grimoiresgirlsrp · 4 years
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CHAPTER FIVE - the final chapter book one.
for weeks, the witches have been laying low, working hard to grow their abilities and focus on their strength, their power. mason had seen their faces, and then disappeared into the night injured but very well alive. lixue, their resurrected leader, had yet to contact anyone, or even be seen. everything felt fragile, but then after a week (or more, time runs together when you are so on edge), there had been nothing new. 
some of the witches splintered off, unsure of how much trust could be placed in lixue, in the others, or even in genevieve. other witches received a special set of instructions in the mail, from no other than ms. genevieve ceoi herself. of these witches, cleo, ofelia, zelenia, ariadne, maia, maeve, and marina begin to work in secret on this special task from their old mentor, who promises one day to return. 
meanwhile.... lixue, on her own, stumbles across the body of belen out in the woods. it’s a sure act by the hunters, and she mistakenly places the blame on the only hunter known to the girls - mason bernal. on june 25th, lixue called all the girls together, and used a summoning spell to bring mason to their gathering. he was in a trance-like state, much like what jack had been placed under before his death. since mason was staying with the other hunters, he was followed in secret by aleksei and roman, who hung back to watch the drama in the clearing. lixue blames asks mason if he is a hunter; he replies yes, much to the horror of some. lixue next asks if he killed belen, and his head shakes a slow, drawn out... no. 
but lixue doesn’t care. before his head can even stop moving, a shadow moves forth, and he falls to the ground into it. a shout from roman is heard, making the witches aware of the two lingering hunters, who spring into action. aleksei darts into the thick of the witches, knife in hand, aiming for any human target he can find in his loss of control. roman goes to mason’s side, and as he is consumed by the shadows, he makes roman promise to protect ofelia. in a matter of seconds, he’s gone, just a body left there on the grass. stunned, roman stands, trying to locate the redhead that had been pointed out-
just in time to see ofelia cause an explosion, of some sort, with the help of zelenia and maia. it spooks aleksei, who scampers away and towards a new target. aleksei looks for the next target, and he attacks cleo, catching her off-guard. marina and cleo were tending to a fallen aaliyah, injured and fading. in order to save the two healer witches, roman throws himself into the line of the attack, barely saving cleo before aleksei’s blade found her. 
in a final act of desperation, it was maeve and cole who bring him down, their powers combined wrecking the life from him... but not without losing two of their own in the battle. aaliyah and ren were as lifeless as the three hunters, and as for lixue... she was nowhere to be found. luce, unable to handle the amount of death around her, chooses to part ways with the coven permanently, and leaves them to their mourning. 
of the fifteen modern witches of salem, only nine remain. 
this concludes the first book of the roleplay! thank to all of the members who have stuck with us so far, and have dedicated themselves to ensuring that we stay alive and thriving! 
don’t go anywhere! just because book one has finished, that doesn’t mean there is nothing left! we have a full new story arch, with several new characters, and tons of exciting things coming. 
this will conclude the story until july - feel free to write out your character handling the extreme events in their own way, or just hc it out! 
if you need your character bios/past/present, or personality, updated, let us know!
members will be able to make ocs, as well as the group to open for ocs as well soon! 
stay tuned for more information!
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grimoiresgirlsrp · 4 years
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CHAPTER THREE - part one. 
as the days after the festival drone on and a sense of normalcy is restored, the witches don’t have long to grow comfortable until the next disaster strikes. the hunters meet after a weekend of being subjected to theatrical displays of magic to compare notes, observations, and theories. with a push from Jack to take action, the hunters decide to make their first move in a long war game - they have identified a few of the witches and they are going to make this knowledge obvious. 
Ofelia is the first to receive a threat - she wakes up on the morning of the 14th with an ancient rune spray painted 6 times across the outside of her home. genevieve confirms what the rune says; witch. less than 24 hours later, the next mark from the hunters is revealed. the windows of Marina’s home are broken by rocks, painted with the same rune, in the middle of the night. one of these rocks started a fire inside her home. Belen notices a figure lurking outside of her window once - but can’t be sure if it’s a hunter or unrelated. later, she realizes she is being followed to and from work.
on the 15th, genevieve and the witches meet together to discuss the scary occurrences. she suggests that the threatened witches, or anyone feeling unsafe, stay together. Ari voices her concerns about Mason's presence in her home and how he has been snooping around her things. genevieve suggests that defensive measures should be taken. she gives the threatened witches, as well as Lea, Clementine and Maia, special protective spells. Zelenia brings up Aleksei, and Aida mentions that Roland may be someone to watch. 
