#grid false ceiling
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RBL Interior Solutions provide interior designing contracting services for office, commercial, residential, shops, restaurants, showrooms and other places as per customers requirement. Contact us for, Modular Kitchen, ward robe, Dressing table, Glazing and glass work, Gypsum & wooden partition, Grid false ceiling, POP Ceiling, Gypsum board ceiling, Aluminium Partition, 5 mm to 14 mm toughened glass partition, sliding door design work, Floor tiles, flooring, PVC and wooden base wall panel work, POP and Putty punning and paint services, electrical wiring and fitting work, HVAC AHU, ducting and complete installation work, fire fighting services for home and office, office workstation, table chair, overhead, other residential and commercial furniture.
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emmaameliamiaava · 3 months
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Upgrade to Everest grid false ceilings to transform your space. These are sag and moisture-resistant ceiling tiles which are best suited for damp areas. Explore ceiling solutions for more.
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contentone3 · 4 months
How to Maintain and Clean Your False Ceiling for Longevity
False Ceiling also known as drop or suspended ceilings, are a popular architectural choice for both residential and commercial spaces. They add aesthetic appeal, conceal wiring and plumbing, and offer sound insulation. However, like any other part of your home or office, they require regular maintenance to ensure longevity and retain their pristine look.
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Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to maintain and clean your false ceiling effectively.
 1. Regular Inspection
Monthly Visual Check:
Conduct a visual inspection of your false ceiling once a month. Look for signs of discoloration, warping, or moisture.
Annual Professional Check:
Consider hiring a professional once a year to check for any structural issues, especially if your ceiling has intricate designs or if you’ve experienced plumbing leaks.
2. Dusting and Cleaning
Tools Needed:
- Microfiber cloths
- Vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment
- Mild detergent
- Soft sponges or non-abrasive scrubbers
Use a microfiber cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to remove dust from the surface of the ceiling panels. For higher ceilings, use an extendable duster.
Cleaning Stains:
For any stains or dirt:
1. Mix a few drops of mild detergent with warm water.
2. Dampen a soft sponge in the solution.
3. Gently wipe the stained area, ensuring not to soak the panels.
4. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth to remove any soap residue.
Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers, as they can damage the finish of the panels.
3. Handling Moisture and Mold
Prevent Moisture Build-Up:
Ensure proper ventilation in rooms with false ceilings, especially in areas prone to humidity like kitchens and bathrooms. Use exhaust fans and dehumidifiers to reduce moisture levels.
Dealing with Mold:
If you spot mold, address it immediately:
1. Wear protective gloves and a mask.
2. Use a mixture of one part bleach to three parts water.
3. Apply with a sponge, scrub gently, and rinse with clean water.
4. Dry the area thoroughly.
For extensive mold issues, it’s best to consult a professional, as it may indicate a more significant underlying problem.
4. Repairing Damage
Small Cracks or Chips:
For minor cracks or chips, use a filler or putty designed for ceiling materials. Apply it with a putty knife, smooth it out, and once dry, sand it gently to blend with the surrounding area.
Replacing Damaged Panels:
This process can often be done individually without disturbing the entire ceiling structure. Consult the ceiling manufacturer's guidelines or hire a professional for a seamless replacement.
5. Repainting
When to Repaint:
Over time, even the best-maintained ceilings may require a fresh coat of paint. Repaint your false ceiling every 5-7 years or as needed based on wear and tear.
1. Clean the ceiling thoroughly.
2. Use painter’s tape to protect the edges and fixtures.
3. Apply a primer suitable for the ceiling material.
Use a high-quality ceiling paint and apply it with a roller for even coverage. A second coat may be necessary for a uniform finish.
6. Preventive Measures
Avoid Overloading:
Ensure that the ceiling structure is not overloaded with heavy fixtures or decorations.
Proper Lighting:
Use appropriate lighting fixtures that do not produce excessive heat, which can damage the ceiling material over time.
Pest Control:
Regular pest control measures can prevent insects or rodents from damaging the ceiling panels and insulation.
Maintaining and cleaning your False Ceiling near me is not overly complicated, but it requires regular attention to detail. By following these steps, you can ensure that your ceiling remains in excellent condition for years to come, enhancing the aesthetic and functional value of your space. Regular maintenance not only extends the life of your false ceiling but also helps you avoid costly repairs in the future.
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iimtuniversity200 · 1 year
Metal False Ceiling | False Ceiling India
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Some of the popular varieties of Metal Tile available at PR Ceiling Product In India, MODULAR FALSE CEILING and GRID CEILING, False Ceiling Manufacturer In Up.
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chrysochroma · 8 months
within your walls (desire, desire, till there’s nothing left of me)
@febuwhump 2024: Day 2: solitary confinement
@badthingshappenbingo : locked in a freezer (card is at the end)
Rating: Teen And Up
Words: 2,367
Fandom: Hermitcraft
Warnings: Kidnapping, Torture, Human Experimentation, Unethical Experimentation, Temporary Character Death
Read on Ao3
the title is from Strangler Fig by the Crane Wives
this is inspired by @aquaquadrant and @lunarcrown ‘s Hels to Pay AU and From Eden by aquaquadrant.
i highly suggest you read that first bc it is both amazing and the context is helpful
this is the link to aquaquadrant’s From Eden master post
this is also inspired by this piece of art by lunarcrown
as well as lunarcrown’s orginal comic
anyways, enjoy some pain and suffering :)
Deep inside the Hels Tek facility, Tango stood, claws dripping with redstone dust, in front of a grid of circuitry.
The machine Dr. Atlas had sent him to repair wasn’t too complicated, in fact it wasn’t much of a challenge at all. It was just as simple as replacing a few components with the ones the circuit required and drawing a few more lines of redstone dust. The mechanism felt reminiscent of a puzzle you might give a toddler—Tango felt that all he was doing was placing the different shaped blocks in their corresponding holes—but he figured that it was just a test to see what he knows, which didn’t surprise him. This was like his entrance exam before being hired to work at Hels, he supposed. It explained why Dr. Atlas always seemed to be just a few feet away, no matter where they were. Tango hoped that that was a good sign.
A voice came from behind him. “Very nice.”
Tango jumped and spun around to come face to face with Dr. Atlas. “Oh! Doctor, didn’t see ya there. I finished fixing this thing for you,” He gestured at the contraption behind him.
Atlas took his eyes off Tango and studied his repair job instead, as Tango continued to talk.
“It wasn’t too hard, a few things were in the wrong places but that’s pretty much it.” He turned around to look back at his work.
“I see,” Atlas responded, somewhat distracted. His eyes had locked back onto the swirling crown of blaze rods floating above Tango’s head, and he reached into his lab coat.
“So, do you have anything else for me to do?” Tango fiddled with a spare comparator as he spoke.
Atlas stepped closer. “I think that you’ll be very beneficial to us here at Hels Tek.”
