#greywaren felt like a nothing book AND sort of diminished my love for mi in a pretty big way. because it feels like a massive detour
seavoice · 2 years
tbh I loved joedeclan cdth AMAZINGFF but then in MI and GW it felt so like. Meh
i did really really love them in mi too, but i get what you mean :( cdth jordeclan was SO good but then it did taper out a bit in mi, and gw there was like. nothing. two scenes? one of them from ronan's pov. it was just so empty of them. so random and rushed. :(
the worst thing is i don't even think this is unique to jordeclan in this series. carmenessy starts and stops so randomly, carliana...less said the better, even adam/ronan didn't do anything great for me apart from that chapter 49 scene which went hard! (i know maggie said this series could stand on its own, but i genuinely don't see how pynch would work in this series at aLL if the reader wasn't familiar with trc). also in a similar vein, this is going to sound COLD but truly felt the dreamer trilogy dropped the ball on relationships in general--in a certain way it does work, because it's about the crushing weight of isolation and i feel that loneliness permeating through each character's story was very raw and powerful at times, but there was way too much of "tell don't show" towards the end where we didn't follow through on these themes of isolation and loneliness to their natural conclusion and instead just ended up with everybody being hunky-dory...SIGH
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