#grey-mantled albatross
makosharklover · 1 year
Today is Tuesday which means it’s
*dun dun dun dudnundun*
Todays twilight zone animal is the Japanese flying squid
These squids live 500 meters deep making them apart of the twilight zone, they can be as much as 50cm in length and weigh 100-500g. Their predators are grey-headed albatross and the sperm whale. Now for the most interesting part about these squids is the whole flying aspect, now of course they don’t actually fly in the air like a bird (although they do get some air-time) but they do propel water at insane speeds as their sense of movement, they don’t use fins or arms to move but pull water into the mantle and forcefully propelling it out a siphon.
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A few more birds (lots more to come yet!).  Top three are the Light-mantled Sooty Albatrosses I saw as we zodiac-ed along after our Citizen Science cruise.  Very rare discovery!  Next are a couple of Black-browed Albatrosses - love ‘em so more to come!  Then two Dolphin Gulls - adult and immature.  There is a lot of variation in colour as they mature and for some reason, it seems hard to capture their lovely grey plumage in photos.  Lastly a pair of Brown Skuas and a couple more Northern Giant Petrels.
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Ringwaldt Deities Part 5
So lets hop around a bit and take a quick look at some fun friends.
Well technically not Deities, the Elemental Lords can and are worshiped enough that they can spare power to a small number.
Most of their flocks are warlocks granted arcane power though there are a few clerics and paladins.
There are additional elemental lords.
Ygn’ys : NG : Arson, Ash, Fire, Good, Redemption, Smoke
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of  Flames
Home;  Elemental Plane of Fire(The Whistling City)
Favored Weapon;  Flaming Weapons
Symbol;  A Blazing Hand
Sacred Animal;  Cardinals
Sacred Colours;  Red, Orange, and Black
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(Art by; https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6aJVkx ).  An Angel serving under Ygn’ys
Ven’tuss : NE : Air, Cloud, Evil, Lightning, Plague, Wind
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Gales
Home;  Elemental Plane of Air(The Roaring Gale)
Favored Weapon;  Thrown Weapons
Symbol;  A Green Cyclone
Sacred Animal;  
Sacred Colours;  Green
Gla’cyes : LN : Flotsam, Flowing, Ice, Law, Loyalty, Oceans, River, Water
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Twisting Waters
Home;  Elemental  Plane of Water(The Frozen City)
Favored Weapon;  Freezing Weapons
Symbol;  A Snowflake with a blue ring  around it.
Sacred Animal;  Seals, Penguins, Bears
Sacred Colours;  Dark Blues and Crystalline Blues
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(Art by; Unknown found no Pintrest without link to original).  How I imagine Glac’yes  prefers to appear
Terma : CN : Caves, Chaos, Earth, Entropy, Metal, Petrification, Radiation
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Earth
Home;  Elemental Plane of Earth(The Carved City)
Favored Weapon;  Two-Handed Weapons
Symbol;  A Mossy Cubic Stone
Sacred Animal;  Moles, and Badgers
Sacred Colours;  Heavy Tawny Browns and Light crisp Greens
Fompor : LG : Archon, Fire, Flowing,  Good, Kyton, Law, Smoke, Water
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Steam
Home;  The Whistling City
Favored Weapon;  Whistling Longsword
Symbol;  A Kettle red hot on the bottom with a sapphire on its side
Sacred Animal;  Frogs
Sacred Colours;  Cast Iron Grey and Red(Females) or Blue(Males)
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(Art found; https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/179236.html ).  Fompor identifies as both genders.
Ince’dym : CG : Arson, Chaos, Earth, Fire, Good, Metal, Riot
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Magma
Home;  The Volcanic Tower
Favored Weapon;  Flaming Weapons
Symbol;  A Volcano about to Erupt
Sacred Animal;  Camels,  Sleeper Sharks
Sacred Colours;  Silver and Red
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(Art by;  https://looceyloo.tumblr.com/image/177664250413 );  An elemental prince of Ince’dym
Tempest’atybus : LE : Air, Cloud, Evil, Fear, Ice, Law, Storms, Water, Weather
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Storms
Home;  The City of Perpetual Rain
Favored Weapon;  Shocking Weapons
Symbol;  An Ice Blue Lightning Bolt with a Worried Eye as the Background
Sacred Animal;  Albatross,  Leopard Seals, Orca
Sacred Colours;  Icey Blue and Bright Gold
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(Art by; https://www.reddit.com/r/characterdrawing/comments/g6j82d/oc_commission_lazarith_ninar_elemental_elf/ ).  Clerics of the Lord of Storms tend to be overly dramatic
Verma : CE : Air, Caves, Chaos, Demon, Earth, Evil, Protean, Wind
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Dust
Home;  The City of Twisting Caverns
Favored Weapon;  Unarmed Strikes
Symbol;  A Cloak Clasp Holding  Carved stone.