“I’m glad to hear that, Dr. Atlas.” Tango spoke, still focused on his redstone.
“So am I.”
Tango felt a sharp prick on his neck, and before he could turn to see what it was from, his legs gave out from under him and his vision went black.
A numbing chill spread through Tango’s bones as his eyes slowly opened. His mind was racing but his breathing was sluggish, muscles slowed by the cold. His senses seemed dulled—whether it was because of whatever knocked him unconscious or yet another effect of the raw, sharp iciness he was surrounded by, Tango didn’t know.
He was laying on the floor, staring up at a plain, white ceiling, dotted with glowstone lamps. They cast a warm yellow over the room, providing Tango with a false sense of warmth that he wished was real. He started to sit up, then immediately noticed an unfamiliar weight on his wrists and neck. The deep jangle of chains being dragged along the floor pulled him even further out of unconsciousness.
“Good morning, Mr. Tango.”
Tango’s eyes snapped up to see Dr. Atlas writing something into a small notebook. The pair made eye contact through the wall of glass separating them, and Atlas smiled. Tango tried to push himself up onto his feet, his arms trembling, but nearly fell onto his face instead. (He glanced up to see Atlas watching him fail to adjust to his lack of energy, then write something down.) His arms, his legs, his brain all seemed to betray him as he struggled to stand, but finally, he forced himself to do so. The heavy iron chains that connected to his collar and shackles and kept him tethered to the ground seemed to drag him back down, but he stood and looked Atlas in the eye.
“Hey, Atlas.” He called out. “What is this?” His voice was filled with confusion and frustration, but overall much less fear than there should’ve been.
“Your new assignment,” Atlas responded.
“Uh, no, thanks. What even-“ He looked around for a second, cutting himself off as he stared into the solid white room beyond the glass box he was trapped in. “What is this?” He repeated.
Atlas snapped his notebook shut and tucked it into one of the pockets of his lab coat. “Like I said, your new assignment, where you will be staying. Indefinitely.”
Tango frowned. “Yeah, no, let me out.” He looked down at the new jumpsuit he was wearing. “And where are my clothes?”
Atlas didn’t respond.
“Hey!” Tango raised his voice. “Let me out of-“ He stepped forward and the chain attached to his collar pulled taut, momentarily choking him. Hurriedly, he stepped back, coughing.
Dr. Atlas stepped up to the glass door, then punched a code into the keypad mounted on the wall next to it. The door opened with a click and Atlas stepped inside, followed by two other Hels Tek employees, who moved to stand on either side of him. Tango’s eyes flitted around the room, trying to keep track of all three at once. Then, Atlas nodded, and the other scientists stepped up, each grabbing one of Tango’s arms. Tango’s muscles tensed up—at least as much as they could—and he pulled against the scientists restraining him. Still, they held him fast, not much effort required.
Atlas stepped forward, reached up, grabbed one of Tango’s blaze rods, and yanked. The blaze rod sizzled, leaving a trail of sparks behind it, but it came loose from Tango’s crown and smoldered in Atlas’s hand. He brought it up to eye level to inspect it—golden, shining, smoking, and most of all, valuable.
Tango gasped in pain, but quickly regained his composure and continued to pull away from the scientists, while glaring at Atlas.
“Hey! Stop it! You can’t do that!”
Dr. Atlas tucked Tango’s blaze rod into his lab coat, then looked back at Tango. “Yes I can.”
The two scientists pushed Tango down, forcing him to his knees. He pulled against their grip with all his strength, but couldn’t do anything to stop them as they pushed him closer and closer to the ground, until he was on his stomach, his face pressed up against the concrete. One of them pinned his wrists behind his back, and the other held his neck against the ground until they had him under their control.
“Guys, hey-!” Tango protested.
Atlas leaned down, fixated on Tango’s swirling crown, then plucked each of the blaze rods out of orbit, one by one. Tango felt each and every one of them leave their place, their absence feeling like a pit in his heart.
“C’mon, not another one,” Tango pleaded. Dr. Atlas ignored him.
In the absence of any blaze rods, sparks fizzled up around Tango’s head, but no new ones formed.
Atlas frowned. “Hm. That’s a shame.”
“Atlas, stop this! Just- c’mon-“
One of the scientists forced his head back to the ground, slamming it into the concrete. Tango gasped at the impact. Then, from the sparks, a new blaze rod flared into existence. Atlas smiled.
“You know,” He looked Tango in the eye. “You and I are going to do great things together, Mr. Tango.”
“Atlas! St-“ he cut himself off with a wince as Atlas stole his final remaining blaze rod.
Still smiling, Atlas stood and walked out of the room, the other two following him out. The door slammed shut behind them, pushing another wave of ice cold air over Tango.
Slowly, he sat up, aching and fatigued, shivering. Then he tucked himself into a ball, too tired to fight back. He closed his eyes.
All of Tango’s days seemed to blend together, forming one painful, seemingly endless existence. Except it wasn’t really endless—Tango had died almost too many times to count over that long expanse of time. Almost.
Minuscule thorns like hypodermic needles jabbed into his skin from all angles. They seemed to suck the blood out of him, slowly and steadily, until there was none left. The branches wrapped around his arms and legs bore scarlet red berries, and the droplets of Tango’s blood scattered over the leaves and floor looked just like minuscule versions of them. They brought a constant, throbbing, piercing pain that Tango could never take his mind off of, at least until-
But that was too slow.
Deep red mist seemed to linger in the air, clouding Tango’s vision and filling his lungs. It burned his eyes and throat, adding to the pain swirling around his body. Each time a bottle dropped, he felt as if a portion of his soul was ripped away, claimed by the burgundy flecks that seemed to glimmer in and out of existence. He lost more and more of himself, never given a chance to recover, until-
<Tango was killed by magic>
But that was too effective.
Steam swirled up from the ground, enveloping him in a cloud of warmth. The red-hot, glowing coals were almost comfortable under his feet. The heat was scalding, yet familiar, and almost sympathetic. Tango was hardly surprised when the first sharp sting across his face came. The Doctors needed to have their fun, after all. So, he stood in the welcoming embrace of liquid hellfire and heard his bones snap, and break, and shatter, until-
<Tango walked into danger zone due to AtlasSyn>
But (as much as it was fun) that was too inefficient.
A cold, slippery nothing filled Tango’s throat, invading his lungs and emptying his mind of anything except panic. It was too thin, too slick to get a hold onto as it dissolved into his core, turning his embers into nothing but smoke. It filled him with terror like nothing else ever could. He was surrounded by it, and helpless to do anything to stop it from ripping away his life, his soul, his fire, until-
<Tango drowned>
But that harmed the product.
