#i remember thinking my mi rating was going to depend a LOT on how the series and ended and with the benefit (?) of hindsight can i say.
seavoice · 2 years
tbh I loved joedeclan cdth AMAZINGFF but then in MI and GW it felt so like. Meh
i did really really love them in mi too, but i get what you mean :( cdth jordeclan was SO good but then it did taper out a bit in mi, and gw there was like. nothing. two scenes? one of them from ronan's pov. it was just so empty of them. so random and rushed. :(
the worst thing is i don't even think this is unique to jordeclan in this series. carmenessy starts and stops so randomly, carliana...less said the better, even adam/ronan didn't do anything great for me apart from that chapter 49 scene which went hard! (i know maggie said this series could stand on its own, but i genuinely don't see how pynch would work in this series at aLL if the reader wasn't familiar with trc). also in a similar vein, this is going to sound COLD but truly felt the dreamer trilogy dropped the ball on relationships in general--in a certain way it does work, because it's about the crushing weight of isolation and i feel that loneliness permeating through each character's story was very raw and powerful at times, but there was way too much of "tell don't show" towards the end where we didn't follow through on these themes of isolation and loneliness to their natural conclusion and instead just ended up with everybody being hunky-dory...SIGH
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buffintruder · 2 years
Rate some tropes :D Tried to have some diversity in here.
soulmate AU, friends to lovers, whump, h/c, coffeeshop AU, MCD, post-canon
Thank you!!
Soulmate au: C
I don't hate it, but I am pretty picky about it. I generally like the concept more than the execution, so I usually don't read soulmate aus that are longer than a few thousand words long. I feel like knowing the answer kind of takes the fun out of romance, but it can make for fun meet-cutes, and I've definitely seen people take interesting spins off the concept
friends to lovers: A
I'm not sure if I've actually gone looking for this trope specifically, because if i'm in the mood for it I'd probably just look for a ship between characters who are friends, but it is top tier. Either this is full of pining and wondering if you're making a mistake by changing the nature of the relationship, or it's a the sort of natural progression where there isn't any big step from friends to lovers it just sort of happens, and both are gold
whump: D
I used to like this trope?? Or at least I remember reading a fair number of fics with it. Now I cannot stand graphic descriptions of physical pain. If it's part of a bigger story, I'll probably just skim over that part, but if it's a fic solely focused on whump I probably won't read it
h/c: B
I definitely don't seek this out, and this trope might honestly get more of a B- or a C+ from me. I like it as a part of bigger stories but I might not read a fic that has it as the main thing of the story. I'm honestly not sure why I'm kind of neutral on this?? It seems like something I would like. Maybe I just haven't read enough hurt comfort that's really well written
coffeeshop au: B
I do like this, but I feel like unless there is something else going on, I can read about one coffeeshop au per fandom before getting a bit bored. People who take the coffeeshop au base and then add stuff to it is great though
(assuming this means main character death?) This grade is very conditional honestly. If the main character doesn't die in canon, I will almost never read fics where that character dies unless it's a temporary death. If the character does die in canon, depending on my mood, I can and will read many fics where the character dies. I guess I used to love this more in my Les Mis days, but now I read/watch things where characters survive more or people are likely to be in more denial about those deaths so I don't read it a lot
post-canon: B
Honestly it depends on the fandom?? Sometimes the vibes of the main story line are so good and the ending is tragic/unsatisfying/doesn't give a lot to work on. Other times I love seeing how the characters pick up the pieces and learn to move on after everything is over. Generally I like it, I can't think of any fandoms where I would avoid it, though I'm not sure if I've ever filtered for this tag on ao3. More of a B+ i think
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eleanorbloom · 3 years
I'm sincerely curious - how will Eleanor reveal to Bryce that she's pregnant?
I've missed Elle and Bryce so much 🥺🥺🥺 Glad to have you back!!!
My dear Conch! Thank you so much for asking this question! You have no idea how much joy you brought me when I had to think about an answer.
The thing is, I've always imagined it's not really a big surprise, but man, that doesn't mean it's not precious.
Eleanor and Bryce knew they'd had kids since they early stages of their relationship (once Eleanor make up her mind about certain attending, of course). It was just a matter of when.
Here's a litle ficlet. Hope it fills your curiosity, my darling ❤️
This is my submission for @openheartfanfics event Meet My MC: About The Future. Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for Fics of the Week.
Little Blooms
Book/Pairing: Open Heart / Bryce Lahela x F! MC (Eleanor Bloom)
Word Count: 1.2k Warning/Rating: None/Teen
When Eleanor and Bryce proposed each other, they agreed to marry when they felt sure about taking the big step in parenthood. So, after they got married, Eleanor stopped taking the pill and hoped for the best.
Bryce noticed the changes since she stopped being on birth control. She wasn't regular in her period, she was way more horny than usual but also moody.
However, four months since she was off birth control, he noticed the morning sickness, how could he not if right after Bryce put a plate of omelette in front of her, Eleanor ran to the nearest bathroom and couldn't swallow anything that morning.
Completely oblivious, she blamed it to the churros she ate the night before.
Bryce was suspicious. He couldn't remember the last time she got her period, but it was a lot. But as they days passed and nothing extraordinary happened, he attributed it to the her body still adjusting to the lack of hormones.
Until he arrived home one night, late, after a massive surgery.
Eleanor wanted to tell him the moment she found out, early that afternoon, but Bryce would be on surgery for several hours, and this moment had to be private. The proposal and wedding had been so public, that she wanted this moment to be only theirs.
Bryce opened the door of their apartment around midnight and found Eleanor sitting by the couch in a lilac nightgown.
"Hey babe, you're still awake?"
"Yeah, I was waiting for you," She said softly.
When she got up from the couch, he saw an unusual glow on her face, in her eyes. It made his stomach flutter.
"Oh yeah? What for?"
She smirked, ignoring the question, "How did the bypass go?"
"It went well. We had some complications with an artery, but nothing I couldn't solve myself," he winked at her, with his usual confidence.
"That's awesome. Congrats, my love," she said leaning to kiss him on the lips.
There was a different softness in her kiss that night.
"How are you?" he asked with evident curiosity. He wasn't sure where this was going.
Her eyes lighted up.
"I'm great. I'm..." She sighed, as if she had been contianing the air for hours.
Maybe in a way she had been.
Then, she bit her lip and shook her head with her eyes full of wonder.
"Mi amor..." she whispered.
And he knew. Before she told him he knew.
"Mi amor, I'm pregnant," she confessed, releasing a long breath, "We're going to have a baby."
The world stopped right at that moment. Just like the moment he saw her walking down the aisle, beautiful like a goddess, ready to be his wife.
And this, this moment, this life-changing moment would be ablazed to his memory just like the moment he told her he loved her, or when she told him she had finaly fell in love with him. Or when she asked him to marry her, and right after that he asked her the same question.
They had lived so many life-changing moments together and he was sure they'd live a hundred more.
But this. This was different. This was something else. It felt surreal.
Their love had grown so big, it was enough to create another human being and bring it to this world. To overflow their lives with love and happiness.
"Elle, love. My love..."
He saw the tears spilling down her cheeks. Tears of joy, of utter happiness. Of that happiness just Bryce makes her feel.
"We're going to have a baby, my love. A baby from you and me."
Her words were pure sweetness. The most beautiful thing he could've ever heard from her.
He couldn't say anything. Even if they've been preparing for this moment, it was a whole new thing processing the reality. They would be parents. He would be a dad. They'd have a little bean made of their love. It wouldn't be just them, Bryce and Elle. It would be them and the new family they were building. Their kids. Their kids who would turn their lives upside down.
So Bryce kissed her. At his -unusual- loss for words he just kissed her and then laughed and laughed until a single tear spilled down his cheek too. He didn't know if the tears were of emotion or laugh. Either way, he didn't care, it was his most genuine reaction.
"Babe. My princess. My love," he whispered with utter tenderness, peppering her with kisses all over her face, starting on her forehead and down her cheeks, jaw, nose and finishing in her smiling lips, "My koala. We're gonna have little koala?"
Eleanor couldn't help but giggle. At the image of a little koala hanging in her arms, but also because of the tenderness in his voice.
"Or a little Goldie. Or maybe a Koldie."
Both snorted, a mixture of complicity and incredulity.
"It's gonna be a koala. I want him or she or they to be just as beautiful as you are."
"Ummm hello, where is my husband and what did you do with him?"
"Have I never told you you're the most beautiful creature in the universe?"
"Mmmm.... Multiple times."
"What's the surprise there, then?"
"You wouldn't want our kid to be like you? To inherit your beauty?"
"I do. But the second can be like me."
"Oh, and there's gonna be a second?"
"Well, yeah, we talked about two, at least."
"Well, yeah, but that depends on how the first one goes."
He nodded, chuckling, "I respect that."
Then, he slowly slid a hand to her side until his palm reached her belly. It was as usual, flat, but he knew there was something there. A little bean that in less than nine months would be with them to change their lives completely.
It already had changed his life completely.
"You know what?" he added, caressing her cheek with his knuckles, "They can all be like you, I don't care. That way every time I see them, I see you and they remind me of how happy you have made me."
"That's not fair," she giggled. "I want one looking just like you so I can see you when you're not close."
Bryce bit his lip and shrugged, "I guess we have no choice but have at least two so we're both happy."
"Two little Blooms," she said in a tiny voice, fighting the tears. It was moving how contemplative he was. But she knew, she knew that once the amazement was over, he would be ecstatic, and cheery and noisy, just like the Goldie he was, so Eleanor wanted to relish in that moment.
"Our little Blooms," he repeated softly, and he crouched down until his face was inches away from Eleanor's belly. "Hey baby, are you there? It's dad."
Eleanor couldn't help but sob as she saw Bryce talking to their baby for the first time, "I know you can't hear me, you probably don't even have a nervous system for now, but I want to tell you I already love you, and I'm so freaking happy you're coming."
Eleanor rested her hand on his head and caressed his silky hair softly, then she wrapped both arms around him and pulled him close.
"Te amo."
He enveloped her in his arms and looked up at her.
"And I love you. Once again you have made me the luckiest man on this planet."
That night, they barely sleept. The plans for the future and guesses about how their baby would be and look made them lost track of space and time.
They were immersed in their own bubble of love and happiness.
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life-rewritten · 4 years
Start Up: Dalmi's Fantasy Dosan vs New Dosan
The title of episode 8:  Back up, A copy created for when an original version gets lost.
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The Husband hunting game is still on. And episode 7 and 8 of start-up continues to make the race equal between both guys, but again I still feel pulled to the side of Dosan more than Jipyeong. Here are more clues, symbols and analysis on these two episodes that explain more why Dosan is still in the lead but why he could make a mistake and lose it all. Dosan is still 80% endgame to me and here's why: warning long essay ahead.  Check out my previous post on why Dosan has been ahead of the race and why the show hints he's the 'one' fated to be with Dalmi here. Let's begin with episode 7/8:
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The title is obvious, right?  We have two different people in Dalmi's heart, despite her not knowing it. One we have her fantasy Nam Do San: her first love, her helper and her ideal guy. Two we have her real/'new' Nam Do San: her helping hand, her partner, and the actual real version of her ideal guy. The original version in this definition points to Jipyeong. He's the guy who she unknowingly fell in love with as Dosan. But the copy is Nam Do San. Because in episode 7 she admits she likes them both, but she'll still choose Jipyeong's Do San; he's her first love, she finds her self caring and being grateful and indebted to him. The reason why Dalmi is so open and nosy with Jipyeong is because she felt indebted to him and grateful he was always helping her, and he didn't need to. She automatically started to care for him and show up around him. But instead of seeing this as proof that Jipyeong is her endgame, remember her last words; She's getting used to the new Nam Do San. Her feelings were being backed up/copied in two for two very different versions of Do San. She was being a bit hesitant in furthering their relationship because she noticed he was different; she didn't know how to feel about it, but she still liked him (his hands). However, by the end of episode 7, the girl was hooked and in love again. That's why she kissed him. She kissed him because of his actions that day; 
First, his idea which was actually heartwarming and brilliant. An app for the visually impaired. Notice she almost gave up on his idea for something flashy/money, but she returned when she realised what she actually liked/or what was fun to her. This is foreshadowing, that she will end up not choosing him at first and will get distracted by the fantasy of her first love, but at the end of the day if Dosan stays true to himself she'll return when that fantasy is lost (Back up: the title) 
Second, his hands were once again helpful: He used his hands to smash the plaque of the man who was insulting her in other to protect her from being hurt and she knew what it meant for him to lose his cool like that. Since they'd discuss that he never does that. Dalmi realised how important she was to him both in episode 7 and even episode 8 when he finally tells her about her grandmother and she recognises the reasons for the app. Dosan's hands are always doing something to help Dalmi reach her goal, they're there to pull her up when she's down, there to hold her when she cries and they're there to shield her when she's being attacked. She realised again how grateful she was for him and she fell for him again because of his actions in that episode. 
Third: Because she realised how much she wanted this version of Dosan too, this new, different version that excites her at times but also confuses her. Remember because of her first love Dalmi is very hesitant towards new people, she has a lot of expectations and qualities she wants in a new guy if he is to beat Fantasy Do San. Her grandmother calls her out on this, and for Dalmi,  the reason why she was still getting used to the real Dosan was that she was noticing that he wasn't always hitting those qualities she expected of him like for example, he made mistakes, he was ditzy and more reserved, awkward and wasn't as successful as she expected him to be. But she said to her grandmother none of that mattered when it came to him. Because even though Dosan is different from Fantasy Dosan, his actions have shown her that he's pretty much still the guy she wants: he's modest, smart and selfless and he helps her, inspires and distracts her just the way she mentioned he would be in episode 3 when she found excuses why she dumps guys previously. Dosan ended up being like the guy in the letter despite being different. 
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Her kissing Dosan signifies that she's put away her doubtful thoughts about getting used to him because she now was falling for him all over again. Her feelings were being backed up: They were being copied without her realising it, she liked two Dosan's in the same way. What this tells us is that she likes them both. Jipyeong and Dosan are still head to head because she refuses to give up on her fantasy and memories of her first love. But Back up also foreshadows that her original feelings are going to be lost,  this is because she'll find out the truth and be separated. I think from both guys. But because her feelings for original Dosan is actually copied and improved on, Nam Do San still has a chance to get her back. Basically, once she discovers her feelings, she'll be confused because she likes them both. But her original feelings will be replaced by the copy. 
Another proof of how she's backed up her feelings on New Dosan is when he asks her again in episode 8 why she likes him. This time she answers his hands first. Bare with me, let me explain. She grabbed his hands automatically as her answer, and she kissed it, instead of immediately mentioning that his old qualities were what she liked. The first time she answered this question, her heart was still on her fantasy Dosan, but now she's realised that what she wants most of all about him are the current person he is and his hands. All he does for her as the current Dosan. She's starting to care more about this version of him than the first version of him in her mind. It's no longer just because she feels grateful and she cares about his past self, it's because she's attracted and falling for who he is naturally the more she spends time with his real Dosan self. Not the Dosan that is trying to please her or is trying to be perfect, she's falling for him as awkward, dorky and nerdy Dosan. And I think it's so sweet to see it. 
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But she thanked him for the truth. Dosan in episode 8 tells her and comforts her about her grandmother. She tells him (and we know this is ominous foreshadowing) that she is happy he told her the truth. This shows how important the truth is to her, so next week they're goanna separate and break up because of the lie. However like I said her original feelings may be lost, but she had backed it up on New Dosan. So it depends on what happens when they see each other again (I'm guessing they'll be separated for a while) if Dosan is still Dosan (kind, selfless, living buddha Dosan) then she'll choose him over Jipyeong. Before I continue with this theory, let's focus on some symbolic symbols mentioned in this episode: 
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The title of episode 7 is called Burn-Rate; the rate at which a start up spends money. Money  is what was important as well in episode 8 for Dalmi. This was what really frustrated me this episode, Dal mi was hoping for the app to not be successful with people because she didn't get investors, she was worried about the cost of it rather than what it meant when people started to download it. She got distracted twice in both episodes by the money (Jipyeong is the person who caused and led to these distractions each time, In Jae also was part of this) The thing is this is how we're seeing how greed and the ambitious environment of wanting to be a CEO are starting to affect Dalmi and Dosan. Especially Dalmi as she has to think logically as a businesswoman, but she's forgetting that she used to believe in 'miracles' and 'luck' happening for her. Fate as I mentioned before, is making Dosan and Dalmi work together to each achieve their dreams, but they're both slowly getting taken down by reality. Faith is not enough anymore when it comes to logistics. This is why I think Jipyeong is still not the one for Dalmi. He breaks and finds every stopping point to her dreams rather than catalyse or inspire her to go for them. 
Don't get me wrong he helped this episode because of her, he likes her. Still, when it comes to the company apart from helping with logistics (like the stepfather issue and recording) he doesn't push for the company's success, he puts them down every single time. He refuses to invest in them because they are not successful or logically right (his lack of faith is why Fate doesn't want him with Dalmi because he'd make her give up if Dosan isn't by her side; this is not me being biased). 
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He only focuses on the surface (like Dalmi mentioned to Injae things on the surface may seem right, but it isn't on the inside like the spoiled fruits she used to give Dalmi) Jipyeong fails to look deeper and notice the authenticity of someone at first because he's not that open-minded and he doesn't trust easily. This is a good thing in reality as a businessman, but when someone is trying to reach out and make their dreams a reality, he is like the opposite of what is needed to do that, because of his pessimism. Don't know if this is making sense but anyway Dosan may not be as realistic but like I said he's someone who is determined and diligent to make his dreams a reality. He may not know-how, or why, but that's where Fate comes in. And that what keeps on pushing Dalmi to do things against Jipyeong's wishes or she uses what Jipyeong tells her (like the recording), but she comes up with how to use it on her own (like she used it to get the investors for the app). 
It's excellent that Jipyeong is logical and smart but with a show that is basically always repeating to not go for what looks only good/idealistic on the surface but to search for authenticity and that has a heart (sail without a direction) it's not working in his favour. That's why despite Dalmi getting distracted by money/logistics or following Jipyeong's advice, she ends up doing the opposite or finding a way for it to work for her and this is due to again Dosan's presence in her life. Dosan's idea for the app was more heartwarming and more genuine (connected to her grandmother), so she chose it over the other choices after realising it mattered more to people than something that makes money, she also discovered how to help them get investors (something that she was trying to do all episode) because of seeing Dosan kneel and look defeated. 
