#grid mirror dupe
westofwonder · 1 year
Pull List (03/01/2023 & 03/08/2023)
Action Comics #1052 Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #4 Hallows’ Eve #1 Punchline: The Gotham Game #5 Radiant Black #22 Stargirl: The Lost Children #4 Amazing Spider-Man #21 Black Panther #15 Fantastic Four #5 The Flash #794 Poison Ivy #10 Static: Shadows of Dakota #2 Batman #357 (Facsimile Edition)
Action Comics - Really liking the new direction so far. Not sure giving Power Girl psychic powers was the right choice.
Blue Beetle - The art isn’t really doing anything for me.
Hallows’ Eve - Grabbed the Artgerm cover because, me. Not going to continue with this series because I feel duped.
Punchline - New Royal Flush Gang! Who this?
Radiant Black - Lot of nine-panel grids this issue.
Stargirl - The cover is a nice touch.
Amazing Spider-Man - PLEASE EXPLAIN!
Black Panther - I wonder how this run will stack up once time has moved on.
Fantastic Four - Old characters returning in this issue? I sure hope that’s not to do with an event coming up soon...
The Flash - This is fun.
Poison Ivy - Those mirrors on the cover are fun.
Static - Interesting visuals.
Batman - Hey, it’s the Squid. And Killer Croc’s first appearance. Sigh, and Jason Todd’s, too, I guess.
I am beat.
Happy readings!
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DIY Oversized Grid Floor Mirror
DIY Oversized Grid Floor Mirror
DIYer’s don’t spend money on things they can make. And that’s my story when it comes to creating a large multi-paneled floor mirror. I had been eyeing a few of these for a while and as you can imagine they are very pricey. This Berrien Beveled Accent Mirror is from Wayfair and cost about $200, but it’s not a floor mirror. The Amiel Arch Aged Brown Antiqued Mirror from Ballard Design is a floor…
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princeshroob · 3 years
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Hoo boy, it took some attempts, but I managed to solo Bubz. Probably the greatest achievement in GBF I’ll ever have for a while. I’ll go into detail under the break
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This is the team I used. I used Robin Hood because it fit best for what I was going for, Cow is to provide heals as well as damage, S!Korwa needs no explanation, and Enyo is for her auto 10-hit nuke every time she’s hit after the fifth time. I don’t have Katzelia (not that he’s gated off to me persay, but I’m prioritizing other Evokers for now) so I put Sevastien in the backline for the small bit of healing he provides, and Narmaya’s there to cheer me on.
(o, btw I pulled Enyo on her debut banner before gw started. She helped a lot with that)
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As for my grid, it’s a bit of a mess, but it gets the job done. Metera’s bow was used for the chance of delay on ougi (though it’s not consistent enough for my liking, so I only relied on it when Bubz had 1/2 diamonds filled,) the Garrison bows should be self-explanatory, Astral because obviously, and the two beaks are responsible for most of the damage done. See, the thing about Robin Hood, Cow, and Enyo is that their skills have a ton of hits on them, and Ewiyar’s beak adds 100k damage to each hit of those, and can stack to 200k. And given that Enyo does 10 hits of skill damage almost every turn, that really starts to add up, not to mention the eventual 40k supplemental damage Cow’s debuff provides and the 20k from Evanescence. Also, and this is probably a weird choice, but Seraphic is there for HP. That’s all.
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And yeah, in case the grid didn’t make it obvious now, I’m a wind lord now (I pulled a dupe G!Narmaya while rolling Enyo, so that released the floodgates, so to speak.) Which worked out for me, since it meant I already had 2 sources of dispel for 50%! Enyo has another dispel, and Michael provides the 4th one I need (using a Zeph when the debuffs pop up erased the mirror image before dispelling, so that’s killing two birds with one stone there). Olivia’s there for the extra source of delay, and Justice is so that Cow’s heal can be distributed to S!Korwa and Enyo. Don’t think I need to explain Qilin. Don’t have Temperance, but I did have Owlcat, so he’s there for the extra bit of HP. Raph is...basically useless, since I don’t think I hit cap at all.
As for how I dealt with omens, I basically just...canceled when I can. In a previous attempt, I made the mistake of letting Bubz get up to Trance level 3, which pretty much ended me even with all that defense I had. Pretty sure I got him down to around 8% as well, which sucked. Heck, even level 2 is risky, since that means even more multiattacks, and those still freaking hurt! Thankfully, between Cow’s s1 essentially giving me a full chain and having a relatively low cooldown (hey, her ougi reduces cooldown by 3, it gives her ca reactivation soon enough, and she can normally ougi again before long) and everyone having high multiattack rate thanks to S!Korwa’s s1, not to mention both Zeph’s providing 25% ca charge each. building up charge for fated chains is pretty quick. Also, in a previous run, I confirmed that S!Korwa’s debuff resistance prevented Black Spear from inflicting its debuffs, so that wasn’t an issue in case I needed to eat one.