A prickling, unnatural chill crept over Tango’s bones. It seeped into his skin like salt dissolving into water—slow and gradual, yet present all the time. It seemed to touch each and every one of his nerves, somehow lighting them on fire and enveloping them in numbness at the same time. It sent a shiver down his spine so curious it almost could’ve tickled if it didn’t hurt so much. It ate away at him, bit by bit, until-
<Tango withered away>
It was perfect—slow, constant, enveloping, (painful,) impeccable. And so the experiments began.
Tango sat, unmoving, just like they told him to. He held still, just like they said, as rows of thorns were stabbed into his arms. Both of his arms were completely numb, yet seemed to be flickering with pinpricks of pain. Dr. Atlas himself was there to pluck the blaze rods from his crown, tucking each one into his coat as if he meant to protect them with his life. It was a constant cycle: Dr. Atlas would take a blaze rod from him, another thorn would be stabbed into his arm, and another blaze rod would appear, ready to be stolen once more.
There had once been a bouquet of wither roses in front of him. They were enchanting, almost would’ve been beautiful, if he hadn’t known what it was like to feel their wrath. Now, there was a pile of deep purple, almost black rose buds lying discarded on a table off to the side (they only needed the thorns).
As a scientist moved to place another bud in the pile, a clump of black, dusty pollen tumbled out of the flower and onto Tango’s arm. Almost immediately, it melted into Tango’s skin, turning the surrounding area a bit gray.
Dr. Atlas’s eyes instantly locked onto the still slightly gray spot. He pointed to the scientist holding the rose bud. “Bring that over here.”
They complied, and Dr. Atlas stuck his finger into the center of the rose, then pulled it out. Black dust coated the tip of his gloved finger, sticking to it like glitter. He turned back to Tango, then smeared the pollen across his forearm. Just as quickly as before, it absorbed into Tango’s flesh, this time leaving faint traces of black veins underneath his skin.
A newfound sense of pain rushed through Tango’s arm, pumping through his bloodstream. The sparks above his head flared, and a blaze rod shimmered into existence, taking its place in his crown. Dr. Atlas reached up a hand, then plucked it, a faint smile on his face.
The pollen was better, they’d found. It was more potent, more harmful, more efficient. The once discarded rose buds had suddenly become a treasure trove for the scientists, and Dr. Atlas couldn’t have been more pleased. And so the testing began.
Test #1: Tears welled up in Tango’s eyes as the now familiar prickling numbness drove him further to insanity. That black dust coated his throat and lungs, making him cough. A couple tears rolled down his cheeks as he felt one of his blaze rods get ripped away from him.
Test #60: Slowly but surely, they were tearing him apart. He felt like, as each blaze rod was stolen from him, a part of his fire went along with. His soul was being taken and sold to the masses for nothing but a bit of profit.
Test #157: Tango longed for the sliding metal doors to his blank white room to open. Even when they were there to refill the respawn anchor, trapping him here. Even when they came to empty the hoppers of his blaze rods, using him for their gain. Even when they came to chop off his claws, preventing any resistance. Because it was better than nothing, right?
Test #326: For Tango, crying was a constant. He took some comfort in it—among all of the deaths, all the malfunctions, through the never-ending blanket of prickling numbness, at least he had this. It was enough.
It wasn’t too much of a change for Tango when Dr. Atlas and the others came to move him into his new home. Just one torture chamber in a blank room to another. He could barely even notice a difference (maybe he didn’t care to).
Dr. Atlas smiled at him through the glass. “Welcome to your new home, Tango Tek.”
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slippinmickeys · 11 months
Proof of Life (5/?)
1. “Through here,” Langly says, shoving his shoulder into the door, which has swollen in its frame. It finally gives with a creak and swings into the room, which is dark and smells of dust, maybe mildew, mice. He takes a couple of steps in and reaches up to pull on a small chain, illuminating the bare room with a single 40 watt bulb which hangs from the ceiling.
The room is windowless, its walls gray. Cobwebs loop gently from corner to corner like party bunting. Mulder steps inside, turns once on the gritty floor.
“This should work nicely,” he says genuinely. “Thank you.”
“I have some tables I can bring in,” Langly says, and Mulder nods his thanks. “Asuka has a room made up for you upstairs.”
“I can stay down here,” Mulder says absently, already cataloging the locations of the nearest shops where he can get the supplies he needs.
Langly looks at him sympathetically, seems to understand the impulse. “She would kill me if I let you.”
Mulder finally looks his friend in the eye, the dingy little light glaring off the skinny man’s glasses. “We wouldn’t want that,” he says gently.
Langly nods, turns to back out of the small room. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you need to, Mulder,” he says when he reaches the doorframe. “We’re happy to have you.”
For once, Mulder thinks, it might feel good to stay still.
2. The debrief was painful. The questions the intelligence officer asked were formal, but systematic, the goal not to unburden him from the trauma he carried from his imprisonment, but to wring every bit of useful intel out of his story.
When he is finally released, he practically bursts from the room. All they would tell him was that he and Scully were being debriefed separately and that the military would arrange for his transportation back to the States should he wish to go. He had asked what Scully was doing, but was told that information wasn’t being released.
Once he is reunited with his camera equipment (he had handed over two rolls of film that he’d shot in the street before his kidnapping, but had the three rolls he’d shot in the hotel room hidden in the false bottom of his bag – those would be of no use to the military, and he wasn’t willing to share), he grabs someone and asks to use a phone. If anyone can figure out where Scully is, it is Melvin Frohike.
But the number he has for his fixer has been disconnected, and the answering service they’d used on occasion no longer answered for his particular account. When the woman who got him the outside line begins to get annoyed with him, he tries one last number.
“Byers,” he says into the receiver, relieved beyond words to hear a friend’s voice.
“Mulder!” the other man says. “My god, we were afraid you were done for.”
“I very nearly was,” Mulder says. “Listen, I don’t have a lot of time here. I’m trying to get in touch with Frohike, but the number I have for him is no good.”
There’s a long silence on the other end of the phone, and Mulder is worried they’ve been disconnected when Byers begins to speak again.
“Mulder,” he says. “Frohike is… Not in a good place. He’s off the grid. He… felt responsible for your kidnapping. He’s gone to ground. I don’t know where he is. Nobody does.”
Mulder swears, earning him a look from the administrative staffer who is still sitting several feet away.
“I need a local fixer,” he finally says to Byers quietly, turning away from the woman for some privacy. “Someone who can get me information.”
Byers takes a beat and Mulder can hear keystrokes in the background.
“Most everyone we know has cleared out of the area, Mulder. I can get you transportation, but that’s about as good as I can do.”
Mulder accepts the help, figuring he might be able to get some more information once he has boots back on the ground. His first step will be getting off this military base, as it’s clear Scully isn’t here. He hands the phone back to the woman who was helping him and cranks up the charm, asking where he can wait for his ride. She points him to a rec room, and he picks up his single bag and makes his way there.