Carter, Veronica, and Luce decide to focus on practicing their seance skills to contact the dead - in case the defensive measures given to the others fail. genevieve reluctantly gives them an old, faded spell containing a log of successful contact with the beyond. the page has been ripped from one of the witches’ grimoires. the meeting ends with little solved, nerves fried, and one very scary observation -
Cole has been missing since the end of the festival. no one has seen or heard from her, and fleabag her familiar was discovered abandoned at her favorite club. Asteria takes the fox for safekeeping.  just what else did genevieve keep from them before sending their grimoires?
the time in-game has now caught up with real time! 
our event has officially ended, but you are free to continue existing threads
this is only part one of the plot drop - part two will release on the 20th. you may begin new threads, but keep in mind that they will need to be dropped or concluded no later than the 20th. 
feel free to write self-paras to dive deeper into the exciting events that were glossed over, and PLEASE plot among each other for this!
any ideas? hit me with them! 
i suggest using these next 5 days to focus on plotting, making ideas, and wrapping up all event threads. 
after the 20th, we launch into an exciting new chapter officially, with many changes! 
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grimoiresgirlsrp · 4 years
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CHAPTER TWO - the need for secrecy 
Sunday, April 19th. 6:15pm.
In typical Genevieve Ceoi fashion, the historian was, yet again, late for the meeting she had called at her little home on the outskirts of Salem. For a couple of the witches, this was already a familiar place, but others yet had never come onto the woman’s property. Slowly, they each arrived, suspicious of each other more than ever, and hearts pounding as they waited to see what the elusive woman would have to say. 
They all knew this was about the viral news article that had been circulating online for the past few days. They all knew that at least one of them were guilty of prompting it - and it was hard to mistake the fact that some of the witches did not attend the meeting. Mara, Harley, Lilith, and most surprisingly - Aida. These 4 faces never made an appearance, even long after Genevieve threw open the doors to her home and ushered each girl into the small living room. 
Once inside, plants (mostly half dead and neglected) lined the window sills, and stacks of books, loose papers, and writing utensils littered the floor. Genevieve Ceoi clearly lacked majorly in the organization department, and most of the of the 11 witches in attendance had to scramble to make room for them to sit. Maybe only Clementine noticed, but the plants definitely perked up when she got near.
“So, clearly, we’re all here because someone decided opening their mouths would be an amusing idea,” Genevieve began, and almost immediately, the defensive chatter began. Each girl eager to clear her name of any possible accusation - but one remained silent. Maia listened, lips decidedly shut, until Genevieve hissed for the girls to shut up and listen to her. “I’m well aware that not all of you - that most of you do not trust me, and that’s all well and good. But please pay attention to me when I tell you this...”
Something about her tone commanded respect, and silence fell over the room. “When I found the shadow books, your grimoires, I knew I’d done something unimaginable to the world as we knew it. But we don’t know what all has been done, outside of you girls. We don’t know what else exists out there... and what else has been called forth. Back in the 1600s, there was a notorious band of witch hunters, led by the infamous Joseph Bishop, who killed more women and magical entities than the fires did. Here -” Genevieve handed out a dusty book, the binding barely still in tact, that looked like a documentation of the Bishop family, complete with a family tree. Several names and hand-drawn faces were scratched out, and on one page, a blood smeared remained. 
“As you can imagine, secrecy is key for us. I do not know who wrote the blog, or contacted the reporters-”
“Clearly it was someone who finds this all a joke,” Ariadne interjected. Her eyes shot to Cole, eyebrows raised. “If not you, then Aida, with all her well-researched knowledge. Notice how she conveniently did not show up?”
Genevieve was quick to dismiss the notion that Aida may be part of this - but her gaze did linger suspiciously on Cole, who was quick to defend herself. An accusation was hurled directly back to Ari, but she offered no response. Tension was high, and that’s when Maia cracked - “I wrote it. The Tumblr blog, about being freaked out... but I didn’t send it in to the reporter, I swear.” 
