#grey omori icons
microwaveable-icons · 9 months
Hello, may I get Omori (The character) icons with a grey theme? Thanks!!
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thissys-editz · 8 months
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Hello! We're the Theatrix System, but you can call us Theo. Please refer to us using it/thon pronouns.
We will, as far as we know, be the only admins of this blog. This blog is meant to be fun for us, and while we do take requests, they may not be the sole focus of the blog.
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What We Do
Playlists (rarely)
Edits to fit appearances (i.e. a fictive's innerworld appearance; how someone remembers themself as their kin; etc, etc)
Art (rarely here, only for us [unless a trade/etc])
Writing (selective)
Comfort letters
Shufflemancy readings
Want to request something else not listed? Check the list of what we won't make first, then ask if you're not sure!
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What We Don't Do
Anything NSFW. Minor jokes and references are okay, but nothing more than that.
Replycons / Reply icons
Anything with lots of gore. Some blood and disfigured characters are okay, but we don't want to do anything heavy. If you're not sure, just ask!
DNI banners
Tbh anything political or dealing with similar stuff. (I.e. "[name] supports [political figure]" or "[name] is a [smth political]") Silly/Joke stuff is okay, though! Just ask if you're unsure
Canon/Source calls
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Sources We'll Create For
Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium
FNaF & Selective AUs
Undertale & AUs
(Very selective) Ultrakill
Yandere Sim (no, we don't support yandev. that's.. eugh.)
Our original content
My Happy Marriage
Magica Madoka
Smile Precure (unfortunately we only know of the two that Netflix stole... May do more?)
Slime Rancher
DSaF / Dayshift at Freddy's
Kindergarten 1 + 2
Way of The Househusband
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Bee and Puppycat
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Sources We Might Create For
Genshin Impact... rlly picky about this
Anime we don't know about
Pokémon (we just don't know a whole lot abt it!! love the lil guys tho <3)
Selective FNF mods + original game
Death Note (we know hardly anything abt it 😭)
Dialtown, again just.. lack of info lol
DDLC, depends on mood
BATIM, same as DDLC
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Sources We Won't Create For
Bungo Stray Dogs
BNHA/MHA // Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
Cuphead & Mugman
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Most medias that are in real life if that makes sense? just ask if you don't get it
all of these are subject to change at our discretion, at any time, with or without warning.
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Notable Anons: [if you have a certain phrase/emoji you use to designate yourself as an anon, we'll add you here if you're frequent enough! Let us know if you dont want to be mentioned here]
Notable Users: [if you request frequently off anon, we'll mention you here, unless you don't want to be mentioned.]
“you seem to forget you answer to me” ;; answering — answering questions
“screams with no sense for why” ;; chitchat — just talking / general info
“and they give it all they've got till they're down” ;; update — updates/announcements
“scattering sparks of thought energy” ;; request accepted — accepted a request
“i will abdicate these deviants sat inside” ;; request denied — denied a request
“one more day and one more night” ;; pending — paused a request / taking time to decide
“call me the soul or call me my name” ;; fanmail — compliments/kind words
“you must be so arrogant to think...” ;; hatemail — people who were so idiotic that, rarely, we feel the need to share their hate because it's just funny
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that's all for now!! we may make a rentry later or smth, idk... decor + icon creds under the cut 👇
Post Header (Chonny Jash lyrics added by us)
Red/black dividers
Grey drip divider
Don't know where the scrollbar divider came from, seen it a lot of places :(
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 1 Side B
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
"Hung pictures of patron saints up on my wall To remind me that I am a fool Tell me where I came from, what I will always be Just a spoiled little kid who went to Catholic school"
Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery
"Baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you I need you here to stay I broke all my bones that day I found you Crying at the lake Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden, oh And if I could take it all back I swear that I would pull you from the tide"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Its got that sick clapping for smooth frame changes, and it's got all the applications babeyy. Low self esteem hero? Sure! Sympathetic villain? You got it! Morally grey character? Come on in. "Make me love myself so that i might love you" can be about god, friends, a partner, a found family, you name it. "Dont make me a liar cause i swear to god when i said it i thought it was true" can be about anything. Your best friend is evil now? A betrayal?? A disillusioned hero??? "Neither of us will be missed" girlies i am peeing from how good this song is for angst.