In the corner of the room is a TV set to an international feed of CNN, and he is knocked back on his ass when old footage of Scully starts to run, playing under a Wolf Blitzer voiceover. After a few seconds, a grainy picture appears; the proof of life picture the militants took of both of them. They are breaking news. Mulder approaches the television, unable to take his eyes off of it. It cuts back to a Blitzer talking head, who drones on about how he and Scully have been recovered alive, and how they’re waiting on more information to be released to the press. More footage showing Scully on location, a shot of her from an old segment, one of her on a bright soundstage. Mulder can’t look away.
And then. And then. It cuts back to Wolf Blitzer, who is announcing a guest; CNN’s own Ethan Minette. Scully’s “longtime boyfriend,” who goes on to tell the host that Dana Scully, the love of his life, has been successfully rescued and how he has it on good authority that she is even now on her way Stateside, racing her way west to be reunited with him and her family. And how he can’t wait to wrap his arms around the woman and never let go.
Mulder’s own arms feel heavy at his sides. She has never mentioned the man, Ethan. But then, Mulder has never really asked. Not outright. He had been half afraid of her answer. Mulder is a man that people leave, always has been. It’s why he never lets anyone in. But Scully had been different, was different in every way.
And before he could properly process what he’s just heard, he is already moving out of the room. His transportation will be here soon. And if it couldn’t take him to Scully, maybe it could take him far, far away from the hurt that was starting to press in as well as out. That was even now ballooning up inside of him. That was pressing him down to the ground.
3. Mulder strolls the market leisurely every morning around ten. He is there as the awnings rise up from the base of their stalls, as the baskets of bread are being set out, wafting a warm, yeasty smell through the nearby stalls in an intoxicating purl. He watches the flower vendors carry heaping armfuls of ranunculus into the back to be trimmed. He hears the fishmongers filling deep trays with ice and watches as the farmers tuck the odd looking fruits and vegetables into the bottom of their displays, leaving only the perfect looking jewels of their bounty for the shoppers to peruse. Voices call out to each other in melodious chorus, asking for an extra bag, for change, asking after the health of wives and husbands. Old men, young; women that are beautiful, women who are plain. He takes pictures of it all.
Paris is at its best in the summer, but at its most interesting in the spring. Langly has so far kept the news outlets at bay, refusing to share any information with even his fellow information-gatherers, and Mulder is free to roam the streets without worry of being bothered.
Asuka has done her best to fatten him up, feeding him the fish and rice dishes of her youth between the heartier peasant cuisine of their current home. Langly himself has complained about gaining weight, even as he wraps his arms around his longtime partner while she stirs a hearty stew in the kitchen. She shoos him out, but never Mulder, who likes to sit at the small kitchen table by the window, looking out at the sky and tasting anything she offers him on an old wooden spoon.
He is quiet, pensive. And at night, when they ease back into an old creaking bed, Langly whispers to his love that he is worried for his friend.
4. He tells Scully about Samantha. Every gritty detail. How he went for his father’s gun, how he opened the door and saw the squiggling taillights of a car as it tore off down the street.
He tells her about the police interview after it all happened. Did he see what kind of car it was? What color? Did he get the plate number? He was twelve. He was only twelve.
“But I remember thinking,” he says. “That if I’d gotten a picture of it, they would have got the guy. If I’d gone for my father’s camera instead of his gun, I could have saved my sister.”
Scully moves to where he’s leaning against the bed, runs her hand up through his hair soothingly, scratches his scalp, then presses the thick clunk of her forehead against his shoulder. He can feel the steam of her tears, of her hurting for him, gathering on his skin.
“Mulder,” she says, empathy thick in her voice, muffled a bit where it’s pressed to him. “You were only a kid.”
“But it tore the family apart,” he says.
She presses a kiss to his neck, then another, then another, kissing every bit of him she could reach.
“And now you try to get the picture,” she whispers, understanding him, his very essence.
“And now I try to get the picture,” he repeats.
5. This is the part of photography he likes the most: the alchemy of it, the process by which he can transfer a single moment in time onto a piece of glossy paper using only a simple mixture of chemicals.
He takes the roll of film he’d shot the week before—tight knots of flowers in the market, a boat on the Seine—and trims it, feeding it through the spool. His dev, stop and fix chemicals are already mixed and waiting in the developing trays. This is the point at which he feels himself enter the zone of the process. It’s just him in a darkroom, lit only by a thick red light. There is silence, and there is peace, and he could be anywhere at all in the world.
He runs a test print and is happy with it. And he begins.
Langly knocks on the swollen door and waits patiently. When Mulder finally ushers him in, he stands in the room, slowly turning on the grungy heel of his old Converse. Above them, Mulder has strung up a wire around the whole of the makeshift darkroom, amongst the ropes of cobwebs, and the line is chocked, cheek by jowl, with hundreds of photographs. Langly takes them all in on his gradual rotation, like a zoetrope in slow motion.
Eventually he stops, turns to Mulder.
“They’re all of her,” he says, his voice free of judgment.
“Yes,” Mulder says, reaching out with a gentle finger to touch the one nearest him. “Every one.”
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turtlesandfrogs · 1 year
So one of the Things I'm Trying To Do is to develop a less adversarial approach to dealing with invasive species.
Partially because losing to a plant is kinda embarrassing.
But also because of the readings and talks from people with a different perspective, which ends up making a lot of sense (especially the part where you ask why is this species thriving here instead of a native species? Or what can we learn from this species, which has been a pain in our behinds?)
And also because even with only a quarter acre to take care of, since I have more than full-time employment, I'm losing the war on hedge bindweed (see how silly that sounds?).
And bindweed is the major problem left- I've gotten Himalayan blackberries, English Ivy, and Vinca all subdued. So anyway, I was doing some more reading, and some more observations,
So here's what I've put together:
Bindweed excels at taking over disturbed areas (like when I dug out all the Himalayan blackberry crowns...)
Bindweed loves full sun.
Bindweed does not thrive in deep shade, and in fact in a Doug Fir forest I was recently weeding (yes, really. Mostly taking out Vinca minor and some non-native grasses), it was barely holding on. Weak, flimsy little vines that were a mere two feet long.
Add to this that our region has been getting heatwave after heatwave, and I would like to have a shady-ass yard to help mitigate that, and I've got an idea.
What if, in the areas that don't already have trees planted, I build a hexagonal grid of trellises to grow hardy kiwis, fuzzy kiwis, and grapes on? What if I just make my entire yard be extremely shady, while only doing what disturbance is necessary to keep the kiwis and grapes free from bindweed? Or rather, ensure that the kiwis and grapes will eventually win the race?
On top of that, some of my favorite native species do very well in deep shade, so I could have this ceiling of fruiting vines with a carpet of wood sorrel, false lily of the valley, bleeding hearts, etc below. That just sounds lovely.
