembly times to be extremely accurate.
Here's what the finished model is expected to look like, along with the directions for each piece. As you can see, we have both figs, the tavern table, the (open) door behind A-Xu, and a lantern.
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Once more into the breach! The kit looks so small and innocent there in it's box, doesn't it? It doesn't look like 11 hours at all.
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Like yesterday's set, this comes with the small black utility tool, the sticker with the tiny image of the finished set, and the QR code for the directions.
You'll notice there's already quite a few bricks sorted behind the unopened box. Those are all the left overs from my previous projects in this line. I didn't want to waste all the time I had put into sorting the bricks, and since the color palette is so limited, I end up using the same ones over and over again.
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It really doesn't look that bad, huh?
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In order to encourage myself and give myself a sense of satisfaction from completing a piece, I skipped over the figs and went straight to the easiest component - the lantern.
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It was indeed quite satisfying to finish this up and put it to the side.
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Next up is the tavern door. I admit when I saw this I was a little confused - I know A-Xu was leaning up against a pole kind of thingy, but the background with the flags didn't really register to me. So, I went back and watched the scene again, this time for the background:
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It looks pretty good!
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It was a lot of building up. As I mentioned in the last post, they don't have thicker bricks, so it's all 1-ply bricks here.
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Looks good! I like how they have one of the doors open.
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Well, at this point I could no longer put off the main part of the set. Nor did I want to - I was excited to get into it.
Onwards and upwards!
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I'll save you the bulk of the gory assembly details, but here's a shot of my counter with all the sorted bricks all lined up, along with the base that I have just started working on. You can see what I mean about the limited size and color palette. By limited I don't mean as a criticism, it's just what we have available to work with. 3 different colors of blue, 3 different colors of grey, and then pretty much just one of each other color.
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As you may recall from the last post, here's a sample of the directions from one of the sets. It looks flat and 2-D here, but I can pinch and swipe my phone's screen to rotate completely around to see from all angles. You can also see the step's bricks listed there, along with the left arrow to go back if you need to check your previous work, and the circle with the number of how many steps you have left. As you can see, I'm pretty far from the end.
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Here's my progress that matches the corresponding direction. I haven't gotten very far, here!
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It's been funny for me to watch the progress of light and shadow across these pics - you can literally see time passing with the day going into the night!
At this point, I had finished the base, was well as the bottom robes of A-Xu and Lao Wen. You can see the steps behind A-Xu, and the table they are both leaning on.
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Last progress pic (a couple days later). Now you can really start to see the figs take shape!
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Here's a little bit of a better illustration of how I can rotate the instructional image to see different areas. Only 46 more steps here to go!
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And here's the final assembled piece. I love it!
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The way they modeled the poses are just excellent. We have Lao Wen's relaxed sprawl here, and A-Xu's equally relaxed pose on the stairs.
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A little peek through the open door.
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You'll notice that A-Xu's drinking gourd here is a pretty neon shade of orange, and that one of the dishes on the table is a similarly neon shade of green. This is again due to the limited color palette - there's no light brown or light green in this world.
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Their hair is not as dramatic in this scene as it is in the fight scene from yesterday, but that makes sense, they're just basking in the sun. I still love it - we have A-Xu's multicolored guan and Lao Wen's silver guan rendered in tiny brick form.
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They decided to show exactly how happy A-Xu is here by giving him a big smile! The same neon orange color as the gourd, unfortunately.
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You can see here the way they have rendered the robe's drapery. And Lao Wen's little black boot there.
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A full view of A-Xu's big orange smile! I could remove it if I wanted - as you saw, I have plenty of leftover bricks. I could take the orange off all together (which I think I will) or just leave on a little bit for his cheeks.
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Here's the official Basking in the Sun figs to show the size up against these figs. This set is quite a bit bigger, but still not too bad, space wise.
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Let's get a couple close-ups of our main stars...
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A-Xu's smile is so funny! You can also see his bangs here, which I really like, and a little more detail on his robe. I think they did a fantastic job on the robes in general. Very evocative of the show.
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Here's a top down view, with a particularly nice view of the hair crowns.
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Ah ha! I was able to squeeze in one last picture before I hit the 30-pic limit. Here's our bottoms up pic - not very good I know. It's hard to do these ones with the bases.
In closing, I will say that when I told my husband I was putting together the "Tavern" scene set of building blocks, he got a puzzled look on his face and said, "which tavern? weren't they at taverns for like half the show?"
Fair. Very fair!
Material: Plastic building blocks
Fig Count: 504
Scene Count: 34
Rating: Let's drink!