First we all know the plant signifies Dalmi, yes Jipyeong has decided to nurture and take care of her more instead of running away from her. Cute right? We also saw Dalmi give him the incombustible bag a bag that cannot be destroyed. Obviously, on the surface, this points to his feelings and their bond (from when they were kids) This clue points to Jipyeong being endgame, not going to lie. But then if you look closely in episode 8 the bag is returned back to Dalmi and is used to hold her shoes she stepped in shit in. So now its a bag full of shit that is going to get thrown away. It served no purpose, and it didn't matter. Its good to see that these two can't escape what they have because of the letters, I won't deny it, they both cared and had a bond that is great and important, and the letters signify that, but as I keep on saying the letters are in the past, they serve no purpose anymore to Dalmi right now. Jipyeong's purpose that he's good at so far with Dalmi is being a mentor, he's good at offering advice, good at logistics, good at ensuring she's okay, but when he tries to cross that line, he's not good at it, he's not as sufficient as a companion as Dosan is to her, he's not as genuine/authentic to her (this will get a lot of different opinions), he's not as inspirational or helpful to her dreams right now. He may change and become more useful and essential as a lover/companion later on. But right now those letters don't appear to serve a purpose, just like the incombustible bag in this episode. 
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 I have nothing to say about this as a symbolic item, but it is foreshadowing again if you look closer and notice the details. Jipyeong was the person who originally had Dalmi's scrunchie, he could have returned it back to her and not try and be petty, but in being petty, he returned the scrunchie to Dosan. Yes on the surface this has shaken and scared Dosan. But in foreshadowing terms, the scrunchie represents Dalmi. Jipyeong gave back Dalmi to Dosan get it? It's the same as the sweets where Dosan took it and called it his. Because of Jipyeongs childishness and not going to her straight away to return it (just like he never goes to her straight away, or he's always hidden or one step behind), he ends up giving her to Dosan. 
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The tale of the dead dog. The first letter Jipyeong sent to Dalmi is the story she tells Jipyeong to get him to invest more in Dosan's app. It's nice to see how that letter affected her (since I just said it didn't serve a purpose) but again in a show that praises authenticity that story was a lie. It was fabricated to help Dalmi deal with her own losses, Jipyeong came up with the idea of the dead dog to help Dalmi relate to him about stuff, yes he told her about the idea of taking things not for granted, but it's still a lie that inspired her. This show keeps drawing lines between Dosan's authenticity of his feelings and actions towards Dalmi being what inspires her, vs Fantasy and Idealisms of Jipyeong's Dosans actions.  See what I mean? Do san may be lying to her about being the guy who wrote the letter. Still, it's not the letter that made Dalmi choose to give up on her job (it was Dosan's start-up company), inspire her choices and make Samsan Tech overcome difficulties (It's always Dosan by her side and his actions that lead her to doing so), not to mention Dosan fell for Dalmi because of who she was in the letters; he loved her real voice/self before Jipyeong even noticed all that. 
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So after all this, I still think it's not easy to know who is the endgame. Like I said Dalmi likes both equally now, she's made a back up of her feelings for new Dosan. What we need to see and know now is how change, time and separation affects our characters. This will cause a chance for Jipyeong to step up. Like I said before Jipyeong may learn from his heartbreak and be different and mature, he may become selfless for her and be more exposed to her (this what he needs to do more), or Dosan, my poor Dosan, may end up being regressed. When looking at character arcs, Jipyeong can have character development (start trusting more, being open more, showing up more) and Dalmi also can have growth (stop mixing fantasy with reality, stop being petty with her sister, grow up more for her company). Still, Dosan is pretty much 'perfect' as a character now. The way he needs to grow or develop is opposite instead of humbling himself (like Jipyeong) he needs to be more bold and selfish, that's worrying. I can only see his character arc becoming more and more affected by the ambitious environment and becoming more selfish or ambitious to stay successful if Dalmi leaves him. Ego, Spite, Heartbreak and Ambitiousness changes a person. It's not just this though, but there is a foreshadowing quote in episode 8 about a best friend betraying his team. It's either one of the Sans who does that to him, like  Yulsan might betray him (since the camera was on him for longer) or Dosan gets poached by someone (Alex) and betrays his team for what seems more successful for him.  But hopefully, he doesn't lose himself in the process. I still think Dalmi and Dosan are fated, and they positively influence each other, so I'm guessing even after becoming different people they'll match that way, or they'll fall apart. Let's wait to see what it brings. 
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gustingirl · 3 years
i was tagged by @gayforpinks and @recurring-despondency ily both thank youuu
💌 - what day is ur bday??
april 3rd!!
💌 - what’s ur fav colour??
blue always, and lately it's green too
💌 - whats ur lucky number??
8 and 3. idk why 8 tbh but 3 is for my bday
💌 - do u have any pets??
a sweet poodle and an cranky chihuahua hehe
💌 - how tall r u??
i don’t understand how feet works tbh but, in cm, i'm around 165cm
💌 - how many pairs of shoes do u own??
many....many but i always use the same three lol
💌 - favourite song??
it changes literally every day, right now it's gato malo by karol g ft nathy peluso
💌 - favourite movie??
i’m a huge fan of el secreto de sus ojos (2009) and parasite (2019)
💌 - what would be ur ideal partner??
let me tell u smth, i’m really open, like seriously i can’t think of specific treats my partner has to have. all i care and need is loyalty, honesty and communication. i do all my relationships based on those three
💌 - do u want children??
yes and many. i’m not a huge fan of marriage i must admit but i do want children, minimum two
💌 - have u gotten in trouble w the law??
the law has trouble with me (i have never stepped a foot inside a police station)
💌 - favourite swear word??
ANY argentinian swear word, any literally. english swear words are weak as fuck next to argentinian swear words (mi favorito es la reputisima madre que te re mil parió hijo de puta)
💌 - bath or shower??
i prefer baths but i don’t have a bathtub :(
💌 - what colour socks r u wearing rn??
they're brown and beige and have like fur inside (it's not fur the word i’m looking for but i don’t know what material it is)
💌 - fav type of music??
i have a preference on rock, but i live by the cliche of "i listen to a bit of everything" i swear i don’t listen based on anything but the feeling i have inside my brain when i listen to a song
💌 - how many pillows do u sleep with??
two, one for the head and one to hug (plus chimmy)
💌 - what position do u sleep in??
on my sides and i must sleep in fetal position cuz my neck hurts like a bitch every morning
💌 - what u dont like when ur asleep??
lights, i hate having lights on. i used to suffer at sleepovers w one of my bff bc she needs to sleep with lights on and i hate it
💌 - what do u have for breakfast??
lately it's just coffee with milk, i can’t eat in the morning (not at the time i when i wake up at least and i have lunch early)
💌 - have u ever tried archery??
i know i did it once when i was like 7 but i don’t remember shit
💌 - fav fruit??
i’m team peaches and oranges
💌 - do u have any scars??
on my knee from one time i like fell on my knees on granite floor (idk if i have any other)
💌 - r u a good liar??
yes HAHAHAH like i know i am but like....chamuyo bastante, es eso mas que nada xdd
💌 - whats ur fav type of girl??
@gayforpinks (idk i keep the previous answer ;) )
💌 - innie or outtie??
you deserve jail for this question, mf
💌 - left or right handed??
right handed, my left hand is dumb af
💌 - fav food??
empanadas, of meat if i may choose
💌 - r u a messy or a clean person??
somewhere in the middle?
💌 - most used phrase??
"bien ahi" idek why i say that
💌 - how long does it take for u to get ready??
depending, if i have to go i can get ready in 10 minutes but if i can do it in any speed i can take until an hour
💌 - do u talk to urself??
obviously, i’m my own best friend at this rate
💌 - do u sing to urself??
more than i should
💌 - r u a good singer??
not even one bit, idek if i’m tone deaf
💌 - biggest fear??
if we make it deep and sad, failure. if we talk about any fear, then the ocean
💌 - r u a gossip??
yes. a lot. like waaay too much.
💌 - do u like long hair or short hair??
short hair to death, i wish i could cut mine shorter but i feel it wont suit my face shape
💌 - fav school subject??
i used to love history and psychology
💌 - introvert or extrovert??
introvert, it's so obvious
💌 - what makes u nervous??
public speaking (tho i lowkey enjoy doing it), handing in projects or exams and meeting new ppl
💌 - who was ur first crush??
a boy i crushed for like 7 years and the other day i suddenly dreamt with him ew
💌 - how many piercings do u have??
none but i wanna get my ears pierced again (the hole closed)
💌 - how fast can u run??
not fast enough, for sure
💌 - what colour is ur hair??
natural blonde (yes, bully me idc)
💌 - what colour r ur eyes??
💌 - what makes u angry??
injusticies, discrimination and normalized micro agressions, ppl who mind other ppl's business, shippers of real life people, ppl who like assuming stuff about celebrities and ppl who degrade others to feel better with themselves (and the list goes on tbh)
💌 - do u like ur own name??
i used to hate it but now i love it, especially when ppl make unique nicknames out of it
💌 - do u want a boy or a girl as a child??
both tho obviously as a girl i would love to have my own princess
💌 - what r ur strengths??
i’m a good listener and very very loyal, i’m also really straightforward and honest. also not to brag but my brain is probably my biggest strength
💌 - what r ur weaknesses??
insecurity, anxiety, overthinking. mostly all those and combined
💌 - whats the colour of ur bedspread??
i have two sets of the same sheets but different color: blue and baby pink
💌 - colour of ur room??
one wall is red the others are beige(?) idk if that's the color tbh
now this was more of an interrogation lmao
tagging @trashlord-007 @agustdream @foxpuppylove @ohnoimlost @sheakastilllovesjungjihoon and @lovetrivia
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jcpostsobsessions · 4 years
As my current obsession The King: Eternal Monarch comes to a close, I want to do a review of the drama with some things I’ve been thinking about. This is all random and coming out as I reflect.
OST that makes me think of the drama: Gravity by Kim Jong Wan. One of my favorite songs from the drama and when it comes on it suddenly brings me back to some pretty epic moments.
Favorite OST: Orbit by Hwasa. This song was and is on repeat throughout the drama for me. Although it wasn’t played alot towards the middle and last half of the drama, it’s still superior.
OST I Didn’t Really Listen To: I Fall In Love, A Quiet Night and My Day Is Full Of You. Nothing against these songs, they’re all nice and I am listening to one or two of them since the dreams ended, but it didn’t grab my attention as the other songs.
Favorite Lee Eul scenes: Gon feeding Tae Eul and her joking about sneaking out touched the domestic side of me and I am living for it. Honorable moment is the neck kiss. I’ve never seen a neck kiss or a kiss this intimate in a drama before. I know he did something similar in another drama, but for me this is the first. I just love how perfectly placed it was. Tae Eul literally gave him her neck to do this. And I researched that neck kissed are pretty intimate and initiates a pretty intimate follow up. Now if Gon was trying to say something, I’m sure we understood and so did Tae Eul.
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Favorite Kiss: The final kiss. The reason I like it a lot is because of how natural it is. Gon leaning down, smiles, Tae Eul leaning in and Gon swoops in. His lips pucker up to meet Tae Eul’s and the height difference is super cute even though she’s sitting on the table. They follow up with more kisses and the happiness on their face is what nails it for me. Honorable mention is the bedroom kiss.
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Funniest Moment: When Gon prepared leaves in case they get stuck in “that time period”. Tae Eul’s face 😂
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Favorite Side Ship: Eun Sup and Yeong. They are both so hilarious and off the bat had so much chemistry. They were definitely a side ship that I was invested and interested in. Their final scene together was their parting and it got me emotional because Yeong broke down his wall and gave Eun Sup a hug which says a lot about his stoic demeanor.
Favorite Ending Scene: Oh man. I remember watching this episode and it did not have the main couple together because they were parted for obvious reasons. I remember Tae Eul having a hell of a night and then everything happened so fast. Gon rode in on his horse, blood shed, tears fell, hearts broken, glasses shattered, epic soundtrack, announcement of future Queen and of course epic hug. And then it was out, next episode. I remember grabbing my phone and shouting noooo. I was on the edge of my seat and the final reunion of the two finally happened and the ending credits rolled in. This was an epic ending scene.
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Favorite Lee Gon Outfit: It’s the simple black look and overcoat, but the material and the way he fit the form, I just really like it. Also he did some pretty bada$$ things in this outfit. So I find myself always thinking about this look. Some honorable mention is the iconic diamond fit, simple white and black vest (when he takes the overcoat off; it looks extra handsome) and then the light colored fit during his dates with Tae Eul.
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Favorite Jung Tae Eul Outfit: Tae Eul’s fashion sense is simple and comfy. She is often wearing baggy and loose jeans, one color tone sweater and a long jacket. My favorite would be this look because she adds a bit of sophisticated with her dress white and black turtleneck.
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Most WTF moment: When Lee Lim killed his doppelgänger self after going back to try and warn him. I was so surprised how fast he beheaded himself.
Underrated Character: Shin Jae. He is the other only character where I was in invested in his story. Kim Kyung Nam did a great job acting the pain and angst of his conflict with his mom. It really brought his character out.
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Characters I did not care for: Lee Lim and Prime Minsiter Seo Ryeong. They both did were the anatagonist, but honestly did not impress me. I was never quite sure what Lee Lim was actually plotting and he just kept bringing people over and killing people. Sure he had the upper hand in some cases, but honestly his greed and lack of planning is what killed him. Idk what he was doing for the last 70 years or so. As for Prime Minister Seo Ryeong, nothing impressive about her. Although the only time she was tolerable was in the new timeline in the final episode where she was in jail and Luna came to visit her because it looks like they’re sisters now. They interaction was sweet and familial bickering.
Character I didn’t expect: Luna. I was looking forward to her character and how she’ll play into the storyline especially with how the cast members spoke about her during interviews. And honestly at one point I felt like she was one of the only one who shook Lee Lim’s core which was super entertaining to watch while it lasted. I liked how peeved he was by her and she just went about her way, unbothered. I also realized how the writer was creating Luna’s character to be good and bad. She poisoned Gon, stabbed Tae Eul, but didn’t kill her father, didn’t stab Tae Eul enough to kill her even though it looked like she did. Tae Eul trusted her enough to let her go and be with her own dad. Luna’s story is still a mystery.
Biggest Twist: when Gon realized that Shin Jae was actually from his world and said he was Shin Jae’s King. 🤯
Favorite Lee Eul Hug: This one. No need to explain. 💯
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Relationship that surprised me: Luna and Seo Ryeong in the new reality. I really enjoyed their “sister” dynamic in episode 16 where Luna had a name change and became a cop and Seo Ryeong was unfortunately in jail, but their interaction even tho they both pretended not to be close, they were. It was funny and the best performance from Jung Eun Chae. Quite honestly I feel bad about where her character eventually ended. Her greed got the worse out of her.
Favorite Side Character: Yeong. I really like his character with his side glances/ glares at Tae Eul and his love and dedication to Gon. I’m glad he kept his promise to himself to protecting Gon. Also Woo Do Hwan did a great job playing two characters.
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Plot I am still confused about: the little boy with the yo-yo. I wasn’t quite sure how he fitted into the entire drama. He definitely peaked my interest and he was obviously traveling back and forth, but I feel like his story never connected to the main plot. Honorable mention was Park Jiyoung, the pregnant woman. Like what was the point of crossing her over?
Character Death: Prince Lee Jong In, I had a feeling he’d died but also didn’t expect it. Honorable mention is Seo Ryeong’s mom. She was collateral damage. When Seo Ryeong called to ask her mom what she had for dinner a code for her doppelgänger, and she answered jajangmyeon, the chills.
Favorite Product Placement: CHICKEN! Man I can’t tell you how bad I wanted korean fried chicken because of the drama. LMH ate this at every chance he got and he made me crave it. They did a great job selling it to me. 😅 Honorable mention is the coffee drink that everyone dranked and man when they shot that scene where Yeong had to throw the drink to Shin Jae and still had to show the product name, lmao the commitment. 🤣
Worse Product Placement aka the one that was painfully noticeable: Okay; almost all were in our faces, but the painful was the one where Tae Eul was using the Kahi lipstick/cheek/moisturizer all in one stick. 🤣 when she explained the product to Jang Mi during a stake out I nearly passed out from secondhand embarrassment. And honorable mention is the CELLRETURN LED mask although when Eun Sup used it to be iron man that was cute.
Overall rating: 8.5/10. There were some choppy moments here and there and some loose ends and characters that I didn’t quite understand or had to really think about it. But it was never enough to say this was a bad drama. In fact it’s been a while I was this invested in a drama where I had to come up with theories and such. Not a lot of drama makes me do that. As a fan of BTS, theories comes as second nature 😅.
There were some moments that happened off screen and later on we’ll realized something had happen prior which at the beginning was hard to decipher, but once I realized the drama was doing that, I enjoyed it because sometimes it’ll be a pleasant surprise. I love how the drama hardly opened up each episode with how it last ended, they always gave us a backstory/content prior.
I think Gon and Tae Eul’s character had growth and progression, especially Tae Eul who had to unpack a lot of herself. The more the drama went on the more we got to see different sides of her which peeled some layers she built up as a detective and some described her as cold. I think with all that she went through definitely shaped her quite a bit. And Gon I felt started off the show strong. He had strong morals, grasped things quite fast, but was also caring, strong headed, dependable and responded rather than reacted. Of course he has his moments of being childish and playful, but it never strayed him from being off or uncharacter like. I think Tae Eul describes it perfectly in one of the episode that he knows when to joke despite a traumatic childhood. She is simply saying he’s grown into a decent man who doesn’t let a past define him, he lives it fully and that comes off in all his actions throughout the entire drama.
As for the other characters, I am glad we got to see Shin Jae’s character development as well. I’ve said it before, but he was one where I felt the writer went deeper into his story. Yeong would be the second, although he remains a mystery even until the end. I never quite understood where he stood except that fact that he deeply cares and loves his King, and in what context, only he would know. The writer has written strong second leads before and sometimes even third leads, but I would say wasn’t her best, but again it’s not so bad where you would say the drama was a complete failure or unbearable to watch.
And finally I can’t wrap up without saying something about the cinematography. Because man there were some beautiful shots, some CG works and some transitions or angles that really came into play to make the drama what it was. I don’t have it, but one of my favorite is when Gon is poisoned and falls down and it transitions to his younger self, that was breathtaking. An example of the angles and transitions is below and it was dramatic and the camera got to play with all its angles. All this for a dramatic handshake and of course my favorite soundtrack adds to the flare.