Marina jumped to Maia’s defense, stating how she, too, had made some ambiguous statuses on social media in her own distress - and that no real blame should be on either of them for dealing with their powers in the way they chose. Genevieve reluctantly agreed, but warned both Marina and Maia to avoid any more clues being left for the public
Monday, April 20th. Midnight.
The girls still argued, desperate to find a person to blame for submitting Maia’s blog, and the rest of the intimate details, to the scandalous news source - but no one fessed up. It seemed that suspicion sat most with Cole, Aida, Ariadne, and Luce - the latter only due to her insistent that it was obviously Mara who had outed them all in a grab for power and control. Without being present to deny it, suspicion also landed on the absent woman, but with no way to truly prove anything.... the girls finally gave up. It was a common agreement that one of these 5 were the culprit.
“There is one more thing,” Genevieve said quietly as everyone gathered to leave, late in the night, eyes tired and hearts heavy. She went to a box, locked and chained like some ridiculous movie about vampires, and pulled out a book as equally old as the family history of the Bishop’s. As she flipped through the pages, many old spells in foreign languages were carefully written on the page - some in red ink looking too similar to blood for comfort. One by one, Genevieve ripped out a page, folded it, and handed it a girl until all 11 had received a page. “Use these spells only in case of emergency. They are old, old magic, with dark roots. Black magic. They are not toys or cheap tricks, but something to defend yourself with if the stupidity of whoever spoke up comes back to bite you in the ass. For those who have chosen to work with me rather than against me... there is much more to explore, when you’re ready.”
The book of dark magic was returned to the box, and the key kept on Genevieve’s person. She looked at each of the girls seriously. “I once again urge you to think closely about your choices. Working together is the only way to survive. And no more talking to the press, or it’s your funeral next.” 
and this concludes our second plot drop! please close all older threads.
new threads can begin anytime after the close of the meeting - so Monday the 20th would be the earliest starting point for new threads!
if your character has changed their mind about their affiliation with Genevieve and/or Mara - please send an ask to the main detailing their change of heart!
feel free to have your characters discuss their suspicions and/or personal actions honestly or deceitfully - but keep your OOC answers secret for now still! the suspense and suspicion is key for this part of the plot! 
it is entirely up to you, as the writer, to decide what spell Genevieve gave your character - and how they choose to use it. there is no rush on this, but please send an ask to the main when you can explaining the spell you were given, and any other details you’d like to include, such as plot ideas for when your character will use it! (or if they got rid of it, gave it to someone else, etc.)
as always, come to us with any questions or comments! thanks guys!
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grimoiresgirlsrp · 4 years
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CHAPTER FOUR — part two.
    on june 5th, the night of the full moon, the witches and lixue gathered in the woods surrounding salem town. those who have placed tentative trust in lixue have agreed to use their magic to aide in the resurrection ritual, including cole and belen.  the ancient grimoire witch explains that though she was strong in her prime, carter’s body and accompanying skills are weak. the witches sat in a circle crafted from salt and spice, luce’s body laid in the center. jack had been subdued with a spell, placed in a very temporary dream-like state. as midnight grows closer... lixue spoke. 
   “someone must to die in order for someone to return. this is the rule of necromancy, and always has been. a life, for a life - we have our sacrifice, but dark magic, black magic, it is tricky. this man...” lixue looked in disgust at the smiling jack, sitting cross-legged beside luce. “will need a guide to ensure the trade of his soul for luce’s. someone must accompany him to purgatory.” 
    silence fell over the group like a blanket. this was a very important detail for lixue to have left out, and the witch gave a cold smile. “shall we leave this up to chance?” 
   asteria timidly spoke up - offering herself to accompany the hunter and make the trade for luce’s life. lixue agreed, and started to make preparations to put the astral witch under the same spell. before asteria could change her mind, it began. lixue stood from the grass and began to levitate as she chanted over luce’s body. at that moment, a sound from outside the circle caught the attention of several witches. none other than mason bernal stood by, mouth agape, as he stared in shock at the scene before him. each and every witch was visible in the candlelight. 
