#gross why do i have skin eughhhh
brainrot-stitch · 8 months
Thinking of simpler times.. (rant/vent ig)
It's nice just to like
Be able to lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling and hear the crickets outside and no electronic noises. It reminds me of the 2 hurricanes that happened a few yrs back, and like I know it's fucked up to think about because it was horrible, but at the same time it was nice in a way idk how to describe well. It was miserable and hot but I was with family and didn't have to worry or stress about people or grades.. we just kinda existed for a while. I don't want more hurricanes to happen, that would be crazy, but I miss what came after.
Idk I think I've just been getting worked up over a lot of stuff recently and ik other people have it like so so much worse so I don't rlly like to complain abt it, especially in the gc, but nights like these where it's dark and quiet and calm just really get to me I guess. Nights where I can just think about everything and cry before I have to wake up the next day and repeat everything over and over and over. Every day is so bland and numb with sudden spikes of panic mixed in and at the end of the day I barely remember it. I don't remember so so much of my life that I think I should, and I don't know why I just forget. Weather something good or something bad happens I know it will eventually be faded and forgotten just as I will one day.
I'm not really big on being remembered, I've come to accept the fact of mortality and there will be a day where we will each be thought of for the last time and that is when we're truly gone. But for the short amount of time I am remembered, I don't want to be remembered like this. Like who I am and what I do and how I act right now. I don't know what I want to be remembered like, but it's not this.
There's so many issues that seem like the end of the world, that feel inescapable, and I know they're not. I feel like I'm either just being dramatic or gaslighting myself into believing they're bigger issues than they already are. Anything could send me into a spiral that night, from the smallest issue to the biggest one. Even if not, they still have an effect on my day to day life and I don't know how to fix it. And other people are always either confused or upset but they don't understand, and I don't know how to help them understand.
It's hard to care about my grades when there is literally no point and all I do is rot all day. Even if I did care I'm not smart enough to get a college tuition, and we definitely can't pay for it ourselves. They say it's gonna leave a permanent mark that people will see on my resume, but there is a good likelihood I won't make it past adulthood with the way things are going, so why should that matter. Plus it's so so hard to focus. Even if I try I get distracted or start daydreaming or The Thoughts come back. And people will say "oh just pay attention" or "just don't daydream duh" and I cant. Like I physically cannot I am unable to do so. Plus the daydreams happen at random half the time and then I'm not in school anymore I'm in another world and everything's either going really well with things I wish would happen irl or everything is going absolutely horribly and u can't stop it. They're like "just do your work it's not that hard" I hear what you're saying but you're not hearing me bro. I can't 'just do it' and nobody seems to understand that except specific strangers on the internet.
There's other issues too but I am too scared to share them on tumblr rn and I know this may seem kinda dumb but if I live on this will affect me for life but it's so so numb and I'm so SO tired allll the time and sleep never helps at all and I literally just rot all day...
Literally the only reason I take care of myself at this point is so people don't judge me and idk if that's normal or not but I'm assuming it's not.. like if I have to go somewhere ill take a shower and brush my teeth and wash my face and put on perfume n shit but if not I will have a 'self care day' but idk if it's self care if the only thing I do is rot in bed all day and only get up to go to the bathroom or (sometimes) get food/water. I sleep so much and the days all blur together and it's so so so soo bad in summer. I think I have like reverse seasonal depression bc like when it's cold and dark and raining I THRIVE like never before (even if the constant tired doesn't go away, even if everything still sucks and I still hate the people I care about the most) it's just so nice. But in summer when it's hot and miserable and humid and my ac doesn't work and you can feel the mosquitos it is such a fucking low for me idk how to even describe it. When when we get the 2 months off for summer break it's so bad bro I think that's one of my lowest points excluding being in school when it's hot. If I didn't have church I know I would go those 2 months and not take care of myself at all and ik it sounds gross and it is and I hate it but why even try if I just fucking rot on my bed like a useless ass beached whale.