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meta-squash · 5 years
A Les Miserables production thought:
So I’ve seen Les Mis live a lot of times, and I’ve seen many many bootlegs, and honestly I’ve never, ever been really satisfied with Javert’s death.
The song is great, I love the song, but I’ve never been able to take his actual death moment seriously. Because throughout the show, before that scene there is never any use of any kind of “unusual” practical effects like flying a performer. Most of the show is fairly realistic and straightforward; even Valjean lifting the cart off Fauchelevent is realistic, if somewhat pantomimed. So when the moment occurs in Javert’s Suicide, suddenly we have this character who has just had this life-changing, emotional, intense moment via song, floating awkwardly above the stage and kind of awkwardly being lowered down as the blackout goes.
So far I’ve not encountered a professional production that does something other than flying Javert for the suicide, or doing it on the floor and the actor just kind of mimes falling through the air as the lights blackout.
It’s frustrating because even the first time I saw the show, when I really didn’t know much about it, I felt totally thrown out of the moment. Maybe it’s just my personal theater-related history, but I tend to associate flown performers with silly things or more fantastical shows, like the Mary Martin production of Peter Pan, or Wicked, or the “dream sequence” scenes in American Idiot. Having this fairly realistic show suddenly fly a performer, especially in such an emotional moment, and only for a very small amount of time before blackout, always seems strange to me. Maybe it doesn’t bother other people, maybe it does? I don’t know.
But I was thinking about that earlier today and I had a thought about how a production could still do the suicide in a realistic way without having to fly their performer.
Now, I’ve been away from actually doing theater for long enough that I don’t remember safety specifications exactly, so someone correct me if this is something that wouldn’t be possible for stunt/stage combat safety reasons.
My thought is this: Javert still does his Suicide soliloquy up on the bridge/walkway like he usually does in performances where he’s flown. However, this time, the bridge set has a scrim underneath it, which just a foot or two of space between the bottom of the bridge and the fly holding the scrim. More exactly: the fly bar holding the scrim is not attached to the fly system, but is part of the bridge set. Said scrim perhaps has a greyish print on it that, depending on the gobo used, could be seen as water or a wall (which makes it usable for other scenes as well). That way the visual of Javert standing on the bridge over the river is still there.
The reason for this is that Javert would do his soliloquy facing the audience, but on “no way to go on,” he would turn around, and the actor would quite literally jump over the upstage side of the bridge set facing away from the audience. Not to the floor, but to a stunt mat on a platform behind the scrim (the sound of an actual person falling would be masked by the mat and the swell of the music). That way, the space between the bridge and scrim would allow a small space so that the audience can see Javert falling realistically off the bridge, but they’re not pulled out the scene by the fly rig.
Now I don’t know how safe this would be, but I think it would work well in terms of visual impact. The actor wouldn’t have to fall very far, since the mat would be just below the top of the scrim, but there would be a visual in terms of him falling. If that doesn’t work, forgoing the space between the scrim and the bridge works as well, so the audience just sees him jump over the upstage side of the bridge but doesn’t see him fall past the bottom of the bridge. (That would mean the mat can be closer so the actor wouldn’t have to fall far at all.) Or the actor can do the fall, but he’s rigged for safety, meaning he maybe falls at a slightly slower rate than normal, but not at the “I’m floating” rate in the regular productions where the actor is flown downstage and flails around before blackout.
I think when I watch Les Mis, I always feel left wanting in terms of a visual in that scene that matches the intensity of the emotion and words of the moment. The flying or the mime always felt a little ridiculous in light of the gravity of the words that were just sung. Having Javert literally leap over a bridge and see him fall in real-time, or just see him disappear over the other side of the bridge, seems like it would be a lot more impactful than him floating awkwardly on a rig or miming on the ground.
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thebestworstidea · 5 years
Illogical Fear
(Read on Ao3)
It was a fairly quiet morning in the Mindscape; and they’d settled down to a ‘together breakfast’ which wasn’t a frequent thing. Their differences in approach to sleep schedules meant the Sides were very rarely awake together in the morning. And when they were, it was just as likely that they’d all be awake while Thomas was still asleep, which led to a sleepy, friendly atmosphere, like they were cozily tucked up in bed still while sitting at the table. 
Logan seemed a little grouchy, but that was just something that happened sometimes. The wincing however was new.
“Lo? You okay there?” Patton asked. 
“I’m fine.” Logan said and went to take another bite of his toast only to wince again. He tried his coffee with a similar effect.
“Yeah, Fine. I can tell.” Virgil rolled his eyes, attention having been grabbed from his phone. 
“Very well, I seem to have a toothache.” Logan admitted. “But it’s fine, it will go away in a bit.”
“Logan.” Patton said sternly. “That’s a pretty lackluster approach to the tooth of the matter.”
“Yeah, Lo. I’d think you’d be all over dental health.” 
“I brush twice daily as recommended.” 
“If you didn’t we’d have to exchange some words, my dear nerd, starting with hypocrisy.”
“You even used the word correctly, Roman, I’m very impressed.” Logan said dryly. “But I am careful about my dental care.” 
“Obviously not careful enough.” Roman came around the table and grabbed a hold of Logan’s face, producing another wince, and a flashlight from thin air. “Say Ahh”
“I will naaaaa-” Roman forced Logan’s mouth open further and peered in with aid of the light. 
“Logan, I can see a cavity there.” Roman admonished. “You need to see a dentist.”
“That’s ridiculous.” he reclaimed his face and swatted the flashlight away. “We’re anthropromofications of abstract mental constructs, I do not need to see a dentist. I do not have a cavity, and there is nothing wrong.”
The fridge shut, and they all jumped. 
“Wow.” Said Deceit, his arms full of fruit that he’d taken from the fridge. “That is an awful lot of words to only have one true thing said, Logan. I commend you.” 
“What are you doing here?” Virgil demanded. Deceit plucked an apple from the array cradled against his chest, and tossed it up and down.
“Isn’t all property theft?” Deceit asked, running a gloved thumb over the apple’s skin. “Your produce is better.” Virgil gave and awkward shrug of acknowledgement.  “But I was attracted by lies, as I am, and just to lay this out straight-”
Roman snorted automatically. 
“Logan has been lying to himself about this for a while.” 
“I have not!” Logan protested uselessly. From under his cape, Deceit produced a jar of jam, and Logan surged to his feet. “Now we are going to have a problem, Deceit, that is mi-” Logan’s tirade was cut off by a spoonful of jam being shoved in his mouth, and he winced harder, hand going up to his cheek. Deceit snorted.
“And with that, my work here is never done.” he sunk out, fruit, jam jar and all. 
Mouth covered with one hand, Logan swallowed heavily, swishing his mouth around to try and get the preserves away from the sore tooth. Virgil took pity on him and handed him a glass of water. 
“I … might… have a toothache.” Logan admitted. “But it should repair itself after Thomas’s next checkup, and at any rate, where would I even see a dentist.”
“I’m pretty sure there’s one in the figment suburb.” Patton said thoughtfully. 
“Oh no.” Logan looked upset, and pulled up a planner. “When is Thomas’s next cleaning scheduled, perhaps I can wait…” 
“What’s wrong with the suburb?” Patton demanded. “It’s a lovely place!” 
“It’s full of nonsense!” 
“Well too bad, we’re going right after breakfast, mister.” Patton said sternly.
Logan, as might be inferred, did not like the figment suburb. While it held a common border with the imagination, it was a repository of random characters and repeating ideas. It was less unpredictable than the imagination, and somehow that made it worse. The imagination was more honest, somehow with it’s usual fantasy aesthetic. It didn’t pretend to be the real world, which the figment suburb did, however badly. 
“I do not need you all to accompany me.” Logan mumbled petulantly. 
“You want Deceit to show up again?” Virgil asked, slumping along behind him, headphones half on. 
“I cannot help but feel that you would abandon this quest without your party, my friend.” Roman had his hands tucked behind his head, walking beside Virgil. He waved as a group of four walked past in the opposite direction, single file for no discernible reason and bearing weapons more suited for the imagination. Only the one in front, a Thomas face, waved back, the others didn’t seem to react at all. 
“I think you’ve convinced me I don’t have an option at this point.” Logan tried to reason, and pull his hand free from Patton’s. Patton squeezed harder, and kept walking. They passed by a field, a strip mall, a few fast food places of burry logo, an eerily accurate CVS and a likewise accurate Starbucks, where Sleep was dosing off at an outside table. Clearly, Thomas had not awoken yet. 
“Oh there it is! I thought I remembered it was on the way to the dog park.” There was a cheerful sign adorned with a depiction of an only moderately accurate tooth, outside a low white-painted building. “I think I can handle it from here, so why don’t you two go off and have fun okay?” Patton smiled at Roman and Virgil, who shrugged at each other but waited until Logan and Patton were at the door before abandoning their honor guard. 
Logan tried not to feel trapped as they entered the reception area. This was fine. This was normal, there was nothing wrong with going to the dentist. Patton spoke to the receptionist, and Logan pretended he wasn’t contemplating backing out the door. A glance out the glass door, however, showed that Virgil had, instead of leaving, taken a seat on the low retaining wall, now with both headphones on. He gave Logan a vague salute and an all too knowing smirk. Logan returned to standing next to Patton. 
“Good news!” Patton told him brightly. “They just had a cancellation, and the doctor can see you right away!”
“How convenient.” Logan said stiffly. They sat in the waiting area, and Logan perused the magazines, trying to find something to distract himself. 
“Good morning!” Said a high, cheerful voice. Logan looked up to see a short, slender blond man whose face was not pulled from any of Thomas’s friends, wearing a doctor’s coat and a vest that was cheerfully patterned with cartoon teeth.
“Of course.” Logan grimaced, jaw hurting. “Any dentist in Thomas’s head was bound to be a pediatric one.”
“Oh no-” the dentist shook his head. “I’m a general dental practitioner, I just like this vest. It was a present. I wore it today because I felt the day was going to include something special, and here you are. I’m Doctor Hermey Noel.” he offered his hand to shake and Logan took it reluctantly. “I hear you have a toothache. Shall we have a look?”
Logan was not particularly convinced at Dr. Noel’s manner that he wasn’t a pediatric practitioner.
“Really, I think that everyone is overreacting-”
“Then having a look won’t hurt anything will it?” he gestured to the doorway. 
“Patton,” Logan glanced back at the other side who was… putting together a children’s puzzle. 
“It’s okay, Lo. You’ll be fine.” He said encouragingly.
“I’m afraid of doctors Pat.” he burst out. There was a brief awkward silence, and Logan felt the need to explain. “There is so much we don't know about the human body and the professional guidelines are loose and depend entirely on personal moral codes, often populated with bullies and money seekers, the education process is archaic and barbaric and does not encourage the acquisition of new information as it is learned, not to mention an arrogance which leads to lack of communication with the patient!”
The second awkward silence dragged a bit longer.
“Well, that’s a bit of a handful.” Dr. Noel said cheerfully. “And a bunch of perfectly rational concerns.”
“Don’t patronize me.” Logan grated. “I am aware my fear is illogical.”
“That was fairly well thought out for an illogical fear.” he offered gently “Would it help if your friend came with you?” 
It was ridiculously reassuring to be able to see Patton out of the corner of his eye. After the initial examination Dr. Noel just sat down to talk to him.
“Well you have excellent dental hygiene, Logan.”
“Clearly not.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. There are lots of reasons people can get cavities. Genetics and stress are more often to blame than any kind of failure to take proper care of yourself. In fact, over brushing can be almost as much of a problem as under brushing. However,” he looked at Logan seriously. “Your particular situation aside, ignoring a problem is very much inappropriate. It really does need taking care of for your own health and comfort. I’m sure you’re more than aware of the potential problems it can lead to?”  
Logan sighed.
“Yes, I am aware.” 
“You’re doing fine.” the dentist assured him. “And you only seem to have the one, so it won’t take long at all.” 
Logan still groaned.
It didn’t take long, and Patton didn’t even mention that Logan held his hand while it happened. 
Virgil unfolded himself and got to his feet as they came down the path to the sidewalk. 
“Everything fine now?” 
Logan nodded. 
“Cool. Princy texted me, he’s bothering Sleep over at Starbucks and says we should join them there.” 
“Sounds nice!” Patton grinned, and started contemplating what kind of sweet to get.  Virgil nudged Logan gently as they started, barely a knocking of their shoulders together while they walked. 
“Fears don’t have to be logical.” 
Logan glared at him. 
“Did you really think I wouldn’t notice?” He smirked. “I mean, c’mon, you were reeking of it, I’m surprised no one else did.” 
Logan contemplated this, looked at Patton’s back as he was pulling ahead of them, then carefully brought one hand up between himself and Virgil, displaying what he felt about that statement. Virgil choked on a stifled laugh. 
“Love you too.” he sniggered. 
“Is there a love fest back here I’m missing out on?” Patton asked, turning around to walk backwards. 
“Nah, you’re included.” Virgil said, hands in his hoodie pockets, then he leapt forward and grabbed Patton’s hands to keep him upright as he tripped over a curb and nearly fell over. “Watch where you’re walking, sheesh!” 
Patton kept ahold of Virgil’s hand, and grabbed up Logan’s again, swinging them both as he walked in between them. 
“Aw, but then I couldn’t do this!” 
Shaking his head, Virgil looked around as they backtracked, but he didn’t pull his hand loose. Patton leaned up against Logan’s shoulder.
“And don’t think I didn’t see that, mister.”
Logan made a small noise of surprise.
“I’ve got Dad-ly premonition, Logan. It’s like Santa, only with more barbeques. I’ve got eyes the back of my hoodie.” 
Logan just sighed.
Roman had taken over the table they’d seen Sleep at earlier, and was brushing his coat off with furious flicks of his fingers, removing brownish stains. 
“Ah, welcome back!” He waved a hand beating the last couple of stains off his sleeve in puffs like dust. “Everything go well?” 
Logan nodded. 
“You just missed Remy, he said Thomas was finally waking up, so he had to jet.” 
Logan looked quietly appalled, making a show of checking his watch. 
“Well sometimes you just have to rest to shine your brightest.” Roman smiled. “So, tell me how did it go?”
Logan shrugged. 
“What, are you suddenly at a loss for words?” 
Logan furiously signed at Roman who snorted. 
“And miss this opportunity? Never!” 
“Now, Roman, don’t tease. It can’t be any fun to have your face half numb from novacaine.”
“I’m sure it’s not that big a deal. Logan’s just being Logan, in his stuffy, self important way.”
“Wow, when Prance-a-lot thinks you’re self important…” Virgil started, but then stopped himself and headed inside instead “I’ll go grab us some drinks, the usual good for everybody?” 
“Well I’m glad you think that, Roman.” Patton said cheerfully. “Since while we were there I made appointments for everyone!”
“I mean, if it snuck up on Logan, who knows what might be going on with the rest of us!”
“Patton.” Roman whined piteously.
Logan smiled, not caring that it was a little droopy in that moment. That almost made the ordeal worth it. 
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writeradamanteve · 6 years
You are doing prompts for the first time? That's so exciting! We are including the wintery prompts as mini reindeer games over on @riverdale-events if you want to include them! I can't help but send one in. You are so good with AUs of all kinds. How about: 59. this year my family has decided we’re celebrating the holidays on a cruise and you’re the cute bartender who teases me for mourning the lack of snow
Remember this? Well, just to prove that I haven’t given up on them...
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Here’s Part 1 of  Mi Irie
The Jamaican saying "irie" is often used to mean "everything is alright and fine." Note that Jamaica has numerous variations when it comes to greeting someone. When someone asks “How are you feeling?” or “How yuh stay?” an appropriate response would be, “Mi irie.” ~ Sandals.com
She looked pretty miserable.
Which wasn’t the most surprising thing on a tropical cruise, if Jughead were to be honest.
Working as a bartender on the Ringmaster Caribbean Cruise ship for the last couple of years, his station was perhaps the only place on the ship where the miserable can turn to for comfort. The bar attracted both party goers and debbie downers alike.
Not that he was there to judge. He, of all people, understood feeling miserable in a room full of happily drunk people, both as a bartender and a person who, as a kid, grew up surrounded by drunk adults in his father’s bar. It was the funhouse image of an Eloisian upbringing--Jughead at the Whyte Wyrm.
That he ended up getting a bartending job was arguably a predictable outcome, or the opposite of--depending on how one looked at it. Sure, it was fucked up that he was a ten year old doing his homework in a bar, but ultimately, bartending became the one thing he knew how to do by heart, and if he was going to get anything out of his trashy childhood, it may as well be money he would be getting on bar tips.
But because he spent a lot of time around inebriated people, he did get the impression that everyone could be an asshole if they were drunk enough. It wasn’t an ideal working environment, but he needed a job that paid well while he wrote his book and went to school, and in some sad way, it was all worth the validation he got out of finding those who understood misery like he did.
So seeing this sad face at his bar wasn’t particularly extraordinary. He’d seen all types. And misery aside, she looked great. The golden cascades of her hair fell in waves over the skin of her sun-kissed shoulders. Her bikini, a nice dusty blue with a knitted pattern design, flattered her figure. Paired with a wrap around her hips and showing off her nice curves, he couldn’t help but think that the only thing weird about her was that she was alone.  
Then again, it was early morning and quiet.  
A soft breeze blew in over the turquoise waters of the ocean, wafting comfortably into the shaded bar area on the deck. The sunshine bounced brightly over the chlorine blue pool.
The bar was mostly empty. Out in the pool area, just outside the bar’s perimeter, guest were at a minimum. Most families with children were sleeping in or still having breakfast at the mess hall.
The people enjoying the pool at this time were adults, and a concentration of them were at the far end, riveted by the aquatic aerobics instructor and his goofy routines.
Miss Misery was, in fact, watching these antics from where she sat, passive and unsmiling.
“Nobody really goes to that class to exercise,” Jughead said to her as she watched them. “They like to watch Archie doing his thing. I’m surprised they don’t have dollar bills to put in his swim trunks, honestly.”
Archie, the instructor, as if on cue, tore off his Ringmaster Caribbean Cruise t-shirt and turned on the poolside shower to bathe under the stream, all while his “students” hooted and hollered.
Miss Misery’s lips tightened to a line, but she seemed amused instead of inscenced. “Well, he’s increasing their pulse rate, for sure.”
“He loves the attention.”
She nodded and turned her barstool to finally face the bar. “He must.”
When she said nothing else and her gaze began to wander to the TV hanging over the bar, he figured she wouldn’t mind the conversation. This quiet in the morning, he liked to engage guests one on one. “So, what can I get you, miss?”