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prakritiinterior · 1 year
Elevate Your Bedroom with Stunning False Ceiling Designs
A well-designed false ceiling can transform the ambiance of your bedroom, adding elegance, depth, and a touch of luxury. If you're looking to revamp your bedroom's aesthetic with a false ceiling, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll explore some captivating false ceiling designs for bedrooms and introduce you to the services of an interior design consultant in Kolkata who can bring these ideas to life.
1. Classic Elegance: Tray Ceiling with Cove Lighting
Design Description:
A tray ceiling with cove lighting is a timeless choice that exudes sophistication. It adds depth to your bedroom by creating a multi-level effect. The soft, indirect lighting from the coves adds a warm and inviting atmosphere.
How an Interior Design Consultant Can Help:
An interior design consultant in Kolkata can assess your bedroom's layout, ceiling height, and lighting requirements. They will recommend the appropriate tray ceiling design and lighting fixtures to complement your bedroom's style.
2. Minimalist Chic: Suspended Grid False Ceiling
Design Description:
The suspended grid false ceiling is a minimalist yet stylish option. It offers a clean and contemporary look with geometric patterns. You can choose to incorporate recessed lights or pendant fixtures for added flair.
How an Interior Design Consultant Can Help:
An interior design consultant can help you select the right grid pattern and lighting elements that align with your bedroom's overall design theme. They'll ensure the installation is precise and visually appealing.
3. Luxurious Appeal: Coffered Ceiling
Design Description:
Coffered ceilings are synonymous with luxury and opulence. These ceilings feature a grid of sunken panels, often embellished with ornate details or molding. They create a sense of grandeur and can be customized to suit your style.
How an Interior Design Consultant Can Help:
An interior design consultant will work with you to choose the coffered ceiling design that complements your bedroom's decor. They can suggest finishes and detailing that enhance the room's overall aesthetic.
4. Modern Aesthetics: Curved and Backlit Ceiling
Design Description:
For a contemporary and artistic look, consider a curved false ceiling with integrated backlighting. This design adds a touch of drama and creates a striking focal point in your bedroom.
How an Interior Design Consultant Can Help:
An interior design consultant can assess the feasibility of a curved ceiling in your space and guide you in selecting the right lighting options to achieve the desired ambiance. They'll also coordinate the installation process.
5. Whimsical Charm: 3D Effect Ceiling
Design Description:
A 3D effect ceiling is a creative way to infuse personality into your bedroom. These ceilings often feature abstract or nature-inspired designs that add depth and visual interest.
How an Interior Design Consultant Can Help:
Collaborating with an interior design consultant allows you to explore various 3D designs and materials suitable for your bedroom. They'll ensure the chosen design aligns with your overall bedroom concept.
Now that you have some exciting false ceiling design ideas for your bedroom, it's time to turn your vision into reality with the expertise of an interior design consultant in Kolkata. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to assess your space, understand your preferences, and create a bespoke false ceiling that elevates the aesthetics of your bedroom to new heights.
Whether you prefer classic elegance, minimalist chic, or modern innovation, an interior design consultant will guide you through the design and installation process, ensuring that your bedroom's false ceiling becomes a captivating focal point that reflects your unique style and taste. Contact an interior design consultant in Kolkata today to embark on your journey to a more beautiful and inviting bedroom.
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@out-grid are you ready to read about Crowlien fighting a necromorph?
Cause here it is!
Warning: violence, alien death, blood, acid blood, injury
On with the fic!
The surface was cold and barely lit, the far-reaching light of distant stars could only illuminate so much. The atmosphere was thin, just enough for sound to travel a bit, but not enough for Aziraphale to feel comfortable with the idea of going suitless.
Not that he needed a suit, he was sure he didn’t need to breathe, being an android and all, but he wanted to cling to the comforts of humanity he had grown so used to in over a decade of being ‘alive’. He deserved that, just that little bit of false reality. He swallowed hard, his helmet’s light was on, illuminating the area in front of him. 
At his side was Crowley, completely exposed to the elements, but didn’t seem to be too affected. Minus shuddering every few seconds or so, Crowley never was one for the cold. 
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Aziraphale asked, projecting his voice from the outside speaker of his suit.
Crowley turned to look at him, nodding their head. From what Aziraphale could figure out, they had spent time outside on the surface before, he wondered how well Crowley could breathe out here.
“Let’s see what parts we can scavenge and then get back on the ship, alright?”
Again, Crowley nodded and they walked towards the source of all their problems. It didn’t take them long to find the astronaut of another alien race, still remaining where it had died, its chest opened. It had been a warning then, but no one had known that at the time.
Aziraphale avoided the path to the egg nest, he had already destroyed much of it, and Crowley basically forbade him from returning. It was one of the few times they had argued since their return to the ship. Well, it was mostly Aziraphale arguing, Crowley snapped jagged teeth and showed off what was a terrifying combo of a second mouth and a tongue in their mouth. 
So, they decided to look in another location for any metal scraps from the astronaut’s ship that could be used to repair their own, maybe even fuel cells.
Aziraphale could hear the faint, worried clicks and growls from Crowley as they walked alongside him, their claws from their hands and feet clicking on the floor, muffled by the low vacuum. Crowley seemed bothered by something, but Aziraphale couldn’t tell what, maybe it was another clutch of eggs?
Maybe one of them had broken open and something had come out, waiting to strike? 
Or maybe they were both just paranoid.
They found an open room, but it was hard to tell what was inside, the headlamp only shining so brightly. Aziraphale fiddled with the flashlight he had brought with him, turning it on just as Crowley made a very loud, sharp sound.
“What’s the matter, dear?” Aziraphale asked, before something wet dripped onto his helmet. He made a face, was there moisture in here? Wait... no... that looked like when Crowley drooled.
He looked at his companion, who was hissing, baring their teeth at something above them. Aziraphale didn’t want to look up, but he felt he had no choice.
His headlamp and the flashlight illuminated the ceiling, and with it, a terrifying beast that was waiting for them.
“No!” Aziraphale screamed as the necromorph pounced, slamming down on him. He flailed, trying to escape from under it, but it made a horrible sound, he could see it open its mouth, the second one waiting just inside-
“N’el!” Came a shout, before the alien was slammed into. Aziraphale gasped, sitting up, grabbing his fallen torch to shine it at the necromorph, which was trying to pin Crowley to the ground. It struggled as Crowley snarled and snapped back at it, thrashing their tail around, using it as a distraction.
The alien’s attention went to the appendage that was swatting at it, giving Crowley and opening to knock it off. They then screeched wildly and slammed down on it, claws swiping at the thing’s chest and face. It fought back, clawing at Crowley as Aziraphale watched in horror. He could see flashes of red and a pale green flying about, he swore he heard the faint sound of something burning, but he didn’t care, he was too worried about Crowley.
But at the same time, he couldn’t deny that he was fascinated. Crowley, when human, wasn’t often a violent person and rarely got into fights, often relying on wit and talking to get out of them. But this... this was new, this was something he’d never expect from them.