The crickets are gone
I miss them 💔
I don't get why it's so hard to sleep when I'm so so fucking tired or why I rot all day or why I'm so fucking angry and irritable all the time for no reason and it sucks ass tbh. And idk why I can't fucking do things like normal people can or why I think differently or why my thoughts are so fucked up and I disappoint the people I love. I don't really wanna do this anymore, I don't wanna be here much longer, but I know I have to because if I do it it'll break them in ways they will never be able to fix, and I don't wanna be that selfish. I want to help people, I want to be confident, and I wanna make people smile. I want to be able to ignore the daydreams, to block out the characters in my head and The Thoughts that I hate so much, and I wanna stop doing shit like this when I don't deserve it.
But sometimes all you can do is find a cold, dark, and quiet place, and think for a while.
Sorry for the long post gang, see yall with a silly goofy post another day <3
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misseviehyde · 2 years
By Evie and Youngblood
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Joe found it ironic that he'd named his daughter Chastity... given what an unashamed slut she'd turned out to be. 
It was a good thing that her Mother wasn't alive to see what a spoiled and stuck up bitch she had become. Born with incredible good looks and natural charisma, Chastity had found it easy to bend boys round her little finger and get everything she wanted.
Five-foot four and busty in the chest, with a perfect heart-shaped ass, Chastity had an ideal figure and a pretty face. She knew how to accenuate her feminine charms and get what she wanted, but she was also lazy and bratty. She expected the world on a platter. All the boys she went to school with wanted her and all the girls wanted to be her. She was, in her own head, perfect.
But now Daddy had had enough. It was time for things to change and he had found the perfect way to do it.
Body-queaning was the latest Tik Tok craze and he had seen Chastity checking out some videos on her phone. If he could trick her into having a go at the craze, then he could get control of her body and turn her back into the good, kind daughter he had always wanted her to be. 
The body-quean filter would swap whoever was on screen together at the same time. He just had to get Chastity to use it...but how?
"Daddy! What the hell are you doing with my phone? You can't unlock it without my face print anyway."
Joe shrugged. "Oh, well I heard that there was this hot new craze on Tik Tok and I thought that you might like to try it. Wouldn't it be funny to see me inside your body?"
Chastity wanted to throw up at that idea. Her own father being inside her body was about the last thing she wanted to do with her perfect body.
"Eughhhh gross," sneered Chastity. "Why the fuck would I wanna swap bodies with you?" "It would be great for your follower count!" John replied. 
"Hmmmm, well I guess it would be kinda funny to see how bad you would be at being me," giggled Chastity as she looked at her fifty year old Daddy. 
He was still in reasonable shape for his age, but his belly was a little flabby, his hair line receeding and his beard had streaks of grey. Lines and wrinkles covered his face. 
"Fine. But only for a few hours. I don't want to be an old man for more than a day," sighed Chastity as she unlocked her phone and opened the app. She selected the body-quean filter and pressed the consent button.
Then, grabbing her Daddy in close for a selfie, she pushed the button.
The phone glowed and the filter activated, bathing the father and daughter both in hot pink light. Their vision went blurry. "Uggggh what's happenng Daddy?" groaned Chastity as she felt her soul being tugged out of her body.  She suddenly became aware of how good her body felt, her nipples were hard and aching, her soft young skin and tight pussy felt hot with arousal.  It was like she was being turned on by being ripped out of herself, like she was feeling herself becoming split from her own body and was the first time becoming aware of how good it felt to be her.  Jealousy suddenly flared in her - jealous thought at the idea of someone else getting her perfect ass, blonde hair and big tits - but there was nothing she could do now the filter had activated.
"Noooo, don't... make me... unnnnnnggghhhhh, leave my body."  Chastity groaned, trying to grab on as her soul was sucked out.  With every moment she felt her hold on her perfect slutty teenage body fade as her head slumped down and she felt the sensations from her body fade.  She was leaving it a hot empty husk, ready to be filled up and pumped full of some new soul.  That tight pussy, that soft skin would become Daddy's and the thought suddenly made her sick.  "Nooooo Daddy, don't do it... don't take my body, please. I don't wanna do this anymore!"