"the st. bernard sits at the TOP OF THE DRIVE WAY" makes for a very cool and sexy shot transition. you seen the beau lionett animatic set to this?
tik tok picked up the audio a bit cause the drop into distortion is great, but also the vocals and imagery as they stand are excellent. there's at least four ace attorney ones alone and they all focus on different characters (Blackquill/Sahdmadhi, Klavier, van Zieks, and Edgeworth) and the van Zieks one was posted shortly before the official localization was released. also idk if it's on youtube but there's also one for bass.exe on tumblr which is also excellent
Animatics with the song:
Five Nights at Freddy's Michael Afton Animatic
3rd Life Impulse Animatic
DSMP Revivebur Animatic
The Owl House
Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery
This is song genuinely feels me with such raw and powerful emotion; I know it's kind of annoying to say a song "makes you feral", but. this song genuinely makes me feel feral. Pairing up a song that already makes me pretty emotional with ships/blorbos that already make me emotional is such a good mix that leaves me crying on my bedroom floor
Animatics with the song:
Ace Attorney
BNHA Kiribaku Animatic
Omori Hero x Mari Animatic
Adventure Time Bubbline Animatic
The Owl House Lumity
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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plural-sunny · 5 months
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[Simple Image IDs: Eighteen icons of Sunny from OMORI with the age regressor flag. In most of them, he has a grey pacifier in his mouth. In some of them he has a greyish blue bottle and/or black cat plushie. End IDs.]
many icons of sunny with agere gear!!
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echolepzy · 10 months
Note: I'm much more active on my fandom blogs (usually whichever one I’m currently hyperfixating on).
About Me
Echo / Indie
November 2nd
13+ content (SFW only)
Active 9 AM - 10 PM CST
Self-taught digital artist, animator, video game developer, and chiptune musician
Indie and Solstice are both my sonas
OMORI (current hyperfixation)
TBHK (I am uncomfortable with the full name qwp)
Rain World
Pokémon/Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Just Shapes & Beats
Project Arrhythmia
Purrfect Apawcalypse
World of Warcraft
Elder Scrolls
Several others that I'm either forgetting or casually interested in
Requests - [CLOSED]
Commissions - [OPEN]
Gifts - [ALWAYS OPEN!]
Roleplay - [FRIENDS ONLY]
MAP invites - [CLOSED]
Art trades - [OPEN]
Design trades - [CLOSED]
Animation trades - [CLOSED]
Art collabs - [OPEN]
Animation collabs [CLOSED]
I fucked this particular part up when I first wrote it, here’s hoping I don’t fuck it up again somehow :’)
Profile code - N/A
Text layout - @echolepzy
Icon - @echolepzy
Banner - @echolepzy
Gore bothers me, but I may draw it on rare occasions. Anything involving organs, flayed skin, or hanging eyeballs is way too much for me, though, and if it's red it's more likely to bug me.
I struggle with a lot of anxiety and also have a lot of trouble picking up on social cues, so I apologize if I come off the wrong way or miss anything important. The use of tone tags may be helpful. ^^'
Tumblr is still relatively new to me, so I'm still figuring a lot of things out. I've had this account for awhile but only recently started using it. Sorry if I don't understand how to use some features of the site/app, hopefully I'll get there eventually.
I have two sonas. One is Indie Foxx (grey fox), who I’ve had for longer so other people recognize her as me more often, but I don’t feel as connected with her as I used to (Indie’s ref sheet is so outdated hhhhhh). The other is Solstice Perihelion (three-eyed black cat), who I feel more connected to because a black cat with three white eyes just felt right and then I built on top of that.