   the first to spring into action was ariadne, exploding with light powerful enough to stun and momentarily blind the man. marina quickly conjured a shield of water around lixue and luce. as mason began to run, maia raised a tree root, tripping the hunter and sending him sprawling. next, ren, zelenia, and maeve came to assist in offensive attacks alongside ari. a barrage of varied magic were flung towards the hunter - nearly overwhelming him until ofelia stood in the line of fire. protecting mason from the magic assault, the pyromancer’s intervention caused magic to explode overhead. instead of harm, a massive display of fireworks shot into the sky, sending small sparks raining down on the witches as mason managed to get away. aaliyah drew the sparks to her to protect the other witches, most specifically saving ofelia from the shower. 
    cleo, furious that the hunter had escaped, unveiled a voodoo doll of mason- twisting the effigy’s arm, then pricking it’s chest. not enough to kill - but enough to slow the hunter down. meanwhile, luce is revived under the light of fireworks and protection of marina’s spell, and jack dies with several screams of sheer agony as his soul is ripped from the world. when asteria doesn’t move, lixue is unconcerned. “i assumed this may happen,” the ancient began to explain, as the witches demanded an explanation. “she, like all of you, was too weak. she could not make the journey back to reality. it is for the best. she would only have hindered us.” her eyes flash, remorseless, revealing she had expected this.... all along. 
   now, all the witches have been outed. mason knows their faces, and by now, several of their names. lixue tells the witches she will handle mason and the hunters- demanding the witches lay low, work harder at their magic and grow stronger... for the unavoidable battle. “stay on the move, stay aware, but do not do anything rash. i will handle this. do as i say, and you will not die.” 
{{ ooc info under the cut! }}
and so concludes the latest chapter! you do not have to end threads, but we do encourage wrapping them up or speeding up to stay in the same timeline. 
this all took place around midnight on the 5th/6th. any new threads can begin anytime after the events - either days after, or directly after! 
jack and asteria are now dead. luce is back to life. everything else... plot among yourselves! 
any questions, comments, concerns? hit up vera or ellie!
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grimoiresgirlsrp · 4 years
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CHAPTER FOUR- part one.
Nearly a week shy of the seance, the witches are once more called to gather at Genevieve’s home - this time, by Lixue.  The atmosphere is somber - the group two shorter and in significantly lower spirits. Even Ren has decided to come. Flustered and anxious, the witches huddle as Lixue begins with a warning.
“None of you are strong enough to protect yourselves alone. Your strength lies in togetherness. Survival lies in numbers.” 
Lixue includes herself in this, stressing that the girls should be united. The witches continue by voting on the witch hunter, Jack’s fate; deciding to sacrifice him in order to resurrect Luce. Only half of the witches voted for this, but as the more vocal group, it was the winning decision. Lixue explains that she will have enough power to perform this ritual on the night of the full moon; June 5th.  The witches resolve to question, and apply force if needed, Jack for more information regarding the rest of the hunters, their plans, and what is to come.
In a hurry to depart, Lixue reminds the witches to travel in pairs, and move around often, lest they welcome danger. She also tells them now is the time to become proficient in their skills and abilities and work together. As soon as the dark witch leaves, Zelenia calls Roland in.  It is revealed that the witch hunter is a descendant of Alice Bancroft and has been hiding in Zelenia’s shed under her watchful eye and care. Fearing persecution from his fellow hunters, he has chosen to align tentatively with the witches who were advised from beyond the grave to protect him, but is not too pleased with it. Witches agree to take turns watching him, though Ro has promised he doesn’t intend to go anywhere.
They do not tell him about Jack - or their plans with his friend. 
 You do not have to discontinue old threads prior to this drop! This only confirms what we knew ooc for our characters. 
Feel free to continue your older threads, begin new ones, or do Discord chats as long as they get posted to the dash.
Dates in-game will span up until June 4th!
Upcoming plots should focus on your witches pairing up in all ways; magic practice, living situations, research, & travel. 
Jack will be killed to resurrect Luce on June 5th. This will be part two of chapter 4, and the only plot drop until chapter 5 on the 20th.
June’s activity will be relaxed to allow members to prep their witches magic and strength.
Plotting together and growing your interpersonal plots is key this month! 
* Please reach out to your admins with any additional questions or concerns. And, as always, have fun!