Sacred Animal;  Antlions
Sacred Colours;  Dusty Brown and Dry Dull Greens
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(Art found;  http://granbluefantasy.jp/theatre/detail.php?contents=monsters&id=16 ).  The earth summons of Verma are often odd.
Maarh :  TN : Earth, Inevitable, Memory, Rivers, Water
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Swamps
Home;  The City of Reeds
Favored Weapon;  Javelin, Longspear, Net
Symbol;  Reeds erupting from a Swampy Soil
Sacred Animal;  Alligator, Boar, Python, Turtle
Sacred Colours;  Deep Green and Soft Maroon
Cyn’dus : NG : Air, Ash, Fire, Good, Liberation, Revolution, Wind
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Cinders
Home;  The City of Sweeping Winds
Favored Weapon;  Pistols
Symbol;  Two hands of Ash grasping a brilliant ball of flame
Sacred Animals;  Drops Bears, Sloths
Sacred Colours;  Ashen White and Green
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(Art by; https://www.deviantart.com/art/Shadows-and-Ashes-724473786 )  One does not forget the face or shape of a herald of Cyn’dus.  But yeah change ouit the black for white and you got a good example of their heralds.
Myths of the Deity
-The Elemental Deities are noted for their unique traits as they are greater elementals whose mantles are powerful enough to stabilize and let them attain a sort of pseudo godhood.  This makes them closer towards, say Arch-Angels, Arch-Fay and Demon Lords.
-These are the 12 most prominent of said lords though it's hard to say if there are any others beyond them and as likely it is also equally unlikely which drives many researchers to search the Elemental Planes for knowledge of this.
-Under each Elemental Lord are great elemental princes powerful elementals of great capability under a particular lords dominion.  Each lord has half a dozen at least with the beings varying from being the children of the lord to being the empowered servants.  Elemental Princes often act as heralds and great agents for their particular lord.
Rituals, Holidays, Sacred Days
-Earth Priests celebrate the success in finding new materials and the crafting of new earthenware be it swords, jewelry, pots or more.  Earth holidays thus are one days that riches or caravans or on an annual date when a particular mine vein was found.
-Fire Priests celebrate the rise of the great flaming orb of the sun each dawn. As such their greatest celebration is on the solstice, the longest day of the year and also upon the shortest great bonfires are raised.  Fire Priests celebrate the construction of baths, bakeries, and smithies.
-Water Priests celebrate the first major snow of winter in areas with it or the coming of a monsoon season or the first spring showers in wonder.  Water Priests celebrate the construction of great waterways, aqueducts and baths.
-Air Priests celebrate changes in the weather so the most holy days for them are Autumn and they hold great celebrations over the course of Autumn to commemorate. Air priests celebrate the construction of ships, and large towers that strike high into the sky.
-All elemental priests hold eclipses as dark days of ill content and fear.
-Elemental Clerics have the Rite of Limb :  This involves immersing one’s arm in the element.  Earth Priests immerse their arm into a box full of coarse sand.  Water Priests immerse their limb in freezing cold water. Air Priests immerse their arm into a container filled with poisonous miasma. Fire Priests immerse their limb into a blazing bonfire.  When one draws the limb free should it be scared and or otherwise damaged but not destroyed that is blessed and if the limb suffers no damage that person is considered incredibly blessed.  Such blessed limbs are often magically tattooed to enhance and provide those who have undergone the ritual to empower themself.  Those who fail such a test are punished with their other arm being immersed if this limb also suffers the same fate then the cleric is healed but demoted for their failure.
-Elemental Clerics of two elements will undergo the Rite of Limb twice once for each element they hold to.
-The Rite of Gate : Clerics of an Elemental will create a small portal to one of the cities within the elemental plane they are aligned and enter into it they will live among those within the city for a full year and return to the portal to return to their fellows at the temple if they do so they have passed the test.  Clerics that do not return could be those that died, were enslaved or simply decided to stay instead of going back to their fellow clerics.