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grey-spark · 2 years
Hey Grey, I'm wondering if you have any thoughts regarding Tako, Uni, and Meido? I've been haunted by their presence in the game and have wonder what purpose their appearance in Black Space serves (minus being an Easter egg). I have my own speculation about them, but I thought I'd ask you about what you think, because 1) you just seem quite knowledgeable about topics the rest of the Omori fandom hardly talks about, and 2) I've always personally enjoyed your analyses and how well spoken they are and I guess I'm curious on how you see them as in reference to the lore, be it representations of Sunny's pasts or manifestations of the 3 great creatures of Headspace. Thanks in advance if you decide to answer this ask.
(tw: suicide) This is such a massive question that requires a dump truck of context to answer, and a deep dive into OMORI 2015.  But for the sake of brevity,  I'll give you the short answer first:
The beta characters, Tako, Uni and Meido, were the very epicenter of the original OMORI script, a story OMOCAT has basically disowned. They exist now to serve as only references, in there because she, in her own words, wanted to “find somewhere to put them.”
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To even begin to understand what they mean to the original story we first have to understand OMOCAT's writing process. She said herself that she sort of made the story up as she went along. But honestly, I'd take it a step further. Basically everything we see in the story of the final game is based on the original comic and blog. That is, the original comic and blog were made first, and the official story was made up afterward based on things from it.
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So for example, the gift we see the BYC pointing to in the first frame of Headspace, was originally created with no meaning. But later on, the gift and the birthday cake were redesigned to be a WAY bigger part of the story. In the final game, the gift ended up being the violin, and its received on Christmas, not a birthday. The cake castle didn't even make it into the final cut of the game, but this is just one example of how, (I think,) OMOCAT built the story of OMORI. Taking small meaningless objects and symbols in the original works (the blog and comic) and blowing up their story significance.
This principle even applies the steak knife, the most iconic symbol of the game. The first time we see the knife is on the blog, were OMORI boy is considering suicide, but Tako-chan talks him down. The original OMORI boy comic was a self-insert vent project to "help [them] cope with [their] problems during a confusing part of [their] life."In one of her interviews, OMOCAT said the original OMORI boy has a different personality than Sunny, because OMORI boy was created to be a self-insert of sorts, whereas Sunny is his own character that took years of writing to develop.
This is relevant because the original script for OMORI was probably going to be a sexualized love story, not a family drama.
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The tissue box as not originally for “wiping away sorrows,” I'm afraid... And so if something as small as a gift can get blown up in meaning, it begs what sort of significance the sexual elements of the blog might have had in the original OMORI script. It just seems strange. How did the Knife and the Gift make it into the final cut of the game, but somehow the “I f*p and play old videogames” didn't. Almost everything about the original blog was dripping with sexual angst. He makes comments about his own appearance and makes constant references to masturbation. Give the rule earlier, its strange how none it made it into the final game.
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The only logical explanation is that it originally was, but was then cut out later. And by “cut out later”,
I mean the script was completely rewritten.
Thus we have the mystery on out hands to figure out what the original script was like. A mystery some, even at the time of its creation, were trying to figure out:
I credit this reddit post for giving the me idea to consider this. Give it a read if you have the time. I like them, we can take the evidence at the time along with evidence we know now that the final game to get an approximation of what the game was going to be like. Starting with Tako. Some of the evidence points to the possibility that Tako was originally going to be the love interest, or at least some sort of manifestation of his sexual angst.
Especially in the sketchbook, this picture in particular:
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OMORI boy is seen blushing with cats and tentacles lined with 'X's in a circle. The X being a sign of romantic infatuation ie (name1) x (name2). (No whale tails I'm afraid, so its not about the great creatures. Ironically enough, despite being “the Oldest” Humphrey may have been one of the last characters added in production as late as 2017 with no references to him in earlier concept work.)
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Its interesting to note that the Tako we see in the sketchbook looks almost like Sweetheart, who would go on to be the centerpiece character of Headspace in the final cut. Meanwhile, the one in the blog looks different, with tentacle on her head looking identical to the sprite we see in early sprite character designs.