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grimoiresgirlsrp · 4 years
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HEADLINE ALERT: Has Magic Returned To Salem, MA?
Your day started normal enough, until it felt like the world was turned upside down... again. Maybe it was Twitter, or Facebook, or a frantic text from one of the other witches - somehow, the article came across your phone.
And you found yourself reading about yourself. All of you. Almost to a specific, intricate detail. At first, it’s too much to take in... but eventually, the article is all you can see, reading each line over and over. 
It’s obvious that only someone with intimate knowledge of you, and the other 14, could have written this. Inside the article is an anonymous submission of a highly personal, ranting Tumblr blog post that speaks of magic, confusion, and fear. But worse than that, was the elusive “source”, not named in the article, that has fed your secrets directly to a scandalous but terrifyingly popular online news tabloid. 
But the worst of all? The end of the article. 
As you continue about your mundane life, you may be quick to laugh off the notion of witches and magic. But look around you, and be watching - if it’s true, and somehow there is magic on Earth, we should all be very afraid. 
If my source has told the truth, there are powers with untold repercussions. And these are not people to trust. 
Could anyone in their sane minds really believe in magic? Many of you ask yourselves this, almost convinced that most people would throw it out as fantasy... but you believe, don’t you? If you still don’t, can you really deny the inkling that continues to pester you? 
This article speaks of magic specifically - the ability to mutant, create elements where there was none, and even went as far to mention how “all of the girls with abilities have come together to be stronger, but there is not peace among them”.
One of you has sold out. One of you, or potentially several of you, have sounded the alarm against her own people. It’s obvious this all started with a personal blog post, likely not meant for anyone else to see, but now was blasted all over the internet. 
A blog post that spoke of terrifying sights and experiences, a blog post that details the scary change from human to something else entirely.
The fear is palpable, the confusion relatable - and whoever wrote the article? They know how to sound convincing. Have you been discovered? Is one of your allies a sell-out? And worst of all... how many people believe in magic, and how many would fear you?
A text shakes you from your thoughts. It’s, of course, Genevieve Ceoi. Her words?  “Hey. We need to talk. This weekend, we all must meet. My house, address included. Be there Sunday 6pm.”
hey everyone! this is part one of our second plot drop! part 2 will be released at midnight, monday the 20th. 
in part 2, genevieve will host a meeting that will take place sunday evening in-game. 
moving forward, please have all threads wrapped up by the start of monday the 20th, or be prepared to end them as we reach the new chapter of our story! 
feel free to continue existing threads until the 20th to hopefully conclude them!
characters who are on hiatus and/or open (not taken currently) will be left out from the plot drop. so that means, they simply did not attend genevieve’s meeting. 
until after part 2 of the plot drop, please keep all of your responses to the personal, private questions asked by the main. secrets will be revealed soon!
activity after the second installation of the plot drop will be crucial to the development of the story! in may, second characters may be permitted, but good activity will be a key decision factor in allowing members to take them on. just a little heads up! 
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grimoiresgirlsrp · 5 years
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Just as dessert was beginning to come to an end and the party clearly winding down, each witch a little confused and disappointed at the lack of promised answers so far (and maybe a little suspicious of one another), the power goes out. Now shrouded in darkness, with tension already a little high, the witches each have their own reaction. From panic to icy calm, shouts are called out through the room, a clatter and a bump here and there, until suddenly... things begin to happen. 
It started with a chill entering the room, and the crackle of frost covering the windows closest to Zelenia and spreading. As the temperature dropped noticeably, most panicked, but a calm, clear voice promises Anais that everything is fine. No one else hears it. Around Belén, several candles light suddenly, one after another until the room glows in the pale, flickering light. This brief moment of vision is cut short when Lucrezia feels herself grow warm, and a wave of warm, hot wind rushes from her, shattering the window behind her and putting out the flames brightening the room. Marina stood closest to her, and could feel her skin burn badly, yet only water remained where the injury would have been. Others may experience less noticeable reactions that challenge reality, but everyone feels some sort of awakening of power.
With as much surprise as had been experienced when darkness claimed them, the lights coming back on to reveal a new woman standing in the entrance of the room was enough to give everyone quite a fright. In the chaos, she introduced herself as Genevieve Ceoi, a local historian & history teacher from that very town of Salem. Aisling stares in disbelief as she recognizes the woman clearly from a recent dream, and Annika remembers her as her freshman year History teacher. Aida knows her well, having worked with her before in her research of Salem’s history. 
