corruptedforce · 2 years
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@griefdestined​ liked for a starter 
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It was over, now. Things were supposed to be back to normal. Obi-Wan could go back to looking like himself and not that grotesque looking thing. He felt like this mission had taken forever. He wasn’t supposed to dwell on things, but he had never been good at that.  He had not been able to focus, when he was with Padme last night, and she had noticed.  Sure, he’d focused good enough, but still. They’d successfully pulled off the mission, but that didn’t mean it didn’t bother him that he believed Obi-Wan was dead. It was like when he was a boy and Qui-Gon died, all over again.
He felt his master still didn’t trust him enough to tell him things, and as much as he hated to admit it, as close as they were, it had sewn seeds of doubt in Anakin Skywalker. He just, he had been devastated and willing to destroy whoever did this. But, he’d been alive, the whole time and sure, they’d wound up able to stop the Chancellor from being killed and saved Padme and Naboo, but he was so angry at the Jedi Council for not letting him in. Master Yoda had said his temper, his damn temper. Obi-Wan was supposed to be his master, his brother, his friend, but yet, he felt his separation from him now, and he hated it.
Although he spent his nights at Padme’s when he was in Coruscant ‘unofficially’, he was back at the temple the next day.  They were not deployed, at the moment and he spotted Obi-Wan, in one of the meditation rooms. Anakin didn’t go in there often, but he sighed dramatically, as he walked in.  
“Was it easy, was it easy to not tell me, that you were going to fake your death?” They hadn’t had time to discuss it, beyond a few words and Anakin’s anger during the mission.  “Have I not been by your side for over ten years, first as your padawan, and now as your friend? Was it easy to let me believe you were dead?”
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drgnbld · 2 years
*holds his hand*
SEMI-UNPROMPTED ASKS.    @griefdestined.
the touch at first shouldn’t surprise him. they’ve been doing this for a while - hushed, and behind the scenes, but nonetheless done as they sought out each other’s promising and welcoming touches which usually led to more as the night went on. maybe that’s what surprises him, though, not as hidden as could be nor masked by the night’s gentle embrace; it’s done in the sunlit hallways of lance’s estate as they had embarked to a very specific room. one full of his own generals, his own people, reporters wanting to snap every bit of juicy behind the scenes chaos as they could.
it’s the first time lance’s kingdom has asked for help. a lingering threat - kept from lance and his consultants for a plethora of reasons, some completely made-up and it was realised this hadn’t been just a threat to his own people but to him also. he had asked the jedi council for a peaceful solution much to the dismay of his army and that talk was about to take place just past those doors. 
he hadn’t expected obi-wan to be the one they sent. it did make sense, peace and negotiation was what he was famous for, with anakin keeping guard outside. but in this moment he was thanking the universe for allowing them to connect once again because maker knew he needed it. reacting, lance gives a gentle squeeze to rid his shakes and anxiety before dropping both to his side. it was time to greet his men.
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raehs · 5 months
" there's so much I want to tell you, " rey sighs and looks at the blue - hued version of @griefdestined. a stranger to them. and yet, family? all rey knew was the resistance. poe. leia. finn. rose. her family. she didn't know anything else. family was still a new concept to her.
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@griefdestined​ liked for a starter (obi-wan). 
Rey led the Eopie into its pen and pat its snout, cooing softly at the creature. She had been here, with Obi-Wan, in the past for a few weeks now. They hadn’t been able to identify how she’d got to the past but Obi Wan believed that there was a reason for her to land here, now. Something she needed to learn, something she needed to prevent or not prevent. Either way, she had fallen quickly into the chores of the home stead. She locked the Eopie pen and began to the small house, where Obi Wan was meditating. 
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She waited until he was done, making tea for them both and kneeling on the rug on the floor. “Any luck?” She asked. He’d been trying to communicate with those in the beyond for answers of this crazy situation.
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astrancva · 1 year
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She always forgets how well she sleeps when he's beside her. Drifting off with the warmth of his body at her back. It makes her remember the days when they were younger, sleeping close together for warmth and protection while Qui-Gon kept watch. Even with the danger always at their heels, it was a far more innocent time. It had been so easy to forget everything else when she had him so close.
Now, her visits to Coruscant are so very infrequent. The Duchess has few reasons to make an appearance on the capitol world outside of the bounds of diplomacy. But, an invitation from Padmé Amidala for a benefit occasion had been a most welcome distraction. Even if she hadn't expected to see Obi-Wan in attendance. Satine would have a word with her dear friend about such surprises.
But this morning, her annoyance is forgotten as fingers brush lightly over her skin, stirring her from the sleep she had been fighting against.