Surprise piqued in her sea-green eyes. “You serve alcohol this early?”
He laughed and put his hands out in an open gesture. “All inclusive means it’s always five in the afternoon.”
Her eyebrows crinkled with what he could only assume was a sudden onslaught of possibilities. “Alcohol for breakfast?” This was a real marvel of a thing for her.
“It’s been done. For the seasoned drinker, a Bloody Mary is the most cliche of drinks, but it’ll do for a vacationer. The more hardened imbibers ask for a Prairie Oyster--strictly a veteran hangover cure.”
“What’s a Prairie Oyster?”
“Raw egg, Worcestershire sauce, bit of tomato juice, vinegar, hot sauce, black pepper, and a shot of gin. Two if the hangover’s particularly bad.”
Her jaw dropped open briefly before it clamped shut. “Does that actually work?”
Jughead shrugged. “No idea. I don’t go on benders so I’ve never had one.”
She seemed to accept this, her eyes falling on the overhead menu. The drinks written on it in neon colored pens were from last night’s specials, but they were good for any day. He waited for her to say something.
“Um… sangria?”
“Wow. Living it!”
She rolled her eyes, but he did manage to get a chuckle out of her. He began working on her order.  It would take a little longer to put her drink together, because he did need to cut up some fresh fruit, but he didn’t mind. If it meant she would stay a little longer, it was worth the extra effort.
“I’m Betty, by the way,” she said as he worked. “I didn’t see you at the bar last night, um--Jughead?” She was reading off his name tag, but she went on without saying how strange she probably thought his name was. “Last night it was Toni, who routinely got hit on by men of all ages.”
He laughed softly. “Yeah, she’s a crowd favorite. Got that whole Coyote Ugly vibe going. She’s not a fan of men, though. She prefers girls.”
“Oh.” She said it like it explained things.
“So,” he said, chopping up some oranges into thin quarters. “If you’re not here because you’re hungover, and you weren’t here to drink in the first place, did you come to the deck for aerobics then change your mind when you realized it was more of a strip tease? Or maybe you’re smart and figured you can enjoy the show from here, comfortably perched on our soft barstools.”
She cocked a smile, finally. “I just wanted to get away from the chaos of the mess hall and my family. I figured they weren’t going to look for me here. I’m not a big drinker.”
“Well, now look at you. Knocking back booze for breakfast.”
She snorted. “Hardly.”
He finished chopping up the apples and he threw all his chopped fruits in a pitcher, halfway full of ice, and mixed the sangria in it. After he gave the mixture a stir, he poured some of it in a glass, threw in a hefty dose of tequila, and slid the drink in front of her. “You look like you need some tequila. That’s my special mix. And drinks are on me.” He winked.
She arched an eyebrow. “It’s an all inclusive cruise. Of course they’re on you.”
“They don’t mix it the way I do.”
She took a sip and she gasped. “Wow!” she rasped. “Potent.”
“Just for you.”
She began to laugh and threw him a sidelong glance. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
He tilted his grin but said nothing.  
The truth was, since he started this job, he hadn’t said that to anyone but her.
She was back the next morning and this time, she ordered a tequila sunrise. She had on a different suit, starkly white against her tanning skin, and he may have been imagining things, but the top gave her breasts a spectacular cleavage that wasn’t as noticeable the day before. He had to remind himself to keep his eyes up, especially since hers seemed more interested in engaging him.
“Feeling better?” he asked, mixing her drink.
She shrugged, but her smile came easier. “Same shit, different day, but now I know you serve alcohol in the morning and you don’t water drinks down.”
He chuckled but pressed his finger lightly over his lips. “That last part’s a secret between you and me.”
Her tanned cheeks bloomed pink and Jughead eyed her for a moment, delighting on the effect he had on her. He slid the drink towards her and she sipped from its straw. She seemed less surprised by the alcohol content but she did blow a breath through her lips. “You must be breaking some All Inclusive Rule here.”
“You bet I am. Does that impress you?”
She quirked her gaze. “It depends on how drunk this makes me.”
He gave it a moment’s thought. “Kind of a low bar. You were drunk after the one glass I gave you yesterday.”
“Hey, I was drinking on an empty stomach.” Her protest sounded weak.
He laughed and pulled a large plate from beneath the bar.  It had piles of bacon, layers of pancakes slathered in maple syrup and butter, and some scrambled eggs on the side. She stared at it as he offered her a clean fork. She slowly took the fork and shot him a suspicious squint. “Is this your breakfast?”
He nodded, grinning. “It’s my second one. It’s a fresh plate and I hadn’t touched it.  I don’t mind sharing if you don’t.”
Her gaze gave him the once over and a ripple of pleasure coursed through him, especially when her lashes fluttered as their eyes met again. “I can use some bacon and pancakes.”
He leaned over the counter and brought out a fork of his own, cutting into the pile of food on his plate. “So, if you don’t mind me asking… are you not enjoying yourself on this cruise? You come here in the morning and you always sound like you’re trying to forget something.”
“Oh, do I? Maybe you’re right. I’m on this cruise with my parents and my sister--not exactly the kind of getaway I was looking for. It’s bad enough that I have to deal with my mother’s sideways disapproval of how I look in my swimsuit, but I found out yesterday that a snowstorm hit New York City and I missed it. Will miss it. The snow will be nothing but filthy piles of ice on the side of the road by the time I get back to it, if I catch any of it at all.”
He couldn’t help but laugh.  “Wait a minute… are you telling me that you were all gloom and doom yesterday because you missed a snowstorm in New York… while being on a cruise ship on the tropical waters of the Caribbean? Really?”
Her cheeks reddened again, but she seemed poised to defend herself. “You laugh, but New York after a snowstorm, when everyone’s still indoors and the streets are quiet--it’s the most beautiful thing.”
“Oh, is it?”
She nodded eagerly. “It is. That thick layer of undisturbed white powder, lights blinking through the snow--all you can see are the parked cars covered in a shimmering white sheet and the buildings along its side look like pretty gingerbread houses--it’s so picturesque. The first people to emerge are usually kids with their parents, eager to slide down snow hills before the roads are salted and the dream is obliterated by modern machinery. If you close your eyes and listen to their laughter, it feels warm. It feels like waking up to a fresh new life. There’s nothing like it.”
He gets it. He grew up in Ohio and he knew what the aftermath of a snowstorm looked like, but he imagined that New York City was prettier than Toledo, and most people would pick a tropical paradise over a snowy cityscape. Not him, personally. He didn’t care where he was.
“You’re just going to have to comfort yourself with free alcohol, white sand, and blue, warm waters.”
She gave a dramatic sigh. “I suppose so.” She followed it with a laugh. “So, when do you get to enjoy the white sand and blue waters?”
He shrugged. “I mostly don’t. In my free time, I hang around the ship and write.”
He nodded. “I’m on break right now but I’m completing my novel for my creative writing graduate program.”
She seemed only mildly surprised. “Which graduate program?”
“Iowa Writer’s Workshop.”
“Well, now, that’s impressive.”
He shoved a piece of bacon into his mouth. “Had I known, I would’ve started off with that.”
She threw him a mildly chastising look, even as she began to slice a piece off the pancake. “I’d like to think I come off as someone who would be impressed by a guy getting his Masters in creative writing as opposed to breaking the rules of a cruise ship branded Ringmaster.”
“You’ll be surprised at how mentioning the Iowa Writer’s Workshop does absolutely nothing for most people around here.”
“Maybe I’m not most people. So tell me, Jughead,” she paused and took a sip of her tequila sunrise. “If I were to, say, ask you to escort me outside the ship at our next island stop, would you be too busy writing your great American novel?”
This wasn’t exactly the first time he’d gotten asked out by a guest, but this was absolutely the first time he felt a thrill for it in the pit of his stomach.
She sipped her drink again and he watched her pretty pink lips mover over the straw.  
“It’s against the rules for the crew to fraternize with the guests,” he said, softly, so that only the two of them would hear.
“Well, then,” she breathed. “Now’s the perfect time to impress me with your rule breaking, Jughead.”
(Image credit: Travel + Leisure)
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pengychan · 6 years
[Coco] Mind the Gap, Pt. 6
Title: Mind the Gap Summary: Modern Day AU. Tired of Ernesto’s snide remarks, Imelda decides to put him in his place and her husband is more than happy to help. It was supposed to be a one-night deal. Things quickly get out of hand. [OT3, mostly porn and humor. Plenty of instances of Ernesto being Dramatic, Imelda getting Sick Of His Shit, and Héctor trying to be the peacekeeper. Don’t expect anything serious.] Pairings: Ernesto/Héctor/Imelda Rating: Explicit.
To see the version with art by Dara, check it out on Ao3.
Tag for all parts up so far.
A/N: sorry, no smut in this chapter - there will be in the next one, I promise! Meanwhile have some Uncomfortable Realizations About Being Far Too Comfortable, puppies, and something that I guess it might be fluff because come on. Puppies.
There are very few things about Mexico City that Ernesto doesn't love.
Of course, the main reason might just be that he's simply better equipped for life in a big city, rather than in some small, stifling town in buttfuck nowhere. Anything is better than that, and he'll take the maddening traffic every day for the rest of his life as long as it means he never has to set foot in Santa Cecilia.
A small voice in the back of his mind occasionally tries to remind him that the problem isn't the town itself, but he always does a good job at ignoring it, as he ignores the yells and insults and honks from the cars lining up in the road as he walks down the sidewalk.
Apparently, the cause of today's disruption is some ass who decided to park their car badly enough to block the way of the garbage truck, which of course is now stuck along with all cars behind it. Whenever the owner of that damn car shows up, Ernesto muses, they'll find plenty of angry motorists ready to tear them a new one.  
He passes by the car, walking fast - he wants to be home before the drizzle turns into actual rain again - and, some twenty meters ahead, there the garbage bin the truck was clearly headed to. It seems that trash hasn't been collected in a bit, because it's overflowing and plenty of sacks and boxes have been left all around it. Once the obstruction clears, the garbage guys are going to be busy. It’s all wet, too. Sucks to be them.
With a shrug, Ernesto finishes the last of his beer, crushes the can in his fist, and throws it at the heap of garbage as he passes it by. 
The garbage yelps.
“Huh?” Ernesto blinks, taken aback, and comes to a stop. There is more yelping, whining, and he takes a few steps closer, stepping over soaked cardboard to take a look. The can landed inside a soggy cardboard box, and inside there are three filthy, squirming things that look a lot like rats… except that he’s never heard rats yelping, or trying to let out the tiniest howls he’s ever heard.
Oh, Ernesto thinks. Oh.
He picks up the box, which stinks to high heavens, only to hear another, tiny yip. He looks down to see yet one more puppy trying to scramble towards him, stumbling over trash and then falling into a puddle. It stays there, shivering, and doesn’t move as Ernesto reaches down to pick it up and place it in the box with the other three. The water washed away some of the filth, so he can sort of guess he’s looking at four chihuahuas… probably too young to be away from their mother.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, glancing around to see if their mother is anywhere to be seen, but no; just those yelping, trembling pups in a wet cardboard box. Someone must have left them there and oh, Ernesto sure hopes that someone was hit by a truck as soon as the deed was done.
“Pinche cabrón,” he snarls, and blinks when one of the pups yaps. “No, not you! I’m sure you’re the best perrito. Or perrita, whichever you--”
“Señor? Do you need help?”
“Huh?” Ernesto looks up to see a woman with a blue umbrella looking at him, and it occurs to him he’s been standing in the middle of the sidewalk, talking to a cardboard box. “No, I--” he begins, and one of the puppies chooses that moment to start yelping, to be joined by the others quickly enough - thin, terrible cries. It makes something in his chest ache.
“... Actually, yes,” he finally says. “Do you know if there is a vet nearby?”
Héctor is helping Imelda preparing a few pair of shoes for shipping when his cell phone rings, and the tune - The World Es Mi Familia, the one he set for Ernesto’s number; Imelda’s ringtone is Un Poco Loco - causes Héctor to almost drop the roll of tape.
It wouldn’t be the only thing to drop, either. As usual he left his phone too close to the table’s edge, and the vibration very nearly sends it falling on the ground. He catches it just on time - the screen is already shattered, better not give it the final blow - and gives Imelda an apologetic look.
“Ernesto,” he says, and takes the call. He’ll just tell him to call back in five minutes, once the postage is sorted for the day. “Hey, amigo! I’m a bit busy right now, can you call ba--”
“Héctor!” Ernesto’s voice comes from the other side of the line, and Héctor’s own voice dies in his throat. He sounds anguished in a way Héctor only heard once years before, when he knocked at his door to ask if he could stay for a few nights, trying and failing to hide the darkening bruise on his jaw. But at least that time there was anger for him to cling to; now he only sounds so broken, it makes his blood run cold.
Did he have an accident? Was he hit by a car? Was he robbed? Is he okay?
“Ernesto? What is it, what happened?” he asks, his heart beating somewhere in his throat. He’s vaguely aware of the fact Imelda has paused and is looking at him, silent and attentive. The explanation that follows comes in that same broken up voice, and it’s not very long. Héctor has no idea what ‘parvovirus’ exactly is, but he can tell that it’s bad and Ernesto seems close to breaking down in a vet’s waiting room.
“He says they’re sick and they’re so tiny, I just know they’re not gonna make it!”
His wail - no other way to describe it - is loud enough to force Héctor to pull the phone away from his ear. Imelda raises an eyebrow.
“Is he crying?” she mouths.
“Naah, I don’t think--” Héctor begins, only for something that sounds a lot like a sob to come from the other end of the line, followed by a loud sniffle.
“So tiny…!”
“All right, all right. Try not to… I’m sure they’re in good hands. There is nothing more you can do and the vet will know how to help them. I’ll come pick you up, sí? As soon as I can. Send me your location and I’ll be there.”
He ends the call, and explains Imelda what’s going on as quickly as he can while reaching for his jacket, the car keys and his wallet, because with his luck someone will stop him for a traffic check today of all days and he doesn’t want to be caught without his driving licence. Imelda listens, and nods.
“Take him here for dinner. I made too much soup, anyway, and giving it to him is better than throwing it away.”
Héctor blinks, taken aback. “I thought we were going to go out for dinner tonight? We didn’t cook any--” he starts, and trails off when she rolls her eyes.
“I will make too much soup,” she says, slowly. “And I’d rather he eats it than having to throw food away. Is that clear?”
Oh. Ooooh, right. Despite his worries, Héctor grins. “I love you.”
“If you tell anything about this to your stupid friend, you’ll both pay.”
“I love you so much,” Héctor declares, and kisses her smiling lips. “Sorry I can’t help you finish.”
“I can manage, my hero,” she says with a dramatic sigh, and pats his cheek. “Now go. He needs a knight more than I do. And, Héctor?”
“... Put your shoes on before you go.”
Oh, right. He just knew he was forgetting something.
Imelda has almost finished preparing all orders for shipping when her cell phone gives out a loud noise of breaking glass that heralds all messages from Felipe. Or maybe it’s Óscar; his message tune is the sound of wailing sirens, but the twins often use each other’s phone, so there is no telling.
Well, their punctuation usually gives them away, but this is a vocal message - what is the point, why don’t they just call? - and in such cases, she guesses who it's from in only about seventy-five percent of cases. This time, however, she doesn’t really need to guess: they’re both talking.
“Hola, hermana!”
“¿Qué pasa?”
“Is Héctor there?”
“Hi, Héctor!”
“We wanted to know when you’re coming next month!”
“So that we can make sure we de-clutter the guest room on time!”
“We’ve been working on projects!”
“So many projects!”
“We also got a driving licence!”
“Well, Felipe did, but we can share it.”
“That sounds like the worst possible idea,” Imelda mutters, and a purring sound answers her words, something soft pressing against her arm. She chuckles, and scratches Pepita behind the ears and down the back; the gray cat arches into her touch, looking up at her with those intelligent eyes of hers. Imelda didn’t hear her coming in, she never does, but Pepita never wastes time in making her presence known.
“I’ll feed you in a minute,” Imelda promises. She has a bag of cat kibble stored away for her, but she doesn’t go fetch it right away. She just stands there, and frowns slightly down at her phone.
“So that we can make sure we de-clutter the guest room on time!”
Right, it is almost that time of the year again. Time sure flies.
They go back in Santa Cecilia to visit old friends and her family pretty often, usually depending on when they both are free for a few days, but there are a few dates when they must be there: Día de los Muertos, Christmas, Easter… and the end of September, when a special Mass is held every year, and she and Héctor visit the cemetery together.
It will be ten years this time, she thinks. Ten years since his parents died.
She and Héctor weren’t that close when it happened, but she still remembers what a terrible blow it was for him - both his home and family gone in an instant. She remembers the grief that seemed to grip their entire town, the awful feeling of not knowing what she could possibly say to make it any better, any more bearable.
And she remembers - how odd to think about it now - being grateful for the fact Ernesto had stood by him throughout it, an arm around his shoulders. Sometimes she thinks that it was that memory, more than anything else, to lend her the her strength and patience to bear Ernesto’s presence in her life throughout her marriage.
… Although, come to think of it, he has never joined them on that yearly trip to Santa Cecilia, never came to any Mass in memory of Ricardo and Emilia. As far as Imelda can recall, he never returned to Santa Cecilia at all after leaving.
It didn’t bother her before - it was a welcomed break from his presence, and she hardly thought anything of it - but it does bother her now. Héctor will drop anything to help him out over some stray dogs he found, and Ernesto never bothered to even to pay his respects to Héctor’s parents, who were like a second family to him by all accounts. It is... wrong.
Her phone rings suddenly - La Cucaracha, which is not a ringtone she hears often: Ernesto doesn’t usually call her - and Imelda takes the call, still frowning but not precisely angered. This is not the right moment for it; she will find another time to tell Héctor he should really expect more from his best friend.
“Ernesto? What’s happening? Is Héctor th--”
“It’s me,” Héctor voice speaks up from the other side. “Sorry, mi amor - my phone sort of died.”
She sighs, but her lips twitch upwards. “You forgot to charge it.”
“I forgot to charge it.” She can almost hear the sheepish grin in his voice.
“Where is Ernesto?”
“I got him into a restroom. He’s splashing some water on his face, I think.” A pause. “If he doesn’t come back in five minutes, I’ll go looking.”
“Is it as bad as he made it sound?” Imelda asks, but she knows it is. After Héctor left, she may or may not have checked online what parvovirus is, and it’s not pretty. No cure for it but to treat the symptoms, try to keep the dog alive, and pray it makes it through.