Genevieve admits to being the one to send both the grimoires and the invitations, and explains how she found the box of them on July 11th, 1993. Ever since, she’s been watching and waiting, hoping it meant she’d restored magic on Earth. It was her who figured out who the witches were, but she doesn’t mention how. 
“Do you have magic?” Mara spoke up bravely, and to this, Genevieve admitted she did not. However, with over 4 decades of deep studying done on the Salem witch trials, Genevieve promises to be of great value to the group, and gives off the impression she knows more than she is letting on. With that, she offers to be a sort of leader for them, almost as if she intends to create a coven. The discussion continues briefly, and each witch must decide for herself where she will place her trust. 
Our first plot drop has come to an end! With this, the event is over, and you can begin posting starters that take place after the dinner and the strange introduction of Genevieve Ceoi (more info on her coming soon). Feel free to include Genevieve in your threads moving forward! Before continuing to write in character through interactions, please briefly answer these following questions, and submit your answers to the main: 
Does your witch choose to trust Genevieve and join her makeshift coven? 
If not, does she wish to create a coven with other witches who are wary of Genevieve, or choose to figure things on out her own? 
Regardless of the decision made about alliance, what does your character think of Genevieve?
What does she think of the magic abilities she, or other witches, displayed during the power shortage? 
And finally, is there any pressing concerns or questions your witch has that Genevieve may be able to answer?
Please also plot among yourselves and discuss your character’s reactions and opinions on the recent occurrences. It may be possible that 1 or 2 other groups, or mini-covens, will be created for now based on how characters team up together, or react poorly to one another. If your character was not mentioned in this plot drop, don’t be disappointed! Everyone will play an important part and get their time in upcoming plot drops. Many of the characters not mentioned have big things coming! 
REMEMBER! There is no wrong answers here! 
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grimoiresgirlsrp · 4 years
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BOOK TWO — prologue. rest & recovery
on june 25th, the last of the witch hunters met their death, leaving the remaining witches of the original group in distress. many losses occurred, and several of the girls had lost dear friends, and the coven’s future was looking dangerous and bleak. the woman who had found them all, restoring magic in the world, was still missing; but she’d had some communication with several of the witches in secret. new blood was coming to the coven; new witches, to be made directly by the magic of the elemental witches.
and so, they did. it was a long process, filled with practice and medication. each spell had to include something from the heart, something personal, something that would allow part of the girl’s soul to slip into another. on july 1st, it happened; a ritual was held, and the nine remaining elemental witches performed their spells to breathe magic into their new friends. six synthetic witches were born at midnight, the ritual taking place at genevieve ceoi’s abandoned home. the magic would not come all at once for the newly born witches, who were not present for the ritual. 
but the changes do come quickly. each morning, the synthetic witches would waken feeling a little more different, a little more.... changed. and each of the elemental witches, who had sired the new magic into the synthetic witches, would feel a little weaker; a little drained. genevieve had selected each of the new synthetic witches by hand, but as devious as she was, did not tell all of them their new fate, their new lives, until after it happened.
so now, the new witches make their way to salem, if they haven’t already arrived, fully informed by genevieve of what had happened to them. some were aware beforehand, excited and eager. others, maybe a bit more nervous, and apprehensive. no matter what their feelings are, before long, each and every witch would be in salem; together, again.
as for the horcrux witches? they’ve been here all along, or maybe they’ve just arrived... it’s up to the others to find them, and genevieve ceoi has just challenged the newly formed coven of fifteen to discover these hidden gems of the magical world.
are you up for the task? 
this is just a little prologue to set the stage for the current happenings within the roleplay! 
when we have our acceptance for the new OCs, and new skeleton roles, we will launch into a really fun, exciting event! until that acceptance & event happens, this is the general scene for the witches. 
existing members; please resume activity! talk about the new witches, of whom you’ve yet to meet, the ritual, the knowledge of other witches existing in salem (horcrux witches), and begin plotting about your ocs if you choose to apply for one! 
if you have any questions, please let us know! 
