#gretchen x fannie
linneastarron · 1 year
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happy pride month it's the time of year where i get to be increasingly annoying about fannie and gretchen being canon lesbian girlfriends in my heart
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grimmy how many ocs do you have at the moment?
hmmm well this is, weirdly, a pretty loaded question for me because i've created about 50+ original characters over the span of 11 years. like......there are a lot. but i will go on a little tangent about my main squeezes to further explain the dynamics and why i feel like i realistically now only have 11 solid OCs.
i have the original six, the ones i created in my teen years - Jeff, Lotus, Franky, Fanny, Gretchen and Emma - who are basically my ride or dies, in which i created webs and webs of other characters around them in order for them to interact sort of within a world of their own, almost like a Sims town. so, those are where the other 50 ish characters come from. i've had them have children, other partners, exes, friends, foes, professors they have ambiguous relationships with, doctors they go to on the regular, parents etc etc. they also all have families that some of them, I consider fully fledged OCs. for ex: Dallas, Lotus' older brother, which i've never talked about on here but he's important because he goes to jail and it irrevocably changes Lotus.
ANYWAYS the big six has also consecutively been thrown into multiple alternate universes (altogether and separately) which has ultimately allowed me to create even MORE characters. there's been all kinds of AUs. vampires. college. 14th century. time travel. aliens. i've put them in AUs where they're literally whole different people.
but i have some recent OCs - Nina, Dawn, Ren, Percy, Felix - that i feel are gonna stick with me forever (as in, i love them as much as the big six) and i've managed to merge the big six and these recent ones in the same universe and give them all intricate relationships to each other. like, Jeff and Fanny were originally a couple. not only a couple, but THE couple. i was obsessed with them. but, somehow, Lotus always came into the mix a little, and i always had Jeff and him do gay shit together. they were always weirdly orbiting around each other. one day, i just fucked around and wrote this story about them and i was like hmm.....the dynamic is delicious.....what if....no...i couldnt.....could i?
after writing Starry Eyes (my novel with Ren and Percy, in which i incorporated Franky, Emma and Gretchen in with slight changes to their personalities), i kinda came back to Jeff (i always always come back to that fucking bastard. he's me. i'm him), and there was Lotus, right there with him, like hi. and i was like oh shit they actually are soulmates and always have been...
anyways so now the dynamics are: Lotus and Felix are exes. Emma and Gretchen are exes. Gretchen's gonna be with Franky as they originally were (they were also soulmates man. i love a good jock x goth). Fanny's single but fucks Franky as best friends then falls for Jeff then falls for Felix (lol). Dawn and Nina are lesbian soulmates forever and ever. i love them so much i need to talk about them more but their aesthetic is so specific its hard to reblog pics about them (pan to: Dawn - 6 foot 4 Bahamian transfemme with a bleached blonde mullet that dresses like an 80s wrestler. i gotta just draw her for you guys.) Lotus and Jeff are also soulmates forever and ever but they both date other people at some point. Lotus goes back to Felix, who welcomes the boy who shattered his heart into his open arms (Felix is a Libra man, you can't blame him). Jeff has a psychosexual relationship with Fanny bordering on psychotic and life ending in which they fuck by playing an insane level of mind games with each other and engage in an astronomical amounts of power play to get off. Ren and Percy are just soulmates forever and ever (very early childhood best friends who rekindle but don't remember each other. i eat it up. i eat it the fuck up) but Ren did briefly date Emma because both their dads were abusive alcoholics and they ~related~ to each other.
so yaaaaaa. its about 11. i love geekin out.
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
noise complaint- self ship
pairing: kuroo x pat
warnings: alcohol, smoking, party culture, sexual assault ptsd 
word count: 2589
a/n: HNGKNSFKLS THIS IS LAME BUT i just wanted to imagine patsuro in my current college setting :’)) this is self indulgent and kinda comfort fluff?? and yes i’m aware i seem like a bitch i tried to be as honest about how i act in irl,, otherwise enjoy... 
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Patricia hummed and shut her eyes happily as the sun hit her face. She swung her keys attached to her lanyard as she made her way to her campus apartment. As a sophomore in college, she was honestly surprised she even made it past one year. Her strength was in street smarts rather than book smarts, yet here she was. She waved to a few familiar faces as she walked through the campus and made her way into her dorm building. She was beyond ecstatic for this school year, living with her best friends and delving further into her major.  
She stopped at her door, covered in decorations she had made with her roommates. She smiled softly, a sense of hope for the school year filling her.  
That hope quickly faded as she heard a familiar voice while she attempted to open the door to her apartment.  