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If we look at Tako objectively and divorced her of the context of the final game. She looks like a love interest with a question mark for a face. Here are just some examples of what she could have been...
Example A: Tako could have originally been a representation of Omori-boy's future 'dream girl'. He wants to kill himself out of loneliness but she begs him to hold out a bit longer.
Example B: Tako is Omori-boys love interest who dies. He attempts to kill himself out of grief and fails, putting him in a coma. In the coma, her face and memory is blocked out to protect him.
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But all of these are just theories. We have no ideas what the original script was going be about. So you'd understand why its so hard to figure out what Uni and Meido were supposed to be.
My best theory is that they were suppose to serve the role of the chorus, who watched on the side lines, similar to the Stranger in the final game. Furthermore they could have been unspecific espies for the main cast, similar the the Slime Girls (but the girls are their own mystery I'm not going into here.) Also of note is how they look like high school students, and kind of play into the the whole “high school lover story” aesthetic of the original cut. It looks like Uni (Empty Friend) was even going to be an enemy. Its just strange to see characters so important to the script get cut.
So why were they cut? Well, I think the choice to remove the old story and sexual symbols represents a more broader shift in the game's design, one that might even explain the game's infamous prolonged development. Basically, I think the game was originally going to be a much shorter indie RPG, in line with is predecessors, like Yumme Nikki, Off, Lisa etc. Just as promised to the game's kickstarter backers. But somewhere along the line it was decided OMORI was to become an ultra-polished AAA experience; a Nintendo game.
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Even as I'm typing this now, one year after release, the game was just announced for the Nintendo Switch and may even come to other consoles. Thus the sexual content was removed for broad market appeal, and the game's development schedule dramatically lengthen. Therefore, OMORI never entered a 'development hell', rather it just appeared that way since the game's content and production was dramatically increased for the original schedule.
However, I think all of this is a moot point since, in all probability, the game was going to be rewritten to center around Mari anyway. So unfortunately for Uni, Meido and Tako, they were always on the chopping block.
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EDIT: I love the final game the way it is. I’m glad they went the direction it did, the goal of this post was just to analyze the dev process.
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#TAKAYAMANIA - Exploring the career of Yoshihiro Takayama
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After having looked at Manami Toyota’s career earlier, it’s now time for a second career retrospective. Today, I’m looking at the one and only Yoshihiro Takayama. Legendary pro wrestler, MMA fighter, part-time actor, singer(!), sex symbol (”The Hawtness”) and all-around cult figure. 
[The typical disclaimer: The data for this analysis was scraped from Cagematch.net - sorry about that, guys. For my money, cagematch is *the* definite pro-wrestling database around and I trust their records more than anybody else’s. Still, I of course cannot guarantee that they are absolutely complete, as it can be notoriously difficult to get information about decades-old Japanese wrestling shows. On top of that, I might have screwed something up and produced some errors when scraping or analyzing their data.] 
Overall, Cagematch has tracked 1.462 Takayama matches.
Let’s start again by looking at the countries Takayama has performed in. Unsurprisingly, mostly in Japan. Then again, he could have gone on some earlier (European) excursions that no records of exist - for example, I kind of doubt that he was sent over to Austria to wrestle a single match. To me personally, this just underscores again how incredible it was that I was able to see Takayama perform outside of Japan on one of those rare occurences in wXw in 2015.
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Looking at the cities he has performed in once again cements Tokyo as Japan’s wrestling capital, followed by Osaka. It also highlights that Takayama has been all over the place - I had to cut off the graph and only limit it to cities with at least eight appearances, as the list would go on endlessly otherwise. And if you’re curious, I could not find any record of Takayama wrestling in Takayama.
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When looking at the most frequent venues, Korakuen Hall once again holds a strong lead as was the case for Manami Toyota. Interestingly, Nippon Budokan comes in behind that, which underscores that Takayama has participated in a lot of big shows, as well as highlighting which promotions he has most frequently appeared in (more on that later). Add to that over 30 appearances at Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan (Sumo Hall) and over a dozen showings at the Tokyo Dome and this chart again underscores that Takayama has pretty much wrestled in every high profile wrestling venue in Japan.