"Good morning." His words more than the touch, whispered close to her ear, send a shiver along her spine.
She shifts toward him, nestled against his chest. The top of her head tucking under the bearded jaw.
"I suppose it is," she murmurs softly. "Shall I send for breakfast?"
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solesnati · 2 years
           Ben knew that Luke would be surrounded by people the minute that he returned, and so he gave the blonde some time before going to address him. As the Jedi Master glided into the medbay where his blue eyes flittered across various pieces of machinery, Ben was brought back to a time just after Geonosis when Anakin had lost his arm against Dooku.
At the call of his name, the ginger's attention was brought back towards Luke. Despair, confusion, and a slight hint of betrayal floats in the air between them. Tell him what?  A moment passed and then the realization slowly dawned on him. How did he even begin to explain his choices? Panic slowly crept in the deepest part of his stomach and chest - but with a careful methodical breath, Ben abated the ensuing panic.
          ❝ I did tell you the truth - from a certain point of view. ❞  He explained carefully. ❝ Darth Vader killed your father. Anakin Skywalker ceased to exist the moment he kneeled to Palpatine, and he even told me as such. ❞ Swallowing past that guilt - that would never truly pass - but did lighten over the years.   ❝ And in all honesty, I thought Yoda would have told you. But that was my fault, he was never one for straight answers. ❞
Gesturing to the medical bed behind Luke, Ben attempted to guide him back to sitting as the med droids were getting increasingly upset at their patient. ❝ Why don't you have a seat and we'll talk. If you'd like, of course. ❞
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LEIA HAD HARDLY LEFT HIS SIDE FROM THE MOMENT THEY were free and safely underway to the rendezvous point with the rest of the rebel fleet, only leaving to help with the navigation, as Chewie wasn't aware of the exact for their final destination and their newest addition had no clue. Luke wasn't sure what to make of Calrissian, there seemed to be some tension between him and the Princess and the Wookiee, but Leia seemed willing to give him a chance. Luke didn't want to be alone, his hurt was more than just physical and he had no idea how to deal with it.
dark blonde brows furrowed even closer together, the butterfly bandages laid across the cuts to his brow and likely adding even more marks of his journey to the once sunkissed, naive features.        ❝      a certain point of view?      ❞ Luke repeated with a higher, incredulous tone. wide, frantic eyes searched the face of the spectral figure for something more than that --- there had to be more.
        ❝      Yoda knew?      ❞ it made sense, some of the things the old Jedi said, the way he behaved towards him and reacted to his questions about the dark side and venture into the cave, all the wariness and reluctance was born from what happened to his father. but what happened to him? what turned Anakin Skywalker from the man from his uncle's stories to . . . that thing that took his arm?        ❝      what else haven't you told me, Ben?      ❞
Luke could feel the cold firmness of the medical droids' hands as they tried to get him to lay back, the nurses completely unaware of their ghostly guest and likely concerned for their patient's mental well - being as they watched him talk to thin air. Luke couldn't bring himself to care about what they may think or his own injuries as his mind spun a parsec a second.        ❝      why did you and Yoda send me off to fight him, knowing who he is to me? knowing that i didn't know?      ❞
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paramounticebound · 1 year
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I finally have a thread tracker, which can be viewed here.
And, uh, due to notification issues and the fact that I will literally reply six months later to something, I'm going to tag all of you in it. There are a lot of people I write with and this is easier than going to everyone individually. If you're tagged but don't see a thread, it's because it's currently in my queue/drafts-to-do.
If there's something you want to continue, but don't see, tell me!
Please let me know if you do not want to continue it (or if we're not even mutuals anymore thanks tumblr), and I'll take you off. Totally cool if you don't want to continue/interact anymore, I just don't want to bother you if that's the case!
( Also, I know that some of you do want to continue, are on a hiatus, are busy, etc, I just didn't want you to feel left out. c; )
@vuulpecula @learnedlucidity @fasciinating @goldkiing @jundlcndwastes @justicescreaming @mehrere-musen @middaysandmidnights @therapardalis @commandsir @honorhunt @ramblingsofamoonwatcher @auroradicit @noblehcart @tealeavesandthorns @asteritm @ssolessurvivor @lcvelj @frombehindpaleeyes @lettherebemonsters @backonmybullshit91 @hollowichor @cripplemagics @ncmad @factiousfcrged (/ all of your blogs penny) @loyaltyandchaos @godresembled @abeautifulmencgerie @ethrouthier @thebrazenandbold @troublesomemix @bloodyxballet @flcralist @leatherfangs @dethqveen @general-kalani @eskelwolf @griefdestined @lykaiia @trailofstxrs @levixthxn-thegirl @chainsxwsmile @ramblingsofamoonwatcher @auroradicit @eclipsecrowned @the27percent @hauntedreality @jadedpathways @depictedblue @yunharlaquin
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@griefdestined and I are so like the characters we’re gonna cosplay, it’s not even funny
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Everyone has to see this now. I am still obsessed.