Joe felt himself getting hard, the most erect his penis had ever gotten since his wife was still alive. He grinned as the thought of him becoming his daughter filled his head, feeling his soul being pulled out of his body and into Chastity.  His spirit flowed freely into her open mouth, poured in through her tight pussy.  He was being sucked into her body - it WANTED him inside it. Chastity's slutty body loved his male spirit, her mouth was drooling with lust as she sucked her Daddy's soul inside and let it fill every inch of her tight young form.  He groaned as he felt slutty acryllic nails on his fingers, cherry lipgloss on his lips, the push of his tight young body and busty breasts jiggling in his new push up bra.  The smell of Chastity's body, a mix of sex and naughty perfume filled his nostrils as he tossed back his blonde hair and groaned as every molecule of her body became his to possess and control.
"What a fucking rush," he groaned in his daughter's hot slutty voice... and for the first time in his life he giggled, enjoying the sound. He loved the feeling of the air on his soft skin, the touch of Chastity's naughty clothes and tight fitting lingerie. He felt young and strong and... so goddamn horny. His pussy was dripping wet and his nipples were hard. Chastity's body had enjoyed the swap and so had he. Walking over to a mirror on the wall, he felt his pouty new lips curve into a wicked smile. "Oh fuck yeah, I'm gonnna love being a slut," Joe whispered.
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Then he remembered why he'd orchestrated this swap. Not so he could act like Chastity... but so he could save her. So he could turn her away from her debauched ways and make her a kind and nice person again instead of a spoiled bitchy bully.  It was just hard to think straight now he was inside her body.
Chastity almost wanted to cry as she looked down, feeling her daddy's old flabby body as it became hers. The worst bit of all was the embarrassing hard-on raging in her pants.  Her Daddy's overly loose underpants had tented and her new cock was aching with desire. She reached up and touched her stubbly chin and wrinkled face.
"Daddy, this is horrible. We need to switch back NOW!"  she grabbed her phone and lifted it up, but to her annoyance it was locked and wouldn't respond when it read her old face.
"Now now, let's not get too hasty. Plus, I think you'll find that's MY phone now Chastity," grinned Joe as he snatched it off her.  "Only I can activate the app. So if you want your body back, there's going to be some BIG changes around here. I tricked you into this you see.  I'm sick of seeing you act like such a tramp.  I'm taking control of your body for a while and once I've fixed your life, you can have it back. In the meantime though you're going to learn some self-control and morals living MY life. Now you'll know what it feels like to work tirelessly to put food on the table. Meanwhile, I'll be in this pretty little body fixing YOUR life."
Chastity began to weep, "No Daddy, you can't do this.  That's my perfect body - you've stolen it.  Please give it back."
Joe just rolled his eyes, "Whatever.  You're not getting back in here till I say so.  Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go check out my new room and all my new clothes. I need to dress my new body in something more demure."
Chastity watched in horror as he walked off in her body, her perfect ass swaying with every step.
Shutting the door behind him so he wouldn't be disturbed, Joe walked over to Chastity's full length body mirror and admired himself.  He had to admit, his real reasons for coming up here were not so pure.  Chastity's body was still raging with hormones and a need for sex and he could barely think straight. 
"I need some relief," he groaned lying down on her bed and starting to remove her clothing.  As he removed each item, more of her perfect body was exposed and his horniness increased. "Oh fuck, I'm perving over my own daughters body - mmmmh, but I guess it is MY body now."
Joe grinned, as he slid off his panties and took off his bra.  He was now naked and he couldn't believe how good it felt.  His skin seemed to be smooth and as soft as silk and Chastity's naughty pussy was shaven entirely bare. He wondered how many boys had fucked this pussy... he'd heard stories about what a slut his daughter was and how all the boys wanted her.  The thought of boys fucking him entered his mind and made him even wetter than he already was.