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Next, let’s look at the different promotions he has appeared in throughout his career...holy moly, that’s a lot of promotions!
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Let’s limit that down to promotions where he wrestled in at least half a dozen matches for the sake of readability. Still, this showcases the impressive variety of promotions Takayama has appeared in, including all of the major promotions of the time. Given that, it should come as no surprise that Takayama is one of only two men to win all three major heavyweight titles of the time (Triple Crown, IWGP, GHC). Still, given Takayama’s well-known status as a freelancer unwilling to be tied down to a single promotion and exploring a wide variety of promotions, I was still surprised what a large chunk of his career took place in NOAH (and AJPW to a lesser degree). About 45% of his matches recorded in Cagematch’s database took place in the green ring, with another 22% taking place in AJPW. Together, both promotions take up almost exactly two thirds of his career (again, the dataset may be incomplete, especially in his earlier career which is harder to track down. I expect the more recent records to be very accurate). 
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Next, let’s take a look of how his career in these various promotions unfolded over the years. The graph below only includes promotions in which Takayama wrestled at least four matches per year. Other less frequent promotions are included in the grey ‘other’ columns.
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This graph tells a pretty clear story. Takayama started his career as a shoot-style wrestler, primarily in UWF-i. And if you’ve never seen young, skinny and somewhat gangly Takayama in action, do yourself a favor and check it out. After splitting time between shoot-style promotion Kingdom and AJPW in 1997, he made AJPW his permanent home in 1998. At this time, AJPW was in need of new faces, and a now fully filled-out Takayama together with his partner Takao Omori formed the iconic team NO FEAR (a rallying cry that really sums up his whole career perfectly) and really shook up AJPW’s tag team and heavyweight title scenes. 
Something happened in mid-2000 that deserves a closer look: Most of AJPW’s roster, led by Mitsuharu Misawa, left AJPW to form a new promotion, Pro-Wrestling NOAH. Takayama was among the wrestlers participating in this split and thus became a NOAH mainstay starting with their debut show on August 5th:
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Starting in 2000, NOAH became Takayama’s home promotion, and he made frequent appearances there in every active year of his career until (and including 2015). But he wasn’t exclusive to them and was active in a large number of promotions, including high profile runs in NJPW. Following the split from AJPW, Takayama would only return to his former home promotion in 2009, culminating in winning the Triple Crown that had eluded him during his earlier run and holding it for large parts of 2009. 
Takayama’s popularity and his in-ring success peaked in the early 2000s. For NOAH, he was a participant in the initial GHC Heavyweight title match, losing to Mitsuharu Misawa in a hard-fought battle. He was finally able to win the title in 2002 albeit only very briefly, losing it again to Misawa in his first defense. Highlights of his NJPW tenure include participating in the final of the 2002 G-1 Climax and holding the IWGP Heavyweight title for large parts of 2003. So, why did his career peak around this time? Was it just that he finally came fully into his own, reached the peak of his craft and popularity, and was rewarded for it? That is definitely a part of it, but there is another reason for it.
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Let’s look at his matches over the years and add a filter to it. Here, you see that Takayama also participated in four mixed martial arts (MMA) fights in the early 2000s, all while continuing to make frequent wrestling appearances.
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Around this time, business was booming in Japan’s fight industry, but not for professional wrestling. MMA was hitting an incredible wave of popularity, thereby also deeply threatening the pro wrestling industry, which had historically portrayed itself as the “king of sports” and the real deal. However, compared to “real” fighting, pro-wrestling’s reputation was at stake and promoters were scrambling to figure out what to do to prove that pro-wrestling be strongest after all (if you want to take a look at Antonio Inoki and NJPW’s...misguided attempts to deal with this, check out this video). As a result, lots of pro-wrestlers started taking legitimate MMA bouts. It worked out well for some (Kazushi Sakuraba, Kazuyuki Fujita) and...not so well for many others. Takayama represents an interesting mixture of both - from a sporting perspective, it’s hard to imagine a less successful career (0-4, all brutal losses by stoppage). However, it was this perfectly unsuccessful foray into MMA that catapulted Takayama into new heights of popularity. While not exactly being a great fighter, he was an incredibly gutsy one, willing to absorb inhumane amounts of punishment and never giving up (NO FEAR, indeed). His fight with Don Frye in particularly is legendary and I doubt I have to say much more about it. Just go watch it if you’re not familiar. All combined, his unsuccessful MMA run made him a much more popular and well-known wrestler, and he took advantage of that in the following years.