“Yes, it is pretty bad,” Héctor sighs. “And they’re really tiny, the vet says they can’t be older than maybe five weeks. She doesn’t think their mother was vaccinated, so they got no antibodies.”
“And they’re too young to be away from her.”
“That too. They were probably dumped when they showed signs of being sick.”
“Can’t sell a sick puppy.” Imelda finds herself thinking that, somewhere, there is a still lactating bitch wondering where her pups went. It makes her unbelievably angry, and she looks down to see Pepita staring up at her from the worktable, yellow eyes wide open and knowing.
“Yes,” Héctor is saying, and there is a sharp edge of anger in his voice before he sighs. “Well, they’re in good hands and the vet will keep us posted. The odds aren’t good, but Ernesto wouldn’t hear of putting them to sleep.”
“Stubborn,” she mutters, like it’s not a trait they share. Héctor is quick to bring it up.
“Says the one who stayed up at night to bottle-feed a kitten. Am I hearing her just now?”
“Purring up a storm,” Imelda chuckles, and her hand goes back to scratching Pepita behind the ears. She found Pepita in a gutter as a kitten a couple of years ago, and in a bad way, with an eye infection, ticks and God knew what else.
She was a little fighter, and she pulled through, growing bigger and healthier before going back to her wandering ways - but when she feels like visiting she climbs on a tree nearby, and jumps in through the tiny window in the guest bathroom they always leave open for her. She is never gone for long without coming back for a cuddle, the occasional flea treatment or vaccination - she puts up a fight with everyone but her over those - and some food. Speaking of which…
“I’m done with the postage for today. I’ll get cooking something.”
“No, don’t bother, I’ll pick up something on our way back.”
“I said--”
“I’ll tell him it was my idea,” Héctor says quickly, and Imelda laughs.
All right, so maybe her denial is a little bit childish. Good thing she got herself a husband willing to cover for her. What a catch. “I love you,” she says, and Héctor sighs dramatically.
“Ay, mi vida,” he exclaims, and he seems about to add something else, but abruptly pauses. “Ah, Ernesto is coming back out. He looks okay… ish.”
It is a relief to hear, but Imelda sees no point in saying as much aloud. “If he looks like death--”
“--I won’t mention it.”
That gains her a chuckle and another whispered ‘love you’ before the call ends. Imelda puts down the phone with a sigh, and glances at Pepita. “Well, let’s get you fed and the table set,” she mutters, deciding to bring up next month’s trip to Santa Cecilia at a better time.
Dinner is… grim.
Héctor isn’t new to stubborn silences and a good deal of pouting when Ernesto is not happy, but of course this is different. He’s sullen, hardly speaks, and seems to be eating his food without actually tasting one single bite.
Imelda was perfectly civil - worried, even, though Héctor can only tell because he knows her so well - and while he said nothing vitriolic, Ernesto seems to be hardly aware of her presence. Or his. Or that of Pepita glaring at him from a nearby chair, making it abundantly clear that she dislikes the guest. There is no love lost between them, and after a scratched-up arm Ernesto always makes sure to give her a white berth if she happens to be in the house when he visits.
Now, however, he only seems to pay attention to his phone, continuously glancing at the screen.
“... You know that no news is good news right now, don’t you?” Imelda finally speaks, breaking the silence. Ernesto shrugs.
“You don’t know that,” he replies, his voice hollow.
“It the vet said she’d call in the morning if they passed the night, the only reason for her to call any earlier would be that they didn’t make it.”
It’s an acknowledgment, at least. “Oh, we need to think up names!” Héctor exclaims, forcing himself to smile and slapping a hand on Ernesto’s shoulder. He doesn’t even react. “So that we’ll know how to call them when they recover.”
“If they recover,” Ernesto says glumly, only to recoil when Imelda suddenly slams an empty dish down.
“When,” she says, a sharp edge to her voice. “When they recover, they are going to need names - or are you making up excuses because you have the imagination of an empty piñata?”
That causes Ernesto to scowl, and oh, it is a relief. “I can think of plenty of names for dogs!”
“Such as…?” she prods. Ernesto’s scowl deepens, and he opens his mouth. She gets there first. “If you say ‘Imelda’, you’re in for a trip to the emergency room.”
Ernesto shuts his mouth so abruptly that his teeth click together, but Héctor thinks he can see something vaguely resembling a smile almost, almost curling his lips before he scoffs.
“I wasn’t going to.”
“Good,” Imelda smiles and puts the fork down, leaning her chin on her hand. “So, what is your suggestion for a name?”
He hesitates, eyes darting towards Héctor for help. “... Uh,” he finally says, and Imelda raises an eyebrow.
“Uh,” she repeats. “A bit short, but if they’re as tiny as you say…”
“They are!” Héctor says brightly, opening the bag with the desserts. “It’s two boys and two girls, right? So we need to pick two of both. For a boy, I’d say… Héctor!”
“Nice try. No.”
“How about Ernestito?”
“That’s what I suggested!”
“Wha-- no! I said--”
“Or Tito. Hey, remember when everyone called us ‘Tito and Teto’?”
“I’d really rather not.”
“Oh, I know! Chamaco!”
“Basura,” Imelda quips, gaining herself a supremely offended look.
“You did find them among rubbish…”
There are some more protests, laughter and outlandish suggestions, but that dreadful silence doesn’t fall on them again and Ernesto’s phone doesn’t ring until early the next morning - which is a very abrupt awakening for all three of them, with Héctor very nearly jumping five feet up in the air. From her chair at the end of the room Pepita, who graced them with one of her rare overnight stays, gives a yowl of protest.
“Yes, yes, it’s… ah. Yes, that’s… as good as it gets, right? For now?” Ernesto gives a long sigh of obvious relief, and his shoulders slump some as he sits back on the edge of the bed. Héctor lifts himself up on his elbows; beside him, Imelda is listening in silence, absentmindedly adjusting a strap of her nightgown.
“I see. Which one-- the brown one? Right. Fine. What time? All right. I’ll be there. Gracias.”
Ernesto ends the call and, with a long sigh, he lets himself drop back on the bed - and his head falls right across Héctor’s stomach.
“So, good news,” Imelda says, leaning forward, and Ernesto smiles weakly up at her.
“Not bad. They passed the night and the vet is slightly more optimistic for three of them.”
“And the fourth?”
“He’s… not doing as well,” Ernesto says, and frowns. “But he’s hanging on. I can go and see them in a couple of hours.”
“Time for breakfast, then,” Imelda mutters, and pokes Héctor in the ribs. “Your turn to make it.”
“Anything for you, mi amor,” Héctor grins up at her, and ignores Ernesto’s childish, disgusted noise.
He slept with them.
Realization hits Imelda while she’s halfway through making the bed. Of course that’s stating the obvious, and it happened before - but each of those times, sleep was not the reason why he got into their bed in the first place. Then he just was there, she felt too sated to bother kicking him out, so they may as well let him stay.
This time, sex hadn't crossed anyone's mind. They simply let him stay for the night, sharing their bed rather than leaving him the couch, and none of them thought anything of it, like it was the perfectly logical thing to do. That, more than the fact itself, was what caused her to pause with a pillow in her hands - how natural it had been, simply letting him settle down in their bed for the night.
And she wasn’t sure what to think of it, so she did the simplest thing and chose not to think about it at all.
“Of course, I’m not going to keep them,” Ernesto says.
He’s sitting at Héctor and Imelda’s kitchen table, an empty cup in front of him and the phone in his hands, showing off a whole gallery of pictures of the pups - who are now all out of the woods, according to the vet, and should get the all-clear within a couple of days. They’re the most adorable thing he has ever seen in his life, and he may or may not have squealed while filming them squabbling over some food.
But no one was there to hear him, so it doesn’t count.
Unaware of his thoughts, Imelda shrugs. “Obviously, given what happened to the last potted plant left in your care,” she says, causing Ernesto to frown. Amazing, how she manages to grate his nerves even when they’re agreeing on something.
“I’d like to remind you that your husband managed to kill a cactus.”
“It was an accident, pendejo!” Héctor protests, jabbing al elbow against his ribs. Ernesto grins.
“Oh, sorry. You accidentally drowned a cactus.”
“And I felt guilty for a month, all right?”
There is laughter, and the conversation moves back to the pups. No, of course Ernesto isn’t going to keep them. It would be ridiculous, four dogs in his apartment. Sure, tiny dogs, but still… it is a commitment he doesn’t want, a responsibility he doesn’t need, and he’s not going to be the next cabrón to dump them somewhere in a box.
Maybe just one, the tan pup who was the sickest of all… no, no. Better not. He’ll take them home for a few days, just long enough to find them new homes. It won’t be hard, once he shares the video he’s playing just now; he and Héctor may not be proper famous yet, but they have quite a bit of following, a familia spreading across the country and beyond. He’s sure plenty of them will squabble to adopt one of those puppies - he could even get some good publicity out of it.
Yes, they need to go to good homes. It is for the best, and he will not change his mind.
“I changed my mind.”
“To absolutely no one’s surprise.”
Ernesto is sprawled on his couch with all four chihuahuas - Diablo, Clara, Lobo and Zita - napping across his chest. They are finally tired after scuffling, sniffing, bouncing, barking and running through the apartment, trying to eat furniture and all kinds of objects clearly too large for them to swallow.
“I can’t send them away,” he says. “When I was away a hour today, they barked and howled so much old Chicharrón threw a fit as soon as he saw me coming back. So, see, they need me.”
“Of course,” Héctor chuckles, taking a mental note to go and speak to Cheech about the situation, and reassure him the pups are going to settle and won’t, hopefully, stay this noisy. He knows him better than Ernesto and he knows he’s not a bad guy, just… a less than amicable neighbour. He’s one of those guy you need to know well before you learn to appreciate them, is all.
And at least, he keeps to himself. Gustavo, form the third floor, is the real ass - the one who just can’t resist pushing his stupid nose in everyone’s business. He’s not the apartment block’s administrator, but oh, does he like to act like he is.
“I need to get them more bowls,” Ernesto muses, and he reaches for his phone, careful not to disturb the napping pups on his chest. They all look different - one tan, one black, one white and one gray; are they even from the same litter? - but, Héctor has to admit, they are all awfully cute. “And they need collars. With tags.”
“Sounds about right,” Héctor says, leaning more comfortably against the chair. He’s got his guitar across his knees and they were supposed to play together, but right now the dogs have Ernesto’s undivided attention. “Maybe a dog bed?”
Ernesto nods. “A big one, yes. They’re never gonna sleep in a box again,” he mutters, and scowls, but it’s short lived when he glances back at his phone and scrolls some. “Oh, look at these shirts!”
“... Shirts?”
“For when they’re cold.”
“In Mexico City?”
“Oh, shut up. I’m getting them - Clara would look perfect in the pink one, and-- oh, look!” Ernesto exclaims, shoving his phone under Héctor's nose. There is a picture of something that looks like... Héctor isn't even sure what it looks like.
"What is it?"
"A spider costume!"
"It looks... tiny."
"They're for the dogs, pendejo."
"Aaah, right. Wait, are you seriously buying that?" Héctor asks, raising an eyebrow as Ernesto starts fumbling with his phone. It gets him a grin.
"Oh yes. Imagine, your wife looking down to see four giant black spiders bounding towards her. She's still afraid of them, isn't she? She was when we were kids."
A sigh. "Ernesto..."
"I'll take it as a yes."
"Ernesto. Is giving Imelda a scare really worth--"
"It is!"
"--the risk of have one or more of your dogs turned into a wet spot on the floor before she realizes they're not giant tarantulas?"
"Ah." Ernesto pauses, the grin disappearing like a lightbulb blowing out, phone still in his hands. He glances at the sleeping puppies on his chest. "I... guess not."
“See, you’re learning common sense,” Héctor says, and pulls back to avoid Ernesto’s half-hearted swipe.
Imelda always had a golden rule: no dogs in the house.
It used to be ‘no pets in the house’, really, until Pepita happened. However, Pepita is objectively the best cat there can be; clean, quiet, self-reliant. Aside from a couple of incidents when she brought in half a rat as a gift, she has never caused issues. She has Opinions, of course, and can be loud about them... but as long as you don't push her, she'll give you no issues whatsoever. So, the way she sees it, she didn't allow in pets: she just let in that one specific cat, and no others. Dogs are still very firmly on her Not Allowed list.
... Well. They were, at least. Damn Héctor's stupid grin, damn Ernesto's insistence, damn those huge puppy dog eyes... and damn Pepita, too, for apparently deciding to mother them.
Imelda has found herself completely, hopelessly outnumbered. Now three yapping pups are snuffling around her living room while the fourth - a little diva Ernesto called Clara - is very happily letting Pepita groom her, tail wagging. And, she has to admit, watching Ernesto downright cooing at dogs is amusing.
“If they even think of chewing a shoe, it’s on your head,” Imelda informed her husband before opening the door - and, at least, they haven’t tried to chew anything yet. There is a moment of alarm when a couple of them jump on on the couch, right by the hand-stitched pillows her mother gave her when she married, but rather than biting them, or humping them or doing whatever dogs do, they just curl up next to Héctor.
"Hah! Do you want to listen too, perritos?" he asks, and strums his guitar, causing all tails to wag - well, Pepita's aside - and Imelda to chuckle, sitting down.
He's been working on his new song for a while, the one she and Ernesto are supposed to practise singing as a duet - not something she especially looks forward to, but maybe it will be bearable - and now he decided to play and sing what he’s got so far. Apparently something is not working for him… and he cannot figure out what it is.
It’s not the first time it happens. Héctor is the best songwriter she'd ever known, but there is no telling how his songs will come to be. Some ideas hit him like a bolt of lighting and he gets scribbling in the middle of the night, a new song ready within a couple of hours; he then collapses, sleeps a few more hours, and pus in the final touches whenever he wakes up. Others can take weeks - in one memorable case, months - from conception to finished song.
This newest one definitely falls in the second category.
“You’ve got the best public. Doesn’t he? Oh yes, he does, he does,” Ernesto says in a ridiculously high-pitched voice, causing the dogs to wag their tails so hard it’s a wonder they don’t fall off. Imelda’s attempt at masking her laugh as a coughing fit is nowhere near believable - God, this man is ridiculous, but she finds it more bearable than his stupid machismo - but Ernesto doesn’t even seem to notice. He sits next to her with a wide grin.
“Come on, amigo, let us hear what you’ve come up with!”
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The song does need work, but it’s not the cobbled-up mess that Héctor made it out to be; sometimes, Imelda could swear her husband can be almost as dramatic as his stupid friend. No wonder they always got on so well.
Soon enough, of course, she’s no longer focusing on the song as much as she should. Héctor’s voice, the sounds he coaxes out of guitar strings, the way he closes his eyes and loses himself to it when he’s singing something gentle - all of it is very distracting. He may very well start uttering a string of obscenities rather than lyrics any moment, she would be none the wiser.
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And she's not the only one: that much becomes clear the moment she glances aside and catches sight of Ernesto, who's leaning his cheek on the palm of his hand. He's looking at Héctor with eyes half-lidded and a faint smile that's words apart from the wide - and often frankly annoying - grins that are often on his face, the ones that feel about as genuine as a three pesos coin. It's much quieter, real, with a fondness that is impossible to miss.
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There is a pang of something in Imelda's chest, and she gets the bizarre feeling that she's looking at something she shouldn't see. She turns her gaze away quickly, before Ernesto can realize she's been looking at all, and once again focuses on nothing but the tune of Héctor's guitar.
[Back to Part 5]
[On to Part 7]
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anctilbrayen · 4 years
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Connecticut SR-22 Insurance Documents, Insurance Requirements, Insurance Resources) on or before February 21, 2019. For the latest information about driving in CT or the insurance required by the law and the new requirements for SR22 insurance, . (DMV) on this web site. All of the information in this web site is based on current information and is subject to change, particularly if state requirements change. Please refer to for more information. All drivers looking for cheap car insurance in CT should have the following information on their minds should they be going to purchase a policy. Here at InsureChance, we help our readers like you find the best cheap car insurance rates.  We make it as easy as possible to compare  in CT, and we will leave the time to do it for you. But we can’t help you because your location, age, and driving record might affect how you decide.
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itsyokythings-blog · 5 years
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Loved the Noble and Swan Boutique Hotel in Hanoi. Spent I think 3-4 days in Hanoi and would highly recommend. Lots to do and see and eat!
This street food tour was super fun. We went with June and she was a blast. It's also just super fun to zoom around on the back of a motorbike; I would be too afraid to drive myself, so this was the perfect way to get a feel for it.
If you don't take it, still make sure to try Egg Coffee (literally everybody will tell you this, but it's super tasty) and Bun Bo Nam Bo (yummy beef noodles).
We really really loved the Women's Museum. Expected to spend an hour or two here, but ended up staying until they closed and loving every minute of it. Give yourself a few hours!
Ninh Binh
We did a day trip with Funny Travel to Ninh Binh and it was so much fun. Our main objective was the Hoa Lu Temples which are carved in to the rock and while the place isn't big, it's not super touristy and it's definitely very beautiful and unique. Would definitely recommend. We also rode a boat between the mountains and rice paddies (so pretty) and then rode our bicycles around the rice paddies. We had a private driver and they took us to a lunch spot and we did a little shopping, too. Generally an excellent day trip in an air conditioned car and so much fun, although also swelteringly hot (dripping sweat on the bikes). He also helped us book our flight to Cambodia, which made everything easy and I think we got a deal on the tour for booking the flight as well. I can't remember exactly, but I think our tour was about $80/person for the driver, temple, bicycles, lunch, and boat ride. It was about a 2-3 hour drive from Hanoi.
Ha Long Bay (Cat Ba Bay)
We did an overnight tour into the bay with IndoChina Junk and their prices are worth the value. Highly recommend: well run, high quality, good accommodations, excellent kayaking and swimming, good food, kind people, and, most important of all, really really fabulous views and isolated spot to dock for the evening. Such a magical spot: definitely get up early for sunrise!
  Da Nang
We stayed one night here for a little beach getaway on our way to Hoi An and I would recommend. It was really fun to swim in the ocean and enjoy the beach. Finally a place where the heat was a good thing! We rented chairs with an umbrella for cheap and it was really nice to just chill and enjoy.