-Elemental Priests have very exclusive marriage rites based around the elements.  Fire Priests wear light near see through fabrics of red/orange.  Water Priests strip to nothing except minimalist greens and blues that are often accentuating rather than scandalous.  Earth Priests have their wedding clothing incorporate small plates or gemstones and often include thin chainwork.  Air Priests wear nothing or thin gossamer white or light green dresses.  A poly relationship and marriage between 1 Priest of every Element well rare is perfectly accepted by most Neutral Aligned Elemental Lords
-‘May the spirit of the element guide you’.  With Water Priests means to go with the flow.  With Earth Priests it means to stay resolute on a choice.  With Fire it means adapt rapidly but not to reverse course.  With Air it means go slow to build momentum.
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propelsteps · 4 years
'Earth' Our home too : Albatross
‘Earth’ Our home too : Albatross
Albatrosses are large seabirds in the family Diomedeidae. They are related to the procellariids, storm petrels, and diving petrels in the order Procellariiformes (the tubenoses). They range widely in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific. Albatrosses are among the largest of flying birds, and species of the genus Diomedea (great albatrosses) have the longest wingspans of any extantbirds,…
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aion-rsa · 8 years
Superwoman Presents New Superman Reborn Mysteries
SPOILER WARNING: This article contains spoilers for “Superwoman” #8, on sale now.
While the latest development in the big story of the “Superman Reborn” arc was the true identity of the mysterious non-super Clark Kent over in “Action Comics” #975, “Superwoman” #8, a tie-in issue by Phil Jimenez, Jack Herbert and Stephen Segovia, also offered significant clues as to what this latest “rebirth” will mean for the Superman Family. Lana Lang has now been visited not only by the ghost of New 52 Lois Lane, but also that universe’s Superman and more.
Throughout the series, readers have seen Lana deteriorate both mentally and physically as the energy powers she gained as the New 52 Superman died have taken their toll. She’s had regular conversations with the spirit — or some other form of ethereal manifestation — of New 52 Lois Lane, who acquired more traditional Kryptonian powers at the same time but who died on the two Superwomen’s first mission. Lana, quite understandably, believes these conversations to be all in her head, but one of Lena Luthor’s Bizarress clones seems to be able to perceive Lois, as well. Last issue, though, and continuing through “Action Comics” #973-4, Lana finally succumbed to her own deadly powers, and her boyfriend Steel rushed her to Superman’s Fortress of Solitude for live-saving treatment.
“We’re So Disappointed in You”
In a state near death, Lana’s hallucinations/visitations are ratcheted up to 11, and she finds herself confronted with her dead brother, parents and the New 52 Lois and Clark. Her brother’s first statement, “We’re so disappointed in you,” speaks to a lot of Lana’s conflict over the course of the series: her debilitating self-doubt. She had to be coaxed into being a Superwoman, and acutely felt the failure of living up to the model of an ideal hero.
But soon her family softens the blow by clarifying that they are only disappointed that Lana has forgotten her own strength.
“Why Can’t I Focus?”
Things get more interesting, however, when Lana reveals that her memory of the very meeting where Lois convinced her to become Superwoman is “hazy.” As her family fades away, Lana is left with her old friends Lois and Clark, along with the sense that something is changing in the very fabric of reality — something centered on this pair.
Superwoman: What makes Lois and Clark so special?
In case there was any doubt, a caption directs readers to check out the “Superman Reborn” arc for the full story. But the thing is, even with this week’s big reveal, the stuff Lana is going through hasn’t really been the central focus of that arc — readers who pay close attention to the story around comics, who consider the reasons behind their favorite stories and debate about things like the New 52 and Rebirth, may have a good sense of what’s to come, but that’s all somewhat external to the story currently being told in “Superman” and “Action.” Right now, it’s looking at the mystery of the false Clark Kent and the peril he represents to the real Clark, Lois and their son Jon. But those characters — the bedrock of the DC Universe — are currently carrying the narrative albatross of being refugees from another universe, the pre-Flashpoint reality, which complicates the concept of a character who should be universally accessible. “Superman Reborn” will likely address this. But “Superwoman” #8 starts to suggest how.
A bit of metacommentary from Lana Lang.
After a bit more railing about how Lois and Clark are apparently the most important people in the universe, Lois tells Lana that the “universe chose her” to “be a bridge,” to “protect the past and connect it to the present.”
Then, the pieces start to fall into place.
“I Understand Now”
Lois: “It’s our son.”