"Ohhhh shit," groaned Joe as he slid two slender manicured fingers down to his clit and began to rub, closing his eyes and imagining his pussy getting fucked by a hot boy in Chastity's class. It felt so good, so amazingly intense in a way that jerking his dick had never felt. In truth, he'd been impotent since his wife died and had forgotten how good sexual stimulation felt.  Chastity's body was super sensitive and made for sex.  He grabbed one of his huge tits and groaned as he squeezed it and gasped.  Even his own moans of feminine pleasure made him hornier and he squealed as he slid his fingers into his pussy and used the thumb to keep rubbing his swollen clit, writhing in pleasure on the bed as his moans grew louder and deeper.
Juices dripped onto the bed sheets as Joe squirmed and moaned, sliding on top of satin sheets as his blonde hair tangled around his shoulders and he spread his legs nice and wide. "Mmmmmmh, ohhh fuck yeah... I'm such a fucking slut," he groaned, a big smile on his face as he fingered himself deeper and deeper.
"Wait... what did I just say?" he whispered.  He hadn't meant to say that, but the truth was that it felt good to say it.  "Yes, I'm a slut.  A big fucking slut." With every second that he called himself a slut, he felt a fire, an overwhelming need, grow inside him.
Unseen to Joe, Chastity peered through a crack in the door frame and watched her father in her body with a strange intensity.  She'd come upstairs hoping to reason with him, her erection still raging, but when she'd crept close to the door she'd heard moaning.
Taking a peak through, she was shocked to see what her Daddy was doing inside her body, but the worst thing was that she was turned on by it. Her hand had tugged down her underwear freeing her Daddy's big cock. The balls were big and swollen, like they hadnt cum in a long time. She gasped as she grasped the cock and began to pump. She'd jerked off plenty of cocks and sucked and fucked them - but she'd never pumped her own.  It felt amazing, warm and hard, in her hands, but it was the sight of her own body writhing in pleasure that was really pushing her over the edge.
On the bed, Joe was in ecstasy as his daughters wicked body gave him pleasure and sensations he'd never experienced before. He panted and groaned, imagining himself in all the evil, slutty, nasty situations he'd been told she had got herself in. What would it feel like to get fucked by two boys at once? What would a married mans cock taste like? He imagined his new body in these disgusting compromising situations and couldn't help but get even more turned on. He began to cum, groaning and bucking as he finger fucked himself and began to scream.
"Yesss, fuck... yes! I want it all, I want to be EVEN MORE slutty than she is!" Joe screamed as his orgasm overtook him, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
Outside in the corridor, Chastity began to grunt.  She couldn't hold it anymore and to her horror and embarrassment, sticky white cum erupted from her cock, spraying over the door and dripping over her hands. She groaned in pleasure, the feeling of release and satisfaction so great that she thought she would pass out with relief.
She groaned, cum dripping down to stain the carpet as the door suddenly flew open and she looked up to see her own body looking down with a contemptous sneer and both hands on its hips.
"Oh my fucking God, you total pervert," laughed Joe as he looked down at his own body, "Did you jerk off to me? That's so gross."
"No... Daddy... this is your fault. Your body, I can't control it.  You're so hot inside me... I..."
Joe laughed, "You're right. I am hot inside you. I had no idea you could cum this hard. No wonder you've been behaving like such a fucking slut.  But now that I've orgasmed, I understand what this body needs. I was a fool to think I could swap and make you pure. I need to feel that again, but even more. I need to experience it all before we swap back. I want to know how it truly feels to be a slut."
"N...no Daddy, you can't... "
"I can do whatever the fuck I want now that I'm you.  I'm hot, young and beautiful.  The longer I'm inside, the more I'll learn how to use your body to get what I want.  I wasted years of my life trying to guide and protect you. Now it's time for Daddy to have some real fun."
Chastity felt pathetic in her old man body. She ran off to her daddy's room, crying as she fell onto the bed. This was the worst day of her life! Her father had stolen her body and she had to watch him jill off. The worst part was that she liked it. She hated it but it was true. She enjoyed the sensation of watching her father in her body. She was starting to wonder if it was hotter to watch her father getting fucked as she sat and jerked her cock.
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Joe sat on his daughters bed and tried to fight the urge to touch himself again. Knowing that this was his body now that he was Chastity was just too much of a turn on.