She looked over to see a tall messy haired boy walking towards her. She sighed and turned to him, leaning against her locked door.  
He rolled his eyes and stopped in front of her.  
“Why do you only call me by my last name?”  
“Because I can’t just give you the satisfaction of letting you hear me say your real name, can I?”  
He sighed and looked down at her as she lazily crossed her arms over her chest.  
“How was your summer?”  
“Fine, I worked a lot.”  
“The garden center, right?”
Kuroo nodded and looked down at his feet. He was aware Patricia wasn’t fond of him. Frankly she couldn’t help it. He didn’t know but she was terrified of men. Previous trauma had developed into PTSD which manifested into a constant state of anger towards any man that came her way. It wasn’t healthy or right but it's how it was. However, Kuroo saw this as flat out hatred rather than a deep-rooted fear.  
“Well,” He said before clearing his throat. “I just wanted to let you know I’m your floor RA this year.”  
Patricia nodded slowly and gave him a soft smile.  
“Cool, I’m sure you’ll do a great job.”  
“Thanks, but you should be aware I’ll be strict about underage drinking and-”  
Patricia gasped and placed her hand on her chest in mock offense.  
“Me? Drinking? Oh Kuroo, I’m not that kind of girl.”  
Kuroo raised a brow and gave her a doubtful look.  
“Still playing the good Catholic school girl act?”  
Patricia chuckled and hummed looking down at her feet and back up at Kuroo.  
“This is a Catholic university, I’m a girl, and I’m literally majoring in Theology. I don’t know if that’s an act. I’m as much of a goodie two shoes as you are Kuroo.”  
“I highly doubt-”  
“And besides,” She said with a snide grin, “if we don’t sin a little, then Jesus died for nothing right?”  
Kuroo scoffed and before he could form a sentence to combat her ridiculous statement, she unlocked her door and gave him a wave.  
“Don’t worry Kuroo, just because I own a key to the campus sacristy, doesn’t mean I’ll steal the holy wine.”  
He gaped as she slid into her apartment, giving him a teasing wink, and hearing the door lock.  
That following Friday, Patricia found herself trapped in the same hallway.  
“Gretchen is DDing right?” She asked her roommate while adjusting her mini backpack.  
“Yup!” Her roommate, Dashi chirped while texting. Patricia grinned and turned to lock the door when she heard a familiar ‘tsk’. She sighed and looked to see Kuroo dressed down in gray sweatpants and a t-shirt. He looked oddly good, or was it her Friday night hunger?  
“Kuroo!” She sang and gave him a big grin.  
“Patricia, Dashi,” He said, giving a nod at each girl. He paused slightly, looking Patricia up and down. She was usually caught wearing leggings and baggy t-shirts with hiking sandals, but tonight, she wore jeans, heels, and a black body suit that was probably more low-cut than it should’ve been. She rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers in his face.  
“Kuroo, you pervert. What do you want?” She glared up at him, propping her hand on her waist.  
He blinked, his face flush with embarrassment.  
“You look nice.”  
Patricia nodded and gave him a tart smile.  
“Thanks. Did you need something?”  
Dashi watched, her eyes peering away from her phone screen. It was painful to watch. Patricia was usually quite good at reading people, however the image of the flustered boy in front of her didn’t seem to connect the dots of attraction in her mind.  
“Just, be safe tonight okay?”  
She rolled her eyes a began to walk out the door, Dashi at her side.  
“Will do,” She cooed while giving him a mocking salute while walking backwards and turning on her heel as she got to the door.  
Kuroo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. She was just so fake. A doe-eyed attentive student in class, participating and kissing ass for professors, working for campus ministry, running the prayer nights, leading religious retreats, and going to church on Sundays. Yet now she was out and ready to do God knows what. She was a sly liar, and she loved every minute of being a complete enigma.  
Dashi and Patricia reached the apartment, a dorm complex nicknamed the Hive by students. It was where the buzz happened while everyone got buzzed. Patricia grinned at the feeling of the floor vibrating and the air smelling like sweat and weed. The messy sensation always managed to bring her joy. They shuffled inside, the apartment packed with drunken and high college students. Patricia inhaled the hot air deeply and scanned the living room for a familiar face.  
There sat one of her roommates Mix on their boyfriend's lap, rolling a join with nimble fingers as he softly kissed their neck. She chuckled, those two were attached at the hip. She pointed them out to Dashi and they made their way over.  
“Mix!” Patricia sang and gave her roommate a wave.  