Lana is either way smarter than I am, or else overstating her case. But at any rate the direction is pretty clear: The universe is reconfiguring to incorporate the pre-Flashpoint Lois and Clark so that they have always been a part of the current continuity. It also suggests that Jon, who is currently being held captive outside reality by “Superman Reborn’s” villain, represents more than simply the first child born to comics’ classic couple.
Lana’s role, her purpose as a “bridge,” is now to expend the “red energy” to get N52 Lois and Clark “back to where we came from. To make us whole.” Which she does, knowing that she will no longer remember their time together and believing that she will no longer have powers.
The last two panels of the issue present two final, vitally important questions. First, does Lana retain some form of Superwoman powers? She imagines herself waking up after the extended visitation, donning her familiar costume and rushing off with John Henry, Natasha and Traci 13, but without her own energy crackle. But then, the issue ends with an image of Lana still hibernating within the Kryptonian battle armor that brought Kal-El back to life following the “Death of Superman” arc, with Steel pleading with her to “please come back.”
Superwoman is still comatose
It’s pretty clear that Lana remains comatose. How, then, do we interpret the events of this issue? The structure of the series and the nature of her conversations with Lois suggest all of these things “happened,” within the context of developing Lana’s narrative — Lois assures us “this wasn’t for nothing.” And that means we can accept the insinuations about the conclusion of “Superman Reborn” at face value, opaque as they are. But if she’s still in the battle armor, we don’t know what kind of Superwoman she’ll be when she comes out. This may be by design, as new writer K. Perkins takes over from Phil Jimenez next issue; Jimenez has concluded his chapter in the “Superwoman” saga by notably drawing his characters back to their roots (the meeting on the farm where Lois convinced Lana to suit up) while also resolving their inter-dimensional conundrum and crisis of faith.
The solicitation text for Perkins’ first issue suggests that Lana and Lois will once again fight over the mantle of Superwoman.
“SUPER WOMEN” part one! In this story tying in to “Superman Reborn Aftermath,” Lois Lane and Lana Lang find themselves reunited at last! Along with the Man of Steel, their reunion is cut short by the return of Cannon and Saber, who arrive to wreak havoc on the newly restored Metropolis. The mantle of Superwoman will be decided in this debut chapter of “Super Women”!
Does this mean Lana will come out of her coma? She does not necessarily need to be conscious for a “reunion,” though an ongoing series in which the lead is incapacitated for several issues at a time would be difficult to sustain. Or does this suggest that Lois will come out of “Reborn” with powers, and potentially take over the series? After the unexpected switcheroo back in issue #1 where Lois, who had been billed as the titular hero, expired prematurely, some might see such a development as vindication, while others would cry shenanigans.
“Superwoman” has been at its best, though, when it’s unpredictable, and when it uses its conflicted heroes to explore the grey areas of super-heroism, such as the potential for redemption in the Atomic Skull’s contribution to saving Metropolis despite his indisputable crimes. It has been less good in its endless litigation, both through caption narration and “Conversations with Lois,” of Lana’s self-doubt. Whatever path the new writer takes, Perkins may do well to let its central heroine stand on her own and embrace those aspects of Truth and Justice often ignored by the superhero set.
The post Superwoman Presents New Superman Reborn Mysteries appeared first on CBR.
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collectiveofanimals · 9 years
Light-Mantled Albatross
gPhoebetria palpebrata
Phoebetria translates into bright belly, while palpebrata means an eyelid (noting their “popping” white eyelid)..
Family: Diomedeidae (Albatross)
Fun Fact: “Light-mantled albatrosses are the deepest diving of the albatrosses, often diving to 5 m (15 feet) and once being recorded as deep as 12 m (36 feet).” (ADW)
Habitat: They are endemic to pelagic waters and coastal areas of Antarctica and the surrounding southern islands (like South Gerogria, Prince Edward Islands, etc.).
They spend most of their lives at sea, especially juveniles before they are ready to breed. (ADW)
Ecosystem Role: They help maintain fish, mollusks, birds, and crustaceans. Their eggs can provide food for giant petrels and invasive cats. 
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
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collectiveofanimals · 9 years
lightly-mantled albatross by Richard Arculus Via Flickr: near Heard Island, Southern Ocean
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collectiveofanimals · 9 years
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross (Phoebetria palpebrata)
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross (Phoebetria palpebrata) by Bruno Maia Via Flickr: Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica 
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