As the graph shows, Takayama’s pro-wrestling career continued largely unchanged on top of these brutal MMA bouts. While he did wrestle less frequently in 2001 and 2002, that’s still a lot of matches on top of those fights. It makes sense that he wanted to cash in on his newfound fame and popularity (there’s a common talking point that the Frye/Takayama fight outdrew the simultaneous 2002 soccer world cup in Japan/South Korea), and of course promotions wanted to book this red-hot star. However, this lack of rest and continued punishment came with a heavy price, as Takayama suffered a stroke in 2004 and  was out of action following that. He miraculously made a comeback in 2006, but those years of punishment obviously took quite a lot out of him. 
In recent years, it seemed that Takayama was finally able to ease up on his physical and demanding style and winding down his long and illustrious career. In the last two years, he wrestled less frequently and mostly appeared in Dramatic Dream Team (DDT), taking on a lighter style oriented more towards comedy. However, tragedy struck when he was injured while performing a routine move in March, severely injuring his cervical spinal cord and leaving him paralyzed. In reaction to this terrible news, the entire Japanese pro wrestling scene banded together to try to support Takayama and his family as best as they could. Under the label TAKAYAMANIA, an effort to collect donations for him has been set up and you can see these donation boxes at promotions of all shapes and sizes throughout Japan. 
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(You can also donate in some other places, like Minoru Suzuki’s Piledriver store in Harajuku. Or hand some money to a very confused Suzuki if you happen to run into him at the airport like I did.)
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Since Takayama has also made quite a few fans outside of Japan, some efforts have also been made to donate to him for people who do not live in Japan and can’t make transfers to a Japanese foundation. See for example this ongoing effort. 
0 notes
Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 1 Side B Round 3
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
"There will come a soldier Who carries a mighty sword He will tear your city down Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord"
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
"Hung pictures of patron saints up on my wall To remind me that I am a fool Tell me where I came from, what I will always be Just a spoiled little kid who went to Catholic school"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Everyone was doing animatics of this. The meme was that you’d choose one of your blorbos to represent the “soldier,” one for the “poet”, and one for the “king.” The original point of the song is that “soldier poet and king” are all one person, and that person is Jesus, but literally no one cares about that. Who needs Jesus when you have Warrior Cats?
What's that?...it's supposed to be about Jesus? NOT ANYMORE, BABEY!! It's about my BLORBOS
It's a really nice song and can highlight different characters and their talents/abilities
If your fandom is fantasy, has a fantasy au, or characters that fit the roles, this can works. Can probably fit any fandom.
you look this song up on yt and youre going to find an animatic with it for every fandom in existence i stg man
Animatics with the song:
Song of Achilles
DSMP Sleepy Bois Animatic
Genshin Impact
The Owl House
The Adventure Zone
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Its got that sick clapping for smooth frame changes, and it's got all the applications babeyy. Low self esteem hero? Sure! Sympathetic villain? You got it! Morally grey character? Come on in. "Make me love myself so that i might love you" can be about god, friends, a partner, a found family, you name it. "Dont make me a liar cause i swear to god when i said it i thought it was true" can be about anything. Your best friend is evil now? A betrayal?? A disillusioned hero??? "Neither of us will be missed" girlies i am peeing from how good this song is for angst.