He hated to admit he rather liked Crowley defending him in such a manner, even if it was rather violent and blood. Still, it was sweet for Crowley to go from being frightened to downright furious in just a blink of an eye, but then again, Crowley was always the first to defend Aziraphale.
Even in this new form, they were still his shield, though now they were his sword. 
The necromorph let out a horrible noise when Crowley moved fast, biting right down on its throat before they... Aziraphale looked away when he heard a sickening crunch and splattering sound. He shut his eyes as the horrible sounds that followed, he didn’t dare look. He... he couldn’t, the sight would be one of nightmares, and part of him worried that the sounds were being made by the alien, but by-
He heard a soft clicking in front of him and Aziraphale turned back, looking at Crowley. They were splattered in greenish blood, what dripped off their skin made the ground sizzle, same with the red blood that leaked from gashes, though not quite as bad.
Crowley looked a mess, another clump of hair was missing, they were bleeding, their mouth covered in what had to be gore, but they looked at Aziraphale with such worry.
“I’m... I’m quite alright, dear, but what of you? You’re bleeding!”
They made what almost sounded like a coo, nodding their head. A lie, Crowley always did that, even when they were human, denying injuries and ailments. Aziraphale sighed, reaching out, careful not to touch the blood as he brushed a few red strands from their face. “Thank you.”
Crowley clicked and growled, looking a little more relaxed before they stood up straight, they tried to wipe their hands off on themself, but Aziraphale shook his head, he didn’t need help getting up. “Best we get out of here, dear, just... just in case.” 
Aziraphale got a low noise in reply and they looked around, seeing nothing else in here. He just wanted to get back on the ship, they could try another day, just... 
He had a lot to think about.
Once they were safely on the ship, and Crowley was cleaned up (which was much more difficult than expected, considering the acidic blood), Aziraphale looked at his savior. He reached up once more, cupping Crowley’s face, stroking a sharp cheekbone. 
“Thank you, Crowley.” He whispered before leaning in, kissing them as best as he could on their teeth. Crowley made a strange noise before Aziraphale pulled back, giving him a small, awkward smile, then quickly moved from the medbay. 
He had even more to think about now.
The only thing close to a word that Crowley can say in this is, of course, ‘angel’, even if it’s missing letters. 
You don’t want to know how fucked up the necromorph was that Crowley killed, that thing is... a mess. At least how I picture it, hoo boy. 
And yay! Android/Alien kiss! And Aziraphale might be into a violent Crowley. 
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RBL Interior Solutions provide interior designing contracting services for office, commercial, residential, shops, restaurants, showrooms and other places as per customers requirement. Contact us for, Modular Kitchen, ward robe, Dressing table, Glazing and glass work, Gypsum & wooden partition, Grid false ceiling, POP Ceiling, Gypsum board ceiling, Aluminium Partition, 5 mm to 14 mm toughened glass partition, sliding door design work, Floor tiles, flooring, PVC and wooden base wall panel work, POP and Putty punning and paint services, electrical wiring and fitting work, HVAC AHU, ducting and complete installation work, fire fighting services for home and office, office workstation, table chair, overhead, other residential and commercial furniture.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Pink time :D I’m watching Scar
I’ve literally watched three scar videos today but I’ve missed him so much <333
I forgot Tubbo and Scar were called slushie duo :(( /pos
Scar praying to Scott for a desertduo buildmart 😭
Boatem team isn’t a want it’s a need
Scar’s “Is that a bad boy??” when he sees Joel across the lobby
“It says ‘gullible’ on the ceiling” “Does it? No, it says ‘3’” “… don’t worry about it” Beky and Tubbo my beloveds
Parkour Tag
Did Ant just say he was… tossing??
It’s literally the bare minimum but people using they/them for Aimsey means everything to me
This team’s comms are insane :D
Beky supremacy!!!!
“Vex on vex violence!!” “WHAT DOES THAT MEAN” slushie duo is everything actually
They’re so good at encouraging and hyping each other up :))
Tubbo first swear in the first game lmao
Pink parrots 2nd in parkour tag????? They’re so cool <333
Rocket Spleef
Immediate Ant swear lol
Was collecting data for this entire game so I have nothing else to say except sorry for being so neurodivergent today /j
Why do they want sot early??
Sands of Time
I talk fast too so keep in mind that I’m a hypocrite but Ant stresses me out so bad in sot, he’s not even doing anything wrong he just always sounds so frantic that it freaks me out a lil
Tubbo seems a lil high strung rn ngl
Okay yeah, this team is lacking in confidence, I fully believe they could do well but they were all so frazzled and this was a hard sands
Sky Battle
Why is Tubbo so mean to blue??? I know it’s not mean spirited but like, cmon man
Tubbo and Ant are so stressful to listen to 😭
Scar and his barn strat my beloved <333
“I got a kill!!…… myself..” Scar 😂
“They’re not coming from our right, I got that on lock” Scar mvp
Yo they won!!!
Tubbo losing his absolute mind and Scar just “uh hey guys? We won”
Scar’s face when we have the 6th swear by the start of halftime 🙃 lmao
Slushie time :D
Ace Race
“I’m gonna fail at that- I didn’t!!! Did you see that confidence?” So true Scar
“Unfortunate times with Scar today”
Ant saying Scar’s toe tip helped and getting first :))
Battle Box
Ant is such a tryhard /pos
I could not care less if it’s actually concrete, it’s always gonna be wool in our hearts <33
Wool time :D
Beating the top three teams and almost no one else is so iconic of them
The way Ant tries to give Tubbo a compliment and he says “No, definitely not” 😂
Grid Runners
It feels like they’re just breezing through these rooms lol
That golf was so clean
Why are Tubbo and Beky saying everything twice lol
Their push-up comms are so painful, it wasn’t bad just chaotic
“Dyslexic duo had some trouble with the hints”
Team bonus!!!!
Scar top 15 both rounds so far!!!
“There are like no coins between fourth and fifth” “There’s literally no coins in this game”
Tubbo’s commentary 😂
Toby doing the absolute most to avoid acknowledging Ranboo’s existence sure is something lol
Talking about how both of these teams deserve this win is so real
Everyone cheering on False :D
This team wanting a replay :))
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emmaameliamiaava · 1 year
Ceiling Solutions for Modern Environments - Everest Industries
Delve into the world of ceiling solutions, including concealed ceiling tiles, grid ceilings, and soffit ceiling panels, designed to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of contemporary spaces. Learn about the versatility and practicality of these innovative options, which go beyond traditional ceilings. Explore how concealed ceiling solutions create sleek, uncluttered interiors, while grid false ceilings provide efficient access to utilities.
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321arka · 1 year
False Ceilings give you an authentic beauty to the building as it is not common to the standard ceiling which is prepared by the use of decorative material such as gypsum board, PVC panels, tiles & much more. In between the false ceiling and the standard ceiling, there is a gap. Soundproofing in halls and auditoriums is enhanced using false ceilings.