He could do anything with her life now. He could turn her life around or... he could become even sluttier.
The thought of being an even bigger slut than his daughter made his new pussy drip with excitement. The thought of cucking his daughter further, of whoreing himself out for pleasure and power. The thought was really intoxicating, sending tingles throughout Joes slender body.
Walking to her wardrobe, Joe browsed through her tight body hugging outfits and felt a desire to wear them all and show off growing in him. Who was he kidding? He needed this so badly!
"More... I need more..." he gasped, shivering in delight as he sorted through the clothing and imagined himself dressed in every slutty outfit. Pulling out a pair of thigh length black boots be hadn't even known his daughter possessed,  he slid them on and shivered as he zipped them up.
"Yesssss I'm a fucking princess now and I deserve to dress this way. This body deserves to be worshipped." Joe grinned as he turned to the mirror and studied his body in the tight leather boots. "I'm gonna have so much fun."
Chastity laid in her fathers bed, trying to fight the urge not to masturbate to the memory of her father in her body masturbating. "I can't....I need to get my body back," she thought to herself. Her cock grew uncontrollably hard, tenting in her pants. "Fuck...I'm such a simp."
"I'm sure my Daddy is just trying to teach me a lesson. It's not like he's going to steal my body permanently or anything." 
Chastity thought about her Daddy taking her body forever. Stealing her life and acting like an even bigger slut than she was. Her cock got harder and with a groan she slid her hand around it.
She imagined her Daddy on his knees in her body, sucking a big throbbing cock like this. She groaned as she imagined the look of lust on his face as the massive cock slid in and out between his new lips with wet pops and slurps.
Her hand sped up and she gasped at the wonderful feeling of jerking off her own cock. It felt amazing. It felt like her Daddy hadn't cum in a long time. Her balls were full and ripe...ready to cum.
As she imagined her Daddy in boots riding one guy whilst getting face-fucked by another she began to groan and her balls started to convulse.
Sticky white cum gushed out of her cock and she grunted in pleasure... the addictive but fleeting feeling of the male orgasm washing over her. Looking down at her sticky tummy she cursed. 
Suddenly there was a laugh at the door and she blushed as her Daddy pranced into the room. He was wearing her boots a short black mini skirt and a tiny top that showed off her tits. His hair bounced with every step. He looked effortlessly comfortable in her body and somehow that both thrilled and terrified her in equal measure.
"Eugghhhh you pervert. Look at the mess you've made."
Chastity looked away as she desperately tried to clean herself up, grabbing a box of tissues and frantically trying to wipe the cum off of her still hard cock. "Oh! Sorry, daddy. This body is just...so different."
"Whatever," Joe said, rolling his eyes. "I'm taking your keys and going to the mall. Don't wait up for me, loser."
Joe felt a heat rise up inside of him as he called his daughter a loser. He felt like such a bitch and he was loving every second of it.
Clip... clop... clip... clop
Joe loved the sound of his daughters bitchy boots as he walked her body through the mall.  He felt exposed in her clothing - barely dressed and his smooth flesh on show - but that just excited him.  Men were staring at him with lustful expressions, girls with looks of jealousy or envy.
Joe decided it was envy.  Who wouldn't want to be him?  He was a fucking Goddess.
Peering over his shoulder Joe stifled a giggle as he saw his old body trailing along at a distance.  He'd known that Chastity would follow him here and it made him pleased that she was stalking her old body like an obedient dog.
"What a fucking loser," he giggled, a sly smile on his pink lips. "I guess she thinks if she can get her phone back, maybe she can get her life back?"
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Opening Chastity's phone, Joe navigated into the settings menu and began to alter the password data - using his body's biometrics to override everything.  Soon - even if Chastity somehow got her phone back, she'd have no way to open it and activate the filter that could swap her back.
Of course Joe intended to give her this body back... well maybe... eventually.
The longer he was inside Chastity the more his priorities were starting to shift.  He'd gone from wanting to make her a more innocent person, into wanting to indulge in her every bad habit and whim.  Who knew where else this journey could take him?  The longer he spent inside her, the more natural her body felt and the more like a hot young bitch he felt.