Anyways, that’s probably the only 9* impossible raid I’ll solo for a long time. Faahl I don’t have an answer for with regards to 10%/3% Paradise Lost, Belial needs a large burst after 5% (not to mention I can’t rely on delays from summons or skills as much) and Super Ultimate Bahamut...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA no
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ariadnelives · 5 years
Chapter 6 -- The Ripcord
[Missed earlier chapters? Go catch up here! Otherwise, welcome back! Oh, and make sure to join our discord server! Chapter can also be found @ ao3]
“You know how mad she'll be if she finds out you did this, right?” Fastwing asked.
“She's left me no other choice.” Sasha shrugged. “I love her but she can't keep me here forever.”
“As you wish,” Fastwing sighed, “just… believe me, once the trust between sisters is broken, it's not an easy thing to rebuild.”
“Your sister seemed to forgive you pretty fast,” Sasha said as Alicia carefully applied stencils to her bare shoulders and midriff.
“My sister was caught up in the relief that I wasn't dead.” Alicia chuckled, shaking up a small airbrush and filling in the stencils carefully. “I faked my own death and vanished for ten years, do you really think we had one heart-to-heart and it was all water under the bridge?”
“I mean, that's certainly how it seemed at the time, but—”
“—but nothing. I've talked to her every single day since we got back to Earth. I made damn sure to be there for her wedding, the birth of her children, and every birthday and holiday, come hell or high water. She won't say it, but the only way she can feel secure that I won't take off again is if I make the effort to rebuild the trust I broke.”
“So you're saying I should just stay on the ship forever?”
“What? No!” Alicia said, shocked, as she carefully peeled back her stencils from Deathsbane's torso, “You're not the one who broke the trust here. I'm saying that I know Pilar, and I know what it's like to be a big sister who did the wrong thing for what I thought were the right reasons. If you do this, she's going to see how much she's hurt you. She's going to feel awful, and you wouldn't be wrong to make her work to set things right. Just, go easy on her, okay?”
Sasha considered this. “Are we almost done?”
“I can't believe I let Sweettalk convince me this was a good idea.”
“She's good at that,” Sasha said. “Is there anything else we could do to make it more convincing?”
Alicia stepped back and admired her work. “Do you have any shirts whose sleeves you wouldn't mind losing?”
Four Whiptails had been left behind with the express task of making sure nobody could enter or leave the station. Technically, there were five of them, and secretly, their job was to keep Sasha from leaving, but the fifth was Sweettalk and given the circumstances, nobody really expected her to be very helpful.
This particular team included Tripwire, a smallish girl whose specialties included trapmaking and cross-stitch; Lefthook, a broad-shouldered seventeen-year-old who'd never met a punching bag she couldn't burst with a single hit; Backflip, a wiry girl with a taste for colorful outfits who’d earned her name by using her acrobatic abilities to move through a laser grid with her eyes closed; Ghostrunner, a quiet girl with a killer smile, dark brown skin, hair, and eyes, who could move silently and whose face was almost always partially obscured by a black hood; and Sweettalk, who'd become very close with her regular squadmates over the years they spent together.
These girls had three things in common: They were all born and raised in the bio-domes of the Colonial Moons, they were all orphans, and they had all been rescued from a poorly managed orphanage in the Callistan capital city of Xijing by Pilar Spacebreather and consequently felt a fierce loyalty to her.
Sweettalk was the only member of the squad who had not been raised in the orphanage on Callisto for her entire childhood, so despite her fondness for them, she had never quite felt she fit in with their group.
The four girls were presently in the docking bay leaning on machinery panels that perhaps should not be leaned on, gossiping, and chewing bubblegum.
“I just don't see why he's got to be such a jerk,” Tripwire said, adjusting her thick spectacles on her face. “I have no idea how someone whose sister is so nice can be such a smarmy know-it-all.”
“Yeah,” Lefthook chuckled. “That's why he got hit.”
“He's a good kid.” Backflip said, shrugging, “he just never shuts up. That's why I like that Cap made him Cookie's assistant. Given how fast Cookie talks, he's going to have to learn to listen in that kitchen.”
Ghostrunner smirked and said nothing. She popped her gum to remind the room of her presence while making it clear this was the extent of what she was willing to contribute to the conversation. It was around this point that Sweettalk walked up.
“Hey guys!”
“Hey Sweets,” Backflip said casually. “We were just talking about the kid in the baseball hat. You looking for Sash?”
“Nah,” Sweettalk mirrored Backflip's casual tone. “She seemed pretty bummed out so she's hanging out with Fastwing. I love the boss, but she's been real hard on her lately. I was hoping you guys might let me sneak her out for the day, just dinner and a movie, lift her spirits a little bit, and then back before lights-out?”