In most cases, a metal wire keeps the false ceiling a certain distance from the original ceiling. Ceilings and false ceilings are separated by inches, but if the floor height is more than 10 feet, the gap can be increased to one foot. Fixed to the original ceiling, the false ceiling is made of metal grids.
False Ceiling Types
Gypsum Board
Gypsum board made by gluing specifically prepared paper to a core of set gypsum. As a result, it can be used without the addition of plaster on walls, ceilings, or partitions and provides a surface suitable for painting or papering. Boards made of gypsum are commonly used in interior design projects. Wall and ceiling preparations require the use of Gypsum Board as a surface material.
Due to its fire resistance, soundproof properties, and light weight, gypsum board is used for drywall. Walls, ceilings, and partition walls in residential and commercial structures should be constructed from this material. Gypsum board comes in standard sizes such as 600 mm x 600 mm. The tiles are hanging from a metal frame that swings from the original ceiling.
It is a lightweight and cost effective false ceiling material made from Polyvinyl chloride, which is the full form of PVC. A variety of buildings use PVC panels for the cladding of their exterior walls, from residential to commercial. PVC is a strong plastic material that is prepared in a factory, resulting in a smooth surface. The shape & size can be customized according to your specifications.
Due to its high water-resistance, PVC is the ideal solution for stopping water leakage through ceilings. Unlike other types of false ceilings, it requires very little maintenance and is lightweight.
Fiber False Ceiling is produced by mixing synthetic & natural materials such as vegetable fibers, wood fibers, tars & bitumen. It is usually good for insulation along with soundproofing & acoustic nature.
Due to fiber's role as reinforcement, it provides properties such as hardness, toughness, and fire resistance, which makes it an ideal material for false ceilings in commercial buildings like retail stores, shopping malls, and offices.
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revampnest · 19 days
POP False Ceiling Designing: A Blend of Elegance and Versatility
Plaster of Paris (POP) false ceilings have been a favorite choice in interior design for decades. Known for their smooth finish, versatility, and ability to create intricate designs, POP ceilings are widely used in residential and commercial spaces. Whether you’re looking to add a touch of elegance to your living room or create a unique design in a commercial space, POP false ceilings offer endless possibilities.
What is a POP False Ceiling?
A POP false ceiling is a secondary ceiling made from Plaster of Paris, a quick-setting material derived from gypsum. When mixed with water, POP forms a malleable paste that can be molded into various shapes and patterns. Once it hardens, it creates a smooth, durable surface that can be painted or decorated according to the desired aesthetic. POP ceilings are often used to hide unsightly structural elements like beams, wires, and ductwork, providing a clean and polished finish.
Benefits of POP False Ceilings
POP false ceilings offer several advantages that make them a popular choice in interior design:
Versatility in Design: POP is an incredibly versatile material that can be molded into a wide range of shapes and designs. From simple, clean lines to intricate patterns and motifs, POP can be used to create customized ceiling designs that reflect your personal style or complement the overall décor of a space.
Smooth Finish: One of the most appealing features of POP is its ability to create a smooth, flawless finish. This makes it an ideal choice for spaces where a polished, high-end look is desired. The smooth surface of a POP ceiling also makes it easy to paint or apply other decorative finishes.
Durability: POP false ceilings are highly durable and can last for many years without showing signs of wear and tear. Once the POP sets, it becomes a hard, resilient surface that is resistant to cracks and sagging, ensuring that your ceiling remains in good condition for a long time.
Fire-Resistant: POP is naturally fire-resistant, making it a safe choice for ceiling construction. In the event of a fire, a POP ceiling can help slow the spread of flames, providing an added layer of protection for the occupants of a building.
Acoustic Insulation: POP ceilings can help improve the acoustics of a room by reducing noise levels and echo. This makes them an excellent choice for spaces where sound control is important, such as home theaters, offices, and conference rooms.
Energy Efficiency: POP false ceilings can contribute to energy efficiency by providing insulation and reducing the amount of heat that escapes through the ceiling. This can help lower heating and cooling costs, making the space more energy-efficient.
Popular POP False Ceiling Designs
POP false ceilings can be designed in a variety of styles, from minimalist and modern to elaborate and traditional. Here are some popular POP ceiling designs:
Coffered Ceilings: Coffered ceilings are characterized by a series of recessed panels arranged in a grid pattern. This design adds depth and dimension to the ceiling, creating a sophisticated and elegant look. Coffered POP ceilings are often used in formal living rooms, dining rooms, and offices.
Layered Ceilings: Layered POP ceilings involve creating multiple levels or layers in the ceiling, often with different colors or lighting effects to highlight the design. This design adds visual interest and can make a room feel more dynamic. Layered ceilings are ideal for large spaces or rooms with high ceilings.
Curved Designs: POP is a flexible material that can be shaped into curves and arches, allowing for the creation of unique, flowing designs. Curved POP ceilings can add a soft, organic feel to a space and are often used in bedrooms, lounges, or spaces where a relaxed atmosphere is desired.
Geometric Patterns: Geometric patterns are a popular choice for POP ceilings, especially in modern and contemporary interiors. These designs can include squares, rectangles, circles, or more complex shapes, creating a bold and striking look. Geometric POP ceilings are often paired with recessed lighting to enhance the design.
Tray Ceilings: A tray ceiling features a central section that is higher than the surrounding perimeter, creating a stepped effect. This design is often used to add height and drama to a room, and it works well with both simple and intricate POP designs. Tray ceilings are commonly found in master bedrooms and living rooms.
Perforated Designs: For a more decorative and artistic approach, perforated POP ceilings feature cut-out designs that create patterns of light and shadow. These designs can be customized to suit any style, from traditional to modern. Perforated POP ceilings are often used in spaces where a unique and eye-catching design is desired.
Floral and Ornamental Motifs: For a classic and traditional look, floral and ornamental motifs are a popular choice in POP ceiling designs. These intricate patterns can be molded directly into the POP ceiling, adding a touch of elegance and luxury to any room. This style is often seen in formal living areas, dining rooms, and heritage buildings.
Considerations for POP Ceiling Design
When designing a POP false ceiling, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure the best results:
Room Functionality: Consider the primary function of the room when choosing a POP ceiling design. For example, in a bedroom, you might opt for a simple, soothing design, while in a living room or dining area, a more elaborate design could add a touch of grandeur.
Lighting Integration: POP ceilings provide an excellent platform for integrating various lighting options, including recessed lights, LED strips, chandeliers, and pendant lights. Plan the lighting layout in conjunction with the ceiling design to ensure the lights complement the overall aesthetic.
Color Scheme: While POP ceilings are typically white, they can be painted in any color to match the room’s color scheme. Consider using contrasting colors to highlight different layers or patterns, or stick to a monochromatic scheme for a more subtle effect.