[link to the Master Post Index]
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rantahead · 9 months
Sakura’s depressed in Boruto and nothing can change my mind
In Naruto/Boruto anime, Sakura seems like a happy person, but in Kishi’s manga (aka canon), she’s depressed.
I am also depressed so I would know. But my depression’s worst than Sakura’s (she hasn’t harmed herself yet, not that I know of anyway).
Being a single parent with a job and having a husband that's always away on "missions" doesn't help with her depression. But she did chase after Sasuke for 500+ chapters/episodes and that led her to being a single mother with depression.
Anyway, signs of depression are:
Feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and/or emptiness
Angry outbursts, easily angered, frustrated, irritable, even over the smallest things
Loss of interests of hobbies and/or interests
Not sleeping properly or sleeping too much or other sleeping problems
Tiredness and/or lack of energy
Weight loss/gain
Anxiety and/or restlessness
Relying on alcohol and/or drugs
Slowed thinking, speaking, and/or body movements
Mood swings
Withdrawing from close friends and/or family
Feeling of worthlessness and/or guilt
Trouble thinking, trouble concentrating and/or trouble remembering things
Fake smiling
Now, here's why Sakura's depressed (tell me if I'm wrong in some of these):
There's nothing on this topic and hopefully there's never anything on this topic, because Sakura's a good female led (if only she was written better) and if she killed herself in Boruto, that would leave Sarada an "orphan" (because Sasuke is a criminal now again) and there is a wild theory going around that Sasuke was killed by Code (and without the Rinnegan, I wouldn't be surprised).
2. Feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and/or emptiness:
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Her introduction in Gaiden is enough said. Kishi made everyone else look normal, yet why did he make her look tired and empty? (This photo will come back in two more points)
3. Angry outbursts, easily angered, frustrated, irritable, even over the smallest things:
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Her child asked one fucking question and she goes and destroys the fucking house? She didn't need to go that far, did she? Over a mere question?
This pic is enough said.
4. Loss of hobbies and/or interests:
We don't really see her much to determined if she has hobbies and/or interests and whether she has lost interest in those things.
5. Not sleeping properly or sleeping too much or other sleeping problems:
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Shizune has confirmed that Sakura has always had a habit of fainting, meaning she could've started her depression back in the original Naruto.
6. Tiredness and/or lack of energy:
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But then again, she does have a job and is a single parent, it's really no surprise she's sleep-deprived.
7. Weight loss/gain:
I haven't seen any of this other than when she was pregnant with Sarada. So she's good in this part.
8. Anxiety and/or restlessness:
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They are a lot more (literally every time she appears), but there is a limit on pics you can use a post, so yea... In all of them, even the pics above, Sakura's sweating, which is a common symptom of depression.
9. Relying on alcohol and/or drugs:
Luckily, she does not rely on this like Tsunade does (pretty sure she's depressed throughout the entire series, anime and manga. I mean, you can't blame her, Kakashi & Itachi, too).
10. Slowed thinking, speaking, and/or body movements:
I have not seen any of those, she still has fast reflexes. But as the manga goes on and Sakura gets more appearances, it might show, might not.
11. Mood swings:
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Yes, this woman suffers from real bad mood swings. She destroyed her house over a question! She went from calm, to angry, to apologetic, to calm again.
12. Withdrawing from close friends and/or family:
She has not done this, after all, she does need to raise Sarada. But Sasuke, he never shows up so we can't really determined if she has. Her parents aren't shown in Boruto (anime and manga), so we can't really determined with them either, but I'm assuming she just cut them off after marrying (which would be bitching and make the fandom go off on her so I hope she didn't do it). Her closest friends are Ino, Hinata, and Naruto (maybe Lee). We see her often going out to drink with Hinata and Ino, but rarely interacting with Naruto, but that's probably because they have their own lives and families to raise.
13. Feeling of worthlessness and/or guilt:
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In some pics above, you can tell by the facial expressions that she has the feeling of guilt or sometimes worthlessness, but guilt is the one that appears the most.
14. Trouble thinking, trouble concentrating, and/or trouble remembering things:
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She couldn't even remember if the man she chased after for 500+ chapters wore glasses. You'd think she'd be able to remember a detail like that, after all, she's his ex-teammate, wife, and baby mama.
15. Fake smiling:
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She has a lot of pics fake smiling, but there's a limit pic on a post.
I'm not saying Sai, Inojin, and Mitsuki (or anyone who fake smiles) is depressed, but I know that I fake smile when I'm depressed and Sakura fake smiles A LOT.
She is also the only Naruto female from her generation in Boruto to have wrinkles, bags under her eyes, and messing hair. Even Tsunade doesn't have those and she's 50+ in original Naruto!