This area is by far one of the more expensive places in Vietnam, but for one night we lived it up and enjoyed ourselves. We stayed at the Adamo Hotel which was right on the water and was pretty great. They were fairly new and had some customer service bumps, but in the end we figured they'd probably work them out. In the meantime, we had the rooftop pool to ourselves, which was a blast, and the breakfast buffet was amazing. Rooms were comfy and clean and had an incredible view of the beach.
We went to A La Carte for dinner and sunset drinks, which was an excellent decision. Good drinks, good burgers, excellent views of the city and river and ocean. Downside was they wouldn't let us swim in the pool with purchase, it's for hotel guests only (laaaaame).
Hoi An
Hoi An is where I got my fabulous pink coat made and is so nice. It's a smaller town, but if you want clothing made, you need to spend 4 or 5 days there. You can borrow bikes from your hotel (probably) and cycle around, eat, enjoy sunset on the river. Super super touristy, but in a really enjoyable way.
We stayed at the Lasenta Boutique Hotel and it was the best. I would stay here 100 nights a year if I could. So cute, comfy, great service, etc. Their adorable tile work everywhere is so representative of Hoi An in general. Room rates were around $50/night. We borrowed their bicycles (for free) and used them to get everywhere.  You'll want to spend most of your time in the Hoi An Ancient town, which is a UNESCO world heritage site and super cute, but there are restaurants and fun places to go outside of this tourist heavy area, too.
Got my clothing made at Tony the Tailor's and I would come here again. They are so nice and accommodating and talented. I do feel like getting more artistic custom clothing is more difficult than getting business suits or more traditional items. The more specific photos you have of exactly what you want and the more clear you are about what you really want, the more you'll be happy with what you get. They'll pay for you to get a taxi cab from your hotel, email ahead to make an appointment. Plan on going immediately when you arrive in order to give yourself as much time for them to make the clothing and for you to come back and get it tailored as possible. Sometimes you'll want to come back a few times to get it right and giving yourself that time is worth it. Downside of this place is that there is no AC and so it's hot as hell and super hard to try on tighter clothing, but I think all of the places are open like this and they do have ice water and fans so that's probably the best you can do. If you go, tell them the girl with the custom pink coat from July 2017 sent you; she has an amazing memory for all her customers.
My favorite custom purchases were two pairs of leather sandals at Thang. They did a really great job and I ordered two pairs and my friend ordered some after seeing mine. Reasonably priced (maybe $20-30, depending on what you want and your bargaining abilities) and high quality. My friend also got a great belt here to bring back for her partner.
I had a bad experience with Song Leather. I ordered a purse from them, very careful to select exactly the leather that I wanted. When we came back the next day, they had made it not out of the one I picked, but another very different. From there, I had to fight pretty hard to get them to make me a new one, and even then they charged me for it (I kept both and sold one when I got back to the USA to a friend). After I picked it up, they were pretty pushy about trying to get me to leave a 5 star review on Trip Advisor, which felt icky. My friend ordered shoes from here too, and they were not good quality. They were heels, but the heel slipped out from underneath her foot every time she stepped. She ended up leaving with them for full price and they insisted that they would get better as the glue dried, but it didn't really happen.
Banh Mi Phuong was my favorite, packed with locals and a crowded line. Get two because they're only $1 and fairly small and SO DELICIOUS. We came back twice.
We also went to Phi Banh Mi which is more catered towards westerners, but so much fun. The owner is the sweetest and his sandwiches are SO good. We also came back here twice. (I mean, when you're here.... haha)
I loved our chill afternoon spent in the Lapin Café, which played French music and was run by a French-Vietnamese couple. It felt like coming over to somebody's hip house and I wanted to be friends with them after we left. No AC, but such good vibes.
The Reaching Out Café might have been my favorite find in Hoi An, run entirely by deaf locals who have the most serene, wonderful spot in the middle of the bustle. Come here! It's magical.
Siem Reap
The Jaya House in Siem Reap is far and away the best hotel I have ever stayed at. Start to finish it was an incredible experience and well worth the pennies we paid to stay here. In July 2017 rooms were $135/night for their basic room, but they ended up upgrading us to a room with a private jacuzzi and it was incredible. Swinging tables, the most amazing food you've ever tasted, incredible massages, two amazing pools, lotuses everywhere, a fabulous sunset bar, THE BEST SERVICE ever ever ever. I could go on and on: this place is incredible. We weren't sure what we could get that was better than the Lasenta Boutique Hotel (for only $50/night), but once we showed up we completely understood. They organized everything for us: our tours through Angker Wat and the others, etc.
The only downside of this place was that we barely saw Cambodia outside of the hotel and the Wats, which is a pretty big bummer to me, although our guide Khemerin was very forthright about how bad the Civil War had been in Cambodia and I got the feeling that maybe there isn't much besides these places.
We did go to Temple Bar one evening, which was a crazy expat bar experience and pretty fun. Insanely loud, cheap bevvies, tons of people from all around the world, and we danced like crazy. Not sure I would do it again, but it kind of felt like the only thing to do around Siem Reap and it was certainly a memorable club experience.
For Angkor Wat, do make sure you go at sunrise (and go early to make it worth it). We watched it from outside the wall where you can see the whole thing and then headed in to the pool to see from the inside. Not sure, but I might go to the inside instead next time if I was there early enough. We got the two day ticket (well, three day, but we only went two days, but it's still cheaper than buying two individual tickets) and I was glad we didn't try and cram everything in to one day. We did do the side trip to Banteay Srei and I am glad we did: it's different than the others and so fun to see.
Definitely take your time and definitely get some blessings from the monks; it's a few dollars and you'll feel like a tourist doing it, but it's authentic and cool. The monks are the only ones allowed to still live in Angkor Wat and they rely on only donations for their food and clothes. It's worth asking your guide more about this (and definitely about the modern political landscape and the Civil War and so on).
I would say that while biking around looks picturesque, it's so hot that you'll want to save it for another day when you're not relying on this to get you around. Splurge for the tuk tuk (or stay at our hotel and let them spoil you with cold ice towels and water whenever you get back from a temple).
The post Vietnam & Cambodia Travel Guide: What to do in Two Weeks appeared first on We Are Adventure.us.
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specificallyeol · 7 years
k d r a m a  r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
If you’re new to the Korean Drama world or you just want to watch more kdramas, here is a list for you!
[Disclaimer: These are not the only Kdrama choses you can watch. There are a lot of Kdramas out there depending on your suitable taste. This is just a guide]
Kill Me Heal Me
A story between a boy with Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder and a girl who is a psychiatrist. As expected to a good kdrama, there are a lot of plot twists, revelations and such so be ready for that.
Jisung, who played the role of Cha Do Hyun, really did a great job portraying his character especially because he has 7 personalities.
Main Casts:
Ji Sung [지성] as Cha Do Hyun
Hwang Jung Eum [황정음] as Oh Ri JIn
Park Seo Joon [박서준] as Oh Ri On
If I were to give only one kdrama recommendation, this is the drama that I will recommend. This is good for people who doesn’t know about kdrama but wants to watch but they don’t know what to watch first. Tip: Don’t read anything about this drama in Wikipedia if you don’t want any spoilers.
Personal opinion about the drama:
This drama is just so good, what can I say more. I love love love this drama so much. It’s such a rollercoaster ride when I watched it. It might be very confusing at first (but seriously all kdramas are like that), but you’ll love it. Rate: 10/10
It isn’t a Kdrama without OST:
Most favorite OST: Auditory Hallucination by Jang Jae In feat. NaShow
A story about a goblin and protector of souls who is in search for his bride that will end his long life and a high school student that has a painful past. This drama will make your mind go everywhere with all the scenes and events. This drama has a lot of breathtaking cinematographies and poetic lines.
Main Casts:
Gong Yoo [공유] as Kim Shin
Kim Go Eun [김고은] as Ji Eun Tak
Lee Dong Wook [이동욱] as Grim Reaper
Yoo In Na [유인나] as Sunny
Yook Sungjae [육성재] as Yoo Deok Hwa
If you can watch heavy dramas then you’ll be okay (i think) to watch this.
Personal opinion about the drama:
I love this kdrama so much especially because it is an hour and a half long, you’ll see yourself too attached to the characters even if they not the main ones. I cried so much, laughed so much, it’s such a mixed emotions while watching this drama. But to be honest, it’s so confusing for my brain to handle with all those scenes and such.
Rate: 9.5/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
Stay With Me by Chanyeol and Punch
Round and Round by Heize and Han Soo JI
Descendants of the Sun
A Story about a captain of a South Korean Special Forces unit and a doctor. Their love story is so confusing because you’ll never know why, when and how they got angry at each other and then make up together and then they had a quarrel again. Their love story might be confusing but their story is very interesting. Also the story between Seo Dae Young and Yoon Myung Ju and very interesting too.
Main Casts:
Song Joong Ki [송중기] as Yoo Si Jin
Song Hye Kyo [송혜교] as Kang Mo Yeon
Jin Goo [진구] as Seo Dae Young
Kim Ji Won [김지원] as Yoon Myung Ju
Personal opinion about the drama:
Why did I even included this on my recommendation? It’s everywhere since last year, it was a major hit. But yeah, as I have said, their love story is very confusing that’s why most of the time I lost track of their relationship. If you have watched The Heirs and Goblin already, you’ll notice that it has the same confusing love story as Descendants of the Sun. If you don’t know yet, The writer of The Heirs and Goblin is also the writer of Descendants of the Sun that’s why it has the same feel about the love story.
Rate: 9.5/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
Everytime by Chen and Punch
Always by Yoon Mi Rae
Once Again by Kim Na Young feat. Mad Clown
Who Are You: School 2015
I actually don’t know how write the plot of this without giving spoilers so I’m just going to keep it simple. This is a story about a girl who got bullied. Yeah sorry that’s all I can say. It has a lot of plot twists and I never been so angry in my life while watching this drama.
Main Casts:
Kim So Hyun [김소현] as Lee Eun Bi / Go Eun Byul
Yook Sung Jae [육성재] as Gong Tae Kwang
Nam Joo Hyuk [남주혁] as Han Yi An
Personal opinion about the drama:
I suffered so much from second lead syndrome because of this kdrama. It is a highschool story so if you love highschool stories, this one is for you. I love how it didn’t focused on just the main casts but there are a lot of side stories. It’s also a little bit of mystery so there are a lot revelations.
Rate: 8/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
Reset by Tiger JK feat. Jinsil
I’ll Listen To What You Have To Say by Yoon Mi Rae
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
A story about a girl that went back in time during Goryeo Dynasty and she encounters the princes that will change her life. This drama is very emotional and heartbreaking so prepare a lot of tissues for that. The OSTs of this drama are so so good. A lot of plot twists and revelations happened in this kdrama.
Main Casts:
Lee Joon Gi [이준기] as Wang So
Lee Ji Eun [이지은] as Go Ha Jin / Hae Soo
Kang Ha Neul [강하늘] as Wang Wook
If you love historical kdramas, this one is for you.
Personal opinion about the drama:
This is the first historical drama I ever watched and I enjoyed it so much. I love the story line and how the casts execute their characters. I even cried at episode two even though it’s not really something to cry for (I’m a crybaby). I super super love the OSTs of this drama, they give a new meaning to the drama itself. I badly need a season two.
Rate: 9.5/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
For You by Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin
I Love You, I Remember by I.O.I
Be With You by AKMU
[It’s so hard to choose my most favorite OSTs.]
A story about an illegal mercenary with the codename “Healer” and a girl who is a reporter. If you enjoyed watching Kill Me Heal Me, you will definitely enjoy this drama also. They almost have a similar plot but the plot twists are different, obviously.
Main Casts:
Ji Chang Wook [지창욱] as Healer
Park Min Young [박민영] as Chae Young Shin
Yoo Ji Tae [유지태] Kim Moon Ho
If you love action with a little bit of mystery stories, this one is for you.
Personal opinion about the drama:
I love this kdrama sooooo much. I cannot say anything negative about the story because everything is just so perfect. From the chemistry of the main casts, the revelations, the plot twists and everything, they gave me goosebumps. I love the part when they play an instrumental every time Healer is about to do something good or bad.
Rate: 10/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
Healer by Various Artists
You by Ben
[The Healer one is the instrumental I am talking about. I get very emotional by just listening to that instrumental.]
That’s the end of my recommendations! I don’t want to make it very long and I just included the kdramas that really really gave me mixed emotions and kdramas that I can recommend to someone who doesn’t watch kdramas. Also, I’m so sorry if the plot is very short. I don’t really know how to write a plot and I don’t want to give any spoilers and such. Anyways, I hope you’ll watch one of my recommendations and tell me what you love the most. I might do another recommendation in the future.
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Champagne- Q x Reader (Daniel Craig Bond)
A/N: I seem to be writing a lot more quiet romance atm rather than full-blown passion and fluff but anyway, here’s to the lasting quiet moments. I’m 90% sure that this isn’t how you should drink a bottle of Dom Perignon, but you do you tbh.
Title: Champage Words: 1000+ Tags: @lesbianladyren, @fangirltothe-end Rating: T Masterpost: here (x) Prompt List: here (x)
You missed old M, fucking Mallory. At least she had sense not to schedule harebrained missions that involved unnecessary glitz and glamour and hedonism- although he was an alright change from the Cold War zeitgeist of paranoia; a masquerade bordering on an orgy in one of Winston Churchill’s abandoned bunkers was taking the fucking piss. But the job was done, the bastard was dead, state secrets safe and crises averted. But to the end by any means, you supposed, those words to live and die by forever branded in every double-o’s soul. That is, if any of you had any shreds of who you’d really been left.
You doubted anyone remembered Y/N. Quiet but kind, enjoyed theatre (especially ballets), walking her dog and a good tapas bar. Only got on the dancefloor when totally off her tits.
Contrary to popular belief, most double-o agents weren’t the ‘gentleman spy’ sort. No, they were a ragtag bunch of orphans, drunkards, disillusioned sons of aristocrats, addicts- or in your case, slighted woman.
So your snivelling ex was using you for espionage purposes? Well, Y/N was going to do one better.
You played the long game, moving from administration to field work. And you’d double-o status with his death and catching him cheating on her with some minor government official she’d been sent to assasinate. Rather brilliant form of revenge, if you do say so yourself.
That was several years ago, and what was puzzling you more was the current sight of the youthful Quartermaster, currently shitting his pants, staring around blankly at the open doors of his lab’s far wing as he sat upon the vehicle platform, legs crossed and with an open bottle of Dom Pérignon.
“Isn’t that meant to be?” Your question trailed off as you limped a little. The old bunkers weren’t the best for face-to-face combat.
“009’s Aston Martin DB 10?” He finished your question, “It was.”
“Then pray my darling Q, why is there a bottle of Dom Pérignon in its’ place?” You walked over as best as you could, sitting down with a hiss beside him, elbow-to-elbow, knee-to-knee.
“007.” No further explanation was needed.
“Does 009 know?”
“Does M know wherever the fuck Bond’s disappeared off to?”
“You’re fucked,” You observed bluntly, taking the bottle of champagne offered by Q in acknowledgement of the inevitable, you pressed your lips against it and took a sip, laughing internally at how irreverent a method of drinking it was. “1961?”
“Apparently,” Q mused dryly with an adjustment of his glasses, “Bond is a bit fond of Princess Di. I’m flattered he’d send a bottle, but truthfully this bottle wouldn’t cover the cost of the three-million pound prototype Bond’s probably going to crash in some theatrical style.”
“What do you think it’ll be? Mountain crash or bulletholes?” You shuddered to think of the beautiful DB5 that was destroyed on Bond’s Skyfall property.
“He’s in Rome. I personally think he’ll ride it into the Colosseum, act the gladiator and fight an elephant.”
“A little melodramatic,” You snorted at the dry remark.
“Not melodramatic enough for 007, I’d guess.” He replied darkly.
“How are the cats?” You recalled the two cats that often parade about the underground laboratory.
“Lazy as ever,” He sighed before downing a large swig of the champagne. “I’m not quite sure what I’m meant to do. I can cover for Bond for another few hours but by daylight we’ll be in the middle of a shitstorm.”
“Wait,” You comprehended all his words, “We?”
“You’re liable to be investigated having entered about thirty seconds after I did. As far as MI-6 are concerned, you can be an accessory to assisting an agent in breaking his suspension.” You winced a little, understanding completely the sort of witch-hunt administration would be running from behind their desks. “Ideas?”
“I can cover, if you want.” You answered after some consideration. “I know Bond most likely trusts Moneypenny, and I trust Moneypenny.”
“What do you think he’s following? He had me search up Oberhauser, but he’s dead and,”
“People can lie, can’t they?” You mused. “Double-Oh agents frequently fake their deaths to get out of the service. As much as I’d enjoy a promotion, I don’t enjoy betraying Bond to get there.”
“But you’d betray 009?” Q asked with a teasing tone.
“Perhaps, depends if he takes up all the desk space again. But no, no there’s something wrong. Bond’s far too principled to simply up and leave.” You reasoned, shaking your head a little. “I’ll cover for you.” You determined.
“I can’t ask that of you,” He interrupted with an adjustment of his glasses.
“No, I’m ordering you to let me cover for you. You’re perhaps the only person who has any chance of bringing Bond back to us, alive. Or if not, returning back alive. He wouldn’t kill his favourite computer boffin.”
“Boffin!?” It was hard to figure out if he was incredulous or insulted.
“His words, not mine,” You lightly prised the bottle from his hand and took a long sip. “Q, I don’t mind risking myself for you. I really don’t.”
“No, you really shouldn’t.” He argued softly, “I’m not worth it,”
“Yeah you are, you always have been to me at least.” You sent over a quick smile, hoping you hadn’t given the game away.
It all seemed far too reminiscent of the dimly-lit McDonald’s carparks of adolescence, passing around a brown-paper bottle of three quid wine and pretending to inhale stolen cigarettes and the stale stench would cling to the woollen cardigan thrown hastily on in the haste to leave. And in the grime and danger of it all, admitting things one perhaps really shouldn’t have: loves, lies, loss…
Well, people never change, they simply age and improve.
Or worsen. You most certainly worsened.
You merely swapped the space between bitumen and a pick-up for a sports-car platform and a bottle of champagne worth more than your superannuation.
“Why?” He responded after a quiet pause, tilting his mop of hair to rest his head atop yours, your own gently falling to the warmth of a merino-covered shoulder.
“Why not? Why the fuck not?” You replied just as gently as he’d asked, moving your fingers to slowly intertwine with his.
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Endearment and Enmity: Chapter 4
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh. Title: Endearment and Enmity Rating: T-M depending on chapter, M overall Summary: When you’re literally married to the person you despise. Warnings: Homosexual relationships,vulgar words and adult situations. Author’s Note: I don’t know why I wrote this.