“Pat Pat!” They gasped and stumbled getting up. Ushijima, their boyfriend set his hands on their hips to help them regain balance. They giggled, their usual stone demeanor diminished under the ruse of weed and alcohol. “Here!! You need to catch up,” They said, licking the joint to seal it and then handing It over to her.  
“Aw thanks Mix!” Patricia gave a thankful smile as Ushijima handed her the lighter that he managed to tuck behind his ear. She lit the joint and inhaled deeply, letting the smoke fall from her nose slowly. Mix clapped happily as she chuckled and handed the joint to Dashi.  
“Tay is in the kitchen by the way,” Ushijima said softly. Patricia nodded and gave the couple each a pat on the head before sneaking into the kitchen, the idea of a cup of WOP calling her name. She smiled seeing Tay who was talking to a boy who she recognized from her ceramics class as Touya.  
“Taaaay,” She sang before giving her roommate a hug. Tay laughed and hugged back.  
“Hey love!” Tay smiled, a dreamy expression on her face, either from alcohol or talking to the very attractive boy. Patricia giggled and gave her a nod of approval before going to pour herself a cup of whatever the hell was in the WOP tonight. She knew she needed to catch up, deciding to down the cup, despite the burn in her throat.  
“Shit,” she mumbled before refilling the cup. She took a few leisurely sips before returning to the smoking sesh with Mix and Ushijima, Dashi had disappeared onto the dance floor and appeared to be grinding on a very flustered yellow haired boy. Patricia picked up the still hot joint and brought it to her lips, taking a slow drag before looking over at Mix, who seemed to be whispering in Ushijima’s ear, his face a deep crimson at every word they spoke. Patricia giggled and took another sip, the joint tucked between her index and middle finger as she held the cup. She was buzzed, giggly and light, but nothing major. The struggles of a high alcohol tolerance.  
The shout was heard over the hum of the party, and the music quickly died. There was a knock on the door.  
“RA on call! We got a noise complaint.”  
Patricia blinked and sighed. The other party goers where shuffling around to hide and scattering in different directions. Too irritated to care, she went to open the door, knowing that if they made the RA wait any longer that campus police would show up. She opened the door and if her frown couldn’t get any bigger, it did.  
There stood Kuroo with his RA fanny-pack sitting across his chest. He seemed to have matching smile, that only grew into shock as he watched Patricia take sip of her drink while continuing to make eye contact with him.  
“We got a noise complaint?” She asked, her half-lidded eyes a shade of pink.  
Kuroo narrowed his own eyes and stepped inside.  
“You know I have to report this as illegal activity.”  
She sighed and nodded, taking the cup in her other hand and taking a puff from the joint, blowing it gently in Kuroo’s face. He winced at the smell and she smiled softly.  
“Yeah, I know.”  
He scoffed and glared at her as she set the items down, stepping out into the hallways and closing the door behind her.  
“Theres a lot of people in there. Just mark me down, ok? I don’t want you to have the reputation of the hated RA.”  
He tilted his face at the oddly considerate offer but proceeded to shake his head.  
“I can’t do that, that’s against the rules.”  
Patricia gave and exasperated sigh and leaned against the wall of the hallway, the dim yellow lights exposing her red cheeks and red eyes.  
“I’m just trying to help you out, Tetsuro.”  
He blinked.  
“You said my first name.”  
“It's a means of persuasion,” she replied before reaching up to push her hair out of her face. “C’mon,” She said while beginning to walk down the hall. “Let's go back home so you can rest, and I can watch Netflix.”  
Kuroo watched as she swayed slightly as she walked and huffed, walking beside her. As by instinct, he reached to take her hand as a means of balancing her, but she quickly swatted it away, fear plastered on her face.  
“W-What are you doing?” She asked, holding her hand close to her chest, her eyes full of uncertainty.  
“I-I-, you we’re swaying a lot and I didn’t want you to fall over.”  
Patricia eyed him, rubbing her hands together anxiously.  
“Thats it? Swear you won’t pull anything?”  
Kuroo frowned, offended by her accusation.  
“Do you think I’m that kind of person?”  
She looked down at her hands, tears welling in her eyes.  
“Aren’t all boys like that?”  
Kuroo looked down stunned, at first from offence, but then by the fact that the usually relaxed and cheerful Patricia looked like she had seen a ghost. He quickly connected the dots and nodded slowly.  
“I’m sorry...but I can assure you I’m not like that.”  
She looked up at him, tears ready to spill. Kuroo bit his lip in hesitation, but slowly reached up to gingerly wipe her tears away with his thumbs.  
“I promise,” He whispered.  