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grimoiresgirlsrp · 4 years
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CHAPTER THREE - part two.
following Cole’s grand reappearance at Maia’s home after being held captive and tortured by Jack & Roland, the witches are angry and desperate. the seances have proven to be a dead-end so far, as they lack the power to truly connect with the dead. seven of the girls sit down in a candle-lit circle, giving it one last attempt. Carter, Cole, Lilith, Asteria, Clementine, Maia, and Lucrezia attempt to contact alice bancroft, but what truly takes place is a shock to them all. almost immediately, Cole is possessed by her spirit, spine stiffening as she speaks in Alice’s voice. her message is confusing -
‘you should fear the hunters, but be wise to the other dangers that lurk. there is far worse coming than this; you must prepare yourselves. this is not over. more magic, powerful magic, exists in salem. magic you do not yet know. you must harness this to survive what will come next. my blood - the bancroft line- it is the key. you must protect it at all costs, for the blood of my heritage will unlock your only hope. a sacrifice must be made by one of you-”
the message is cut short by a scream from Carter. the candles flicker, the walls shake, and a picture frame falls to the floor with a startling crash, sending glass shards flying. in the center of the circle, their hands locked together, a figure begins to materialize and take form. within seconds, a person stands there among them, dirty and ghostly pale, but fully tangible. someone has just been risen... from the dead. 
she introduces herself as lixue huang - a witch from the original trials, the creator of Carter’s own grimoire. Carter and Clementine are grabbed suddenly by the revived witch and used to restore her strength.  as lixue begins to fully resurrect, she overpowers Carter’s soul, and possess the witch until there is nothing left of the necromancer. she promises the girls safety from the hunters, swearing to provide everything they would ever need to not only survive, but thrive. in the chaos, it takes the witches several minutes to notice that Luce has gone limp, and Asteria confirms she is dead. a life... for a life. Clementine tries to heal or revive her, but is unsuccessful. the grimoire that belonged to Carter is left abandoned and Maia takes it for safe keeping; it holds all the secrets of necromancy and the darkest magic any of the witches have seen yet.
meanwhile, Zelenia has gained the support of Ari, Ofelia and Belen to find and detain (with the use of magic) one of the hunters responsible for hurting Cole. they bring Jack to genevieve’s home, where he is questioned by Marina . Roland was nowhere to be found. it is at genevieve’s home that all the witches, plus lixue in carter’s body and luce’s dead body, reunite. terrified of the resurrected grimoire witch, genevieve warns the witches strongly against trusting her, and when lixue attempts to attack genevieve claiming to know the historian’s ‘secret’, genevieve gives her keys to Ari and flees. lixue remains, and promises again to protect the witches, but admits she plans on using black magic to do so... and refuses to leave carter’s body. 
Lea digs through genevieve’s belongings and finds a preservation spell along with many other secret resources, and with the help of Maia and Asteria, they secure luce’s body temporarily. lixue believes she can revive her, but it would require a life to be given. the coven decides to vote on what to do with Jack, the hunter in their captivity. Cole, still in bad shape from the seance and being tortured by roland and jack, and dealing with being possessed once again, is tended to by Clementine and Marina. 
lixue tells the witches to wait and allow her to handle everything... and though some of the witches attempt to stop her, she takes off into the woods behind genevieve’s home. many of the witches have sustained small injuries during the events of the night, including Zelenia and Belen who had been attacked by Jack in the scuffle. 
this concludes the plot drop! please do not continue any threads that began before the posting of this drop. 
all new threads should take place after the events of this plot drop. 
feel free, as always, to plot among each other and self-para if desired! 
just in case it was not clear - carter’s soul no longer exists, and she is permanently dead. the grimoire witch lixue has taken her place and will be an NPC. information to follow! 
please take this poll IN CHARACTER! you should vote based on what your character would do - not you personally!
it should also be noted that luce is in fact, dead. she is excused from activity checks until her status changes. 
AS FAR AS ALLIANCES GO.... please send an ask to the main when you get the chance to let me know if your witch is willing to work with lixue... or against her.
also, let me know of any potential plot ideas involving lixue or the recent plot drop!
feel free to begin fresh with open and closed starters. it should be known that roland is now outed as a witch hunter, but there may be some mystery about the others still. 
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