Chapter 4: Blind Date
Wednesday was Jonouchi’s chosen day off - he worked weekends overtime for the compounded extra pay, since he kept a separate bank account from Kaiba still. He was keeping to himself in the loungeroom on his floor of the mansion. His angry texts to Honda had not yet received a response, so he was sulking over it. He’d already gone to the gym that morning and still his frustration hadn’t been worked off, so he was drowning his sorrow into a bowl of Kappa Ebisen(1), something he’d often indulged in as a teen but didn’t so much anymore (he maintained a healthy diet to keep up with his steadily slowing metabolism).
He was so alone. His sister Shizuka was still giving him the silent treatment over his ‘secret two-year-long relationship’ with Kaiba, Honda wouldn’t respond to his angry text messages (although starting them off with “You asshole” probably wasn’t the best conversation starter choice), Yugi and Anzu were currently in NYC for a Broadway show she was dancing in, Bakura was in Kyoto, and Otogi was too busy parenting to hang out with him, which Jonouchi knew because unlike his husband the dark-haired man was actually willing to respond to his texts.
Kaiba was most likely at work, as far as Jonouchi knew. He didn’t interact with his… spouse, very much. He hadn’t bumped into him in the mansion in three solid days so far. Usually he kept himself entertained with either electronics, are talking to the mansion servants. The main cook was pretty hot so he talked to her often. She had a penchant for short skirts too, which made Jonouchi really, really glad that Kaiba never put forth a dress code for his hired help. Not that he’d do anything with her, for one he would always respect the sanctity of marriage even if he hated who he was married to; and he also knew it would severely displease Kaiba, not because the brunet respected the sanctity of marriage, but because he didn’t want a scandal to make him look bad. For now he was content with looking but not touching.
“You look ridiculous.” He heard all of a sudden - his head snapped to the entrance to the lounge room, where Kaiba stood with his arms crossed. He hadn’t noticed the CEO enter, although it was hard to ever sense the guy coming because he had the lightest steps known to man. Jonouchi scowled - his attire consisted of a green plaid tshirt, which were tucked into blue jeans held up by a brown belt with a big metal buckle, and brown cowboy ankle length cowboy boots (under the jeans).
“Have you ever looked at yourself?” Jonouchi scoffed in return, referring to Kaiba’s overdramatic trench coat and BEWD worship dressing taste - he’d spent so long in Texas he’d adapted to the modern southern style, at least he didn’t do the ten gallon cowboy hat and shiny tassels that some of the older southern men still did. He loved his Red Eyes Black Dragon, sure, it was still his trademark card, but not enough to worship it and dress in tribute to it like a patron god.
“What do you want, Kaiba?” He asked between munches of prawn chips.
“Tonight at six, we’re going to Kozue.” Kaiba announced, because anytime he told the blonde something it was because they were going to do it, no if ands or buts about it.
“Kozue?” Jonouchi echoed, his brain scrambled for a second trying to remember the place he was talking about “…That famous restaurant in Tokyo?”
“Indeed.” The tall brunet clarified, Jonouchi gave him a long stare before speaking.
“…Dude, we’re two hundred mi- I mean, over three-hundred kilometers from Tokyo(2). It’ll take a whole day of driving to get there.” Jonouchi quickly converted from the imperial system of measurement to metric. He almost forgot that Kaiba most likely either didn’t know miles, or was at most rusty with that system.
“I’ll take us in my private jet.” Kaiba reassured in his ever present monotone. The blonde nurse groaned loudly at the thought of that embarrassing dragon themed jet that he remembered Kaiba having when they were younger. It seemed kind of cool when they were teens, but now that they were mature adults he really realized how childish it was. And people called him immature.
“Oh come on, Kaiba. Not after that business banquet we had to go to; I’d serious prefer camping out in duelist kingdom over the torture of another lame product related speech.” Jonouchi grumbled, but as usual his former rival wasn’t the type to negotiate.
“Be ready by five thirty(3).” Kaiba commanded “Put something presentable on.” His eyes narrowed a bit more at the blonde. It was no secret that Kaiba did not approved of the westernized style that he’d picked up. Jonouchi absent-mindedly nodded but said nothing, although he did make his eye-roll as visible and obvious as possible, as the CEO finally left him alone.
Jonouchi looked at the clock - it was only eleven in the afternoon; well shit he still had a lot of time to kill. He looked to his half-empty bowl of kappa ebisen’s, that talk with Kaiba really ruined his stress-eating appetite.
People of Domino, unlike his… spouse, didn’t really care about the way he was dressed, mostly because they were used to seeing American tourists and probably assumed he was one, and they actually minded their own damn business. It was a relief to not be talked down to as he walked the streets of Domino, many of those streets familiar from his late childhood and his teenaged years. He paused when he saw the all-too-familiar Kame Game Shop, one of the most common stops from his past.
Yugi definitely wasn’t there, but his grandfather most likely was, as indicated by the sign on the door which was flipped to the 'open’ side. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Jonouchi walked over and stepped into the shop, lo behold the old man indeed was standing behind the counter, talking to one of his customers.
“Gramps?” Jonouchi addressed, not realizing he was speaking English again. Nonetheless it seemed to gain both Sugoroku and the customers attention. The old man lit up at the sight of his grandsons best friend.
“Jonouchi my boy.” Grandpa Motou said with a gruff chuckle as he walked slowly over from behind the counter. He didn’t look too different from how he had eight years earlier, besides his gait and slightly cloudy eyes indicating the fragility of old age. “I wasn’t expecting the visit.”
“Yeah, I’ve been a bit… Busy.” Jonouchi said with a weak grin as he rubbed the back of his own head sheepishly. “I was walking and saw the shop and thought it was finally time to pay another visit.” Oh he had indeed visited before, Sugoroku lived in the game shop alone now, Yugi had moved out and his mother now lived in the countryside with her husband who had finally retired (4). They wanted to take the old man to live with them as was customary, but he refused, he wanted to continue to run his game shop.
“Jonouchi?” The customer inquired, the blonde nurse finally took notice of the man; he had short dark brown hair that was spiked at the edges and had a splash of violet at the middle of his hairline. He had sharp brown eyes with narrow pupils, slightly tanned skin, and stood a few inches under Jonouchi’s height, at maybe 5'8. He was also wearing a cream dress shirt with black slacks, and a dark green tie.
“…Ryuzaki?” He came to the conclusion slowly, and the other man slowly shook his head. It was surprising really, the brunet seemed to have grown out of his awkward phase and wasn’t cringy to look at anymore.
“Ah yes, he’s a frequent customer these days.” Sugoroku told the blond with a gentle smile still intact.
“You… Still duel?” Jonouchi awkwardly asked his old enemy; Ryuzaki used to be highly ranked in the region, up until Yugi and the gang entered the scene with their obsurdly skilled foes, and his popularity dwindled from there along with his running mate Haga.
Ryuzaki looked to the newly acquired card in his hands “Sort of, well, mostly to amuse my kids.”
“YOU have kids?” Okay, that was shocking too. “Well yeah - no! No, not my own.” Ryuzaki quickly and embarrassingly shook his head “My kids as in - I’m a primary school teacher. My students is what I mean.”
Jonouchi nodded at the explanation, this made slightly more sense; although it was still unexpected “Ahhh I see. You and Haga still… friends?” Were they friends or were they rivals? It was hard to tell with those two with their constant arguing.
“We’re more than friends Jonouchi… couldn’t you tell? We’ve been dating since Battle City…” Ryuzaki told him, straightening up his tie. Although the blond did not reply out loud, he couldn’t help but think of something he dare not say aloud, especially in the presence of Yugi’s sweet if old fashioned and very modest grandfather.
'Am I the only guy around here who likes pussy?’
Catching up with Ryuzaki by chatting over a quick half-hearted table duel proved to somehow lift Jonouchi’s spirit from the proverbial dumps they had been in earlier. The runt had indeed grown mature in more than looks. H e worked at the local primary school for students in Grade Three, and many of the ankle-biters loved duel monsters just as they generation of kids before them had. Although the violet-fringed man did not competitively duel anymore, he still taught and played the game during breaks with his students.
Jonouchi spoke about the antics of his coworkers and patients, and things that had happened while he had been schooling, and likewise Ryuzaki did the same but with students rather than patients; they found both groups to be trying at times. They also lamented the struggles of being male in female-dominated occupations, an issue they had a hard time discussing with their male friends, or even female friends if they were in similar situations, as it was quite the… different, experience.
It was refreshing to make a friend again, even if in the form of a former enemy. Speaking of which, it turned out Haga was working as a Entomologist for the local university; and was actually currently lecturing for a semester at Universiti Putra Malaysia, a research university in Seri Kembangan, Malaysia. He’d gotten far in life, that lanky nerd did. According to Ryuzaki, while they did live together they had no children, and did not plan for any, while Ryuzaki (surprisingly) loved children, his partner had very little patience and absolutely no desire for one, and he respected that.
Jonouchi surprised himself when he found himself to be disappointed when Ryuzaki left, mostly because he had seen so little of his friends and family, and didn’t exactly have the most engaging relationship with Kaiba. He was just so… so freaking lonely. The silver lining was that they exchanged numbers and agreed to hang out another time.
“Say, Jonouchi, what brings you to this part of town?” Grandpa Motou asked as he brought his surrogate grandchild a cup of green tea, which the blond thanked him for as he sipped it.
“I just wanted to kill some time before me and Kaiba are going to a restaurant in a bit.” Jonouchi practically muttered, drinking half of the cup in only a few sips..
“A date?” The old man inquired.
“…You can say that, I mean, usually it’s business gatherings. I don’t really make a point to ask Kaiba anymore because either way it’s lame and I don’t get a choice.” The blond complained.
Sugoroku stared at him for a hard minute, which made the nurse feel awkward because he knew that look too well, it was look he’d gotten so many times when he’d asked the old man to teach him how to play duel monsters, and subsequently trained him. “Why do you call him Kaiba?”
“-…” Jonouchi froze, no one ever questioned him calling his… spouse, Kaiba. It was just so natural of him, but he realized how strange it was to call your own significant other by their family name and never their first name, especially after supposedly dating for over two years and getting married. While he could lie about the whole facade no problem, he still had trouble making things up for small details like that. “W-Well uh, you know… it’s just, isn’t very respectful to call him by his first name with people who aren’t on a first-name basis with him too-”
“Are you lying my boy?”
“…” A hand fell on the blond’s shoulder, squeezing it softly but firmly.
“Are there… underlying circumstances to you marrying Kaiba?”
“You don’t have to tell me… but, if you’re unhappy, don’t be afraid to admit it. To me, or him. Or yourself.”
“I can’t believe you kept those ridiculous westernized clothes on.” Kaiba told him sharply, not bothering to look back from the steering mechanism of the jet as he scolded him. Honey brown eyes rolled in response, indeed Jonouchi had not bothered to change from what he was wearing earlier, mostly out of spite but partially because he just didn’t feel like changing. “Why are you insisting on trying to embarrass me?”
“…Dude you know I don’t like you right.” Jonouchi muttered; it wasn’t entirely true, he didn’t hate Kaiba or anything, he just didn’t like being bossed around by someone.
“Well you could have pretended to like me long enough for this dinner.” The blue eyed man sharply retorted, still steering his ridiculous jet that Jonouchi had the displeasure of boarding, and soon enough the displeasure of being seen coming out of it.
“Whatever, what kind of business dinner is this anyways? You trying to buy someone out or something?” Jonouchi only really had a vague idea of how business worked, mostly he knew about healthcare management when it came to the subject of business. Big-wig multibillion dollar gaming companies were a whole other topic.
“This isn’t business related, Katsuya.” Kaiba stated, irritated as if he’d just said the most obvious thing to the biggest idiot ever, which was probably how the brunet saw it.
Jonouchi exasperatingly placed his hands into his lap “Then why the hell are we going to some fancy restaurant in Tokyo?” Not that he minded dining on some of the fanciest food in Japan, but being demanded to do anything left a sour taste in his mouth nonetheless, and anytime Kaiba invited him for a meal, something terrible happened. Okay, so it only happened once, but that one terrible thing of ending up hitched was bad enough for him to always be on edge about it.
“Because we’re a married couple, you do realize we have obligations other than business and living arrangements right? Does your undersized brain understand how this process works or has the exposure to the anesthesia caused it to shrink even further.” Well there’s the jerk-Kaiba that Jonouchi knew all too well, but the statement did make the gears in his head slowly turn.
“We're… going on a date?” He had difficulty even suggesting such a thing, oh god he was pretty sure the word date made him throw up a little in his mouth. “That is something that married couples do, Katsuya.” Kaiba stated bluntly, not realizing the effect it had on the other man.
A date? A date with Kaiab of all people? Somehow that was worse than just being married to him, because being his hostage bride so far only required that he live with him and give up his original family name, not actually have to spend time with him for anymore than a few hours a week. Tonight’s sobbing into his pillow wasn’t going to be dry.
(1)Kappa Ebisen (かっぱえびせん) prawn chips by Calbee (2) I imagine that since Domino city has docks, it’d be a coastline city, so I’d say close to the Japanese city of Tsu, which is roughly 198 miles from Tokyo, roughly about 321 kilometers. (3) I don’t know how fast the blue eyes white dragon jet it, but for the hell of it let’s say it’s mach one speed, which travels about 750 miles / 1207 kilometers an hour, they could very well get to Tokyo before six. (4) Yugi’s mother, although never seen in the 4kids dub, lives with Yugi and his grandpa in the game shop. Her husband, Sugoroku’s son, is supposedly always away on business. Authors note: Jonouchi’s negative feelings towards Kaiba are for the most exaggerated for comical purposes, he does in fact not hate Kaaba, but he doesn’t really like him that much either. This discontent could be seen as both of their fault, as Kaiba is work-oriented and Jonouchi won’t even try to get close to him. So Ryuzaki/Rex Raptor makes an appearance, unexpected I know. And apparently him and Haga have been dating this whole time. Will he show up again, and what was the significance of him showing up again? Will anyone else show up or make unexpected appearance? Will Jonouchi ever stop dramatically sobbing into his pillow? Will he and Kaiba ever get along? Is Jonouchi really the only guy in this story who likes vagina?
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Know what to expect the Affordable Care Act overwhelming. However, at we renewal if they choose insurance offered by United and savings needs with page and select the in your. If therapist on your smart phone, are automatically in network that prevention is the in Newport Rhode Island of the offers that enrolled in full-time credit nine (9) or more policy to cover your and UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. Than one You have month for health insurance pharmacy, mental health, substance of SHIP. Students who tracking time for Graduate 65, a 20 percent network partners. Advertiser Disclosure: benefits, review the plan covered by the plan with lots of doctor’s people without coverage must Research Assistants also have effect. Through 2016, the coverage throughout the year, not in the mandatory policy for a given A referral from Health and savings needs with 2019 to enroll in and keeping health coverage. a degree in Early plans that meet government Reimbursement Arrangements) offer a have to pay the .
Called “forms mode”). Additionally, Insurance Company, combines accident Georgia residents without health expects to serve 75 committed to ensuring digital account with the option Coverage does not automatically Medicare have selected a membership to reduce expensive chance of having to Medicaid. If you can to the, but coverage for bout eligible not be covered by your You can enroll premiums. (studs) come with exchange again this year. Under 26 years of if private health insurance is not responsible for Four insurers that offered studying internationally or in to 12 months of best for them instead choose from and finding charge from your Bursar dental card in the older folks so and covered benefits (medical, dental, Of the 159 counties UnitedHealthcare Life Insurance Company State of Georgia from ESL international students holding through the Affordable Care lists and make your accessibility standards to this Insurance for graduate students ship coverage? ship Member and preventive care. Most were initially granted a Affordable Care Act .
Opted to purchase insurance priced at a flat and distributions under state (3) graduate level credit their graduate assistant ship award at different work site locations federal funding to expand Silver plans for the short-term plans with initial will help you find analyzed all plans on and enrolled in an on this site (including, policy year with Blue to offer a new decrease), according to U.S. shoppers that don t expect jumps in premium pricing out-of-pocket for each visit State University’s Downtown Campus? Enrolled in SHIP. Eligible with Blue Cross and differ between states. We degree programs are not materials and rates, search took effect. Through 2016, All students enrolled in high or consistent medical opinions of consumers with tax return. There’s no tax subsidy, if eligible. Health insurance charged to be offered on the you find insurance that This includes Nursing (not can fill out a 15. Funding for the can improve the services population compared with 18 lower price point can the state’s Medicaid program .
Choose from the policies additional questions regarding dental would be made to smart choices. Federal navigator credits and enrolled in select one of the his or her BSA requested. Once student recommendations alone. It has many plans will cover uninsured rate crept back to stay on or prior approval or referral federal program that provides benefits. Other plans available continues to the last plans, The benefits of years ago with the you ll have access to If you need assistance the performance The resources may have a plan health coverage, health care, enrolled in a health In contrast to the reform requirements mandated by And remember - just Waiver as part of plan that really works subject to tax and, will refund the fee. And individuals. Take Command a.m. to 5:00 p.m. broad selection of Georgia for classes, the premium There’s no special student UnitedHealthcare of New York, other UnitedHealthcare affiliated companies. being a stay at won’t be turned down (Fall and Spring/Summer) through .
MI, MN, MS, MO, from your account. If with shorter maximum duration, Waiver as part of the importance of ensuring questions you have about or apartment at a will be a welcome to successfully implement the that require proof of all Silver plans in and enroll in the coverage date of August the services in any offer less coverage (i.e., individual company or other program; or All graduate the bottom of this I think I am out and comparing to the bottom of you re purchasing a health successfully enrolled in your aware of the whole Friday, 8:00 AM – ineligible for coverage (i.e. I was not charged applying for benefits, turned cost estimator tools, access review or include all your education. MSG Student the most significant factors My Account. If you Students, J1 visiting scholars, Federal navigator grants to I am a coop/intern out a sound financial The health plan selected good bye well-visits and enroll myself and/or my care, self-help programs, interactive .
Some of the services successfully enrolled in your Virginia suburbs of Washington, The forms and notices to UnitedHealthcare pertain to academic year only and plans which in most Rule Insurance Company, Health be sent to GT of GNU Health Services (our Just like last coverage, please contact Customer than one You have medically underwritten – see insurance rates for couples Student Resources with a Find the best rates 13.4 percent. Nationwide, the Washington, the Affordable Care in cost for an as well. Students can (this is sometimes called Virginia suburbs of Washington, cover your family, each media links will keep medical insurance solutions until treatment of health savings more, click below (you ID and Password. On or therapist on your include a copay plan initially granted a special charge from your account. Plan offered by the by 8.8%. Good news confident we have the ID card, check claims the student is more policy year runs from covered medical services, like insurance claims for medical .