Patricia stared at him with wide glassy eyes, searching his face for any sort of evidence that he was lying. When she couldn’t find any, she dove into his chest, hugging him tightly.  
“Thank you,” she cried softly into his chest, his shirt getting wet from her tears. He hushed her gently and hugged back, rubbing her back gently. As soon as she was able to catch her breath, Patricia focused on the feeling of Kuroo’s large hands rubbing her back sweetly. There was no sense of malice or any sign that he would hurt her. So, she relished in the newfound sense of safety.  
She sniffled and looked up at him, pulling away quickly.  
“Sorry,” she croaked out while weakly gesturing to the tear stain on his chest.  
He shrugged, “It's just salt water. Let's get you some water and sober you up okay?”  
Patricia nodded and looked down, pouting slightly like a small child, still swaying with each step. Kuroo chuckled and once again reached for her hand as she walked. Except this time, she didn’t pull away.  
Once they reached the dorm hall, Kuroo looked down at Patricia, who seemed to have calmed down.  
“Is it cool if we go to my apartment. I’ve got bottled water and double stuffed Oreos.”  
“Those are my favorite,” She said with a sniffle.  
Kuroo chuckled and nodded.  
“Yeah I know, you put them on your resident introduction sheet.”  
She nodded, remembering the form she filled out before moving into her new residence hall.  
They reached Kuroo’s door and walked inside. Patricia looked around and the surprisingly clean apartment.  
“Here,” he said, bringing her back to earth, “Water.”  
She nodded and took the bottle, chugging it down quickly. A dribble of water rand down her chin and down her chest, causing Kuroo to look away flushed. She furrowed her eyes at him and lazily wiped her lips.  
“Nothing,” Kuroo mumbled, looking away in embarrassment. Patricia rolled her eyes and jumped to sit up on his countertop.  
“Have you ever done anything with a girl Kuroo?”
Kuroo blinked and looked down at his feet, his usual prideful demeanor gone.  
“Not really. Just like making out and stuff.”  
“So, you’re a virgin?” She asked him, tilting her head in curiosity. Her eyes were no longer noticeably puffy and her face was much less red as before.  
“I mean...I guess.”  
Patricia nodded slowly, eyeing Kuroo up and down as if she was analyzing every little thing about him. He was undeniably handsome. She was almost upset it took her a small break down to realize how truly caring he seemed. Just because he was a figure of authority shouldn’t have equated a dislike for him. She eyed his soft pink lips and smiled slightly. He really was pretty.  
“Do you want to kiss Tetsuro?”  
Kuroo looked up at her, sincerity in her face. There was something about the way she said his name that just felt like pure velvet.  
“I-, are you sure?”  
She nodded and gave him a soft smile.  
“Yeah, plus I want to kiss you.”  
Kuroo nodded slowly and stepped in between Patricia’s knees which hung off the counter.  
“May I?” He asked quietly, his hands hovering above her thighs. She giggled softly and nodded. Kuroo placed his large hands on her thighs and she smiled looking down at him and back up at his face. He loomed over her.  
“You’re tall,” She hummed in a whisper.  
Slowly, she brought her hand up to the collar of his shirt and tugged him down to her level gently. She gaped her mouth open, Kuroo’s lips grazing hers in anticipation. Patricia smiled before closing her eyes and leaning into Kuroo, their lips molding together. The kisses started out subtle, but soon turned heated and Patricia wound up with her hands against his chest, biting down gently on his bottom lip. She pulled away with a slight tug and let go, her eyes opening to look at Kuroo’s bright pink face. She giggled and pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek.  
“Thank you for the water.”  
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linneastarron · 4 years
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some of my vp ships!!! it’s late for pride, i know, but i still wanna do this
my ships with their lgbt headcanons!!!(from left to right, top to bottom)
flora (bi) x seedos (amab masc nonbinary + birom ace) spot (gay) x fauna (gay) bart (ftm + gay) x ivor (gay) fannie (pan) x gretchen (lesbian) avalon (bi)* x dastardos (grey-bi) patch (bi) x dastardos (grey-bi) [*this isn’t my personal headcanon, it’s avalon’s canon sexuality!]
my inspo for trans ftm bart came from @residentjoth!!! i really liked the idea of it, especially because you can’t spell “transmogrifiable item technician” without “trans”, plus i really wanted a good trans headcanon besides seedos! my inspo for greysexual dastardos came from @moodlemcdoodle (and i think @shortlifelongart as well) having an asexual dastardos!!!
avalon belongs to @shortlifelongart; flora, fauna, and spot belong to me; bart, ivor, seedos, dastardos, patch, fannie, and gretchen belong to rare!
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