Height of the Room: The height of the room plays a significant role in determining the complexity of the POP ceiling design. In rooms with low ceilings, opt for a simple, flat design to avoid making the space feel cramped. High ceilings, on the other hand, offer more flexibility and can accommodate more elaborate designs.
Budget: POP ceiling designs can vary greatly in cost depending on the complexity of the design and the size of the room. It’s important to set a budget and choose a design that fits within your financial constraints while still achieving the desired look.
Maintenance: While POP ceilings are durable, they do require some maintenance over time. Regular cleaning and occasional repainting may be necessary to keep the ceiling looking fresh and free of dust or discoloration.
POP false ceiling designing offers a unique blend of elegance, versatility, and functionality that can enhance any space. Whether you’re looking for a simple and modern design or an elaborate and traditional motif, POP False Ceiling Designing provide endless possibilities for creativity and personalization. By considering the specific needs of your space and integrating thoughtful design elements, you can create a ceiling that not only complements your interior but also adds value and beauty to your home or business.
POP False Ceiling Designing in Darbhanga | POP False Ceiling Designing in Chandigarh | POP False Ceiling Designing in Dera Bassi | POP False Ceiling Designing in Panchkula
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gssoftwareposts · 25 days
Unique Modular False ceiling decor Ideas for Bedroom
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In 2024 reimagining homes counts every detail during interior design and the ceiling of a house is a vast canvas to uphold your creativity.
Modular false ceilings are a popular choice in contemporary interiors for several reasons. They can hide unsightly wiring, and provide insulation offer flexibility in design, can be tailored to different shapes and sizes.
1. Geometric Patterns for a Modern Touch
Geometric pattern adds depth with varying panel heights to create a three-dimensional effect in bedrooms with high ceilings. Geometric patterns are a hallmark of modern false ceiling for bedroom design ideas as these patterns can be highlighted with recessed lighting, creating a dynamic interplay of light and shadow.
2. Wooden Panels
Wood has always been associated with warmth and comfort.
Depending on the style of your bedroom, you can choose from a variety of wood finishes — from light oak for a Scandinavian-inspired room to dark walnut for a more traditional look. a soft, ambient glow that enhances the wood’s natural beauty. This setup works especially well in bedrooms with wooden flooring.
3. Coffered Ceilings for Elegance
prefer a more classic and elegant bedroom design, a coffered ceiling made from modular panels will be an excellent choice.
Coffered ceiling as a false ceiling for bedroom, use sleek, minimalist panels and paint them in a high-gloss finish. You can also incorporate indirect lighting within the coffers to add a subtle glow. consist of a grid of recessed panels, often square or rectangular, that add depth and sophistication to a room.
4. Floating Ceiling Panels
Floating ceiling panels, also known as drop or suspended ceilings, create a sense of lightness for modern bedroom design. This design is particularly effective in smaller bedrooms where maximizing space and light is essential.
These modular panels are installed below the main ceiling as a modern interior design by Imprimeo, creating the illusion that they are floating in mid-air and can be enhanced with hidden lighting that casts a gentle glow around the edges of the panels.
Floating ceiling panels in varying shapes and sizes to create a layered effect. For a futuristic look, consider materials like glass or mirrored panels that reflect light and add a sense of space.
5. Integrated Lighting for a Sleek, Seamless Design
In modern homes, lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood and enhancing the overall design. Modular false ceilings offer the perfect opportunity to integrate various lighting options seamlessly.
Consider incorporating recessed lights, cove lighting, or even LED strips within the ceiling panels to create a sleek and functional design. You can also use dimmable lights to adjust the brightness according to the time of day or your mood
For a bedroom with a modern false ceiling design by Imprimeo, opt for warm white lighting to create a calming and cosy environment.
Highlight specific areas of the ceiling with accent lighting to draw attention to unique design elements.
6. Textured Panels for a Bold Statement
If you’re looking to add a bold, artistic touch to your bedroom, textured modular ceiling panels are the way to go.
Comes in a variety of finishes, including embossed patterns, 3D designs, and metallic accents, allowing you to create a truly one-of-a-kind ceiling.
textured panels are the latest false ceiling design for the bedroom you can incorporate them on a section of the ceiling, such as above the bed, to create a focal point without overwhelming the space. Pair these panels with simple, understated furniture to let the ceiling design take centre stage.
7. Nature-Inspired Designs for a Tranquility
Bringing elements of nature into the bedroom can create a peaceful and relaxing environment.
Modular false ceilings can be designed to incorporate nature-inspired elements, such as leaf patterns, floral motifs, or even skylight panels that mimic the look of a natural sky.
Soft, earthy colours for the ceiling panels to complement the nature-inspired design. If you’re incorporating a skylight panel, position it above the bed for a calming view false ceiling design for the bedroom with a fan when you wake up in the morning.
8. Minimalist Ceilings for a Clean, Modern Look
For those who prefer a minimalist aesthetic, a modular false ceiling with clean lines and simple design elements is ideal. The key to achieving this look is to focus on symmetry and balance, using smooth, unadorned panels that blend seamlessly with the rest of the room.
Design Tip: Stick to a neutral colour palette and avoid excessive ornamentation. You can enhance the minimalist design with indirect lighting that softly illuminates the ceiling without drawing too much attention.
Choosing the Right Modular Ceiling for Your Bedroom
When selecting a modular false ceiling design for your bedroom, it’s important to consider the overall style of your home, the size of the room, and the atmosphere you want to create. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:
Consider the Room’s Functionality: Think about how you use your bedroom’s false ceiling. If it’s a space where you spend a lot of time relaxing, opt for designs that promote comfort and cosiness, such as wooden panels or nature-inspired motifs. If the bedroom is part of a modern, minimalist home, choose sleek, simple designs like floating panels or geometric patterns.
Pay Attention to Lighting: The lighting in your bedroom plays a crucial role in enhancing the ceiling design. Integrated lighting options within modular panels can create a warm, inviting atmosphere or a cool, contemporary vibe, depending on your preference.
Match the Ceiling with the Room’s Decor: Your ceiling should complement the rest of your bedroom’s decor ideas. For instance, if you have a modern, minimalist bedroom, a coffered ceiling might look out of place. Instead, opt for clean, simple lines that match the room’s overall aesthetic.
Think About Maintenance: While modular and designer false ceilings for bedrooms are generally low maintenance, certain materials, like wood, may require more care. Choose a design that not only looks good but is also easy to maintain over time.
Incorporating a modular false ceiling for bedroom design by Imprimeo is an excellent way to enhance the room’s overall design while adding functionality. Whether you prefer the warmth of wooden panels, the elegance of a coffered ceiling, or the sleekness of floating panels, there’s a modular ceiling design to suit every taste and style. By carefully selecting the right materials, patterns, and lighting, you can create a unique and personalized ceiling that transforms your bedroom
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