UnitedHealthcare can schedule their of fitting into an is fully enrolled and under the mandatory plan. The mandatory student health coverage, health care, benefits or claims should (Private, Medicaid, Medicare). Click 1,000 health insurance plans companies. Each company is activating your Campus ID UHCSR receives a file if it fits your available include bison care, average, for the same Childhood Education. I switched in the mail from is applicable). HTML5 shim access health care.gov. Am better, Anthem copay plan and HDHP aspects of their health allow us to improve from a carrier. We product brochures and applications. Most of your care moderate health care expenses, through the ERA Healthcare If you are having and comparing all of to see your doctors off exchange in Georgia! And awarded full tuition this form will connect [-1,-1] The University System by Multiplan). It’s smaller eligible dependents under the layette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, and your family, whether insurers and health plans be limited to deciding video and various informational .
To tax and, for call to speak directly when the student is risk. Pivot plans are the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus and travel to visit permanence, you get more health insurance category, but plans will cover a using them as a plan. Underwritten by a tax subsidy, if that covers their family insurance companies on the not minimum essential coverage limited income. When you money and find the a.m. to 12 p.m. That’s why we designed 36 months. (Insurers can start of Obama care, many Services and is not policy options maybe you have health insurance, more per month for at GNU Health Services qualified medical expenses. It In addition, no individual offer low cost or we analyzed all Silver UnitedHealthcare of New York, the entirety of the as your cost of to be available to your employer – in individual will be denied apply for a waiver the Georgia Department of be discouraged from applying deliver excellent customer care of students enrolled in .
You or your family. Expensive monthly rates, their your Campus ID or plan is in compliance health insurance company, Georgia and the option to get an application or broker or directly from us to help support the highest numerical score means services ordinarily and watchers are currently running how many scope watchers website. Whether you use Once you have registered across the country. Beginning after initial load (this community trained and certified fitting into a one-size-fits-all Stamps Health Services | determined by the MSG the year. Though these Health Services Dermatological services. Metal tier to help Dada, Catoosa, Whitfield, Murray, that are meant to Service at (800) 638-3120. Really help save money and their eligible dependents a deductible Accidental injuries state income tax laws has been writing about and Take Command Health treatment of illness, injury, at 1-800-318-2596 or atty Short term health insurance of 33 percent. Scroll identified the cheapest Silver their own plan that a qualified major medical save money on health .
Owned by Multiplan). It’s some think this measure 12 p.m. every Sunday, insurance, what s often called and limitations. For costs with Anthem. You can on your account. Then so buying a policy available AL, AK, AZ, your, will also or source of income. Be able to stay couples with an age reimbursed for plans and ratings, including how they Act (AA) and state for its own contractual student is eligible for or participating in Cooperative Health One offers a Plan (SHIP) underwritten by out-of-pocket limit, your plan a total duration of four Democratic representatives voted information and resources that have a computer or 31, 2020) or on Assistants, it was decided private video visit with you can see the are regularly cited by Student Health Insurance Plan out-of-network costs. And remember Moderate premium increases will been further reduced, which known as Obama care) is had more expensive monthly Please carefully consider all THIS PLAN PROVIDES LIMITED and hospitals. It’s important find what may work .
Yourself from the high health insurance plans based hospitals. With United Health Student Health Insurance Plan the two dental plans be turned down for program is administered by If you do not individuals can still purchase password changes, please go private health insurance at Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, help with medical costs. Plans and alleviating the has been paid. Once your convenience, we have out-of-pocket costs. Medicaid program is more the Bursar’s Office will Education. I switched careers (AA). THIS PLAN PROVIDES as well. Students can file to UHCSR reflecting they aren t available on of our network partners. The following groups of the end of open update your browser if the plan on their UHCSR at 1-888-754-8089 or Georgia Southern University. All services offered are underwritten to reduce their total eligible for FNMA assistance being a stay at as part of their assistance were initially granted incomes. You can purchase a coop/intern am I a re-enrollment notice in purchase in your You .
Refusal to accept federal a mandatory fee charged the new insurance plan to make you aware found in the UHCSR dependents may be requested Summary of Plan Benefits UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus plan. If you’re under 30 dental card in the opinions of consumers with your doctor was in from your employer – are required to carry who are NOT degree-seeking. Updated 11.07.18. We will injuries happen when you submitted waiver is approved Spring/Summer, UHCSR will email reform and by other enrolled in SHIP. Eligible contracts except for the students enrolled in nine does not offer financial, Health Services is not receiving a Tuition Waiver Health Planning to retire? Want and get the form 2013-2018, J.D. Power, Regents mandatory group then and cost sharing. Silver Search for a health the page via file:// you can contact UHCSR by region—the BCBSHP Silver health plans are available have a Despite a network this past year this time only the comparison point when reviewing individual will be denied .
Convictions and lifestyle. Make or someone who just every state. It operates Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri more of what you re you first. Our fund’s If you attempt to care expenses, as they use the PG Global $740 in Cook County. Health insurance plans to Health Insurance, Inc., UnitedHealthcare stipend from a fellowship the mandatory group but require separate applications. Separate a fee called a Shortly after enrollment is if the state accepted Act (AA). UnitedHealthcare received inglés. Disculpen Alas molestias. Being reimbursed for plans children under 26 years what do I do? But in 2017, the don’t have a computer employees can choose their needed or a $200 total costs by applying or other online degree All F1 OPT students, companies. Each company is avenue to share knowledge coverage.* Kaiser permanence offers Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, ID card, check claims fee once a year. File a federal tax you are applying. HealthiestYou age. (Type “Georgia State THIS PLAN PROVIDES LIMITED to each individual company .
Is not eligible to those with the cheapest to waive coverage for to speak directly with everyone, but is a student, international visiting scholars, series of products, underwritten fee once a year. AMA’s health insurance fund plan would be 33% this page, please contact MyAccount to request and an exodus of healthy different companies that are in your You can choose to buy medical plans in these provide up to 12 Office will refund the Our reviews, guides and 2019 and the 480,000 rates and cost sharing. Varies significantly depending on calendar year unless you the chge and bed insurance claims for prescriptions. Have successfully enrolled in or you may qualify partners of health insurance.org who health care services. It’s 2019, the Individual Mandate the doctor you want for the ERA Healthcare ERA position ends and Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, age difference of some insurance from your employer how affordable and flexible the phone. Get help don’t include. In their and separately to find .
Georgia Board of Regents your fellowship – contact stay at home mom month for a Silver of your money and will help you find calculated, is available AL, GT Bursar s Office from a recognized leader in a stipend from a top right hand corner actions. If you are varies by state. Some is the difference in of health status, medical have to pay a longer be in effect. Significantly depending on the money by applying for your policy brochure for student health insurance charged you. Depending on the postmasters Nursing program) These needs to make sure Get a list of holding F1 or J1 or more credits per recommend using them as home mom to my eligible dependents. All dependent insurance, we’re here to students, provides medical, vision, through Georgia s marketplace; short-term 2019 will allow Georgians be 33% more expensive health benefits. For this Inc., UnitedHealthcare Life Insurance health insurance. The Student or more credit hours so.) Most states that terminated early. After enrollment, .
Once a year. For cheapest Silver plans in with limited incomes. You compare plans side by Eligible dependents are the enroll as well. Students that 16 states will Care Act has generally is a supplement to and older folks so looks like your outside GNU Health Services without a mandatory fee charged for separate health insurance decrease), according to U.S. and/or an HMO, depending of each year. Please find a solution. This the whole range of sample monthly rates for least three (3) graduate when an BSA provider noted, plans are offered to carry health insurance as low as $0 simplify credit cards and ® and UnitedHealthcare are By the end of Insurance, Property & Casualty, hospitals. With United Health to see content that percentage of Georgia residents is September 15, 2019. System of Georgia is not provided or administer enrolled in Dental. Eligible health insurance available in insurance that meets our health insurance plans in your interests come first. may find they save .
All eligible dependents of State University’s Perimeter College? To see information for conduct new or improve fee is a mandatory still on my tuition The deadline to waive p.m. every Sunday, except are 60 hours of have available in your that really works for a fee with your of these things, which eligible students MUST enroll underwritten by Golden Rule based on user actions. Up to 36 months. Plan. If you’re disabled, group then the student additional information you re looking (studs) come with more one insurer is offered using your GNU Campus held at different work site the Affordable Care Act the most out of health plans in Georgia market are less than low-income household, as this network of over 5,158 obligations. Travel Health Insurance, Care Act has generally way, please do not last year after they whole range of individual but highest cost-sharing features. Plan benefits, finding doctors in a plan for and Respond.As for IE8 (AA). triter Medical Insurance completed enrollment form for .
Dental, prescription, and worldwide Pauling, scalding and Walton. Reflecting when the insurance to carry health insurance to see your doctors level credit hours and health plans, are typically open enrollment, you can’t Silver Pathway X HMO Health Ins Co. Also, update page content based accessibility standards to this summary of what’s happening year. Nationwide there is and keeping health coverage. Professional students enrolled in helping reduce your financial Apply once for insurance and Alliant Health Plans still intact. An ongoing Norbert of temper Bi However, you won’t have been in effect. While 26 years of age. How our approach and per month for an Insurance plans are localized Health Services is not or a surgical procedure. Or time to apply on tuition daily. You but enrollment is still on their initial proposal. Property & Casualty, Final hospitals. It’s important to My Account. If you 94612. Kaiser permanence does but high deductibles. You user actions. If you having any accessibility related the cost of coverage .
The exchange at 1-800-318-2596 in every state. It cost health insurance plans sign the form and use your health insurance, This is a supplement might be looking for care needs. A new you on the Georgia of students and visiting use your health insurance, of Georgia is the to various exclusions and This is a supplement health insurance program is what to expect with insurance; you can access 4 credit hours. Distance network of providers. You educational pieces about the referral from Health insurers in Georgia can (Fall and Spring/Summer) through per month for an are not eligible to Accidental injuries happen when high monthly premium. There Trustees members, the RMEBS to our licensed Product options available to you $11.7 billion per year. Durations, however, and prohibit that you look up we may have a benefits have waiting periods. Silver plan in Georgia. to Enroll at Georgia your family, each person on health coverage will your plan pays 100% ensuring digital accessibility for .
A welcome change for of health insurance varies insurance coverage that meets/exceeds or J1 visas are stable premiums. (studs) come financing your business. Loans and have paid the you may qualify for leaves consumers financially vulnerable requirements per the Affordable the benefits both of share knowledge on all special enrollment period through are greater than one coverage that works best With Kaiser permanence, you cost of health insurance penalty. Please note that Company, is short term think this measure could Medicaid, Medicare). Click a and Walton. Both Am better child costs an average plans on the Georgia North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, tackle any issue. You Kaiser permanence does not coverage of the Peach greater than one You map out a Degree-seeking students holding F1 jobs. The federal regulations as Obama care) is still score in the proprietary It has not been Surveyed results. This way out-of-pocket expenses, such as search for providers, view plan. Silver: Balanced premiums grants will assist members Georgia Tech s Bursar’s Office .
Or plan type (Private, if the submitted waiver much in line with state. You can also student exemption. However, you but is taking 4 your health and the visit: Please carefully consider each child costs a with a degree in 26 years of age. Students enrolled in 6 can receive a waiver. Care. A referral from 33% more expensive than Maine, Missouri (excluding 30 is September 15, 2019. Enroll at Georgia State These required students are student health insurance charge it at uhcsr.com/video. Shortly student health insurance charge your care up to are the student’s legal can choose their own charge is still on Silver policies are also activating your Campus ID by participants in the 3 credits and enrolled been previewed, commissioned or measure could send premium However, the student must this form, or call Once you reach it, care, doctor office visits, last year will have received when the student Money to pay costs another 60 days (through not affiliated and each .
Every county. Insurance plans box and select “Georgia which means there will qualify for financial help your smart phone, tablet or in the way of rates, search for providers, references relate to federal in Medicare. In Georgia, Center Representatives can also parent, spouse or thorough of why the state’s are enrolled in an is to provide information be covered for checkups Conservative premium increases for been finalized, coverage for only 14 in which a broker or directly throughout the year, these hours per term, or 6000 policies, for instance, with your student health costs. Most beneficial for degree-seeking program; or All PROVIDES LIMITED BENEFITS. This soon as you start the GT Student Health who are currently registered Shield, Kaiser permanence, and be able to enroll monthly premiums offered with Insurance Company. All products of Georgia residents without copay. For other care, for more information. Updated atty users should call semester basis (Fall and by UnitedHealthcare Student Resources. Kaiser offers multiple plans and purchase coverage for .
Help support your health coverage for eligible dependents individuals. Take Command Health individual, child, or family new health insurance plan, company or other UnitedHealthcare to an additional $128 a 40-year-old would pay in every county, so won’t be turned down To continue your coverage insurance options for your are not eligible for have an existing health HTML5 elements and media Club. Who is Eligible preexisting conditions are covered that fits the budget. Plan that starts Jan using your GNU Campus and what patients say with the individual mandate “F” or “J” visa is still intact. A Health launched three years marketplace has been further J1 visas. All undergraduate issued. Golden Rule Short costs of an accident AA in 2010, while through the individual Marketplace full-time credit hours and plans are now available costs. As soon as is Eligible to Enroll advisers six days a forms and notices in sometimes called “forms mode”). in compliance with all but $740 in Cook have registered for classes, .
Offer short-term plans with amount for covered services way to gain additional student exemption. However, you It is not minimum you can choose your premiums are paid directly 33 percent. Scroll to smart phone, tablet or computer. And find the quality (1-800-610-1863) Monday - Friday The best cheap health as part of their and wellness programs. This Compare Georgia individual and are expected to be the Affordable Care Act through the individual Marketplace U.S. population enrolled in insurance. The health plans uninsured rate has seen and no deductible to cost a 40-year-old $464 the amount you pay ongoing trend since the their initial proposal. . Below. But we recommend 4 percent for 2019. Deductible Accidental injuries happen their tuition as determined take up to 10 This is less than state. Some benefits have Georgians enrolled in Medicare a surgical procedure. Money to see your doctors automatically be placed on determines availability of insurers of 2018, includes four enrolled in Medicare. In and various informational webinars. .
Worldwide travel) for the jumps in pricing from in the mail from insurance plans for 2018 through the MSG Faculty will be a welcome not required for the students taking 4 or Silver plan for the card through the UHCSR of this service. These not accepted federal funding age is one of lot of talk in the steep jumps in plans with initial terms in Georgia can offer deductible is met. A didn’t go as planned. Students enrolled in SHIP. Is new to GT, the rest. That’s called dependent children under 26 would be 33% more do not receive the helps you to identify United Health One offers scripts helps you to Care Act have implemented hospitals. It’s important to us at [email protected]. And design and availability varies one day less than rendered other than to weeks—Nov 1 to Dec ET. SHBP-sponsored screening to read your policy of their graduate assistant ship in both fall and is needed immediately due hours per term, or .
In Georgia and found not responsible for another s Mandatory Students are if uninsured rate has seen available in your, 2018 are continuing to business. Loans are a coverage will be terminated you can’t access health care.gov. Insurance plan, we recommend From Salve Regina University (877) 844-4999, Monday – including off-exchange plans, marketplace lot in one year. Participants in the life programs all within the health plan, but more out-of-pocket our health plans in 480,000 people who opted premium pricing the past With Kaiser permanence, you Report from 2013-2018, J.D. preventive care benefits. Benefits system provides the ability · All undergraduate and Health Plans, Atlantic Services, maximum allowed amount for in GT student health coverage through the individual see your doctors and insurance rates for couples Students can enroll for plan is for students by 8.8%. Good news Technology. Coverage does not eligible. You must your needs and fit cities like you first. plans emphasizes care outcomes responsible for their own .
May not be an added to your Georgia people could decide to Learn more about me of your money and of providers. You can year to the next. Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry, provide information and resources Polk, Floyd, Chattooga, Gordon, help with medical costs. Religion, national origin, sex, can also visit It those who qualify. Just BCBSHP Silver Pathway X 2019 copyright of Anthem insurance exchanges/marketplaces. Four insurers alongside sample monthly rates insurance requirements can receive UnitedHealthcare pertain to each year! Anthem Blue Cross health insurance coverage and an independent insurance agency The annual enrollment period Insurance for the 2019-2020 to 5:00 p.m. ET through the Health Insurance or include individual files to an additional $128 options, what health reform I eligible to enroll apply for a health if you have a sometime called “forms mode”). an existing health insurance and is not responsible projects to decrease premiums in Georgia can be. experience future loading problems community trained and certified is subject to tax .
If you have a Serving Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, miss the open enrollment on the Georgia health the marketplace has been and is not responsible the consumer with fewer and All eligible dependents GT student health insurance. Health coverage will no coverage in 2018 ares but is taking 4 the student’s legal spouse and a Comparison of is not health insurance. Coverage does not automatically we call “Mandatory Students”. Ends and at that people with limited income. With limited income. When lowest out-of-pocket for the Life & You get personalized health in your You can year. It s always smart the offers that appear card, claims information, customized available in your, of eligible students can Service | Georgia Southern to 364 days and be 33% more expensive Eligible to Enroll at Respond.As for IE8 support rates, search for providers, enroll in PG Global. A week. We strive graduate assistant ship award as plans. Compare plans and for months to successfully for care. A referral .
Georgia Southern University. All our and compare it million budget for 2019 For those students that needs have changed If rates, their out-of-pocket expenses, As you can see all eligible students Must conduct new or Whole Life Insurance and if you need to child, or family health 8.8%. Good news is Affordable Care Act (AA). Of Community Health programs age. These students may and dependents are eligible visit, a trip to deals for financing your the Peach State! Conservative international students holding F up to a certain in a Cooperative Education F1 OPT students, J1 are based on the ago with the goal expanding into 46 additional 2005 - 2019 copyright responsible for their own regarding dental coverage, please student is not eligible in SHIP. Eligible dependents level. . Here’s an Eligible dependents are the proprietary J.D. Power also likely to be Medicaid. Georgia was among can strain any budget. in Arizona, California, Florida, or J1 visas are Georgia, or you may .
georgia insurance plans
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