Meanwhile, peering from behind a pillar - Chastity watched with growing unease as Joe piloted her body perfectly. Her cock was hard, making it hard to walk normally and making her self-conscious about the people around her.  Could they see her erection? Could they see that she was struggling to control herself like some pathetic old man?  For some reason the shame just made her hornier.
She watched as Joe went into clothing stores and then emerged with bags.  She was sure he was buying stuff she would never have dared wear - even sluttier clothing and shoes that would make him look like a mega bitch. The thought drove her wild with excitement.  There was just something so fucking exciting about watching her Daddy use her body and make it his own.
Her hand went to her crotch and she groaned as she realised her boxers were wet with precum.
"You fucking dirty pervert," hissed a voice in her ear and she shrieked as she realised she'd lost concentration and someone had snuck up on her.  Arms folder brattily and bags at his feet - Joe was regarding Chastity with an expression of contempt and amusement.  "Look at you touching yourself in public like some sort of fucking weirdo.  Ugghhhhhh, disgusting."
"Please - I... I can't control this body... YOUR body. Please we have to swap back."
"Haha, you'd like that wouldn't you loser?  But I'm having too much fun becoming the hot young minx and watching you become a bigger and bigger loser in my old body.  But don't worry, I can help you control yourself if that's what you need.  Pick up my bags and carry them."
Chastity found herself picking up the bags and following Joe.  He led her to a nearby sex-shop and nervously she looked around as Joe dragged her in.
Rows of sex toys covered the walls and Joe's pretty face scrumpled up as he examined the shop carefully. Then a gleeful demonic look came over his face as he spotted what he had been looking for.  "This way loser."
Chastity gasped as her Daddy dragged her over to a wall where a selection of male chastity devices were displayed.  There were plastic and metal cages of various sizes and Joe was already rummaging through them, looking for the most appropriate size.
"Ironic huh bitch," he grinned. "Your name is Chastity so that's what we'll do to help you control yourself.  Go put on this cage and I'll wear your key.  It will help keep your cock under my control and stop you embarrassing yourself like you did today."
"N... no... I can't do that," groaned Chastity, strangely excited by the idea.
"Yes you can - especially if you want this body back.  Go into the back whilst I pay for this gear and put it on.  You're spending the rest of the day locked up."
Leaving the shopping bags with Joe whilst he paid the sleezy looking owner, Chastity made her way to the back of the store where there were booths for customers to try things on. Pulling off her trousers she looked at her throbbing cock.  It was hard and excited and she tried to push the cage on - but it was too small.  She groaned in desperation.
"What the fuck is taking you so long?" hissed an irrirated voice as Joe slid into the booth.  "I paid the guy ages ago."  Looking at Chastity trying to fit the cage... he laughed... a musical sound in his hot new body.
"OMG, you dirty pervert.  We need to deaden that cock before it will fit.  Guess I have to do everything for you."
Chastity qualied as Joe walked over and reached into the bag of items he'd just bought.  Whilst Chastity had been trying to fit the cage he'd bought some other items and he now squeezed lube over her cock and with a wink he began to stroke her cock. 
"Yeah, that's it baby... nice and slow," he grinned.  
Joe felt intoxicated with female power as he stroked off his old cock.  It felt so good to touch the cock and manipulate and play it like it was an instrument that belonged to him. He looked at Chastity's face, a picture of ecstasy and horror as he rubbed and stroked... using his other hand to play with the balls.
"This cock belongs to me," grinned Joe, "it's even more under my power now I'm not in my body. You love how this feels and you can't get enough.  You're a dirty fucking pervert who loves how hot and nasty I'm becoming in your body."
"Yesssss," hissed Chastity. It was true... she couldn't deny it.
"When we walk out of this store, you will no longer be Chastity.  You will be Joe.  I'm Chastity now and everything you once were belongs to me.  Agree?"
"Yesssssss, you're, ughhhhh Chastity now," groaned 'Joe'.