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corruptedforce · 2 years
Tagged by: @mayxthexforce
Tagging: @galaccias, @desireandduty, @bchemianrhapscdy, @griefdestined, @petitsdieu, @exitiosae (for everyone ), @avtrr (for everyone), @rush-to-greatness, @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx, and anyone else!
How Do You Need To Be Comforted?
Where Do You Carry Your Pain?
What Shatters You?
How Do You Need To Be Comforted?
to be distracted. - anything. anything to get your mind off of what is happening around you... your brain won't be silent, and you need someone to take the focus away from your whirling thoughts.
Where Do You Carry Your Pain?
your legs. - you have struggled so long to carry the weight of this world on buckling knees... you fear what may happen if you drop it.
What Shatters You?
betrayal. you are so tired of giving your trust away, only to have it thrown back in your face... your heart has been broken, again and again, by those you've mistakenly believed in. "perhaps this time will be different", you say. my dear, it won't. your heart is too gullible for the cruel world around you
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frcebalanced-moved · 2 years
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𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙽𝚂𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽 𝚁𝙴𝙲𝙸𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙳:  @griefdestined​​ 𝚂𝚄𝙱𝙹𝙴𝙲𝚃:  [ dusty toybox. ]
you’re not supposed to know about that .
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lips curl upwards into something of a smirk.  arms fold in front of him, posture showing very clearly that he knows he had something he can hold over his old master’s head.          ❝  don’t worry, master.  your secret’s safe with me.  ❞
it wasn’t that he was planning on using that information against obi-wan.  he probably won’t even need to consider it.  but in the off chance, that little tidbit is gonna be tucked away in his head ready to be whipped out at any moment.  
❝  do you want to explain how that happened, though?  it’s not the sort of predicament i’d imagine you’d ever get in.  ❞
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saintsmoved · 2 years
»           @griefdestined​    ♡
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“      master   kenobi  ,    i   didn’t   expect   to   see   you   here.      ”        surprised  ,    though   pleased  ,    to   see   his   friend  ,    bail   waves   a   server   droid   over  ,    taking   a   second   flute   of   champagne   from   its   tray   for   his   newfound   companion.        “      you’ve   made   your   thoughts  on   these   galas   quite   clear.      tell   me  ,    who   forced   your   hand?      ”
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cmdrkote · 2 years
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Codywan Incorrect Quotes for @withoutpeer / @griefdestined / @lightfaithed
[only those tagged may reblog]
Obi-Wan: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Cody: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Obi-Wan: Absolutely not.
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craveschallenges · 2 years
@griefdestined liked .
“ and do you consider me trustworthy ? “ she had not . would not, divulge the details of her past. “ skywalker seems to think so. but he sees the good in everybody, “ a jedi master of the old republic, the man who’d trained darth vader himself . the man who’d seen the rise and fall of the galactic empire— surely obi wan kenobi would no better than most of goodness was something she could truly reach . “ i want to be. “
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praefurnium · 2 years
“They’re a 10, but they never listen to me"
Send “They’re ’s a 10, but..” and fill in the rest to call out my muse! [accepting]
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"I listen to you, Master. I just have better ideas than you."
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kurshi · 3 years
Closed starter for @griefdestined:
Kurshi’s orders had been clear. Go to Tatooine. Find General Kenobi and bring him the Death Star plans. It was the only other copy they had and they needed to be absolutely certain the plans reached somebody they trusted.
Nobody knew the depth of the young man’s connection to the former Jedi general. Oh, Bail Organa had known his Aunt had once been friends with the fallen Duchess of Mandalore, but the secret of Kurshi’s parentage had died with Satine. With his mother.
At least, he had always believed it did. He never knew if Kenobi knew.
But, now was not the time to consider what the man knew and didn’t know. There was once again war and General Kenobi was needed.
Tatooine was a desolate world, one that he wasn’t surprised the Empire all but ignored. After all, it was controlled by the Hutts and one didn’t cross Hutts if they could help it. Finding Kenobi was difficult. The weird old hermit, many people called him. One farmer warned him away from Kenobi. Calling him trouble. It seemed, he thought with a smile hidden by his helmet, that he was on the proper track.
And now, here he was, stood outside the hovel after the journey across the Dune Sea, a gloved hand rapping soundly on the door
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