"the st. bernard sits at the TOP OF THE DRIVE WAY" makes for a very cool and sexy shot transition. you seen the beau lionett animatic set to this?
tik tok picked up the audio a bit cause the drop into distortion is great, but also the vocals and imagery as they stand are excellent. there's at least four ace attorney ones alone and they all focus on different characters (Blackquill/Sahdmadhi, Klavier, van Zieks, and Edgeworth) and the van Zieks one was posted shortly before the official localization was released. also idk if it's on youtube but there's also one for bass.exe on tumblr which is also excellent
Animatics with the song:
Five Nights at Freddy's Michael Afton Animatic
3rd Life Impulse Animatic
DSMP Revivebur Animatic
The Owl House
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 1 Side B Round 2
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
"It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I could hear the chit-chat"
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
"Hung pictures of patron saints up on my wall To remind me that I am a fool Tell me where I came from, what I will always be Just a spoiled little kid who went to Catholic school"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
No Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
Ace Attorney Narumitsu Animatic
BNHA EraserMic Animatic
Stardew Valley Shane x Farmer
Steven Universe Spinearl
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Its got that sick clapping for smooth frame changes, and it's got all the applications babeyy. Low self esteem hero? Sure! Sympathetic villain? You got it! Morally grey character? Come on in. "Make me love myself so that i might love you" can be about god, friends, a partner, a found family, you name it. "Dont make me a liar cause i swear to god when i said it i thought it was true" can be about anything. Your best friend is evil now? A betrayal?? A disillusioned hero??? "Neither of us will be missed" girlies i am peeing from how good this song is for angst.
"the st. bernard sits at the TOP OF THE DRIVE WAY" makes for a very cool and sexy shot transition. you seen the beau lionett animatic set to this?
tik tok picked up the audio a bit cause the drop into distortion is great, but also the vocals and imagery as they stand are excellent. there's at least four ace attorney ones alone and they all focus on different characters (Blackquill/Sahdmadhi, Klavier, van Zieks, and Edgeworth) and the van Zieks one was posted shortly before the official localization was released. also idk if it's on youtube but there's also one for bass.exe on tumblr which is also excellent
Animatics with the song:
Five Nights at Freddy's Michael Afton Animatic
3rd Life Impulse Animatic
DSMP Revivebur Animatic
The Owl House
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Side A Round 1
Are You Satisfied? - MARINA
"Are you satisfied with an average life? Do I need to lie to make my way in life? High achiever, don't you see? Baby, nothing comes for free They say I'm a control freak Driven by a greed to succeed Nobody can stop me"
Brave as a Noun - AJJ The Band
"I could go off the deep end I could kill all my best friends I could follow stylish trends And God knows I could make amends But I've got an angry heart Filled with cancers and poppy tarts If this is how you folks make art it's fucking depressing"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Are You Satisfied? - MARINA
No Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
Quackity Animatic
The Owl House Hunter Animatic
Good Omens
Brave as a Noun - AJJ The Band
One of those songs that lists so many things that could potentially be plot elements that it fits almost every fandom. And it slaps EVERY TIME. Brave as a Noun but Sunny from OMORI. Brave as a Noun but Poptart from BCB. I could go on. Only problem is that not enough people include the song it transitions into (Survival Song)
Honestly I could put any AJJ song here, but I think Brave as a Noun is the one I see the most. Morally grey blorbo? You better believe they have a Brave as a Noun animatic.
Animatics with the song:
DSMP Nihachu Animatic
Arcane Jinx Animatic
Your Turn To Die
World of None
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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plural-sunny · 5 months
If you're taking requests, could you make Stranger paci edit(s) please? I love your work!!
here ya go! and thank u sm :3
i was debating between grey, green, and blue colour schemes but i was feeling a bit green so i went with that. if u want either of the others or something else, just lmk
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plural-sunny · 5 months
Could you possibly do any edits of sunny in the official arts 🥺
Like with agere gear or just whatever u want
i made icons bc that was what i was inspired to do. it wound up mostly being photo album pics bc so if you'd like more with other arts or a different style let me know :3 (i'm always looking for an excuse to edit)
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