'Chastity' smiled as she took the name and felt it slide around her like a glove.  It was easier to think of herself as female now...easier to pronoun as she/her in her head.  After all, as she stroked Joe's cock, it made the whole situation even sexier.  
"You can have your name back if we swap back loser," giggled Chastity as she began to pump harder and faster. "Now lets get this cock in that cage."
Joe groaned as Chastity's hand slid up and down his lubed cock. "Ohhhh fuck I'm gonna...."
With a cruel giggle, Chastity let go of his cock and leapt backwards. 
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"N... nooooo!" screamed Joe as his orgasm was ruined.  Cum began to painfully flow out of his dick and he gasped in denied agony as it dripped down all over his boxers and onto his trousers which he'd left on the floor.
"Whoops," purred Chastity as she watched with glee.  Grabbing his dick, she squeezed the cum out and shook the base.  It was still hard, but not fully engorged anymore and before Joe could stop her, she had rammed the pink plastic cage onto his dick and pushed it down hard till it clicked onto the base unit.
"AHHHHH," groaned Joe as his cock was squeezed down and compressed.  Chastity smirked and padlocked it, sliding the key onto the necklace chain she wore around her neck. 
Looking down Joe now saw his cock was caged and completely unusuable. Chastity had put him into Chastity.
"Come on loser, put your dirty trousers back on and lets go.  Carry my bags like a good boy."
Strutting out with a clop of heels, Chastity snapped her fingers and her Daddy followed.
Lying on her bed in her wonderful bedroom, Chastity moaned as she worked the new hitachi magic wand she'd bought in the store between her legs. She had been so fucking wet and turned on by her enslavement of Joe, she'd just HAD to get some release once she got home. 
Chastity closed her eyes as the thoughts of making Joe into her pet at the mall made her wetter than a waterfall. As the vibrations from the magic wand made her body shiver with pure delight, she thought of all the nasty things she could do. 
Joe laid in his bedroom, staring down at his pathetic caged cock. He felt so weak but he couldn't be more turned on by it. As he heard his daughters loud moans of pure pleasure, Joe felt a heat rise in him. He needed a release but with the cage on his cock it was impossible. He considered stealing one of Chastity's new dildos to play with but he was too pathetic to do it.
But it was as if Chastity was now capable of reading his mind. She sauntered into his room suddenly, wearing only white knee high white boots and a crop top. Her shaven pussy was puffy with stimulation and juicy with post orgasm.
In her hand she held a thick black dildo - rubbery and shaped like a giant cock. "That cage wasn't the only thing I bought you from that shop. I thought it might be fun to make you play with this."
Joe gulped as Chastity flung the dildo onto the bed and tossed the lube after it.
"If you ever want this body back you're going to have to earn it... and fast. You see - you love me bodyqueaning you don't you loser? The longer we stay as each other the more addictive this is going to become. I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to think of your body as MY body now. I've already taken your name and your personality is really starting to suit me too. I love being a bratty teasing bitch and corrupting you into a worthless simp. I don't think I can stop myself getting nastier. If you want to stop me - you have to prove how desperate you are to get your life back. Once you can fit this inside your ass - maybe I'll swap back."
Joe looked in horror at the huge dildo on the bed. Sitting in a chair, Chastity spread her legs and began to finger and stroke her pussy as she watched in eager anticipation, an evil grin spread on her face.
"Come on then simp, lets see what you can do."
Joe hesitantly grabbed the large dildo and slowly spread his legs. Chastity played with her pussy as the tip of the rubber cock grazed her daddy's tight asshole. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he whispered as he slowly inserted the dildo inside his ass.
Chastity grinned as she watched Joe try and fail for the first time. "Oh yes Daddy - you're going to have to try harder than that to get your body back - push it in deeper and use more lube."
She giggled and stretched, "Mmmmh I love how good it feels to be an evil bitch, this is only the beginning 'Daddy'. We're going to have so much fun seeing if you're ever going to get this life back."
Joe just whimpered and pushed harder, grunting on the bed as the dildo went in deeper.
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End of part 1
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