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Just a final thing, Sarada's literally the only happy person there. I feel like if Sarada wasn't there and never existed, SasuSaku would've been divorced (as a SasuSaku shipper, it would be a bit sad).
Sarada's just happy to have her family altogether and ignoring the fact that her father looks like he just wants to be sent on another mission and enjoyed dodging family time and was forced to be back in Konoha and her mother's depressed and tired. But I would expect this from Sarada, she only cares about her well-being, and she's terrible at reading people (Boruto, Sumire and Mitsuki, for example. Sumire's supposed to be one of her best friends, yet she couldn't see that she's blinded by rage like her own dad, that Mitsuki was in trouble and needed help, and Boruto was going through more than her and just needed people by his side, yet she sticks to downgrading him for her own pleasure. Shikadai in the manga and Sumire in the anime had to tell her to cut him some slack since he's depressed. I should do one about Boruto being depressed. I'm off topic...) This is NOT a Sarada-hate post, I apologize if it sounds like it is.
But yes, Sakura's depressed and nothing will change my mind.
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barananduen-blog · 1 year
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New drama "Bell Ringing" 《你的岛屿已抵达》 Info Post
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Genre: modern pastoral island romance, with ancient costume part Format: short length; twelve 20-25min episodes Starring: Li Daikun 李岱昆, Amber Song Fangyuan 宋芳园, Miao Weilun 苗维伦, Yu Yilei 余逸蕾, Russell Zhuang Yuan 庄源 Platform: Mango TV Booting ceremony: 2023-10-13 [Source] Wrapping ceremony: 2023-11-01 Premiere: 2024-02-22 Filming location: Changde Peach Blossom Spring, Hunan Province [Img Source]
Drama info (plot, characters, location photos) + more pics (including booting and wrap ceremonies) under the cut.
Updated 2024-02-24
Booting Ceremony
October 13, 2023
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[Source] No, I do not know why they're wearing those plushies on their jackets.😂
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Sources: [-1-] [-2-] [-3-]
Drama Information
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[Source] Google-translated into English on the left, and the original Mandarin on the right
Note! I don't know Mandarin, so please take this with a grain of salt, but what I gather, summarizing and piecing the parts together (and doing this as an attempted service to anyone else who is interested but also doesn't understand the language), is this:
Plot & Character Summary Five hundred years ago, Chi Ye 迟野 (played by Li Daikun) was a ruthless, cold-blooded killer, but his life changed when he met and fell in love with Shen Qi 沈七 (Song Fangyuan), an unassuming orphan. However, a tribal war broke out, and, to end it, she died by his sword. The two are reunited in the current timeline, in which Chi Ye is the immortal guardian of the rural Silver Bell Island, and Shen Qi has been reincarnated and lives a carefree life, until others pressure her into getting married. Qi Yang 齐杨 (Miao Weilun), a humorous guy, is a veterinarian and the only doctor on the island (Note: So he treats humans, too). He treasures love above all, and his life is disrupted by the arrival of a woman. Luo Fei 罗菲 (Yu Yilei) is a citywoman who goes to the island on vacation/sick leave. She becomes Shen Qi's confidant and advisor - based on dramas they watch. Due to an incident where she destroys Qi Yang's medicinal herb garden, she's forced to work again to pay off the damage. Xiao Cai (Zhuang Yuan) is Chi Ye's personal assistant, and knows the secret he keeps.
If any Mandarin speakers are willing to correct/amend, please do! Thanks in advance!
Note: Edited to fix some details post- drama premiere.
Li Daikun: "Modern drama! But there are also costumes!😱" [Source]
Filming Location
常德桃花源 - Changde Peach Blossom Spring Changde Prefecture, Taoyuan County, Hunan Province
According to [wikipedia], Changde's Taohuayuan, or Peach Blossom Spring, is a famous tourist location, known for its beautiful scenery and its peach blossoms (which we're in the wrong season for, sadly).
The name comes from a fable written by Tao Yuanming in the year 421, and the phrase has come to mean "an idealistic place of beauty and repose, although it is sometimes used to refer to an unrealistic dream" [Source], which feels fitting for this drama's plot and mood.
Miao Weilun and Zhuang Yuan have posted some photos of it:
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Sources: [-1-] [2 & 3]
They took boats to the filming location every day. Source: [Miao Weilun comment] on [this post]
Other Official Promo Images
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More Photos
Uploaded by Miao Weilun, who we thank for posting so many pictures. [Source]
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Wrapping Ceremony
November 1st, 2023
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More at [Source] I've reached the per-post limit
All the best wishes for the cast and crew! Looking forward to the drama!
Follow-up Post
Includes trailers and more photos
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