“I hear you,” Lefthook said, “I'd go crazy cooped up in the station like that, but no can do, unfortunately.”
“Don't get me wrong.” Backflip said. She looked pretty genuinely apologetic. “We all want to see Sasha out of her funk, but we're under direct orders.”
“She had me set up a pretty sophisticated blockade,” Tripwire elaborated, “an impassable barrier surrounding the whole station. No ship is able to enter or leave without the authorization code, and I was told to only program it into Ariadne's ship.”
“Nobody leaves or enters until Spacebreather returns from La Pesadilla,” Lefthook said.
“Until I return from where?” A deep, accented voice rang out from the doorway, and all four Whiptails started at the girl slouching against the wall. Her sleeves were torn off to reveal dark black tattoos spiraling across her warm brown shoulders and all the way around her torso, and silver gleamed from the piercings on her eyebrows and nose.
“Spacebreather!” Backflip smiled and rushed over. “I can't believe you're back so soon!”
“I never left,” she said, eyes narrow. “I suspected Sweettalk would pull a trick like this, so I waited until everyone thought I was gone and I watched her.”
“Oh—oh god, Spacebreather, I am—” Sweettalk let out several uncharacteristic stammers. “I am so so sorry, I just wanted to—”
“—Save it,” she said, “I gave you a direct order to stay here and guard the station, and you're about to abandon your post to take my sister on, what, a date?!”
The four Whiptails left to guard the ship all froze. If Spacebreather knew about Sasha and Sweettalk's relationship, there was a strong chance they were about to come to blows, and none of them exactly wanted to choose between two close friends that day. Nobody could see it under her hood, but Ghostrunner raised her eyebrows in suspicion.
“I'm sorry, boss.” Sweettalk hung her head.
The boss narrowed her eyes and did not break eye contact with Sweettalk. “Tripwire, I need you to authorize another one of those shuttles. We have a second contact who might be able to help us get a handle on this impostor situation.”
At this point, the four Whiptails were feeling sufficiently uncomfortable. “Yes, boss,” Tripwire muttered,  scrambling over to the nearest shuttle.
“I'll just, uh, um”—Sweettalk stumbled over her words again and started to hurry past the boss—“I'm going to go back to my quarters, I'm sorry, I—”
“Oh no you don't.” Sweettalk found herself pulled back by the collar of her shirt. “Like I'm going to let you stay with Sasha unattended after what I just caught you doing. You're coming with me. Backflip, Ghostrunner, get in the shuttle. Tripwire, Lefthook, stay behind and make sure no one else tries to sneak my sister past this barricade. In fact, go find her. I want to make sure this miscreant”—Pilar gave the shirt a yank—“hasn't rigged up a slapdash teleport somewhere.”
“Yes, boss,” the girls all said. They started moving quickly and with purpose to their new posts.
When they were all out of earshot, Sweettalk spoke. “Gotta say, the tattoos are doing it for me.”
“Don't be gross, I look like my sister,” Sasha said, exasperated, dropping the deep voice she'd put on.
“You always look like your sister,” Sweettalk replied, “you two could be twins.”
“I still can't believe I fooled those guys.” Sasha sighed. “They're going to be so mad at me when they find out.”
“Fastwing did a hell of a job with the tattoos. The ripped shirt was a nice touch,” Sweettalk commented, “and I know those girls. They agree that you should be allowed to come and go as you please just like everyone else. They're going to feel stupid when we tell them they've been duped and then they're going to be glad you found a way out of the ship that doesn't put them in the doghouse with your sister.”
“Yeah, the only one my sister's going to be mad at is me,” Sasha said, “she's going to kill me when she finds out we did this, Zee.”
“No, she's going to kill me,” Sweettalk replied, “and there's a fair chance she was going to do that anyway.”
“We are going to tell them, right?” Sasha asked. “Like, we're not going to wait until Pilar gets home and let her tell them?”
“We only need to get past the barrier,” Sweettalk explained, “then we can tell our squad and send a message back to the station.”
Tripwire called over from outside the docked shuttle. “We are ready to go on your command, boss!”
“Waitin' on you!” Backflip's voice called from inside the shuttle.
“Be right there!” Sasha called back in her deep imitation of Pilar's voice. “Just having a few more words with this, uh, foul villain!”
“Foul villain?” Sweettalk laughed as quietly as possible.
“I am under a lot of stress right now!” Sasha whispered, and it was clear she was telling the truth. Ordinarily, she had few remaining traces of a Martian accent, but when she was under pressure, she tended to have a little more of the hissing S and dropped consonants characteristic of New Moyamensing.
“Now”—Sasha tugged on Sweettalk's collar in mock anger—“pretend you're filled with dread and get on that shuttle.”
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